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Communication with a child

Whatever the activities, games and lessons, you do it together. Mom and dad spend time with the child doing something interesting. You sit next to each other, you talk, you laugh... Interaction with parents is very important for the proper mental development of the baby.

New information

The child learns a lot of new and interesting things during classes. Of course, in any case, he will find out who the bear is and will understand what the fox looks like. But with the help of educational books, for example with cards and photographs of animals, the child will learn how a bear and a fox look in reality, and not in pictures.

Brain Development

During developmental activities, you teach your baby to learn. And since in early childhood the brain grasps everything on the fly, the child trains without stress. But at school it will be much easier for him, because the brain is already accustomed to working, remembering, learning.

Acquiring useful skills

Early development is not about learning to count. This is the development of logic, thinking, and skills that will help you count in the future. This is preparing the basis for further training. It's easier if you're already familiar with the letters. Learning to write is easy if you already know how to draw straight lines and circles. The better prepared you are when you start studying, the easier it will be to learn.

Ability to direct attention

Early development teaches you to study. It won’t turn out that the baby was running, jumping, watching cartoons, and then suddenly he can no longer run and jump, but needs to sit at the table and listen carefully. Regular, albeit short, simple activities will teach your child perseverance. It will be easier for the child to motivate himself both at school and at college.

Increased self-esteem

Everyone needs praise. Mom, working with her child, feels great. Child performing simple and interesting tasks, hears praise from the mother, sees approval, and this is important for the baby’s self-esteem.

Unlocking talents

Activities with kids will help you understand what interests the child and identify inclinations towards certain things. WITH great pleasure draws, loves counting exercises, loves to tell stories... You will learn a lot about your genius and perhaps choose it in the future.


Parents get carried away

Early development becomes a goal for them. It's a shame that the child has nothing to do with it anymore. This is the goal of the parent himself - to prove and show how he can, because he has such a developed baby. Let's still remember who we are doing this for. This is primarily communication, not a race.

Exercises require strength

Working with a child is a troublesome task. And, who already gives all of herself to the baby, can completely forget about herself. It is important to remember that early development should be a joy.

The interests of the child are not taken into account

By making early development their goal, parents forget about the child. They look at books, study techniques, but do not notice what the children want. Famous methodologist and master early development for children, Frenchwoman Cecile Lupan said that the most important thing in teaching a child is his interest. What interests the child? What is he asking? What games do you like to play the most? This is exactly what you need to think about and dance from this, and not at all from the “need” and in no case from the “don’t want.”

Lack of preparation for classes

Fans of early development sometimes do not notice that their child is not ready. The body (both the brain and the fingers) must be ready to learn and master the skill. It is important in classes to focus not on your desire to boast that your baby is a child prodigy, but on the child’s readiness. If the baby is not ready, and you expect him to draw a straight line and read out loud, he will hear from you not praise, but comments, and will see disappointment. For a small child, this will turn out to be a nightmare and shattered self-confidence.

Reluctance to learn

Incomprehensible activities, pressure from an adult, development beyond one’s age - all this can do a disservice. It will become difficult for your child, uninteresting, your lessons will be torture for him, and the thought will appear that studying is terrible. What do you think next? And then - the eternal “I don’t want to go to school!”


We have listed all the pros and cons. And we realized that there are no downsides. Early development, if understood correctly and practiced correctly and with pleasure, cannot have negative sides.

Thanks to classes, parents spend more time with their children, children develop important life skills and feel more confident. There is a danger of overdoing it: giving difficult tasks, demand a lot. But this is the problem with the parents. Remember that play and fun are important in developmental activities. Then the child will succeed.

Not only children suffering from lack of attention dream of achieving popularity, but also many adults and accomplished people. The brilliance of camera flashes, portraits on the covers of glossy magazines, thousands of new acquaintances and tens of thousands of fans seem incredibly alluring and attractive. Unfortunately, public people who have already become famous are often burdened by excessive recognition and attention.

One of the significant problems of popular people is that their fans, as a rule, imagine their idols in a very specific way. This image is the result of the work of stylists, producers, PR managers, and does not always correspond true personality famous person. However, a popular person is simply forced to maintain his reputation, often sacrificing his feelings and desires.

In addition, fame imposes a certain responsibility on all areas of life. Every step is truly watched by thousands of eyes, and it is much more difficult for him to allow himself to do what ordinary people gets away with it. Any mistake or liberty instantly hits the headlines of the gossip column, becoming the property of the masses.

In addition, fans and admirers for the most part are not at all as pleasant to talk to as they might seem from afar. It’s very easy to get tired of constant intrusiveness and attention, but popularity leaves almost no opportunity to be alone with your thoughts and emotions. We must not forget that human attention must be constantly attracted, because in otherwise fans will quickly find themselves new item adoration.

Finally, personal life famous person is not such in in every sense this word. Rather, it can be called “public”, because reporters and fans are incredibly interested in all the details of romantic and friendly relations stars, but few close people are ready for the barrage of aggressive attention that falls on them.

If you dream of becoming popular, do not forget that fame is not only autographs, interviews and photo shoots, but also quite severe stress, which can lead to nervous disorders, emergence and even death, as in the case of Princess Diana. Naturally this exceptional case, but numerous attempts by popular people to defend their right to privacy known to almost everyone, because every such attempt: from refusing an interview to a fight with the paparazzi, immediately ends up in print.

Video on the topic

“I want to become famous!” - says the young lady, making her way to the casting of the next “Star Factory”. “I want all the girls to be crazy about me,” says the thirsty teenager romantic relationships. Fame actually helps solve many problems. How to achieve it?


It is believed that the easiest path to stardom is the career of a pop artist. There is an opinion that successful acquaintances are enough for this; talent is not at all necessary. In fact, there are practically no people who are completely voiceless. So if you do not have at least average vocal abilities and strong nervous system, leave this idea. If difficulties do not frighten you, send your demo recordings to one of the production centers. Your talent will definitely be noticed.

Another one at first glance easy way- modeling career. But only from the outside it seems that you can walk along the catwalk without much difficulty. Famous models' health deteriorates from running around; in addition, they constantly have to fight with competitors and exhaust themselves on a diet. You can find out if the crazy rhythm of life of a catwalk diva suits you at one of the model castings that are held in major cities.

If intellect is your side, try your hand at the blogosphere. Start a blog and try to make it popular. You will choose the methods of promotion yourself; they depend on the area of ​​life that interests you most. This method is especially good for writers whose works are not accepted for publication by publishers. Through a blog you will convey your ideas to the public, which will most likely give an impetus to your career in real world.

If no hidden talents You didn’t find it in yourself, it doesn’t matter. The same blogs sometimes take you to the top

IN Lately, there is a rapid emergence of vaping from the underground into the mainstream. The very concept of vaping appeared not so long ago - literally 3-4 years ago, people emitting clouds of thick steam could be found in very in rare cases. Now the picture has changed dramatically; electronic cigarettes are rapidly expanding into the global market and attracting everyone more people to your side.

Electronic cigarettes appeared in 2003 in China. Their creator is a Chinese pharmacist and scientist Hon Lik. One of the reasons for the idea of ​​an electronic cigarette was the death of the scientist’s father from lung cancer due to an addiction to tobacco. Hong Lik also had a smoking habit, but after his father's death, he dedicated himself to developing a device that would reduce his consumption. toxic substances, present in an analog cigarette. And in most cases, it will help get rid of a bad habit. As you can see now, he succeeded.

But is it really Electronic Cigarette safer? What are the pros and cons of this alternative? To draw any conclusions, you need to understand the principle of operation of the device, its components and composition of the liquid for vaping.

The principle of operation of an electronic cigarette is in many ways similar to the operation of an inhaler. It consists of two main elements:

  1. Atomizer or cartridge with liquid.
  2. Power supply.

It can be presented either in the form of a battery pack or as a battery placed in a housing. The difference between them is that in the first case, high-current batteries are used, with a capacity of 20 A to 30 A.

Also, when discharged, they can be changed if necessary. With a battery placed in a case it is a little more complicated, it often has a specific charge cycle. It ranges from 100 to 700 cycles, after which the battery becomes unusable and there is a need to replace the battery pack.


Atomizers come in two classifications: serviced and maintenance-free. You can distinguish them by name (abbreviation); the most common are:

Maintenance free: tankomizers, cartomizers, clearomizers. Since maintenance-free atomizers are gradually fading into the background, there are very few of them on the market and it is not advisable to analyze them in detail as a type. We will talk about common, currently serviced atomizers.


  1. RebuildableAtomizer –R.B.A. serviced atomizer. Allows you to independently replace spirals and cotton wool. The abbreviation applies to all types of serviceable atomizers.
  2. RebuildableDripAtomizer –RDA, serviced Drip atomizer, popularly simply “Dripka”. They differ in the peculiarity of filling liquid, as they do not have a tank. They have to be constantly “buried” before each vaping session.
  3. RebuildableTankAtomizer –RTA, aka “tank” also falls into the category of serviceable atomizers. From RDA, differs by the presence of a reservoir. They have volumes from 4 ml to 6 ml.
  4. RebuildableDrippingTankAtomizer –RDTA, a kind of hybrid of a tank and a drip tip. It differs from the above types in the peculiarity of the placement of cotton wool.

Composition of vaping liquid

Along with the growing popularity of e-cigarettes, there is a demand for liquids for them. Many companies maintain expensive laboratories in which recipes for a wide variety of liquids are developed.

The classic composition of liquid for electronic cigarettes includes:

  1. Glycerol. This component is widely known in both the food and medical industries. It is often used as a stabilizer for components that do not mix with each other. The more glycerin in the liquid, the thicker and denser the vapor.
  2. Propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is also used in Food Industry due to its disinfectant properties. In vaping liquids it is responsible for the “throat hit” effect. The higher the percentage of content, the greater the feeling of “strength”.
  3. Nicotine. Again liquid. It is extracted mainly from tobacco leaves. But it is found in foods such as potatoes, tomatoes, green peppers, and also eggplants. IN medical purposes used as an analgesic and prevention of Parkinson's disease. It is being tested as a treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder.
  4. Flavors. There is a lot of information about food flavorings on the Internet and their detailed description may take a couple of textbook chapters. There are several types - natural and artificial. Used in the food and medical industries.

As can be seen from the description above, the operation of an electronic cigarette is fundamentally different from an analog cigarette. What are the pros and cons of switching to e-vaping? And are they significant?


  • No unpleasant odor. Indeed, since the operation of the device involves the evaporation of liquid, and not the combustion of tobacco, there is no smell as such. Clothes, hair, and the breath of the steamer are not saturated with the smell of tobacco smoke.
  • Absence yellow plaque on the teeth. As you know, smoking primarily spoils the aesthetic appearance of teeth; they turn yellow and this is one of the characteristics that gives away a smoker.
  • Less harm to the body. When vaping, various carcinogens that are present in conventional cigarettes do not enter the body. After all, when tobacco is burned, many different carcinogens and tars enter the human body. There are more than 4,000 of them in tobacco smoke.
  • Saving. Manufacturers of electronic cigarettes claim that vaping is much cheaper. 10-12 ml of liquid replaces 25 - 30 cigarettes. And the cost of the liquid is comparatively lower than cigarettes.
  • Feeling better. According to many vapers, after 2 - 3 months, the sense of smell improves and the taste buds, the skin on the face acquires a healthy shade and shortness of breath during physical activity practically disappears.


  • Price. It’s paradoxical, but to start smoking, you just need to buy a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. The cost of such investments is relatively low. But to start soaring it takes much more cash. The cost of a budget option sometimes exceeds the cost of 5 or even 6 blocks of cigarettes.
  • Nicotine. Although nicotine itself is used in medicine, it is still harmful to the body. Causes problems with the cardiovascular system and much more.
  • It's hard to stop. At first, vaping is very difficult to stop. You want more and more, and accordingly, the amount of nicotine entering the human body increases, not decreases.
  • Harmfulness. Although e-cigarettes are considered safer, are they really so? Scientists say that very little time has passed for a full-fledged study. Accordingly, the unknown is puzzling.

Many manufacturers claim that e-cigarettes are 95% safer. To go or not to electronic device- everyone's subjective choice. But at the same time, it is important to remember that this is a kind of substitution of concepts - replacing one habit with another, as in the case of a nicotine patch or chewing gum. Definitely the best option– do not smoke or vape. Likewise, keeping your money safe and healthy is not harmful.

The buyer of an air conditioner, willy-nilly, has to understand the technical intricacies. How exactly does a split system differ from a monoblock, is it supplied through tubes? Fresh air, is the plasma purifier dangerous? But one of the most frequently asked questions– what is an inverter?

Inverter air conditioners are able to smoothly regulate performance. A conventional air conditioner switches on and off frequently, but a split system with an inverter operates continuously, changing power depending on conditions. The owner is not only free from noise, but also saves up to 40% of electricity.

Toshiba's invention gains popularity

It was Toshiba that created the world's first inverter air conditioner in 1980. Recently, the Japanese Institute of Electrical Engineering awarded Toshiba Carrier Corporation for this invention. The "Step Forward in Electrical Engineering" award is presented by the institute for the most important discoveries and developments in this area throughout the 20th century.

The photo shows the world's first household air conditioner with an inverter. The body of the indoor unit is not plastic, but made of dark wood!

Inverter technology is recognized as one of the revolutionary technologies in air conditioning. A commercial air conditioner with an inverter was released in 1980, and already in December 1981, household inverter air conditioners appeared. Now more than half of the air conditioners in the world and up to 90% in Japan are of the inverter type.

Inverter block. Built into the outdoor unit of a Toshiba split system.

The first household air conditioner with an inverter - outdoor and indoor units, control panel.

Most Toshiba air conditioners that are now sold in Russia are of the inverter type. For example, the Toshiba RAS-13N3KVR-E inverter split system can operate at any power, ranging from as low as 0.8 kW to as high as 4.1 kW. The air conditioner quickly cools or warms the room, and then continues to operate at low power, silently and accurately maintaining the temperature.

Modern inverter air conditioner Toshiba

Advantages of an inverter air conditioner

  1. comfort: The desired temperature is quickly reached and precisely maintained.
  2. savings energy thanks to precise digital power control and an efficient DC compressor.
  3. reliability and more quiet operation thanks to the elimination of compressor on/off cycles

Disadvantages of an inverter air conditioner

Like any technology, inverter control has disadvantages. For the buyer of a home air conditioner, the most noticeable disadvantage is the price. An inverter is more expensive than a conventional air conditioner, although with the development of technology the difference in cost is decreasing (in 2016 it is 2-5 thousand rubles). In addition, the complex electronics unit in an inverter air conditioner is more sensitive to voltage changes in the network.

And finally, the outdoor unit of an inverter air conditioner is heavier ordinary interest at 20-25. However, any household air conditioner can be mounted on the wall of a panel or brick house without any problems.

Differences in the operation of an inverter and a conventional air conditioner

  1. If you have very little money to buy an air conditioner, do not buy the “cheapest inverter”. It is better to choose a decent, high-quality air conditioner without an inverter and with a minimum set of functions - but from a well-known manufacturer with a good reputation.
  2. If you choose an inverter air conditioner, buy it “one size larger.” Yes, the purchase will cost two to three thousand rubles. more expensive, but the air conditioner will be 2-3 dB quieter, and this is a very noticeable difference. Especially in the bedroom or nursery. The fact is that a more powerful air conditioner larger area heat exchanger. Therefore, it is able to cool or warm the room at a lower fan speed. This means no noise, no draft! Important: this advice applies only to inverter air conditioners! If you buy a classic air conditioner that is too powerful, it will, on the contrary, bother you by constantly turning on/off.
  3. The air conditioner must be installed by professionals. According to statistics, up to 80% of air conditioner breakdowns are caused by improper installation. It is better if you buy and install a split system not at the height of the hot season, but in the spring - otherwise you can run into “scavengers” who will carry out the installation quickly, expensively and with poor quality. Buy and order installation from

It has already managed to capture almost every corner of the Earth. Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who has not heard about the Internet, and the number of users global network is growing daily. Is it good or bad? To answer the question, consider the pros and cons of the Internet.

So what is good about the Internet?

Access to the information

The Internet is a huge repository of information different types. It provides an opportunity to learn everything about everything without leaving home. The only thing you need to do is install internet at home, pay for it, and you’re done! All virtual libraries and museums in the world will open their doors for you. With the Internet you can very quickly find, download or buy the right book, film, music, learn a lot of useful things: from the meaning of the universe to the recipe for charlotte.

Communication with loved ones

Having access to the Internet, as well as some software, for example Skype, it will not be difficult to reach your foreign friends or relatives. Many social services, for example, also support video calling, for which, in addition to an Internet connection, you will need a webcam. Thus, the Internet allows you not to lose touch with dear people, wherever they are. On the other hand, a pathological situation may arise when virtual communication replaces the real. Considering all the pros and cons of Internet communication, each person can decide for himself whether he needs this type of communication or not.

Unlimited access to entertainment

Having access to the Internet, you can have fun without leaving your home, or at least you can watch a movie. No need to spend money on cinema tickets. For what? After all, even sitting in front of the monitor, you can have a real movie show! The pros and cons of the Internet do not end there.

Online shopping

The Internet allows you to buy the rarest goods, which, at your request, will be delivered directly to your apartment by a courier. With the Internet, you don’t have to wander around the shops looking for the right thing and stand in queues: 1 click of the mouse - and you are already the owner of the treasured product.

From the advantages of the World Wide Web it is worth moving on to its disadvantages.

Harm to health

Everyone knows that staying at the computer for a long time is harmful to health. Therefore, you should take breaks, periodically looking away from the monitor.

Scenes of violence

Internet at home can turn into a real tragedy for some people. This applies primarily to children, whose fragile psyche may be shocked by scenes of cruelty and violence found on the World Wide Web.

Incorrect information

In addition to unconditionally truthful and necessary data, the Internet is full of unnecessary and unreliable information. As you know, information must meet several criteria: be relevant, complete, timely and accurate, however, thanks to the World Wide Web, many of the basic criteria for information quality disappear without a trace. The Internet is full of gossip, wandering from one blog to another, from forum to forum, and information is transmitted according to the “deaf telephone” principle. What is the site worth? world encyclopedia“Wikipedia”, where anyone can “rule the Universe”.

Identity theft

By posting your photos, videos on the Internet, or making purchases online using a bank card, you risk losing your data, which can be stolen or intercepted and used for criminal purposes.

Family destruction

There are times when one of the family members is completely immersed in the virtual world, becoming a “Level 80 Elf”, a brave warrior, a loyal knight, etc. in online multiplayer games. Illusory reality can drag on so much that a person will not care about family worries.

Spam and viruses

Yes, we also owe these two unpleasant phenomena to the Internet. Fortunately, there are antivirus programs that minimize the risk of infecting your computer, but even they cannot fully guarantee the security of your device.

Internet and teenagers

It's no secret to parents that teenagers tend to spend most time on the Internet, feeling all of it negative impacts, such as:

Social disorientation and many other conditions result from negative influence long stay on the Internet.

A huge proportion of teenagers are at risk for their level of mental development; they have computer gaming addiction (online games) or Internet addiction, which, having manifested itself in childhood, can accompany the teenager into adulthood.

These are the main pros and cons of the Internet.

Even taking into account all the shortcomings of the World Wide Web, it is impossible to deny all the benefits it brings. You can use it, or you can not, but do not recognize its widespread integration into life modern society is no longer possible.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of the Internet, we can conclude that it has approximately the same number of advantages and disadvantages, however, with moderate and competent use, its advantages significantly outweigh its negative aspects.