The Elder Scrolls Universe - The true identity of Olaf One-Eye. Panthea Atheia wants to return the stolen flute

To join the ranks of bards, go to Solitude, find the Bards' Collection building there and talk to Viarmo. He will say that not everyone is accepted, and in order to prove your usefulness to the board, you need to complete one task...

The task is taken in Solitude, in the College of Bards, from Viarmo.

Viarmo will tell you that bards have had a holiday since time immemorial - the burning of an effigy of King Olaf. But now the holiday is under threat of cancellation, and in order to persuade the authorities to leave the holiday you need to find the ancient “Song of King Olaf”

The dungeon to which we are going will be marked on the map:

Get ready to clear out a large dungeon, with a couple of riddles and traps. The first tip is to be more attentive to the levers on the wall, they open doors/lattices to go further, for example, this lever on the wall opens a grate in the floor where you need to jump:

We find the locked room using the marker, use the lever on the left, the “door” opens where “The Song of King Olaf” lies. After you take it, follow the ghost.

He will open a sealed magical door, after which there will be a riddle - a door with rings that need to be turned in the right direction (by the way, at the beginning of the dungeon, there was a claw on the table - I hope you took it?). We turn the rings as shown in the pictures, use the claw, and the door opens:

Next there will be a battle with a huge number of Draugs, led by King Olaf One-Eye. We kill them all, take the key and the ebony one-handed sword from the body and get out. Don't forget to open the king's treasure chest on the way to the exit. And also go to the wall to learn a new dragon word:

We return to Viarmo and give the book. He will say that some pages are damaged, to which we suggest that he complete the book himself. I chose the first options everywhere. After which we have to be present at the performance of the song, then find Jorn and say that the holiday will take place, and we need to finish the effigy, and then come to the place indicated by the marker, watch how the effigy of King Olaf is set on fire.

There we talk with Viarmo again now you are a bard! We receive 1000 gold, the task is completed.

To take other tasks talk to the three professors in the bards guild.

Inge Six Fingers will ask us to find Finn's lute

To do this, we go to the “Stone Brook” cave.

We go upstream, look at our feet for traps, and kill several bandits. The first turn to the right will lead us to a chest with a lute.

It is guarded by one Marauder alchemist (I came across the heart of a Daedra). If you go further along the stream there will be a moonstone mining site. We return to Inga, she pays for our labors with training Alchemy, Light Armor, Hacking, Pickpocketing, Stealth and Speech increase by one point.

Panthea Atheia wants to return the stolen flute

The flute was sold to necromancers because... supposedly can revive the dead. We go after her to Hob's Cave. Making our way through the icy corridors, we kill several necromancers and skeletons. Having reached a small hall, we see a closed passage, we pull the chain to the right of it.

(Here on the shelf on the left, in the pharmacist’s bag, I came across the heart of a Daedra)

We take out the soul stones from each column and go through. Ahead we see a rise with a ladder and several necromancers; there will be a flute in the chest at the top.

Having jumped off the ledge, we find ourselves at the entrance and go back for the reward. Panthea will increase Alteration, Illusion, Sorcery, Restoration, Destruction and Enchantment by one point.

Giraud Zhiman needs Rjorn's drum

Our path lies in Cairn Holdir. Entering the cave, we see a mysterious column of energy and several corpses. On the pedestal there is a diary from which you can learn about the fate of the unsuccessful bandits. Nearby we take the key to the crypt and go into it. Inside we will meet ghosts and draugr. Having reached the closed passage, we pull the lever - it is located behind the stone chair.

Next there will be a room with a stone door on the left, do not rush to activate the lever - a trap will be triggered. On the walls we see a couple of plaques with the image of an animal. Opposite each pair there is a stone that needs to be rotated so that the image matches the tablets.

Clockwise from the entrance these are eagle, snake, fish. Now, having pulled the lever, we move on and meet with Holdir. He himself is a ghost, but will inhabit the bodies of draugr.

Having defeated him, we take a good-priced staff and a drum from the chest.

Open the hatch and jump down to the entrance. We return to the college of bards. Our reward is increased skills: Blocking, Shooting, One-Handed Weapons, Two-Handed Weapons, Heavy Armor, Blacksmithing.

Descriptions of the following tasks will be added later.

Among the most colorful legends of Nordic folklore is the tale of Olaf One-Eye and Numinex.
Long ago in the First Era, a fearsome dragon named Numinex brought destruction throughout Skyrim. The ferocious serpent destroyed entire villages, burned cities and killed countless Nords. It seemed that there was no such force in all of Tamriel that could stop this monster.
This happened during a turbulent period in the history of Skyrim, for the domain was torn apart by a brutal war for the throne. Perhaps the jarls would have been able to defeat this creature if they had acted together, but trust was very rare at that time.
An experienced warrior named Olaf volunteered to defeat the monster. In some sources he is called the Jarl of Whiterun. In other versions of the legend, Olaf promised the people of Whiterun to catch the monster if they made him jarl.
Anyway, Olaf went on a campaign with a handful of his closest companions and searched for Numinex until he found him in a lair on top of Mount Athor. What followed, of course, was an epic battle.
First, Olaf rushed at the dragon with an ax and shield. Some versions of the legend say that Olaf and the monster fought blade to claw for days, but the forces were equal, and neither of them managed to gain the upper hand.
According to most accounts, Olaf, apparently irritated by the uselessness of his weapon in fighting the dragon, eventually threw it away. Putting all the pent-up rage in his voice into his voice, Olaf let out a terrifying scream.
Here the descriptions differ again. According to many stories, Olaf did not know that he had the power of Dragon Speech, while others suggest that he had long possessed this gift, but first wanted to compete with the dragon in a fight with weapons.
However, almost all versions of the legend agree in the description of further events.
Using the terrifying power of the dragon's tongue, Numinex and Olaf fought in a great screaming match atop Mount Athor. From the power of their words, as the story goes, stones crumbled and the skies split.
Finally, Numinex fell, exhausted from wounds and fatigue. Somehow - and this is where there is a gap in almost every story - Olaf managed to deliver the dragon straight to Whiterun.
The residents of Whiterun greeted the monster captured by Olaf with due admiration. They built a huge stone fort at the back of the palace, which they renamed Dragonsreach. In this huge chamber Numinex remained a prisoner until his death.
Olaf eventually became the High King of Skyrim, ending the war for the throne. It should be assumed that thanks to his great feat, he became the only ruler who satisfied everyone, and so peace came to the country again.
To me, a stranger in Skyrim, this story seems both exciting and very curious. It's not hard to see why this story is one of the most famous Nordic legends. This is a tale of exceptional heroism in which a resourceful and worthy Nord takes on a truly formidable foe and wins by screaming into submission from a dragon. This story could only be more Nordic if Olaf defeated Numinex in a drinking contest.
However, there were those who doubted the veracity of the legend. The bard Svaknir, who lived during Olaf's reign, performed an alliterative verse of his own composition in which he challenged Olaf's version of events. The High King was furious and threw the rebel bard into prison and destroyed all the records of the verse.
How I would like to have a recording of this verse! I must admit that I am extremely interested in how exactly Svaknir thinks Olaf actually defeated Numinex.
A possible answer to this question can be found in several ancient bardic texts. According to these books, Numinex was so evil because of his very old age. According to these stories, the dragon spent his last years ravaging settlements until he flew to the top of Mount Athor to die there in peace.
When Olaf found Numinex, the latter was too weak to resist. Olaf and his men easily captured the dragon, but decided to take advantage of the advantageous situation and create a heroic story. It is worth noting that all of Olaf's companions who, according to the stories, witnessed the screaming duel, subsequently became rich people during the reign of High King Olaf.
However, it is no less likely that Svaknir for some reason had a grudge against Olaf, and with his scandalous verse he sought to discredit the reputation of the High King. Alas, we will never know.
Finally, dear reader, I would like to remind you of this: a good historian must always be impartial and consider all points of view. Time tends to distort the narrative of events, so the closer you can get to the original sources, the better!

    Hello, AshKing, I wanted to ask: in your video about the Mehrunes razor, you explained that the Razor with one touch is capable of killing any creature, including the undead and automata, because... Undead are flesh with an attached soul. In this video about Olaf, you said at the end that Olaf the draugr is just the rotted remains of the king, while his soul is in Sovngarde. It turns out that necromancy allows you to infuse ANY soul into someone else's remains? Until that moment, I was sure that the soul that lived in the body was attached. Thanks in advance for your answer, I hope you see this comment)

    He was not locked in a dungeon, but he was walled up alive

    If Olav the draugr is just his remains, then why at the beginning of the battle Olav says "You impudent bard die"

    Ash, with your last statement like about the bard Svaknir who tells the truth and Olaf the liar, I would not agree, if I were a ruler I would try to shut up the person who would tell the truth about my “lying” exploits. I would. Although I am a supporter of the version where Svaknir still deceives for his ideological and political purposes, and Olaf exaggerates his victory over Numinex too much

    In short, Olaf One-Eyed caught the dragon Numinex, whom everyone later began to call Numisex, which is why he eventually went crazy...

    I could be wrong, but Nords come to Sovngarde not because of righteousness, but because of valor. Those. Olaf may have been a good warrior, but he could be a lousy person. By the way, while playing through the game, I got the following picture: 1. Numinex really was the scourge of the Barbarian Reach and his captivity greatly helped the life of the Nords. 2. Olaf did not fight the dragon one-on-one, but together with his comrades, whom he then appeased to help with the legend of the great battle. 3. Numinex, at the beginning of the battle, was wounded in a fight with his relative, and therefore weak. In addition, there is a version that Olaf attacked insidiously and suddenly, almost on the sleeping dragon. 4. Numinex was not killed quickly, but tortured. 5. No one remembers Olaf's reign as a Golden Age, so it's unlikely he was a good ruler. 6. The Bard bothered Olaf not only because of the feat, but also for personal reasons. So it’s clear that this is a dark matter...

    Envious people, cheap people and nonentities!

    You said that even though Olof is one-eyed and considers Olof a stupid poet, I’m not being picky, even in my statements you can confuse names, but it turned out funny))

    Paarthurnax is also old. Go grab him.

    Is there even the slightest chance that he could make a deal with Hermaeus Mora, learn the tu-um to subjugate the will? And what, in this dragon's limit all sorts of Daedra live, there in the basement behind the door, for example, and who knows since when there was a tradition of living side by side with Daedric devils. His soul is in Sovngarde, but a situation could have happened that Herma Mora took in return not his soul, but something else, for example, Dovahkiin promised that the Skaal shaman would reveal the secret of his people, that is, this indicates that Hermaeus Mora takes as payment not only for the soul? It turns out that he has become a scoundrel, you say, and in that case he has no place in Sovngarde, but to the same Dovahkiin for the murder of Alduin, Tsun said that after death they will wait for you in Sovngarde, no matter if you are a werewolf, the nightingale Nakturnal, a regular reader in the Hermaeus library Pestilence, most likely in the case of Dovahkiin, after his death he will have a choice of where to go, imagine yourself as a brave, brave and skillful Argonian warrior, you died a glorious death on the battlefield, where the soul of the Argonian will go in this case, according to Sovngarde for the Nords , but there in the treasury of souls there is a Dunmer, the former head of the College of Magicians of Winterhold. Consequently, One-Eye also had the right to choose where to go; perhaps he had a great, good, brave deed that opened the way to Sovngarde, and being a Nord, he chose it.

    5:00 do the signs in Windhelm have localization? Otherwise I played and saw only the text in English and did not see the “read” button. Was it removed from the CE?

    In battle, Olaf the Drugr uses the Toum. I don’t know if the necromancy of dragons/dragon priests/any other is capable of developing the ligaments of the deceased to master the tuum skill at the level of a dovahkiin or a greybeard. It seems to me that one can master tuum only while living in good health. Conclusion. Olaf actually fought Numinex using his thum.

    Is the ability to use soul capture on draugr just another game convention? It seemed to me that draugr were Nords, cursed by dragons or dragon priests for betrayal, or so that they would guard buildings needed for dragons even after death. For example, if there is a wall with writings in their language, which are analogous to libraries. That’s why there are no dragon priests in Sovngarde, because their souls are eternally damned. But it is, I'm just not sure.

    Well, dragons are not immortal, at least there is the fact that Paarthurnax considers himself a very old dragon living out his days at the throat of the world. Dragons are simply reborn after death from old age or from a sword, unless of course they were killed by the Dovahkiin.

    And by the way, just thank you so much for explaining the lore. Personally, for me there is nothing more interesting and at the same time incomprehensible than the lore of The elder scrolls, and the lore of the Lord of the Rings. You are doing a useful job, good luck to you!

    Please consider as a potential topic for the new release an explanation of who the draugr are, the game is full of all sorts of hints and scraps of information about this, but all I could really understand was that they seemed to “Serve dragons and were cursed for betrayal,” that is, they betrayed the dragons and, accordingly, should be “good”, but they don’t really look like good ones. And one more inconsistency: these seem to be people who were doomed to eternal torment in tombs, so they have a soul, otherwise how will they suffer without a soul? , but Olaf One-Eye has a soul in Sovngarde, and he obviously couldn’t join the dragon cult, that is, he became a draugr through, as you say, necromancy. But in this case, it turns out that the information about draugr in the loading screens is nonsense and a draugr is just any fruit of necromancy.. ....brrr I'm so completely confused AshKing help!

    Oooh thank you for this issue!!! I’ve been thinking about Olaf, his life and deeds for a long time, and you clarified everything, and even the fact that most interested me about the fact that he is both a draugr and a soul in Sovngarde.

    The negative influence artists can have on the masses is clearly evident even now from what is happening in Russia. Overall a great review - like and subscribe.

    Olaf can be found in Sovngarde, as far as I know, Nords who fought bravely and died also go there

    There is a reservation at 9:00.

    Numinex, let's make an agreement

    Hero, and why does Olaf the draugr have 2 eyes?

    In a dialogue with Sheogarath, he mentions Olaf and his unfair and unsportsmanlike transformation into a dragon. Well, if anyone is interested!

    Even Odahviing (or Durvenir or Paarthurnax) said that Numines was imprisoned by force in the DP. “He didn’t even remember his name

    “Even a homeless person will end up in Sovngarde if he died FIGHTING for his favorite booze” (Quotes from great fuckers)

    3:25 bullshit. Dragons are the lower Aedra, immortal, and cannot age. How could Olaf wait out Numinex's old age? No, the Nords, of course, weakened them, but Alduin immediately upon returning from..... the state into which he was driven by the ancient scroll, began to resurrect them.

    Aaaaaaaaaah! Dragons are immortal, how can Numinex live out his years? How old is Paarthurnax? And nothing has lived for thousands of years, even without food! Tell this to the stupid Nords so they don't make up fairy tales

    The fact that it was a HEROIC victory over Numinex took place is a fact!! and there is nothing to build a theory here! You don’t just get into the Halls of the Great Heroes of Sovngarde!!! Maybe people can be deceived, But you can’t fuck the gods!

    I wonder where they got the skull of Numinex, because a dragon can be FINALLY KILLED only by devouring the soul, or was there a dragonborn back then?? Clarify please

    STOP!!! King Vorgas died of the Wild Hunt?

    A bit political. Let's replace the bards with bloggers, and let's say Olof with Putin, Stalin or any other figure that causes slaughter. That's all. This story is an allusion to politics, when one side deliberately demonizes the government for unpopular decisions. Usually this is done in order to snatch a piece of the power pie themselves if the opposition comes to power. For this I give a thumbs up to the gazebo, it clearly showed that politota is selective fiction :-)

    Thoisoi it's you, I've been watching this channel for a long time, but only now I realized

    9:04 Does he think Olaf is a stupid poet?

    4:09 A verse is one line of the entire poem

    43 bards disliked

    Elder Council have fucked themselves up!

    So this isn't Olaf with the crown, is it? After all, when we are looking for a book on the instructions of the bards, we can go through the big door and kill the draugr Olof there

    Why is it that if you resurrect someone in the game, he asks to let him go or kill him, but Olaf ended up without a soul?

    can you figure out the plot of The Elder Scrolls Online videos about three warriors (a warrior in a horned helmet, an assassin, an elf magician)?

    Wild Hunt???I don't seem to know much

    Actually, in the original, the dragon's limit sounded like, Dragons reach, so where, how and what other brains made a mistake is a big question.

    AshKing, listen, can you make a video dedicated to a cult called the Order of the Black Worm? I would like to know more about this sect, since the Daedra Molak Ball, whom this cult worships, is the main protagonist of TES Onlain.

    I have a question: Is it possible to go beyond Skyrim to other provinces such as Morowind? I just remember that I somehow left it from the right side of Skyrim to some port. I could be wrong because it was a long time ago

    He is a hero, and the college of bards is a false heretical office!

    *must be a prison joke here*

    Bards are like our current media, they can distort everything. Make a hero out of a tyrant, a bloody revolution out of peaceful street walks with posters. Here it’s like who will bring money and who will threaten with a finger

    1:53 "at the hands of the Wild Hunt"... eh?

Those consumers of Bethesda products who played The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim have probably heard of a certain Olaf One-Eye. A little more attentive and advanced will say that this character was the jarl of Whiterun and founded Dragon's Reach when he captured Niminex - the skull of this dragon can be found above the jarl's throne.

This character is remembered as a hero, but upon in-depth analysis, unpleasant information emerges about him. From the book “Olaf and the Dragon” and the quests of the college of bards, the protagonist learns that Olaf is not as good as they say about him, and the Solitude bards burn an effigy of Olaf for the holiday. In order to find out the reason for such a ritual and understand who one of the Nord heroes really is, you should study his history.

The High King of Skyrim, Borgas, died. The protagonist can meet this character in the Nordic ruins as a draugr wearing the Jagged Crown. Due to the fact that the king had no direct heirs, a war broke out among the possible rulers for 50 years, the end of which was put by Olaf One-Eye, since he was subsequently elected high king. He was chosen by the Council of Leaders due to the fact that the Nordic hero defeated Numinex, who was preventing all people from living in the domain of Whiterun. He dragged the dragon into the city and kept it in Dragonsreach for many years.

According to one of the books, Olaf used steel weapons and the power of screams against the dragon to imprison him in the Reach. According to other sources, Numinex was already a weak and old dragon in the last years of his life, so it was not difficult for Olaf and a detachment of assistants to drag him into the city and imprison him there, and then embellish his exploits by making Olaf a hero. This fact is reinforced by the fact that all of Olaf's brothers in arms, who then witnessed his battle with the dragon, became very rich people after this incident.

The bard Svaknir promoted this theory to the masses, which is why the then High King Olaf grabbed him and threw him into prison, where he remained until his death. But here's what's strange: it was said that "the dragon was living out its last days." Anyone knows that dragons are immortal, and they simply cannot have their last days. In addition, during the restoration of the text, the hero is offered several options for adding non-existent lines, for example, that Olaf himself was a dragon, or was in cahoots with him, etc. It turns out that relying on the bard’s tales as a historical source is, at least, not reasonable.

There are many stone tablets in Windhelm, one of which reads: "Loyal King Olaf captured Numinex, ended the War of Succession and captured the barbarian Reach." This is the translation of the original text; in the Russian localization it is written a little differently. Here we are talking about the fact that during the reign of this interesting character, the Reach was annexed to Skyrim through conquest, that is, the territory whose capital in the fifth part of the game is Markarth.

In The Elder scrolls: Online there is a book called "The Crown of Freydis", which says that yes, Olaf was chosen as the High King of Skyrim, but not because he is a great role model and a good leader, no, but only for his feat with the dragon, which was mentioned above. When he ascended the throne, the population was terribly unhappy with this fact, and when he died, the Council changed the criteria for choosing the High King. If this source is to be believed (and usually sources that report on game data after the fact are true, they say the developers are finally revealing their cards), then Olaf was one of the worst rulers in history.

Partrnax says that Numinex simply went crazy over the years of imprisonment, and people had to kill him, and later hang his skull over the throne. From the words of other NPCs, one gets the impression that Olaf was not a heroic warrior, and that he captured the dragon not himself, but with the help of a large detachment of Companions, who later began to support the version of the Nord’s exploits for wealth.

If we add to the revealed facts that Olaf did not inspire satisfaction among people as a ruler, then an interesting, but not the most pleasant picture emerges. Olaf was a smug, rich average man with no leadership qualities who was eager for power. He was smart enough to turn the situation with the dragon in his favor and achieve a place at the throne, as well as go down in history as a hero. The bards only increased the size of Olaf's shortcomings and gave birth to the celebration of burning the effigy of the High King. The presence of Olaf's soul in Sovngarde suggests that he was not unambiguously bad - a Nord with concepts of honor, but also with vanity, which was strongly manifested during life.