General development of sensitivity. Developing the sense of smell and taste buds

There is a stereotype according to which a woman’s sensuality cannot awaken on its own. For this you definitely need a man - that same, special, unique one. Who will come and liberate a woman with his caresses, passion, and desire.

Alas, even if you are lucky enough to meet a sensitive partner who cares about his woman’s pleasure, this does not at all guarantee success. A woman can be enslaved and shackled. And, most importantly, all this is reflected in the body - muscle tension, decreased sensitivity, tension.

But sex is a completely bodily story. And pleasure is related to how relaxed the body is, how sensitively it can respond to caresses and touches.

Psychologist and sexologist Inna Melnikova explains: “Bodily sensitivity can and should be developed independently. You don't need a partner for this at all. Moreover, when he is nearby, the woman will already be ready to enjoy foreplay and the sexual act itself.”

The expert tells how to reveal sexuality on a bodily level.

Developing sensitivity

It would seem that we know our body. We know all the moles, folds, and smell.

“But we almost never pay attention to how and what our body feels at any given moment,” explains Inna Melnikova. “Agree, you probably don’t often notice what sensations you are experiencing at the current moment?”

It’s unlikely that anyone monitors how clothes touch the skin, what exactly it feels like, and whether it’s comfortable. Perhaps, if something hurts, then yes, we feel it right away. But these sensations cannot be called pleasant. And sex is about pleasure.

We suggest doing an exercise to develop tactile sensitivity and learn to pay more attention to pleasant sensations.

Take several objects, completely different in shape and texture. It can be several types of fabric: velvet, silk, fur, leather. Some glass, plastic, metal, wooden things.

Turn on unobtrusive relaxing music, dim the lights - the number of visual stimuli will decrease, tactile stimuli will be felt more intensely.

“Start touching these objects, noting what sensations arise, try to describe them in more detail, answering the question: “What am I feeling now.” Then apply them to different parts of the body - face, neck, chest, leg. At this moment, sensory focusing occurs. This is suitable for the development of bodily sensations at the first stage, when a woman, for example, is not yet ready to stroke herself with her hands,” explains Inna Melnikova.

Then it’s worth analyzing the sensations: which textures do I like best? Is velvet or leather more pleasant to the touch? At this moment there is a return to feelings, emotions, to oneself. We stop thinking and start feeling. After all, sex is a completely spontaneous, irrational, instinctive biological action.

Often a woman cannot get rid of restless thoughts during sex. And by doing this exercise, you acquire the habit of switching from the rational to the sensual. So, once in bed with the desired man, her body responds to caresses much more easily.

Developing the sense of smell and taste buds

Smells can also affect your mood: pleasant ones - relax and evoke joyful associations, unpleasant ones - irritate, strain, can frighten and cause stress.

Need I explain that residents of large cities are more often harassed, even attacked by unpleasant odors - exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke and many others.

“The perception of smells is also about bodily sensitivity, which is important to develop,” explains Inna Melnikova. Moreover, more often than not, a lover is chosen precisely by his unique bodily aroma.

The sexologist advises, just as in the previous exercise, to find several sources of aromas. This could be perfume (you can ask your friends - unfamiliar smells will enrich the experience), fruits, cheeses, drinks - the more different, the better. And just explore them one by one, noting the nuances, comparing them with each other and noting what you like and what you don’t.

“You might be surprised to discover how pleasant the smell of, say, olive oil is - because it can evoke associations with the sun, summer or delicious food,” explains the expert.

The fruit can then be eaten: cut into pieces, blindfolded and randomly removed from the plate, tasting and identifying the viscous pulp and delicate sweet taste of the banana and noting how it differs from the sour, crisp apple.

Learning to accept your appearance without criticism

Finally, the most important thing for a woman that is connected with her body is the ability to love it.

After all, most often we criticize ourselves: the breasts are too big/small, the waist is not thin enough, the skin of the thighs is imperfect, and the thickets of hair would be better on the head and not on the legs. A woman, dissatisfied with herself, clenches herself, trying to hide her shortcomings. And this is the last thing you should think about during sex.

To learn to love your body, Inna Melnikova suggests doing an exercise.

Every morning, when you wake up, before you get dressed, look at yourself in the mirror. Large, full length. “It is very difficult for women to contemplate their own nudity; they need to get used to the sight of their own naked body,” explains the expert.

Take a close look at yourself. But not with the aim of finding a couple more shortcomings, but in order to discern the advantages. Mark them, reasoning like this: I have nice breasts, pleasant skin color. And even though I’m not as slim as I’d like, I have beautiful, sloping hips.

It is important to notice as much beauty as possible, not to miss a single detail: star-shaped moles, a cute curl of hair on the forehead, a long neck, cute yellowish spots on the iris of blue eyes, neat shape of nails. Whatever. Believe me, this is a fascinating process that is easy to devote a lot of time to.

“This exercise should be done every day, preferably for a long time. Let this become your new morning ritual, which takes at least five minutes,” recommends Inna Melnikova.

And gradually you will not only stop being ashamed of your body, but also love it.

These exercises help you return to that notorious “here and now” that psychologists constantly talk about. The ability to do this is very important, because sex is enjoyed in the process. And not before, dreaming about a partner, and not after, remembering his caresses.

As you can see, it is possible to reveal sensuality without a man. And when he is nearby, you can no longer waste time on “warm-up”, but immediately get down to business.

People who practice qigong should pay special attention to developing sensitivity in perceiving energy, both external and internal. Only in this way will they be able not only to monitor the slightest signs of activation of energy in a particular zone, but also to purposefully control the flows of activated energy. In addition, sensitivity in the perception of energy will subsequently help Qigong practitioners recognize and treat various diseases associated with disturbances in the circulation of energy in the body.

Typically, the most sensitive parts of the human body are the hands, and more specifically the palms and points located on the pads and fingertips (Fig. 3), so first of all it is necessary to develop the sensitivity of these zones.

At a higher level of training, it is possible to develop the sensitivity of any part of the body, including the eyes, that is, to sense the energy of a person or objects only by scanning them with the eyes and registering the signals emanating from them.

Rice. 3

There are exercises for the development of general sensitivity, that is, the sensitivity of the whole body at the same time, when, for example, a person, walking down the street, as if with his “skin”, perceives signals emanating from people passing by, from passing cars, from houses, from trees, etc. d.

In the martial arts of Shou-Dao, the study of similar psychotechniques related to a set of exercises for “creating a sensory shell” was widespread. The warrior learned to sense someone else’s gaze or the presence of an enemy “with his back”; at every moment of the fight he had to be fully aware of what was around him, who or what was outside his field of vision and at what distance. The exercise of “expanding the sensory shell” made it possible to “expand” the sphere of sensory perception beyond the boundaries of the human body.

Developing heightened sensitivity to the perception of qi flows is a relatively simple task, especially for people with a vivid imagination and agile psyche.

Most psychotechniques designed to manage energy are based on specific extra-logical and extra-verbal activities of the conscious and subconscious, namely, mental images that cause and accompany actions leading to the desired result.

Just as a child puts words together into a phrase that has some meaning, a person who practices qigong creates a series of mental images that allows him to achieve the desired result.

It is impossible to explain to a person who has been blind since birth what light and color are, because words are not able to adequately reflect the specific experience of visual perception. Only after gaining sight will he be able to create a full-fledged mental image of light and color and carry out some purposeful manipulations with it.

The ability to sense the flows of internal and external qi and work with them is an experience that is unusual for us on a completely new level. Only after experiencing it do we create a corresponding mental image of the sensation of the energy field, the reproduction of which allows us to tune in to again perceive the sensations generated by internal or external qi.

The easiest way to feel the energy fields surrounding people and various objects for the first time is by training with an experienced instructor, who will “open” the sensitive areas of your hands and help you feel the intended sensations of heaviness, tingling, coolness or warmth that are characteristic of the perception of qi.

More sensitive people, even when practicing on their own, at least weakly, begin to feel energy fields already during the “magnet” exercise, which will be described below. Those who are deprived of natural sensitivity and who cannot experience the necessary sensations will have to resort to the technique used by the followers of Shou-Dao, which works one hundred percent even for the most “insensitive” students.

As already mentioned, protective energy manifests itself through its flow to the surface of the body in the event of a feeling of danger or exposure to unfavorable factors on a specific area of ​​the body - cold, humidity, mechanical damage, etc.

The well-known “goosebumps” running through the body may be a consequence of the flow of protective energy to the surface of the skin, although this may also be another type of qi.

In order to feel the symptoms of a surge of energy in a certain area of ​​the body, we will create an artificial danger by bringing a sharpened knife to our face and moving its tip two to three centimeters from the eye. The danger posed by the blade will automatically cause the muscles around the eyes to tense. By concentrating on the sensation that arises, you will feel how a certain substance rushes to the eye, filling its area with heaviness, tingling, or manifesting itself in some other way.

Try to remember this feeling of a surge of energy, because later, only by reproducing it in the appropriate mental image, you will be able to cause a surge of energy to the area of ​​​​the body you need. The feeling of the energy field emanating from external objects will be somewhat different from the sensations caused by a surge of protective energy, but the main thing for you is to “break through the barrier” and learn to first at least somehow perceive the energy before you begin to develop the skills to control it.

The exercises suggested below will help you learn to clearly sense the energy of your body and objects in the surrounding world.

By spending about ten minutes a day on simple exercises to develop the sensitivity of your hands, you will be able to perceive external qi flows with their help in a fairly short period of time.

Sensuality - this is one of the components of a woman’s sexuality, its continuation. This is the ability to experience pleasure from bodily contact with a partner: from his touch, caresses and, directly, sexual intercourse. That is why this facet of femininity is important to understand, accept and develop. Very often, problems with sensuality in women arise due to the fact that they do not know how to surrender to their feelings and accept another.

There are many aspects to the concept of “sensuality”. The whole image of a woman or its individual aspects - gaze, lips, hands - can be perceived as sensual. Undoubtedly, the reaction of a sensual woman to touch or caress brings pleasure to her lover, increases his self-esteem and confidence in his beloved. By studying your body, its aspects, understanding your needs, you can easily explain to your partner what makes you happier. You will see how great relationships change when the pleasure is mutual.

But not every woman is born sensual. Many people lose this property as they grow older. Its presence or absence is influenced by tension at work, stress, family relationships, when psychological barriers associated with sexual relationships arise. As a result, many women are not even aware of the importance of this aspect of sexual relations.

Love and feelings are not enough to make the sexual side of our being live in full force. Love for a man does not change the model of sexuality that we inherited from our mothers and grandmothers in the form of various prohibitions and complexes. But it is in early childhood that our future ability to feel liberated in sex is formed.

A 25-year-old girl, let’s call her Oksana, came to see a psychologist. She says that she feels almost nothing when the man she loves touches her. She has been dating him for six months and has been intimate more than once.

“I’m pleased, of course, when he touches me, but I don’t feel much excitement. I can’t understand why that is.”

In the process of working with a psychologist, it turned out that Oksana was raised only by her mother from childhood. She divorced her father because of his infidelity. And the girl did not hear anything good about him or other men as a teenager. Therefore, she did not develop a positive attitude towards men, towards intimacy with him.

After working with a specialist, the girl managed to get rid of psychological blocks and also develop her sensuality thanks to various sexological techniques.

How should one work with sensuality?

It is important to note that you need to develop your sensuality in different directions. Studying the sensations from external touches - to the skin in different parts of the body, and internal ones - to the muscles of the vagina. It is important to remember: sensuality is not a quality that is acquired in a day or two. This is a process of self-improvement that takes time and patience. Preparing yourself for pleasure is something we are usually not taught. But this is a whole art.

Study your body

Do this on your own and also with a partner. You can use the method with various objects. To do this, prepare several objects of different textures - a piece of fabric, fur, a silk scarf, a leaf of any plant, a piece of soap. Next, you need to retire, sit in a comfortable position and relax. Move your hands over these objects for 10-15 minutes. You need to focus on your sensations from touch. If necessary, you can close your eyes. You can touch the object to different parts of the body, noting your sensations and remembering them.

You can conduct a similar experiment with your partner. He may also touch your skin with objects and then with his hands, while noting your reaction.

Go dancing

Dancing in different directions helps a woman relax, unwind, feel confident and attractive. In addition, many muscles are involved in the dance, as a result of which the body becomes more youthful, fit and sexy. In addition, certain areas train the internal muscles of the small pelvis very well. This, in turn, increases their sensitivity, bringing more pleasure to the woman during sexual intercourse.

Learn to talk about what and how you like sex

Although, of course, difficulties in communicating on sexual topics are common to many women. Largely due to the fact that they are shy and simply do not know how to talk about their preferences. Sometimes they are simply afraid to open up.

At the same time, it should be remembered that if such topics have not been discussed before in a couple, then you should not shock your partner with long stories. You can start with short comments about what you really liked. When talking about your sexual desires, talk specifically about feelings, and do not advise or criticize. Speak honestly and frankly, but not in an offensive manner, so as not to hurt the feelings of your loved one.

Develop a sense of confidence in yourself and your feelings

A woman’s inner confidence, which flows through every glance, gesture, and word, undoubtedly influences the perception of others around her. Loving yourself is one of the most important points in gaining sensuality and developing sexuality.

Love yourself, fill yourself with love. This means learning to take care of yourself, to have and fulfill your desires.

If there is a desire to compare myself with others or to gain their approval, if I cannot afford to make mistakes and engage in self-criticism, if I “know” how “worthless” I am and am very afraid that if everyone around me also “finds out”, then they will “expose me, despise me and turn away from me,” and then they will definitely not love me... In such reflections, a woman loses not only her sensuality, but also herself.

But putting aside fears and embarrassment and accepting openly, with pleasure, all the caresses that a man gives, is not always easy. After all, in the process of becoming, we are influenced by many sources of information and people. First of all - family, environment, television. As a result, as practice shows, many women have complexes and are embarrassed about their body and their sexual desires. They feel a sense of shame for their “promiscuity,” not understanding that sensuality is a natural property of a woman.

It happens that it can be quite difficult to “shed” the patina of all of the above and find yourself. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist. They will be able to identify the causes of individual psychological blocks and help cope with them.

Give sexual energy the opportunity to be

It is important to give your sensuality and sexuality the importance it deserves and take time to think about it. We spend time going to the cinema, reading a book or meeting with friends. Pleasure also takes time. We need to prepare both our mind and body to accept the other. You need to tell your body that it is about to experience pleasure. For sex to have life-giving power, it must have its place in our lives.

Sexy woman - what is she like?

A sexy woman is not only sensual. She is well-groomed, stylish, and knows how to present herself. He knows his advantages and knows how to hide his shortcomings. She flirts easily with men, but does not cross the line beyond which vulgarity begins. At the same time, for each specific man, a sexy woman is her own image. For some, appearance is important, others are turned on by intelligence and erudition. Therefore, the best option is to look for yourself and develop those qualities that your man likes if you are already in a couple.

At the same time, it is important to remember about the physiological characteristics of your body. After all, sex drive is influenced by hormone levels. And the appearance changes over the years. And it’s better to be prepared for this.

So, from 20 to 30 years the girl is busy with her education, finding herself in terms of appearance, general style, and building a career. During this period, it is very important how quickly a woman finds her life partner. Sex life may be irregular. Or vice versa - just get on track.

By age 30 a woman, as a rule, already has sufficient sexual experience and knows what she wants and what she likes. This period marks the peak of sexuality, since the level of hormones is high and internally the woman is ready for innovation, experimentation and self-knowledge in this direction.

By the age of 40 the woman retains her sexuality. But after that, hormone levels begin to decrease and sexual desire may not be as strong as in previous years. However, sex life can be quite active.

By the age of 50 a woman enters menopause and may experience a sharp decrease in sexual desire. On the other hand, according to statistics, this is typical for approximately 40% of women. Although a woman may experience complexes about physiological changes, she must understand that sex life does not end there. It may not be as rich as before, but you definitely shouldn’t give it up.

Thus, a woman’s sensuality and sexuality are multifaceted concepts. But these aspects of femininity can and should be studied and developed. Receiving pleasure from feeling like a woman, being in this state every second makes life bright, filling it with events and impressions. Being filled with this feeling, you will be able to share them, improving and making the man next to you happy.

HOW TO DEVELOP HAND SENSITIVITY. In order to master the basics of extrasensory (supersensory) diagnostics and the basics of bioenergetic influence, it is necessary, first of all, to develop certain abilities. Questions are often asked: can everyone become a psychic? Can everyone become a magician? First of all, you need to figure out who psychics are. The translation of this term means a person who is hypersensitive. However, everyone is given certain senses that allow them to see, hear, and feel. Someone can very well navigate the world of smells and create amazing compositions of perfumes, someone can differentiate hundreds of wines or cognacs by taste, someone will hear a false note played by one of the musicians in a large orchestra. All people whose sensitivity exceeds the usual should be called psychics. But it so happened that people who have hypersensitivity in the field related to paranormal phenomena began to be called psychics or sensitives. Again, the last term needs clarification. The prefix “para” means “about”, “next to”, that is, paranormal phenomena are phenomena that exist in parallel with normal ones. However, there cannot be “normal” and “not normal” phenomena. Paranormal phenomena simply mean those for which modern science is unable to explain. Without developed extrasensory or paranormal abilities, it is difficult to imagine not only the possibility of helping another person using biocorrection or bioaurodiagnostics methods, but also the possibility of effective hypnotherapy in severe cases. Just as you can develop any other abilities, you can also develop the ability to sense the biofield of another person, the ability to see the aura, and finally, the ability to “pump” your own energy, both to various parts of your body, and to give it to another person. Answering the question The question is, can everyone become a magician? First of all, it should be noted that every magician must be a psychic. But not every psychic becomes a magician. The same can be said about a hypnotist - every hypnotist must be a psychic to some extent, but the vast majority of psychics are not hypnotists. You need to start self-preparation from the stage of developing your psychophysical qualities and autogenic training, followed by practicing your own extrasensory skills. Everyone, depending on their age, lifestyle, and internal state, must develop their own daily routine and nutritional system. What may be suitable for a young body is not always acceptable for mature people. The system of life and nutrition recommended by eastern schools is not suitable for a European for quite understandable reasons that do not require detailed explanation (life stereotypes, climate, range of products, etc.). There is no developed system for Europeans. Some extremely useful recommendations on daily routine, separate meals, and the predominant consumption of certain foods cannot always be implemented in combination, and are not always useful for a specific person. Therefore, the first rule is: “Rely on your capabilities and intuition.” It is very easy to decipher. Depending on what we can afford socially and materially (daily routine, set of products, set of clothes), it is necessary to choose the most rational thing in a given period, and the body itself will tell you how much time you need to sleep or what products you should have more of during the day. diet. The second general rule is: 'Avoid negative feelings. The world cannot be changed. There is still a lot of evil in it. In every human character, along with the positive, there is also something that cannot be accepted by others. People's actions are also different. However, it is necessary to eradicate feelings such as anger, envy, greed, hatred, fear. It is better not to have any contact at all with a person whose behavior causes negative feelings than to react emotionally to them. It is better to leave a situation that subsequently promises a negative emotional state with losses than to gain something and pay for it with regret. It is very difficult for a person to constantly be in an even, calm state, but only this contributes to the correct distribution of energy in one’s own body and, accordingly, optimal interaction with others. It is necessary not only to externally demonstrate calmness and goodwill, but also to be internally tuned to this. And now about the practice itself. The purpose of exercises for developing hand sensitivity is, first of all, to increase the sensitivity of skin receptors in the palms. Together with energy activation exercises, they allow you to develop the ability to sense energy fields of varying densities surrounding inanimate objects and fields emanating from biological objects. Moreover, they allow you to feel how differently this or that organ gives or absorbs energy. In the process of training, the ability to control one’s own energy flow is formed. In this case, a person learns to consciously switch the modes of “energy supply” or “reception hypersensitivity”. It is the latter that provides the ability to “diagnose with the hand.” The right hand (for right-handers) is usually active, for left-handers, accordingly, on the contrary, it is the left. The active hand is called the working hand, the passive hand is called the shielding hand. This does not mean that the passive hand is not involved in giving or receiving energy. It’s just that energy exchange is carried out more actively by the working hand. When training, it is recommended to pay special attention to the working hand. At the same time, when training both hands, maximum attention should be paid to the tips of the fingers and especially 2, 3, 4. It is with these fingers that all diagnostics are most often carried out. It is very rare to find people who can more easily conduct fine diagnostics using the entire surface of the palm - the palm is easier to train to supply energy or the perception of two or three signals: for example, the intake or release of energy. A number of exercises to develop hand sensitivity are based on circular movements of the palms relative to each other. In this case, one hand always remains motionless, and circular movements are carried out with the movable hand only in a clockwise direction. Gradually, as the sensitivity of the hands increases, the distance between the hands is increased to the maximum limit. At the beginning of each exercise, the hands are placed opposite each other at such a distance that one hand can feel the energy emanating from the other hand, and the hands are gradually spread and brought together, trying to constantly feel the connection between them. Let us emphasize once again that both hands and the entire palmar surface are worked out, but the emphasis is on the active hand and fingertips. During training, a prerequisite is to maintain attention on the sensations that arise (warmth, elasticity, cold, tingling sensation, etc.). At the same time, it is advisable to imagine how some kind of energy flows from one hand to the other. The speed of hand movement should be small, approximately 1 revolution per 2-3 seconds. As you master the technique, the speed gradually increases to the most individually acceptable one. Regarding the amount of time spent on arm training, there are various recommendations - from several hours a day to several minutes 2-3 times a week. In my opinion, both are extremes. It is quite enough to train your arms for 10-15 minutes 2 times a day at the first stage (1-3 weeks) and then for several minutes a day 2 times a week throughout the entire period of biotherapy. Famous healer Komova V. I. emphasizes the need to perform hand training for up to 10 minutes every other day during a period of long absence of practice, even for psychics and hypnotists with many years of practice. After performing each exercise, as well as in the future, after working with each patient, it is necessary to remove excess “adhered” energy from your hands. This is done in several ways: - washing your hands with warm, preferably running water, is strictly necessary after working with seriously ill patients. After the hands are washed, they must be wiped dry and before performing the next exercise or before working with the next patient, rub them in a circular motion with the palms; - removal of energy by hand. To do this, first, with the active hand along the passive one, starting from the elbow, several longitudinal passes are carried out in all projections of the hand. In this case, the active arm is slightly bent at the palmar surface and at the elbow joint. Movements should be smooth and slow; - removal of energy by shaking. This method is good outdoors. Indoors, it should only be carried out over a container of water or a washbasin, followed by flushing the sink. Perhaps using a bowl of rock salt. Such restrictions are introduced due to the fact that bioenergy clots shaken from hands do not disintegrate for a relatively long time. People with well-developed hypnotic abilities easily determine the presence of such clots, and even the time of their “reset”. Shaking is performed by quickly rotating the hands along the vertical axis of the hands extended along the body or quickly unclenching the fingers (away from oneself), bent at the elbows and located at chest level; - grounding. To do this, you need to touch the ground or any growing (not dry) tree with both hands. The same effect occurs when you touch the ground loop with both hands, which usually exists in all offices where medical equipment is used. I propose to familiarize yourself with two methods - one is aimed at developing hand sensitivity, the second is at activating the hands.

Method 1. Development of hand sensitivity 1.1. Place 2 large objects on a smooth surface: one made of iron/copper or any metal alloy, the other wooden - for example, a block of wood. Through micro-training, they are adjusted, and in a calm, relaxed state with their eyes closed, the active hand is moved alternately over each object. At the same time, after working on one of them, the energy is “erased” from the active hand to the passive one. The goal is to identify and remember the signal emanating from the object. It can be expressed in a feeling of density, warmth, tingling, air suction, coolness and similar sensations. By carefully focusing on the sensations, the difference between wood and iron is determined by the trainee already from the second or third day. The hand moving over the object should be relaxed. movements are smooth. It is advisable to constantly change the distance between the hand and the object in the range from 1 to 15 cm. 1.2. After the trainee can easily determine the difference between wood and metal, they proceed to training, also with their eyes closed, with a set of objects made of metal and wood of various shapes. They begin to work with large objects measuring 10-20 cm, gradually reducing their size. The best option is 3-4 wooden and 3-4 iron objects of different shapes. It is necessary to learn to determine the size, shape of an object, and then, after several months of training, the type of wood, and the actual type of metal. It should be said that such differentiation, even among very sensitive psychics, does not occur often. 1.3. After mastering the first exercise, in parallel with the second, you can master the exercise with a magnet. Any magnet measuring 10-20 cm is suitable. It is advisable to train both hands with a magnet. Hand movements should be the same as in the first and second exercises. The magnet should be in the negative pole position to the east or west for the first week. When the poles of the magnet can be easily determined by hand, it is necessary to place the magnet parallel to the power lines and with the negative pole facing north. This complicates the determination procedure somewhat. Once a lasting result is achieved, the magnets are taken to a smaller size, and then work with magnetized iron. 1.4. It is good to alternate this exercise with the previous one after mastering the first exercise. Cut out several squares measuring 10 x 10 cm from white and black paper; the squares are placed on a smooth plain surface (but not on glass); white on one side and black on the other. The distance between the squares should be 15-20 cm. With the active hand they work with squares of the same color, trying to remember the signal. Then, with the passive hand, they remove the signal from the active hand and begin to work with squares of a different color. When the difference in the signals is easily noticeable, the squares are placed in a chaotic order and work with closed eyes, trying to determine the color. Subsequently, squares of the same size are added from paper of different colors in the following order: first red and blue, then yellow and purple, and last green. Once the effect is achieved, orange and blue squares are added. Yellow and orange, blue and dark blue can only be differentiated among themselves by hypnotists and psychics who have achieved very high sensitivity. 1.5. The next one is an exercise that is recommended to begin only after mastering the first 4. Objects of various shapes (square, round, cylindrical, pyramids) are prepared from clay, plastic, plasticine, iron, cardboard. There should be from 10 to 20 items. They are placed in a chaotic sequence and, working with an active hand with closed eyes, they try to determine the shape of the object without thinking about the material. Usually, at first it will be easier to determine the shape of objects made of clay and iron, and later from other materials. Trying to determine the shape, we remember the nature of the signal and, when monitoring, we compare the nature of the signal from objects of the same shape, consisting of different materials. This exercise requires a lot of perseverance and should usually take 40-60 minutes.1.6. The following exercise does not lend itself to reasonable interpretation, but is nonetheless relatively easy to learn. Collect photographs, postcards, and magazine clippings of people who are known to be alive or dead. They lay them out in a chaotic sequence and, with their eyes closed, try to determine the nature of the signal coming from the image. Signals are differentiated into 2 groups - warm and cold, regardless of their intensity. Warm signals are typical for images of living people, cold signals for dead people. Opening our eyes, we check ourselves. In the same way, then we carry out the 1st exercise with an inverted image. I had to observe, under strict experimental conditions, the work of the famous psychic V.A. Safonov and a mentally ill person diagnosed with sluggish schizophrenia L. In both cases, when working with dozens of images, there was not a single error. This once again, in my opinion, confirms the relativity of our current knowledge. 1.7. This exercise is carried out in parallel with others after mastering the first 2. This is the only recommended exercise that requires a partner. The partner is asked to stand opposite him and with both hands, with fingers slightly apart, at a distance of 15-30 cm, they move around his body from top to bottom, trying to feel the outgoing signals. It is advisable to change your partner every day. It is necessary to learn to differentiate the strength of the signals emanating from each. Based on strength, it is advisable to divide signals into strong, moderate, weak and very weak. In addition, each signal can be characterized qualitatively - warm, cold, soft, heavy, prickly, elastic, neutral. You can use comparative terminology for yourself. For example, cotton-like, fluffy, grainy, etc. During long-term training, you will definitely come across partners whose signals in certain areas of the body (usually where there is some kind of pathology) are in the nature of energy release or absorption. Working with various partners, you will gradually learn to feel the contours of the aura and the places where it is deformed. It will be very easy to feel the diseased area, since in it the nature of the signal characteristic of a given individual will always be changed. Despite the fact that this exercise is given last in the recommended series, it is the most important, because in fact, all the previous ones are given only so that this exercise can be quickly mastered. In parallel with mastering the exercises for developing hand sensitivity, it is necessary to master the exercises for activating the hands. Strictly speaking, many activation exercises also develop sensitivity, but for ease of presentation we separate them into a separate series. In addition, it should be noted that the previous and subsequent series of exercises do not exhaust all possible options. Having chosen the main ones from the given exercises, you can build individual ones for yourself based on them. It should also be remembered that any exercises, both given and borrowed. In another source or independently invented, they require systematic work until complete assimilation. Let me emphasize once again that everyone should individualize for themselves as much as possible the amount of time allocated to training and the intervals between training. It is also necessary to be based on a number of exercises, which will be taken as a basis if there is no desire or lack of time to do them all at once. At the same time, it is extremely undesirable to deviate from the recommended sequence of exercises, especially in the first series. Method 2. Hand activation. 2.1. The exercise can be done both sitting and standing. Hands, bent at the elbows, are placed opposite each other with palms opposite, fingers slightly unclenched. Both hands move closer and further away from each other. Start from a minimum distance so that you can feel the warmth between your palms. The hands are moved apart and brought together, as if playing the accordion, gradually “stretching the accordion” more and more. The goal is to move the hands away from each other as much as possible while constantly feeling the connection between the hands (warmth, elasticity, coolness, tingling). If your hands are cold, before this and all subsequent exercises it is recommended to warm them up by rubbing them together or by imagining heat and radiation in the palms through autogenic training.2.2. Hand position as in the previous exercise. The palms are facing each other alternately in the horizontal and then in the vertical plane. The passive hand is motionless. The active hand alternately moves away and then approaches. It is necessary to constantly feel the connection between the hands. After several movements /5-7/ the signal from the active hand is reset by shaking. The exercise is recommended to be carried out both with open and closed eyes. 2.3. Hands are placed in a vertical plane with palms facing each other. Alternately, the right hand and the left should be at the bottom with slightly bent, closed fingers, forming a kind of depression. Using AT elements, one achieves the feeling that the hand located on top is actively emitting energy. By moving the hand from top to bottom, we seem to pump energy into the underlying hand, trying to feel the growing compaction. 2.4. Hands are placed in a horizontal plane. The fingers of one hand are slightly collected in a relaxed state. The second hand with closed fingers forms a kind of static screen. The hand with fingers gathered, as in exercise 1, gradually approaches and then moves away from the “hand of the screen”. It is necessary not to lose sensation between the hands. After 5-7 movements, the signal from the moving hand is reset and the hands are swapped. 2.5. Palms located opposite each other rotate one around the other alternately in different directions. Make 8-10 rotations in each direction, then shake off the signals from both hands. The pace of rotation should be very slow the first 1-2 times, then gradually increase to a very fast rotation. All the time you need to try to feel the “elastic warmth” between your hands. 2.6. Hands bent at the elbows, palms facing each other in a horizontal plane, try to, as it were, hold the field formed between them; for this, AT methods are used with representations of meat, orange, apple in the hands. When the concentration on the image is sufficient and the feeling of the field between the hands is stable, they try to roll the ball alternately along the right and left hand from the hand to the shoulder, bringing it down again between the hands. It is not recommended to do the exercise more than 3 times. 2.7. The passive hand, bent at the elbow with the fingers slightly apart, forms a horseshoe in the vertical plane, the active hand makes circular movements around the passive one, first with the index finger directed to the center of the horseshoe, then the index and middle, then all four fingers. In this case, the thumb, located at an angle of 90 degrees, is directed upward. Movements of the active hand are carried out alternately clockwise and counterclockwise. After the exercise with each finger, energy is released from the passive hand by shaking and from the active hand by removing energy with the passive hand. 2.8. This exercise is performed standing. It is best to face east or north. The passive hand, not tightly clenched into a fist, is lowered down. The active hand is extended palm down. Subsequently, the active hand makes clockwise movements, imagining the release of energy through the hand. After 30-40 seconds, they reset the signal and begin to make movements counterclockwise, imagining how energy is poured into the hand,/retracted, absorbed, screwed in/: With the correct implementation of the exercise, both when giving back and taking in energy, a slight tingling sensation should be felt in the palm . This exercise should not be done for more than 4 minutes at a time. 2.9. The following exercise serves as a control exercise to determine the degree of development of energy activity in the hands. Take 3 glasses of regular drinking water. One glass is left for control and is not used in the experiment. The second glass is placed on the palm of the passive hand and the active hand begins to slowly make circular movements clockwise over the glass at a distance of 3-5 cm from its upper edge. Work over water in this way for 3-4 minutes. Then they leave this glass and take the third one and place it in the same way, but with the active hand they make movements in the opposite direction /counterclockwise/. Work over water for 3-4 minutes. Then the water from each glass is tasted. The water in all three glasses should differ in taste, approaching the taste of mineral water. It is advisable to let other people taste the water to avoid the effect of self-suggestion. If the taste of the water turns out to be the same, it means that the energy activation of the hands has not yet been mastered and you need to continue training. The effect of changing the taste of water is observed as a result of the fact that the impact of the energy flow emanating from the hands changes the pH of the water when rotating the hand clockwise in the alkaline direction /increasing the pH/, and when rotating counterclockwise in the acidic direction /decreasing the pH/. It is interesting to note that strong hypnotists can change the pH of water by 2-3 units in each direction, although sometimes when rotating with the hand, the opposite effect is achieved - when rotating clockwise, you can get acidic water and vice versa. A similar effect, somewhat more pronounced, is obtained by passing electric current through water ("living" and "dead" water). + Not everything given in this article may be needed by a person who decides to study, especially at the first stage of training. But later, as you accumulate knowledge and your own experience, perhaps certain training techniques need to be made leading, especially when working individually.

Psychoenergetics is a system of knowledge that studies the ability of the psyche to perform certain physical work. The main concept of this system is consciousness - the most formalized and expressed derivative of mental activity. The main task is to identify the deep patterns underlying the energetic activity of consciousness.

Bioenergetics is the study of living matter as a form of energy existence and its energetic relationship with the environment.

Accordingly, the following concepts are distinguished: psychic energy and bioenergy. The first concept is revealed as the energy of consciousness, the energy of thought, the energy of a volitional impulse, the subtlest substance involved in processes such as remote interaction (telepathy, telekinesis), foresight, clairvoyance, premonition.

The second manifests itself in the form of such phenomena as the biofield, bioplasm, and extrasensory interactions. Bioenergy is inherent in all living matter and does not depend on the activity of consciousness, at least not directly. It is a physiological phenomenon, not a psychological one. Bioenergy is possessed by animals, trees, bodies of water, and the earth.

Any psychoenergetic concept, yoga or other esoteric teaching, always comes into contact with the world of images, symbols, and metaphors. And this position has a deep meaning, because images control our entire life. "A picture is worth a thousand words." The mechanism of psychoenergetic influence lies in the fact that the image constructed in the consciousness causes a chain reaction of subtle processes leading to a change in energy status and its regulation.

SC exercise 59.1. The goal is to develop mechanisms for managing general sensitivity.

1. The development of general sensitivity is achieved by preliminary fasting, if necessary, sensory isolation and trance SC sessions, during which general psychological sensitivity increases. Having achieved the required depth of SC, when a person begins to feel the heat from a lit match at a distance of 5-10 meters, they perform a coding procedure to consolidate increased general sensitivity: “Attention to my voice!.. You clearly hear every word I say!.. Your brain and the whole the body completely obeys my words!.. You feel a sharp increase in overall sensitivity!.. You can now feel with every cell of your body!.. With every cell of your body... We quickly run down the stairs, and our body becomes light and weightless! .. Light and weightless... Below is a white fog - energy, and a large door open to the street!.. We smoothly fly out the door and dissolve in a white, dense, shining energy fog... We physically, directly feel the entry of this energy in all cells... We feel it with our whole body... from all sides... Feel it!.. (Pause.) Let's remember these sensations! From this moment you have acquired the ability to feel the presence of an energy ocean around you!.. This feeling is as our sessions will develop and become more clear with each subsequent session... Attention to my voice!.. I consolidate these feelings for the rest of your life!..

At any moment, as soon as you want, you will be able to feel and receive the energy of the Cosmos directly!.. You can do it undoubtedly!.. You know that now you can do it!..”

2. The development of sensations of energy flow is carried out using a similar previous method. During deep SC, the sensation of energy flow through the body and its individual parts develops and consolidates. It is recommended to perform the exercise while standing, with a straight spine and head, legs apart shoulder-width apart, arms raised exactly above the head with palms up and fingers outward - to the sides. This ancient exercise is called Hermes energy gymnastics. The exercise can be performed independently, but first it must be done under the guidance of a mentor; in this case, the time required to achieve high-quality energy sensations is sharply reduced.

A person is immersed in deep SC using an ancient Russian technique based on slow breathing, and on the count of “7” the hands are raised up, followed by developmental coding: “Attention to my voice!... You clearly hear my every word!... Your brain and the whole body completely obeys my words!...

You feel a sharp increase in overall sensitivity!... We are surrounded by a dense energy ocean... Let's begin the cleansing energy gymnastics of Hermes... Focus all your attention on the tips of your fingers and palms...

(Pause). We sincerely, very strongly wish and ask the Cosmic Consciousness for energy... And the energy begins to enter us through our fingertips and accumulate in our palms...

In the middle of the palms... Feel it!... (Pause). And now we return to our fingertips again!... We collect a new portion of energy and feel its current and accumulation in the middle of our palms!... And now we imagine that we are under a cleansing energy shower... and energy flows from top to bottom. .. from the fingers to the head... further down throughout the body... along the legs... and into the ground... Pure energy, like water, passes through you and washes away dirty energy, carrying it into the ground... Feel it! ... (pause). Having cleansed the body of dirty energy, let us now fill it, like a vessel, with pure heavenly energy... We feel; how the whole body is filled, like a vessel, with pure heavenly energy!.. An extraordinary feeling of joy, harmony and bliss!... Feel it! (Pause). We will remember this pleasant feeling of an end-to-end cleansing current of energy for the rest of our lives! Now remember this feeling of bliss from being filled with pure heavenly energy... (Pause). Pay attention to my voice! With each subsequent session, you will physically feel the current of heavenly energy more clearly and better... Your well-being and mood will improve and you will become unusually happy!... The feeling of enormous inner strength will always be present in you from now on!... Always, in in any environment, under any circumstances!... You are unusually strong, enthusiastically calm and joyful!... Feel and remember this feeling of inner strength; this power will grow in you from session to session... You master the art of transforming cosmic energy into internal strength that remains with you forever!... Feel it!..." (Pause).

As a result of these developmental SC trainings, the student acquires the ability to clearly sense the moment of energy entering the fingers, then its passage and accumulation in the middle of the palm, then the movement of energy into the head and its accumulation in the parietal part of the brain, and then the passage of energy throughout the body from above - down and a clear exit through the soles of the feet into the ground. An even more important result of this period of training should be the ability to feel the real results of training in the form of emerging internal “strength”.

3. Such areas of the body as the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, spine, feet and hands are considered to be “windows of the body”, that is, these are areas of the body surface that are believed to be most actively involved in the energy-informational regulation of the relationship between the internal environment of the body and the external environment surrounding it.

The eyes and palms of both hands, especially the right hand (for left-handers, the left hand) have the greatest influence on the brain.

Indeed, the role of labor in the formation of the brain is indisputable, and in this sense, it is mainly with the right hand that a person makes the most complex movements - from Rembrandt paintings to the instantaneous complex analytical movements of an air traffic controller. Therefore, the “brain-right hand” relationship is of utmost importance for the normal functioning of the brain, and, consequently, the entire organism. In SC science, there is even special mandatory daily gymnastics for the right hand, as a necessary condition for normal health, ensured by the norm of daily information from the right hand.

Taking into account the existing developed natural brain mechanism for analyzing and processing information from the right hand, and also that the hand also belongs to the “windows of the body” - that is, the zones of greatest sensitivity, and a huge number of different receptors on the hand, in the SC method it is customary to build the entire developing a training energy complex at work with the right hand of a person.

The phenomenon of “skin vision” with the fingertips is widely known, therefore, taking into account the natural hypersensitivity of the fingertips, in extrasensory perception it is customary to perform sensitivity-developing exercises with the fingertips of the right hand.

Developing extrasensory abilities, hand psychoenergetic gymnastics, taking into account the above provisions, is divided into several types: developing the sensitivity of the fingers, developing the sensitivity of the palms and developing the sensation of the flow of energy from the fingers to the solar plexus (the energy battery of the body).

The technique for developing finger sensitivity is as follows:

a) The student, in a sitting position, lowers his straight, maximally relaxed arms down along the body. He closes his eyes, enters the SK and slightly lowers his head to his chest. He bends his fingers slightly and spreads them apart so that they do not touch each other. Then he performs light relaxation shaking with his hands, achieving an influx of blood into the hands. After 20-30 seconds. You should raise your hands and rub your palms together forcefully, at times warming them up with moist hot breath. This procedure will discharge possible build-up of electricity and magnetism, making it possible to subsequently sense energy of a different origin. Then the hands are placed palms down on the hips, and the practitioner, straightening his head and spine, focuses his attention and mind's eye on the sensations in the fingertips, achieving a clear sensation of pulsation in them. Having achieved this effect, the practitioner again lowers his relaxed arms along the body and, concentrating all his attention on the fingertips, restores the feeling of pulsation. Then you should smoothly make oscillatory movements back and forth with freely hanging hands, meditating on the sensations in your fingertips. After 10-15 seconds. There will be a peculiar burning sensation at the fingertips from contact with the surrounding air. At this moment, the mentor (or independently) codes for the opening of the energy gateway and the feeling of energy entering through the fingertips into the middle of the palm. After 30-40 seconds. there is a clear sensation of energy entering through the fingers and moving towards the middle of the palm, where, as it accumulates, a heavy, dry burning sensation occurs. It should be warned that when practicing psychic treatment or non-contact types of massage, different sensations arise - both for the doctor and for the patient. The nature of these sensations is so diverse that it depends on the nature of the manipulation (or treatment procedure) and the individual psychophysiological characteristics of the body. So, in this method it is necessary to cause a dry burning sensation; this is one of the secrets of the method.

b) Having entered the SC, point your fingertips to the edge of the table and achieve contact sensation of the table, then move your hand outside the table and note the difference in sensations above the object (table) and outside it. Do the exercise 50-100 times. Record everything in memory.

c) We enter SK-2 and place our fingers opposite each other. Then, using the index finger of your right hand, establish energetic contact with the index finger of your left hand at a distance of 1 cm. Feel and record the sensations. Then slowly rotate the right finger and record the sensations in the left, then clearly record the sensations in both fingers. Then, with an effort of will, begin to radiate energy from the right index finger to the left.

Achieve a clear sensation of the energy leaving the right finger and entering the left finger (a steady burning sensation is felt in the right finger, and an increased burning sensation, pulsation and heaviness in the middle of the palm in the left finger). After this, do everything from the left finger to the right, and then the entire gymnastics with all fingers in turn.

Then do it all over again with every other finger except the thumb (you can also do it with the thumb if you wish).

d) Technique for developing sensitivity in the palms. The exercise looks like this:

We enter SK-2, lower our hands down, shake them slightly and make smooth swinging movements from the shoulder, achieving an intense flow of blood into the hands. For those who find this feeling of warmth difficult, you need to rub your palms together; if this is not enough, then you need to help the brain “understand” the task and remember what warmth looks like. For this purpose, before training, you need to put your hands in a very warm bath, close your eyes and well feel and remember the feeling of warmth that arises (that is, the feeling of vasodilation and blood flow to the hands). So, as a result of swinging movements and persistent concentration of attention on the middle of the palms, we achieved a feeling of accumulation of energy in the middle of the palms in the form of a specific feeling of heaviness, which gradually increases. Next, we bend our elbows with our palms facing the sky and make several smooth movements from bottom to top, achieving the sensation of contact of our palms and fingers with the magnetic ocean of Cosmic Consciousness. Then we raise our arms bent at the elbows so that the hands are at chest level, palms facing each other at a distance between the palms slightly greater than shoulder width. We begin to absorb energy with our fingertips and accumulate it in the middle of our palms until severe heaviness and burning appear in them. We smoothly unfold the palms of both hands towards each other in front of the chest, shoulder-width apart, and gently and gently make light and smooth oscillatory movements with the palms towards each other, without changing the distance between the hands. We focus our attention as much as possible on the sensations that arise between the palms, by an effort of will we remove the sensation of heat and magnet or any other, we achieve the sensation of a dry burning sensation pulsating in time with the vibrations in the palms. After some time, we will discover the concomitant effect of a sharp increase in the electromagnetic and biogravitational fields, that is, we will feel the contraction of the hands when they are slightly brought together and resistance when the distance between the palms increases (not to be confused with biogravity gymnastics, where one should achieve strictly magnetic, and the opposite sensations: when approaching one feels magnetic elasticity and resistance, which allows the formation of a “magnetic ball”). So, it is necessary in no case to be distracted from the burning sensation in the palms, since the electromagnetic and biogravitational field will intensify itself, automatically, but we are interested in “power” (the energy of God, or call it whatever you want), that is, a certain effect . By the way, you will notice that with this kind of trance-energy training, your spirituality (“holiness”) - magnetization will increase sharply. You will, like a magnetic light bulb, constantly emit this power magnet into the environment day and night, and even after death. The healing properties of this “power” are amazing, sometimes they even work miracles. There are known cases of miraculous healing at the graves of such saints hundreds and thousands of years after their death. This is the nature of the “power of the holy spirit” or, as they now say in the East, “siddhis”.

e) A similar exercise is performed, only the palms are brought closer together at a distance of up to 1 cm in three stages. You should pay attention to the powerful “suction” effect, which intensifies as the palms come closer together. It is strictly forbidden in this exercise to change the polarity by force of will and establish an energy current from one hand to the other, since the purpose of the exercise is different - to increase sensitivity to the dry burning sensations observed in the palms. We remember and rigidly record these sensations by coding.

f) Exercises to develop sensations of energy flow from the fingers to the solar plexus are performed as follows. We enter SK-2 in a sitting position with a straight spine, neck and head. Hands rest on your knees, palms up, fingers slightly naturally bent and spread apart. Eyes closed. Using the skills of previous training, with an effort of will we begin to “suck energy” into the center of the palms with our fingertips. We repeat this exercise 7 times, achieving the accumulation of energy in the middle of the palm, which will be felt as a heavy dry burning sensation. Having saturated the first reservoir, we perform the following exercise: we “suck” energy with our fingertips and, with an effort of will, move it, bypassing the palm, along the forearm, then the shoulder, neck - to the top of the head (the crown is the second reservoir of “power-energy”). We perform this exercise 7 times until the brain is filled with a feeling of pressure in the axis “between the eyebrows and the center of the crown.” With the third exercise, we fill the “heart” reservoir with “power-energy”, achieving a clear irradiating heat in it (the heart feels as if it is in a warm spot). The next exercise is to fill the solar plexus reservoir with “power-energy”. The last exercise is when the student, having collected energy from the fingertips, moves it in a circle seven times as follows: fingertips - forearms - shoulders - neck - crown - cervical spine - thoracic spine - lumbar spine - tailbone - lower abdomen -solar plexus -heart - front of the neck - face - crown - back of the neck - thoracic spine and then along the formed circle. This exercise is performed from the very beginning from the fingertips 7 times and each time for 7 circles. A total of 7 x 7 = 49 circles.

Old Russian Vedic energy-power “centers-reservoirs” differ from the hypothetical information-energy eastern “chakras”. The Vedas of the ancient Rus point to the following energy-power centers-reservoirs:

1) middle of palms;

2) upper part of the brain;

3) heart;

4) solar plexus;

5) spine.

We would like to draw special attention to the fact that we are not talking about Chinese or Indian energy channels and not about the flow of energy, but about “force-energy” or the “power of the holy spirit.” Using Eastern terminology, we can say that we are not talking about “prana” or “qi”, but about the power of “shakti”, or more precisely, “Shakti of the Supreme Consciousness” - as Chaitanya and Ghosh called it. But even these good specialists in the field of trance, they did not know the secret Vedic gymnastics, which, bypassing "Yoga" in a week or two, endows a person with "siddhis" - this is how witchcraft was called in the East. And the secret that Aurobindo chased all his life was long ago revealed by the creators of the Vedas - the ancient Rus -mi. We talked about this highest art of spiritual self-realization in the ancient Russian Vedic tradition in detail in the book “Spiritual SK”, where we talk about the art of “comprehension of the Mother of God” or what in the East is called the “world Mother”, “Chit-Shakti” , “Universal Power-consciousness”, “holy Conscious Power”, “Shakti of Ishvara”, “Great mediator between the One and the manifested Multiple”, etc.

Considering the strictly scientific orientation of the DAY book, for now we will note only a strictly scientific phenomenon - the development of the Universe after the big bang did not go chaotically, but in an anthropological direction. This fact allows us to better understand the meaning of the ancient Russian Vedic tradition, which is not fully understood in the East, despite the more than respectful attitude of Indians towards our Vedas.


SK - exercise 64. Since ancient times, practitioners have developed the following complex of SK-auto-training for the development of the brain and synchronization of the work of the Unconscious, Consciousness and SK-Super-consciousness. Performing this SC complex will improve our ability to “listen” to the unconscious sensations of our body, that is, to perceive (realize) subthreshold and previously unperceived signals and information from our right-hemisphere unconscious intuition, which can communicate with us only in the specific language of the right brain - sensations, feelings , images, emotions, premonitions, dreams, fantasies, dreams, etc. This will expand our field of consciousness and become aware of what was previously unconscious and inaccessible to an ordinary person. Direct and feedback biological communication will be activated, the volume of information exchange between the SC-Super-consciousness, Consciousness and Intuition (Unconscious) will improve and increase.

When performing this exercise, you should keep your eyes open and say the command “eat” whenever the sensation you are looking for in the exercise program appears. It is advisable to train while standing, without slouching and keeping your back straight, without tension, while in the gym. This SC complex consists of several tasks, and it should take no more than 3-5 days to complete.

1. Our tactile sensations are, first of all, the sensations of our hands. With our hands we try the world by touch - soft or hard, warm or cold, heavy or light, rough or smooth, etc. This whole complex of sensations is determined mainly by our hands. However, the sensitivity of the hands, that is, the range of perceived sensations in an ordinary person, does not suit us. For further work, we need sensitivity an order of magnitude higher than what we currently have. Let's bring our nerve endings in our hands into an excited state, and to do this, rub them strongly and very actively against each other until a feeling of warmth appears.

Immediately press your palms together. With this we synchronized the sensations (heat, pressure, humidity, etc.) in both palms. Focus on the sensations between your palms. In this way, we synchronize the work in the brain centers responsible for the right and left palms. Moreover, the center in the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the right palm, and the center for the left palm is in the right. At this moment, a neural connection begins to work between the centers. We cannot determine which hand is warm and which is pressing, because the signals are absolutely synchronous. In the East there is one saying: where there is thought, there is qi ("energy"), where there is qi, there is blood. Let's enhance our sensations between our palms by focusing on them. By doing this, we strengthened the existing connection between our centers. Now, focusing on these sensations, with a little effort we will begin to open our palms.

What is happening at this moment? Against the background of enhanced neural connection, another signal is applied (spreading the palms) and a feeling of a kind of contraction between the hands arises. Thus, there is no physical contact between the hands, but the sensation “is”. Let us record these sensations with the command “is”. With correct and clear fixation, the sensations can only be stronger next time. Then we continue to spread our palms, concentrating on the sensation between them. When done correctly, there is a feeling of tightening.

Once again let’s record these sensations with the command “is.” At the same time, a directly opposite signal is superimposed on our sensations, which we hold with our attention between the two centers of the brain, and the hands begin to come closer. This gives the feeling of a kind of density, some kind of obstacle between the hands, the compression of a kind of spring. Let us record these sensations with the command “is.”

And now, to consolidate, you need to repeat this exercise 5-7 times: “bringing your palms together - spreading them out.”

What we have gained is not only an increase in the perceived range of sensations, but also the development of interneuron connections that serve to synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain. In this case, two areas responsible for the right and left palms were synchronized.

But let's remember that we have five fingers on each palm. This means that we can use our fingers to make sensations more local and develop a whole network of neural connections between our hemispheres.

To do this, we transfer the sensation from the palm (I recommend using a rotational movement to begin with), as if wrapping the sensation on the index finger of the right hand, while simultaneously bringing it closer to the open left hand - the “screen”. In this case, there is a sensation of an “energy ray” coming out of the index finger of the right hand and screwing it into the palm of the left hand. With an effort of will (wherever there is thought, there is “energy”) we will strengthen the “ray of energy” and tap it on the screen. Let's record the level of sensations with the command "is." Now we work on each finger, drawing a “ray” three times from the tip of the finger to the elbow bend and back from the inside and outside of the hand. Then we transfer the sensations to the next finger. So - on all five fingers of the right hand. Then we perform the same procedure with a ray from the fingers of the left hand. We fix the work of each finger with the command “eat”. To increase sensitivity, you can place dots with a ray, as if opening “channels” on the tip of each finger. This exercise is good for developing hand sensitivity (there has never been a single person in practice who, by the end of this exercise, would not have felt the movement of the “ray”).

In addition, it develops (strengthens) a whole network of interneuron connections in the right and left hemispheres, and also strengthens the potential of the right hemisphere of the brain, like any work with sensations.

If you wish, you can practice and use a “ray” to walk not only over your arms, but also over your legs, or even over your entire body (by the way, this method has proven itself very well in the treatment of cerebral palsy).

Everyone has probably heard more than once or twice that a person, in principle, like any other physical body, has a whole complex of all kinds of field structures. However, it is unlikely that any of us tried to sense these fields directly. Let's try this now.

Let's activate the palms. After this, extend your arms to their full length in front of you and turn your palms towards you. Using small, light, back-and-forth movements, begin to bring your palms closer to your body. At some distance from your body, you will feel the sensation of a dense shell surrounding you appearing in your palms.

If the shell of our “cocoon” is found correctly, then when you place your palms on it and lightly tap on the surface of the cocoon, adequate sensations should appear on the surface of the body at the place of projection of the laying on of hands. This exercise develops the external form of tactile sensations.

The next exercise, which also develops the external form of tactile sensations, is an exercise in measuring the parameters of field structures.

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Starting position: the person being tested stands at a distance of more than seven meters from the student.

The student rubs his hands until they become noticeably warm, raises his arm, bent at the elbow, with the palm facing the person being tested. Slightly swinging your hand back and forth, you gradually approach it until a background (humming, tingling, pressing) sensation of energy appears in your palm, and then the first dense boundary of the field. The field at the distance from the student’s palm should normally be 7 meters or more (for any height and age), dense, active, uniform, and of correct shape.

Starting position: the student stands in front or to the side of the subject on a raised platform or with his arm raised high above his head.

The technique for performing this exercise is carried out by the student in the same way as described above. Normally, the border of the biofield should be 60 cm or more.

The significance of the exercise: for most beginners, fields are two to three times smaller than normal in size and density. As you practice, the perceived limit gradually increases, which indicates a healing effect.

2. At home, after brushing your teeth, take a teaspoon and scrape the surface of your tongue from root to tip. Then you don’t even need to say anything, everything will become clear. And if you do this exercise before brushing your teeth, the effect will be even more striking, so strong will be the feeling of freshness in your mouth. After this, rinse your mouth with boiled water. Now try to determine what taste is in your mouth. Behind the right cheek? Zalevoy? Above, below? All this develops taste analyzers and activates their projection in the brain.

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3. Now try to create different taste sensations in your mouth. Imagine: you put a slice of lemon in your mouth. We consolidated the sensations with the command “eat”, and now the acid turns into bitterness. We reinforced the sensations again with the command “eat.” The bitterness goes away and there is a sweetish taste in the mouth. Imagine something sweet and mentally put a spoonful of sugar, syrup, honey in your mouth... Once again we reinforce the sensations with the command “eat”. After which we remove all sensations and imagine a pinch of salt on the tongue. Give yourself the feeling of a salty, salty brine. Capture the sensations. If you succeeded the first time, you can only be congratulated. All taste sensations are made up of a combination of these tastes.

Two words about safety. Let's not forget that we are working with the human brain and human consciousness. Therefore, constantly control yourself, record sensations with the command “eat” and, most importantly, develop a clear position of consciousness, when it is always the master of the situation, constantly monitors and controls the environment and the state of the body.

4. Let's start the lesson by forming an “energy ball”. We have already become convinced of the existence of a certain field shell around a person and have learned to sense it.

Today we will work with her. So we can, by folding our palms into shapes and connecting them to each other, create an “energy ball”. But it will disintegrate very quickly if you do not hold it with your consciousness. And if we create such a ball or even a large ball (it could be like a soccer ball, but working with such a large ball is not very convenient), and then spin the energy in a circle with our hands, then we will have a completely stable, separate, independent “energy” structure. It will retain its shape due to the active moving outer layer for quite a long time. So, we form an “energy ball” 20-25 centimeters in diameter, twist its outer layer and fix the exercise with the command “eat”.

Let's check the exercise. They placed the “ball” on the right palm and weighed both palms. There is no “ball” on the left palm, but there is one on the right palm. It's noticeably heavier. Let's record the execution of the exercise with the command "eat". Let’s transfer the “ball” to our left hand and weigh it again. Let us again record the level of our sensations. And so - 3-4 times. Place your right palm on top of the energy ball and lightly tap it with your finger. If you did everything correctly, you will experience sensations in your left palm. Let's do the same with the right hand.

The significance of this exercise is that it develops the sensitivity of the body, develops those connections between the right and left hemispheres that we developed in the process of previous exercises. We will move this “energy ball” throughout all areas of the body, thereby developing the brain structures that are responsible for these areas, and also when working with sensations, develop the potential of the right hemisphere.

After we have learned how to transfer a ball from one palm to another, let's try to roll it over the body. The main thing here is to feel the movement of sensations throughout the body. Order your ball from your right palm to move to your right elbow and use your left palm to help it roll. Check your feelings. There is no longer a sensation of the ball in the palms, there is no feeling of the ball in the left elbow either, but there is in the right! Record the level of sensation with the command “is”. Then, in a similar manner, command the ball to move to the right shoulder, then to the left, then to the left elbow, and then to the left palm.

Place the ball in your right palm again and record the entire exercise with the command “eat.” Repeat 5-7 times to secure, and then try to do it without using your hands. With good practice, you can change the speed and let the sensations flow in one continuous wave. Just remember: all movements are made clockwise. Record the level of sensations with the command “is”.

5. This exercise differs from the previous one in that after moving in a small circle, we do not transfer the “energy ball” from the left palm to the right, but let it down the left leg, then transfer it from toe to toe, lift it along the right leg to the knee and We take it into our right palm. When moving the “ball” along your legs, it is recommended to first rub the surface of your legs with your hands for a better feeling of movement.

6. To increase sensitivity, lightly rub the crown of the head, form an “energy ball” and place it on the head. Lightly tap the “ball” on the top of the head (if the “ball” does not reach the head, there is no sensation; if it is too pressed into the head, then a sensation of a circle on the head occurs). Then we begin to roll it along the midline, lowering it in the middle of the forehead onto the nose (the tip of the nose feels this “energy ball” very well: a little further or closer - and the sensitivity disappears). At this time, the tongue is pressed to the upper palate behind the teeth. We lower the “ball” over the lips to the chin. The neck feels the “ball” with the entire surface at once, since it touches it immediately along a large perimeter.

Then we lower the “ball” along the midline of the chest to the “solar plexus” and stop it for 30-40 seconds. During this time, a very strong sensation of warmth appears in the “solar plexus”. This is necessary to check the correctness of the exercise. Next, along the midline of the abdomen we lower the “ball” to the perineum. There it is impossible not to feel it in the inner thighs and lower abdomen. Then we push the “ball” into the tailbone and sit on it like on a real ball. Then lift it along the back of the buttocks to the level of the kidneys. Stop again for 40-50 seconds - at this moment the kidneys begin to warm up. Then rise to the point between the shoulder blades, and we meet our “ball” near the seventh cervical vertebra. Hot sensation in the neck. Leave the ball there and remove your hands. The sensations will remain. Completing the circle, we lift the “ball” along the back of the head to the top of the head. Repeat 5-7 times, fixing with the command “is”, achieving a clear feeling of the circulation of “energy”, but most importantly, a clear feeling of the “Energy” rising along the spine in the form of heat.

7. Students give themselves the command: “My body, become heavy,” and imagine how “energy” begins to pour into it, as if into an empty vessel. Legs, body, arms, head become heavy. As soon as such sensations arise, we fix them with the command “eat”.

The next command can be sounded without resetting the sensations of the previous exercise.

Students give themselves the command: “My body, become light,” and imagine how the heaviness disappears, a powerful flow of energy is felt from below, which almost lifts them from the surface (upward flow of energy). The heaviness of the internal organs disappears, the body is light as a feather, take a slow breath... and fix the sensation with the command “eat”.

This exercise activates the SC-1-Superconscious function. Let's reset the sensations. Similarly, give the commands “heat-cold”: “My body, become warm!” Then: “My body, become cold!”

"The right half of the body is hot, the left is cold." "The top is heavy, the bottom is light." Next, combine it yourself.

8. Starting position: the student sits straight, legs slightly apart at right angles, hands on knees.

Stage 1 (preparatory) - the exercise is performed with open eyes. The student and teacher (partners) work in pairs. Activate the coccyx area by rubbing it until warmth appears.

The student is in the starting position. The teacher stands next to him. One of his hands is located in front - a “screen”; with the other hand, with rotational movements of his palm, he activates the sensations of “energy” in the student’s tailbone area (Fig. 8) until new sensations appear (humming, waves, rotation of a clot of energy, a ball, heat, cold , tingling).

As soon as any sensations appear, the student says “there is”, and the teacher, using rotational movements of his palms, slowly moves the “energy” from the student’s tailbone along the spine to his head.

The “screen” hand rises up along with the working hand. We must constantly ask the student about what he feels and where (in what part of the back). As soon as a feeling of a surge of “energy” or heaviness arises in the head, the student must independently “splash out the energy through the eyes,” look into the distance for 30-60 seconds, allowing the energy to “flow out” freely. It is necessary to pay attention to the sensations in the eyes. At this stage, the feeling of the movement of “energy” is worked out.

Stage 2 is performed in the same way, but the student's eyes are closed. When the sensations of “energy” reach the head, the student should sharply open his eyes and feel the “flow of energy” splashing through them. Particular attention should be paid to the sharpness of the burst of “energy”, achieving its maximum density and strength.

3rd stage. The student independently creates a sensation of energy in the tailbone, while inhaling, moves it along the spine to the head, and when sensations of a surge of “energy” arise in the head, he, sharply opening his eyes as he exhales, makes a sharp release of “energy” through them to a point located at a distance 30-40 cm in front of the eyes. The “energy” must not only come out of the eyes, but also have such strength as to condense and increase the outer boundary of the “energy” cocoon.

The exercise can be performed in various positions: sitting, standing, lying down. It is necessary to try to bring its implementation to automaticity, while also developing the power of the surge. The student can independently control the quality of the splash by placing his palm in front of his eyes at the point of the splash. At the moment the “energy” is released, if performed correctly, a light clap will be felt in the palm of your hand.

This is perhaps the most important of all the exercises in this complex, which allows you to instantly restore a person’s energy. Exercise improves blood supply to the brain, strengthens blood vessels, making them more elastic and flexible, activates energy exchange in the eye analyzers, etc. In addition, an “energy burst” can be done through the crown of the head (strengthening the position of consciousness, increasing tone, relieving fatigue), as well as into the diseased organ. The exercise is performed in the same way. So, we make three splashes through the eyes and three splashes through the top of the head. At this moment, the eyes open through the top of the head or into the diseased organ in the same way, but before the surge it is necessary to mentally direct a surge of “energy”. We control the quality of the bursts with our hands, and fix the level of sensations with the command “yes”. For demonstration, you can make one splash into the stomach. You will immediately feel how it begins to fill with warmth.

The “energy burst” exercise simply cannot be done incorrectly, so it is extremely important to achieve precise execution.

9. There is a common phrase among doctors: “the eyes are a part of the brain brought out.” Let's learn how to work with it.

Alternately focus your gaze on the horizon for 2-3 seconds, blink quickly 3-5 times and move your gaze to the tip of your nose for 3-5 seconds. Blink again. Repeat 5-7 times.

The set of preparatory exercises to activate vision ends with eye movement around the perimeter of an imaginary large rectangle, 5-7 times alternately in one direction and the other. After passing the perimeter, each time you need to blink 3-5 times in a row.

Let's activate our hands. Place your open palms in front of your eyes - and on your palms you will certainly feel warm “rays of energy” pressing out of your eyes. Secure the sensations with the command “eat.” Contact the “rays” with your hands and try to wrap your fingers around them so that your fingers also experience similar sensations. Begin to lightly squeeze the “rays” with your fingers. If the exercise is performed correctly, then with good sensitivity you will feel a tingling, tingling sensation in the eye area, and your eyes may begin to water. After contact has been established, firmly grasp the “rays of energy” with your fingers and, while inhaling, begin to pull them out of your eyes. The speed should be such as not to disrupt the sensation of “energy” of the fingers and at the same time not to delay the release of “energy” from the eyes, but to maximize it. Having stretched out the “rays,” we straighten our palms, making them into kind of reflective screens, and as we exhale, return them and push the “energy rays” back into the eyes (Fig. 9).

An indicator of correct execution here is also the appearance of a slight pain or tingling in the eyes, up to lacrimation (especially in the presence of pathology).

When finishing the exercise, press your palms to your eyes for a second to remove all possible negative sensations.

Immediately after “pumping the eyes,” perform another exercise called “pumping the eyes and visual hillocks.”

We activate our hands and at the same time create an “energy cord” between them (Fig. 10). If the sensations are strong enough, then when one hand moves, the other automatically, as it were, pulls up behind it, rigidly connected by an energy cord.

We activate the right visual tubercle and place the center of the right palm on it. Place your left hand in front of your left eye. Then we send a “ray” from the right palm through the right visual tubercle and the left eye into the left palm. Simultaneously with inhalation, we pull the “energy cord” forward through the eye with our left palm, then, as we exhale, we pull the “cord” back with our right palm. The left palm automatically approaches the left eye. We repeat the exercise 7-10 times. Attention should be focused on maintaining the feeling of an “energy cord” between the hands. Then there may be sensations of vibration in the area of ​​the visual thalamus, movements inside the head and tingling or slight pain in the left eye.

We perform the exercise in the same way, pumping the “energy cord” through the right eye and the left visual thalamus. These exercises can be performed in a teacher-student pair. In this case, the sensations arise much stronger. In addition, with this exercise you can help your loved ones to normalize their vision, being in the position of the Teacher, since this develops the vascular, muscular and energy systems of the eyes.

Here is an example of performing this exercise in a teacher-student pair.

Starting position: the student is sitting, back straight, legs slightly apart. The teacher places one of his hands at the level of the student’s left eye, the other at the level of his right visual tubercle at a distance of 15-20 cm from the head.

Method of execution: the student closes his left eye with the palm of one hand. The teacher, placing the palm of his hand at a distance of 15-20 cm from the student’s right eye, creates contact with the outgoing “energy flow” with rotational movements. While inhaling, he smoothly moves his hand forward from the eye, as if drawing a flow of “energy” through the eye. Then, while exhaling, the teacher “pushes” the “energy” while simultaneously bringing his palm to the student’s eye. The student at this moment tries to maximize the ongoing process. When performing the exercise correctly, a tingling or tingling sensation occurs in the eyes. Subsequently, after the energy exchange of the eyes has been developed, these negative sensations disappear. It is recommended to perform the exercise for 2-5 minutes, 2-3 times a day, gradually increasing the load.

The exercise is aimed at developing the vascular, muscular and energy systems of the visual analyzers. Helps restore vision. Exercise "Pumping the head."

Activation and harmonization of the energy structure of the brain.

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10. Starting position: the student sits, back straight, legs at right angles, slightly apart, hands on knees.

Method of execution: it is recommended to perform the exercise in pairs. At the student's eye level, at a distance of 70-80 cm, attach a sheet of paper to the wall, in the center of which there is a black dot with a diameter of 4-5 mm. The teacher stands to the side of the student or behind him. The teacher sends a "stream of energy" from one hand to the other, directing it through certain parts of the head. The student concentrates his attention on the point, listens to his sensations in the head and throughout the body. Based on changes in the image of the point and sensations, the state of the brain systems is diagnosed.

Position No. 1. Place the palm of your left hand on the frontal part, the palm of your right hand on the back of the head and create an “energy cord” between your hands. We move our left hand, pulling the “energy cord” over the head. Then the left hand sends out a “flow of energy”, and the right palm receives it and pulls the “energy cord” in the opposite direction (Fig. 11). Repeat 5-10 times. Finish the exercise by placing both hands on your head to relieve negative sensations.

Position No. 2. Change the position of the hands: the palm of the left hand is located on the parietal part, and the right hand is located on the occipital part of the head. “Pumping” the head with a “flow of energy” is carried out in a similar way as position No. 1, but the “energy cord” runs in an arc through the center of the head (Fig. 12).

Position No. 3. Diagonal “pumping of the head with a flow of energy” is performed from the left occipital protuberance to the right temple (7-10 times).

Then there is a change of hands from the right occipital protuberance to the left temple (Fig. 13).

The exercise is repeated 7-10 times.

Position No. 4. Place the palms of your right and left hands parallel to each other on the occipital-parietal part of the head. “Pumping the head with a flow of energy” is carried out in a similar way, only the energy flows in an arc through the center of the head (Fig. 14).

Position No. 5. Place the right palm on the parietal area of ​​the head and mentally direct the “flow of energy” vertically down and up from the head to the feet and back, simultaneously helping with the movement of the hand (Fig. 15).

In each position, the number of repetitions should be from 5 to 10 times, depending on the strength of the “energy flow” and the reaction to the sensations in the student’s head. After 3-4 sessions, the number of movements in the exercise can be increased. You can work with a student until a slight headache occurs, which is a sign of an acceptable load during the development of energy metabolism in the brain. After a few sessions, all discomfort should disappear.

Position No. 6. The teacher stands behind the student. With exciting movements of the hands in the area of ​​the thymus gland, he moves “bioenergy” back to the 7th cervical vertebra and through the student’s head - forward and down.

Repeat the exercise 5-7 times. Then, with circular movements of one palm clockwise, the teacher harmonizes the field above his head, making 2-3 circles, slowly lowers his hand down in front, closing the sensations by touching the student’s hand. Thus, he fulfills the principle of the flow of the external into the internal. He makes the same movements in front of the student’s eyes to remove and align all distortions in the external “energy” field and the brain.

First of all, this exercise serves to enhance energy exchange directly in the head and spinal cord. When performing the exercise, you may experience slight heaviness and mild pain in the head, which indicates undeveloped blood vessels in the brain. In this case, the exercise should be carried out using the contact method, placing hands on the student’s head. In the process of performing the exercise, the metabolic functions of the body are improved, interhemispheric connections are strengthened, the areas of the brain, its cortical and subcortical structures, the energy and vascular systems of the right and left hemispheres, the homeostatic mechanism, which should keep the dynamic system of energy-information exchange and the circulatory system of the brain in balance, develop. brain

Thus, we have studied a set of exercises to normalize vision. To do this, it is enough to perform them 2-3 times a day for 5-7 minutes. In addition to normalizing vision, the energy potentials of the right and left hemispheres of the brain are equalized.

11. An example of performing an exercise in a tantric pair (Fig. 18).

Starting position: the teacher and student stand facing each other at a distance of 50 cm. Their hands are located at shoulder level, palms forward, bent at the elbows. Method of execution: rub the palms of your hands, smoothly swinging them back and forth, making contact with the “energy”. Having captured the sensations with his hands, the student moves away to a distance of 5-7 meters. After this, it works as a “receiver” of sensations. The teacher makes smooth movements with his hands back and forth at chest level and, with an exhalation, sends an “energy flow” from his palms into the palms of the student, and with an inhalation receives the reflected signal. The exercise is performed alternately with the right and left hands, then with both hands together.

A pulling sensation often occurs inside the bones of the arms and legs, which is why in the East such an exercise is called “energy breathing with the bones.”

Exercise "dry Tibetan massage".

12. Starting position: the student stands, feet shoulder-width apart, slightly crouching.

Breathing: As you inhale, the tip of your tongue rests on the roof of your mouth.

Method of execution: rub one hand with vigorous movements from the shoulder to the fingertips with the palm of the other hand along the outer surface, then from the fingertips to the shoulder along the inner surface until noticeable heat is obtained. In a similar way, you need to rub the other hand, then in the same way alternately rub the outer and inner sides of the legs, the area of ​​​​the tailbone and abdomen, as well as the “collar area”.

Having captured the sensations of the “energy” of the area of ​​the 7th vertebra while inhaling, with one hand you need to pull out and move the “energy” along the outside of the hand to the fingertips (Fig. 19).

As you exhale, move the “energy”, as if pressing inward, moving from the fingertips up along the inside of the arm. The movements must be repeated 5-10 times. You should work in the same way with the other hand. The speed of movement is determined by the speed at which sensations move through the body.

As you inhale, capturing the feeling of “energy” in the area of ​​the 7th cervical vertebra, we pull out the “energy” from the tailbone through the entire spine and move it up through the head, and as you exhale, we press it into the groin area. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

Having captured the feeling of “energy” in the tailbone area (as you inhale), slowly “pull the energy” with both hands down to the foot. As you exhale, the “energy” should be pressed into the inner side of the leg, moving your hands up to the groin area. The movements should be repeated 5-10 times (Fig. 20).

In the same way, you should carry out a set of movements and sensations on the other leg.

Having massaged the tailbone area with both hands, while inhaling, capture the feeling of “energy” and, as it were, collect it into two bowls. Then, using pushing movements, raise your hands to the lower back and make a sharp exhalation and push with your hands, as if “pressing energy” inward into the groin area. The exercise should be repeated 5-10 times.

The exercise ends with the student forming a figure (face, waist, etc.) from the accumulated tulle, compacting the field in the appropriate places with clapping movements of the palms.

In general, it is recommended to perform the “dry Tibetan massage” exercise for 5-10 minutes, constantly increasing the total time of its implementation. It is recommended to perform the exercise slowly, listening to the sensations of “energy” moving through the body.

The most important thing: the student should try to feel the movements of the “energy” with which he works, both in the palms and throughout the body. It is also necessary to ensure that these sensations are not interrupted; it is recommended to work on areas that are not sensitive enough with additional “energy”. The student’s task is to evoke a feeling of “energy flowing down” along the outside of the hand and, as it were, “flowing” along the inner surface of the hand.

The meaning of the exercise: increases blood circulation, develops the respiratory system, strengthening the movement of “energy” along the ring of immortality (in a small space orbit).