The child does not remember anything, what should I do? An excellent method to solve this problem. Problem to be solved: types of problems

Most parents are painfully familiar with the situation. The child taught, tried, studied, and in the diary - three. You ask: "Why?" And in response: “I forgot everything...”. What’s the matter, because someone read it once and immediately remembered it.

It turns out there is a very simple explanation for this. U New Zealand teacher Neil Fleming in 1987 he came up with a system for determining the types of students Vark, based on the characteristics of their perception of information.

How to determine the type of student?

On the official website of the Vark system, you can even take a test to find out what type of student your child is (auditory, visual or kinesthetic). True, this test is for English language. And if you don't own it on the right level, then just pay attention to how your child makes decisions, searches for information and chooses something.

For example, he really wants a hoverboard and has already “buzzed your ears” with this topic :) Ask where he learned about it and why he wants it. So, if a child spent a long time watching various videos with tricks on hoverboards, watching others ride - this is more of a visual thing. If he immediately answered that he has already asked friends to ride several times and describes his feelings in detail, then he is most likely a kinesthetic person. And if he began his story with the fact that everyone at school is talking about this thing, then he is probably an auditory learner. This is very conditional example, but of course you get the point.

A visual child. As is clear from the definition, visual children remember better what they see. This means that any information that has at least some visual components is stored in their memory faster. These components: pictures, photos, graphs, diagrams, text colors, videos, etc. It is easier for them to communicate with teachers who not only use all these components when explaining the material, but also if the teacher himself is charismatic, gestures a lot, and makes intonation accents during the lecture.

How to help a visual child learn easily and pleasantly:

Provide the student with everything that will allow him to take colorful notes: notepads, stickers different color and forms, paper clips, pencils, markers, bookmarks, etc.
- buy or make your own catalogs for storing information on cards (study cards with association drawings - The best way learning something for your child).
-allow him to cover the walls of the room with educational posters and files. This works great for memorization. new vocabulary when learning foreign languages.
-show your child interactive online resources and games for studying

When choosing a tutor for your child, give preference to someone who uses slides, vivid examples and in general, he conducts lessons in a lively and interesting manner.

The child is an auditory learner. For these children, unlike all the others, everything that flies into one ear does not fly out of the other, but lingers in the head, is thoroughly processed and issued in a stream of conclusions and hypotheses. They are diligent and attentive, they love to listen and talk. It is easier for auditory learners to study in small groups when the teacher can devote enough time to each student. Truth is born in discussion, which is why auditory learners can be very persistent and even a little annoying: when they come home from school, they tell in detail what happened to their parents, or when they sit down to do homework, fall on the phone with a classmate, discussing the solution to a problem in the process of solving it.

How to help your auditory child learn easily and pleasantly:

Create a calm atmosphere for your child to study, try not to scold him if you hear that he keeps saying the same thing out loud for an hour or is watching some kind of educational video at full volume;
- ask your child to explain to you out loud what he has understood or learned (not forcefully, but because of your sincere curiosity:)
- buy your child the easiest-to-use player with a voice recording function, it will be useful not only at school, but also at university;

When choosing tutors, look for one who likes to have an active conversation with the child, challenge him to dialogue, this will give best effect in the lessons.

The child is a kinesthetic learner. Kinesthetic children are sure that they need to act, otherwise it is unknown whether it will work out or not. Therefore, they constantly test the strength of themselves, the world and the patience of their parents. They like stories from life and easily remember them, and are actively collecting wherever they go (shells, pebbles, bugs, etc.). Kinesthetic children love to be in nature, go to museums and exhibitions. For such children, in order to understand the structure of a toad, it is better to see it in cross-section in formaldehyde, and to understand the structure solar system they will be helped illustrative examples on cardboard balls in a self-made model. Also, the experience that their parents or parents already had is very important to them. fun facts from life, with which the teacher dilutes boring lectures.

How to help a kinesthetic child learn easily and pleasantly:

Buy your child good, voluminous and illustrated encyclopedias, explanatory dictionaries and books like “100 Most interesting facts about the Martians."
-download for your child documentaries, give access to educational television programs
- go to all sorts of interesting exhibitions together

Take a class in robotics or something similar. Such people make excellent engineers.

Of course, you may catch yourself thinking that the child behaves in such a way that each of these types can be attributed to him. And this is normal, because you can’t say that if you show an auditory picture a picture, he will immediately forget it. It’s just that some type of perception will prevail, so try to notice what works better for your child and academic results will not keep you waiting!, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

As you understand, the topic of this article will be devoted to finding effective ways to help solve the problem. Many people simply immerse themselves in the problem, making it even bigger. It's something like a sore. Imagine that you have a sore on your arm that does not heal because you scratch it. In addition, it not only does not heal, but becomes even larger. And some people, without having problems, invent them. You can read about this in the article - It is described in detail there.

How to solve a problem?

You know what Laura Silva says: “Either solve your problems or stop whining.”. So the first step to solving a problem is to renounce the problem. That is, you don’t dive into it headlong, don’t ask questions: “Well, why did this happen to me?”, “How can I solve this problem?”, “Why do I always... why do I?” and so on. Instead, you begin to view the problem not as your own, but as someone else’s. You've probably noticed how skillfully we solve other people's problems. They are not ours, they don’t hurt us, they don’t evoke bad emotions, you remain cool and sober, which means problem solving comes to you very quickly and in several options.

Many people think that only they have problems, and others do not. The fact is that our whole life consists of choices, decisions and, of course,... You can't hide from them anywhere. It's just that some have more of them, while others have less. It also depends on the person, on his view. After all, what some consider problems, others think are problems. Luck because now you can do such and such. As the saying goes: . So second step to solving problems will become A New Look to these problems.

Let's look at an example. For example, someone was fired from their job. What do most people do? At first they are indignant, swear, insist that they were treated unfairly, lash out at loved ones, and bite their nails. This normal reaction. In my opinion, this needs to be done. But what happens next? Time passes, and the person, instead of solving his problem with unemployment, begins to lie on the couch with a beer in front of the TV and mentally resent that he was treated poorly. This is the same sore that does not heal because he scratches it. Then the problem really becomes a problem.

What does the minority do? They analyze what happened with cool head, then ask themselves the question: "What can I do to solve this problem", “How can I solve the problem in the best way for me?”. Then they search for options and what happens is they find new job, which in many ways better than that one, from whom they were fired, or they open their own business and start working for themselves. And when you work for yourself, no one can fire you. In short, in this way people find new opportunities that they had not seen before. For them, the black streak really becomes a takeoff. And all because they think about solving problems, and do not delve into what happened.

So if something happens to you, first calm down, and then, with a cool head, start asking yourself moving questions: "How to solve a problem?", “What do I need to fix the situation?”, “What can I do now to get out of this impasse?”. As I said, the answer will definitely come to you. By the way, here is an article for you - It talks about how failure becomes success.

So, we got acquainted with the first two methods, namely: detachment from the problem and asking ourselves advancing questions. They're boring as hell, so now let's move on to the heavy artillery.

How to solve a problem?

So, as you understand, to solve problems, you first need to calm down emotionally. But how to do this, because emotions simply overflow? This is where they will help us!!! I am not kidding. It is at the alpha level that all problems are solved, restrictions are lifted, and all diseases are cured. If you don’t believe me, you can read the article -. There Laura talks about how meditation effectively helps solve problems. I strongly recommend you read it. Get a lot of impressions.

So!!! The first thing you should do is sit yourself down on the sofa. This is not so easy to do, because thoughts about the problem are simply teeming in your head. So this is the most difficult step. Here I advise you two options: the first is to wait until the emotions subside (then it will be easier for you to sit on the sofa), the second is to take a warm bath and lie down there. For some reason, we always get into a warm bath willingly. It is the second method that I offer you. Just in the bath or under the shower you can relax as much as possible. And it is at this moment that non-standard ideas for solving problems may come to you. As Einstein said: "Why is everyone the most good ideas come to me while showering?”. Just don’t take it literally, otherwise it turns out really funny!!!

So, you managed to relax, however, to solve the problem you should stay at the alpha level for as long as possible. The solution to the problem does not come immediately (although anything can happen). Therefore, I recommend that you download a special sound that contains alpha tempo rhythms. You can download it by going to the article -. Also, I recommend that you visit the pages - and. All this will help you relax as much as possible. If you do this, then consider that you have solved your problem.

The following powerful problem solving method that I will give you will definitely help you solve the problem. Only a few know about it, and you are lucky that you are on this page. In combination with the above tips, there will not be a single problem that you cannot solve. This method is called -. I already wrote about it, you can read it. This method takes a lot of time, and its effectiveness cannot be overestimated. You just take an A4 sheet of paper, write a question at the top of the sheet: “How can I solve the problem associated with...” and write down all the thoughts that pop into your head. I don't care what you write there. You can write absolute nonsense. The main thing is to answer the question and write without stopping.

This method helps to disable logical thinking, increases focus many times, connects. The main thing here is to write and write without stopping. The solution may emerge in five hours, or even longer. The main thing is not to give up!!! Thus, you will find solutions to any problems, any difficulties.

Finally, I want to tell you that it will be better if you "problem" replace with a word "situation". Word "problem" very poorly perceived on a subconscious level, causes black colors, discomfort. Here's the word "situation" is perceived much more pleasantly than a word "problem". Such a replacement will also help you solve problems in the best possible way.


  1. Changing the word "problem" on word "situation".
  2. We renounce the problem (we perceive it as not ours).
  3. Relax as much as possible (go to alpha level).
  4. We take a piece of paper and ask a question "How to solve a problem?", A “How to solve the situation?” and write everything that comes to mind.

Well, good luck to you in solving problems..., situations.

how to solve a problem, problem solving


Whatever is bothering you: the choice of a new gadget, a relationship with a partner, or the excessive demands of a new boss, you have four ways to get rid of this feeling:

  • change yourself and your behavior;
  • change the situation;
  • get out of the situation;
  • change your attitude towards the situation.

Undoubtedly, there is another option to leave everything as it is, but this is definitely not about solving the problem.

That's it, the list is over. No matter how hard you try, you can’t come up with anything more. And if you want to think about what to do, then I suggest you take the following steps.

Algorithm of actions

1. State the problem in the first person

The problems “The world has not yet created the gadget that I need,” “He doesn’t care about me,” and “The boss is a beast, demands the impossible” are insoluble. But the problems “I can’t find a gadget that meets my criteria”, “I feel unhappy because my partner doesn’t care about me” and “I can’t do what my boss asks of me” are quite workable.

2. Analyze your problem

Start from four ways solutions presented above:

You may find that you would like to combine several of these, such as changing your attitude towards a situation and then changing your behavior. Or maybe you will first consider several methods to choose from. This is fine.

4. Having chosen one, two or even three ways, brainstorm

Take a piece of paper and a pen. For each method, write as many possible solutions to the problem as possible. At this stage, throw away all filters (“indecent”, “impossible”, “ugly”, “shameful” and others) and write down everything that comes to mind.

For example:

Change yourself and your behavior
I can't find a gadget that matches my criteria I feel unhappy because my partner doesn't care about me I can't do what my boss wants me to do
  • Change criteria.
  • Take a time out from your search.
  • Write to the developers
  • Ask to show concern.
  • Tell me how I would like him to show care.
  • Give thanks when you care
  • Learn to do it.
  • Explain why I can't do this.
  • Ask someone to do it

For inspiration:

  • Imagine a person whom you respect and who could definitely help you. What solutions to the problem would he suggest?
  • Ask friends and acquaintances for help: brainstorm It's more fun with company.

Choose the one that is most suitable for you in this situation.

6. Answer yourself the following questions

  • What do I need to do to make this decision a reality?
  • What could be stopping me and how can I overcome it?
  • Who can help me do this?
  • What will I do in the next three days to start solving my problem?

7. Take action!

Without real action All this thinking and analysis is a waste of time. You will definitely succeed! And remember:

A hopeless situation is a situation in which you don't like the obvious way out.

As soon as a child begins to understand himself and the surrounding reality, he also understands that everything in the world is not so simple. It’s not always possible to get to eat what and when you want; if you fall, your knee hurts, and mom and dad can scold you for wrongdoing. These are all problems that become more and more serious with age. Agree, what you were worried about in adolescence, seems frivolous by the age of twenty, and you would gladly exchange with your twenty-year-old self at forty.

Over time, however, it seems that you can cope with any situation. It turns out that there is any problem that can be solved? Yes, but sometimes, when faced with a difficult situation, it is not easy to find a way out. In this post we will tell you how to effectively cope with difficult life circumstances, so that later you can proudly say: " This problem decided!"

What is the problem?

Any situation that makes us feel uncomfortable is called a problem. Not all problems are created equal. If you break a nail or tear your tights before an important business meeting, this is one kind of trouble, which is quite simple to deal with. If life deprives a person of work or shelter over his head, this is a difficulty of a completely different nature. The problem to be solved is any, but to avoid confusion, it is customary to divide problems by type.

Types of problems

Problems can be shared into objective and subjective. The objective ones are those life circumstances, which seriously interfere with the life of the individual. For example, a person loses loved ones, a source of income, or gets sick.

Subjective problems- these are situations that may not be visible or understandable to others, but for the life of an individual they pose a threat no less than objective ones. For example, these are quarrels with loved ones or relatives, misunderstandings with colleagues, phobias, complexes. Very often, subjective problems are associated with some personal fears. In some ways, subjective problems are more dangerous for a person than objective ones. After all, you can cheat yourself without having any real reason for it.

Another classification of problems: external and internal.

External problems are those that a person associates with outside world. “Dogs often bite me,” “My boss doesn’t like me, he always yells at me and burdens me with tasks,” “I have problems communicating with the opposite sex.” These are real problems coming to a person from the outside world.

Internal are associated with emotional experiences. “I’m afraid to talk to girls,” “I’m afraid of dogs,” “I can’t stand being alone with my boss, I feel uncomfortable with him.” This type of problem is more subjective; it is based on feelings, intuition, and perception of the world.

Step one - take it easy

No man is dealt with more than he can bear. Remember the darkest days of your life, when it seemed that you simply would not survive this. And what? Time has passed, and you remember the situation, if not with a smile, then in any case you simply survived the problem and continue to live. Based on the knowledge that you can survive anything and even feel quite happy in the future, take it for granted that you should not immediately treat the problem as the end of the world.

A solvable problem is one that you initially treat simply, not one that is easy to solve. Don’t stress yourself out, don’t cry over what has already happened. Accept what happened, mentally move to the future, where everything is already good, and then the situation will not seem catastrophic to you.

Don't keep it to yourself

Probably, hardly anyone is delighted with the fact that it is used as a vest. But that’s why you need close and dear people, right? If you are in trouble, there is no shame in approaching a friend or to a loved one and say: “Help solve the problem!” This is exactly the case when two heads figure out what to do faster than one. difficult situation. In addition, by telling a third party about your problem, you organize the situation for yourself and look at it more soberly.

Don't bring work home and personal life to work

If you want to be a successful person, organize your life competently, it makes sense to differentiate between work and family life. So, if you have quarrels in your family, are approaching a breakup with a loved one, or find out about betrayal, it is very difficult to remain calm and balanced at work. Meanwhile, you will have to if you do not want to gain fame as a hysterical person.

The reverse is also true. Conflicts with colleagues, problems in relationships with your boss, or work not going well? This is all very unpleasant, but taking out your anger and fear on your loved ones is wrong. Remember that the problem is worth sharing - calmly explain the situation to your dear people. Perhaps, from the outside, your circumstance will not seem difficult or insoluble, and you will not only ease the burden, but also receive useful advice. Remember that the problem to be solved is any problem, no matter what it is connected with, but it can only be resolved if you try to do it.

Not all at once

Some people manage to organize their lives very easily, and it seems that problems for such people do not arise at all, and if they do arise, they somehow quickly disappear. In fact, it is a mistaken belief that others are doing well and only I am unlucky. Difficulties arise for everyone, and sometimes they come one after another. But there is one caveat. If you have bad luck (and it happens, there is no escape from it), do not try to resolve all the circumstances at once, in one fell swoop.

People, problem solvers easily and quickly, do it gradually. It is impossible to cope with an array of complexities at once, just as it is impossible to complete several diverse tasks at the same time. The result of trying to cover everything at once is that you don't have a single problem. Decide for yourself what is more serious and urgent and what can wait, and act in a planned order.

Don't let stress get the better of you

Problems cannot leave even the most self-possessed person indifferent, and as a result you may face stress. As a result, sleep and appetite disturbances, apathy, reluctance to do anything at all, loss of interest in life. Stress is serious nervous breakdown, which affects not only the psycho-emotional state, but also the physiology of the body. This is fraught with illness and the feeling that you are already ill at the level of the body.

To prevent stress from taking over you, unwind. It's very difficult to relax when you have a problem or even several, but if you don't relax, you can get seriously ill. It is best to spend time in the company of close people with whom you should not talk about your difficulties. On the contrary, take a break and imagine that nothing is burdening your life. If you feel uncomfortable in company, you can go to a concert or exhibition, attend a film premiere, rent a hotel room and spend time in a new comfortable place.

What's next

This too will pass

If you still can't get the problem out of your head, then remember King Solomon's ring. Imagine how many difficult and confusing situations a king can have! Meanwhile, he was known among the people as a wise and balanced ruler. Perhaps his ring helped him look at life correctly. There was an engraving on the inside of it "This too shall pass". This is what happens in life - philosophical view on the frailty and fragility of everything that exists solves many problems.

Orthodox clergy about the crisis in Russian education...

On August 28 in Moscow on Pushkinskaya Square an action was held in support of quality free education in Russia. The organizers of the rally were the Revival movement. Golden Age”, All-Russian Education Foundation and representatives of the teaching community. The rally participants said that Andrei Fursenko’s reforms were harmful domestic system education and demanded the minister's immediate resignation.

As the publication notes, in last years Russia has lost its leading position in the quality of education in the UNESCO ranking. Now, according to this indicator, our country is in 54th position. Teaching Staff rapidly aging: in the 1980s average age teacher age was 35 years, at the turn of the 2000s - 50 years. Design Center Director school systems HSE Anatoly Kasprzhak reported that by the age of 15, 30% of schoolchildren cannot read: “They pronounce the signs, but they do not understand what is behind them.” He also noted that education has ceased to be a “social elevator.” Since in our time neither a diploma nor the knowledge acquired provides either a standard of living or social status, they are valued less and less.

In this regard, the publication's correspondent asked Orthodox clergy to reflect on what should be done first of all to overcome the crisis in the field of education.

The education crisis is systemic nature, believes Chief Editor magazine "Heir" Archpriest Maxim Pervozvansky. “This is due to the lack of understanding of where our country should go. Not yet common system state building, changes in the field of education - and not only - will continue,” he said. “Another reason is the irrational investment of money in the development of transformations. For example, on an incomprehensible reform and adoption Unified State Examination means are located,” the priest added. “The prestige of the school is also falling due to the low salaries of teachers. Who is currently entering pedagogical institute? Those who could not go anywhere else. There are fewer and fewer enthusiasts who really go there out of vocation; they are just a few,” the shepherd believes. “It should be so that teachers go the best people who would not waste their time and effort on huge loads, taking 2-3 bets. The salary should be at least five times higher than the current one. And all these problems are completely solvable if you approach them thoughtfully and carefully,” concluded Father Maxim.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko, rector of the Church of the All-Merciful Savior of the former Sorrow Monastery on Novoslobodskaya, also finds the current state of education in Russia very deplorable. “I support the people who came to the rally. Education is our national asset. This is one of the matters of utmost importance. Education cannot be approached with the criterion of “more numbers, cheaper prices.” By investing money in the acquisition of foreign technologies, we actually acquire the achievements of yesterday, and by developing high-quality accessible education, we will get the achievements of tomorrow,” he said. “For several decades, our education system has rightfully been considered one of the best in the world. In all spheres of culture and science, our achievements were significant and indisputable. The government must make every effort to preserve and increase this wealth. We all need to look for ways out of this systemic crisis together. This crisis is already too deep and extensive. Getting out of it is a task of national importance,” he concluded.

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov, rector of the Moscow State University home church, noted that in high school things are not going better than in secondary school. “The state of higher education can only be described as a crisis. This is largely due to the abundance of pseudo-universities and pseudo-universities, the abundance of far-fetched and unnecessary specialties. All this needs to be sharply reduced,” he said. “Higher education seems to most schoolchildren as a natural continuation of secondary education. But no more than 20% of graduates are objectively capable of obtaining a serious higher education high school. Falsification occurs. To raise the level higher education it is necessary to expel all incompetent students based on the results of the first session or first year of study, but in our country they cannot even imagine this,” stated the archpriest. " Unified State Exam system fundamentally flawed. Already only in force federal structure and lack of proper control positive result will not be achieved,” he added.

Hieromonk Tikhon (Zimin), a teacher at MDAiS, sees in the education crisis the consequences of blindly copying Western models. “The problems in our education are connected, in my opinion, with the fact that reformers are guided by Western standards, abandoning our own, quite successful, traditions of education. And so children stop reading, thinking analytically and delving into the essence of problems, but want to skim over the top. Everywhere there is a message that children are overloaded and that programs need to be cut. As a result, we get poorly educated people who are not capable of comprehending the situation, but are only able to consume and consume,” he said. “This is one of the most important strategic problems. Of course, provide free education High Quality The state is unable to provide for all children. But it should at least provide for the possibility of it being received by capable children. Unfortunately, there is no such program. The one that exists is designed for a general medium-low level, and poor families cannot afford a good but paid education. So it turns out that a good education inaccessible to capable but poor children, but accessible to incapable but rich children,” the shepherd noted. “Of course, the system of free state education, based on the best domestic and foreign samples, must exist. But for now, unfortunately, the good that remains is being destroyed. If the state does not solve this problem, we will be left without a future,” Father Tikhon concluded sadly.