Why did the people call Prince Oleg prophetic? Why was Oleg “Prophetic”? He won because he was prophetic

Story - most interesting science, which stores information about the life of mankind, legendary events and personalities who influenced the course of historical events on the ground. This knowledge is especially important now, when negative events are occurring in countries such as former Yugoslavia or today's Ukraine. But even the Prophetic Oleg appointed Kyiv “the mother of Russian cities”! Today, not everyone knows why Oleg was nicknamed the Prophetic. Maybe he was a fortune teller?

"The Tale of Bygone Years"

Oleg's personality appeared in the chronicles of historians when events related to his death were described Prince of Novgorod Rurik. Dying, Rurik gave him custody of his young son Igor. In 879, both Novgorod and his son Igor became the care of Oleg, whom historians consider a relative of Rurik's wife.

Modern researchers They insist that Oleg was just a talented warrior who became a governor and a close associate of the Novgorod prince. Whoever Oleg was, he became the regent under Igor, the prince of Novgorod and Kyiv, the person in power during the creation united Rus'. The chronicler Nestor in his “Tale...” describes the activities of the prince and points out why Oleg the Prophet.

Hike to Kyiv

Having become regent and prince of Novgorod, Oleg three years later decided to expand the territory of the principality and went on a campaign against Smolensk. Having gathered a huge army, in 882 he marched south and captured this city. Smolensk was followed by Lyubech. In these cities he placed his governors with a sufficient number of soldiers and moved further along the Dnieper. Kyiv stood in his way. At this time the board principality of Kyiv carried out by Askold and Dir.

Prince Oleg had the dignity of an experienced military strategist and cunning smart person. Once at the Kyiv Mountains, he hid his squad and showed up only with Igor in his arms. Having convinced Askold and Dir that this was a courtesy visit on the way to the Greeks, he lured them out of the city. The soldiers dealt with the rulers, and Prince Oleg took possession of Kiev.

Why - Prophetic? They began to call him by this name only after Byzantine campaign, in 907. In the meantime, he became the Prince of Kyiv and declared this city “the mother of Russian cities.” Since then, Oleg has pursued a policy of unifying the Slavs, expanding the boundaries of the lands, and freeing them from tribute, which was paid to the nomadic tribes.

Trip to Byzantium

If you turn to explanatory dictionary, then we can be convinced that the name Prophetic means not only “fortuneteller”, but also “prudent person”. This is what Prince Oleg was like. It was during the campaign against Byzantium in 907 that Prophetic Oleg showed his ingenuity. Having conceived a campaign, he gathered a huge army, not only on horses, but also on ships. These were all sorts of peoples: the Varangians, the Chuds, the Krivichi, the Slovenes, and many others, whom the Greeks called “Great Scythia.” Prince Igor remained to rule Kiev, and Oleg went on a campaign. It is after the hike that it becomes clear why Oleg was nicknamed “The Prophetic”. The desire to expand Russian borders and establish trade relations with other countries pushed Oleg on a campaign against Byzantium, where he went in 907.


Arriving at Constantinople (Constantinople) with an army and ships, of which there were two thousand, Oleg landed on the shore. This had to be done because the city from the sea was protected by chains that closed the Golden Horn Bay, and ships could not overcome them. Having gone ashore, Prince Oleg began to fight around Constantinople: he killed many people, set fire to houses and churches, and did a lot of evil. But the city did not give up.

And then Oleg came up with a trick: he ordered his ships to be put on wheels. When a fair wind blew, the sails were opened and the ships headed towards Constantinople. The Greeks realized that it was time to send ambassadors and negotiate tribute. They promised to give Oleg everything he wanted. They brought him various dishes and wine, which the prince did not accept, fearing that it was all poisoned - and he was not mistaken. This fact also indicates why Oleg was nicknamed “The Prophetic”: forethought saved his life.

Sword on the gates of Constantinople

And the Prophetic Oleg imposed tribute on the Greeks. He ordered to pay 12 hryvnia for each warrior in the ships: and there were forty of them. And there are two thousand ships. He ordered tribute to be given for the cities: for Kyiv, Chernigov, Lyubech, Rostov, Polotsk, Pereyaslavl and for other places over which Oleg ruled. The Greeks agreed to all conditions in order to maintain peace in their land. To establish peace, they swore an oath to each other: the Greek kings kissed the cross and promised to pay tribute.

And Prince Oleg and his men swore by their weapons and gods: the Russians were pagans. They promised that they would not fight and made peace. As a sign of victory over the Greeks, Oleg hung his shield on the city gates and only after that he went back. Oleg returned to Kyiv with enormous wealth, and after that they nicknamed him “The Prophetic”. Thus, for the first time, a peace treaty was signed between two countries - Russia and Byzantium, and relations began: they allowed duty-free trade. But once I did fatal mistake and Oleg the Prophet: the events of his death speak about this.

Prediction of the Magi

Oleg the Prophet turned to the Magi with a question about his death: why would he die? They predicted death from his beloved horse. And then the Prophetic Oleg ordered to set up the horse, feed it, but never bring it to him. I vowed never to sit on it. This went on for several years. Oleg went on campaigns, reigned in Kyiv, concluding peace with many countries. Four summers have passed since then, and the fifth year has begun, 912.

The prince returned from a campaign from Constantinople and remembered his beloved horse. Calling the groom, he interrogated him about his state of health. To which I received the answer: the horse died. And that’s three years. Oleg concluded that the magicians were deceiving in their predictions: the horse had already died, but the prince was alive! Why didn’t Oleg the Prophet believe them and decided to see the remains of the horse? No one knows this. Oleg wanted to see his bones and went to the place where they lay. Seeing the horse’s skull, he stepped on it with the words: “Should I accept death from this skull?”

A snake emerged from the skull and stung Prophetic Oleg in the leg. After this he fell ill and soon died. The prediction came true about how Prince Oleg the Prophet would die, whose biography is described in the chronicles of Nestor, where this legend is given.

Years of the Principality

Grand Duke The Prophetic Oleg of Kiev and Novgorod gained fame in 879 and died in 912. The years of his reign did not go unnoticed: during this period the unification of the Slavic tribes took place, and the one-stop center- Kyiv. The borders of Rus' expanded significantly, and good neighborly relations were established with Byzantium.

Why was Oleg nicknamed “Prophetic”? For his intelligence, foresight, for his ability to choose the right strategy and conduct foreign policy competently.

History is written by people, told by them, from their own hands and distorted. Especially if we talk about the origins of the formation of Russia and its predecessor Kievan Rus. Great names reach us, but what lies behind them? Famous commander, prince and conqueror of Byzantium Oleg the Prophet, about whom there are many legends, is, if not the first, then one of the first people in the history of Russia. Why was Oleg called the Prophetic? What did he do to deserve this name?

Wider circle

In this article we will not cover the topic from one side and answer the question in monosyllables. The matter is not simple, because historical facts changed many times, some rulers corrected the chronicles of the past, often the notes of different historians indicate the same data about completely different people. In order to understand and broaden our horizons, we will cover the topic of why Oleg the Prophetic is called the Prophetic in a little detail.

Who is Oleg?

First, let's reveal the secret identity of this historical character our country. It all started with the dynasty of Rurik, with whose coming to power in Novgorod (no matter what version and from where) the first stone was laid in the foundation future Rus'. It was known that he officially had only one son - Igor, who was his successor by right of succession to the throne. Unfortunately, Rurik died when the heir was only a year old, so the child could not rule the principality. Instead of the baby, Oleg became the ruler.

Several versions are raised here, but it is still not known for certain who exactly Oleg was to the deceased prince. Most experts are inclined to believe that he was the husband of Rurik’s sister, however, whoever he was, having become the Prince of Novgorod, this man made a huge contribution to the development of the principality. More precisely, he began to actively “gather” lands. He led a brilliant tactic to expand borders, starting from Smolensk, moving towards Kyiv.

By the way, he did not forget about his nephew and, apparently, took him with him, since according to the legend about the cunning capture of Kyiv, Oleg lured out the princes Askold and Dir, saying: “You are not princes and not of a princely family, but here is the son of Rurik.” At the end of the sentence, he allegedly pointed to little Igor. It turns out that he understood that he was playing the role of a regent for the future ruler, or used it as a symbol of strength and hereditary power. In any case, Oleg was able to gather many tribes and principalities under one banner of Kievan Rus, laying the foundation for this state. So why did people call Oleg the Prophetic?

Historical reference

Prophetic (or prophetic) - a person who foresaw the future, prophesied. Apparently full word sounds like “seeing”, which was simply shortened to prophetic. There is also a variant of origin from the word “broadcast”, that is, to report, announce something.

It is possible that the word “prophetic” contains the meaning of both options. In any case, etymologists provide several meanings, one of them (or maybe all) is related to the question of why Oleg was called prophetic.

  • The human ability to foresee the future.
  • Containing a prediction secret meaning(for example, sleep).
  • In the old days, wise elders were called this, emphasizing their wisdom and knowledge.
  • Premonition.

People's glory

Actually, we are getting closer to the answer why people called Oleg the Prophetic. There were many reasons, according to legends and chronicles.

During his reign, as we found out, he managed to reunite under his leadership two principalities - Novgorod and Kiev, as well as a number of adjacent lands. Regarding external factors, such as raids by enemy tribes, Oleg was able to deal with those too. In a word, his possessions began to occupy the territory from the Baltic to the rapids of Dnepropetrovsk.

Moreover, a primitive (in the form of tribute) tax collection system was introduced on the newly emerged territory. It was systemic and quite feasible for the population.

Thanks to his ingenuity, the prince turned Kyiv into the capital of the Slavic power. Actually, from that moment on, Kievan Rus was designated as a state, so it is quite understandable why Oleg began to be called the Prophetic not only by his subjects, but also by other peoples.

But his main and most daring achievement was the campaign against Byzantium. Moreover, “Tsar-Grad” was taken with Oleg’s characteristic cunning and ingenuity. Of course, rumors began to circulate among the subjects of the state about the prince’s amazing successes and skills, as well as his ability to foresee the future.

Version one

We will consider two main options for why Prince Oleg was called the Prophetic. The people believed that it was not without reason that the prince was able to achieve all his intended goals. In general, the standard of living has increased, and a certain stability has appeared. After the conquest of Kyiv and giving it the status of “Mother of Rus',” Oleg did not sit quietly within the fortress walls, feasting for days on end. His character was that of a real commander, who lives to lead the army and win. Thus, having assembled a serious army, he periodically went off with it to perform new feats. And every time successfully. Before Prince Oleg, the people were of such a scale human strength I almost never met why Oleg was called the Prophetic. He knew what to do, where to go and how to rule wisely.

And another one

The second version answers the question of why Prince Oleg is called the Prophetic even more succinctly. The chronicles of that time say that the prince decided to organize a campaign and go to the city of Constantinople. In order to sail to Tsar Grad with an impressive army, 200 boats were built, each of which carried 40 people. The army was well equipped and, accordingly, determined to win. However, when Oleg and his army sailed to the Byzantine harbor, it turned out that the local ruler (Leo the Sixth), having learned about the impending capture, ordered the gates of the city to be locked and the harbor to be blocked with chains. Our prince was not at a loss and decided to use a trick. With the army, they circled the lands of Tsar Grad, landed on the other side, and Oleg ordered wheels to be attached to the boats. A fair wind blew, which drove the ships towards the fortress walls. Leo the Sixth was so frightened by what he saw that he hastened to open the gate and voluntarily surrendered to the conquerors.

Later, at a feast hosted by the Byzantines, an equally significant incident occurred. Locals They prepared delicious dishes, served wine and bread, in a word, they began to treat their conquerors with gifts. However, Oleg said that he would not eat all this. When asked by the vigilantes what the reason was, he answered that the food was poisoned. And so it turned out, the Byzantines wanted to punish the offenders by killing them in this way, but the prince figured out cunning plan. For this they began to call him Oleg the Prophetic, that is, the one who foresees the future.

The legend of the death of Prophetic Oleg

Both the life and death of the prince were permeated incredible stories. Another legend tells about an old man who predicted Oleg’s death, supposedly his beloved horse would kill him. The prince laughed at the old man’s words, but the thought of such a development of events still remained. Therefore, he refused to ride him in the future and did not meet with him again. However, he ordered the horse to be fed and watered with the best water and the best grain.

Years later, Oleg remembered the horse and the prophecy and asked his courtiers about its fate. The prince learned that the horse had died long ago, and decided to go to the place where the remains of the animal lay. Deciding that the elder was mistaken, he stepped on the horse’s skull, from where a poisonous snake crawled out and bit Oleg. The poison turned out to be fatal, and the prince died. Some believed that Oleg believed in a fate that could not be avoided, and therefore knew that even a dead horse would bring him prophetic misfortune.

Opinion of Alexander Sergeevich

great poet Alexander Pushkin took the legend of the death of Prophetic Oleg as the basis for his work “Song of Prophetic Oleg,” where he discusses the theme of fate and the inevitability of fate.

The author discusses whether the prince, who was famous for his miraculous abilities, could have avoided such death or was he looking for it himself? Why did you ask the elder about your death if you yourself were a prophet? Pushkin emphasizes the ambiguity of this question, accordingly, with many possible answers. Yes, he failed to foresee his own death and avoid it, but why was Oleg called the Prophetic? Because he managed to achieve colossal successes in the military field, where for a long time he had no equal, and also ensured decent life in their lands. For the people of that time, who believed in magicians and magicians, to call the prince Prophetic meant to extol him, to pay tribute to the ruler’s wisdom, his strength and justice.


Why was Oleg called the Prophetic? Prince Oleg the Prophet: biography

November 1, 2014

History is an interesting science that stores information about the life of mankind, legendary events and personalities who influenced the course of historical events on Earth. This knowledge is especially important now, when negative events occur in countries such as the former Yugoslavia or today's Ukraine. But even the Prophetic Oleg appointed Kyiv “the mother of Russian cities”! Today, not everyone knows why Oleg was nicknamed the Prophetic. Maybe he was a fortune teller?

"The Tale of Bygone Years"

The personality of Oleg appeared in the chronicles of historians when events related to the death of the Novgorod prince Rurik were described. Dying, Rurik gave him custody of his young son Igor. In 879, both Novgorod and his son Igor became the care of Oleg, whom historians consider a relative of Rurik's wife. Modern researchers insist that Oleg was just a talented warrior who became a governor and close associate of the Novgorod prince. Whoever Oleg was, he became a regent under Igor, the prince of Novgorod and Kyiv, a person in power during the creation of a united Rus'. The chronicler Nestor in his “Tale...” describes the activities of the prince and points out why Oleg the Prophet.

Hike to Kyiv

Having become regent and prince of Novgorod, Oleg three years later decided to expand the territory of the principality and went on a campaign against Smolensk. Having gathered a huge army, in 882 he marched south and captured this city. Smolensk was followed by Lyubech. In these cities he placed his governors with a sufficient number of soldiers and moved further along the Dnieper. Kyiv stood in his way. At this time, the rule of the Kyiv principality was carried out by Askold and Dir. Prince Oleg had the dignity of an experienced military strategist and a cunning, intelligent man. Once at the Kyiv Mountains, he hid his squad and showed up only with Igor in his arms. Having convinced Askold and Dir that this was a courtesy visit on the way to the Greeks, he lured them out of the city. The soldiers dealt with the rulers, and Prince Oleg took possession of Kiev.

Why - Prophetic? They began to call it by this name only after the Byzantine campaign, in 907. In the meantime, he became the Prince of Kyiv and declared this city “the mother of Russian cities.” Since then, Oleg has pursued a policy of unifying the Slavs, expanding the boundaries of the lands, and freeing them from tribute, which was paid to the nomadic tribes.

Video on the topic

Trip to Byzantium

If you turn to the explanatory dictionary, you can be convinced that the name Prophetic means not only “foreteller”, but also “reasonable person.” This is what Prince Oleg was like. It was during the campaign against Byzantium in 907 that Prophetic Oleg showed his ingenuity. Having conceived a campaign, he gathered a huge army, not only on horses, but also on ships. These were all sorts of peoples: the Varangians, the Chuds, the Krivichi, the Slovenes, and many others, whom the Greeks called “Great Scythia.” Prince Igor remained to rule Kiev, and Oleg went on a campaign. It is after the hike that it becomes clear why Oleg was nicknamed “The Prophetic”. The desire to expand Russian borders and establish trade relations with other countries pushed Oleg on a campaign against Byzantium, where he went in 907.


Arriving at Constantinople (Constantinople) with an army and ships, of which there were two thousand, Oleg landed on the shore. This had to be done because the city from the sea was protected by chains that closed the Golden Horn Bay, and ships could not overcome them. Having gone ashore, Prince Oleg began to fight around Constantinople: he killed many people, set fire to houses and churches, and did a lot of evil. But the city did not give up. And then Oleg came up with a trick: he ordered his ships to be put on wheels. When a fair wind blew, the sails were opened and the ships headed towards Constantinople. The Greeks realized that it was time to send ambassadors and negotiate tribute. They promised to give Oleg everything he wanted. They brought him various dishes and wine, which the prince did not accept, fearing that it was all poisoned - and he was not mistaken. This fact also indicates why Oleg was nicknamed “The Prophetic”: forethought saved his life.

Sword on the gates of Constantinople

And the Prophetic Oleg imposed tribute on the Greeks. He ordered to pay 12 hryvnia for each warrior in the ships: and there were forty of them. And there are two thousand ships. He ordered tribute to be given for the cities: for Kyiv, Chernigov, Lyubech, Rostov, Polotsk, Pereyaslavl and for other places over which Oleg ruled. The Greeks agreed to all conditions in order to maintain peace in their land. To establish peace, they swore an oath to each other: the Greek kings kissed the cross and promised to pay tribute. And Prince Oleg and his men swore by their weapons and gods: the Russians were pagans. They promised that they would not fight and made peace. As a sign of victory over the Greeks, Oleg hung his shield on the city gates and only after that he went back. Oleg returned to Kyiv with enormous wealth, and after that they nicknamed him “Prophetic”. Thus, for the first time, a peace treaty was signed between two countries - Russia and Byzantium, and relations began: they allowed duty-free trade. But one day Oleg the Prophet made a fatal mistake: the events of his death speak about this.

Prediction of the Magi

Oleg the Prophet turned to the Magi with a question about his death: why would he die? They predicted death from his beloved horse. And then the Prophetic Oleg ordered to set up the horse, feed it, but never bring it to him. I vowed never to sit on it. This went on for several years. Oleg went on campaigns, reigned in Kyiv, concluding peace with many countries. Four summers have passed since then, and the fifth year has begun, 912. The prince returned from a campaign from Constantinople and remembered his beloved horse. Calling the groom, he interrogated him about his state of health. To which I received the answer: the horse died. And that’s three years. Oleg concluded that the magicians were deceiving in their predictions: the horse had already died, but the prince was alive! Why didn’t Oleg the Prophet believe them and decided to see the remains of the horse? No one knows this. Oleg wanted to see his bones and went to the place where they lay. Seeing the horse’s skull, he stepped on it with the words: “Should I accept death from this skull?”

A snake emerged from the skull and stung Prophetic Oleg in the leg. After this he fell ill and soon died. The prediction came true about how Prince Oleg the Prophet would die, whose biography is described in the chronicles of Nestor, where this legend is given.

Years of the Principality

The Grand Duke of Kiev and Novgorod, the Prophetic Oleg, gained fame in 879 and died in 912. The years of his reign did not go unnoticed: during this period, the unification of the Slavic tribes took place, and a single center was organized - Kyiv. The borders of Rus' expanded significantly, and good neighborly relations were established with Byzantium. Why was Oleg nicknamed “Prophetic”? For his intelligence, foresight, for his ability to choose the right strategy and competently conduct foreign policy.

Almost everyone has heard of this historical figure, like the Prophetic Oleg, but few people know about the origin of this great creator and guardian of the Russian state. The famous story “The Tale of Bygone Years” says that Oleg’s throne was occupied after the death of Prince Rurik. This event took place in 879. The Grand Duke chose Oleg as his successor and entrusted him with the rule of the Russian lands until the rightful ruler, the cheese of Prince Rurik Igor, grew up. After his appointment, Oleg began to continue the work of his predecessor and began to unite the Russian lands. In just a few years, Oleg managed to assemble a powerful army, which, according to the chronicles, included not only Slovenes and Varangians, but also Krivichi, Meri, Vesi and Chud. Grand Duke Oleg subjugated Lyubech and Smolensk to his power. Both of these cities were taken by the great commander without a fight.

Next, the prince's army proceeded down the Dnieper straight to Kyiv, where Dir and Askold ruled at that time. However, these two Varangian boyars were not going to give up their power in Kyiv to Oleg so easily. Then Oleg had to resort to one military trick, after which Kyiv was taken by him. Thanks to the actions of the prince, it was then possible to unite single state two main centers of the Russian land. This allowed the state to gain power and influence.

You can learn more about Prince Oleg in this video.

According to the Tale of Bygone Years, Oleg began to be called the Prophetic after the campaign against Byzantium, which was carried out in 907. Then the prince prepared two thousand rooks, each of which had forty soldiers, and began to attack the Royal City. Byzantine Emperor tried to resist the recruitment of troops, but when he saw that the Varangians began to put their boats on wheels and began to rapidly approach Constantinople, he decided to make reconciliation, offering Oleg consent and tribute. Since then, the prince ordered the Greeks to pay tribute of 12 hryvnia for each warrior who was on the ships. The Greeks immediately agreed to the demands made by the prince and bowed to Oleg to establish peace. As proof of their respect, the Greek kings even proved their tribute by kissing the cross. The prince himself swore in response by his gods, since he was a pagan.

But not only this became the reason for Prophetic Oleg to be called the founder ancient Russian state. His services to his descendants are undeniable, since it was he who managed to conquer those who lived on the territory of modern Ukraine tribal unions. Oleg was able to defeat the mighty Khozar Kaganate, thereby greatly undermining the forces of the steppe superpower. He also managed to restore order in the territories already under his control. Under the rule of the prince, Rus' began to represent gigantic territories inhabited by numerous Slavic tribes. And with Odd coming to power Slavic tribes formed into a single powerful state, which was recognized by the whole world.

Based on Oleg’s actions, we can conclude that resourcefulness and rationality helped him take away power from his fellow countrymen. And indeed, he arrived in Kyiv on one boat under the guise of a merchant. He hid his own squad of vigilantes on the ship. When the Kyiv princes Askold and Dir approached the guests, Oleg hastened to announce the verdict to the illegal rulers. After which they were attacked by the prince’s warriors. It was this trick that allowed Oleg to get rid of Kyiv princes and appoint a new ruler, Igor, in their place. In addition, it is Oleg who is credited with a phrase that over time became prophetic. When the phrase he threw out regarding the fact that Kyiv would become the mother of Russian cities really became true. It was she who caused the prince to be respected and nicknamed “the prophetic.” After all, Oleg was not just a wise commander, but also a very prudent person. And sometimes his foresight is in his eyes ordinary people was perceived as something inexplicable and even magical.

Regarding the theory that the nickname “prophetic” Oleg was given for a reason, there is also historical confirmation. During the Byzantine campaign, the ruler made sure in advance that Oleg’s army could not get into the capital. The emperor even ordered the city gates to be closed and the strait blocked with chains, thereby completely limiting access to the harbor. However, even this foresight of the emperor could not resist Oleg. Showing ingenuity, Oleg then gave the order to construct special wheels for ships. When a fair wind began to blow, the Slavic ships began to in an unusual way approach the city. It is this feature ancient Russian prince confirms the fact that he really was distinguished by his ingenuity and in some moments showed superpowers, which many rulers of that time were simply afraid of.

They began to call Oleg the Prophet after the campaign against Constantinople. Since then he has returned to his homeland respected person and a very popular military leader. However, the prince further confirmed his abilities with another event, after which the nickname Prophetic was assigned to him forever. In some way incomprehensible to ordinary people, Oleg managed to sense the poison in the treats presented by the Byzantines. By refusing to eat, he thus avoided inevitable death. Apparently, the prince had a very developed seventh sense, which helped him act proactively and thereby achieve his goals.

Oleg the Prophet will be discussed in this video. Don't forget to leave your wishes and

He was an excellent commander who had a large number of victories The prince's goal was to strengthen the state, protect the lands under his control from the devastating raids of nomads, and increase the territory.

Why was this prince called “prophetic”? There are several versions. Probably each of them has the right to life, but I am inclined to believe that this person had certain superhuman abilities. There was something about him that gave him the opportunity to leave such a significant mark in the history of Kievan Rus and become the ruler of the Russian lands, without having the right by birth. Historians put forward two versions of the origin of this man: the first is that he is a relative of Rurik’s wife, the second is that he is a talented governor who enjoys Rurik’s favor.

Be that as it may, Oleg, after the death of Rurik, received guardianship over Prince Igor, and made every effort to establish the Rurik family on the princely throne. One of significant events in this direction there was a campaign against Byzantium (907). It was after this campaign that Oleg began to be called the Prophetic.

What played a role here was that Oleg was a naturally wise man and developed a whole strategy for the conquest of Constantinople. After it became clear that ground force unable to cope with the city gates, he put his ships on wheels. During tailwind, the open sails contributed to the advancement of ships overland, which horrified the inhabitants of Constantinople. The Greeks then decided to defeat Oleg by cunning and sent ambassadors, who were supposedly entrusted with the mission to negotiate a tribute to the prince. This was only the reason; in fact, the ambassadors came with poisoned delicacies and poisonous wine. Thanks to the prudence of the Prophetic Oleg, who realized that there was a catch in this act, this attempt was not crowned with success, and no one touched the poisoned food and wine.

The word “prophetic” has two meanings: “judicious” and “predictor.” This is exactly what Oleg was like. For his time, he was a highly educated person, who was also given natural wisdom and the ability to find a way out of any situation. It is not for nothing that in the age of warriors and revolutions, this man ruled for more than 30 years, and died of old age in his bed.
By the way, the story about the prince’s death from a snake bite is just beautiful legend, which only adds mystery to the image of this historical figure.