Sentences with direct speech and address. Sentence outline: example. Sentence diagram with direct speech

Sentence patterns in Russian are necessary to explain punctuation marks. They are also indispensable when analyzing a given syntactic unit, especially if we're talking about O complex sentence. Direct speech causes difficulties for almost every student. If, at the stage of studying this topic, you learn to compose an appropriate graphical explanation, you will not have any problems with punctuation at all. Let's look at what a sentence pattern is, consider a simple example, all types of complex ones, as well as units with direct speech. This will help you delve deeper into the topic.

What does a proposal outline include?

First, let's figure out what a proposal scheme is and why it is needed. Many consider this element parsing only the whim of the teacher, which has no meaning. This is wrong. A correctly composed graphic outline will help in further analysis of the syntactic unit.

What should be indicated when drawing up a diagram?

  1. Predicative basis. The main members must be indicated in order to prove that we really have a sentence (after all, it is on this basis that it is distinguished from a phrase); correctly defined subject and predicate will help classify the syntactic unit as one-part or two-part.
  2. If the sentence is complex, then the conjunctions connecting its parts are indicated. The same objects are marked if they are used in homogeneous members.
  3. Sentence patterns in Russian may contain complicating elements. In the next section we will look at which ones.

It is also worth saying that the graphic display of a sentence is usually enclosed in brackets. They contain every simple sentence. IN square brackets actually simple sentences are contained and they are also part of compound and non-union sentences. If we are talking about complex syntactic construction, then its main part is in square brackets, and its subordinate part is in round brackets.

What makes the proposal difficult?

As mentioned above, the diagram simple sentence may include elements that complicate it. Let's list them and give examples.

  1. Homogeneous members. They are enclosed in circles in the diagram. In addition, with homogeneous members there may be a generalizing word. It is denoted by the letter "o" enclosed in a circle.
  2. Separate definitions (participial phrases): “Plants that require careful care must be distributed to students during the holidays.” IN this proposal occurs participial, standing after the word being defined "plants". Accordingly, it must be reflected in the diagram, as well as the member of the sentence to which it relates. [X, |P.O.|, =]. These can be not only participial phrases, but also inconsistent definitions, consistent, single and widespread. And also applications.
  3. (clarifying parts of the sentence, participial phrases, single gerunds): “Having done the housework, Masha sat down to read her favorite book.” In this sentence there is participial turnover, which must be included in the diagram. [|TO|, - =]. Let us give an example with a clarifying phrase. “In the village house, in a cool cellar, grandmother’s delicious pickles were kept.” The qualifying circumstance of place is highlighted with commas and indicated on the diagram. [Х,|УО|, = -].
  4. These syntactic elements are separated by commas and must also be included in the diagram. Let's give examples. "Sergei, bring me a sip of water." We display the address “Sergey” as follows: [O, =]. Also with the introductory words: “They, of course, did not listen to their parents.” We reflect introductory word“of course” like this: [-,ВВ.СЛ, =].

Simple sentence

The scheme for parsing a simple sentence will be clearer with an example. Let's compose it and give it full description syntactic unit. “We limped up to a dilapidated house hidden among lush greenery.”

First, you need to determine the grammatical basis; both the characteristics and the scheme of the sentence depend on this. An example is a simple one with the stem “we have arrived.” We add the basis to the diagram.

Next, you need to see whether the syntactic unit is complicated. Judging by the presence of punctuation marks, we can safely say yes. There is a separate single gerund“limping” and participial phrase “hiding among the lush greenery.” These elements are reflected in the diagram.

[-,|D|, = X,|P.O.|]. Here is the outline of the sentence, an example of which we gave at the beginning of the section. However, it should be noted that academically it is compiled correctly, but some teachers may make their own requirements. For example, regardless of homogeneity, enter everything minor members offers. The scheme then grows and becomes cumbersome. Although, sometimes it is necessary initial stage learning syntax.

Complex sentence

Now let's look at what complex sentences represent in graphical display. The only difficulty in drawing up their diagrams is determining the boundaries simple parts. In addition, it is necessary to know well the difference between compound and complex sentences, because their patterns are radically different. First, let's look at the first type. Let's define distinctive features all schemes:

Let's look at what a sentence diagram is. An example is this: “The rain was already ending, and the sun was peeking out in the sky, shining with dim rays, giving hope for a good day.”

First, let's prove that we have a complex sentence. The first part has predicative basis"the rain has stopped"; the second - “the sun was peeking out.” Between the parts there is connective conjunction"and", coordinating. IN in this case it conveys the meaning of a sequence of events. The first part, although common, is not complicated in any way. The second is complicated by adverbial and participle phrases. They will definitely be included in the scheme. [- =], and […,|D.O.|,= -,|P.O.|]. Let us make an explanation: it was necessary to put an ellipsis at the beginning of the second part, since the participial phrase is located in the middle (in front of it is the adverbial place “in the sky”).

Complex sentence

It has a completely different scheme, its differences are as follows:

  1. There is a division into main part and subordinate clauses, and the latter can be located anywhere and even break the main clause.
  2. The conjunction is part of a simple sentence (entered in brackets).
  3. The connection between the parts can be different, so in addition to the horizontal diagram, a vertical diagram is sometimes drawn up.

Let's sort it out specific examples: “Within a few minutes, all the houses disappeared, which until recently seemed like fairy-tale huts standing on a green meadow.”

The main part is distinguished from a subordinate clause by two aspects: firstly, it asks a question to the subordinate clauses, and secondly, it does not contain a conjunction. Accordingly, the first one is exactly like this. We enclose it in the second sentence - a subordinate clause: it contains a conjunction (in this case allied word). Also, it is to him that we ask the question from the word of the main part: “huts (what?) that recently seemed...”. Subordinate clause complicated by the participial phrase. The scheme will be like this: [= -], (which = X,|P.O.|).

Another example: “The dacha where we vacationed in the summer was located in picturesque place surrounded by rich forest."

The difficulty in this sentence is that the subordinate clause “breaks” the main thing. There is a complication in the subordinate clause - a participial phrase. The scheme will be like this: [-, (where - =), = X,|P.O.|].

Direct speech at the end of a sentence

What is a direct speech sentence pattern? As is known, such a syntactic unit consists of someone else’s speech itself and the words of the author. Depending on how these parts are located in relation to each other, the diagram will look like. Each component of the unit has square brackets - they are equal.

In the sentence: He said: “Let’s go talk face to face,” the author’s words come first, and then direct speech. The diagram will look like this: [A]: “[P.R]”, since this construction conveys the direct speech of a person, at the end of the sentence there are often question marks and exclamation marks, which must be reflected in the diagram.

Examples: The girl turned and asked: “What time is it?” Please note that the author’s words in this case are complicated by a single separate gerundial participle. [-,|D|,=]: “[P.R.?]”.

Yuri shouted loudly: “Get down!” [A]: “[P.R.]!”

Direct speech in the middle of a sentence

The scheme of a sentence with direct speech in the middle will be like this:

She stood up and said loudly: “I don’t want to participate in this chaos!” - After that, she left the living room.

[A: [“P.R.!”] - a].

Please note that after direct speech, the author’s words must be written in small letters.

Also, if a question or exclamation mark is not required, a comma is placed after direct speech.

Example: Masha read: “Wipe your feet,” and entered the hallway. [A: “[P.R.]”, - a].

Direct speech at the beginning of a sentence

Direct speech can begin a sentence. In this case, the scheme is like this:

“Listen to quiet music,” said the composer and began to play a leisurely melody.

"[P.R.]", - [a].

If direct speech is an exclamation or incentive offer- no comma needed:

“Can I come in?” - was heard behind the door. “[P.R.?]” - [a].

“We will try again and again!” - the coach encouraged me. “[P.R.!]” - [a].

You are now familiar with the basic types of sentences and their structures.

Direct speech is used in artistic, journalistic, and popular science texts to literally convey the statements or thoughts of a person. Sentences with direct speech consist of two parts: the character’s remark and the author’s explanation. The unification of parts occurs without the introduction of unions. Depending on the location of the author’s words in the sentence, there are several ways to format direct speech in writing. For each of them you can create a special diagram.

Posting sponsor P&G Articles on the topic "How to create a sentence outline with direct speech" What is direct speech What is speech How to make a sentence outline


Read the text for which you need to make a diagram. Find direct speech. For clarity, it can be highlighted, for example, underlined with a red pencil. Determine where the author's words begin and end. Underline them with a pencil of blue color. Pay attention to whether direct speech continues after the author's words. It can consist of one or two sentences, interconnected by intonation. Note what emotional connotation direct speech has. A sentence can be exclamatory, declarative, interrogative. At the end of it, an appropriate punctuation mark is placed, which is important to reflect in the diagram. Use symbols to create a diagram. The author's words are usually indicated by a capital or lowercase letter "a", the character's statement - by a capital or lowercase letter "p". The character's speech is in quotation marks. It is separated from the author's words by a dash. However, a dash is not placed before direct speech that begins a sentence. Check your diagram. It must match one of the samples below. If your version differs from the standard one, you may have made a mistake when determining the place of direct speech and the words of the author, or you missed necessary sign punctuation. Scheme No. 1: direct speech before the words of the author. The character's statement is written with capital letter and is enclosed in quotation marks. It ends with a comma, exclamation point or question mark according to the intonation of the sentence. The author's words are written with lowercase letter and separated from direct speech by a dash. Examples:
1. “The guests have arrived,” said the father.
2. “The guests have arrived!” the father was delighted.
3. “Are there any guests?” - the father was surprised.
For these proposals, the diagrams will look like this:
1. “P” - a.
2. "P!" - A.
3. "P?" - A. Scheme No. 2: direct speech after the author. The author's words are written with capital letters. They are followed by a colon. Direct speech follows in quotation marks with a capital letter. Examples:
1. The father said: “The guests have arrived.”
2. The father was delighted: “The guests are welcome!”
3. The father was surprised: “Are you guests?”
Schemes of such proposals look like:
1. A: "P".
2. A: “P!”
3. A: “P?” Scheme No. 3: the author’s words inside direct speech. In this case, the entire sentence is enclosed in quotation marks. A comma is placed after the first part of direct speech. The author's part is written with a lowercase letter. A dash is placed before and after the author's words. The second part of direct speech can be a continuation of the first, then it is written with a lowercase letter. If this is an independent sentence, a period is placed after the author’s words and then the text begins with a capital letter. Examples:
1. “The guests have arrived,” said the father, “I will go to meet them.”
2. “The guests are welcome,” said the father. “I’ll go meet them halfway.”
The correct sentence patterns in this case are:
1. “P, - a, - p.”
2. “P, - a.” - P". Scheme No. 4: direct speech within the author’s words. The first part of the author’s words is written with a capital letter, the second – with a lowercase letter. Direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks. A colon is placed before it, followed by an intonationally necessary punctuation mark and a dash. Examples:
1. The father said: “The guests have arrived,” and went to meet them.
2. The father was delighted: “The guests are welcome!” - and went to meet them.
3. The father was surprised: “Are you guests?” - and went to meet them.
The following schemes are suitable for such proposals:
1. A: “P”, - a.
2. A: “P!” - A.
3. A: “P?” - A. How simple

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Difficult sentence. Direct speech

A complex sentence is a sentence consisting of two or more combined in meaning and intonation. grammar basics(simple sentences).

According to the method of communication, there are two types of sentences: union and non-union.

There is no comma:

— Between parts of a complex sentence before singular conjunctions: and (th), and (and), or, or, if both parts have common word or a general subordinate clause: Either the autumn waters rustled, running into the Danube, or the wind beat in the meanders of the abyss.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

A compound sentence is a complex sentence, the parts of which are equal in meaning and are combined using coordinating conjunctions and, yes, but, but, however, then, or, or... or, then... then: Mountains do not meet mountains, but people fraternize with people.

Commas, semicolons, and dashes can be used between parts of a compound sentence.

A comma is placed between parts of a complex sentence before all conjunctions (single and repeated): Either the autumn waters rustled, running into the Danube, or the wind beat in the convolutions of the abyss.

There is no comma:

- Between parts of a complex sentence before single conjunctions: and (th), and (and), or, or, if both parts have a common word or a common subordinate clause: Sometimes a cloud floated in the blue heights or a bird flew by.

- If both parts of the sentence are of the same type (interrogative, imperative, exclamatory or nominative sentences): What time are we going and where are we going?

The semicolon is placed:

- If parts of a complex sentence are distant in meaning or contain other punctuation marks: Then, it happened, the cold rain beats, and there is nowhere to stop the bad weather: then, it happens, the autumn wind chills to the bones, and there is nowhere to warm up.

The dash is placed:

- If the second part of the sentence expresses a consequence, opposition or a rapid change of events: A person can die and crumble into dust - and her great cause burns in the stars!

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

A complex sentence is a complex sentence in which one sentence is subordinate to another, the parts of the sentence are unequal and are connected by subordinating conjunctions or connecting words: what, how, if, because, how, despite, before: Kobzar’s poems were born in order not never die.

A proposal on which another proposal depends is called the main proposal, and a proposal that is subordinate to the main proposal is called a contract proposal. A subordinate clause can appear after the main one, before the main one, or in the middle of the main one.

All contractual parts are separated from the main sentence by commas. If subordinate clauses are attached to the main clause by folded conjunctions (despite the fact that, because, due to the fact that, as ...), then a comma is placed either before the entire conjunction or inside it: Warm fog spread across the field and filled the beam to the brim, so that the trees were drowned in it.

There is no comma between parts subordinate clause:

- If they consist of one word: while tying up light grapes, the girl laughs from who knows what;

- United by a single conjunction and (th), and (and), or and (or), if both parts have a common word or common part: It seemed to the children that it was already evening and now their mother would come.

Punctuation marks in a non-union sentence

A sentence without a union is a sentence in which the component parts are connected into a single whole without the help of conjunctions and connecting words: Step ran up to the cliff and stopped - there was nowhere to run further: below, to the very horizon, the sea was turning green and changing. In a non-union complex sentence, the following punctuation marks are used between its parts: comma, semicolon, colon, dash: In the depths of the forest a woodpecker knocked, titmice squeaked.

Direct speech. Punctuation marks with her

Direct speech is the speech of others, conveyed accurately (not variable), observing intonation on behalf of the one who said or wrote. Direct speech is accompanied by the words of the author, which indicate who it belongs to. Direct speech can come after or before the author’s words, or it can be broken by the author’s words.

Punctuation marks for direct speech:

1. If the author’s words come before direct speech, then a colon is placed after them, and direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks and written with capital letters. At the end of the sentence the necessary punctuation mark is placed: Exclamation point, sign, ellipsis: A: “P (?)”. I am surprised, I rejoice, I ask my heart: “Tell me, prophetic heart, will there soon be peace?”

2. If direct speech comes before the words of the author, then it is placed in quotation marks, followed by a comma (mark, exclamation point, ellipsis) and a dash. The author's words are written with a lowercase letter: “P” - a. “Whoever creates the clever and kind personbest master“, - this was the decision of the old people.

— If the author’s words separate direct speech at the border of two sentences, then after the first part of direct speech a comma (mark, exclamation point, ellipsis) and a dash are placed, and after the author’s words - a dot and a dash. The second sentence of direct speech is written with a capital letter. The paws close at the end of direct speech: “P! - A. - P...” “Rise up, Ukraine! - Ya Goyan passionately prayed. - Resurrect in the Cossack steppes under your high blue sky ... ";

4. If the author’s words are broken by direct speech, a colon is placed after the author’s words, direct speech is placed in quotation marks, followed by a comma (sign, exclamation mark, ellipsis) A: “P”, a. Our attitude towards warmongers is well illustrated by the expression: “He who takes the sword will die by the sword,” although the sword is by no means the weapon of modern fighters.

5. When there is dialogue, a dash is placed instead of quotation marks. Each replica begins on a new line, and the punctuation marks in the sentence are the same as in direct speech:

- Grandmother! - He says. - I wanted to see a very long world.

- Alas! I would look from the gate, but it’s not good to climb too low.

6. If remarks are placed in quotation marks and written in a row without the author’s words, then a dash is placed between them. “Good day, you are my dear” - “Good day, my beloved friend” - “What did you dream about today, dear?” - “I had a dream, and a very wonderful one.” - “What kind of miracle did you dream about, dear?” - “I dreamed of bilia cherishing ..” - “Rejoice, dear, because Lelia is a flower of pure and every hope!”