Educational portal “Knowledge Hypermarket.

Mission of the internet portal

"Create a new format of a high standard education system."

This unifying idea is effectively brought to life here.

A Knowledge Hypermarket has been created on the website - the first in the world with rapid updating of educational and illustrative information (based on fundamentals Wikipedia). This is a prototype of the future global education system. It is convenient for teachers, motivated for students, prestigious for countries, inexpensive for parents and extremely effective for students.

Many are dissatisfied with education and, although they have an idea of ​​what to do with it, they do not know where to write so that their opinion is heard and taken into action. So our mission is as said Steve Jobs: "Make a dent in the universe."

The target audience

Target audience from 10 to 30 years. These are 5 million schoolchildren, 2 million students, 1 million teachers and university workers, 1.5 million school teachers, and several million concerned parents. In total, this amounts to over 10 million active Internet users in all CIS countries. Our main audience is modern, advanced youth with powerful mass purchasing power (which is a treasure trove for advertisers and commodity producers).

Having recognized the portal as safe and useful, most educational institutions have given permission to their students and teachers to actively use all the resources of the portal. The portal is provided with all the necessary means of protection and filters against unauthorized entry of immoral files.

Our exclusive features:

  • Hypermarket of Knowledge. This is a new systemic form of organizing knowledge and assimilating it. This - future era after simple distance "on-line" training.
  • Wow lessons. Indeed, the world has never known such lessons: lessons of happiness, wealth, charm, charisma, lifestyle, inheritance, social responsibility, feelings, etc. But it is precisely these lessons that are needed in life, in addition, of course, to school lessons in trigonometry, chemistry and botany. So let’s start building together a “School with a Human Face.”
  • Make up your own outfit. Only on the website Xvatit By inserting your photo, you can try on hundreds of different hairstyles, makeup, nails, piercings and others charming beauties. And choose the most stunning thing to the envy of those around you, who simply go to the hairdresser and experiment virtually “blindly”, and then at home are forced to redo the unsuccessful hairstyle.
  • All universities in Ukraine, Russia and other countries. Blog-buster Xvatit has set a goal - to become a leader in describing and rating all universities, so that it is easy for applicants to do conscious choice, on which their entire future life, career and salary. For this we have created a special research laboratory, which collects formal and informal (!) information about all 826 higher educational institutions. And about which everyone who knows something about them writes and writes and writes to us.
  • Our signature jokes. We have a patent for a completely new anecdotal type: “A New Russian comes to an Old Ukrainian and asks ®...”. People have already gotten into it and are sending very piquant and killer jokes.
  • Guild of Educational Leaders. This is a huge NEW social network that is growing in geometric progression. It includes teacher-coaches, advanced schools and subject curators. The Knowledge Hypermarket has created its own Research Institute of Bogatomics, which eliminates errors in existing textbooks and fills textbooks with the latest scientific, technical and socially important information.
  • Own music radio station Xvatit.FM. Now catch this wave, plug in your headphones and enjoy the music.
  • Elite of the Nation. Here we have gathered smart, authoritative and unique personalities, whose words are “caught” by young people with a feeling of secret love and envy. Politicians are not included in this list.
  • Quote of the Day. Our daily quotes are not quoting someone (Confucius, Socrates, Einstein, Kozma Prutkov and other outdated sages). Our quotes are when people start quoting us!
  • And also – creative design (in the form of metro stations); the wise foreign professor William Knowhow, who took it upon himself to answer burning money questions in an unusual way; as well as communities that have found here a special intellectual style of communication with each other.


Development of a new unique social network, useful and fun, ultra-modern and vital. So that everything would be like in life. And so that you don’t want to leave this network. Portal for family viewing.

Blog-buster is a new generation of Internet portals created according to the “drive-thrill-life” formula. Buster – (American slang) is 1) something unusual, 2) a feast, revelry, courage. By the way, the root of the word is the same as in the word business (busy, businesslike).
Our readers are those who want to become rich and happy. And also those who are looking for a place for communication between the savvy, cunning, successful and fortunate. This is a site for those who are lucky in life. Join us.

The site is protected by many special filters against obscene spam, immoral attacks and unauthorized entry. Therefore, it fully satisfies the requirements of family, school, children and teenagers viewing.

Russian language

Each person, regardless of nationality and country of residence, has his own native language, which becomes not only important means communication between people, but also an aspect for understanding the world around us. This is the language with which a person is associated from birth; he speaks his first words in it, recites poetry, reads books, writes and thinks. For the Russian-speaking population, Russian is and will be their native language.

This subject is studied in schools, starting from the first grade, and they continue to improve it throughout their lives, since any knowledge is transmitted primarily verbally.

Fluency in Russian literary speech orally or writing and is the main task of teaching schoolchildren.

Children should learn their native language, because it serves as the key to the development of the individual, his education and knowledge, without language knowledge will not be able to fully participate in public life and development Russian art and culture.

Choose your class and learn Russian online!

What does knowing our native language give us?

We need Russian to communicate in human society and in order for this society to understand us, we must speak competently and express our thoughts correctly, and for this we need to study. Our communication is not limited to just conversations, we learn to read, spell, retell and compose. Therefore, the Russian language needs to be improved and continued to be taught throughout our lives, and all the time we will learn something new about it.

  • Every person is obliged to know his native language.
  • Knowledge of this subject makes our people cultured and educated.
  • A child who has expressive and competent speech, can achieve a lot in his life.

The Russian language continues to evolve and will change over time. He borrows words from foreign languages, is replenished with various slang, but the main thing is to preserve the real literary Russian language, as I.S. said. Turgenev is “great and mighty.” This is why it is necessary to study and improve the language.

What does this give us:

  • Firstly, language is a way of communicating not only with others, but also with oneself.
  • Secondly, your education and your future depend on the level of its proficiency.

IN school curriculum on teaching the Russian language, includes such sections as:

  • Development oral speech
  • Reading
  • Literacy training
  • Studying grammar
  • Spelling

The teaching of this discipline is practical and corrective in orientation, since in the process work is being done to eliminate the speech deficiencies of students.

Why should schoolchildren learn Russian?

  • Firstly, there is no such thing as too much language knowledge, so it needs to be further developed.
  • Secondly, what bigger baby will know, the better his prospects in the future.
  • Thirdly, a person who knows his own language well can more easily learn a foreign one.
  • Fourthly, having good communication skills, people find friends, colleagues and interlocutors easier.
  • Fifthly, you will gain satisfaction from reading classical Russian literature. After all, Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy and other great classics should be read only in the original.
  • Lack of language knowledge creates many problems and tightly locks all doors in front of us.

Therefore, it is important that every student knows native speech and then his life will become more interesting and varied.

Training with the Knowledge Hypermarket

Interactive lessons from the Knowledge Hypermarket will help arouse interest modern schoolchildren to such a subject as the Russian language. With the help of a computer and online lessons, which are presented in the Knowledge Hypermarket, studying this subject will become easy and interesting. Here you will find useful and exciting materials in the form of presentations, cases, essays, essays and other useful lessons.

Make sure that this is where the most best materials In Russian!

13 Feb 2016, 20:22

Learning is light! And no matter how a person’s life or the world changes, this statement will always be relevant.

What does education give?

Education is a huge advantage for a person, one of his main weapons for achieving success and goals in the future. And it is important that a person understands this from the beginning, that he is interested in learning, and that he enjoys it. People begin to learn from childhood. Alas, modern schools, education systems with their eternal reforms have turned this area into a real mess. Parents can no longer always help their children; they are taught according to completely new programs. For tutors and additional classes not everyone has money.

You can solve the problem using the same Internet, using a special educational portal, for example, such as “Knowledge Hypermarket”.

"Knowledge Hypermarket"

“Knowledge Hypermarket”, located at:, is qualitatively different from similar resources precisely due to the structure of the information and the form of its presentation. Here you can find school curriculum materials from grades 1 to 11, for both Russian and Ukrainian schools. Materials are provided in several versions: classic, regular lessons, in the form of case lessons, training videos and more. You can choose one thing or look through several options for presenting the material at once, assess how the child perceives and assimilates information.

The most important advantage of the site is its interesting presentation. The lessons are beautifully designed, everything is orderly, there is no unnecessary necessary information. Material is fed into in full, but in a way that makes it easier to remember. A lesson may have several subsections, illustrations in the form of photos, pictures, graphs, and attached video materials. All materials are provided and available to anyone absolutely free of charge. If you wish, to make sure of their quality and reliability, you can ask some teacher you know to study them and evaluate them. He will agree that the material is high-quality, relevant and interesting. Well, the schoolchildren themselves, regardless of age, will study with enthusiasm if you give them a tablet or sit them down at their home PC. The lessons are not so voluminous, so the children will not have time to get tired, their eyes will not hurt, etc.

By the way, the material on the site may also be of interest to adults who just want to remember the school curriculum. This is much more useful than just social media or other useless activities on the Internet.

Yes, Vadim, there are several options for working with cases. All instructions are posted there. And the details and individual issues You can check with the management of the Knowledge Hypermarket at this address.

[email protected]

Svetlana Borisevich or Larisa Grabovskaya

2. I also believe that learning should be so informative and fun. However, for educational purposes, one picture is not enough. We are now working to accompany such videos with formulas, tables, graphs, and diagrams relevant to the topic. To make it 2 in 1: both exciting and useful, and fundamental.


Why don’t schools pay any attention to the spiritual aspect of children’s development?

Why is Blaise Pascal mentioned only in mathematics lessons and only as a great mathematician (perhaps they will also mention it in physics), but he was also a writer, a classicist French literature, philosopher, wrote a significant work “Thoughts”. He was admired by Tolstoy and Turgenev.

Also, they do not mention at all the existence of a man whose advice N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.A. Pleshcheev, Prince Golitsyn, Prince A.M. Gorchakov, Princess Orlova Chesmenskaya, Admiral Nakhimov, his literary evenings visited, A. S. Pushkin, I. A. Krylov, K. N. Batyushkov, N. I. Gnedich - St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

N. S. Leskov dedicated his story “Unmercenary Engineers” to him. How many people know about its existence in our time?

1. You are absolutely right. This knowledge should be included in textbooks.

2. But since textbooks are almost never printed now, and textbooks are not made of rubber, this information may not end up in a paper textbook.

3. But there is another opportunity - to include this information in textbooks, which are posted in the Knowledge Hypermarket on our website. It is used by hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren and teachers. Therefore, if you send comprehensive materials, preferably with photos and other illustrations, this will be included and will be of great interest.

Thanks for the offer.

1. There can be many forms. A student can be a “understudy” for a teacher. And this is often practiced.

2. In addition, there may be knowledge competitions between various groups: row on row, girls against boys, students against teachers, the first half of the alphabet against the second. These can be not only competitions for knowledge and competencies, but also presentations prepared by the specified teams or individual groups.

3. In the Knowledge Hypermarket in the “ideal lessons” section there is more detail about this. There's a whole table there.

1. No, such people are not found. Everyone is happy and satisfied. They are widely used, already in 58 countries. Moreover, according to our information, many sites even steal it, which, of course, is not very good, but indicates that bad things are not borrowed.

2. As for publishing houses, there is now such a crisis with the publication of textbooks, with their underfunding, as well as the position (and orders) of the ministry on the transition to electronic media and textbooks, that there are no problems either.

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17.01.2014, 12:26 Cuttlefish: Why should publishers protest? Nobody cancels their textbooks; on the contrary, they change them every year. And if they don’t have time to deliver it to schools as usual, they may dismiss it as resources like, use the Internet for now.

| Ask a question to Vladimir Spivakovsky

1. Thank you too. Happiness and upgrade in the New Year.

1. The Knowledge Hypermarket consists of different sections where ordinary lessons and cases (ideal lessons) are posted, which specifically provide the development of combinational thinking. Because there the lesson consists of a puzzle - different sciences and practices united by the same theme, but from different areas knowledge.

2. Thus, after completing such a lesson, the student acquires three-dimensional thinking and absorbs the material much more deeply.

1. Schoolchildren begin to spend more time searching and filtering information than memorizing it. This is very good.

2. In the process of searching for the necessary information, schoolchildren stumble upon related information (sometimes with peripheral vision). And they have a synergistic effect when they compare and “add” this diverse information. The result is new knowledge, which is consolidated much more tightly than old knowledge.

3. Knowledge is obtained from different sources, and this makes them fuller and more interesting.

4. Studying online is starting to be fun. This has not happened for several centuries. And it pleases.