International Russian Language Day is celebrated. Events dedicated to the holiday

On June 6, the birthday of Alexander Pushkin, Russian Language Day is celebrated - a holiday whose establishment was signed by the UN in 2010. In Russia, the corresponding document was adopted a year later, on June 6, 2011.

According to data for 2015, published in the reference book “Ethnologue: Languages ​​of the World” (the most famous reference book on the languages ​​of the world),

Russian language ranks eighth in the world in terms of the total number of people who speak it (177 million people).

The first places are distributed between Chinese (1.3 billion people), Spanish (427 million), English (339 million), Arabic (267 million), Hindi (260 million), Portuguese (202 million) and Bengali (189 million).

The Russian language is gradually ceasing to be a language scientific publications: if in 1970 about 80% of the works of Russian researchers were written in their native language, then by 2010 their number decreased up to about 5%. On currently in the database scientific journals Scopus indexes 246 journals published in Russia, with the majority of their articles either translated from Russian into English or published immediately in English. For comparison: only in the US and UK in the database Scopus data 10,805 scientific journals were included. If we take into account that journals in English are also published in other countries, it becomes clear that the Russian language does not occupy the first place in the world of science.

But on the Internet the position of the Russian language is much stronger: according to data research conducted in May 2016 by W3Techs, 6.4% of total number sites use Russian. At first glance, this figure is not very large, but nevertheless it is

an honorable second place after English (which is used by 53.5% of sites).

Third place went to Germany (5.5%).

Accept cannot be fought

The Russian language, like other languages ​​of the world, is constantly transforming, which is especially strongly felt now, in the age of domination in English and the Internet. According to the deputy director of the Russian Language Institute. V.V. Vinogradov RAS Maria Kalenchuk, borrowed English words There is nothing wrong. According to the expert, there have already been two large-scale waves of borrowing in the Russian language foreign words. The first was under Peter I, when a stream of Dutch and German borrowings poured into Russian. The second wave consisted of French words, which actively appeared in the language in the 19th century. In both cases, this was caused by socio-economic reasons: new realities required the emergence of new means to indicate them.

In addition, Maria Kalenchuk is sure that

It is useless to purposefully fight borrowing,

citing as an example the activities of Vladimir Dahl. He did not like words of foreign origin and in dictionaries he came up with Russian “synonyms” for them: “kolozemitsa” instead of “atmosphere”, “dexterity” instead of “gymnastics”. Artificial words, as we see, never took root.

As another example of the desire to “clean up” the Russian language, one can cite the activities of literary society“Conversation of lovers of the Russian word”, founded in 1811 in St. Petersburg by Gavriil Derzhavin and Alexander Shishkov. Members of this society sought to replace borrowed words with Russian ones and invented them themselves. So, instead of the word “sidewalk” they suggested saying “trampling”, instead of “cue” - “balloon”, and replacing “instinct” with “wake-up”. Members of the society engaged in active polemics with the Arzamas circle, which opposed such innovations. It included Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Pleshcheev and others. There is also a well-known phrase parody of Shishkov’s “Russian” language: laughing at him,

contemporaries proposed to “translate” the sentence “A dandy in galoshes walks along the boulevard from the theater to the circus” as “A good-looking man in wet shoes walks through the walk from the disgrace to the lists.”

In addition to the tendency to borrow foreign words, experts pay attention to one more thing: the interpenetration of written and oral speech. Doctor philological sciences and the famous linguist Maxim Krongauz notes that modern smartphones (by the way, here’s another borrowing from English) are increasingly used not for talking, but for writing: we constantly exchange messages in e-mail and instant messengers (of course, you can call them instant messaging applications, but it turns out to be too long), even when we are with the interlocutor in neighboring rooms. At the same time, such written language everything is more and more reminiscent of oral: we do not put punctuation marks, we write words as we hear, and not according to spelling rules.

How to learn Russian

In our country, the study of the Russian language is carried out, for example, State Institute Russian language named after. A.S. Pushkin, Institute of Russian Language named after. V.V. Vinogradov RAS, Institute of Slavic Studies RAS, Institute linguistic research RAS (by the way, it is there that dictionaries of the Russian language are compiled and descriptions of new vocabulary are given).

The question of the interaction of the Russian language with foreign languages has been identified as one of the main problems that linguists will have to study in the near future.

This will be done within the framework of projects that won the competition of the Russian scientific foundation(RSF) to finance research in the field of the Russian language and other languages ​​of Russia. The competition itself was initiated by the president at the end of last year, and the RSF summed up its results on March 31.

“In total, 78 experts were involved in the examination of the competition, who prepared 324 expert opinions on the competition applications,” Doctor of Philology Valery Demyankov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and coordinator of the humanitarian section, told Gazeta.Ru expert council. — This time we did not involve foreign experts - the experts were prominent domestic specialists in the field of the Russian language and other languages ​​of the peoples of Russia. These specialists big number publications good level citations and undoubted achievements in the field of linguistics. Of course, the expert cannot work in the same organization as the applicant, and he should not have an application (as a project manager or executor) for the same competition.”

Valery Demyankov also reported that the fund received a total of 112 printed applications. Based on the results of the examination, it was recommended to support 15 of them (14%).

“Several projects are aimed at identifying with what eyes a native speaker of the Russian language looks at the world, what are the features of this view, what properties outside world with this view, they are highlighted in full, and which ones are ignored.

Projects led by Valentina Apresyan (“Study of Russian linguistic consciousness based on semantic, statistical and psycholinguistic analysis of lexical ambiguity”, V.V. Vinogradov Institute of Russian Language RAS, Moscow), Ekaterina Lyutikova (“Structure of meaning and its display”) are devoted to this task. in the system of lexical and functional categories Russian language, Moscow Pedagogical State University). Leading Belarusian researcher Boris Norman was invited to the Ural federal university named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin for interpretation research inner world person in Russian.

On modern realities Russian language from ancient times is supposed to be viewed in the project led by Alexey Gippius “Cultural Identity Ancient Rus' in the mirror of the original writing: communication strategies and linguistic variability" (Institute of Russian Language named after V.V. Vinogradov RAS, Moscow).

The culture of the Russian people in dialect language and the text is dedicated to a project led by Tatyana Demeshkina (National Research Tomsk State University),” says Valery Demyankov.

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And all over the world, June 6 is celebrated as International Russian Language Day. This holiday was established by the UN Department of Public Affairs. According to the UN, about 250 million people on the planet speak Russian. Not Chinese, of course, but the quantity is impressive.

This day is incredibly important for the Russian language. Exactly Alexander was born on June 6 Sergeevich Pushkin, which is given credit for the emergence of the modern Russian language, which we use in this moment. Pushkin is a favorite Russian writer, so there is no need to explain why it was decided to make Russian Language Day on June 6, his birthday. Simply because Pushkin is our everything.

Russian Language Day is a holiday in Russia, which celebrated on June 6. The holiday is dedicated to the Russian language and is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in international level. In 2018 it falls on Wednesday.

The holiday was established by the UN in 2010. IN Russian Federation Russian Language Day was established in 2011. It was decided to make the date of the celebration the birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the great Russian poet, playwright and prose writer. It is worth noting that on the same day, June 6, “Pushkin Day in Russia” is celebrated - a holiday dedicated to the memory of the poet.

Russian Language Day is celebrated both in Russia and in other countries of the world. Traditionally, this day includes concerts, readings of works by Pushkin and other great poets and writers, and theatrical performances. Also on this day many museums open their doors. IN educational institutions There are thematic conferences, lectures, and Olympiads that relate to the Russian language.

Every year on June 6, Russia celebrates Pushkin Day of Russia (Russian Language Day)

And all over the world, June 6 is celebrated as International Russian Language Day. This holiday was established by the UN Department of Public Affairs. According to the UN, about 250 million people on the planet speak Russian. Not Chinese, of course, but the quantity is impressive.

This day is incredibly important for the Russian language. It was on June 6 that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born, who is credited with the emergence of the modern Russian language, which we use at the moment. Pushkin is a favorite Russian writer, so there is no need to explain why it was decided to make Russian Language Day on June 6, his birthday. Simply because Pushkin is our everything.

...No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the treasured lyre

My ashes will survive and decay will escape -

And I will be glorious as long as I am in the sublunary world

At least one piit will be alive.

Rumors about me will spread throughout Great Rus',

And every tongue that is in it will call me,

And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild

Tunguz, and friend of the steppes Kalmyk.

And for a long time I will be so kind to the people,

That I awakened good feelings with my lyre,

That in my cruel age I glorified freedom

And he called for mercy for the fallen...

Every year on June 6, Russian Language Day is celebrated in Russia and other countries. The date was not chosen by chance - it was then that the founder of the modern Russian language, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, was born. On this holiday, it is customary to congratulate teachers of Russian and literature, teachers and students philological faculties, library workers, linguists and other representatives of professions whose activities are directly related to language. On this day, the saying “a book is the best gift” is especially true.

history of the holiday

The first steps towards the establishment of this holiday began back in 1996. Then members of the Russian community of Crimea celebrated the Day of Protection of the Russian Language for the first time, timed to coincide with the birthday of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. And in 2007 they initiated the creation of the festival of Slavic culture “Great Russian word" The same year in the Russian Federation was declared the year of the Russian language. In an article about its results, which was published in the Parliamentary newspaper authored by Ivan Klimenko, the idea was expressed that one year is not enough for the development of a language.

Thus, according to Mr. Klimenko, educational events should be held annually, and for greater effect, a special holiday date. But then this idea remained without attention from the legislative and executive power states. Although in 1996, representatives of the Russian community of Crimea began to celebrate the Day of Protection of the Russian Language on June 6.

In 2010, the UN developed a program to support and develop linguistic diversity. According to it, holidays were introduced for each of official languages organizations. Among them, of course, was a Russian. It was decided to leave June 6 as a memorable date. A year later, the President of Russia, by a special decree, established Russian Language Day in Russia.


1. Posters with sayings of great people, proverbs and sayings about the Russian language:

“... some always strive to dull the language, others - to sharpen it.”

    1. M. Gorky

The tongue is small, but it rocks mountains.


My faithful friend! My enemy is insidious! My king! My slave! Native language!

    1. Ya.Bryusov

“The word is the commander of human power.”

V.V. Mayakovsky

2. Book exhibition

Preparatory work: class students are divided into two groups; On preparatory stage The teacher helps each student in selecting statements about the language, memorizing poems and preparing messages, and choosing the name of the teams.

Progress of the event

“We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language!”

K.G. Paustovsky

1.Organizational moment

Hello, Dear Guys!

Our event is dedicated International Day Russian language, which is celebrated on February 21.

Language is the main tool human communication. Express human thought maybe only the language. He can make a person fly on the wings of happiness, or he can kill him with one word.

Today we will talk about the Russian language. The language we speak is one of the most beautiful and rich languages ​​in the world. The most brilliant works of Russian classics were written in Russian, the richest fiction. Famous writer K.G. Paustovsky said.... (reading the epigraph). And so it is.

As if the whole world familiar to you

When you speak Russian.

That is why everyone is close to pure, clear,

The Russian people have a wonderful language.

The poet Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont wrote about the Russian language:

Language, our magnificent language, River and steppe expanse in it, In it the screams of an eagle and a wolf's roar, The chanting, and the ringing, and the incense of pilgrimage.

And the writer Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky spoke out that « True love for one’s country is unthinkable without love for one’s language.”

I think that you will agree with this statement of the writer.


    1. Vasilchenko N.V. We are friends with literature. - Volgograd: Panorama. 20006;

      Entertaining material on the Russian language. - Minsk, 1980;

      Intellectual games for schoolchildren. - Yaroslavl, 1998


      Russian language and literature: subject weeks at school. - Volgograd.2002;

      Knowledge lessons. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2002;

The holiday was established at the initiative of the UN in 2010. The prerequisite for this was the support of multilingualism and cultural communication. Russian is one of the six official languages ​​of the UN, along with Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish and French.

Each of the representative countries proposed the date of celebration, reflecting the priority for carriers specific language. For example, the Chinese memorable date wanted to glorify the man who invented their writing. For the Russian people, a special date is June 6, associated with Pushkin, and specifically with his birthday. It was thanks to his genius that the unification of the popular, colloquial dialect with the book one took place: the literary Russian language took the form that it has now.

On the first anniversary, the date became official for Russia by presidential decree. Russian is spoken by a sixth of the entire population of the planet. This is the official, national language for the Russian Federation; It has state status, along with their native ones, in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and a number of other countries. Even in those states where it is not a priority for the authorities, there are too many native speakers to ignore it. Unofficially, all countries communicate on it. former USSR. It is not surprising that even cosmonauts are required to know Russian if they expect to end up on the ISS.

The General Assembly supports special program training, has connections with the Russian Book Club. Multilingualism allows the organization to convey information to ordinary people, including through the website. It is important for the UN that anyone can get access to news and primary sources of information. All events on the holiday are aimed at studying, improving perception, development, knowledge of the most powerful and great.

The festival, which has international status and demonstrates Slavic culture in all its glory, is called “The Great Russian Word”. There are also concerts, competitions, and exhibitions of works of art related to the Russian people and helping to better understand the mentality of native speakers. Special events take place at UN headquarters in different countries.

Interest in Russia is steadily growing from the world community. With strong administrative support in last years managed to raise the prestige and importance of the language. Russian modern writers capable of capturing the attention of foreign audiences, for example, Dashkova, Akunin, Prilepin, Ulitskaya, Lukyanenko.

But they have to withstand tough competition from their own compatriots who only lived several centuries ago - the Russian classics. The opinion that literature helps to comprehend the secrets of the Russian soul makes the names of Chekhov, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Gogol famous abroad as never before.

And it doesn’t matter that literature is sometimes not read, but watched. For example, Chekhov as a playwright is considered a star of the first magnitude in terms of the number of productions throughout the world, and Anna Karenina has been filmed about 20 times. Maybe watching a film is a reason to get acquainted with the original, the source.