Michael Roach karmic management and diamond wisdom. Michael Roach Diamond Cutter: Business and Life Management System

Can a Buddhist monk do business? Can he do business successfully? Is there really a contradiction between spiritual practice and material enrichment? A practical answer to these questions is the life story of the author of this book, Geshe Michael Roach. Twenty years of persistent comprehension of Buddhism led him to obtain the academic title of Geshe - Master of Buddhist Sciences. Seventeen years in the diamond business allowed him to transform a small company with an initial capital of fifty thousand dollars into a transnational company whose turnover exceeded one hundred million dollars. The author of The Diamond Cutter believes that the goal of business and ancient Tibetan wisdom, as well as all human aspirations, is the same: to become rich, to achieve both external and internal prosperity.

Chapter 1
Where did wisdom come from?

Ha ancient language In India this doctrine is called "Arya Vajra Chedaka Nama Prajnya Paramita Mahayana Sutra."

In the language of Tibet - “Pakpa Sherab Kyi Paroltu Chinpa Dorje Chupa Shejawa Tekpa Chenpoy Do.”

It is translated into Russian as "Diamond Wisdom", a book of the path of compassion, a textbook of perfect wisdom.

What exactly makes this business textbook different from any other you've ever read? Its source. It is an ancient Buddhist book "Diamond Wisdom" lines from which are given above .

This book contains ancient knowledge, using which we turned Andin International into a company with annual revenues of over one hundred million dollars.

First, it would be good to know a little about this important book in order to better understand its role in the history of the Eastern world.

"Diamond Wisdom"- this is the first of all books known on Earth that was printed and not written by hand. IN British Museum there is a copy dating from 868. This predates the publication of the Gutenberg Bible by almost six hundred years.

The Diamond Wisdom contains the teachings of the Buddha, which are about two and a half thousand years old. At first it was transmitted orally, and then, with the development of writing, it was inscribed on long palm leaves. The words of the book were scratched onto durable leaves with a needle, and then soot was rubbed into the scratches. In southern Asia there are still quite readable books made in this way.

Typically, these palm pages were held together in one of two ways: either an awl was pierced through the middle of a packet of leaves and tied by passing thread through the resulting hole, or the books were simply wrapped in cloth.

Teaching "Diamond Wisdom" was given by the Buddha in Sanskrit, an ancient language of India believed to be four thousand years old. About a thousand years ago this book came to Tibet and was translated into Tibetan language. It was printed in Tibet for centuries in the following way: Cut text onto wooden boards, cover them with paint, lay on long strips of homemade paper, press down, and then roll with a roller. These long sheets of paper - woodcuts - were stored in saffron or burgundy cloth, just as in the days of palm leaf books.

I have repeatedly come across recommendations for books on psychosomatics by the author Lowen. I downloaded it and started reading. Some sad shit. By the way, I listened to the seminar of the vaunted Zotova - it was just quiet horror. I decided that before starting with Lowen specifically, just in case, I’ll read what I have related to the topic - these are 2 books “The Wisdom of the Body” and “What We Know.”

Michael Kern, D.O., R.C.S.T., M.I.Cr.A., N.D.

Wisdom of the body. Craniosacral approach to health

“This is an amazing work, very wise and deeply inspired. Michael met my expectations. When you finish reading this book, you will either want to become a craniosacral therapy specialist or start looking for one. If you're ready, read this book."

“There are subtle healing processes in the body that conventional medicine has largely forgotten and desperately needs to be reminded of. The Wisdom of the Body addresses many of these by focusing on craniosacral therapy. This book is a call for a holistic approach to healing, in which we respect everything that makes us human, body, mind, soul. Michael Kern's knowledge is amazing."

“If in our tense time of information exchange you want to receive full list all aspects of the craniosacral phenomenon, then “The Wisdom of the Body” is the book for you. Feel it the same way you live and breathe.”

Dr Joseph Goodman, D.O., N.D., Professor of the International Cranial Association (Cranial Osteopathic Association), British Acupuncture Council and Dean of the College of Osteopaths, London

“The Wisdom of the Body is a comprehensive book about releasing patterns of stress and suffering in our lives. Michael Kern's depth of practical experience is evident as he clearly explains the intricate workings of our energy bodies. His work illuminates many aspects of the great traditions of meditation. I highly recommend this book for gaining a comprehensive understanding of how the mind and body function."

“I would like many medical students to have the opportunity to read Michael Kern's book. After reading it, they will understand that they must develop sensitivity in their fingers and realize that their hands have the power of healing.”

Dr. Michel Odan, obstetrician, founder of the Center for Primary Health Research, author of Primal Health, Entering the World, The Farmer and the Obstetrician and The Identification of Love

“Craniosacral therapy has always had an ambiguous relationship with osteopathy and, in particular, with “cranial osteopathy.” Michael Kern, of course, acknowledges that the roots of craniosacral therapy are associated with osteopathy, but he also distinguishes it as a separate discipline. Whatever point of view we take, this book is a very graceful, eloquent and humane work. For the preliminary training of students, this book vividly presents the philosophy and principles underlying the practice, as well as delightful quotes from some wise men and women who have worked in this field since E.T. Stilla. The content and integrity of the material reflect a sincere and dedicated teacher and operator who seems to relish the celebration of this approach to healthcare, whatever its form.
accepted and no matter what it was called.”

Robert Lever, V.A., D.O. Met, GOsC, senior lecturer, European school Osteopathy (Maidstone, England)

“Michael Kern's book The Wisdom of the Body is both very accurate and inspiring. Addressed to both laymen and operators, this book is useful reference for the Breath of Life model of craniosacral work. Within this model sacred relationship between spirit and matter are not only thought through and explored, but also professionally used to facilitate the expression of our innate health. Michael's book will also serve as a resource for crane operators, providing a different perspective to enrich our work."

Avadan Larson L.Ac, CSTD, Certified Craniosacral Therapy Instructor, Upledger Institute

“This book was written based on long experience, and I believe it will benefit many people.”

Honorary Doctor Trogawa Rainpoch, Head of the Tibetan medical institute, Darjeeling, India

“The Wisdom of the Body is an attempt at a comprehensive, biodynamic understanding of life that dares to combine abstract and cosmological concepts on the one hand with specific and practical anatomical and physiological principles on the other. The stories Michael Kern tells about his patients are both educational and interesting. A very important section is devoted to the concept and treatment of trauma, and the application of the craniosacral approach to pregnancy and childbirth. This book is intended for both operators high level, and for non-professionals who want to learn about this area.”

“This is a well-written, practical overview of craniosacral therapy, one of the safest and most effective techniques for improving health that I have ever encountered.”

Chapter 1. History and development of craniosacral work
Breath of Life
Dissemination of work

Chapter 2. Craniosacral concept
Three tides
Deep Wave of Breath of Life
Holographic principle
Original matrix

Chapter 7. Basic elements of treatment
Treatment Goals
The Essence of the Healing Process
Congenital treatment plan
Therapeutic skills
Special "conversations"
Fluid Skills
Rest points
Practical treatment skills
Return to Wholeness

Chapter 10. Pregnancy, birth and children
Beginning of life
Before birth
Entering the world
Causes of complications
Working with babies and children

Addendum: So you want to become a craniosacral operator?
Candace Marro R.S. S. T.
Books for further reading

American Academy of Osteopathy. Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application (Dr. Rollin Becker DO; 1963 Yearbook)
— Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application, Part 2(Dr. Rollin Becker D.O.; 1964 Yeaibook)
— Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application. Part 3(Dr. Rollin Becker D.O.; 1964 Yeaibook)
— Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application, Part 4(Dr. Rollin Becker D.O.; 1965 Yeaibook)
— The Collected Papers of Viola Frymann(Viola Frymann D.O., 1998)
— The Biological Basis for the Osteopathic Concept(Dr. I.M. Korr; I960 Yearbook)
— Growth and Nutrition of the Body with Special Reference to the Mead(Dr. A.G. Cathie; 1962 Yeaibook)

Dr. James Jealous D.O., Around the Edges (1996)

— Healing and the Natural Worlds; interview with Dr. Jealous, 1997 Dr. Harold Magoun Jr. D.O., F.A.A.O., F.C.A., Osteopathy in the Cranial Field(Harold Magoun D.O.; 1st ed.; Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1951)

— Osteopathy in the Cranial Field(Harold Magoun D.O.; 3rd ed.;
Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1976)
Dr. Michael Shea Ph.D., R.C.S.T., Somatic Cranial Work(Shea Educational Group Inc. 1997)
Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T., Craniosacral Biodynamics Vols One (5 Two - draft version (North Atlantic Books, 2001)
Dr. John Upledger D.O., O.M.M., in Craniosacral Therapy(John Upledger and Jon Vredevoogd; Eastland Press, 1983)

— Craniosacral Therapy 2, Beyond the Dura(Eastland Press, 1987)
—Your Inner Physician and You(North Atlantic Books, 1991)
—The Brain Is Born(North Atlantic Books, 1996)

Cartoons reproduced with kind permission:
Gerry Mooney, Dobbs Ferry, NY: The Nervous System (Figure 5.3) and Animal Magnetism (Figure 8.3). Biff, London: Craniosacral Therapists in Love (Figure 7.1)


The following information is provided for informational purposes only. You should always consult your physician before doing anything described in this book. Any use of the material contained on the following pages is at the sole discretion of the reader.

Health is universal. It is an expression of the universal creative potential. We live in a universe that is constantly being created. Every moment is a moment of creation. Our human body- an expression of this constant, regular creation. Creation reveals its intentions through the Breath of Life (a term used by Dr. William Garner Sutherland to refer to the intentions and actions of the universal Creative Mind). This mysterious Intelligence, which we might call God or Divinity, manifests its creative principle from the moment of conception until the day we die. This is expressed within the embryo as cellular movement and development.

Dr. Sutherland stated that the Breath of Life generates biodynamic potency inside body fluids. It is the guiding force that governs the form and function of the human mind and body. It is this biodynamic potency that supports the original purpose of human life, his innate “project” of health, which has an active physiological function. The potency of the Breath of Life maintains the health of every cell and tissue and allows them to function in certain ways. It is through this process that organization is maintained and life events are focused and compensated. Thus, the existence of the human body is a living biodynamic process in which the Breath of Life constantly manifests its creative intentions.

In this book, osteopathic doctor Michael Kern introduces the concept craniosacral approach, which outlines a biodynamic perspective within a clinical context. This is not an easy task, so this introductory article is very necessary. This view represents a paradigm shift from the concept primary respiratory mechanism, which expresses a mechanistic rhythmic impulse, to dynamic system tidal movements that express the orders of the Breath of Life. From a biodynamic perspective, the primacy of the Breath of Life is felt and understood, and the focus of therapeutic work is the action of the Breath of Life and the forces generated by it.

In the original cranial concept, the primary respiratory mechanism is described as a group of anatomical and physiological functions and parts that express the primary subtle respiratory movement. It consists of:
1) congenital fluctuation of cerebrospinal fluid;
2) congenital mobility of the brain and spinal cord;
3) mobility of mutual tension membranes;
4) articular mobility of the skull bones;
5) involuntary mobility of the sacrum between the iliacus bones of the pelvis.

A shift in perception to the primacy of the Breath of Life as our motivating and
The organizing factor underlies the biodynamic understanding of the human system. From this point of view human system is seen as organizing a unified area around the imperative of the Breath of Life. Thus, the concept of the primary respiratory mechanism, consisting of tissue and fluid elements, shifts to a more wider system, which expresses the primary respiratory function of the Breath of Life. Hence, The primary respiratory mechanism (PRM) becomes the primary respiratory system (PRS), which includes:

- dynamic immobility in the center of all movement;
- the potency of the Breath of Life itself, which is called the long tide. It is a bioelectric matrix organized around a core midline bodies;
— the organizing and unifying function of the potency of the Breath of Life within the body fluids;
— organization of fluid and tissue systems at the direction of the Breath of Life and its project;
- the expression of primary respiration in cycles of inhalation and exhalation involving tissues, fluids and potency as a unit of function.

I have known Michael for many years and know him as good specialist and an experienced teacher. He has enough experience to try to explain concepts that are not easily explained to the general public. In the following chapters, Michael explains these concepts very clearly based on his own understanding and clinical practice. Once again, he had a difficult task, since the observations we make are always filtered through our personal processes of perception and modern use words and terminology. I feel like Michael did a wonderful job. Once you finish reading it, you will be able to take a journey to experience and explore these phenomena both within yourself and in your relationships with others. This book is important contribution into this area, and I hope it will have many readers.

Franklin Sills.
Devon, England, January 2001

My own experience with craniosacral work began over twenty years ago when I first sought treatment after being disillusioned and dropped out of college. I found myself at the crossroads of many roads, and I became very scared. I wondered how I should live next? For many months I was overcome by fatigue. I felt constant tension in my head and struggled to get out of bed every day. My family doctor told me I probably had a viral illness, but I felt like he didn't know what was happening to me. Around the same time, some of my close friends were enthusiastically praising a craniosacral operator who worked in the neighborhood, and I, in desperation, made an appointment with him, without any the slightest idea about what to expect from this treatment.

I remember very well that during the very first sessions I felt that I was heard. It wasn't about any verbal reassurance or sympathy, although I'm sure that helped too, I'd just never been touched in that way before. The doctor put his hands on my head, barely touching it, and waited silently. I have never experienced such a light yet penetrating touch or been in such intimate yet simple contact with another person. It was as if my entire being was inside this contact - mind, body and heart.

Moreover, this was not just a passive or static process, for I could sense a powerful restructuring taking place within me. There was a clear and dynamic connection between the operator's hands and my body. The touch of his hands was precise and appropriate, as if they were speaking to some core part of my being. Gradually I began to notice that there was something else besides the restlessness and heaviness contained in my body. I felt the depth of this penetration and began to recover.

Thanks to craniosacral treatment, the pressure in my head increased, my energy returned, and I gradually began to find my feet. I wanted to understand what happened to me and how it worked, so I started visiting various lectures and seminars on holistic medicine and became very interested in it! After completing an internship with some wonderful and patient teachers, I started practicing. However, I soon came to the conclusion again that I did not know what to do next. Should I undergo extensive training in osteopathy and devote myself to this work? I decided to think for a while and went on a journey through west coast U.S.A. One evening, in a severe state of indecision, I walked into a Chinese restaurant near San Francisco. At the end of dinner the waiter brought me tea and cookies. As I unwrapped the cookie wrapper, the words written on it caught my eye: “You will succeed best in a profession dedicated to serving humanity!” I don't know whether this was a prophetic intervention or not, but it was enough to confirm my desire to study osteopathy, so I returned to England to begin the training process.

This book is the result of many years of treatment, study, practice and teaching. My goal was to present an outline of the craniosacral approach that is accessible to the layperson who wants to delve a little deeper into “how it works.” I hope that my book will also be a valuable resource for craniosacral therapy students and other operators.

I hope to introduce the reader to the fundamental principles of craniosacral work by examining its development from the early concepts of its founder, Dr. William Garner Sutherland, to the present day. In this process, I will look at the layers of physiological functioning that fundamentally affect our health in order to determine how we can work with disease at the level of its origin. This book is not intended as a textbook, but as a guide to natural laws healing and how to use it in craniosacral work. It is my hope that from this book the reader will learn the enormous potential of this approach to return us to our source of health.

Behind last years craniosacral work has become one of the most rapidly developing species natural treatment. More and more more people began to seek craniosacral treatment. Patients of all ages with a wide variety of conditions have been able to improve their health, but how to explain these results remains a matter of debate. This may be due to the fact that nothing externally happens during the treatment process. Unfortunately, many of the assumptions that have been made reflect only a partial understanding of how our bodies function. Any view that divides it into its component parts loses sight of the larger picture and tends to be misleading.

This book presents biodynamic approach to craniosacral work - that is, an approach that recognizes the innate power of life in the body and our inner wholeness.

Because we live in a materialistic and mechanistic age, we often lose sight of the fact that we are more than just a collection of tissues, bones and fluids, and try to look only for explanations in physical terms. Yet at the core of the craniosacral concept is recognition vitality, highly praised by Dr. Sutherland. He called her Breath of Life which is the fundamental principle that maintains order and balance in the body.

The biodynamic approach was further developed by operators such as Rollin Becker, James Gilous and Franklin Sills. This book also includes views from mainstream allopathic medicine, physics, spiritual traditions, psychotherapy, and other treatments. They can expand our understanding of how our bodies function.

I am aware that there is a lot of jargon to explain craniosacral work, and it may be that some of the concepts are difficult to put into words as they are largely experiential and subjective. Therefore, I apologize in advance if there remains any ambiguity, but I hope that the reader will explore what follows from his own experience. As the old saying goes, “An ounce of practice is worth a ton of theory.”

While some jargon is inevitable, I have tried to use the language of the founders of this approach to be consistent. Many cultures believe that if we call something by its true name, we can understand its nature. Additionally, Craniosacral Therapy is an approach that addresses many levels of our experience while being firmly grounded in the anatomy of the body. This is where it comes from most of power and efficiency of this work, so I have used a lot of anatomical terms, but tried to keep them to a minimum in order to make this book as accessible as possible to the lay reader.

The text of the second edition of my book has been updated, some chapters have been added, and other chapters have been changed. I believe that these changes will help clarify the biodynamic approach to craniosacral work, and that this book can serve as a bridge between this way of working and other approaches.

I hope no one is offended by my use of a masculine pronoun, talk about the operator. This is not due to gender discrimination or the fact that women are rarely highly skilled craniosacral operators. In fact, women often even to a greater extent are able to develop the palpatory and perceptual skills required for craniosacral work, but since English does not have neuter pronouns, it seems more natural to me to stick to own experience when describing various cases. (When describing the treatment of patients, I changed their names, but retained their gender.)

My entire field of activity has been a journey of discovery for me. Every new patient who comes to see me is a teacher as I listen to their unique body story. If this innate knowledge is properly assessed, then life skills will be more useful for working with it than theories or techniques. Biodynamic craniosacral work is generally easy to use. It is about listening to the wisdom within us and helping it restore the health of the body.

By connecting with the core levels of health, the craniosacral approach is gentle and powerful tool to relieve suffering. It is an exploration of the essence of recovery and can take us to the deep roots of our being.

Michael Kern, January 2005

Michael Roach (1952) is the first Westerner to live for twenty years in the harsh conditions of Tibetan monasteries and earn the title of Geshe, a kind of “doctorate” in Buddhism. He founded the Asian Conservation Project literary heritage(Asian Classics Input Project - ACIP), which is probably the world's largest collection of manuscripts from ancient Asia.

Books (3)

How yoga works. Healing and Self-Healing with Yoga Sutras

In the book “How Yoga Works,” Geshe Michael Roach and his co-author Christy McNally talk about the secrets and deep essence of yoga in a fabulous way, simply and entertainingly.

This book may be of interest not only to specialists, but also to curious beginners. Of all the books about yoga translated into Russian, this one explains most simply and captivatingly that yoga is not just “oriental fitness,” but above all a philosophy and way of life.


A nameless young man, consumed by a thirst for spiritual knowledge, meets a golden-haired girl who takes him to a fairy Garden, where he will learn the lessons of wisdom. Here Lama Tsongkhapa, Buddha Maitreya, the First Dalai Lama and other founding fathers of Buddhism appear to him. Their lessons and instructions, imbued with clarity, wisdom and the uncompromising light of knowledge, reveal to the young man the innermost secrets of the Tibetan spiritual tradition.

Through the story of a young man who was brought to the Garden by the Beautiful Embodiment of Wisdom, the author introduces us to the pantheon of the greatest masters of Buddhism: philosophers, yogis, pillars of mysticism, giving him invaluable teachings and instructions; through the language of parables, he introduces the reader to the centuries-old wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism.

Tibetan Yoga Book

Geshe Michael Roach brings a Buddhist perspective to yoga in his new book about a specific set of exercises that makes practitioners healthy, strong and calm. After reading it, you will discover Tibetan Heart Yoga, which has been developed over centuries in the Gelug school - the lineage of the Dalai Lamas of Tibet.

The complex presented here combines well-known hatha yoga exercises with special Tibetan poses and methods of internal work with consciousness and is aimed at achieving a healthy and joyful heart for the practitioner. Combining rich illustrative material With philosophical foundations Buddhist worldview, Geshe Roach creates unique program for practicing yoga on the physical and spiritual levels.

Reader comments

Lucy/ 01/07/2018 I am getting acquainted with the teachings of M. Roach, I am very impressed with it, I feel that the truth speaks through this knowledge, because there is no resistance when you read, everything is so natural and logical. .I have been interested in karma for a long time, even before I became acquainted with the diamond cutter’s system, I did a lot of things intuitively, but there was no system. Now a system has emerged, which I am incredibly happy about and I have the intention of applying this system in life. Now I’m reading M. Roach’s book “Karma of Love”, since in relationships my karma is not the best, I realized this a long time ago, but didn’t know what to do with it. The book is very strong, it gives me goosebumps, I re-read some chapters several times times, although everything is written in an accessible and easy way. After reading many books on self-development, I thought that there was little that could hook me, but only now I have the feeling that I can really influence fate and karma, I feel great gratitude inside.

Alsou/ 01/05/2018 Criticism. what the charlatan and other negativity are shouting - what’s bad about these books? They call for murder, violence, fornication and debauchery?? Do they sow mesanthropy, chauvinism and other negative things? NO! Before you say anything, create something for yourself first. useful for everyone! And remember about karma, it will definitely return to everyone!

Alexander/ 12.12.2017 Diamond cutter - very strong book for those who are a little familiar with Buddhism. In it, in the first, a clear and understandable definition of EMPTINITY is given and this fundamental concept is revealed with examples. Without verbosity and very clearly. For this alone, my deep gratitude goes to Geshe Roach Michael. Om Sarva Mangalam!

Michael/ 10/15/2017 only ps can criticize the wonderful books of Michael Roach.

Lyudmila Zaitseva/ 07/3/2017 Thank you! I am beginning to comprehend the wisdom of your books! I really need help!

Guest/ 2.02.2017 Nonsense. Another charlatan. He invented some kind of Buddhist sciences. He makes money from fools.

Christina M/ 10.20.2016 I want to start reading Michael Roach, where do you recommend starting?

Tatiana/ 10/2/2016 Anna. It’s better to make a mistake in a letter than to be so mean.

YURI/ 07/14/2016 I, Usov Yuri Georgievich, would like to subscribe to these two books Diamond Wisdom and Karmic Management.

Olga Anne/ 02/21/2016 Dear Anna, a spiritual person is a loving person.
Judging others is not the way of the Spirit! I send you Light and

MICHAEL ROACH/ 01/23/2016 Thanks everyone for the amazing reviews! Subscribe to the official Michael Roach channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTx0cZrsTE0RKCuHxF6AUeQ and official page https://www.facebook.com/roach.dci and stay up to date with all the news

Altyn/ November 2, 2015 I read the first books in one sitting. Attended an intensive seminar in Moscow, which was held in August 2015. Geshe Michael is one of advanced people humanity.

Christina/ 09.27.2015 Not a single date in the biography matches, Warren Buffett did not buy any jewelry company Richline Group in 2009, and the one that is part of the holding was founded in 1915.

Anna for Victoria/ 08/24/2015 Oh my God, Victoria! So, you live a spiritual life, but, in spite of everything, instead of “put down” you write “lay down”? And why then is all this ostentatious tinsel and lies about a high spiritual life needed, if there is no ordinary culture that anyone, ordinary child absorbs in its native environment since school years. It would be better to take a Russian language textbook and study it thoroughly.

Olga/ 08/09/2015 Delighted with the books. Everything is clear, you just need to digest and swallow. The philosophy of Buddhism is so easily conveyed - I bow down. Such great knowledge and experience are conveyed with ease and love. Thanks to the author and the Buddhas!

Translation from English language V. Kovaleva

Foreword by Mirzakarim Norbekov

Dear reader!

This is very difficult: to push you, my dear couch potatoes, off your favorite sofa, so that you reveal the beautiful diamond contained in your soul, give it a cut and arrange it so that it sparkles with all its facets. And in other words - to make you an active creator of your destiny, re-forming your character and moving by leaps and bounds towards your goals - no matter how unattainable they may seem from the point of view of so-called normal people.

And is it any wonder that on my way I rarely meet not just a like-minded person, but an equally crazy person who is ready to give up everything to help another restless soul in search of a beautiful diamond.

Imagine that such a person not only met on my way - he also wrote a book called... “The Diamond Cutter”!

I can say with full responsibility: this book is the next step on our path to unlocking our potential. This is a book for those who have “dreams of something more” that goes beyond the values ​​​​imposed by the world around them. This is a book for those who strive to achieve something in their life. This is a book for those who have already achieved something, and can even afford to buy everything - houses, planes, islands, swimming pools with a submarine - but begin to understand: they have everything, but there is no happiness.

First of all, Geshe Michael Roach is a businessman. And he writes about business, he teaches how a businessman can help other people. On your own by example he shows how by helping others you can succeed in your own business, in personal life- in general, in everything you do. In fact, this is a universal technique for achieving any goals.

If you want to achieve something, formulate a goal, find someone similar, start an initiative. And at the same time, Geshe Roach opens the door to the highest spirituality for us. He interprets the texts of the most secret lessons of the Buddha and the Tibetan sages, but with brilliant simplicity he puts their teaching into a form understandable to us, weaving threads of ancient wisdom into his actions in business, in relationships with suppliers, with partners, with clients and subordinates: he speaks to us in simple and figurative language.

To those who are ready to smartly say that this is just a diamond coincidence, are ready to slam the book shut and put it on the shelf, I want to ask: have you built a business worth $250 million in a short period of time? But this is exactly what the enterprise that this created is worth today. humble person. (According to CNN, by 1999 the company had revenue of $150 million per year. Later, the analytics portal Zoominfo estimated revenue at $250 million per year, with thousands of employees around the world. In 2009, the company was acquired by Warren Buffett, one of richest people in the world, and became part of the Richline division of Berkshire Hathaway investment fund). And every dollar of these 250 million serves as proof that “The Diamond Cutter” is not just another revelation of a beautiful-hearted unmercenary. This is an instruction and guide to action from an extremely practical and successful businessman.

Having lived for many years in a Tibetan monastery, this man returned to society to expand our boundaries of ideas about business, showing in practice how knowledge works. With his humble persona, he proved that if you deeply understand how the world works, then success in business is a matter of technique. By his example, he proved that what he teaches is true.

Over the past few years, which Geshe Roach has dedicated to disseminating his teachings, a layer of people who are engaged in business, who have a request for something more, who have united with each other, and who want to communicate with the same people in other countries, has managed to form in the world. . This is now the main goal of Geshe Roach: to unite people with a similar value system in different countries.

If you have nothing, listen to Geshe Roach. If you have everything, listen to Geshe Roach. Try to understand.

If you don’t understand, try to feel the joy and hope that awaits us along this path. Over time, understanding will come to you - and with it all the benefits of the outlook on life that the Diamond Cutter teaches us.

By communicating with the rich, we move closer to wealth, by communicating with the stupid, we move in their direction. But there is also a genius in each of us. He wakes up from communication with the same abnormal person. This is a book greatest personality. Welcome to a conversation with a genius

Sincerely yours, Mirzakarim Norbekov


Buddha and business

For seventeen years - from 1981 to 1998 - I had the honor of working with Ofer and Aya Azrielant, owners of Andin International Diamond Corporation, who became the core of the team that built one of the largest diamond and jewelry companies in the world. This business started with a $50,000 loan and only three or four employees, including myself. By the time I left the company to devote myself full-time to the institute I founded in New York, we had annual sales of more than $100 million and more than five hundred employees in offices around the world.

All the years devoted to the diamond business, I had to conduct double life. Seven years before entering this profession, I graduated with honors from Princeton University, and even earlier received a White House Presidential Scholar's Medal from the President of the United States and a McConnell Fellowship from the Princeton School of Foreign Affairs. Woodrow Wilson.

This grant allowed me to travel to Asia to study with Tibetan lamas at the residence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Thus began my immersion in the ancient wisdom of Tibet, which culminated in 1995 when I, the first American to undergo a twenty-year cycle of rigorous study and rigorous examinations, received the traditional degree of Geshe, or master of Buddhist sciences. After graduating from Princeton, I lived in Buddhist monasteries United States and Asia, and in 1983 he took vows as a Buddhist monk.

However, before I had both feet on the monastic path, my main teacher named Khen Rimpoche (or “Precious Abbot”) forced me to enter the world of business. He said that the monastery was an ideal place for theoretical mastery of the great ideas of Buddhist wisdom, and the bustling American office would be an ideal “laboratory” for the practical testing of these ideas in real life.

For some time I resisted, not daring to leave the comfortable silence of our small monastery. In addition, American businessmen seemed to me to be greedy, ruthless and indifferent types. But one day, after hearing an inspiring conversation between my teacher and several students, I told him that I would follow his instructions and find a way to realize myself in business.

A few years earlier, during my daily meditations at the monastery, I had something of a vision when I learned that my work would somehow be connected with diamonds. I had no knowledge of these precious stones, nor any interest in jewelry of any kind; Likewise, none of my family members have ever engaged in trade. And so I, with the naivety of a child, began to walk from one jewelry store to another, asking if anyone would like to take me on as a student.

It is worth saying that trying to get into the diamond business this way is like trying to get a job in the mafia: trading in rough diamonds is a closed business, which he is very involved in narrow circle persons traditionally limited to members of one family. In those years the Belgians controlled large diamonds– weighing from a carat and above; the Israelis handled the cutting of most of the small stones, and the Hasidic Jews from the Diamond District on New York's 47th Street controlled the domestic wholesale trade in America.

Is success subject to any laws? Can it be guaranteed to be planned? What is this mysterious “emptiness” (or hidden potential things), which is the key to unlocking the secret of any success both in business and in personal life? You will find answers to these and many other questions in the book of an outstanding person of our time, Michael Roach - a Buddhist monk, a major businessman and a talented writer. Today this book has been translated into 23 languages. It is read and successfully used by millions of people around the world. At the end of the book you can find their success stories.

The book is intended primarily for businessmen and managers, but it can also be of great benefit to anyone who has decided to become the leader of their own life.


Diamond Wisdom (2.8 MB)

original name: Where Science and Buddhism Meet: Emptiness, Oneness and the nature of Reality
Director: Gerald Penilla
Year of manufacture: 2009
Country: US
Translation Professional single-voice
Quality: DVDRip
Format: AVI
Duration: 0:21:29
Size:130 MB

Description: The film talks about the parallels between the most analytical "religion" - Buddhism - and the most "religious" science - quantum physics. The issues of Emptiness, Unity and the nature of what we are used to calling reality are clearly and simply explained.

Download from turbobit.net Buddhism and science: common ground (130Mb)
Download from depositfiles.com Buddhism and science: common ground (130Mb)

Year of manufacture: 2010
Country Russia
Genre: documentary
Duration: 52 min. 07 sec.
Director: Yuri Rogozin
Quality: DVDRip
Format: WMV
Size:797 MB

Description: Film about Buddhism in modern world, filmed by order of the Moscow City Government. Interviews with St. Petersburg Buddhist scholars: Androsov, Ostrovsky, Dandaron’s student Vladimir Montlevich, Telo Tulku, B.B. Badmaeva.

Download from turbobit.net (797 MB)
Download from depositfiles.com (797 MB)

Country Russia
Russian language.
Release date: 1998
Quality: VHS-Rip.
Video information:
Duration: 37 min.
Size: 145 MB

About the film: A film about Tibetan Buddhism, monasteries, monks, ceremonies, etc., recorded by our compatriots who ended up in Tibet. The film shows some of the practices and rituals well.

Download from turbobit.net (145 MB)
Download from depositfiles.com (145 MB) About life and enlightenment. Principles of Buddhism with the Dalai Lama
Year of manufacture: 2005
Country: Germany
Genre: documentary series
Translation: professional monophonic
Duration: 160 minutes

About the film: Series "Mudra" talks about the importance of ritual practices in Buddhism. About ritual dance, its external attributes and internal content, about other everyday rituals that are a support for meditation and are designed to purify the mind.

Series "Mandala" about the meaning of the mandala (the visual embodiment of the mantra), an explanation of the symbols and rituals associated with the creation and destruction of the mandala.

Series "Bardo" about the transitional states (bardos) through which the soul passes in the cycle of samsara. The attitude of Tibetan Buddhists to death and the process of rebirth, the practice of transition along the “Tibetan book of the dead".

Lha- spirit or energy of life. Tibetans call people like Sevang Dolma Agupa Lhamo. A saint whose normal self has given way to some powerful forces beyond the control of her own will. Ordinary woman, mother and wife, in a state of trance becomes a healer and psychotherapist. In such a state, she is actually able to cure diseases that plague the body and mind.

Series "Menla" will tell you about the secrets of the success of the Tibetan healing system. The heads of the film took part in the filming of different schools Tibetan Buddhism, yogis and monks.

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