Handbook for OGE preparation. Useful aids for preparing for the OGE in English

The reference book, addressed to graduates of the 9th grade of general education organizations, presents the material of the “Social Studies” course in the volume tested at the main state exam.
The structure of the book corresponds to the modern codifier of content elements in the subject, on the basis of which the control measuring materials of the OGE are compiled.
The content of the course is grouped into six module blocks: “Man and Society”, “Sphere of Spiritual Culture”, “Economics”, “Social Sphere”, “Sphere of Politics and Social Management”, “Law”.
Completeness, compactness, clarity and clarity of presentation ensure maximum efficiency in preparing for the exam.
Samples of tasks of different types and all levels of complexity (basic, advanced and high), answers to them and an indication of the approximate time for their completion will help to objectively assess the level of knowledge and skills.

What is common to both humans and animals?
1) transformation of the world
2) accumulation of knowledge
3) need for rest
4) desire for beauty

Pavel studies in the second grade of a comprehensive school. In his free time, he likes to play board games. Compare the two forms of activity mentioned in the task conditions - learning and playing. Select and write down the serial numbers of the similarity traits in the first column of the table, and the serial numbers of the differences in the second column.
1) promotes personal development
2) imitates real actions
3) equips with system knowledge and skills
4) helps to understand the world around us

Preface 6
Topic 1.1. Society as a form of human life 12
Topic 1.2. Interaction between society and nature 14
Topic 1.3. Main spheres of public life, their relationship 16
Topic 1.4. Biological and social in man 17
Topic 1.5. Personality. Peculiarities of adolescence 19
Topic 1.6. Human activity, its main forms (work, play, learning) 23
Topic 1.7. A person and his immediate environment. Interpersonal relationships. Communication 30
Topic 1.8. Interpersonal conflicts, their constructive resolution 40
Topic 2.1. The sphere of spiritual culture and its features 43
Topic 2.2. Science in the life of modern society 44
Topic 2.3. Education and its importance in the information society. Opportunities for obtaining general and vocational education in the Russian Federation 48
Topic 2.4. Religion, religious organizations and associations, their role in the life of modern society. Freedom of conscience 52
Topic 2.5. Morale 58
Topic 2.6. Humanism. Patriotism, citizenship 61
Topic 3.1. Economics, its role in the life of society 65
Topic 3.2. Goods and services, resources and needs, limited resources 68
Topic 3.3. Economic systems and property 72
Topic 3.4. Production, labor productivity. Division of labor and specialization 78
Topic 3.5. Exchange, trade 83
Topic 3.6. Market and market mechanism 85
Topic 3.7. Entrepreneurship. Small business and farming 92
Topic 3.8. Money 103
Topic 3.9. Wages and labor incentives 107
Topic 3.10. Income inequality and economic safety net measures 111
Topic 3.11. Taxes paid by citizens 115
Topic 3.12. Economic goals and functions of the state 119
Topic 4.1. Social structure of society 122
Topic 4.2. Family as a small group. Relations between generations 124
Topic 4.3. Diversity of social roles in adolescence 127
Topic 4.4. Social values ​​and norms 130
Topic 4.5. Deviant behavior. The danger of drug addiction and alcoholism for individuals and society. Social significance of a healthy lifestyle 134
Topic 4.6. Social conflict and ways to resolve it. 138
Topic 4.7. Interethnic relations 142
Topic 5.1. Power. The role of politics in the life of society 146
Topic 5.2. Concept and characteristics of the state 148
Topic 5.3. Separation of powers 151
Topic 5.4. Forms of State 153
Topic 5.5. Political regime. Democracy 157
Topic 5.6. Local government 162
Topic 5.7. Citizen participation in political life 167
Topic 5.8. Elections, referendum 169
Topic 5.9. Political parties and movements, their role in public life 173
Topic 5.10. Civil society and the rule of law 178
Topic 6.1. Law, its role in the life of society and the state 187
Topic 6.2. Rule of law. Regulatory legal act 188
Topic 6.3. The concept of legal relations 192
Topic 6.4. Signs and types of offenses. Concept and types of legal liability 195
Topic 6.5. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation 200
Topic 6.6. Federal structure of Russia 206
Topic 6.7. State authorities of the Russian Federation 209
Topic 6.8. Law enforcement agencies. Judicial system. Relationships between government bodies and citizens 219
Topic 6.9. The concept of rights, freedoms and responsibilities. Rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Russia, their guarantees. Constitutional duties of citizens 223
Topic 6.10. Children's rights and their protection. Features of the legal status of minors 227
Topic 6.11. Mechanism for the implementation and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms 230
Topic 6.12. International legal protection of victims of armed conflicts 233
Topic 6.13. Civil relations. Ownership. Consumer rights 236
Topic 6.14. Family legal relations. Rights and responsibilities of parents and children 245
Topic 6.15. The right to work and labor relations. Employment of minors 254
Topic 6.16. Administrative legal relations, offenses and punishments 259
Topic 6.17. Basic concepts and institutions of criminal law. Criminal liability of minors 263
Training version of the examination paper in social studies 271
Replies 282
Literature 285.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Social Studies, Complete reference book for preparing for the Unified State Exam, grade 9, Baranov P.A., 2016 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

A year ago, I already touched on the topic of what are the best textbooks to choose to prepare for the OGE. Time passes, and accordingly, the teaching aids have also changed, as well as the requirements for the exam. Today I want to focus on those books by Russian authors that are closest to training for passing the main English exam.

My experience of preparing for the OGE

I started preparing for this type of exam while I was still on maternity leave. Then my first experience was my husband’s niece. It was a truly valuable experience and beneficial both for her and for me in particular. A whole series of articles is devoted to this. If you click on a category "OGE" in the blog menu on the left, you can read all the posts in detail.


I also often filmed video reviews of new book releases. You can get acquainted with them by following the links below...

Unfortunately, this year I don’t have any students preparing to take the OGE, and to be honest, it’s sad. When you prepare a student for an exam, you are constantly in the process of self-development of your professional skills and language. When this is not the case, it becomes a little boring. Also, due to the heavy school load, now I do not have the opportunity to train any student.

I think that's enough of a preface and let's move on to the main thing.

Manuals with reference material

Quite recently, an explanatory manual from the series appeared on the Internet last year “I will pass the OGE.” This series also has English language edited by Babushis E.E., N.N. Trubaneva. The surname Trubaneva is more familiar to me. The manual looks like this:

I will pass the OGE

How did it captivate me?

Firstly, the series “I will pass the Unified State Exam” itself, as well as the series “I will pass the Unified State Exam”, wonderfully describes step-by-step preparation for each part of the exam, for each task. I consider this a plus!

Secondly, The manual presents an analysis of typical mistakes of participants in the OGE of past years, and provides methodological recommendations.

I will provide screenshots of some pages in the “Listening” section.

section "Listening"

Here we see the same algorithm for completing the task.

Learning to complete a task

When the material is explained in such a methodical way, it is easier for the teacher himself to explain it to the student. My rating is 5! I recommend this manual!

The next new product that caught my attention and did not leave me indifferent is this manual, edited by. O.V. Terentyeva, L.M. Gudkova "English. A new complete reference book for preparing for the OGE."

"English language. A new complete reference book for preparing for the OGE"

To be honest, I didn’t think that the guide would be so useful.


  • The reference book presents all sections of the written part of the exam, as well as its oral part.
  • each section contains the necessary language material, sample tasks and recommendations for their implementation.
  • rules for filling out exam forms are presented (often time is not always allocated for this).
  • Each section describes common mistakes when performing tasks.
  • There is a practical guide to grammar. The key word here is “practical.” After explaining the topic, exercises for training one or another grammatical phenomenon are presented.

The coolest thing about this book is that without deviating too far from the rules, exercises from the exam format are given. For example, in the “Grammar” section, material is given on the plural of nouns. After a couple of training exercises, we perform the exercises directly those presented in the OGE format.

examples of tasks with plural parts only.

And so is every grammatical phenomenon. This is cool.

Wonderfully viewed topic of word formation and the most complete reference material is presented.

example of prefixes with negative meaning

exercise only on prefixes with negative meaning

The writing and speaking tasks are also well presented, but briefly. My rating is also 5. I recommend it!

Aids to the oral part of the OGE

If the previous manuals have a number of advantages, most of them are still not so focused on the oral part. And the oral part, as we know, is not such a simple and unimportant thing.

So, I present to your attention the following new product on the book market of textbooks for the OGE in English.

OGE. English language. Oral part

What attracted me to him?

The manual contains 25 demonstration options, and most importantly, SAMPLES FOR COMPLETING ALL TASKS.

I am attaching photo screenshots.

As you can see, examples of sample answers are presented. This will be an excellent support for a poorly prepared student. In the third task we are also presented with a sample of a monologue statement with speech patterns and clichés.

I think this book is worthy for preparing for the oral part.

The collection by E.S. Muzlanova is also quite good.


The following brochure is about which I have written more than once. This is A.V. Mishin’s manual “Oral part. OGE”.

Oral part

This book is worthy of praise without any comments. Well, if you haven’t read my review, you can look at the links above.

And another one to prepare for the oral part from the same series from “Enlightenment” is the creation of O.N. Sukhanova.

preparing for the oral part of the OGE

I also wrote about him in previous posts.

By the way, if I'm not mistaken, then you noticed change in oral part ? Namely, the picture for task 3 disappeared. It distracted attention and caused some to have an incentive to describe it, and not as a support for a monologue statement.

Well, and of course, where would we be without training options?

Training options

I believe that the most optimal test option for training is the FIPI website.

Now there is a huge amount of literature with demo options, but not all of them are as good as it seems at first glance.

N.N. Trubaneva

I'm finishing writing my post for today. I hope I haven’t bored you, my readers! I look forward to your comments. For convenience, there is now a Facebook comment form on the blog page. Who is comfortable with the VKontakte comment form?

Until next time!

Facebook Comments

The reference book is addressed to 9th grade students to prepare for the OGE in mathematics.
The manual contains detailed theoretical material on all topics tested by the exam, as well as training tasks in the form of the OGE. The answers are provided at the end of the guide.
The publication will be useful to mathematics teachers and parents for effectively preparing students for the OGE.

The item on sale was discounted by 25%, and it now cost 900 rubles. How many rubles did the product cost before the sale?
The cost of the product before the markdown was 100%, it was discounted by 25%, i.e. now it costs: 100 - 25 = 75% of the original price, which is 900 rubles. This means that this is a task of finding a quantity from its percentage.
1) 75 % = 0,75;
2) 900: 0.75 = 1200 (rub.).
Answer: 1200 rubles.

On Monday, the product went on sale at a price of 1,300 rubles. In accordance with the rules adopted in the store, the price of the product remains unchanged during the week, and on the first day of each subsequent week it is reduced by 20% of the previous price. How much will the product cost on the seventeenth day after it goes on sale?
During the first seven days, the price of the goods was 100% or 1300 rubles. On the eighth day, they made a markdown of 20%, and this amounted to: 100 - 20 = 80% of the original cost.
1) 80 % = 0,8;
2) 1300 0.8 = 1040 (rub.).
Starting from the eighth day and for another week, the price of the goods was 1040 rubles, and this is now 100%. A week later, there was a 20% markdown again, and the product began to cost 80% of 1,040 rubles.
3) 1040 0.8 = 832 (rub.).
On the fifteenth day, the price of the product was 832 rubles, for another seven days the price did not change, so on the seventeenth day the price of the product will still be 832 rubles. Answer: 832 rubles.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book OGE, Mathematics, Universal reference book, Tretyak I.V., 2016 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • OGE 2019, Mathematics, Collection of examination tests, Ryazanovsky A.R., Mukhin D.G.
  • Preparation for the OGE in mathematics, Methodological instructions, Yashchenko I.V., Shestakov S.A., 2019
  • Mathematics, Preparation for the OGE, Diagnostic work, Kislovskaya V.D., 2019
  • OGE, Mathematics, Preparing for the final certification, Semenov A.V., Trepalin A.S., Yashchenko I.V., 2019

The following textbooks and books:

  • Universal educational activities, Mathematics workbook, 6th grade, Part 1, To the textbook N.Ya. Vilenkina, Mathematics, Erina T.M., Erina M.Yu., 2017
  • Universal educational activities, Mathematics workbook, 6th grade, Part 2, To the textbook N.Ya. Vilenkina, Mathematics, Erina T.M., Erina M.Yu., 2017

Gufaizina Alena Petrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Irakinda Secondary School"

Five best aids for preparing for the State Examination

Is it possible to download this manual in electronic version?

Accessibility of presentation (is the presentation of the material difficult for a student?)

Availability of illustrations (specify, color or black and white)

Publication quality (binding, paper)

Main state exam

Russian language

A set of materials for preparing students Drabkina S.V. Subbotin D.I.

2014, 2017 (2nd edition)

The 2017 edition can be downloaded for free

Material for a ninth grader, I believe, is available

There are few illustrations, they are in black and white

The paper is not very good quality

OGE 2017 Typical test tasks 50 task options

Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., Egoraeva G.T.


The publication can be downloaded for free

The material is presented in an accessible way

No illustrations

Newsprint paper

OGE Workshop on completing standard test tasks

Real tests

Egoraeva G.T.


The material is presented in an accessible way

No illustrations

Newsprint paper

Russian language

30 training versions of exam papers to prepare for the main state exam Stepanova L.S.

2015, 2017 - new edition

The manual can be downloaded in electronic version for free

The material is presented in an accessible way

No illustrations

Newsprint paper

Russian language


Thematic assignments of levels A, B, C to prepare for the State Examination

9th grade

Baronova M.M.

The manual cannot be downloaded for free in electronic version.

I believe that assignments should be analyzed only under the guidance of a teacher, and then tests should be solved

No illustrations

Newsprint paper

1) “A set of materials for preparing students” by Drabkina S.V. Subbotin D.I. 2017 (2nd edition)

I used to use the 2014 edition, but a revised edition appeared, which turned out to be very convenient, because they removed the tasks that were removed from the OGE.The analysis of the tasks presented in the manual is very convenient for students to understand. The tasks correspond to real tasks from the State Academy of Sciences. The assignments can also be used as visual examples in lessons. I think the difficulty level of the tasks is basic.

The topics from the school curriculum of the subject are worked out, in my opinion, quite well. Test tasks are given with an algorithm for solving them, so students can independently work on a particular topic on their own.

There are no comments on the answers, however, as in other manuals. But there is a solution algorithm, after reading which you can execute it correctly.

The material presented in the book is systematized by task numbers according to the OGE type, which is also a plus.

These tests assess the degree of preparedness of a State Examination School student objectively.

The manual is very universal for use, suitable for children who have yet to graduate - students in grades 8 and 10.

To the questions: “Can this manual be used by college students? Can university applicants use it when preparing for entrance tests of a creative and professional orientation?” - I think yes.

Some material is presented in tabular form, which is very convenient for perception. The students love it. There is an illustration, but this is not so important for ninth graders.

This textbook can be used for self-study, for class work, or for training with a tutor. Using this guide, interested parents can always check how their child is preparing for the exam. Last year, motivated students using this manual scored higher on the exam than previously expected. The cost of the manual is not very expensive, but the benefits of its practical application are great. Theoretical material is presented in a concise and structured form. It contains methodological recommendations for writing a concise presentation and essay, and provides sample essays, which is important for a weak student. Standard training tasks with methodological instructions are given, and answers are provided. All this allows students to prepare well for passing the OGE in the Russian language.

2) Typical test tasks 50 variants of tasks Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., Egoraeva G.T. 2017

The benefit of the manual is that it provides many test options to practice. A detailed analysis of the tasks of the first and thirteenth options is given. During the lesson, students read an analysis of one of the options and find key words. Using these words, children can use their revision notebooks to find information. The material is presented quite clearly. The manual provides a system for assessing examination work. The criteria for assessing presentation and essay are described. Knowing these criteria, students can write their work consciously. After the test, students can check and evaluate the presentation and essay themselves using these criteria. Knowing the requirements for essay and presentation helps to consciously work on this type of work. A tabular version of the criteria for assessing presentation and essay is displayed on the screen in the class for both group work and individual work. The answers are given at the end of the manual. The price and quality of the manual, I think, correspond. Using this textbook, students can prepare independently and monitor their implementation.

3) OGE Workshop on completing standard test tasks. Real tests Egoraeva G.T. 2017

No materials for repetition are provided. Students can only solve tests and check answers on their own. This manual is aimed at developing practical skills of the test part, although at the end there are 12 texts of presentations, but there are no answers to the statements. Answers to the tests are given at the end of the manual. On the plus side, it can be noted that the assessment criteria provide explanations about the work of experts in checking the examination work.

A lot of space on the sheet on the right or left is left for student responses, although there is a special line for this. To save paper, you need to organize this.

4) Russian language 30 training versions of examination papers to prepare for the main state exam Stepanova L.S. 2015, 2017 - new edition

The manual is interesting because at the very beginning there is a brief methodological commentary on the tasks of part 3. This is a very big plus that the material is clearly described on how to write an essay correctly. The textbook contains six texts for presentation, and answers are given to them. This allows students to monitor themselves. Thirty tests are given, there are answers at the end, but there are no materials for solving the tasks.

5) I begin preparing for the Unified State Exam in fifth grade. The "Workbook Thematic assignments of levels A, B, C for preparation for the State Examination" 9th grade Baronova M.M. is suitable for this. 2010

There are no assignment reviews in this notebook, only material for practicing the acquired knowledge.

The tests in this manual are presented by section, so as I study a particular topic in grades 5-8, I use these tests to reinforce them. By the end of the eighth grade, this workbook has already been worked out, so I offer this manual to those ninth graders who have large gaps in their knowledge. This manual is not entirely suitable for ninth graders.

In my preparation for exams, I use various aids. I take some material from one manual, some from another. Of the five selected, I consider the best textbook “Complex of materials for preparing students” by Drabkina S.V. Subbotin D.I. 2017 (2nd edition).

At the very beginning of the manual, recommendations are given for preparing for the OGE 2017. Everything is explained for students in an accessible form. Section 1 is about writing a concise summary. Section 2 contains material to prepare for the test part. Section 3 prepares students to write an argumentative essay. Approximate versions of the OGE and answers to them are given.All this allows students to prepare well for passing the OGE in the Russian language, not only with a teacher, but also independently. Preparation using this manual gives good results.

Although the books were purchased in 2014, the manuals are slightly modified: the cover and text are changed. I compared it with 2013 myself. I'll give a brief review of each.

I wrote it right after passing the exams in 9th grade, I didn’t correct the text, the article was lost on the disk)

1) Russian preparation for State Examination-2014 (N.A. Senina)

— the manual includes 4 parts.

  • 5-109 pages - includes a bunch of useful information, such as text compression techniques and rules, formatted in table form.
  • 109-122 pages - definitions copied from Wikipedia.
  • 123-147 pages - version downloaded from the FIPI website + debriefing and comments from the author.
  • 147-346 pages - as many as 30, which were compiled by Senina (the author of this manual). The first tests of the norms, then the hack began (the text for writing essays increased from 1 to 4 pages + several incorrect answers at the end of the collection).

We were forced to buy this book for school, where we studied on it during consultations and in class.

Separately, you can buy an application for it - a disk with expositions that are soundly voiced.

But buy the book itself. Because if you have a printer at home, printing is clearly not an option and reading from the monitor is also not an option.

The book is ahead of its competitors in terms of quantity and quality.

2) Russian Language for GIA-9 Legion (Yu.N. Gosteva and others...).

Arriving at the store, I saw a beautiful and bright cover promising 30 options + 300 tasks of part C, from the developers of FIPI and all sorts of other goodies... Even a publishing house promising Exam :)

I opened it, flipped through it... everything seemed fine... I bought it.

When I started looking I couldn’t find it. Maybe I'm stupid - perhaps, but after finishing this book I still couldn't find the assignments for part C! The books say in large letters “Created by FIPI developers.” Yes, there are two of them (Vasiliev and Gostev), only they write from 1 to 10 and from 21 to 30. And besides, they are hacking using the same text and compositions in other versions...

In the second part, the authors honestly admit and write “based on materials from the Internet” :) Next are 10 more options - a workshop on writing stupid essays on a linguistic topic. Even a hedgehog can understand how to write them! And these options include answers to the easiest questions...

By the way, the only book in which, a day before the OGE, I solved about 20 options at once and I want to note that they are much easier and more plausible than those in Senina.

3) Mathematics training Legion (F.F. Lysenko)

The book contains a good theory (33 pages in total) + 30 tests + a collection of problems on various topics + solutions to some problems.

I thought I would decide on an option every three or four days and by the end of the year I would have solved everything...

But in reality there were only 4 :)

4) Mathematics Reshak Legion (F.F. Lysenko)— a very incomprehensible solution to problems from the previous collection (it’s easier to google it).