Matilda's lie, vicar of the Yekaterinburg diocese about Alexei Uchitel's "Matilda": where is the lie and where is the truth

There are certainly islands of truth. For example, the Russian Orthodox Church. But how many people can fit on the island? The majority are simply drowning in the surrounding sea of ​​lies, to which there is no end in sight.


Why can’t you see it, dear Alyosha?

You correctly noted about the island, in the context of today’s Russian Orthodox Church, here as public institution which with destruction Soviet ideology, without having another, they were banned, and ideology and religion are not the same thing, with the destruction of the socialist economic system, I think that there is no need to dissemble and lie, the Russian Orthodox Church is one of the material beneficiaries - the beneficiaries.

For some reason I remembered the lessons of history, social studies and economic geography in our Soviet schools, which compared industrial and agricultural, in the real sphere of the economy, achievements of the socialist system, achievements in education, science, culture, sports, health care in the USSR with the indicators of capitalist and by the beginning of the 20th century bourgeois R.I. with the last peaceful year – 1913.

I don’t know how these subjects were taught in Stalin times, but in Brezhnev times, not so long ago I realized that the term was being intensively rubbed in - in Tsarist Russia.
Not in the capitalist and bourgeois one, but precisely in the tsarist one.

I think that this was done intentionally, since capitalism, like any system, must be studied in order to understand and understand its “mechanisms.”

Even based on this, we taught, to put it mildly, not quite true story Russia, which intensively corresponded at the request of interested authorities starting after the Time of Troubles, that is, with penetration into Moscow Kingdom and to the Russian Church of theologians from Kiev-Mohyla Academy(Kievo-Brotherly Collegium), so, dear Alyosha, this is, we will consider, the “end” - the tip of the “tangle” of history, which, starting from the Time of Troubles, must be grabbed in order to unwind the entire “tangle” and see the “edge” so as not to fall into a sea of ​​lies at all, since God did not create a sea of ​​lies, but a sea of ​​life

“The sea is also a prayer book, it testifies to God. » Jean Paul Sartre.

Genesis chapter one:

1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.

10. And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of waters he called seas. And God saw that it was good.

P.S. The transformation from Saul to Paul.

Second Epistle to the Corinthians of the Holy Apostle Paul:

“9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that although He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that through His poverty you might become rich.”

Of course, our Lord Jesus Christ is not of this world, said to Saul (the Jew Saul):

“As he walked and approached Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven shone around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him: Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? He said: Who are you, Lord? The Lord said: I Jesus, whom you persecute. It is difficult for you to go against the pricks...."

Yes, it's hard to go against the grain earthly world, in which the “rozhon” can represent the necessary for material wealth and earthly power are things of value and therefore, in order not to go against the grain, they slyly “preach” Paul, turning into Saul.

The creator of the film “Matilda’s Lie” spoke about the anti-Semitic roots of the movement opposing Alexei Uchitel’s film “Matilda”.

The creator of the film "Matilda's Lie" about the project

The creator of the film "Matilda's Lie" Sergiy Aliyev made an unexpected statement about the ideology of the fighters against the film "Matilda" by Alexei Uchitel. According to him, “Matilda” blasphemes the king, whom he considers the redeemer . With his film “Matilda's Lie,” Aliyev intends to dispel myths and legends about Nicholas II, his life and death. Thus, according to the agency’s interlocutor, the king became a victim of a Jewish conspiracy, in which representatives took part senior clergy Orthodox Jews - Hasidim. As proof of his theory, he recommended reading Sergei Nilus “Near is at the door...the secret of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which included “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and other publications (some of them are considered anti-Semitic). In November 2012 in Federal list extremist materials, an entry was added under number 1496: “Brochure “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (decision of Leninsky district court city ​​of Orenburg dated July 26, 2010).

Let us note that the ideology of the ritual sacrifice of Tsar Nicholas II, who was allegedly killed by emissaries of influential Jewish circles in order to gain power over the Russian people, is characteristic of the so-called internal opposition movement within the Russian Orthodox Church - they are called Tsarebozhniki. The ideology of a number of representatives of this movement is sometimes neo-Nazi in nature with an emphasis on religiosity and monarchism. Let us add that today Sergius Aliyev admitted that the Ekaterinburg Diocese and the Russian Orthodox Church generally distances himself from Matilda opponents. So, according to the director of “Matilda’s Lie,” he received a call from the Diocese asking him to film away from the Church on the Blood. And as a result, the episode of the film, where today the Orthodox historian Alexei Solovyov spoke in defense of Tsar Nicholas II, was filmed in the park near the monument to Peter and Fevronia. Let us recall that earlier opponents of “Matilda” went to the so-called stand against Alexei Uchitel’s film “Matilda” in Yekaterinburg at the Church on the Blood, instead of the promised forty participants, they received no more than a dozen. According to our sources, the situation became possible after the intervention of FSB officers, who conveyed to the ideologists of the action the agency’s position on the undesirability of carrying out such actions. After which four participants were detained and administrative protocols were drawn up against them for violating a public event.

Protest of opponents of "Matilda"

Thus, administrative punishment could become for fans of Nicholas II a kind of punishment for unwanted self-will. Let us note that today Aliyev confirmed the secret participation of the FSB in countering the rally, but added that it was his former colleagues, many of whom also profess Orthodoxy, which means they support his fight against the film. Let us add that the release of the film “Matilda’s Lie” was announced during Royal days during the visit to Yekaterinburg of deputy Natalia Poklonskaya, known for her fight against the film by Alexei Uchitel.

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Documentary filmmaker Sergei Aliyev told reporters that he plans to make a documentary film “Matilda’s Lie”, designed to “debunk the myths” around the personality of Nicholas II. that its participants will be historians, fighter Fedor Emelianenko and State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov, but the latter two had not heard about the film until today. "360" reveals what is known about the film.

What is Matilda's Lie?

Not yet shown on the big screen, Alexei Uchitel's film "Matilda" has already created a sensation. State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya started a campaign against him, and now, in defiance of the film, they want to remove a refutation tape. Documentary filmmaker Sergei Aliev, after watching the trailer for “Matilda,” he decided to make his own film, “Matilda’s Lie.” Filming will begin very soon, but the director has already revealed some details regarding the script and crew.

The script is being completed. We will complete this work by the end of this week. Filming will begin next week and will take place in Yekaterinburg, Moscow and St. Petersburg

- Sergey Aliev.

He clarified that the film with “ small budget"will last approximately an hour. The team of director Yuri Ryazanov will assist in the filming. “Matilda’s Lie” may be released in the first half of September - the creators expect that they will be able to negotiate a broadcast with federal channels.

Alexey Uchitel, in turn, will be glad to watch the documentary “Matilda’s Lie”, but it seems that one cannot count on positive criticism.

The insanity continues, there are idiots, let them film.<…>Moreover, I don’t understand why they want to expose if they haven’t seen the film. They couldn't get the script. And if they have read it, then let them do what they want. I'll be glad to see it

— Alexey Uchitel.

Also in “Matilda’s Lie” it is planned to include video monologues about Nicholas II by actors Andrei Merzlikin, Alexei Nilov and Metropolitan Vikenty of Tashkent and Uzbekistan. But they don’t want to cast Poklonskaya in this film - everything is clear with her.

Deputy Vitaly Milonov was supposedly supposed to star in the film. However, Aliyev’s ambitions seem to be a little at odds with the case - in a conversation with 360, the parliamentarian said that he had not received an offer to participate in the filming of the film, but in fact would like to play the emperor in a film about Nicholas II - but only a feature film.

It was also reported that the famous fighter Fedor Emelianenko will take part in the filming of the film. However, his PR manager Yulia Kuklina told 360 that no one offered Fedor to star in the film.

Nobody communicated with Fedor about filming the film. And he has no plans to take part in them. This fake information

— Yulia Kuklina.

Where it all started

"Matilda" - Feature Film Russian director Alexei Uchitel. The film is dedicated to the love story of Emperor Nicholas II and the young ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya.

The scandal surrounding the film, which had not yet been released, broke out in November last year. State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya led the ranks of opponents of the film: according to her, the image of the sovereign in the film Teacher is distorted. Moreover, Poklonskaya began to put a spoke in the wheels of “Matilda” when the film had not even been edited.

The deputy appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office several times with a request to check the film for insulting the feelings of believers, but the department did not find any violations. Her behavior received mixed reactions - how can you criticize a film even if you haven't seen it? However, this did not stop Poklonskaya from continuing the fight - she turned to a group of experts who said that the film should not be shown to the general public. Later, another examination found only one sex scene in the film, which, according to them, was even suitable for teenagers to watch.

Poklonskaya did not give up and collected complaints from like-minded people, and more recently, without deigning to look finished film, a clip from what he considers the “pornographic roles” of the actor who plays Tsar Nicholas in Matilda.

Film critics consider Poklonskaya’s behavior ambiguous, but one thing is clear - the deputy has not yet succeeded in achieving his goal and banning the screening of the film. Director Alexey Uchitel valiantly and not without irony demolishes all her attacks. Once he even suggested that the deputy was very likely in love with Nicholas II, for which "".

Even Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the film: on June 15, during “Direct Line,” actor Sergei Bezrukov asked the head of state to resolve the dispute between Poklonskaya and Teacher. Putin noted that tougher films had been made about the royal family, but he would not want to get involved in a personal dispute with Poklonskaya.

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“The Lie of Matilda”: Vicar of the Yekaterinburg Diocese about the book by P.V. Multatuli
and a blasphemous film

The book of the historian P. Multatuli “The Lie of Matilda,” published by the Yekaterinburg diocese, aroused in certain circles perhaps more interest than the scandalous film “Matilda” by Alexei Uchitel itself. The book, published through the efforts of Orthodox deputy Natalia Poklonskaya, literally generated rage among enemies Churches and individuals who call themselves atheists, but in fact, with their satanic antics and statements, have defined themselves as a different category of (non)people.

For Orthodox people who sincerely believe in God, the book of Multatuli provides historical explanations and denunciations of those lies about the last Tsar- Holy Martyr Nicholas II, which the director with the strange surname Uchitel wants to show to all of us. The study of the slanderous film was carried out on the basis of the diaries of Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, stored in the State Archives of the Russian Federation, as well as the published memoirs of the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, thanks to which any sane person can understand that there was no love and passion between these people.

The book is already widely discussed in society, so URA.RU correspondents, eager to show the fallacy of this work, turned to the Ekaterinburg diocese with the question: why is the picture about the imaginary relationship of Nicholas II with a ballerina an insult to believers and a crime against the people. The vicar of the Yekaterinburg diocese, Bishop of Sredneuralsk Evgeniy (Kulberg), agreed to talk with them about this.

The book was printed with the blessing of Metropolitan Kirill of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye. Has he gotten to know her? Did he like the result?

It would be strange if he didn’t like it and he said to publish such a book and blessed such a thing. It is obvious that the book corresponds to the position that Metropolitan Kirill has.

Why was the book published specifically by the Yekaterinburg diocese?

If the author of the book had presented his position in other regions in the same way as he was able to present it in Yekaterinburg, then it would have been republished in other places. But today it is the Metropolitan’s initiative so that the position of the great-grandson of the Tsar’s cook Ivan Kharitonov is voiced and supported here (Peter Multatuli is the great-grandson of the senior cook Imperial cuisine, killed along with the Royal Family). The book is printed here, but it is distributed not only here, but in quite a few places. To what extent the author’s position corresponds to reality, it is better for him to tell himself. Petr Valerievich - absolutely open man, he communicates well with the press.

Why is the book distributed in such a specific way? It is “sold” for a donation of 100 rubles in the Church Shop next to the Church on the Blood without any receipts.

You know, I have never seen that in a church, when you purchase, for example, a candle or an icon, receipts are issued. The church shop accepts donations. This means that you can come and say: “Please give me this book, I have the means, I am ready to make a donation in the amount of 10 thousand.” Or you say, “You know, I don’t have the funds, but I really want to read the book.” In both cases you will receive a book or an icon. The only thing is if you say that you don’t have the funds and ask for the most expensive and largest icon, the production of which cost a lot of work for people, then you will be offered an inexpensive icon, which they will be willing to donate to you.
The book was deliberately printed in a thin, soft cover, in a design simple enough to be distributed. At the presentation of the book it was distributed, on forums dedicated to the theme of the film “Matilda”, the book is donated to people for free. And who wants to contribute money for it - yes, please contribute. Because printing it costs some money. These costs can be at least partially covered. Please ask the author of the book about the fee Multatuli received.

Why did Natalya Poklonskaya choose Pyotr Multatuli to commission the book?

As far as I know, MP State Duma Natalya Poklonskaya, who was previously a civil servant and prosecutor, is familiar with the institutions Russian authorities. Petr Valentinovich Multatuli is an employee Russian Institute strategic research under the presidential administration. He is a civil servant, and she, as a former civil servant, contacted government structure with such a request.

Peter Multatuli writes that the filmmakers were required to respect the person of Nicholas II, and “the opposite could lead to offending the feelings of Orthodox Christians, as well as inciting national and religious hatred.” In your opinion, what did he mean by this phrase?

Respect or disrespect from one person to another can give rise to different consequences. If you now get on the bus and call everyone around you the names of animals - you’re a goat, you’re a rooster, you’re a ram - what do you think will happen? I think people will be offended and somehow try to hinder or hold this person accountable. If I now say that director Uchitel is a person of non-traditional sexual culture, he is a pervert, he is a drug addict, and I say some similar things that are not true, I think he will also be offended. Because I'm not telling the truth about him.

The authors of Matilda say: “You know, we are talking about a historical character, but we have the right to a certain fiction" And their speculation develops in the direction that Nicholas II was a weak-willed man, unrestrained both in his state aspirations and in family relationships. That he lied to his wife, deceived his children, that he had animal needs that he could not restrain. But at the same time he was so cowardly that he hid all this under a certain guise, he was afraid to reveal these things to his people. This is a lie about a person. And in order to reveal this lie, it is enough to take the diaries, read the correspondence, and get acquainted with the moral character of the children of Nicholas II or his friends. It turns out that Alexey Uchitel and the film’s co-authors are telling lies about historical character. For taxpayers' money, without asking anyone's opinion, they are selling us slander against an innocent person.

I believe that this situation is insulting to Nicholas II. However, it is also offensive to those people who respect Nicholas II and reverence him as statesman like a saint, how simple good man. The director allows himself completely boorish behavior.

Nicholas II today cannot challenge him either to a duel or to court, and Alexei Uchitel takes advantage of this.

Therefore I believe that historical lie in "Matilda" - this is a kind of crime against our people. When we need to consolidate and unite society, these comrades are dividing it. Peter Multatuli - doctor historical sciences, I think it's historical facts undeniable. And on my own behalf I will make an effort to ensure that the author’s position is disseminated. So that people do not allow themselves to be deceived, do not allow themselves to be fed a second-rate poisonous product. I don’t evaluate this project differently.

Based on materials:

"Superficial bed theme"

Channel One and Rossiya 24 refused to show the film “Matilda’s Lie”

Historian Alexey Solovyov and film director Sergiy Aliyev Yaromir Romanov

In Yekaterinburg, near the Church on the Blood, the Ural Orthodox director and philanthropist Sergius Aliev began filming his documentary film“Matilda’s Lie”, which was conceived as a counter-project to Alexei Uchitel’s film “Matilda” about the premarital affair of Nicholas II with the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya. According to the site's correspondent, filming was supposed to begin nearby at the monument to Peter and Fevronia at 11 o'clock. By this time, local journalists and the director himself had arrived at their destination, but the main actor of today’s shooting day, candidate of historical sciences Alexei Solovyov, was delayed.

It must be said that as such film set Director Aliyev didn’t have one: one cameraman, one camera on a tripod. No lighting, no microphones, no takes. Even some journalists had much better cameras. I got the impression that the director was recording an ordinary interview for a television story.

While waiting for filming to begin, Aliyev said that he contacted federal channels so that they would show his film before the premiere of Alexei Uchitel’s film “Matilda.”

“We turned to Rossiya, Rossiya-24. But on these channels there is nothing but rudeness. They called us “tsar-worshipers” there! “Channel One” in general is (“Matilda’s Lie”...

I just found out that Alexey Uchitel is preparing a television version of his “Matilda”. That is, even if the Orthodox don’t go to the cinema, Channel One will still show it to everyone in four episodes!” - Sergiy Aliev is indignant.

Jaromir Romanov

He is sure that the “federals” refused to show his documentary because they were working “to order - they need smut, no one will look positively at the personality of the holy king.” “Unlike journalists, I don’t stoop below the plinth, I won’t make a film on dirt, I have concepts, the honor of an officer, and I don’t need dirt.

Yes, I called the film “Matilda’s Lie,” but I could have called it “The Lie of the Prostitute Matilda.” And she is a prostitute, because a woman who has had more than one man is depraved,” Aliyev continued excitedly.

Aliyev intends to show his “Matilda’s Lie” on his personal resource “First Positive Portal”. According to the director, “hundreds of thousands of people” visit the portal.

Jaromir Romanov

Around half past twelve, the filming of the historian Solovyov finally began. It was noticeable that he was a little shy of journalists and cameras. Alexey Solovyov besides scientific activity is engaged in teaching - he is a history teacher at the UrFU Scientific Research Center. He decided to star in Sergius Aliyev’s film in order to “express his opinion.”

“The central theme in honor of the centenary of the revolution was not the theme spiritual crisis Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century, not the reasons for the tragedy that happened, but a low and superficial bed theme,” Soloviev began his speech.

The historian is sure that “instead of having a thoughtful conversation about the results and consequences of the revolution, the public is busy with nonsense - discussing some film and bed scenes in it, which for history are generally insignificant and uninteresting.”

Jaromir Romanov

“We must understand that before meeting his future wife Alexandra, Emperor Nicholas II, according to later sources, could have had a relationship (with the ballerina Kshesinskaya.. Earlier sources say that Nicholas had feelings (for Kshesinskaya.. But this is by and large the account should not concern anyone,” insisted the historian Soloviev.

At the same time, he is confident that “it is impossible to ban the screening of the film Matilda.”

“You just need to understand both those who create such a film and those who are against it. We must treat both of them philosophically,” Soloviev added. “We must understand that every person has the right to their own point of view. And those people for whom royal family road, they can also express their position. But there shouldn’t be criticism for the sake of criticism.”

At the same time, Solovyov admitted that the position of some overly active Orthodox activists “is not always correct.”

This is where the filming process ended. In total it took 20 minutes. During this time, the historian Soloviev was in one static position. The director made no attempts to change the angle or add dynamics to the frame.

Jaromir Romanov

Filming of the documentary film “Matilda's Lie” will continue until the end of this week. Next, a film crew of two will travel to St. Petersburg. Aliyev still needs to sign up world hockey champion Pavel Datsyuk, thief in law Taiwanchik (Alimzhan Tokhtaukhanov), general producer of the Orthodox TV channel “Spas” and ex-host “ Live broadcast"on the TV channel "Russia-1" Boris Korchevnikov, traveler Fyodor Konyukhov, founder of the KVN team "Ural dumplings" Dmitry Sokolov, cosmonaut Sergei Ryzhikov and leader social movement“Novorossiya” by Igor Strelkov, who expressed a desire to take part in the filming of the film. Actors Alexey Nilov and Andrey Merzlikin, as well as Russian State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov, also confirmed their participation in the film “Matilda’s Lie”.

Already on August 11, the author of the film promised to name the exact date its premiere.

Alexey Uchitel's film "Matilda", which tells about romantic relationships Nicholas II and ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, will be released on big screens only on October 25. However, two trailers for the film have been published on the Internet, which have already caused a storm of indignation from Orthodox activists.

Jaromir Romanov

So, at the head of all the offended believers, State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya, known for her reverent attitude towards Emperor Nicholas II, began to fight against the not yet released picture. The people's choice has already gathered more than 100 thousand Russians demanding that Matilda not be released. Poklonskaya filed statements with the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia, the Investigative Committee and even the FSB, but an examination of the completed film "Matilda", which was carried out at St. Petersburg State University, did not find any offense to anyone's feelings in it.