Kuprin short stories. In the bowels of the earth

Story " Blue Star» included in school curriculum on literature. Students primary school study it in third grade. The author is A.I. Kuprin, a famous Russian writer of the last century.

The 20th century gave the world many works that were later ranked among the masterpieces of Russian literature. Among them " Garnet bracelet", "Olesya", "Duel", "Blue Star" (Kuprin). Summary last text allows the reader to take a fresh look at the writer’s personality and his work.

Briefly about the author

In 1870, in the family of a Narovchat official. Before becoming a writer, he tried himself in different areas. Behind Kuprin's shoulders military service, acting work, organizing circus performances, estate management, reporter career.

The first are dated late XIX century. In 1919, the writer left his homeland. He stayed in Europe until 1937, but his return to Russia was short-lived.

The writer died in 1938. Kuprin's story "The Blue Star" was first published in the capital of France in 1927. Then it had the title “The Ugly Princess.” Later, the collection “Brave Fugitives” was published, in which the story received its current title.

Kuprin "Blue Star"

Subject of this work- beauty external and internal. The author conveys to the reader the idea that different nations Ideas about beauty may differ. Moreover, the population of the same state in different time may consider opposite things as the standard of beauty. You don’t have to look far for an example: best samples Medieval European paintings demonstrate the admiration of the people of that time for plump women. Today, being overweight is a disadvantage.

Kuprin claims that outer beauty- a relative thing. It is much more important to have beautiful soul. If a person has a beautiful soul, then those around him will not pay attention to external shortcomings. This is exactly what the work “Blue Star” (Kuprin) is about. A summary of the story is presented below.

The work is aimed at readers of all ages. It's in equally will be interesting for children and adults, since the focus is on the process of growing up of the main character.

In ancient times, one people lived high in the mountains. He was cut off from the whole world until one day knights appeared who came from the south. The new area made a strong impression on them, so they decided to stay here. In the highlands, people created a state, at the head of which they put the most worthy - Ern. For a thousand years the country lived in peace and tranquility. The only disappointment is the deformity with which some heirs to the throne were born. However, the external shortcomings of the members royal family were not a serious problem since they had beautiful souls.

King Ern XXIII was married to a local beauty. After ten years life together fate gave them a daughter, but she was as ugly as her ancestor, Ern the First and many of his descendants. Parents still loved the princess for her kindness and responsiveness. At the request of the queen, all mirrors in the country were destroyed. However, at the age of fifteen, the girl still learned about the shortcomings of her appearance when she found a hidden fragment of a mirror in the house of her nurse.

Returning to the castle, the princess heard cries for help. The girl followed the voice and saw a foreigner, as ugly as she was. He was hanging on the edge of a cliff. Erna took off her clothes, made a rope out of him, and with her help raised the wounded traveler.

The princess ordered the young man to be transferred to the castle and personally nursed him. During this time, mutual feelings arose between the young people, so after recovery, the prince proposed to Erna. After the wedding, they went to the prince’s homeland, France, where the girl saw that all the inhabitants of this country were like her. Like Erna, they had long legs, small feet and hands, a high waist, and large and full lips.

A year after the wedding, the young couple had a son. Erna thought he was very handsome. When she told her husband about this, he laughed and translated to her the words carved on the wall in her father's house by King Ern the First. He wrote on Latin that the men and women who inhabit his country have many virtues. But they are ugly.

Meaning of the name

A.I. Kuprin called the story "Blue Star". The text contains a mention of a prediction that was made to the young Prince Charles. According to the prophecy, the young man will visit northern lands. There he will look death in the eye, but will be saved by a blue star. She will illuminate his whole life. Princess Erna had blue eyes, and on the day they met, the girl was dressed in blue dress. Charles recognized her immediately. It was no coincidence that the author chose Blue colour: it symbolizes infinity, dedication, harmony with oneself and the world around us, escape from reality.

Let's sum it up

For many readers, the story “Blue Star” (Kuprin) is of great interest. A summary cannot fully convey the author's intent. However, even a cursory glance at the text makes you think about some important things. Among them is the pointlessness of striving to be like the generally accepted standard of beauty at the expense of one’s soul. The author is convinced that it is not at all necessary to have beautiful appearance to remain a kind, sympathetic and empathetic person. The heroes of the story “Blue Star” (Kuprin) teach us this. A summary of the work is presented above.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

- Dad, tell me some story... But listen to what I’m telling you, daddy...

At the same time, seven-year-old Kotik (his name was Konstantin), sitting on Kholshchevnikov’s lap, tried with both hands to turn his father’s head towards him. The boy was surprised and even a little worried why dad had been looking at the fire of the lamp for five whole minutes with such strange eyes, motionless, as if smiling and wet.

“Yes, dad,” said Kitty tearfully. “Why aren’t you talking to me?”

Ivan Timofeevich heard the impatient words of his son, but could not shake off that terrible fascination that takes over a person who stares at a shiny object. Except bright light lamps, this charm was mixed with the charm of a quiet, warm summer evening, and the coziness of a small but nice country terrace, woven with wild grapes, the motionless greenery of which, under artificial lighting, acquired a fantastic, pale and sharp hue.

A lamp under a green matte lampshade cast a bright, even circle on the tablecloth... Ivan Timofeevich saw in this circle two closely bowed heads: one - a woman’s, blond, with delicate and delicate features, the other - the proud and beautiful head of a young man, with black wavy hair fell carelessly on the shoulders, on the dark bold forehead and on the large black eyes, such hot, expressive, truthful eyes. On his cheeks and on his neck, Kholshchevnikov felt the touch of Kotik’s gentle hands and his warm breath, he even heard the smell of his hair, slightly faded over the summer in the sun and reminiscent of the smell of the feathers of a small bird. All this merged together into such a harmonious, such a joyful and bright impression that Kholshchevnikov’s eyes involuntarily began to sting with grateful tears.

Two heads, bowed near the lamp and almost touching their hair, belonged to Kholshchevnikov’s wife and Grigory Bakhanin, his to the best friend and the student. Ivan Timofeevich with sincere, passionate and caring love related to this ardent and disorderly young man, in whose paintings the experienced eye of the teacher had long since discerned the gift of a broad and daring brush of enormous talent. There was no envy in Kholshchevnikov’s soul, so characteristic of the stormy and vulgar environment of artists. On the contrary, he was proud that the future celebrity - Bakhanin - took his first lessons and that his wife, Lydia, was the first to recognize and appreciate his student.

Bakhanin, silently and without stopping, drew with a pencil on a sheet of Bristol paper lying in front of him, and from under his hand came caricatures, vignettes, animals in human costumes, gracefully intertwined initials, parodies of paintings exhibited at the Academy of Arts, thin female profiles... These careless sketches, in which every stroke impressed with courage and talent, quickly replaced one after another, causing either intense attention or a cheerful smile on the face of Lydia Lvovna, who was carefully following the artist’s pencil.

- Well, that's what you are, dad. You promise, but now you’re silent,” Kitty drawled touchily. At the same time, he pouted his lips, lowered his head low and, fiddling with his fingers, shook his legs.

Kholshchevnikov turned to him and, to make amends, hugged him.

- Well, okay, okay, Kitty. I'll tell you a fairy tale now. Don’t be angry... Just... What should I tell you?..

He thought about it.

– About a bear whose paw was cut off? - said Kotik, sighing with relief. - Only I already know that.

Suddenly, an inspired thought flashed in Kholshchevnikov’s head. Couldn't his life serve as a theme for a good, touching fairy tale? How long has it been? - just twelve years ago, - when he, poor, Unknown artist, bullied by his superiors, insulted by self-adoration, ignorance and advertising of mediocrity, more than once weakened, lost his head in a cruel struggle with life and cursed the hour when he took up his brush. In it hard times Lydia met on his way. She was much younger than him, she was dazzlingly beautiful, smart, surrounded by admirers. He, poor, homely, sickly, frightened of life, did not dare to dream of the love of this supreme, charming being. But she was the first to believe in him, the first to extend her hand to him. When, tired of failures and poverty, having lost strength and hope, he lost heart, she encouraged him with affection, tender care, and a cheerful joke. And her love triumphed... Now the name Kholshchevnikov is known to every literate person, his paintings adorn the galleries of crowned heads - he is the only academician who is adored by the young artists who do not believe in anything... There is nothing to say about material success... Both he and Lydia have plenty rewarded for long humiliating years of brutal austerity, almost beggary.

At that disastrous time, Ivan Timofeevich could not have imagined all this quiet charm, this happy life, warmed by the unchanging affection of his beautiful wife and the tender love of dear Kitty, this joyful consciousness of family, to which strong friendship with Bakhanin gave even greater depth and meaning. The theme of the tale quickly took shape in his head.

“Well, okay, listen, Kitty,” he began, stroking his son’s soft, thin hair. “Just don’t interrupt... Well, that’s it, sir.” In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen.

“And they didn’t have children?” asked Kotik in a thin voice.

- No, Kotik, they had children... Don’t interrupt, please... On the contrary, they had an extremely large number of children. There were so many children that when the king divided his wealth among all his sons, the youngest son got nothing. As if there was nothing to eat, no clothes, no horses, no houses, no servants... Nothing... Yes... Well, when the king felt that his end was near, he called his sons and said to them: “Dear children, maybe I I will die soon and therefore I want to choose an heir from among you... but certainly the most worthy one... You know that on the border of my kingdom there is a large, large dense forest... And in the very middle of the forest there is a marble palace. It's just very difficult to get there. Many tried to do this, but never returned. They were devoured by wild animals, tickled to death by mermaids, bitten by poisonous snakes... But you go boldly forward... Let neither fear, nor the prudent advice of loved ones, nor the temptation of safety stop you... At the gates of the marble palace you will see three lions chained: one the name is Envy, another is Poverty, the third is Doubt. The lions will rush at you with a deafening roar. But you go straight and straight. In the palace, in the silver room, on a golden tripod strewn with stars, an eternal sacred fire burns. So, remember my words: whoever of you lights a lamp from this fire and returns home with it, he will be the heir of my kingdom.”

Ivan Timofeevich, without letting Kitty out of his arms, lit a cigarette. Bakhanin and Lydia, apparently, listened to his tale with interest; Bakhanin even put his palm with an umbrella to his eyes, trying to see Kholshchevnikov from the light, sitting in a dark corner in a rocking chair. “Well, okay,” continued Kholshchevnikov, “the royal sons set off on their journey.” The younger prince also went. The courtiers tried to dissuade him, dissuaded him: you are young, and weak, and sickly, where should you follow your elders? But he answered them: “No, and I want to be in marble palace and light your lamp by the sacred fire.”

And I went. Well, okay. Whether it was long or short, the brothers only reached the forest. This is what the elders say:

“It’s scary, difficult, and far to drive through the forest, let’s go around, maybe we’ll find another road.” And the younger one says: “You, brothers, do as you wish, but I will go straight, because there is no other road through the forest.” The brothers answer him: “You know, Ivanushka is a fool, there’s no point in talking to you; wild animals will eat you in the forest or you yourself will die of hunger.” Yes. Well, here he goes younger son, goes one day, goes another, goes a third. And the forest is getting denser and denser. The thorny bushes whip their branches into his face, tear his clothes, wolves howl after him, ghouls chase after him, and still he goes. Mermaids with green hair are swinging in the trees and beckoning to him: “Come to us. Where are you driving? And there is no marble palace. All these are just fairy tales, inventions of fools and dreamers. Come to us. You will live cheerfully and carefree, we will delight your ears with music and singing. Come to us". But he doesn't listen and goes further and further. Finally his horse fell... And the forest grew thicker and thicker; at every step there are impassable swamps, steep ravines, thickets of forest... The prince did not have enough strength... He fell onto the damp ground and already thought that the end was coming for him. “It’s true,” he thinks, there really isn’t any marble palace. It would be better if I didn’t come here at all or stayed with the mermaids along the way. Otherwise, now I will die for nothing, and there is no one to even bury me...” He was just thinking this, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a fairy in snow-white robes appears in front of him and says to him: “Why do you, prince, despair and complain? Take my hand and go." And as soon as he touched her hand, he immediately felt relief, got up and walked along with the beautiful fairy. And when along the way he weakened and was ready to fall from fatigue, the fairy squeezed his hand more and more tightly. And he gathered his courage and walked, overcoming fatigue. Kholshchevnikov stopped.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was born on August 26 (September 7), 1870 in the city of Narovchat (Penza province) into a poor family of a minor official.

1871 was a difficult year in Kuprin’s biography - his father died, and the poor family moved to Moscow.

Training and the beginning of a creative path

At the age of six, Kuprin was sent to a class at the Moscow Orphan School, from which he left in 1880. After this, Alexander Ivanovich studied at the military academy, the Alexander Military School. The time of training is described in such works by Kuprin as: “At the Turning Point (Cadets)”, “Junkers”. “The Last Debut” is Kuprin’s first published story (1889).

From 1890 he was a second lieutenant in infantry regiment. During the service, many essays, short stories, and novellas were published: “Inquiry,” “On a Moonlit Night,” “In the Dark.”

Creativity flourishes

Four years later, Kuprin retired. After this, the writer travels a lot around Russia, tries his hand at different professions. At this time, Alexander Ivanovich met Ivan Bunin, Anton Chekhov and Maxim Gorky.

Kuprin builds his stories of those times on life impressions gleaned during his travels.

Kuprin's short stories cover many topics: military, social, love. The story “The Duel” (1905) brought real success to Alexander Ivanovich. Love in Kuprin’s work is most vividly described in the story “Olesya” (1898), which was his first major and one of his most beloved works, and the story of unrequited love, “The Garnet Bracelet” (1910).

Alexander Kuprin also loved to write stories for children. For children's reading he wrote the works “Elephant”, “Starlings”, “ White poodle" and many others.

Emigration and last years of life

For Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, life and creativity are inseparable. Not accepting the policy of war communism, the writer emigrated to France. Even after emigration, in the biography of Alexander Kuprin, the writer’s fervor does not subside; he writes novellas, short stories, many articles and essays. Despite this, Kuprin lives in material need and yearns for his homeland. Only 17 years later he returns to Russia. At the same time, the writer’s last essay was published - the work “Native Moscow”.

After a serious illness, Kuprin died on August 25, 1938. The writer was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery in Leningrad, next to the grave of Ivan Turgenev.

Chronological table

Other biography options

Biography test

Test your knowledge with a test short biography Kuprina.

The story “The Wonderful Doctor” by Kuprin was written in 1897 and, according to the author, is based on real events. Literary critics note signs of a Christmas story in the work.

Main characters

Mertsalov Emelyan- father of the family. He worked as a house manager, but after illness he lost his job, and his family was left without means of subsistence.

Professor Pirogov- a doctor whom Mertsalov met in a public garden helped Mertsalov’s family. The real prototype of the hero is the great Russian physician N.I. Pirogov.

Other characters

Elizaveta Ivanovna- Mertsalov's wife.

Grisha (Gregory)- Mertsalov’s eldest son, he is 10 years old.

Volodya- Mertsalov’s youngest son.

Mashutka- daughter of Mertsalov, “a girl of seven years old.”

Kyiv, “about thirty years ago.” Twenty degree frost. Two boys, the Mertsalovs Volodya and Grisha, stood “for more than five minutes” looking at the window of a grocery store. In the morning they themselves ate only empty cabbage soup. Sighing, the guys hurriedly ran home.

Their mother sent them to the city on an errand - to ask for money from the master for whom their father had previously served. However, the master's doorman drove the boys away.

The Mertsalov family, suffering from poverty, lived for more than a year in the basement of a dilapidated, rickety house. The youngest daughter Mashutka was very ill, and the exhausted mother, Elizaveta Ivanovna, was torn between the girl and the infant.

“In this terrible, fateful year, misfortune after misfortune persistently and mercilessly rained down on Mertsalov and his family.” First, Mertsalov himself fell ill with typhoid fever. While he was undergoing treatment, he was fired from his job. The children started getting sick. Three months ago they died youngest daughter. And so, in order to find money for Mashutka’s medicine, Mertsalov ran around the city “begging and humiliating himself.” But everyone found reasons to refuse or simply kicked me out.

Returning home, Mertsalov finds out that the master did not help in any way, and soon leaves again, explaining that he will at least try to ask for alms. “He was overcome by an uncontrollable desire to run anywhere, to run without looking back, so as not to see the silent despair of a hungry family.” Sitting down on a bench in a public garden, Mertsalov, in despair, was already thinking about suicide, but noticed an old man walking along the alley. The stranger sat down next to Mertsalov and began to tell him that he had bought gifts for the guys he knew, but decided to go into the garden on the way. Suddenly, Mertsalov was overcome by a “tide of desperate anger.” He started waving his arms and shouting that his children were dying of hunger while the stranger was talking about gifts.

The old man did not get angry, but asked to tell everything in more detail. “There was something in the stranger’s extraordinary face<…>calm and inspiring confidence." After listening to Mertsalov, the old man explained that he was a doctor and asked to be taken to the sick girl.

The doctor examined Mashutka and ordered that firewood be brought and the stove lit. After writing out the prescription, the stranger quickly left. Running out into the corridor, Mertsalov asked the name of the benefactor, but he replied that the man should not invent nonsense and return home. A pleasant surprise was the money that the doctor would leave under the tea saucer along with the prescription. While purchasing the medicine, Mertsalov learned the name of the doctor; it was indicated on the pharmacy label: Professor Pirogov.

The narrator heard this story from Grishka himself, who now “occupies a large, responsible post in one of the banks.” Each time, talking about this incident, Gregory adds: “From then on, it was as if a beneficent angel descended into our family.” His father found a job, Mashutka recovered, and his brothers began studying at the gymnasium. Since then they have seen the doctor only once - “when he was transported dead to his own estate Vishnyu.”


In “The Wonderful Doctor,” the personality of the doctor, a “holy man” who saves the entire Mertsalov family from starvation, comes to the fore. Pirogov’s words: “never lose heart” become the key idea of ​​the story.

Suggested retelling " Wonderful Doctor"will be useful for schoolchildren in preparing for literature lessons and tests.

Story test

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average rating: 4.2. Total ratings received: 2000.

Stories by A. Kuprin


A large and strong dog named Sapsan reflects on life and what surrounds him in this life. The peregrine falcon got its name from its ancient ancestors, one of whom defeated the bear in a fight, clinging to its throat. Peregrine Falcon reflects on the Master, condemns him bad habits, rejoices at how he is praised when he and the Master are walking. Sapsan lives in a house with the Owner, his daughter Little and a cat. They are friends with the cat, Little Peregrine protects her, doesn’t hurt anyone and allows her things that he wouldn’t allow anyone else. Sapsan also loves bones and often gnaws them or buries them to gnaw on later, but sometimes he forgets the place. Although Sapsan is the strongest dog in the world, he does not gnaw at defenseless and weak dogs. Often Sapsan looks into the sky and knows that there is someone there who is stronger and smarter than the Master and someday this someone will take Sapsan to eternity. Sapsan really wants the Master to be nearby at this moment, even if he is not there, Sapsan’s last thought will be about him.


Stories by A. Kuprin


Kuprin's story "Elephant" - interesting story about a little girl who got sick and not a single doctor could cure her. They only said that she had apathy and indifference to life, and she herself was lying in bed whole month with poor appetite, she was very bored. The mother and father of the sick girl were at their wit's end, trying to cure the child, but it was impossible to interest her in anything. The doctor advised her to fulfill her every whim, but she didn’t want anything. Suddenly the girl wanted an elephant. Dad immediately ran to the store and bought a beautiful wind-up elephant. But Nadya was not impressed by this toy elephant; she wanted a real live elephant, not necessarily a big one. And dad, after thinking for a while, went to the circus, where he agreed with the owner of the animals to bring the elephant home to them for the whole day at night, because during the day crowds of people would flock to the elephant. In order for the elephant to be able to enter their apartment on the 2nd floor, the doors were specially widened. And then at night the elephant was brought. The girl Nadya woke up in the morning and was very happy about him. They spent the whole day together, even had lunch at the same table. Nadya fed the elephant buns and showed him her dolls. So she fell asleep next to him. And at night she dreamed of an elephant. Waking up in the morning, Nadya did not find the elephant - he was taken away, but she gained an interest in life and recovered.


Stories by A. Kuprin
