Learning Catalan in Spanish schools. Structure of primary and secondary education in Spain

obliges parents, both Spaniards and foreigners permanently residing in its territory, to provide their children with primary and secondary education. Primary and secondary education in Spain for Russians is available in almost any school, but under certain conditions, which will be discussed below. When submitting documents to receive residence permit in Spain Parents must submit to the consulate confirmation of their children's enrollment in school in Spain.

Structure of primary and secondary education in Spain

Schooling in Spain is organized in the following way: children enter primary school at the age of 6 years and study there for 6 years. At the age of 12 they are transferred to secondary school, where they study for 4 years.

After graduating from high school in Spain, you can continue your studies at the Bachillerato high school if you plan to enter the University in Spain, or enroll in a course vocational education F.P.

At the end of 2013, significant changes were made to the country's education system, in particular to secondary education in Spain, the legality of which was challenged by the opposition in the Constitutional Court ( final decision the issue has not yet been decided):

Now studying at school in Spain requires passing final exam, both in primary and secondary schools.

The assessment criteria for the final exam are established by the Central Government in agreement with regional authorities (previously, regions decided this issue independently).

Last year secondary school is now considered preparatory before entering high school Bachillerato or on vocational training. Therefore, at the end of the third year of high school in Spain, the student must choose one of two directions.

Types of schools in Spain

There are 3 types of schools in Spain:

  • Public schools (colegios publicos)
    The undoubted advantage of public school in Spain is that it is free (except for the purchase of textbooks by parents and minor administrative expenses). Among the disadvantages it is worth highlighting:
    • sometimes outdated equipment and the need for repairs;
    • a large number of students in classes, which often does not give the teacher the opportunity to pay attention to each student;
    • presence of a large number of children from dysfunctional families that's not in the best possible way affects the discipline and overall performance of students.

Please note that if you do not yet live in Spain, but are just planning to move, secondary education in Spain for Russian children in public schools does not seem possible. This requires registration in Spain. When requesting a residence permit in Spain without the right to work, you must provide the Spanish Consulate with proof of your child's enrollment in a private or semi-public school.

  • Semi-public schools (colegios concertados).
    Partially funded Catholic Church or organs local authorities. Despite funding from the church, education in a Spanish school of this nature is secular. Educational model These schools are based on the Spanish education system, but as a rule, here more attention devoted to the study of languages.
  • Private schools in Spain (colegios privados).
    First of all, these are international private schools in Spain. Education in a Spanish school of this kind can only be based on foreign system education including a number compulsory subjects on the education system in Spain. Most popular among Russians and others foreign citizens use English or American schools in Spain. Or these are Spanish schools that synthesize two education systems and provide the opportunity to obtain an International Baccalaureate diploma (A Level, IB).

Language of instruction at school

The language of instruction is important question, which is worth separate consideration. In schools in Spain, children are taught in Spanish. The exception is schools located in regions of Spain where, along with Spanish, there is a second official language. (Catalonia, Valencia, Galicia, Basque Country).

Studying the second official language (Catalan, Valencian, Galician and Basque) in Spanish schools is mandatory. The number of hours of studying a second official language varies by region. Leader in in this case is Catalonia. Below we will consider this issue separately.

American and English schools In Spain, education is taught in English. Good level in English is mandatory requirement for admission. Spanish is studied as the first foreign language. If we're talking about about a school in a region with two official languages, then in addition to Spanish, a second official language is also studied.

If you plan to enroll in an international private school in Spain with the Spanish education system, then knowledge of English and Spanish is required for admission, because Education in such schools is conducted simultaneously in two languages. The older the applicant, the better he must speak Spanish and English. Language knowledge is checked upon admission. Requirements to entrance exams must be clarified in each specific case.

Learning Catalan in Spanish schools

Catalan is compulsory in all schools located in Catalonia. This is not just another subject, the education itself is conducted in Catalan, with the exception of only some disciplines. Spanish law obliges regional authorities to provide education in Spanish at the request of the child's family. If such an opportunity is not available in public schools in Spain, the child is paid for tuition in Spanish in private school. This question received wide press coverage at the time, but in fact very few families living in Catalonia wanted their child to study in Spanish.

In international private children's schools in Barcelona and other Catalan cities, studying Catalan language also required. However, some schools make an exception for foreign students in the first years of study in order to reduce the language load, which has a positive effect on the child’s adaptation to new conditions. However, if you plan to subsequently enroll in one of the universities located in Barcelona or other cities of Catalonia, studying Catalan is mandatory.

We recommend clarifying the issue of learning the Catalan language during a visit to a school in Barcelona and other cities of the Autonomous Community. When entering the senior classes of some private schools, knowledge of the Catalan language is mandatory, even for foreign applicants.

WITH additional information on the topic of secondary education in Spain you can find on the website ineed.es.

The service center for business and life in Spain “Spain in Russian” has been helping parents for many years in organizing their children’s education in Spain, in particular, selecting schools in Barcelona for Russian children. Our specialists will advise you on all issues and provide assistance at all stages, from finding a suitable school, enrollment, to choosing housing and processing documents for children and parents. If you need information about Russian schools in Spain, as well as any help related to the issue of education in Spain, our highly qualified specialists will be happy to help you.

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Javi was born in the small town of Elche in the province of Alicante. He received an education in the field of tourism. Being in direct contact with foreign tourists, Javier was amazed at how many people were interested in the Spanish language, culture and history of his country. It was then that he decided to radically change his profession - to become a teacher. Spanish.

After completing the course professional retraining at the Cervantes Institute, Javier moved to Moscow. In his opinion, the task of a teacher is to teach his students to think like native speakers. Mere memorization will not help. Work experience - 7 years.

IN free time plays basketball, football and goes to the gym. Loves rock, cinema and delicious food.

Graduate of Moscow State Linguistic University named after. Maurice Thorez is a teacher of foreign languages ​​(Spanish and English). I started teaching while still studying, first individually and then in groups. After graduating from university, she took a course in methodology for teachers of Spanish at the Cervantes Institute. She has been teaching since 2013.

Teaching gives Maria sincere joy, the opportunity to share knowledge and make people's lives richer and more interesting. That is why he never ceases to improve his skills - he actively participates in master classes and seminars for teachers.

In his spare time, he dances, enjoys music and studying foreign languages.

Jeff was born in the capital of Colombia - Bogota. In 2008 he moved to Moscow to learn Russian. For this purpose, he entered the Peoples' Friendship University.

After 2 years of living in Moscow, Jeff’s career in teaching Spanish began. In 2013, he successfully completed the training course for teachers of Spanish as a foreign language at the F.I.D.E.S.C.U Foundation for the Study and Development of Spanish Culture. Jeff has taught at various language schools, conducting both individual and group classes. He has 8 years of experience teaching Spanish.

In his free time, he practices Latin American dancing (salsa, bachata, etc.), as well as sports.

Andrea was born in southern Chile. In 2017, she moved to Moscow and immediately fell in love with the country, culture and language.

By profession, Andrea is a teacher. First she got higher education degree in English Language Teaching, and in 2012 received a diploma in teaching her native Spanish language from the Catholic University of Chile. Teaching experience – 15 years. Andrea has taught in private schools, universities and language courses. I lived and taught Spanish in France for about 3 years.

Andrea is a very creative and cheerful person. In her free time she likes to cook, walk and carve wood figures.

Joel was born in the small Spanish city of Lerida, not far from Barcelona. Since childhood, he was interested in literature and languages, so he entered the University of Lleida at the Faculty of Spanish Philology, and completed his master's degree at Autonomous University Barcelona. At the same time, he took a two-year course in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. As an internship, I taught Spanish for one year. preparatory courses at the university for foreign students.

While still at school, after studying Russian, he wanted to go on a trip to Russia. He wanted to be in the country in which Pushkin, Chekhov and Tolstoy lived and worked. This year his dream came true; he moved to Moscow.

Maria received a bachelor's degree in Romance philology from St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University and an M.A. in Comparative Studies Higher School Economics.

Before ESP Club Moscú taught Spanish and French languages on courses and as a tutor, worked as a correspondent-translator in the Spanish edition of the MIA "Russia Today".

Gets carried away literary translation, plays the piano, loves jazz. Maria wants to teach Spanish because she believes that this beautiful language deserves a place in the lives of each of us.

It is ideal to start learning languages ​​from youth. Children perceive everything more easily than adults, remember better and are ready to devote a large amount of time to a subject that will be interesting to them. However, sometimes a child begins to refuse textbooks because they are boring. It is important for a child to choose a program that will not only teach, but also be of interest.

Spain is a fascinating country for any child. To start teaching a child a language, you first need to choose a language that will be useful and interesting to the child. IN Lately Spanish is very popular. Spain is a country of passions, love, magic, warm summer and many interesting secrets. The history of Spain hides a lot of unique twists and mysteries that will captivate any boy or girl. Fairy tales, poems and prose of Spanish writers have long been known throughout the world. Spain also has a lot of entertainment, including one of the largest amusement parks in Europe. By telling your child about the peculiarities of this country, you will definitely make your child want to learn the language of this magnificent country.

An excellent guide for schoolchildren. When baby is coming to school, he is preparing to gain knowledge. Great addition To school curriculum will become self-study Spanish language. An excellent assistant in this matter will be the “Multimedia self-instruction manual - Spanish for schoolchildren in grades 1-4.” The program allows the child to gain knowledge without the help of a teacher. All you need for training is a computer. By turning on the program, the child will begin to learn Spanish from the very first steps, receiving detailed information about all the nuances of the language. The course is designed for full study. This means that the child will immediately learn to speak and write, as well as understand Spanish. Of course, it is impossible to do without self-examination. “Multimedia self-instruction manual - Spanish for schoolchildren in grades 1-4” contains tasks to test knowledge that will help determine the level of proficiency in the material. If the child cannot complete the tasks, he will have the opportunity to repeat previous lessons.

Expand your child's future prospects. Using the “Multimedia self-instruction manual - Spanish for schoolchildren in grades 1-4”, you will help your child gain excellent knowledge of Spanish. Speaking Spanish will be useful for your child in the future. He will be able to go to Spain on business and negotiate with the Spaniards. Such opportunities will make him indispensable at work. The language will also help you feel confident during a tourist trip. Reading literature in the original and speaking with native speakers is priceless.

The VAMOS Spanish Language Center invites children and teenagers who want to learn Spanish. This course designed taking into account the peculiarities of perception of the material by young listeners. The methods of teaching Spanish to children differ from those for adults. Here great attention devoted to tasks in game form, a lot of visual materials are used. The program contains all the necessary aspects of study foreign language: grammar, reading, writing, listening comprehension, speaking practice.

Regular course for children and teenagers

In children's groups we use bright colorful textbooks "Chicos Chicas" Spanish publishing house "Edelsa". The textbook is interesting because during the entire course the children are accompanied by two friends Andrea and Julia, introducing them to their friends, helping them in a playful way young students master the necessary vocabulary and grammar.
In addition to the main textbook, we use books "Los Trotamundos" And "Clave de sol".


The full course for children consists of eleven blocks (level B2).
children from 6 to 8 years old– 30 hours, 15 weeks. Classes are held once a week for 2 academic hours(45 min.) with a break of 10 min.

Duration of one block for children from 9 to 11 years old– 30 hours, 12 weeks. Classes are held once a week for 2.5 academic hours (45 minutes) with a 10-minute break.

Teenagers study from textbooks "Club Prisma" Publishing house "Edinumen". The book consists of two parts, for use in the classroom and at home, and contains a pleasant addition - a key that allows you to download interesting Additional materials in the Internet.
Also, the Spanish course for teenagers uses additional materials from textbooks "GenteJoven" And "Vacaciones en español".


The Spanish course for teenagers from 12 to 16 years old consists of six blocks of 40 hours and includes levels from beginner A1 to intermediate B1. Classes are held 2 times a week for 2.5 academic hours (45 minutes) with a 10-minute break.