Can you feel pregnancy in the first days? Will it hurt you to be thought about often? Signs that a guy is interesting

Many girls, when they fall in love with the guy of their dreams, worry about whether the man feels when you constantly think about him from a distance. This question is very interesting, let's look at it from all sides.

Of course, any person feels this, but it all depends on how accurately you tune into his energy wave. This is how a mother feels her child all her life. She says she feels it "in her heart." This is the energy component of any living being. And the closer you know him, the more effectively he will feel you.

If a woman was with a man and it all ended in a natural way, then their energies merged and naturally, if desired, she will feel her partner - just as he feels her. This connection is two-way. Provided that she really wants it.

But what does a man feel when they think about him? Suddenly a fleeting thought comes to mind about the person who remembers him. It is like a breath of wind - just as light and pleasant. Suddenly your cheeks or ears may turn red, you may have a dream about this girl, and so on. It's like an ocean in which every drop feels each other if it wants. Energy is infinite, just like the universe, and we are part of it.

Will it hurt you to be thought about often?

Well, what harm can reddened ears and cheeks, or a dream you had last night? But they can push you to take some action. For example, call, send SMS and even meet in real life. The dream can be in your hand and reflect the future. A girl’s thoughts, filled with energy, can prompt a man to remember her more and more often. He may want to see her again or talk to her, smell her hair or smile.

Is it possible to influence a person from a distance?

It's certainly possible. A man can feel not only what they think about him, but also change, become obedient. It has to do with magic. It’s just not recommended to use these techniques, especially to carry out any rituals yourself. This can be extremely dangerous - especially for you.

Magic is White and Black. White is aimed at strengthening, protection, goodness and joy. But Black uses demonic forces for her own purposes, which simply do nothing. And soon they will demand payment. This can be compared to good sympathetic person who receives vitality(energy) from the ether (space, nature, etc.). This energy is light. But the man who is energy vampire- receives dirty energy. He pumps this energy out of people - insulting them, humiliating them, mocking them. As they say, these are two big differences.

Try not to harm people and life will always turn its bright side towards you.


Answer a few questions for yourself, be frank, otherwise this test will not be useful. What attracts you to your soulmate? If appearance, slender figure, cute face– this is a hobby. Only interest in a person can speak of deeper feelings X. Naturally, appearance should not be on last place, like physical attraction, but if spiritual inner world your partner is not important to you, there can be no talk of love.

How did the relationship begin? Love does not arise instantly, and there are exceptions, but this is one case out of a thousand. We met, a spark flared up, time passed, it died out, that’s all the development of most of these scenarios, indicating only infatuation. To truly fall in love, you need some time, at least to get to know the person better.

Your attitude towards others? When we are infatuated with someone the world as if it does not exist, only your passion is before your eyes, and love implies that the person you have chosen is naturally more important than everyone else, but in life there are also friends, relatives, and work.

Understand your feelings you can, by thinking about the expected future. If you want to be made happy man, if in the first place you are looking for benefits for yourself from a relationship, then such a relationship is nothing more than a hobby. True love has always been, is and will be selfless. The desire to give all of yourself to your loved one person, without demanding anything in return, can indicate love. Selfishness and love are incompatible things.


  • person's feelings for person

Men are straightforward and mysterious creatures at the same time. On the one hand, they do not like hints, preferring direct discussions. On the other hand, they try to avoid any talk about feelings and emotions. What is the best way to show your feelings to man so as not to cause him concern or discomfort?


Express your feelings through actions. Men don’t like to talk for a long time about worries and emotions. It's better to leave them for friends. If you feel grateful or romantic, do what he dreamed of doing for him. Prepare favorite dish for dinner, buy tickets to the match of his favorite team.

Tell him how happy you are with him. Men often consider this as a reason to break up a relationship. constant dissatisfaction. Even if she has problems at work or a conflict with her parents, he takes her face personally. And if dissatisfaction becomes the predominant emotion of a woman, the man begins to look for ways to retreat. It is very important for them to know and hear that he is a support for you, and not an obstacle on the path to happiness.

Appreciate his achievements. Many women find the phrase “I love you for this and for that (for punctuality, for reliability, for tenderness)” stupid. Girls believe that love should not set conditions. This is true, but men sometimes need someone to appreciate both his actions and his social achievements, and the attributes of prestige that he has (car, technical “toys”, etc.). Express your admiration for all his achievements; at these moments you can admit anything, he will appreciate it much more than without such a reason.

Discuss problems briefly and to the point. If you are suffering from irritation or are suffering from accumulated problems, first let off steam by talking to or with a psychologist. Then work out a solution, come up with summary the essence of the issue, justify your decision logically. And with this short conversation go to . They are terrified of detailed discussions with tears, scandals and emotions. It’s easier for them to quickly discuss everything, find a solution and not return to the issue in the future.


  • if a man has feelings how to find out

As a rule, women very subtly feel sympathy for themselves from men. However, there are also women with not too developed intuition, and rather secretive men. In this case, to determine whether a man likes you, try to observe with different sides for his behavior in your presence.


Pay attention to his gestures. Words can express any lie, but gestures, most often, cannot be faked. loving person will not turn his back to you, on the contrary, he will listen to your words, turning in your direction.

If a man slouches a little and leans slightly towards you when talking, then he is probably interested in you. Also watch how he sits during the conversation - if his shoulders are slightly turned towards you, this also indicates that he is interested.

See if he begins to repeat your actions. For example, you reached into your purse for your phone - and he immediately takes his own out of his pocket. This is another one of his passions. But if he crosses his arms over his chest, then this is a sign of closedness for the interlocutor.

Watch his gaze. If during a conversation a man tries to hold your gaze or, on the contrary, looks away too quickly, he is probably not indifferent to you.

Listen to what a man says and how he says it. If a person is not indifferent to you, then a little excitement will probably be felt in his speech. In addition, a man who likes you will probably talk a lot about himself - he wants to show himself in in the best light. By the way, it is believed that if in front of a person it seems that he has already seen you somewhere, that he liked you.

Watch his touch. If your relationship is already quite trusting, then during a conversation a man may, as if by chance, touch your hand and will not pull it away, or accidentally touch your leg with his foot and will not remove it. All this signals his sympathy for you.

Track down the lover young man sometimes it can be quite difficult. But if you suspect someone of feelings to you - then he is subject to the most careful verification of sincerity.

The question is who were you at past life, interests many. In fact, it is not so difficult to determine, you just need to take a closer look at yourself and your surroundings.

If you are a woman now, most likely in a past life you were a man and vice versa, but this is not at all necessary; your gender may remain the same. If you are a woman and you have bad relationships with men, most likely you have offended many women in the past as a man. In this life, you put yourself in the shoes of your past victims to understand how they felt.

What do you do best? You probably had this type of occupation in a previous incarnation. When you are young, you may feel especially strongly drawn to those activities that prevailed in your distant (or not so distant) past. After 20 years, “adaptation” to the current existence occurs, and the type of occupation may change greatly. What you have as a hobby in this life could have been your main job in the past.

Remember the person you can't find mutual language. Most likely, in a past life you had a conflict with him. Perhaps he even killed you (or you killed him). If there is a persistent dislike for someone for no apparent reason, perhaps the reason is precisely difficult relationships In a past life. Imagine your enemy and listen to yourself, what thoughts and feelings arise, what muscles tense, perhaps, somewhere in the body appears unpleasant feeling or pain. For example, when you remember someone, you feel anger or fear, and tension appears in your chest. There is a possibility that this individual killed you with a shot to the heart. But this is not necessary; there may be another explanation. Watch your thoughts. Whichever one comes first is most likely to be correct. Thoughts do not come by chance.

There may be several assumptions, and this is not surprising, because we have more than one life behind us, there may be dozens of them. And if in past incarnations we were left with someone unresolved problems, we will meet them again and again to find the right way out and learn how to build right relationship based on love and forgiveness.

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Each representative of the human race has his own unique way of thinking. It is precisely this that participates in the formation of the inner world. Sometimes it is quite difficult for people to understand someone because of different ideas about life. To unravel the inner world of a person, you first need to delve into the peculiarities of his character.


Don't try to get into a person's soul. Even in the best scenario, you won’t be able to do this without psychological skills. Direct questions to certain topics can cause indignation, embarrassment and even anger in the interlocutor. You need to learn about people’s inner world more delicately, and even unnoticeably.

To look “inside” a person you are interested in, carefully monitor his behavior in different life situations. His desire to appear better everywhere does not mean high level selfishness. This behavior indicates a tendency towards idealization. It can be reinforced by demands from those close to them to meet the person’s expectations.

Another “talking” trait is touchiness. If a person often “puffs up”, it means that he is not ready to hear others and is too preoccupied with his own “I”. There is no need to delve into the reasons for this behavior. Most likely, it is due to upbringing. You just need to take note of this and try not to offend the vulnerable person.

Character in to a greater extent determines the inner world of a person. People carry out all their actions based on their own ideas about life. Finding out a person’s character is quite difficult, since initially everyone tries to show only their own best qualities. Therefore, in order to open the inner world of your partner, you need to spend a lot of time with him.

Hobbies are your first assistants in understanding a person’s inner world. With their help, you can draw certain conclusions about his character and preferences. For example, when a musician is near you, pay attention to the compositions he creates. If it is rock or other aggressive genres, then inside a person there is a mixture of bright emotions and acute experiences. If the compositions are measured and pleasant to the ear, then he is in harmony with himself.

It is hobbies that often help people struggle with certain qualities, so judging a person’s inner world by them should be done with caution. Aggressive sports in the form of boxing and wrestling sometimes help to throw out excess energy in order to be more restrained in life. Yoga - finding harmony with yourself is often an indicator philosophical thinking.

It is impossible to reveal a person’s inner world if you sometimes do not put yourself in his place. Therefore, try to be understanding of your neighbor’s weaknesses. It is quite possible that behind someone's harsh appearance a subtle nature is hidden, and inside soft man there is a will of steel.

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  • Inner world

Sometimes people know each other for a long time, but still don’t understand each other. It’s also not easy with new acquaintances: first impressions can be deceiving and misunderstandings arise. For effective communication you need to find out what interests the other person.

Show interest in your partner's hobbies

Nothing attracts your interlocutor better than sincere interest in his field of activity and hobbies. Ask your communication partner how he spends free time: prefers active or passive recreation, what books he reads, what music he prefers, movies.

Find out his favorite hobby, ask about close friends. Based on all the information you can understand life values personality and get an idea of ​​their needs, interests and plans.

Learn to listen

Man is designed in such a way that he is only truly interested in his own plans and problems. Often, even when communicating with close people, a person, out of politeness, is interested in business and successes, but at the same time continues to do something or think about something. He nods, casually assents, and comments on a phrase he heard separately. As a result, a formal conversation took place, and on psychological and emotional level no contact occurred. Later, a desire arises to clarify something, but the interlocutor is no longer in the mood to repeat himself.

To understand the inner world of another person you need to be able to listen carefully. Don't get distracted during a conversation and don't interrupt your interlocutor. Share his emotions, experiences, clarify the essence of the problem.

When communicating, it is important to remember that people express their thoughts and interpret feelings differently. If a phrase sounds ambiguous, it is better to ask whether you understood its content correctly.

Get on the same wavelength

To better understand a person, you need to be able to tune in with him “on the same wavelength.” If he is active and cheerful by nature, create a similar mood in yourself: joke and smile more. If your communication partner is prone to seriousness, then you too switch to philosophical questions.

Keep in mind that it is easier to understand a person if you are similar to him in character and temperament. It will not be difficult for you to feel when he is angry, simply tired or worried about something. IN otherwise, it is worth being observant and paying attention to what behavior and reactions are characteristic of a person in different situations.

There is no need for a partner to arrange “interrogations with biases” when he is not in the mood to be frank or is simply not in the mood. The easiest way to find out is to establish a sincere and trusting relationship with him. In this case, there is no need to make assumptions about other people's needs and motives, but you can ask directly and receive an honest answer.

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Do you have a boyfriend. Do you love him. He loves you too. It would seem that everything is wonderful, you have an excellent relationship that has certain prospects for development. And suddenly, at one fine moment, a visit comes to you disturbing thought: Does he really love you? Without wanting it, you are increasingly tormented by doubts about the sincerity of his feelings. Until you finally decide to check it out. Some girls resort to very dubious and risky methods of testing a guy, which often leads to a break in relationships. However, there are more gentle ways to check feelings.

You will need

  • Women's wisdom, observation and expert opinion an uninterested person.


To understand whether you are yours, you should not arrange checks on him. Better watch his behavior in different situations. If he loves you often, constantly sends SMS with love confessions is interested in your life, then you can be sure that he has strong feelings for you feelings.

Another step you can take to get rid of doubts is to find out the opinion of someone important to you. Whether it will be a mother or, or maybe a best friend - it doesn’t matter at all. The main thing for you is to hear an outside opinion. You shouldn't expect your friend to tell you exactly whether he loves you or not. But from the outside, the attitude is clearer. And if your boyfriend does not behave very decently towards you, she will notice this and will definitely inform you.


If a man does not try to tell you about himself, ignores your requests for help, and does not introduce you to his friends and family, then most likely his feelings for you are very, very controversial. You can be absolutely sure that you are not interested in a man if you have never heard from him kind words and hints of sexual relations.

Helpful advice

Enlist the help of a friend only if you are firmly convinced of her loyalty to you. You don't want her to steal your boyfriend.


  • understand that a man has feelings for me

When meeting each other, young people sometimes think about how long their feelings will last. Sincere love often accompanies people throughout later life, but ordinary affection and sympathy ends sooner or later.


To understand whether your feelings are forever or not, first you need to learn to separate concepts such as “love” and “falling in love.” In the very general understanding, love is the desire to make another person happy. Loving guy or the girl will do everything to make the object of his affection happy next to him. To learn to love, you need to know the tastes, preferences, desires and aspirations of your chosen one. To do this, spend more time with each other, share your experiences, make plans for the future. This will help you get to know your significant other better. Sometimes you can hear the phrase from someone: “I love him because he is smart.” No matter how strange it may sound, you love a person not for something, but for everything. A loving person cannot give an exact answer to the question of why exactly he has feelings for his chosen one. He loves absolutely everything about him: appearance, physique and even character flaws.

Learn to talk to your partner. Share all your experiences. And even if something doesn’t suit you, you need to talk about it in a calm tone. It is equally important to learn to listen and hear a person. Laugh when you are happy, cry when you are sad. Remember, sincerity is important in any relationship. Every relationship experiences some difficulties sometimes. This is usually associated with the beginning life together, the birth of a child. Of course, time, one way or another, changes people. The main thing during this period is not to lose yourself. Having gone through all the difficulties and maintaining your relationship, you will become a real team.

Falling in love consists of a completely different attitude towards a person. Next to him you feel inspired, you want to constantly spend time together, but at the same time you have a single desire: all your undertakings, manifestations of care and affection should be exclusively mutual. If there is no reciprocity, withdrawal begins, worries, suffering and attempts to replace the person who does not need you with someone else who will value you and your care more. Falling in love quickly ignites and quickly passes, so such feelings cannot last forever.

If you understand that you are ready to do everything for a person for free, you worry about whether he is fed, dressed, healthy, and it doesn’t matter to you whether he is next to you or not, you are simply worried about his well-being, interested in him experiences and are even ready to let go to another person, as long as he is happy, this is the sincere and most real love, which does not go away over time. Yes, if you are not together with the object of your adoration, you will be able to start dating someone in the future, but you are unlikely to be able to love someone. Your thoughts will always return to the same representative of the opposite sex, but only when you think that he is alive, healthy, and everything is fine with him, you will be calm.

Maintain a poker face at all times extreme situations Only professional intelligence officers and philosophers who have renounced earthly concerns can. However, the skills of this art make life much easier and ordinary people.


Motivation. A person must be clearly aware of why he is trying to hide his inner world from others. Perhaps it is the shame of a perfectionist who wants others to know about his weaknesses. Perhaps this is a desire to protect oneself from the attacks of others. Perhaps a person simply does not know how to demonstrate his emotions, and has not been taught to talk about his needs and feelings. After realizing the reasons, a person can turn to a psychotherapist with a request to help him articulate his needs, desires and dreams as best as possible.

Select a mask. In order to get along in complex team, sometimes you have to wear a mask. For example, “strong” or “diplomat”, “soul of the party” or “conflict-free smart girl”. Only the person himself knows which of these images is most convenient for him, meets his temperament and internal needs: to console, to be useful, or to feel the approval of others. It is important to remember that sometimes the mask adheres to the skin. We are what we want to appear to be.

Relax your mind. If you need to block your emotions in a specific situation (exam, interview, scandal), then you should use proven techniques. These may be ones that relax our mind in a special way. For example, “This boat is empty,” “There is nothing worth revenge.” Or “express meditation” - immersion in the aroma of a flower, perfume, aromatic oil. Can you imagine how the aroma envelops you like the strongest armor in the world? Forward!

Fixation on an outsider. By concentrating on breathing, a person stops concentrating on negative emotions. While looking at the boss's earrings, the employee misses most her barbs fell on deaf ears. The method of visualizing your emotions is considered quite useful. For example, you can imagine your anger as streams of fire that

Signs that a guy is interesting

When you are around this young man, an unusual shyness appears. Are you afraid to say superfluous word so as not to look stupid in his eyes. Thoughts are confused and it is difficult to concentrate on what is happening.

Topics naturally turn to discussion of the object of love. You talk with admiration about his jokes and antics. You try to find out from your friends their opinion about him, and from his acquaintances you ask for information about him. Sometimes this can manifest itself unconsciously, and you do not notice such signs in yourself. Ask a close friend if his name comes up too often in your conversations.

You listen carefully to his stories. Find out with interest his passions, favorite movies, games, music or books. Then you study, trying to understand it better in this way. Trying to find common interests and topics so that you can start a conversation and get a little closer to it.

At night you have romantic dreams with his participation. Sometimes the subconscious understands feelings much more faster than your mind and prompts the right solution through dreams. But sometimes this can only be caused by your thoughts about whether the guy likes you or not. So you try on the role of a lover and evaluate your reaction to it.

Signs that you like a guy

However, there is a slight line between “just cute” and “really likes”. All of the above signs show that you are interested in a guy, but he is not showing love. But if, in addition to them, you notice the symptoms listed below, you definitely have feelings.

All his jokes seem funny, even if you laugh at them alone. Each of his stories captivates you, you are ready to listen to him all day long. You try to time your meetings so that you can “accidentally” meet and look at him for an extra minute.

If he touches you, even accidentally, your heart starts beating faster. You may feel dizzy and your cheeks may flush with excitement.

Your gaze constantly returns to the object of your love. Even if he is behind you, you will try to find a reason to look back and sneak a glance at him. And if you make eye contact, look away excitedly.

If you still doubt your feelings, add a little imagination. Mentally imagine that he is kissing you. Don't you feel disgusted? Or does such a thought seem pleasantly exciting and desirable to you? What if instead of a kiss you imagine bed scene? Find answers to similar questions, and then you can sort out your feelings.

). Feel hungry. Feel warm. Feel the love. Feel angry. “Strizhin felt an irresistible urge to drink.” Chekhov . “I felt incredible excitement.” Turgenev . “I feel love for the habits of life again.” Pushkin . “A person must feel respect for himself.” Turgenev .

2. What And with the union"What". Perceive, notice with the senses, feel something. external. “I quickly walked down the street, feeling the mocking smiles of the people I met.” Maksim Gorky . “I can’t hear her, but I feel that she is here.” Turgenev . “And I feel that tears are born in my eyes again.” Pushkin . She felt his gaze on her.

3. What And with the union"What". To understand, to be aware of, to give oneself something. report. “Feeling that the owner had no time for the game, we... scattered to our apartments.” Pushkin . “I can’t do it, brother, I feel like I’m stupid.” Griboyedov . “I feel like some inexplicable, secret grief is sucking at my heart.” Saltykov-Shchedrin . “All day I felt like my life was in ruins.” Chernyshevsky . Feeling guilty before someone.

Feel How And who-what- have, experience certain sensations (physical or mental). “I felt out of sorts and unwell.” Chekhov . “Look, in the evening he feels like a little king here.” Griboyedov . How are you feeling?(question about health status).

Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

See what “FEEL” is in other dictionaries:

    Feel, smell, hear, know, taste, taste, taste, touch; respond, react, make yourself known. His horse, sensing the snow, trudges along at a trot. Fluff. To feed hatred, love, hope. Hope fills my soul. My… … Synonym dictionary

    FEEL, thy, thy; anna; imperfect., that. 1. To experience what n. feeling (in 1, 3 and 4 meanings), to feel. Ch. hunger. Ch. on yourself whose name. sight. Ch. excitement. Ch. your responsibility. 2. Be able to perceive, understand. Ch. music. Ch. painting. … … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    What to feel, barely, smell with oneself, hear, touch, know with bodily, carnal abilities, means. | To cognize morally, internally, to understand, to realize spiritually, responding to this with impressions. The frozen man felt everything around him... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    feel- To feel like and who to have, to experience certain sensations (physical or mental). I felt out of sorts and unwell. Chekhov. How are you feeling? (question about health status) ... Phrasebook Russian language

    feel- feel, feel, feels. Pronounced [feel]… Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    Verb., nsv., used. max. often Morphology: I feel, you feel, he/she/it feels, we feel, you feel, they feel, feel, feel, felt, felt, felt, felt, feeling, felt,… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    feel- [u/st], stvu, stvu, nsv.; smell/warm, owl. 1) (what) To experience what l. physical sensation, condition, etc. Feel pain. Feel fear. Feel tired. Feel thirsty. They said that Emperor Nicholas... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    feel- (not) feel taste Neg, perception (not) feel tired perception feel pain action, object, perception feel desire action feel awkwardness perception feel the need knowledge, understanding... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    feel- wow, wow; nsv. (holy feeling/warning) see also. feel someone what 1) also with add. additional experience what l. feeling 1), 3) Feeling cold, hunger. Chu/vstv… Dictionary of many expressions

    feel- ▲ be in (a state of) some, emotion feel experience what l. feeling. experience (# fatigue). feel. worry. overwhelm. disassemble (disassembles curiosity). overfill. burst (burst with pride). consume (consumes... ... Ideographic dictionary Russian language


  • Feel life, Kira Reiki. Happiness cannot exist without love. It doesn't matter who or what the object of these feelings is. One of the main topics that is touched upon in my book is the relationships between people and the love between them.… eBook

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Monologue technique

There are events after which we cannot calm down for a long time. Sometimes an hour, sometimes several days, and sometimes a week or more.

Such experiences distract us from fresh impressions and new tasks. These experiences seem to keep us stuck in the past.

In this case, “Monologue” will help put thoughts and feelings in order in order to internally complete the situation.

The essence

Speaking thoughts and feelings out loud.

When to use

The technique is suitable for working in situations of psychological stress.

How to use

  1. Find a secluded place where you will not be disturbed or interrupted.
  2. Take an alarm clock with you and set it, giving yourself 5 minutes to exercise.
  3. Think of a situation or person that makes you feel negative, difficult, or conflicting. Ask yourself: “How do I feel about this?” and start saying out loud everything that comes to your mind. To make it easier for you to express your feelings, start with the phrases: “I’m worried,” “I’m completely fed up with the situation...”, “I’m confused (confused)....”, “I’m annoyed (anxious, embarrassed...),” etc. d.
  4. Keep talking. At some points, you may find yourself thinking that you are talking nonsense and that it is not true. It `s naturally. Don't judge your feelings or statements. Don't say: "That's stupid" or "That's not possible." Continue. the main task now – just say what comes to mind. Don't stop until you hear the alarm.
  5. After the alarm sounds, stop, take a short break and listen to your feelings. Usually five minutes is enough to feel better. If you still have tension about the situation, repeat the procedure again, starting from the first step.


The monologue technique allows you to defuse emotional stress and clarify your own experiences.


This technique can be viewed as a confidential conversation with oneself about one's feelings and thoughts, or as a practice of being kind, interested, and more understanding about oneself.

The founder of the psychodrama method, Jacob Moreno, used the Monologue technique to enable a person to express experiences that correspond psychological truth. In this way, the true attitude to the event became clear.

This is exactly what we are trying to do with the above exercise. This can help the energy “locked” inside to be expressed and not return us again and again to the experienced situation. After such a “discharge” it is much easier to respond to new events that happen to us.

Expressing real, genuine thoughts and feelings is not always possible right away. The alarm clock helps with this - it seems to push the feelings to “go on stage”.

Some people find it easier to talk while walking rather than sitting. Physical movement serves as a kind of warm-up for the expression of feelings and thoughts. In this case, you can walk in a circle with small and leisurely steps.

To learn more

Come to the Moscow Psychodrama Conference: