The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri interesting facts. Ten secrets of Dante Alighieri

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His “Divine Comedy” is studied at school and passed as compulsory program in higher educational institutions: institutes, universities. He was one of the greatest Italian poets and thinkers. In addition, being the founder of literary Italian language, was involved in politics. Dante Alighieri Interesting Facts accompanied him throughout his entire life.

Facts from the life of Dante Alighieri

Very little is known about the poet’s life, and only from the words of the thinker himself. Born in Florence in 1265, the writer remained faithful to his city, which he loved and called the best in the world. Dante does not mention family at all. Other sources suggest that little Alighieri lost his parents early. First the mother died. The father, after marrying another woman, has two more children. But happiness new family It didn’t last long, the head of the family dies, and the entire burden of household chores falls on the shoulders of young Dante.

The future poet's best friend was Brunetto Latini, who contributed to the development of Alighieri's talent. He, being an excellent encyclopedist and smart person, always gave wise advice to a young writer and cultivated in him a sense of beauty. It is not for nothing that Brunetto is called the teacher of Dante Alighieri.

Not last role in the development of Dante, as famous poet played by his friend Cavalcanti. The relationship between them was very difficult, since Alighieri involuntarily participated in the expulsion of his friend. Guido fell ill with malaria and died in 1300. After his death, Dante dedicated many poems to Cavalcanti.

Dante's Love

Every schoolchild knows the great work of the Italian writer Dante “The Divine Comedy”. It is in this work that Alighieri glorifies his first true love-beautiful Beatrice. Subsequently, this couple became a symbol of tender love. Often young people are placed on a level next to Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde.

Beatrice died at the age of twenty-five. The love between a girl and Dante deserves to be on the pages of some fairy tale story. Dante first saw little Beatrice when he was nine years old, but he truly fell in love only 9 years later, when he saw a young, beautiful, but already married girl. From this very moment, Beatrice becomes the center of the Universe for the poet. Throughout his life, even after the death of his beloved, the poet devotes all his poems to Beatrice.

Beatrice made her most striking appearance in Dante's literature in his famous " Divine Comedy».

1. The work begins with Hell. In the understanding of medieval people, hell was located in the center of the earth, because when the rebel angel was thrown out of heaven, he fell from heaven and went to the very center of the earth. "Devil" with ancient Greek language translates as “stops in the middle.” What does it mean? This means that when you see in front of you big goal, a great desire, but at the same time you stop without reaching it. For example, “you want something truly great, endless, stars, but then you stop at money, a woman, and some voice says: that’s enough, that’s enough, you don’t need to go anywhere else, you don’t need to look for anything, already everything is there and you stop, stop being driven by this search,” explains Franco Nembrini. Now I understand why it is very often important to reach the very end, why it is important not to stop in the middle of any endeavor, not to give up on something, because this is the only way to get to the essence of things.
2. There is some image that hell is on fire and sinners are roasted there. Dante says nothing of the kind; the closer you go through the circles of hell to the very center, the colder it becomes. And Lucifer himself is in a block of ice. Why this image? “The fact is that love is a movement,” says Franco, that is, for the sake of love you get up, do something, talk to someone, you have to love something and someone in order to get out of bed in the morning , that is, to come into motion. In Dante’s consciousness, love is movement. Look, everything moves: the blood in the veins, the earth around the sun, movement means life. “Not life” means “not movement.” complete absence movements. That is why everything in the center of hell does not burn in fire, but on the contrary, everything is frozen in ice and cold.
3. Before hell there is limbo, this is a place that does not belong to hell, purgatory, or heaven. So what is this place and what is its meaning? The fact is, says Nembrini, that there are souls of people there who are not even worthy of hell. That is, even the most bad place doesn't want to accept them. What did these people do during their lifetime? You will be surprised, but nothing. All of them earthly life was built on the principle of “neither fish nor fowl”, they were neither saints nor sinners. That is, they lived their lives without using it for anything. These souls rush about with curses in a sandstorm, and Dante’s guide Virgil says about them: “This is the woeful lot of those pitiful souls who lived without knowing either the glory or the shame of mortal affairs.” This is one of the most cruel punishments in the entire poem for those who do not decide, do not choose, do not take sides, about whom one can say neither good nor bad. These are insipid people, says Nembrini. And they are not alone. “And with them an evil flock of angels, who, having not rebelled, were unfaithful to the Most High, observing the middle.” Even Hell didn’t want them, so these souls and angels are on the threshold, because Hell itself begins after the Acheron River. This fact, in principle, struck me with its relevance. I also don’t understand people who live according to this Swiss principle.
4. The people closest to Lucifer are those who have committed the most great sin- this is a betrayal of yourself, your family, friends and benefactors. And it describes one of the most terrible scenes that I have ever read and could even imagine in one of the horror films. There people are fused with each other's heads and one eats the other and it continues infinite number time.
5. All the way from hell to heaven is not only the path of Dante himself, but also the path of every person. Since the path begins from the moment when Dante finds himself in the “dark forest” and he must go through Hell, that is, recognize the evil that exists primarily in himself, then learn to forgive others (Purgatory), and only then can he go to Paradise.
6. What is Paradise? Dante, as a boy, was in love with a girl who later died. He was married, but the name of his wife was never preserved in history. All that remained was the name Beatrice, the name of the girl with whom he had been in love all his life. So heaven for him is the fulfillment of this promise Great love. In heaven he is met by Beatrice, a girl with whom he has never even spoken. However, all his friends, seeing how shocked he was from meeting her, understood that something more had happened to Dante and that is why he conceived the entire “Divine Comedy”. All this movement, this whole path that he traveled was rewarded with a meeting with Her.
7. "The Divine Comedy" is considered absolutely perfect piece in terms of form, the text itself was written in a special rhyme, which is very easy to remember by heart in order to retell it to others. Writers also calculated that 4 numbers are most often found in the work. The number 7 is divine, since it was in 7 days that the world was created. The number 3 symbolizes God as it is a symbol of the trinity. The number 10 symbolizes man: when the earthly (7) and the divine (3) are united. And the number 13 is a symbol of Christ, when God (3) and man (10) united in him. So just these numbers are found in 100 songs.
8. By the age of 35, Dante himself became prior of Florence. This means that by our standards he became the “mayor of the city” and had political weight. So when he released the "Divine Comedy" the most ordinary people who could neither read nor write, officially appealed to the authorities so that public readings of the “comedy” would be held in cities for everyone with explanations.
9. Stars. This is one of the most strong images, which is most often found in the work and this often ends the terza troistes. Why? Because it is the stars that are a sign of the presence of Mystery and for hundreds of centuries have raised questions about meaning in people of all nations and geographies. And especially in Dante.

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Biography in dates and facts

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Biography in dates and facts

Dante Alighieri- legendary Italian poet and thinker, author of the famous poem “”, which was included in the first rank of the “golden fund” of world literature. In history national culture Dante also plays the role of the founder of the Italian literary language.


1274 Dante, according to his own testimony, first saw Beatrice, who became the love of his life. He dedicated a separate cycle of poems to the beautiful Beatrice, who passed away early, which scientists date back to approximately 1283-1292. His lyrical confession dates back to 1292 “ New life", which included poetic poems dedicated to Beatrice.

There is reason to believe that Dante studied at University of Bologna, where he practiced versification and communicated with recognized poets of his time, and later became addicted to philosophy, willingly attending debates on theological topics. It is known that he married a girl from a rich Florentine family Gemma Donati, who bore him four children.



1304 and 1307




Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). biography in dates and facts

Dante Alighieri- legendary Italian poet and thinker, author of the famous poem “The Divine Comedy”, which was included in the first rank of the “golden fund” of world literature. In the history of national culture, Dante also plays the role of the founder of the Italian literary language.

Dante's life in dates and facts:

1265- was born in Florence into a family belonging to the city nobility.

1274 Dante, according to his own testimony, first saw Beatrice, who became the love of his life. He dedicated a separate cycle of poems to the beautiful Beatrice, who passed away early, which scientists date back to approximately 1283-1292. His lyrical confession “New Life” dates back to 1292, which included poetic works dedicated to Beatrice.

There is reason to believe that Dante studied at the University of Bologna, where he practiced versification and communicated with recognized poets of his time, and later became addicted to philosophy, willingly attending lectures and debates on theological topics. It is known that he married a girl from a wealthy Florentine family, Gemma Donati, who bore him four children.

1295- the beginning of Dante’s socio-political activity. Subsequently, he held various positions in the city government system (including prior, one of the main elected officials), was a member of city councils, and also participated in the political struggle.

1301- due to political repression the poet was expelled from Florence with a warning that if he returned he would be burned at the stake. From that time on, a period of wandering began that lasted until the end of his life. For some time Dante lived in Verona, then, presumably, in Bologna; perhaps he traveled to Paris, stayed for two years in Pisa, and spent the rest of his life in Ravenna.

1304 and 1307— wrote philosophical essay"The Feast" (left unfinished) and the philological treatise "On the People's Language".

1307— began working on the poem “The Divine Comedy,” which he completed shortly before his death.

1312-1313- wrote a political treatise “On the Monarchy”.

1311 political situation in Florence changed, and the city authorities took the initiative to pardon the exiles: former convicts were given the right to return to their homeland, subject to bail. Contrary to the advice of his Florentine friends, the poet refused to return to his homeland in a humiliating way, “detracting from Dante’s glory and honor.” He did the same with the repeated proposal made to him in
1315 Then the Signoria declared Dante an outlaw and sentenced him and his sons to beheading in absentia.

Years of life: from 01/01/1265 to 09/14/1321

Italian poet and political figure, one of the founders of the literary Italian language. Known as the creator of the Divine Comedy, which provided a synthesis of late medieval culture.

Durante degli Alighieri (so full name poet) was born in Florence. Exact date birth is unknown, there is disagreement even regarding the month: May or June 1265. ABOUT early years The poet’s life and family are also little known, mainly from the writings of Dante himself. According to family tradition, Dante's ancestors came from the Roman family of Elisei, who participated in the founding of Florence. At the age of 9, Dante first meets 8-year-old Beatrice Portinari, who becomes his lover and source of inspiration for life. This meeting is his first autobiographical memory. The second time Dante met his Beatrice 9 years later, she was already married. In 1890, Beatrice died, remaining in memory descendants only thanks to Dante's poems.

In 1292, Dante married Gemma Donati. Giovanni Boccaccio (Dante's first biographer) considered this marriage to be purely political. One way or another, Gemma is never mentioned in the poet’s works, and most The couple lived their lives separately (Dante in exile, and Gemma in Florence). It is not known for certain when exactly Dante began writing poetry, but the creation of the poem “New Life” dates back to 1292, which included only part of his poems written by that time. IN end of XIII century, Florence was embroiled in a long conflict between the Emperor and the Pope. Dante joined the party of opponents of papal power, the so-called “White Guelphs” and played an important role in it. At first, luck was on the side of the poet’s comrades; they managed to defeat their opponents, and in 1300 Dante was elected a member of the government council of priors. However, this situation did not last long; already in 1301, power in the city passed to the supporters of the Pope. Dante, who was away at the time, learned that he, among others, had been sentenced to death in absentia and decided not to return to his hometown.

For the rest of his life, Dante wandered around different cities, he found shelter in Verona, Ravenna, Bologna, and was even in Paris. There is little factual information about these years (as well as about the poet’s entire life). The timing of the creation of Dante's works can also only be approximately determined. In 1304-1307 he began two large works: the philosophical treatises "The Feast" and “On popular eloquence.” Both works remained unfinished, perhaps due to the fact that Dante’s attention switched to the creation of his main work, which immortalized the author’s name - The Divine Comedy. The book was written over 15 years from 1306 to 1321, Dante finished it shortly before his death. In 1310, Dante supports the German Emperor Henry VII, declared by Pope Clement also King of Italy. However, Henry failed to establish his power; in 1313 he died suddenly. In 1321, returning from Venice to Ravenna, Dante fell ill with malaria and the poet died on the night of September 13-14.

Initially, Dante simply called his main work “Comedy.” This name corresponded to the medieval tradition of naming poetic works. The epithet “divine” was added to the name by Giovanni Boccaccio.

The Divine Comedy is full of allegories, and without their analysis, much of the meaning is lost. The poem also has a well-thought-out structure: the number of songs in each part (and in the work as a whole), the number of lines in each song, the choice of terza as a meter - all this matters.

The portrait of Dante by Raphael, included in the title of the biography, is considered “canonical” - this is the image that appears on the 2 euro coin. Raphael painted this portrait 200 years after Dante's death, based on the description of Giovanni Boccaccio. Boccaccio himself turned 8 years old in the year of Dante’s death and most likely verbal portrait was recorded from the words of other people. In 1921, Dante's grave in Ravenna was opened, and scientists took measurements of the bones of the poet's skull. Based on these measurements, in 2007, the alleged appearance of Dante was reconstructed (shown above).

In 2010, Visceral Games released computer game based on the "Divine Comedy" -