The fight against Japanese aggression. Strengthening the international position of the USSR

Vladimir Khomutko

Reading time: 3 minutes


How many years have they been producing oil in Chechnya?

Oil has been extracted in Chechnya for more than a hundred years.

At the beginning of the last century, its extraction, preliminary processing and further transportation were carried out by many foreign companies, including the world-famous Standard Oil and Shell.

The main owner of the Chechen oil fields was Terskoye Cossack army. It received income from them in the form of rent received from oil developers.

With coming Soviet power all mineral resources were declared state property. During Soviet oil production, a fairly serious infrastructure was built here, which included oil refining enterprises.

The maximum volume of “black gold” mined in this region occurred in 1971 and amounted to 21.6 million tons, but then the rate of production began to decline steadily. In the early 90s of the last century, the explored Chechen deposits were already depleted by 60 percent, and practically no exploration of new ones was carried out.

Chechnya and oil

According to experts, during its existence Soviet Union More than 400 million tons of “black gold” were mined here. For a long period of time, the Grozny oil-producing region was the second most important in the country (after Baku), and Chechen oil brought significant revenues to the USSR treasury.

With the proclamation of Ichkeria, all mineral resources were declared people's property, but the income local population it had no effect.

The main reasons were:

  • the general decline of the republican mining industry;
  • failure of most wells (oil was obtained only from gushing ones);
  • loss of productivity of existing flowing wells due to their intensive operation;
  • collapse of local oil refining.

In 1998, the total volume of Chechen oil production amounted to only 849 thousand tons. In 2000, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1320 and in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation, the state corporation Rosneft took over oil production in Chechnya.

Currently, its subsidiary Grozneftegaz operates on the territory of the republic, 51 percent of the shares of which are owned by Rosneft, and 49 percent is owned by the Government of the Chechen Republic. Grozneftegaz received all licenses for the Chechen fields, as well as the remaining production assets.

This company began to quickly increase oil production volumes, and in three years managed to increase it to 1 million 800 thousand tons of “black gold”.

Currently, the Government of this Russian region and the Rosneft corporation are conducting complex and lengthy negotiations, the purpose of which is to increase the role of the local Government in the management of the Grozneftegaz company, as well as to invest revenues received from Chechen oil in the development of the republic itself.

The plans of the Rosneft company to build a large oil refinery in the Tersky region of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, leaked to the media, as expected, caused a very painful reaction in the Chechen Republic.

For many years (at least since the end of the military stage of the anti-terrorist campaign), the Chechen authorities have been unsuccessfully seeking the construction on their territory of at least a small enterprise for processing (even if not all) the oil produced here - and Rosneft, which has a monopoly on Chechen oil, is going to process it next door! And in what volumes - 2 million tons of oil per year, that is, everything that is produced in the Chechen Republic.

In general terms the situation is as follows: for last year The cost of Chechen oil sold by Rosneft amounted to approximately 20 billion rubles, and 420 million rubles - or a little more than two percent - went to the revenue side of the republican budget of Chechnya. Here, as they say, any comments are unnecessary.

By the way, the Chechen authorities have never tried to seriously challenge Rosneft’s monopoly position. More often than not, all their efforts were aimed at ensuring that everyone possible ways: first, create in Chechnya maximum amount jobs in the oil industry; secondly, to increase its share of income through the development of deep oil refining in the republic. The only concession that Rosneft made was the creation of OJSC Grozneftegaz in 2001 as one of its subsidiaries, but without this, it would have been extremely difficult for Rosneft itself to resume industrial oil production and transportation in Chechnya.

In general, over the past two decades there have been so many contradictory opinions and outright speculation surrounding the oil industry in Chechnya that there is a need to briefly understand the history of the issue.

Oil has been extracted in Chechnya for more than a hundred years, and at the beginning of the 20th century, several dozen companies, including international cartels such as Shell and Standard Oil, were involved in its extraction, partial on-site processing and transportation. The main owner of the oil-bearing areas was the Terek Cossack Army, which received income simply by leasing them to oil industrialists. Some Chechen villages, for example Aldy, owned relatively small oil-bearing areas, on whose lands New fields arose.

As a result, more than twenty years of exploitation of Chechen oil fields under the tsarist regime brought almost no benefit to the Chechen people. Only certain entrepreneurs, for example, Tapa Chermoev, got rich from speculation in oil-bearing areas. Moreover, the residents of Aldov received income by renting out the lands they owned.

Under Soviet rule, the sole owner of the subsoil was the state, which produced and processed oil for more than 70 years. During this time, the oil production industry of Chechnya has gone through several stages in its development. The maximum level of oil production was reached in 1971 - 21.6 million tons, after which a sharp decline in production began.

By the beginning of the 90s the main problem industry was the absence of new explored fields, and already proven oil and gas reserves were depleted by approximately 60 percent.

According to various estimates, over 400 million tons of oil were produced in Chechnya during the years of Soviet power. What benefits has the republic gained over these years?

No one will give the exact numbers, but here’s what’s interesting. For a long time The Grozny oil-producing region was the second most important in the USSR after Baku, and the budget of the Chechen Autonomous Region, and then Checheno-Ingushetia, remained subsidized throughout the entire period of Soviet power. Paradox. A beggar on a golden throne is the most precise definition the situation in which Chechnya finds itself.

Why did this happen?

Yes, because the state took the oil and gave subsidies in return. Moreover, the size of these subsidies was determined in Moscow.

Thus, in the 20s of the last century, the Grozneft association transferred to the budget of the Chechen Autonomous Region a certain percentage from oil produced in Chechnya. Since the share of PrJSC was determined in Moscow, it should not be surprising that in some years the budget of Grozneft was several times higher than the budget of the autonomy whose mineral resources it exploited.

However, this was not the case only with oil. The Union Center took in the form of taxes most of all the income that Chechnya received. Some of these funds were then returned in the form of subsidies to the republican budget, some - in the form of capital investments in the development of Grozny industry, city and republican infrastructure, and so on. But the essence of this system, which consists in taking as much as possible from the regions possible part income, to firmly put their budgets on the subsidized needle - remained unchanged. And this system can hardly be called anything other than a system of economic robbery of the regions.

During the Republic of Ichkeria, the mineral wealth was declared the property of the people of the Chechen Republic, but the income of ordinary citizens did not increase from this.

First, the industry itself was rapidly declining. Since 1991, there has been a rapid decline in oil production as most of wells failed. Eventually, oil began to be produced only from flowing wells. However, predatory exploitation led to their loss of productivity. Thus, in 1998, only 849 thousand tons of oil were produced in Chechnya. At the same time, the republican oil refining industry collapsed and dismantling of factories that had been idle for years began.

Secondly, and this is the main thing, the plunder of oil resources was now carried out within the republic, of course, with the participation of Russian and other external partners. Fabulous incomes flowed into the pockets of individuals, bypassing the republican budget. Ultimately, in the second half of the 90s, all operating wells came under the control of private individuals or individual armed groups.

In 2000, in accordance with government decree No. 1320 of December 1999 and the decision of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation, Rosneft came to Chechnya. She was involved as a customer for the work until the government plenipotentiary representative in the Chechen Republic, Nikolai Koshman, decided to create his own oil company, Grozneft, in the republic. But already in November 2001, Rosneft returned - an open oil company was created to organize oil production in Chechnya. Joint-Stock Company"Grozneftegaz", the controlling stake of which (51 percent) is owned by the state oil company Rosneft. The second co-owner of OJSC Grozneftegaz - the Government of the Chechen Republic - owns 49 percent of the shares. Grozneftegaz was given licenses for field development and production assets remaining from pre-war times.

The newly created company begins to quickly increase its level of oil production. So, if in 2001 only 700 thousand tons of oil were produced; then already in 2003 - almost 1,800 thousand tons. At the same time, initially all the oil produced in Chechnya was exported, and the destroyed republic received royalties for this. In addition, Rosneft transferred to the republican budget the cost of so-called operator services related to oil production and transportation. However, for example, in 2003, the price of operator services decreased by almost half. As a result, according to the Minister of Finance of the Chechen Republic Eli Isaev, in 2003 and 2004 the republican budget received only 350 million rubles from Rosneft, but it received less in the form of income tax and other deductions - 1 billion 800 million rubles.

By the way, it significantly reduced the tax base and the unresolved property disputes. Since a significant part of the property with which the company operates is not formally its property, the company accordingly cannot deduct income taxes in proportion to the value of this property. According to the company's management, for this reason alone, the budget of the Chechen Republic, for example, in 2003 alone received 300 million rubles less in the form of income tax.

What is the significance of almost two billion rubles lost in taxes for the Chechen Republic? For comparison, we point out that the entire republican budget for 2003 amounted to 9 billion 526 million rubles, and the actual own income at the same time they were equal to only 1 billion 82 million rubles. That is, they were 11 million rubles less than the officially announced income of OJSC Grozneftegaz for 2002.

The author of this article simply does not know what income Rosneft received from the export of oil produced in the Chechen Republic. But, given the crazy world prices for hydrocarbon raw materials - for sure we're talking about about substantial sums.

Thus, we see two things at once.

Firstly, the decline in revenues from oil production is hitting the budget of the Chechen Republic painfully. Thus, in the first half of 2004, only due to the fact that Rosneft lowered the prices for operator services for oil production, the budget of the Chechen Republic lost approximately 230–240 million rubles. As a result, in the first 6 months of 2004, the consolidated budget of the republic received only 121 million 805 thousand rubles in the form of a tax on the extraction of mineral resources (practically only oil), which amounted to 16 percent of all tax revenues.

This is probably funny, but in an oil-producing republic, while world oil prices are breaking all imaginable records, the main item in the republican budget is income tax, collected mainly in the public sector. This circumstance alone does not contribute in any way economic growth Chechen Republic.

Secondly, a system has actually been recreated in which the main income from oil produced in Chechnya again goes past the budget of the Chechen Republic. To justify its existence, there were a variety of arguments, including statements that the republic was not able to independently produce and sell oil.

This is very reminiscent of the situation in which the giant Shrek found himself, from the very popular cartoon of the same name. Let me explain my point. By order of a powerful lord, all fairy-tale creatures have been driven to the swamp owned by Shrek. The lord agrees to return the swamp to its rightful owner only if Shrek gets him a princess guarded by a fire-breathing dragon. Simply put, the lord solved his problem at someone else’s expense.

What is happening in the case of “Chechen oil”.

psvl writes

Energy myth No. 7. The war in Chechnya was over oil resources.
The topic is often raised that Chechnya was not granted independence solely because they did not want to lose the oil resources available there. Moreover, as a rule, it is not the Chechens themselves who talk about this, but the category that we affectionately call fairly decent.
In this regard, it would be nice to clarify what oil is now in Chechnya.

Along with Azerbaijan, Chechnya is one of the oldest oil provinces former USSR. Industrial oil production in Chechnya began in 1893. Cumulative production since the beginning of the development of Chechen fields has exceeded 420 million tons.
Before the start of the Second World War, oil production in Chechnya amounted to 4 million tons, but during the hostilities the oil infrastructure was completely destroyed. After the war, production was restored and from the late 50s, with the discovery of new highly productive deposits, it grew steadily, and reached a maximum of 21.3 million tons in 1971.
Then, as the deposits were developed, it decreased by 1980 to 7 million tons, and by 1990 - to 4 million tons - i.e. actually up to the level of the early 40s. At the same time, the degree of exploration of reserves in the republic was 80%, proven reserves - 50 million tons, probable reserves - 100 million tons.
A powerful oil refining industry was created in Chechnya. In Grozny, there were 3 refineries with a total capacity of 19 million tons (the Sheripov plant, Groznensky, and Novogroznensky named after Anisimov), which produced up to 6% of gasoline and up to 90% of aviation oils from total volume production in the USSR. The Grozny chemical plant was built (the main product is polyethylene high pressure), in addition, the largest polyethylene producer in the USSR was supplied with straight-run gasoline from the Grozny group of refineries via a pipeline low pressure– Budyonnovsk PA “Stavropolpolymer”, one of the most important industrial enterprises Stavropol region. One of the key institutes in the field of oil refining and petrochemistry, the GrozNII, worked there, where, for example, Soviet catalytic cracking technologies were created.
In addition, Grozny was an important oil transportation hub, where flows of local, West Siberian, Tengiz (Kazakhstan) and Azerbaijani oils were combined,
with subsequent pumping to Tuapse and Novorossiysk (via Tikhoretsk). The volume of oil pumped in 1990 amounted to 58 million tons.

Until 1994, the production indicators of the Chechen oil complex (united in the State Unitary Enterprise "UNKO") were steadily declining (refining fell threefold), the sales of oil and petroleum products were completely criminalized. After the events well known to everyone began, oil production fell sharply to less than 1 million tons, refining was stopped due to the cessation of supplies from Western Siberia, periodic attempts to resume pumping along the Baku-Tikhoretsk route were not successful due to the disappearance of volumes along the way for obvious reasons. Got wide use extraction and processing of oil using artisanal methods, about which there is generally enough information in various sources. In 1997, UNCO was disbanded by decree of A. Maskhadov.

By now transport infrastructure Chechnya is unclaimed. Flows of West Siberian oil are pumped to Tikhoretsk via other Transneft oil pipelines, Tengiz oil is transported through the Caspian Pipeline Consortium system (Tengiz-Novorossiysk), volumes of SOCAR (State Oil Company Azerbaijan Republic) - along a pipeline constructed by Transneft bypassing Chechnya. AIOC (Azerbaijan International Operating Company working on the ACG project - Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli field) after the commissioning of the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline has a double supply of transportation capacity.
Due to the fall in domestic demand for petroleum products, already in the mid-90s, oil refining capacities, which are now almost completely destroyed, became unclaimed. Security North Caucasus petroleum products are supplied mainly from the resources of the Volgograd Refinery (which, by the way, was one of the main suppliers of fuel to the federal forces during the war), as well as the Samara Group, Krasnodar plants and the Astrakhan Gas Processing Plant. The issue of building a small oil refinery with a capacity of 1 million tons in Grozny is currently being considered.
The Grozny chemical plant cannot be restored.

On the main topic of this note. Oil production from Grozneftegaz, whose controlling stake belongs to Rosneft, is currently about 2 million tons per year, that is, less than 0.5% of the total Russian production and no increase is predicted. Oil sales in 2005 amounted to $720 million. Based on the average tax burden on oil companies, the Russian budget received about $350 million from this amount. Financing of Chechnya from the federal budget amounts to $1 billion annually. That is, all the talk that Russia is clinging to Chechen oil, and this is the main source of the problem, is unfounded. Naturally, within a limited group of people, this serious business, however, even in the most extreme case, such issues are resolved by shooting at narrow circle, and not wars.


Construction of an oil refinery with a capacity of 1000 thousand tons/year on the territory of the Chechen Republic

The verbal construction of a modern oil refinery in Grozny began in March 2008 after the authorities of the Chechen Republic were outraged by Rosneft's plans to build such a plant in neighboring Kabardino-Balkaria.

Meeting of the President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov with the Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Odes Baysultanov

Projected oil reserves in the Chechen Republic for the next 10 years reach 20 million tons, while in Kabardino-Balkaria similar forecasts reach only 7 million tons. It would be much more expedient to build such a plant in the Chechen Republic. President of Rosneft Sergei Bogdanchikov asked to submit a feasibility study on the feasibility of building this plant on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

Odes Baysultanov
Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic

It would probably not be a mistake to assume that as much oil is produced in Chechnya, the same amount is returned in the form of subsidies. This formula satisfies the principle of fair redistribution of resources, but it cannot be verified. Verification is hampered by the lack of reliable, detailed information about the economy of the republic within the body of the federation. The information that the Ministry of Finance provides to the public in connection with this issue can hardly be called complete (what is, for example, the “passport of the Subject of the Russian Federation”).

49% of Grozneftegaz belongs to the Government of the Chechen Republic, 51% to Rosneft. Rosneft also owns the production licenses, so all the oil produced belongs to Rosneft, while Grozneftegaz is allocated no more than production function related to mining. By the way, the net profit of Grozneftegaz for 2014 amounted to only 3.7 million rubles.

Main question economics - control. Control over Grozneftegaz is in the hands of Rosneft. Grozny cannot manage its own resources on its territory. In legal relations between owner and tenant, this state of affairs could more accurately be called an enslaving deal than an agreement.

In legal terms, the new Grozny oil refinery is the same production business unit as a drilling rig. Since Rosneft is the investor, a large share in the new refinery will belong to it.

Of course, oil products will belong to whoever owns the oil, i.e. "Rosneft". In this case, control in determining the amount of net profit of the new refinery, as well as control in its distribution, remains with Rosneft.

The design volume of refining at the new refinery is 1 million tons per year, and in this situation, if we increase production and remain at the design level, then this will only be in the interests of Rosneft.

Currently, according to information from Rosneft, oil production in the Chechen Republic is decreasing every year. Have they been pumped out, are the installations breaking down, or have the process been suspended? There is no clear answer. However, it would be enough to present for public viewing a map of the exploration of reserves in the Chechen Republic with information on the volumes of proven and probable reserves in order to forever put an end to speculation and rumors about the economic viability of Chechnya.

An oil refinery will be built in the Chechen Republic with a capacity of 1 million tons per year. From the beginning of 2010 we will begin developing design documentation. Construction of the plant will take approximately four years. During its construction, up to two thousand temporary jobs will be created. And with its opening - from 800 to 1000 permanent jobs. The refinery's activities will bring about 1.5 billion rubles a year to the local budget.

Musa Eskerkhanov

The board of directors of Rosneft, the largest Russian oil company, decided to open a branch in the Chechen Republic in order to support the construction and operation of an oil refinery

The project, worth 17 billion rubles, associated with the new oil refinery in Grozny was first approved by Rosneft under Sergei Bogdanchikov, who was president of the company until 09/05/2010. Construction was supposed to begin in mid-2011 and the first stage was put into operation in 2013.

In 2013, under the new leadership headed by Igor Sechin, who was appointed president on May 23, 2012, the cost of the project was estimated at 78.3 billion rubles. and it consisted of two stages, the launch of the first (65% processing) was planned for the end of 2015, the second (95% processing) - for the 3rd quarter of 2018. The refinery will produce Euro-5 oil products - 478 thousand tons of gasoline and 400 thousand tons of diesel fuel annually.

It can be noted that when describing the same project, the Chechen Republic side has its own figures, and Rosneft has its own.

Meeting of the President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov with general director OJSC "Grozneftegaz" Musa Eskerkhanov

Currently, a plant design is being developed, which is prepared taking into account all the necessary technical requirements. This plant is designed for annual production of 450 thousand tons of high-octane gasoline, 470 thousand tons of diesel fuel highest quality. Finished products will be supplied not only for domestic needs, but also outside the region. In addition, on the territory of the plant we will establish the production of liquefied gas, as well as 30 thousand tons of bitumen.

Musa Eskerkhanov
General Director of OJSC Grozneftegaz

Minister of Industry and Energy of Chechnya Olguzur Abdulkerimov

- When will construction of an oil refinery begin in Grozny?

While they are designing. They promised to finish the work in April next year, but we were told to complete the project by the end of the year and give it to us. We preparatory work We are already working, we have prepared the construction site. The general contractor is an American company; they won the tender announced by Rosneft.

- How much money is needed to build an enterprise?

The total cost of the project is about 18 billion rubles, the capacity is 1 million tons of oil per year.

- Is it possible to expand capacity?

Yes, there is, it is included in the project. Expandable to 4 million tons. We initially proposed building with a capacity of 3 million, but the argument was this: there is little oil, falling production.

Of course, it will fall if we don’t make any efforts to increase reserves, we don’t conduct exploration work, drilling, seismic surveys, nothing….

Until now, Rosneft has been pumping out what it has and has not drilled a single well in all these years, although the license agreement states that they are obliged to commission three or four wells per year.

- How much oil does Chechnya produce today?

A million and a half

- Will production increase?

We have no such goal. I always say, it’s better to let it remain in the ground, we need to think about future generations... Today we produce one and a half million tons, we can attract another one and a half million tons of extraneous oil that flows past us for processing - this is the Caspian, Baku oil.

The President of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, stated that more than a thousand wells are not in operation and are idle. What is this connected with?

We were talking about mothballed wells. Modern technologies allow the exploitation of wells that were abandoned back in the 30s - 40s of the last century, some of the oil was pumped out, approximately 40% still remains there. These wells can be put into production, exploited, these are proven reserves, there is no need to spend money there, search for them, we know the condition of these wells and what results we can count on.

We are selecting the most promising wells and have already included this item in the program for next year.

- But to revive these wells, appropriate investments will be required. Is this a lot of money?

Yes, quite serious, Rosneft will deal with this.

- How much oil is there in Chechnya, proven and estimated reserves?

Recoverable reserves are around 40 million tons, and estimated reserves, according to various estimates, are about 150 million tons.

-... maybe more?

There may be more. For example, the Suvorovskoye and Priterechnoye fields are the most promising. Last year, Grozneftegaz conducted research, bought sophisticated equipment, and invited specialists from Krasnodar. Rosneft was issued licenses for exploration work in these two areas; they had a license for 21 fields, but Suvorovskoye and Priterechnoye were not included there. If oil is found, it will be put up for auction.

Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov in an interview with Interfax

Construction of an oil refinery in the Chechen Republic will begin in a month. The plant will be built by Rosneft. We are grateful to them for making this decision. We have already allocated land for the facility, done everything that is necessary from local authorities. They will begin construction at the end of April - beginning of May.

We want to regain the glory of an oil refining center and at least partially regain our lost pre-war positions. After all, tens of thousands of people worked in this industry. This is a positive and, one might even say, politically significant step. It gives confidence that the republic has good prospects, that the country does not leave us in trouble.

During the war, the entire oil refining industry in the republic was destroyed. “The construction of even this small plant is a great stimulus for the economy of the republic. At first they wanted to build a refinery in Kabardino-Balkaria, transport oil from the Chechen Republic there and process it there. I was categorically against it. It’s good that Sechin supported us.

The plant's capacity is expected to be 1 million tons of oil per year. By the way, when it is built, it will be possible to expand production. I think that this will be the case in the future. It is expected that the first stage of construction will be completed in one and a half to two years.

Meeting of the President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov with the General Director of OJSC Grozneftegaz Musa Eskerkhanov

The company produces about a million tons of oil per year and, not only does it not create additional jobs, on the contrary, it has reduced the staff of Grozneftegaz by 200 people. Does not pay taxes to the republican budget. If your company operates in the republic, it must build, develop new fields, and pay taxes to the local budget. Wells are reduced to zero. This is an absolutely mismanagement approach to the exploitation of the region’s subsoil.

Ramzana Kadyrov
President of the Chechen Republic

Meeting of the President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov with the General Director of OJSC Grozneftegaz Musa Eskerkhanov

We are operators of Rosneft and can only have a profit equal to our costs for the extracted oil, and all the main profits from production belong to the license holder, that is, Rosneft. In order not to reduce the production figures of Grozneftegaz, a program was developed until 2025, but, unfortunately, its implementation has not yet begun. Since last year, a well should have been drilled and equipment set up in the village of Vinogradnoye. Oil production was supposed to begin this year. Rosneft took away not only half of our powers, but it turns out that all ninety percent, having decided this at their level.

Musa Eskerkhanov
General Director of OJSC Grozneftegaz

Press conference by Vladimir Putin following the G20 G20 summit in St. Petersburg

Question: Vladimir Vladimirovich, in the Chechen Republic, with your full support, thanks to the efforts of Ramzan Kadyrov, cities and villages have been restored, social sphere. At the same time, the issue of industry and job creation remains. This is a very pressing issue today.

And in this regard, I would like to remind you that the flagship of the Chechen industry has always been oil industry, and today, as you know, Rosneft is slowing down the construction of the oil refinery. Please tell me, as President, can you contribute to the restoration of industry and the construction of oil refineries?

Regarding the construction of a refinery. By the way, in order to completely link it to the G20, we also discussed energy problems. Same specific question. We need to look at the economy. Of course, if there is a refinery right in a subject of the Federation, then this means additional jobs and tax revenues. I understand that the leadership of the Republic may be interested. Let's get a look.

I promise you that we will return to this issue. The corresponding instructions will be formulated to both the Ministry of Energy and Rosneft. The economics of a particular project are always important here. Let's see. Thank you.

Oil giant routes

At the end of 2015, it is planned to launch the first stage of an oil refinery in the city of Grozny - with a total capacity of 1 million tons of oil refining per year. The second stage should start operating in 2018. The company announced its intention to invest $2.5 billion (78.3 billion rubles) in this project. A tender for the development of project documentation has already been announced: the refinery will have to produce Euro-5 petroleum products - 478 thousand tons of gasoline and 400 thousand tons of diesel fuel annually.

But now, according to the head of Rosneft, the Chechen government must make its contribution by providing tax benefits to the new enterprise. Because under the conditions of the “tax maneuver” announced by the Russian Ministry of Finance (reducing the export duty on oil and increasing it on petroleum products), the implementation of the project becomes unprofitable.

Alexander Dmitriev. Newspaper "Trud"

12/25/2013 The Central Purchasing Committee of OJSC NK Rosneft approved OJSC VNIPIneft as the developer of design documentation and engineering surveys for the project “Construction of an oil refinery with a capacity of 1000 thousand tons per year on the territory of the Chechen Republic” for the Grozny Oil Refinery. The conditions are:
  • Cost of the contract including VAT: 1826375619 rubles 82 kopecks;
  • No advance;
  • Duration of the contract: January 2014 – December 2014;
  • Examination of design documentation – Q1 2015.
The general designer for this facility is Samarneftekhimproekt OJSC - somehow an affiliated structure of Rosneft, despite the fact that 89.43% of the Samarneftekhimproekt shares belong to the Moscow NEFT-AKTIV LLC, which, in turn, belongs to RN-Trade LLC "

It is worth noting that the choice of developer for the Grozny Refinery was initially carried out on a competitive basis and the number of applicants included, in addition to JSC VNIPIneft, 5 more participants: State Unitary Enterprise Bashgiproneftekhim, CJSC Neftekhimproekt, LLC Lengiproneftekhim, LLC Transenergoprom, CJSC "Neftegazmontazh" They all liked various reasons was denied admission to participate in the procurement and the competitive procurement procedure was declared invalid, and therefore, the only participant in the competitive procurement that met the requirements of the documentation was named OJSC VNIPIneft.

Interestingly, according to financial statements, revenue (excluding VAT) from project activities OJSC VNIPIneft for the entire 2014 amounted to 140,688,6000 rubles, and its net profit was 14 million rubles.

Meeting of the Government Commission on Social and Economic Development of the North Caucasus federal district. Vladikavkaz

Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich, Dear colleagues! On the territory of the North Caucasus Federal District, as part of the development of the fuel and energy complex, projects for oil production and natural gas, there are oil refining, petrochemicals, and electric power. Our largest companies, Lukoil, Gazprom, Rosneft are present, producing about 1.6 million tons of oil and 800 million cubic meters. m of gas. Prospects are associated with the development of hydrocarbon resources both on land and in the Caspian Sea, where 11 hydrocarbon deposits are located. Also, main transit oil pipelines pass through the territory; they ensure the supply of petroleum raw materials to foreign markets through the Black Sea.

As for oil refining. There are several projects that are being implemented today and that are planned to be implemented in the North Caucasus Federal District. Among the most promising projects I would highlight the Grozny oil refinery, the Makhachkala oil refinery and the polyethylene terephthalate production plant in Kabardino-Balkaria.

The implementation of these projects is now at different stages, in particular, the Grozny plant is in the project development stage. The project is expected to be completed in December. A plant for the production of polyethylene terephthalate for food and textile purposes will be built by 2016, raw materials will be supplied Russian enterprises, and from 2018 it is expected to switch to our own production of raw materials - this is monoethylene glycol. By 2017, the capacity will be 486 thousand tons, by 2022 it will be increased to 1.5 million tons. currently The project is in the basic design stage.

Alexander Novak
Russian Energy Minister

Meeting of the Government Commission on socio-economic development of the North Caucasus Federal District. About the situation in the fuel and energy complex of the North Caucasus. Gorki, Moscow region

First of all, if we take the fuel and energy complex as a whole, our oil production volumes have fallen (almost 92% compared to last year’s level), our gas production volumes have fallen (approximately 93% compared to last year’s level). There are objective subjective reasons. Against this background, we have practically no deep oil refining in the North Caucasus, that is, those mini-refineries that operate today only carry out primary processing of petroleum products, and in fact the quality is very low. Some of the mini-refineries today operate completely illegally; a licensing mechanism does not exist today, so in fact it is the work of Rostechnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor that allowed us to close about 30 ineffective mini-refineries in the territory North Caucasus District. At the same time, instructions were given long ago to build oil refineries. You know that we have instructions to build an oil refinery in the Chechen Republic. This project is being carried out by Rosneft, the volume of production and refining is about 1 million tons of oil, and today the design stage is underway. We hope that the project will be completed in the near future and construction of this plant in Grozny will begin.

The second plant is currently being built in Makhachkala. But so far, according to Rosprirodnadzor’s inspection, the processing depth is quite low (about 60%), the equipment requires significant adjustments, and here, too, the direct task has been set - to figure it out and report on it in the near future. further plan construction of an oil refinery in Makhachkala. And, of course, there were proposals to work out the licensing of mini-refineries for the Ministry of Energy - not only in the North Caucasus, but throughout Russia as a whole.

Alexander Khloponin
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government

The political will of the current situation is enshrined in historical document, which is quoted as is. According to this document, all oil produced in the republic is sent for export, and the income received goes to a special account of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation. These funds are then targeted programs are directed to the development of the Chechen Republic.

Government Decree Russian Federation
November 4, 2000 N 844
On priority measures to restore the oil and gas complex in the Chechen Republic

In light of the recent PR campaign of Kadyrov's horde, some reports have appeared that the Bantustans are "" (Dagestan, Ingushetia, Chechnya = Czech Republic) the colonies of the Russian Federation are actually not a burden, but simply a heavenly place created by a local genius wise leadership. In light of this, based on the LJ discussion, it was created.

Brief summary. Only official total gratuitous receipts, grants and subsidies to Chechnya in Lately amount to about 80 billion rubles per year. The cost of Chechen oil produced by Rosneft at the current production rate is about 25-30 billion rubles per year. This does not take into account the cost of production. Oil pipelines and refineries of the Czech Republic are of secondary importance for the Russian Federation. Thus: 1) Bantustan CR is financed by more than 2/3 from the budget of the Russian colony and does not contain strategic economic objects; 2) Bantustan CR has some oil potential for separation and independent life.

Oil production in Chechnya

Tax and non-tax revenues of Chechnya

How much does, say, Bantustan Chechnya earn on its own, excluding oil? Again, the answer is given by the official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation: 2009 - 5,153.27 million rubles, 2010 - 7,300.76 million rubles. Those. funny 5-7 billion

Budget feeding Chechnya

According to the Chechen side (,), only gratuitous transfers from the federal budget amounted to 58.4 billion rubles in 2009, in 2011 it is predicted 51943366.7 thousand rubles, i.e. 50-60 billion per year. More complete information on regional budgets can be obtained from the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (you need to look for December):

Table for 2009:

Subjects of the Russian FederationFree receipts
from other budgets
budget system
Russian Federation,
million rubles
Subsidies to regional budgets
Russian Federation
million rubles
Subsidies to regional budgets
Russian Federation
And municipalities
(interbudgetary subsidies),
million rubles
The Republic of Dagestan46 469,38 31 376,91 10 022,82
The Republic of Ingushetia10 698,99 7 131,69 1 812,80
11 589,61 7 714,86 2 606,32
7 883,34 4 959,38 1 939,92
9 893,41 5 408,24 2 835,82
Chechen Republic56 558,75 29 346,88 18 156,02

Table for 2010:
Subjects of the Russian FederationFree receipts
from other budgets
budget system
Russian Federation,
million rubles
Subsidies to regional budgets
Russian Federation
and municipalities,
million rubles
Subsidies to regional budgets
Russian Federation
and municipalities
(interbudgetary subsidies),
million rubles
The Republic of Dagestan40 638,37 28 284,30 7 585,23
The Republic of Ingushetia11 586,42 6 980,89 2 646,98
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic10 354,28 6 718,32 2 077,50
Karachay-Cherkess Republic7 900,06 3 896,49 1 525,15
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania8 503,20 4 756,11 2 222,75
Chechen Republic52 682,95 28 488,55 15 819,55

Comparing with the table of oil revenues, we find that oil covers only a third of what is officially listed above. About the potential of Chechen oil and war The topic is often raised that Chechnya was not granted independence solely because they did not want to lose the oil resources available there. Moreover, as a rule, it is not the Chechens themselves who talk about this, but the category that we affectionately call fairly decent. In this regard, it would be nice to clarify what oil is now in Chechnya.

Along with Azerbaijan, Chechnya is one of the oldest oil provinces of the former USSR. Industrial oil production in Chechnya began in 1893. Cumulative production since the beginning of the development of Chechen fields has exceeded 420 million tons.

Before the start of the Second World War, oil production in Chechnya amounted to 4 million tons, but during the hostilities the oil infrastructure was completely destroyed. After the war, production was restored and from the late 50s, with the discovery of new highly productive deposits, it grew steadily, and reached a maximum of 21.3 million tons in 1971.

Then, as the deposits were developed, it decreased by 1980 to 7 million tons, and by 1990 - to 4 million tons - i.e. actually up to the level of the early 40s. At the same time, the degree of exploration of reserves in the republic was 80%, proven reserves - 50 million tons, probable reserves - 100 million tons.

A powerful oil refining industry was created in Chechnya. In Grozny, there were 3 refineries with a total capacity of 19 million tons (the Sheripov plant, Groznensky, and Novogroznensky named after Anisimov), which produced up to 6% of gasoline and up to 90% of aviation oils from the total production volume in the USSR. The Grozny chemical plant was built (the main product is high-density polyethylene), in addition, the largest producer of low-density polyethylene in the USSR, the Budennovsky Production Association Stavropolpolymer, one of the most important industrial enterprises in the Stavropol Territory, was supplied with straight-run gasoline from the Grozny group of refineries through a pipeline. One of the key institutes in the field of oil refining and petrochemistry, the GrozNII, worked there, where, for example, Soviet catalytic cracking technologies were created.

In addition, Grozny was an important oil transportation hub, where flows of local, West Siberian, Tengiz (Kazakhstan) and Azerbaijani oil were combined, with subsequent pumping to Tuapse and Novorossiysk (via Tikhoretsk). The volume of oil pumped in 1990 amounted to 58 million tons.

Until 1994, the production indicators of the Chechen oil complex (united in the State Unitary Enterprise "UNKO") were steadily declining (refining fell threefold), the sales of oil and petroleum products were completely criminalized. After the events well known to everyone began, oil production fell sharply to less than 1 million tons, refining was stopped due to the cessation of supplies from Western Siberia, periodic attempts to resume pumping along the Baku-Tikhoretsk route were not successful due to the disappearance of volumes en route for obvious reasons. The extraction and processing of oil using artisanal methods has become widespread, about which there is generally enough information in various sources. In 1997, UNCO was disbanded by decree of A. Maskhadov.

To date, the transport infrastructure of Chechnya is unclaimed. Flows of West Siberian oil are pumped to Tikhoretsk through other Transneft oil pipelines, Tengiz oil - through the system of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (Tengiz-Novorossiysk), volumes of SOCAR (State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic) - through a pipeline constructed by Transneft, bypassing Chechnya. AIOC (Azerbaijan International Operating Company working on the ACG project - Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli field) after the commissioning of the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline has a double supply of transportation capacity.

Due to the fall in domestic demand for petroleum products, already in the mid-90s, oil refining capacities, which are now almost completely destroyed, became unclaimed. The North Caucasus is supplied with petroleum products mainly from the resources of the Volgograd Refinery (which, by the way, was one of the main suppliers of fuel to the federal forces during the war), as well as the Samara Group, Krasnodar plants and the Astrakhan Gas Processing Plant. The issue of building a small oil refinery with a capacity of 1 million tons in Grozny is currently being considered.
The Grozny chemical plant cannot be restored.

On the main topic of this note. Oil production from Grozneftegaz, whose controlling stake belongs to Rosneft, is currently about 2 million tons per year, that is, less than 0.5% of the total Russian production and no increase is predicted. Oil sales in 2005 amounted to $720 million. Based on the average tax burden on oil companies, the Russian budget received about $350 million from this amount. Financing of Chechnya from the federal budget amounts to $1 billion annually. That is, all the talk that Russia is clinging to Chechen oil, and this is the main source of the problem, is unfounded. Naturally, within a limited group of people, this is a serious business, but even in the most extreme case, such issues are resolved by shooting in a narrow circle, and not by war.

[ 1 ] . Magazine " International information oil industry", # 1, 1995 " Chechen Republic: oil perspective.”via
[ 2 ] . V. Pavlov - “Oil tragedy of Chechnya.”
[ 3 ] . Alexander Yakuba, Rosbalt news agency “Ramzan wants oil...”
[ 4 ]. Own information

Addition according to the version of the connection between the war and Caspian oil.

From time to time, opinions appeared in the press that the war in Chechnya was connected with Caspian oil (primarily Azerbaijani oil), which at one time was declared almost the second Persian Gulf, the choice of its transportation route and lobbying for the Baku-Ceyhan project. However, it’s real current project now - ACG, these deposits were discovered by Soviet geologists. Although the production volume there is not small - more than 23 million tons per year, it is far from the Persian Gulf. Baku-Ceyhan is, first of all, a political project, designed to direct the flow of hydrocarbons bypassing the territory of Russia, and, most likely, would have been built regardless of the situation in Chechnya. This is a personal opinion.

via 3 According to Rosneft, Grozneftegaz produced 1.5 million tons of oil in 2009, or 13.6% of what was produced in 2009 in the Southern Federal District. Approximately 11 million barrels. Rosneft uses the Petroleum Resources Management System, according to which all reserves are divided into proven (90% chance of being produced), probable (50% chance of being produced) and possible (10% chance of being produced). Taking this into account, we get 97 million barrels. Thus, it is clear that even taking into account the drop in oil production and the reduction in the number of operating wells, there will only be enough oil in Chechnya for 10 years.

New thread oil pipeline bypassing Chechnya

Old branch of the oil pipeline.

P.S. Any constructive additions and clarifications are welcome.