Psychological pedagogical primary education who to work with. Psychological and pedagogical education: who to work with? Brief summary: -



Specialty code

050400, Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), Biology (USE), Social studies (USE)

Form of study


Psychological and pedagogical education

Bachelor's degree

Direction of preparation: Psychological and pedagogical education

Profile: Psychology and pedagogy of preschool education

Educational program code: 050402
Forms and terms of study: full-time – 4 years, part-time – 5 years
Graduate qualifications: -bachelor
Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), Biology (USE), Social studies (USE)
Full-time – based on the results of the Unified State Examination
Correspondence form - based on the results of the Unified State Examination and the results of internal entrance tests

Brief summary: -

The modern preschool education system needs innovative approaches to teaching and raising preschool children. The shortage of qualified personnel in preschool educational institutions and new requirements for professional personnel in the field of preschool education require updated content of teaching forms and methods. —

This program is aimed at - training - psychological and pedagogical personnel to perform various types of psychological and pedagogical activities in modern preschool educational institutions, children's creativity centers, development and education centers.

-Basic text description:

Bachelors of psychological and pedagogical education with a major in “Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool Education” can work in the field of general, correctional, inclusive, preschool education, in correctional and developmental centers, in child development centers, in children’s creativity centers, in additional institutions education, in social centers, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

They can perform the following types of professional activities:



Scientific and methodological


Organizational and managerial.

In preparation for a bachelor's degree in psychological and pedagogical education in the profile "Psychology and pedagogy of preschool education" at the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M.A. Sholokhov pays special attention to the following professional competencies:

Willingness to apply qualitative and quantitative methods in psychological and educational research -

Willingness to use knowledge of various theories of learning - education and development, basic educational programs for students of preschool, primary school and adolescence -

Willingness to use knowledge of regulatory documents and knowledge of the subject area in cultural and educational work -

Willingness to apply basic, international and domestic documents on the rights of the child and the rights of persons with disabilities in professional activities -

Willingness to apply approved standard methods and technologies that allow solving diagnostic and correctional and developmental problems -

Willingness to ensure compliance with pedagogical conditions for communication and development of preschool children in an educational institution.

You will learn:

In the field of psychological and pedagogical support of preschool, general, additional and vocational education:

Work with teachers to organize effective educational interaction of children and their communication in educational institutions and in the family -

To create favorable conditions in extracurricular activities for the development of the creative potential of each child.

In the field of psychological and pedagogical activities:

Conduct correctional and developmental classes according to recommended methods -

Work with teachers to organize effective educational interaction of children and their communication in educational institutions and in the family.

Work with teachers and parents to organize effective educational interactions between children with disabilities and their communication in educational institutions and in the family.

In the field of educational activities in preschool education:

Carry out the process of teaching and upbringing in accordance with the basic general educational program of preschool education using psychologically based methods of teaching and upbringing, focused on the development of play activities -

Create optimal conditions for children’s adaptation to preschool educational institutions.

A distinctive feature of the professional training of a bachelor of psychological and pedagogical education in the profile “Psychology and pedagogy of preschool education” at Moscow State University for the Humanities named after. M.A. Sholokhov is that the pedagogical faculty has the resources to organize the educational process: educational and methodological complexes - educational and methodological, scientific and methodological aids - developed by the teaching staff - the faculty - access to an electronic library system containing publications on the main subjects studied disciplines - and a material and technical base that ensures high-quality development of the main undergraduate educational program, in particular, computer classes with Internet access, specially equipped classrooms with multimedia equipment.

Faculty of Pedagogy, Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhov is located at the address: Moscow, st. Tashkentskaya 18, building 4. Directions: from Vykhino metro station, bus No. 209 to the Universam stop, minibus 337 to the Shkola stop, Kuzminki metro station, minibus 337, bus 99, 143, 169 to the Shkola stop. —

The faculty employs highly qualified specialists with academic degrees of candidate and doctor of science. —

The contact person:

Antonova Anna Viktorovna

Dean of the Faculty of Education, Head. Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education.

Psychological support for children during the educational process requires specific knowledge. They are given in the specialty “Psychological and Pedagogical Education”. Students study psychology and pedagogy, methods of psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection, psychological counseling. Also within the program there is a specialization that provides knowledge about children with disabilities (mental or physical). The education and socialization of such children is very challenging, and at the same time requires a special approach. The content and methods of work depend on the age of the children. In general, psychologists help create favorable conditions in an educational institution, promote children’s adaptation, help overcome intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts, conduct career guidance classes, etc. Their functions also include working with other participants in the educational process - teachers, parents, administration.


Over the 4 years of study, students are enriched with a complex of knowledge in the field of individual and group psychology, psychological aspects of development, master the organization of pedagogical work and psychological support of pedagogical processes. The bachelor's program provides mastery of the following professional skills:

  • constructive;
  • organizational;
  • communicative;
  • diagnostic.
In addition, future bachelors learn to give a psychological and pedagogical assessment of an individual and analyze the effectiveness of the pedagogical process. They master the technologies of interaction with different categories of children's groups and children. Bachelor students are provided with industrial and educational practice in institutions of the educational system, social protection and internal affairs.

Who to work with

The professional activities of bachelors of psychological and pedagogical education cover the field of general, inclusive and correctional education, culture, healthcare and social areas. Places of work can be private and public enterprises, government bodies, as well as educational institutions of any type and level, social security and healthcare organizations. Graduates of a bachelor's degree can occupy leadership positions or the position of a qualified worker (social educator, psychologist) in various fields.

The work of a teacher-psychologist often remains in the shadow of the student’s glory, but the realization that the student has achieved success in life or in work or study is the best reward and the highest degree of recognition of teaching work. What requirements must be made of yourself in order to earn the right to teach and educate others? Who will teach you to touch people's souls and illuminate the right path for them in life?

pedagogy and psychology are among the most ancient and significant professions. Pedagogy is the art of education, and psychology is the science of the soul. In this interpretation, these professions appeared in Ancient Greece, and since then these definitions have not been questioned, as has the importance of the profession of educational psychologist. Of course, every work and every specialty is important for society, but the right to touch a soul and lead it along the path of life is a huge honor and responsibility for a person who has decided to devote his life to the art of educating human souls.

The work of a teacher-psychologist often remains in the shadow of the student’s glory, but the realization that the student has achieved success in life or in work or study is the best reward and the highest degree of recognition of teaching work.

What requirements must be made of yourself in order to earn the right to teach and educate others? Who will teach you to touch people's souls and illuminate the right path for them in life?

Who is an educational psychologist?

This is an employee of an educational organization who is responsible for the social adaptation of children, their psychological development and behavior. Considering the knowledge that psychology and pedagogy provide and the etymology of the name of the profession (teacher - from the Greek paid agogos (educator/mentor); psychologist - from the Greek psyche (soul)), a person who owns this knowledge can be called, for example, an educator of human souls. This definition of a profession will not sound too pretentious - it only emphasizes the importance of the profession and reminds us of the degree of responsibility for one’s work.

The norms of behavior existing in society require each person to comply with certain rules. Raising a personality that corresponds to generally accepted moral standards is the main task of an educational psychologist. In addition, having mastered the profession, understanding the hidden motives of people’s behavior, the educational psychologist helps students understand themselves, create the necessary model of behavior that will help in solving life’s tasks and problems. In particular:

  • Each personality is unique in nature, and sometimes this factor becomes a stumbling block in human relationships. An experienced teacher-psychologist can determine the nature of interpersonal conflict and help find mutual understanding between people.
  • Each model of individual behavior is determined by various factors - biological, social, psychological. The task of an educational psychologist is to analyze a person’s actions, find hidden mechanisms of behavior and correct them. What does it mean? Pupil - full-fledged participant in the educational process, and the psychologist is obliged to explain to him what the problem is so that the solution to it becomes the internal conviction of the pupil or the person who seeks help.
  • An educational psychologist helps a person find necessary and socially acceptable ways to achieve goals, helps in organizing the necessary conditions for implementation.

Specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology are a sought-after profession that is becoming increasingly popular in various industries, except those where assistance in social adaptation and personality development is the main task.

Today, educational psychologists are in demand:

  • in preschool and school institutions;
  • in social services and law enforcement agencies;
  • in the healthcare system;
  • at various enterprises where work is related to certain tasks, and employees need professional help.

In addition, an educational psychologist who is fluent in the skills of the profession can work individually.

What personal qualities should an educational psychologist have?

Knowledge of psychology can be compared to a powerful weapon that gives certain advantages to the person who owns it. But the power and ability to exert a psychological influence on people requires a high spiritual organization and a sense of responsibility. This is the first and most important quality that should be inherent in an educational psychologist.

The main tool of work for every educational psychologist is the word. In order to convey the necessary information to a listener or student and make it a personal conviction, you need a huge vocabulary and knowledge from the field of literature, art, and history in order to present your arguments using well-known examples, vividly and figuratively. A teacher-psychologist is a comprehensively developed and educated person; this is the second important condition for successful work.

Specifics work of an educational psychologist is that its services are needed by people of any age, regardless of gender, social status, etc. In this regard, the specialist must:

Constant work with people, especially with those who experience certain difficulties in adapting to society, requires stress resistance. But even more important is to love people and your profession: without an internal need to help people, it would be wiser to look for another calling in life.

Advantages of the profession of educational psychologist

Real and greatest advantage of the profession of educational psychologist- a feeling of moral satisfaction from one’s work. You can only count on a high salary in this professional field if the specialist provides services privately. As of the beginning of 2017, the average monthly salary of an educational psychologist in Russia was about 33 thousand rubles.

The undoubted advantage of this profession is also that an educational psychologist is a universal specialist who can conduct psychodiagnostics, psychological consultation, psychological education, psychocorrectional measures, etc. In other words, if a specialist decides to leave the education system, he can easily realize himself in other related specialties.

An additional bonus to the profession is the use of the acquired knowledge to communicate with loved ones and friends, and improve your personal life.

Disadvantages of the profession of educational psychologist

A specialist who is responsible for his profession must be prepared for an irregular work schedule - this especially applies to areas of activity related to children, medicine, and work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, where the help of psychologists also often plays an important role. Accordingly, stressful workdays significantly affect personal life, sometimes excluding from it such concepts as free time, personal interests, etc.

A particular difficulty in the work of a teacher-psychologist is the need to build relationships not only with students educational institution(or employees of the enterprise), but also with the children’s parents (or management). Unfortunately, sometimes it is possible to achieve positive results in working with a particular child only through close cooperation with parents. But they are not always ready to go to a meeting and listen to the recommendations of an educational psychologist.

Where can I get a profession as an educational psychologist?

The Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" is recruiting students to receive training at the IPO - a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

To carry out professional activities, a teacher-psychologist must have a higher psychological education. You can completely limit yourself to studying at a university and subsequently taking advanced training courses.

However, some experts advise first getting a specialized education at a college/technical school, where the curriculum includes a sufficient amount of practical training. For a teacher-psychologist, practical experience from the very first steps is important, since the profession, in addition to all of the above, requires the ability to quickly navigate the environment, improvise, and even show acting qualities.

Having received a profession in a secondary specialized institution, you can continue your studies at a university according to a shortened program. The best universities in the field of pedagogy and psychology today are:

  • RSUH ();

What do school graduates who care about their own professional development fear most these days? The answer is simple: make the wrong choice. Some of them listen to the recommendations of their parents. Others choose a profession based on pragmatic considerations. Still others follow their heart. Psychological and pedagogical education has recently become especially popular among modern applicants.

Features of working as a psychologist

However, in order to work in this direction, it is very little just to be interested in psychology on an everyday level. A future psychologist needs to understand well: the chosen work is directly related to communication with people, constant self-education and professional improvement. Workers in this field note that it is happening much faster for them than they could have imagined as students. requires not only a thorough mastery of theoretical disciplines, but also the presence of certain personal qualities. This is the ability to sympathize, to empathize with another person; modesty and self-confidence at the same time.

Working in corporations is a worthy way to apply knowledge

Therefore, anyone who is determined to become an expert on the human soul will have a difficult path ahead. Only the first step is to obtain a psychological and pedagogical education. Who to work in this profession? A diploma in psychology allows you to do more than just directly counsel clients. You can deviate from this path and go, for example, to work for a commercial company as a personnel manager. To begin with, most likely, you will have to be content with little - after all, a psychology student can only find work as an assistant in this department.

Why does someone who counsels clients need psychotherapy?

The second step is the need for every psychologist - both future and practicing - to undergo psychotherapy themselves. Why is this necessary? The program of psychological and pedagogical education provides for students to receive a diploma, as well as undergo practical training. But this is clearly not enough to conduct consultations directly with clients. While undergoing psychotherapy, a student or practicing psychologist finds himself in the client’s shoes. Thus, he comes closer to understanding the position in which the person asking for help will be.

On the other hand, successful psychological counseling is hardly possible for a specialist who is himself burdened with life problems and old complexes. Psychotherapy by the psychologist himself is an important addition to the knowledge that psychological and pedagogical education provides. Who to work with - a consultant on personal and career growth, in the family sphere, or even with addicted clients - is often determined by the student himself in the process of such psychotherapy.

Profession of school psychologist

The educational sphere is another area in which today's psychology students can realize themselves. Depending on your preferences, you can work at a school or in a kindergarten. Those who have chosen the direction of “Psychological and pedagogical education” have a fairly wide range of application of their knowledge.

It must be remembered that working with children and adolescents also includes the process of interaction with their parents. Most often, the school psychologist's visitors come from backgrounds. And their parents, for the most part, are much more burdened with all sorts of psychological problems. Willingness to work with such a contingent is an indispensable condition for working in educational institutions. However, this is one of the most beaten paths for those who receive psychological and pedagogical education. Educational psychology is an area in which the participation of a psychologist is always necessary, and not only with problem students. Sometimes a teacher may need to consult a specialist.

Private practice

Another path, although not the easiest, is private practice. In this case, the psychologist himself takes full responsibility. To do this, he needs to solve many issues, and here it is not only psychological and pedagogical education that is important. You need to obtain a large number of required certificates yourself and cope with all the formalities. And the most important thing is to solve the problem. Of course, if psychotherapy is effective, then those in need of help will themselves seek the advice of a good specialist. If not, you need to think about what needs improvement in the process of psychological counseling, what other aspects of your own character need to be worked out in order for psychotherapy to be effective for clients.

The future of the profession

The development of psychological and pedagogical education is currently determined by the requirements put forward by society. Despite scientific and technological progress, man is moving further and further away from his own nature. This is the reason for a large number of problems in various spheres of life that residents of seemingly prosperous and economically developed countries face.

Generally accepted standards

Federal State Educational Standard “Psychological and Pedagogical Education” is a standard that is common to representatives of psychology workers in any field, from kindergarten teachers to specialists advising top managers of leading Russian companies. Therefore, with obtaining a diploma in psychology, many opportunities open up for a specialist. However, when applying for one, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the pros and cons: despite the vastness of ways to apply the acquired knowledge, this profession still places many demands on the future psychologist.

The information that was learned at the university is a good basis for work. But theoretical knowledge in this work will always be insufficient. Therefore, you need to be prepared for constant self-education and obtaining additional qualifications.

It is also necessary to constantly improve your knowledge of everyday psychology. They are inextricably linked with the pressing problems faced by people who turn to a psychologist for help. Often close people or work colleagues place increased demands on their friend or family member who has received a psychological education. “You’re a psychologist, you should know this,” they say. However, it is worth remembering: counseling friends and family members is prohibited for a psychologist. This goes beyond the “code” that is generally accepted among specialists in all countries.