Tall buildings are called. Who is bigger: the largest buildings in the world

Hello, dear readers site "Me and the World"! Today we present to you the most high building in the world and his lower “brothers”.

Modern technologies allow you to build houses very large sizes. The gigantic height of the buildings fascinates, and even frightens some. So, the top 10 tallest buildings in the world: those built and those still under construction, we will tell you how many floors are in the skyscraper and the height in meters, where it is located and what it is called.

The list of giants opens with the International Commercial Center - 484 m

The building is located in Hong Kong and is 118 floors high. Initially, it was planned to build this house 100 m higher, but in China it is prohibited to build skyscrapers higher than the mountains next to which construction is taking place. Therefore, the building is 100 m lower than planned. A 5-star hotel was built here on the last 17 floors and is the tallest hotel in the world.

In 9th place is the World Financial Center - 492 m

Shanghai skyscraper Locals call it the “opener” for the unusual hole at the very top of the house. Look at the photo – it’s like an opener for giants. According to the design, this hole was supposed to be round, but the city residents refused, considering the circle a symbol of Japan. And there are a little more than a hundred floors - 101.

8th place – Taipei 101 – 509 m

The height together with the spire reaches half a kilometer. All floors began operating in 2003 and are occupied by offices and shops. The tower is famous for its high-speed elevators, on which you can literally fly up in 40 seconds to the very last 89 floor. There is a constant seismic hazard in Taiwan, so a huge spherical pendulum weighing 660 tons is installed here (at the top of the building).

7th place - CTF Financial Center - 530 m

Residential space (private apartments), offices, shops and a hotel are all included in the building. The house was built in 5 years. During rush hour, up to 30,000 people can be on 111 floors at the same time. There are stops in the underground levels public transport. And the parking lot can accommodate up to 1,705 cars. On each step of the building there is an observation deck overlooking the beautiful city.

In 6th place we see the Freedom Tower - 541 m

Also half a kilometer high, and even higher - it’s breathtaking and not for people afraid of heights. Although you can fight fear very well! 104 floors or 1776 feet is not a random number - it was this year that the Declaration of Independence was adopted in the United States. The giant is located next to the former destroyed “twins” in New York. This is a symbol that global terrorism can be resisted.

5th placewe give it away towerLotte World Tower – 555m

Inside this 123-story building in Seoul are offices, shops, luxury apartments and hotel rooms. From the last four floors you can admire the city and part of the Korean Peninsula. The convex shape of the tower with glass panels is a traditional design of buildings.

In 4th place is the Pinan Tower - 600 m

Chinese city Shenzhen. There is a large International Financial Center here, which includes the Pinan skyscraper. It can be called the baby among all the skyscrapers in the world - it is only a year old, it was built in mid-2017. Its 115 floors are filled with shops and business offices.

3rd place is occupied by the Royal Clock Tower - 601 m

The "Queen" stands amidst a rich complex in Mecca. Saudi Arabia is the country where the Muslim shrine, the Kaab, is located. Up to hundreds of thousands of pilgrims can live in the hotel of the complex. On the 120-story tower there is a clock with a diameter of 43 m.

In second place is the Shanghai Tower - 632 m

Shanghai Tower 128 floors has a total area of ​​380,000 sq. m. m. It was designed by an American architect. Many offices, entertainment and shopping centers, a luxury hotel. Many city architects were against another heavy skyscraper on the river bank, believing that the ground might sink and the first floors would go under water. But nothing terrible has happened for 3 years now. There are places where flowers and trees are planted. The design has a twisted appearance, which allows it to withstand hurricane force winds of up to 51 m/s.

1st place – Burj Khalifa – 828 m

Burj Khalifa is the leader in the ranking of the tallest buildings in the world. An unusual structure in the form of a stalagmite was built in the UAE. The building's spire alone is 180 m high. The 163-story structure costs about $1.5 billion. Inside there is a hotel, restaurant, apartments, offices and shopping centers. The air inside is constantly scented with scents created specifically for the Burj Khalifa. At the bottom of the skyscraper is the famous “singing” fountain in Dubai.

See also video:

I would like to stop at a skyscraper under construction in Russia

In 2018, the construction project of the Lakhta Center in St. Petersburg should be fully put into operation. 462 m high being built on the shore Gulf of Finland, where frequent strong winds, slightly twisted, like in the Shanghai Tower.

There is an abandoned building in Russia that could become the first skyscraper in Yekaterinburg at 151 m

The lower floors are now working, but the upper floors are still not completed. New reasons are preventing the completion of construction: either violations in construction, or the lack of a state expert opinion.

A new building will be built in Baku (Azerbaijan) in 2019, which will exceed 1000 meters in height

The Azerbaijan Tower will be taller than the one being built in Saudi Arabia Kingdom Tower is the tallest building in the world, which is still unfinished. These magnificent giants cannot be compared with those built today. Other skyscrapers may appear in the future, but for now you can go and look at the ones that already exist until the construction of these ones is completed.

Wooden construction has not been abandoned either. An 84-meter house will be built in Vienna (Austria) made of 76% wood

The firefighters, of course, were very against it, but the project was still successfully completed.

We told and showed pictures of the most impressive giant buildings in the world. Now, when you go on a trip, you know where each of these buildings is located, what its height is, and its features. Over time, the rating of such houses will, of course, change, but for now you can go and see with your own eyes. And now we say goodbye until the next ratings. Share this article with your friends and they will thank you!

The popular statement - size doesn't matter - certainly doesn't apply to the height of buildings. Man has not given up trying to reach heaven since biblical times - starting with the construction Tower of Babel. The tallest buildings in the world amaze with their grandeur and technical innovation; we invite you to learn more about each of them. We will talk specifically about skyscrapers; this list will not include towers, which will be discussed in a separate story

But until the 19th century, increasing the height of buildings meant thickening the walls, which had to support the weight of the structure. The creation of elevators and metal frames for walls freed the hands of architects and engineers, allowing them to design and build taller and taller buildings, increasing the number of floors. So, the 10 tallest buildings in the world:

№10 "Empire State Building", New York, USA

Empire State Building - America's most famous skyscraper, the Chrysler Building is one of the last skyscrapers built in the Art Deco style; Rockefeller Center is the world's largest private business and entertainment complex, consisting of 19 buildings. From the observation deck of the center there is a stunning view panoramic view on Central Park and Empire State Building.

During the construction of the building, new technologies were developed in building structures, such as the frame metal structure made of cast iron by J. Bogardus, the passenger elevator by E. G. Otis. A skyscraper consists of a foundation, a steel frame of columns and beams above the ground, and curtain walls attached to the beams. In this skyscraper, the main load is carried by the steel frame, not the walls. It transfers this load directly to the foundation. Thanks to this innovation, the weight of the building was significantly reduced and amounted to 365 thousand tons. 5,662 cubic meters of limestone and granite were used for the construction of the external walls. In total, the builders used 60 thousand tons of steel structures, 10 million bricks and 700 kilometers of cable. The building has 6,500 windows.

International Finance Center is a complex commercial building located on coastline central region Hong Kong. A significant landmark of Hong Kong Island, it consists of two skyscrapers: the International Financial Center and the shopping gallery and the 40-story Four Seasons Hotel. Hong Kong" Tower 2 is the tallest building in Hong Kong, usurping the space once occupied by Central Plaza. The complex was built with the support of Sun Hung Kai Properties and MTR Corp. The Hong Kong Airport Express station is located directly below it. The construction of the first international financial center was completed in 1998, and the opening took place in 1999. The building has 38 floors, 18 high-speed passenger elevators in four zones, its height is 210 m. total area- 72,850 m. Now the building accommodates approximately 5,000 people.

№6 Jin Mao Tower, Shanghai, China

The total height of the structure is 421 meters, the number of floors reaches 88 (93 including the belvedere). The distance from the ground to the roof is 370 meters, and the top floor is at an altitude of 366 meters! Perhaps, in comparison with the Emirati (still unfinished) giant Burj Dubai, Jin Mao will seem like a dwarf, but against the background of other buildings in Shanghai this giant looks impressive. By the way, not far from the Golden Building of Success there is also a high-rise building - the Shanghai World Financial Center (SWFC), which surpassed Jin Mao in height and became the tallest office building in China in 2007. Currently, a 128-story skyscraper is planned to be built next to Jin Mao and the ShVFC, which will become the tallest building in the PRC.

The hotel is famous for being one of the tallest in the world; it is located on the upper floors of a skyscraper, which, in turn, is on this moment tallest in Shanghai

From the 54th to 88th floor there is the Hyatt Hotel, this is its atrium.

On the 88th floor, 340 meters above the ground, there is an indoor Skywalk observation deck that can accommodate more than 1,000 people at a time. Skywalk area - 1520 sq.m. In addition to the excellent view of Shanghai from the observatory, you can look down on the magnificent atrium of the Shanghai Grand Hyatt Hotel.

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№5 Fifth place in the list of tallest buildings is the Sears Tower, Chicago, USA.

The Sears Tower is a skyscraper located in Chicago, USA. The height of the skyscraper is 443.2 meters, the number of floors is 110. Construction began in August 1970, ending on May 4, 1973. Main architector Bruce Graham, chief designer Fazlur Khan.

The Sears Tower was built more than 30 years ago. In 1974, the skyscraper became the tallest building in the world, surpassing the World Trade Center in New York by 25 meters. For more than two decades, the Sears Tower held the lead and only in 1997 lost to the Kuala Lumpur “twins” - the Petronas Towers.

Today, the Sears Tower is undoubtedly one of the most... majestic buildings in the world. To this day, this building remains the tallest skyscraper in the United States.

The cost of the 443-meter-high Sears Tower was $150 million—a fairly impressive sum at that time. Today the equivalent cost would be almost $1 billion.

The main building material used to construct the Sears Tower was steel.

You don’t need to be an expert in physics and seismology to understand that a structure 509.2 meters high is at very high risk during an earthquake. That is why Asian engineers once decided to secure one of the architectural pearls of Taiwan in a rather original way - with the help of a giant ball or stabilizer ball.

The project, costing more than $4 million, involves installing a giant ball weighing 728 tons on the upper tiers of the skyscraper, turned out to be one of the most striking engineering experiments of recent times. Suspended on thick cables, the ball plays the role of a stabilizer, allowing it to “dampen” vibrations of the building structure during an earthquake.

№1 Burj Dubai, Dubai, UAE

The tower is equipped with 56 elevators (by the way, the fastest in the world), boutiques, swimming pools, luxury apartments, hotels and observation platforms. A distinctive characteristic of the construction is the international composition of the working team: a South Korean contractor, American architects, Indian builders. Four thousand people took part in the construction.

Records set by the Burj Dubai:

* building with the largest number floors - 160 (the previous record was 110 for the Sears Tower skyscrapers and the destroyed twin towers);

* tallest building - 611.3 m (previous record - 508 m at the Taipei 101 skyscraper);

* the tallest free-standing structure - 611.3 m (the previous record was 553.3 m at the CN Tower);

* highest height injection of concrete mixture for buildings - 601.0 m (the previous record was 449.2 m at the Taipei 101 skyscraper);

* the highest height of injection of concrete mixture for any structure is 601.0 m (the previous record was 532 m at the Riva del Garda hydroelectric station);

* in 2008, the height of the Burj Dubai exceeded the height of the Warsaw radio tower (646 m), the building became the tallest ground-based structure in the history of human construction.

* On January 17, 2009, Burj Dubai reached a declared height of 818 m, becoming the tallest erected structure in the world.

What is human labor capable of? The answer is simple, yes to almost everything! It’s not for nothing that people build such huge and unimaginable buildings as skyscrapers. There are countless of them in various parts of the world, they are beautiful, unusual and spacious, which is very useful for the modern rhythm of life, but today we will talk about the tallest of them. So what are the tallest buildings in the world?

Tallest buildings in the World

10th place: Willis Tower

The Willis Tower was built quite a long time ago in 1973, by that time it was the tallest building in the world, and its height is truly impressive 443.2 m. Its location is Chicago (USA). If you add up its entire total area, you will get a total of 57 football fields, with such a scale there is plenty of room to roam around. This building also became famous for its participation in such films as “Divergent” and “Transformers 3: Dark side Moon."

9th place: Zifeng High-Rise Building (Nanjing-Greenland Financial Center)

This skyscraper is located in Nanjing, China. It is 450 meters high and Zifeng was completed in 2009, so it can be considered a relatively young building. In addition to offices, shopping centers and everything else, it has a public observatory. And also from the observation deck (287 m) an unforgettable view of the entire city of Nanjing opens.

8th place: Petronas Towers 1, 2

In 8th place is a skyscraper with 88 floors - the Petronas Towers. They are located in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. Their height is 451.9 meters. Only 6 years were allotted for the construction of such a miracle, and the main condition was that all materials used for construction had to be produced in Malaysia. And the Prime Minister himself took part in the design of such beauty; it was he who proposed making twin towers in the “Islamic style.”

7th place: International Commercial Center

The skyscraper was built in Hong Kong in 2010. Its height is 484 meters, and it has 118 floors. So for this populated city like Hong Kong, this building has become great place to create jobs. It also has an excellent five-star hotel at an altitude of 425 meters from the ground, which gives it the right to call itself the highest hotel in the world.

6th place: Shanghai World Financial Center

The height of this skyscraper is 492 meters, and it has 101 floors. It is located in Shanghai, China. Construction began in 1997, but at that time there was a crisis and therefore the construction was delayed and ended only in 2008. The Shanghai World Financial Center can withstand an earthquake of up to magnitude 7, which is very important feature for earthquake-prone areas. This building has records, it won the title of the world's highest observation deck on the 100th floor, and in 2008 it became the best skyscraper peace.

5th place: Taipei 101

The skyscraper is located in Republic of China in Taipei city. Its height is 509.2 m including the spire, and has 101 floors. The building was built in the postmodern style, but the architects also perfectly integrated ancient Chinese construction styles here. A special feature of this skyscraper is its elevators; they are the fastest in the world, so you can easily get from the 5th to the 89th floor in 39 seconds.

4th place: 1 World Trade Center (Freedom Tower)

The skyscraper is located in New York and took 8 years to build. But already in November 2014, this building amazed visitors with its power and spaciousness. Its height is 541.3 meters, there are 104 floors and 5 more are underground, and it is made in modern style high tech.

3rd place: Abraj al-Beit (Royal Clock Tower)

This complex of buildings was built in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is rightfully considered the largest building in the whole world, but not the tallest, since its height is 601 meters. There are 120 floors here, on which there are many apartments, both for visitors and for permanent residents Mecca. A special feature of this building is the largest clock in the world, it can be seen from anywhere in the city, since its dials were installed on four sides of the world, probably in order to always navigate in time and not waste it.

2nd place: Shanghai Tower

1st place: Burj Khalifa (Khalifa Tower)

The tallest building in the world is the Khalifa Tower, and for good reason, because it is not just a couple of meters ahead of its predecessor, but much more. Its height is 828 meters and it is located in Dubai. The number of floors is 163. This tower has quite a lot of titles and is the tallest structure in the world, the tallest ever to exist in the world. Burj Khalifa is the most multifunctional building.

It’s like a city within a city, with its own parks, shops and apartments. Probably, living in such a tower, there’s no particular need to go out into the city, because everything is there, except to walk on the ground. In appearance, it looks like a stalagmite, which again gives the tower a special uniqueness; its beauty is not worth talking about, you just have to see it with your own eyes, but once you see it, you are unlikely to forget it.

Every year, dozens of skyscrapers and hundreds of high-rise buildings are built around the world. We present to your attention 13 of the world's tallest architectural masterpieces.

Hong Kong International Commerce Center

In 2010, a 118-story, 484-meter skyscraper was built in Hong Kong. It is the tallest building in the city, the seventh tallest in Asia and the ninth tallest in the world.

Shanghai World Financial Center

The 492 m high skyscraper in Shanghai was built by the Japanese company Mori Building Corporation. The main designer of the project is David Malott from New York. The unofficial name of the building is "opener".

Taipei 101

The Taipei 101 skyscraper is located in the capital of Taiwan, Taipei. The 101-story building has a height of 509.2 m. lower floors The buildings house shopping centers, with offices on the top ones. It is the sixth tallest structure in the world and the fifth tallest in Asia.

This skyscraper has the fastest elevators in the world, rising at a speed of 60.6 km/h. From the fifth floor to the observation deck on the 89th you can get there in just 39 seconds.

The building is made of glass, steel and aluminum and is supported by 380 concrete pillars! According to engineers, the tower will be able to withstand an earthquake of any magnitude.

Willis Tower

The Chicago skyscraper Willis Tower is 443.2 m high and has 110 floors. It was built in 1973.

At that time, it was the tallest building in the world, surpassing the height of the World Trade Center towers in New York. This record held for the building for 25 years.

It is now the second tallest building in the United States.

Ostankino Tower

The height of the Ostankino TV tower in Moscow is 540.1 m. The building is in 8th place in the world in terms of free space standing structure after the Burj Khalifa skyscraper (Dubai), tree of heaven Tokyo, Shanghai Tower (Shanghai).

Ostankino TV Tower is the most tall building in Europe and is a full member of the World Federation of Tall Towers.

World Trade Center 1

1 World Trade Center was built on the site of the destroyed Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. This is the central building in the new World Trade Center complex. It is the fourth tallest skyscraper in the world after the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Shanghai Tower.

The 541 m high building is located on a plot of 65,000 square meters.

CN Tower

The height of the symbol of the city of Toronto, the CN Tower, is 553.33 meters.

Initially, the abbreviation CN stood for Canadian National (the tower belonged to the state company Canadian National Railways). Toronto residents decided to leave former name building, and the acronym CN now stands for Canada's National.

Guangzhou TV Tower

This is the second tallest television tower in the world. It was built from 2005 to 2010 for Asian Games 2010. The height of the TV tower is 600 meters. Up to a height of 450 meters, the tower resembles a combination of a hyperboloid load-bearing grid shell and a central core.

The mesh shell of the tower is made of steel pipes large diameter. The tower's spire is 160 meters high.

TV and radio tower KVLY-TV

The height of the television and radio mast, which is located in North Dakota (USA), is 628.8 meters.

The building is the third tallest structure in the world after the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai and Tokyo Tower Skytree in Tokyo.

Shanghai Tower

Shanghai Tower is a skyscraper in the Pudong district of Shanghai in China. The height of the structure is 632 meters, the total area is 380 thousand m². The Shanghai World Financial Center is located next to the skyscraper.

Construction of the tower was completed in 2015. The building is the tallest building in Shanghai, the first tallest in China and the third tallest free-standing structure in the world.

Tokyo Skytree

Tokyo Skytree is the tallest television tower in the world. It is located in the Sumida area of ​​Tokyo.

The height of the TV tower together with the antenna is 634 meters, it is twice as high as the Tokyo Tower TV tower. The height of the tower was chosen in such a way that the numbers: 6, 3, 4 were consonant with the name “Musashi” - historical region, where modern Tokyo is located.

Warsaw radio tower

The radio mast, 646.38 meters high, was considered the tallest building in the world until it collapsed in 1991, when the Burj Khalifa skyscraper took the crown.

The tower was intended for long-wave radio broadcasting to Poland and Europe. The project was developed by the famous Polish engineer Jan Polyak.

Burj Khalifa

The most large building world is located in Dubai. The height of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper is 828 meters! It was built in the form of a stalagmite.

This tower is a kind of “city within a city” - with its own lawns, boulevards and parks. Inside the complex there are apartments, offices, shopping centers and a hotel. The building has three separate entrances.

The hotel was designed by the famous Giorgio Armani.

In the previous article we discussed the tallest skyscrapers in Russia. Unfortunately, now none of the high-rise buildings erected in the country is among the ten tallest buildings in the world. Therefore, until the completion of construction of the Lakhta Center (hello to the commentators of the previous article), we will talk about skyscrapers in the United United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, China, USA, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Willis Tower

The oldest of the dozen currently existing tallest skyscrapers in the world was built in 1974 in Chicago. Its height is 442 meters without the spire, with the spire - 527 meters. In the Russian-language Wikipedia, the Willis Tower ranks 11th, but this is somewhat incorrect: the Lakhta Center, which has already been ranked 8th in the ranking, will be completed in 2018.

Just think: in forty years, only nine skyscrapers in the world have surpassed the 108-story Willis Tower in Chicago, and in the United States this result was beaten only by the Freedom Tower, opened in 2014.

The design of the skyscraper was carried out by the architectural bureau Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, which later erected both the Freedom Tower and the tallest building at the moment - the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. The building was originally called the Sears Tower, and received the name Willis in 2009. The foundation of Willis Tower rests on concrete piles driven into solid rock. The frame consists of nine square "tubes" forming one large square at the base. Each such “pipe” consists of 20 vertical beams and many horizontal ones. All nine “pipes” are welded up to the 50th floor, then seven pipes go up to 66, by the 90th floor five remain, and the remaining two “pipes” rise another 20 floors. Exactly what it looks like is clear from a photograph from 1971.

A worker stands on the spire of a tower.

The Willis Tower in this photo is on the right, with two spiers.

Zifeng Tower

In Nanjing, China, the Porcelain Pagoda, a 78-meter-tall Buddhist temple, stood until the mid-19th century. Travelers described it as one of the wonders of the world. It was replaced by the Zifeng skyscraper.

Construction of the 450-meter high-rise Zifeng building was completed in 2009. It is business center cities. It houses offices, shops, shopping centers, restaurants and an observatory. Total - 89 floors.

Work on the construction of the tower lasted only four years. During the process, the project was changed: the tower could have a height of 300 meters. For China, where the population density is extremely high, efficient use land is extremely important. The triangular construction site was used to the maximum: the skyscraper has triangular base.

The architects' idea was to interweave motifs of Chinese dragons, the Yangtze River and green gardens. The river is the vertical and horizontal seams that separate the glass surfaces. These surfaces themselves, according to architectural thought, are a reference to dancing dragons. Vegetation and pools were placed inside the building.

View of the city from a spire on a skyscraper.

Petronas Towers

In the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, skyscrapers called Petronas Towers were erected in 1998. The height of the two 88-story skyscrapers is 451 meters, including the spire.

The skyscraper was built in the “Islamic” style; each building is an eight-pointed star with semicircular protrusions for stability. The construction site was changed after geological surveys. Initially, one skyscraper was supposed to stand on limestone, the other on rock, so one of the buildings could sag. The site was moved 60 meters. The foundation of the towers is the deepest concrete foundation at the moment: the piles are driven 100 meters into soft soil.

Construction was complicated an important condition: Only domestically produced materials could be used. Strong elastic concrete, reinforced with quartz and comparable in strength to steel, was developed especially for the building. The mass of the skyscraper was twice that of similar steel buildings.

The bridge between the twin towers is secured with ball bearings. Rigid fastening is impossible, as the towers sway.

The elevators in the building are two-story models designed by Otis. One cabin stops only on odd-numbered floors, the second - on even-numbered floors. This saved space inside skyscrapers.

International Commerce Center

On 118 floors of the International commercial center Hong Kong is home to offices, a hotel and shopping malls. The height of the building is 484 meters. Initially, they planned to build a skyscraper 574 meters high, but the project was changed due to a ban on the construction of buildings higher than Mount Victoria.

Construction was completed in 2010, but there was no official opening: the building was already in full use by tenants. The 102nd to 118th floors are the highest above ground level hotel operated by the Ritz-Carlton. On the last, 118th floor, there is the world's highest swimming pool.

In 2008, China built the Shanghai World Financial Center, a neighbor of the Shanghai Tower. The height of the 101-story building is 492 meters, although 460 meters were originally planned. The building housed a hotel, conference rooms, offices, shops and a museum.

The building can withstand earthquakes up to magnitude seven and has fire-protected floors. After the attack on the Twin Towers in New York, the design of the building was modified so that it could withstand a direct hit from an airplane.

Thanks to its silhouette, the skyscraper received the name “opener”. The trapezoidal opening at the top was supposed to be spherical, but the Chinese government forced the design to be changed so that the building did not resemble rising Sun on the flag of Japan. Such changes made it possible to reduce the cost and simplify the design. This was planned top part building:

Here's what happened as a result:

Taipei 101

The capital of Taiwan, Taipei, boasts a skyscraper more than half a kilometer high. Together with the spire, the height of Taipei 101 is 509.2 meters, and the number of floors is 101.

For some time, Taipei 101 was also distinguished by the fastest elevators in the world: they rise at a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour, or 16.83 meters per second. People rise from the fifth to the eighty-ninth floor in 39 seconds. Now the new record belongs to the Shanghai Tower.

On the 87th and 88th floors there is a 660-ton steel pendulum ball. This architectural solution was made not only to decorate the interior. The pendulum allows the building to compensate for gusts of wind. The durable but not rigid steel frame can withstand strongest earthquakes. These solutions, together with a foundation of piles one and a half meters in diameter driven 80 meters into the ground, made the building one of the safest in the world. On March 31, 2002, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake destroyed two cranes on the building, killing five people. There was no damage to the tower itself. But there is a theory that it was the skyscraper that activated seismic activity.

Freedom Tower

World Trade Center 1 in Manhattan, New York, has surpassed its pursuer, Taipei 101, in terms of spire by 32 meters, although if we count the distance from the ground to the roof, the American Freedom Tower, on the contrary, is inferior to the Taiwanese tower by 37 meters. Center Height international trade 1 - 541.3 meters along the spire and 417 on the roof.

The building stands on the site occupied by the twin towers of the World Trade Center, destroyed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. When designing WTC1, past experience was taken into account, and the lower 57 meters were constructed using concrete instead of the standard steel structure.

The building officially opened on November 3, 2014. It is occupied by offices, retail spaces, restaurants and the City Television Alliance.

Royal Clock Tower

In Mecca in Saudi Arabia, in 2012, a complex of high-rise buildings, the Tower of the House, was built opposite the entrance to the al-Haram mosque, where the main shrine of Islam, the Kaaba, is located. The tallest building in the complex is the Royal Hotel clock tower 601 meters high. It is designed to accommodate up to one hundred thousand pilgrims out of the five million people who visit Mecca annually. The Royal Clock Tower is the third tallest building in the world.

On the tower at a height of 400 meters there are four dials with a diameter of 43 meters. They are visible from any part of the city. This is the highest altitude clock in the world at the moment.

The length of the spire at the top of the hotel is 45 meters. The spire contains 160 loudspeakers for the call to prayer. The 107-ton crescent at the very top of the building has several rooms, one of which is a prayer room.

The tower contains 21 thousand flashing lights and 2.2 million LEDs.

Shanghai Tower

The second tallest skyscraper is located in China. This is the Shanghai Tower, a 632-meter-tall building adjacent to another skyscraper on the list - the Shanghai World financial center. Offices, shopping and entertainment centers, and a hotel were located on 130 floors.

The elevators in the building were developed by Mitsubishi Electric. Their speed is 18 meters per second, or 69 kilometers per hour. These are currently the fastest elevators in the world. There are three such elevators in the building, and four more two-story elevators reach a speed of 10 meters per second.

You shouldn't expect a beautiful view from the windows of a skyscraper. The building has double walls and has a second shell designed to maintain temperature.

The tower has a twisted design, which adds stability to combat wind.

From this angle, a spiral gutter is visible to collect rainwater used for heating and air conditioning.

Burj Khalifa

Opened in 2010 in Dubai, UAE, the Burj Khalifa tower has surpassed all existing skyscrapers and is still the leader in height.

The tower was designed by the architectural firm Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, which created the Willis Tower and 1 World Trade Center, which we previously discussed. The construction of the Dubai Tower was carried out by Samsung, which also participated in the construction of the Petronas Towers. There are 57 elevators in the building, they must be used with transfers - only one service elevator can go up to the top floor.

The tower houses the Armani Hotel, designed by Giorgio Armani himself, apartments, offices, shopping centers, fitness centers and observation decks with jacuzzi. Indian billionaire B.R. Shetty completely purchased two floors, including the hundredth, at a cost of more than 12 million US dollars each.

As in the case of the Petronas Towers, they developed their own for the tallest skyscraper in the world special type concrete. It can withstand temperatures up to 48 degrees Celsius. During construction, concrete was laid at night, adding ice to the solution. The builders did not have the opportunity to secure the foundation in the rocky soil, and they used two hundred piles 45 meters long and 1.5 meters in diameter.

If the Shanghai Tower has a gutter to collect rainwater, then in the case of the Burj Khalifa Tower such an approach is not needed: there is little rainfall in the desert. Instead, the building has a condensate collection system that can collect up to 40 million liters of water per year for watering plants.

During the filming of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, Tom Cruise decided to climb the tower to write Katie Holmes' name there and get a great shot.

Planned buildings

At the moment, there are only two building projects that can rank first in the ranking of the tallest skyscrapers in the world.

At 828 meters high, the Burj Khalifa seems less impressive compared to the Dubai Creek Harbor Tower project. Its roof height will be 928 meters - that is, it will already beat the current record by 100 meters. And the height of the spire will exceed a kilometer - it will reach 1014 meters. But this is not certain - the parameters of the building are kept secret. Like the Eiffel Tower, the Dubai Creek Harbor Tower will be open for World Expo 2020 if all goes according to plan. The foundation was laid on October 10, 2016. Add tags