VP in Russian language 2nd quarter. Instructions for performing the work

Option 1

In the garden.

Tanya has a lot of flowers in her garden. Grandma Marya takes care of them.

Fluffy chrysanthemums are blooming all around. They were surrounded by wonderful butterflies.

Fragrant lilies of the valley grow in the shade. A cockchafer buzzes above them. Bees

smelled the sweet scent of a tea rose. They shake the colorful heads of carnations.

Gin's dachshund guards the garden.

  1. Write the words in alphabetical order. Put emphasis on all words.

Hare, nest, pineapple, car, road, spruce, willow, snow.

  1. Insert the missing paired consonant, choosing a test word.

Ridges - bed, ... - sweet,

... - zaga...ka, ... - shu...ka,

... - Vitya ... b, ... - close ...

... - book...ka, ... - lo...kA

  1. Write down words in which all consonants are hard.

Football, jury, hockey, pike, station, backpack, basketball, brochure, report, fireworks, parachute, computer, circus.

Zucchini, bow, tomatoes, spruce, wolf, watercolor, skirt, Monday, juicy, piglets, bicycle, T-shirt, lingonberries, refrigerator, envelope, perches, flowers.

  1. Compose and write down a coherent text from deformed sentences. Choose a title for the text.

y, lived, us, the little bear very much, water, he, loved him, often, bathed, we basin, the bear, in, for a long time, splashed with anything, eyes, him, in, soap the baby, cried, wiped it loudly, the bear again, cheerful , he (29)

(According to M. Efetov)

Option 2

  1. Read it. Find the mistakes. Write the text correctly.


Once upon a time there lived a good dragon, Timosha. He wholeheartedly gives everyone fresh

berries. The dragon is friends with the wind, sun and grass. He loves to listen

music of the forest. Here are the titmice squeaking and the grasshoppers chattering. Streams gurgle there and

the frogs are chattering. Harasho in the wilderness!

Weather, sparrow, guys, birch, road, aspen, street.

  1. Insert the missing paired consonant, use these test words.

Newspaper - gas...ka, notebooks - notebook...b

Proximity - how many pigeons - head...

Smooth - smooth mug - cool

Tie - the tie slides - how...

Pies - pyro... breast - gr...ka

  1. Write down words that contain soft consonants and underline them:

Deer, elephant, soup, winter, pencil case, guys, fun, ground, chair, ballet, performance, polka, bathhouse

  1. Write down the words. Divide them into syllables.

Hummingbird, beret, iceberg, sneak, pit, poisonous, tiger, hold, jellyfish, taiga, guitarist, lambs, zigzags, merry fellow, spring, oilcloth, spruce forest.

  1. Write down the words that cannot be hyphenated:

Extreme, snake, hedgehogs, wasp, deer,

Fairy tale, hedgehog, Igor, sadness, spinning top.

Find the words incorrectly divided by a hyphen. Write it correctly.

Le-yka, may-ka, osi-na, walk-ly, walk-ly,

Uro - zhay, e - tazh, corner - yki, Il-ya, Zhanna.

  1. Compose and write down a coherent text from deformed sentences. Choose a title for the text

Katya, an aquarium, grandfather, gave a pink one, lives, a fish, there, with, a fluffy tail Katya, threw water, a little devil, into, and, knocked, the glass, swam up, and, a fish, food, grabbed

(25) (According to N. Maksimovich)

Option 3

  1. Read it. Find the mistakes. Write the text correctly.


On Saturday the gnomes went fishing. The gnome Vasya caught a fat bream.

And the gnome Fedya is dragging a skinny pike. They're looking for bait. Good luck again! The dwarves caught two large catfish. There will be delicious fish soup for dinner. Lelka the cat and Demyan the cat purred merrily. Friends treat furry bullies.

  1. Write the words in alphabetical order:

Student, duty officer, class, pencil case, work, screen, notebook.

Reed, path, spoon, lucky, dexterous, rafting, rare, watermelon.

  1. Write down the sentences and underline the soft consonants:

They bought me a Katenka doll. I love playing with her.

There is a beautiful lake in our park. A duck and ducklings are swimming there. The kids are splashing. The sawAlyosha and hid.

  1. Read the text. Write, separating words for hyphenation.

The weather is cold today. Lacy snowflakes glow brightly in the sun. A flock of sparrows sits on the branches of a tree. They chirp loudly.

  1. Compose and write down a coherent text from deformed sentences. Choose a title for the text

in, chicks, nest, sitting

they squeak loudly

eat, kids, want

to, mom, him, flies

she is carrying a small worm

children, feed, bird, its own, in a hurry

Option 4

  1. Read it. Find the mistakes. Write the text correctly.


A nimble bunny Pus lives in the forest. He has big ears and a bushy tail. His wonderful babies are sleeping in the hole. Puss is in a hurry to feed the bunnies fresh vegetables. Here's some crispy kale. And here is a sweet marking. The cubs are full.

Moscow, Kyiv, Astana, Zhitikara, Kostanay, Baku, Rudny, Almaty.

  1. Write down words with paired consonants that need to be checked. Choose a test word.

Book, boat, carried away, narrow, in the west, accurately, pencil, dove.

  1. Write it off. Underline the words in which all consonants are soft.

Bagels, pill, greens, insoles, cups, autumn, quarter, woodpecker, liver, thing, blot, shawl, breeches, blouse, sorrel, raincoat, shoes, spruce forests,


  1. Write out two and three syllable words from the text. Divide them into syllables.

Summer has come. A warm breeze is blowing. Alyosha and Yana go to the forest to pick mushrooms. Here is a handsome white mushroom. And these are red foxes.

  1. Write the text using punctuation marks. Underline words that cannot be divided for transfer.

Fruits and vegetables can grow in a greenhouse all year round pebbles and a nutrient mixture replace the earth, instead of the sun, bright lamps light up, this is what man came up with

and predicate.

The sun set, it began to get dark in the west, the dawn flared up with a cry, cranes flew by, flew to roost for the night, ducks in the lake croaked, frogs croaked, night grasshoppers began to chatter.

(According to K. Ushinsky)


  1. Read it. Find the mistakes. Write the text correctly.

At the circus.

The kids came with their class to the circus. They are met by orthists. Here is the baby elephant Max dancing on the ball. Alik the seal claps his hands. Pony racing

Arishka the monkey and Tishka the cat. The clown Pashka makes everyone laugh. He sat down

big balls. The audience squeals with laughter.

  1. Write the words in alphabetical order

Aspen, birch, poplar, pine, oak, ash.

  1. Write it down. Fill in the missing letters. Write the test words.

Gla...ky, hundred..., uka...ka, ko...ba, pyro..., withered...ka, but..., ho..., karapu..., forward..., gain...ka.

  1. Write down the words, underline the letters of hard consonant sounds with a blue pencil.

Chair, ballet, performance, polka, bathhouse

  1. Write three words each:

A) all consonants are hard;

B) all consonants are voiced;

C) all vowels of the second row.

Divide these words into syllables.

  1. Read the poem. Write down the words that cannot be transferred.

The day has come.

And suddenly it got dark.

The lights are on, we look out the window.

The snow falls white - white...

Why is it so dark?

  1. Divide the text into sentences. Place at the end of each sentence the right sign. Underline the subject and predicate.

Spring is coming

The sun is shining brighter, the roads have darkened in the fields, the ice on the river has turned blue, the white-nosed rooks have arrived, soon the forest will be covered with foliage, the bird cherry tree will bloom at the edge.

(According to Sokolov-Mikitov)

Option 6

  1. Read it. Find the mistakes. Write the text correctly.


Ilya and Daria live in the village of Sosnovka in the summer. They feed the pets

animals. March's cow chews fragrant hay. Rosehip obela goat squirrel. The Yashka ram is gnawing on a head of cabbage. The black rabbit crunches fresh burdock leaves. Boris the rooster often pecks grain from the jug. Everyone is full.

  1. Write these words in alphabetical order. Place an accent mark in all words.

Group, hockey, alley, Russian, Saturday, trolleybus, ticket office.

  1. Fill in the missing letters. Write check papers.

Gla...ky, hundred..., uka...ka, ho...ba, pyro..., withered...ka, but..., ho..., karapu..., forward..., gain...ka.

  1. Write it off. Underline the words in which all consonants are hard.

Pin, bath, cheetah, broth, enamel, slit, rhinoceros, squiggle, sprinkle, dagger, move, blouse, splinter, jasmine, globe, handful, wagon, lid.

  1. 1.Write three words each in which:

a) all consonants are soft;

b) all consonants are deaf;

c) all vowels of the first row.

2. Divide these words into syllables.

  1. Write down the words, dividing for transfer. Underline the words that cannot be hyphenated.

Album, family, drinking, ring, spear, coat, pouring, coals, dress, bitter, sewing, bathhouse, stump.

  1. Make sentences about the questions and write them down. Underline the main parts of the sentence.

When? Which? What? What did you do?
Where? What did you do? Which? What?
Who? With whom? What they were doing? Where? For what?

Option 7

  1. Read it. Find the mistakes. Write the text correctly.


Schoolgirl Ira Zhyrova solved the problem. Ira's friend Shura Chudina

I've been deciding for two hours now. Ira rushes to help the Shura. Then they will sew a board for the doll. Shura treats Ira to fragrant tea. Friends will be there in the evening

  1. Write down the names sports games In alphabet order.

Football, hockey, gorodki, rounders, tennis.

  1. Write it down by inserting the desired letter, choosing a test word.

Du(b/p) - …, goro(d,t) - …, both(t,d) - …, su(p,b) - …
Zu (p, b) - ..., ogoro (d, t) - ..., gla (z, s) - ..., zhu (g, k) - ...

soft... cue -..., re... cue -..., cre... cue-...

  1. Read the words. Write down and underline the letters of hard consonant sounds with a blue pencil.

Cornflower, chamomile, cloves, tansy, St. John's wort, dragon, chorus

  1. Write it down. Divide the words into syllables where possible.

T-shirt, bunny, soup, raspberries, porch, dress, runners, butterfly, table, explained, sew, collection, fogs, waterfall, cones, trees, look, leaf, blueberries, lamp, Fatherland, lemonade, Sergey, current.

  1. Write, first dividing words into syllables, then hyphenating. Find and underline a word that has more sounds than sounds.

Schoolboy, haystack, summer, dress, sweetness, program, Julia, cup.

  1. Make up and write sentences from these words.

The sun, behind, was low, hidden by the trees. In, birch, gold, they stand. The birds have set off on a long journey. There are a lot of mysteries, and, as in, a lot of secrets in the forest!

Option 8

  1. Read it. Find the mistakes. Write the text correctly.


The gypsy puppy was friends with the kitten. Kitten Tishka loves to play with

goslings. One day a goose goose began spitting at him. The kitten squeaked.

The gypsy began to grumble and growl at Gosha. Gus rushed off to the barn. Friends, protect

protect each other.

  1. Write the words in alphabetical order.

Currant, apricot, tomato, pear, blueberry, eggplant, cucumber.

  1. Write it down, insert the missing consonants, write the test ones.

The older brother carries both (d, t), but Tanya does not have a lo (f, w)ki. Like children at dawn, under the sun by the river, three-year-old little girls stand on a long ridge.

  1. Read the words, underline the letters of the soft consonant sounds with a green pencil.

Peony, gladiolus, dahlia, ranunculus, rose, rake, garden.

  1. Divide the words into syllables where possible.

Window, seagull, watering can, board, croup, mole, explained, care, jumpers, tie, sport, announcement, loach, exhibition, hurricane, pine trees, fox, leaf, wolf, trunk, strawberry, school, choir, alley, Natalya.

  1. Write down the words, separating them with dashes. Do It phonetic analysis words that cannot be divided for transfer.

Pencil case, lesson, teacher, sweets, screen, hospital, languages, aspen, girl, ruler, bear, notebook, spring, hockey, bucket.

  1. Write it down using punctuation marks. Underline the main parts of the sentence.

It's over happy summer the storm came late fall blew cold wind and plucked leaves from the trees.

Tasks 1-3 are included in part 1 of the Russian language training course (dictation and 2 grammar tasks).

Part 2 of the VPR in the Russian language includes tasks 4-13.

IMPORTANT! Try to write down all answers to questions carefully and correctly. It may be better to complete some tasks as a draft first. If the content of the task is completed correctly, but more than 2 grammatical errors, the score can be reduced to 0.

Task 4.

In this task you need to put emphasis on 5 words. To prepare for this work, you need to work with an orthoepic dictionary (spelling is the science of pronunciation of words).

At the end of the Russian language textbook there is usually a small spelling dictionary. Use it.

If you do not have a textbook or there is no such dictionary in the textbook, use this dictionary [link temporarily inactive]

Read the words out loud. Pay attention to those words that you are used to pronouncing not with the same emphasis as in the dictionary. Write them down, put emphasis on them. Try to remember how to correctly emphasize these words.

Exercise . Put emphasis on the words:

called, called, got it, shoe, catalogue.

Check yourself in the dictionary.

Task 5.

To cope with this task, you need to be able to identify voiced and voiceless, soft and hard consonants. Please note that in the task you need to identify SOUNDS, not LETTERS!

Exercise. Determine in which of these words all consonant sounds are voiced:

Watermelon, gate, birch, hare, notebook.

Is it true that in the word WATERMELON all consonant sounds are voiced? Explain why.

Tasks 6-15 are completed using short text.

As a training session, we will work with the text of ex. 200 of the textbook "Russian Language" by V. Kanakina.

(1) Grandma Lida had a dog called Malka.

(2) It was a feisty little dog. (3) She is small, her legs are like matchsticks and very crooked, and she has more anger than a tiger.

(4) It used to be that guests would come to the old woman. (5) The little dog always barks at the guest, or even bites his leg. (6) Why is Malka the dog so angry?

Task 6.

Task 6 requires you to formulate the main idea or theme of the text.

To complete the task, answer the questions:

Clue: When assessing this task, not only the content of the answer is taken into account, but also the correctness of its presentation. Don't forget that the answer to a question is a sentence. It must be recorded with capital letter, and there should be a period at the end. Try to formulate the idea briefly, clearly, competently. Re-read the text carefully. Often the main idea contained in the first or last sentence of the text. To be sure that there are no grammatical errors in the task, it is convenient to use words that are in the text in the answer.

Task 7.

In this task you need to make an outline of the text that is proposed for reading.

Clue: Most likely, the text will have 3 paragraphs, i.e. 3 parts. If there are more paragraphs, then usually the first paragraph is the introductory part, the last paragraph is final part, between the introduction and conclusion - the main part.

IMPORTANT! It is impossible to title the points of the plan with the words “Introduction”, “Main part”, “Conclusion”. The names of the plan items must be related to the content of the text. Remember that the name of each item in the plan is a sentence, and it must be formatted correctly, with a capital letter at the beginning and a period at the end (or other sign suitable for the end of the sentence). For grammatical errors, points can be reduced to 0. Therefore, try to name the items correctly. It is convenient to use words from the text to be sure of the correct entry.

A rough plan for our text:

1. Grandma Lida’s pet.

2. Character and appearance Fry.

3. How Malka greets guests.

Task 8.

Make up a question based on the text to see if your classmate understood the content of the story.

Clue: This can be any question that can be answered with a sentence from the text. You can take any sentence from the text and come up with a question about it. The question may be quite simple.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget to formulate the question correctly (with capital letters at the beginning and from question mark at the end). Try to formulate the question in such a way as to be sure of the placement of other punctuation marks.

Sample questions:

- Who lived with the dog Malka?

- What was the character of the dog Malka?

- How did Malka the dog greet guests?

Task 9.

In task 9 you need to explain the meaning of the word. The explanation should be as short and clear as possible. Don’t forget that the answer must be written down correctly and correctly formatted in the form of a complete sentence. It’s very good if you remember that after the word whose meaning you are explaining, you need to put a dash.

Clue: if you find it difficult to explain the meaning of a word yourself, look at how the authors of the school do it explanatory dictionary. Usually there is a small explanatory dictionary at the end of the Russian language textbook. If you don’t have a textbook or the textbook doesn’t have a dictionary, you can look at the explanatory dictionary here [link temporarily inactive].

For example:

Capital - main city countries.

A teapot is a container for brewing tea.

Terem is a large rich wooden house in Ancient Rus'.

Task 10.

You will be asked to choose a synonym (a word close in meaning to the given one) or an antonym (a word opposite in meaning to the given one).

Clue: If you find it difficult to choose synonyms yourself, look at the examples offered in the dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. Usually a small dictionary of synonyms and antonyms is at the end of the Russian language textbook. If you don’t have a textbook or the textbook doesn’t have a dictionary, you can look at the dictionary of synonyms and antonyms here [link is temporarily inactive].

Task 11.

It is necessary to write down a word that corresponds in structure to the diagram.


  • need to find the right word not in the entire text, but in one sentence, the number of which will be indicated in the assignment. All sentences in the text are numbered, so finding the sentence to work with in this task is not difficult;
  • the word must be written down in the form in which it is written in the sentence (i.e. with the same ending);
  • the written word is necessary sort by composition. If discharged the right word, but it is not sorted by composition or broken down by composition incorrectly, the number of points may be reduced.

Tasks 12, 13, 14, 15.

In all these tasks you need to write down words that are a certain part of speech and indicate them morphological characteristics(i.e., signs of words as parts of speech):

  • task 12 - nouns;
  • task 13 - adjectives with the nouns to which they relate (that is, you need to write down not individual words, and phrases noun + adj.);
  • task 14 - pronouns;
  • task 15 - verbs.

Clue: in each task, morphological features must be determined in ONLY ONE of the words, and not in all. Choose a word whose characteristics are easier for you to identify. To correctly determine the characteristics of an adjective, determine the characteristics of the noun to which it refers. The characteristics of an adjective are the same as the noun to which it refers.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary not only to compose a text that is good in content, but also to write it down competently and correctly. Behind a large number of grammatical errors and incorrect positioning punctuation marks the number of points can be reduced to 0.

To successfully complete this task, repeat or learn the spelling of words:

Sorry, please, thank you, hello, goodbye, thank you, unfortunately, I can’t come, I would like to.

Initial general education

Line UMK S.V. Ivanov. Russian language (1-4)

Line UMK T. M. Andrianova, L. Ya. Zheltovskaya. Russian language (1-4)

Russian language

Russian language test for 2nd grade

You are given 45 minutes to complete the Russian language work.

Instructions for performing the work

You are given 45 minutes to complete the Russian language work. The work includes 7 tasks. Write down the answers to the assignments in your work. If you want to change an answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it. When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks, grammar reference books, spelling dictionaries, others reference materials. If necessary, you can use a draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded. We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

Dear Guys!

You will have to write a test paper in the Russian language. Before starting to complete the tasks, I recommend looking through all the material with your eyes, this will help you get ready for work. When starting the task, do not rush, read the entire instructions carefully to the end. Try to complete as many tasks correctly as possible.

Russian language. 2nd grade. Textbook.
The textbook includes the following thematic blocks: “How our language works”, where the basics of linguistic knowledge are given; “Spelling”, where literate writing skills are developed; "Speech Development", where for the first time it is organized systematic work with the text, its structure, as well as types of texts. The content of the textbook allows you to organize differentiated and individual training: in addition to the material for mandatory learning, topics of an introductory nature are presented.

1. Read and copy the text carefully.

    When completing the first task, read the text carefully.

    Think about whether you understand what this is about we're talking about in the text.

    Find out the meaning of words you don’t understand (you can ask your teacher).

    Read every word in the text. Find and highlight all the “dangerous places” with a pencil.

Our dog Alma gave birth to puppies. We named them Chapa and Chuk. The babies are red and fluffy. They squeak. Chapa is cheerful. And Chuk is very serious.

    Re-read the text again.

    Copy one sentence at a time, dictating words syllable by syllable, pronouncing each letter.

    Test yourself: read what you wrote and compare it with the source text.

Our dog Alma gave birth to puppies. We named them Chapa and Chuk. The babies are red and fluffy. They squeak. Chapa is cheerful. And Chuk is very serious.

2. Alphabetize and write down these words in alphabetical order: school, class, desk, lesson, bell.

Before you start the second task, try to remember the entire alphabet. Say it to yourself or whisper. When starting a task, do not rush. Whisper out two letters in a row in the alphabet: A, B and look at the first letter in the words. If the letter of the alphabet matches the first letter in the word, then write it down on the line; if not, then continue. Say 2 letters of the alphabet in order until you have written down all the words. Take your time to avoid mistakes.

Correct placement of words: bell, class, desk, lesson, school.

#ADVERTISING_INSERT# 3. Underline the words in which the first letter denotes a voiced consonant.

When completing the third task, remember all paired consonants in terms of voicedness and deafness. On the tape of letters, voiced consonants are located in the upper part. When pronouncing voiced consonants, we use our voice.

Say silently or in a whisper all paired consonants in terms of voicedness and voicelessness, which are hard: [b/p], [v/f], [g/k], [d/t], [zh/sh], [z/ With].

Then all paired consonants according to voiced-voicelessness, which are soft:

[b"/p’], [v’/f’], [g’/k’], [d’/t’], [z’/s’].

Don’t forget that there are voiced consonants that do not have a voiced-voiceless pair:

[th'/-], [l/ -], [l' / -], [m/ -], [m'/ -], [n / -], [n' / -], [r / - ], [R' / -].

Now start completing the task. Say the word, say the first letter and say the sound that represents the letter. Determine: is this a voiced or unvoiced sound? If ringing sound, then underline the entire word. Work this way with other words as well.

Voicedness or deafness can be defined differently. Cover your ears with your palms and say a consonant sound. Do you hear a voice or noise? If you hear a voice, then the sound is ringing, if the noise is dull.

Let's emphasize the first word - winter, because... the first sound [z’] is voiced - soft and the third word is slide, because the first sound [g] is voiced-hard.

Answer: Winter, skates, sleds, slide, hat.

4. Underline the words in which the first letter denotes a soft consonant sound.

Tiger, fallow deer, roe deer, squirrel, otter.

When completing the fourth task, remember that consonants are not only voiced and voiceless, but also hard and soft. Also remember that there are consonants that are always soft - these are [th’], [h’], [h’].

Say the first word: tiger. Now pronounce the merging syllable: [t’i]. Then separately the first sound: [t’]. How do you hear and pronounce it? (we pronounce soft sound[T']). Look what his softness meant? (the vowel i, which denotes the softness of the preceding consonant).

Draw a conclusion: if the first sound in the word tiger is soft, then this word must be emphasized.

Say the second word: doe. Now say the fusion syllable:

[l a]. Then separately the first sound: [l]. How do you hear and pronounce it? (we pronounce a hard sound [l]). Look what his hardness meant? (vowel a, which indicates the hardness of the preceding consonant).

Draw a conclusion: if in the word doe the first sound is hard, then there is no need to underline this word, proceed to the next word.

Say the third word: roe. Now say the first syllable: [k a]. Then separately the first sound: [k]. How do you hear and pronounce it? (we pronounce solid sound[To]). Look what his hardness meant? (vowel a, which indicates the hardness of the preceding consonant).

Draw a conclusion: if in the word roe deer the first sound is hard, then there is no need to underline this word, proceed to the next word.

Say the word: squirrel. Now say the first syllable: [b'e l]. Then separately the first sound: [b’]. How do you hear and pronounce it? (we pronounce a soft sound [b’]). Look what his softness meant? (the vowel e, which denotes the softness of the preceding consonant).

Draw a conclusion: if the first sound in the word squirrel is soft, then this word must be emphasized.

We are working on the last word. Say the word: otter. Now say the first syllable: [vyd]. Then separately the first sound: [v]. How do you hear and pronounce it? (we pronounce a hard sound [v]). Look what his hardness meant? (vowel ы, which denotes the hardness of the preceding consonant).

Draw a conclusion: if the first sound in the word otter is hard, then this word does not need to be emphasized.

When performing this task, try to correctly isolate the first sound that you observe: word - syllable/merging syllable - sound;

Tiger - ti - [t’]

Lan – la – [l]

Roe deer - ko – [k]

Squirrel – white – [b’]

Otter – vyd – [v]

Let's emphasize two words: tiger, fallow deer, roe deer, squirrel, otter.

5. Divide the words into syllables. When dividing words into syllables, use vertical line.

Flight, blow, Maria, barn .


Task 5 requires you to remember the rules for dividing words into syllables.

    The syllable forms a vowel sound.

    There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels.

    A syllable begins with a consonant that comes before a vowel.

    A syllable can consist of one sound (vowel) or several sounds (in addition to a vowel, there is a consonant or a group of consonants).

    A syllable can be open or closed.

After you remember the rule for dividing a word into syllables, proceed to the task.

Now work carefully on each word. Read the first word: flight. Mark all the vowels in it: flight. How many vowels were marked? (2) That is how many syllables should be made. Draw a vertical line: along/fly.

Read the second word: hit. Mark all the vowels in it: blow. How many vowels were marked? (2) That is how many syllables should be made. Draw a vertical line: u/dar.

Read the third word: Maria. Mark all the vowels in it: Maria. How many vowels were marked? (3) That is how many syllables should be made. Draw a vertical line: Ma/ri/ya.

Read the fourth word: barn. Mark all the vowels in it: barn. How many vowels were marked? (2) That is how many syllables should be made. Draw a vertical line: sa/rai.

If you still find it difficult to divide words into syllables, then remember how we divided words into syllables in first grade. Syllables can be sung, chanted, like in a stadium. You can “clap” the word with your hands.

The correct way to divide words into syllables is as follows: po/let, u/dar, Ma/ri/ya, sa/rai.

6. Write down only those words that can be divided for transfer. Indicate the place of transfer with a dash (for example, no - bo).

Flight, blow, Maria, barn.

To complete task 6, let's remember the rules of word hyphenation that you already know:

    We transfer words by syllables.

    When hyphenating words, you cannot leave one letter at the end of the line and hyphenate it.

    When transferring, you cannot leave and transfer a part of a word that does not form a syllable.

    You cannot separate a consonant from the vowel that follows it.

    The letter “th” cannot be separated from the preceding vowel.

After you have remembered the rules for hyphenation, find words that cannot be hyphenated by syllables. Remember why? We come across the word: blow. The word “blow” is divided into syllables as follows: u/dar, the vowel “u” forms a syllable, but according to the rules of hyphenation, one letter cannot be transferred or left on the line. Therefore, we will not write out this word. Let's look at the rest of the words. Can you translate the word flight into syllables? Yes, you can. In order not to forget, write down this word, dividing for transfer: po-let.

Read the word Mary. Can you syllable-by-syllable the word - Maria? Yes, you can, only for the sake of transfer it will be 2 syllables, because... We cannot move one letter “I” to another line. In order not to forget, write down this word, dividing for transfer: Ma-riya.

Read the last word barn. Can I move it syllable by syllable? Yes, you can. In order not to forget, write down this word, dividing for transfer: sa-rai.

Correct entry: let's go, Maria, sa-rai.

7. Make a sentence from these words. Write it down correctly.

in, sun, fog, rises, winter

Carrying out last task, remember what a proposal is.

(Offer is a word or several words that express a complete thought. Words in a sentence are always related to each other in meaning.)

Arrange the words so that they become connected in meaning.

Will help you complete the task algorithm of actions:

    Think about which word should be written first.

    Set the sequence of words. Number the word order.

    What letter do we start writing a sentence with?

    Write down the resulting sentence, not forgetting about proper spelling.

    What do you put at the end of the sentence?

    Check if you wrote it correctly.

Here it is possible to write the sentence in different ways:

The sun rises in winter fog.

The sun rises in the winter fog.

The sun rises in the winter fog.

The sun rises in the winter fog.

The sun rises in the winter fog.

Preparing for VPR 2nd grade Option No. 1

Date______________________ Last name______________________________

Our dog Alma gave birth to puppies. We named them Chapa and Chuk. The babies are red and fluffy. They squeak. Chapa is cheerful. And Chuk is very serious.

School, class, desk, lesson, bell.

3. Underline the words

Winter, skates, sleds, slide, hat.

4. Underline the words

Tiger, fallow deer, roe deer, squirrel, otter.

5. Divide words into syllables

Flight, blow, Maria, barn.

6. Write down only those words , sky ).

Flight, blow, Maria, barn.

in, sun, fog, rises, winter

Preparing for VPR 2nd grade Option No. 2

1. Read and copy the text carefully.

It's a good day. Now autumn is full of warmth. But it rains often. Here is Roma and dad. They go into the forest through wide fields. Frost will hit soon. Everything will be covered with snow.

2. Alphabetize and write down the given words in alphabetical order.

Yana, son, mom, dad, daughter.

3. Underline the words , in which the first letter denotes a voiced consonant sound.

Autumn, winter, spring, summer, warm.

4. Underline the words , in which the first letter denotes a soft consonant sound.

Umbrella, rain, downpour, thunderstorm, warmth.

5. Divide words into syllables . When dividing words into syllables, use a vertical line.

6. Write down only those words which can be divided for transfer. Indicate the transfer location with a dash (for example, sky ).

Lily, cat, cat, dog, mouse.

7. Make a sentence from these words. Write it down correctly.

on, bread, table, soft, lies

Preparing for VPR 2nd grade Option No. 3

Date___________________________ Last name ________________________________

1. Read and copy the text carefully.

Seryozha Charushin's father and mother bought him skis. The frost has subsided. Seryozha and dad will walk for two hours along a forest path. Snow flies from under the skis. The present is cracking.

2. Alphabetize and write down the given words in alphabetical order.

Cat, dog, horse, rooster, sheep.

3. Underline the words , in which the first letter denotes a voiced consonant sound.

Snow, rain, frost, thunder, storm.

4. Underline the words , in which the first letter denotes a soft consonant sound.

Day, night, morning, silence, dawn.

5. Divide words into syllables . When dividing words into syllables, use a vertical line.

6. Write down only those words which can be divided for transfer. Indicate the transfer location with a dash (for example, sky ).

Light, seagull, Sofia, morning, Yasha.

7. Make a sentence from these words. Write it down correctly.

on, leaves, autumn, turn yellow, trees

Date: October 12, 2017.

Description of the All-Russian test work in the Russian language for 2nd grade students

All-Russian Verification work in the Russian language is carried out in order to monitor the quality of preparation of 2nd grade students. Monitoring is aimed at ensuring the effective implementation of government educational standard primary general education.

Tasks diagnostic work are aimed at identifying the level of students’ proficiency in basic subject spelling and educational-linguistic phonetic and syntactic skills, as well as universal educational actions.

Exercise 1 tests students’ ability to accurately (without omissions or distortions of letters) and accurately copy sentences of uncomplicated text. Successful completion assignments are based on reading skills (adequate visual perception information contained in the presented text) as one of the types speech activity. Along with subject skills, the formation of regulatory universal educational activities(adequately independently assess the correctness of the action and make the necessary adjustments - exercise self-control).

Task 2 assumes knowledge of the letters of the Russian alphabet and their sequence, tests students’ ability to use the alphabet to organize words, tests mastery of the cognitive universal educational action - using the alphabet to search necessary information in dictionary.

Task 3 tests the ability to recognize consonant sounds by deafness-voicing in a word (educational-linguistic identification skill).

Task 4 tests the ability to recognize consonant sounds by softness and hardness in a word (educational and linguistic identification skill).

Task 5 involves analysis syllable structure words, possession of educational and linguistic ability to divide words into syllables; reveals mastery of the cognitive universal educational action - construction logic circuit reasoning.

Task 6 tests students' spelling ability to recognize the place where a word is transferred (identification skill), as well as mastery of the cognitive universal educational action - building a logical chain of reasoning.

Task 7 tests educational and linguistic syntactic ability to compose a sentence from words, establishing connections between them on issues, as well as spelling ability to use capital letter at the beginning of the sentence and put punctuation mark at the end of the sentence.

In addition to subject skills, all tasks require testing various types universal educational actions: regulatory (adequately independently assess the correctness of the action and make the necessary adjustments) and cognitive (carry out logical operations, establish cause-and-effect relationships).