When, after hissing ones, a soft sign is written at the end. Spelling a soft sign after hissing feminine nouns at the end

This lesson examines in detail the spelling of a soft sign after hissing adverbs at the end, and also provides a repetition of already studied spellings.

Soft sign at the end of adverbs it is always written after sibilants h And w.

After and the soft sign is not written. Exception: wide open b .

For example: (leave) about whose; (hit) back and forth sew; (leave) deputy and; (open the window) wide b(excl.).

Table. Adverbs ending in hissing

With a soft sign

No soft sign

etc. b

gallop b

exactly b

supine b

unbearable b (colloquial)

completely b (colloquial)

backhand b

entirely b

deputy and

at and ( in meaning already)

impatient and (colloquial)

Repetition. Soft sign after sizzling at the end different parts speeches


At the end of verbs, after sibilants, a soft sign is always written. This applies to all verb forms:

- verbs in the 2nd person singular present tense: you're reading b, look b;

- verbs in imperative mood: director b, eat b, mazh b ;

— verbs in the indefinite form: burn b, oven b, sterech b .


Adjectives in short form ending in sibilants never have a soft sign at the end. For example: Can h, new and, good w .


The soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants is written only in words female 3rd declension. For example: daughter b, lodge b, things b .

All other nouns ending in sibilants are written without a soft sign:

- nouns male 2nd declension in the nominative case.

For example: reed, comrade, lily of the valley;

- feminine nouns of the 1st declension in plural V genitive case: (a lot of) pears, clouds, puddles.


  1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. – 13th ed. – M.: Bustard, 2009.
  2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. – 34th ed. – M.: Education, 2012.
  3. Russian language. Practice. 7th grade. Ed. S.N. Pimenova – 19th edition. – M.: Bustard, 2012.
  4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. Russian language. 7th grade. In 3 parts – 8th ed. – M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.
  1. Didactic materials. Section “Adverb” (Source).
  2. Adverb as a part of speech (Source).
  3. Parts of speech in Russian (Source).
  4. Culture writing. Adverb (Source).


Exercise No. 265. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. – M.: Education, 2012.

Task No. 1. Determine which part of speech (in what form) the words belong to; insert a soft sign where necessary.

1. Linyuch. hot fresh smelly good.

2. Dach. tasks. clouds grove

3. Assignment multiply namaz.

4. Strich. oven burn, save

5. Male scenery. reed

6. Small thing. hush wilderness

7. You are going. I'm sleeping. keep quiet.

8. Jump. wide open married unbearable

Task No. 2. Rewrite, inserting missing letters where necessary.

1. Wide open. the gate is heavy (Bl.). 2. Already how many times have they told the world that flattery is vile, harmful, but it’s not for the future (Wing.). 3. You completely. you're leaving, stranger (Adv.). 4. Jump downhill. but how to climb a mountain - at least cry (Episode). 5. The officer hit Ostap with a backhand. with a whip across the face (Paust.). 6. To the horizon, to the very edge, gray, gray-green, solid. June rye walks, playing in steep shafts (V. Bok.). 7. Some animal jumped out of the thicket in one jump and lay down, playing, on its back. on the sand (L.). 8. We walked along the road, all the way. covered with last year's brown leaves (Cupr.). 9. No matter how often the young woman was unbearable. the grass was falling under the scythe, the rye was burning under the sickle (N.).

Soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants

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In this lesson you will learn the rule for spelling a soft sign at the end of nouns in the initial form after sibilant letters. Remember what work a soft sign does. You will be able to practice using the soft sign

In ancient times, some nouns had b at the end after the hissing letters, while other nouns ended in b. Then b disappeared, but b remained.

In this lesson you will learn Which nouns have a soft sign written at the end after the sibilant letters.

We observe nouns with hissing letters at the end:

Grandfather had a wonderful pencil. He could paint a moonlit night and Sunbeam, golden rye and delicate white lily of the valley. Wonderful thing! (According to M. Ilyin)

The nouns from these sentences were written in two columns. What unites the words in each column?

These are the nouns in initial form(form I.p., singular), ending in hissing letters [ch', sh, sh'].

What makes them different from the words in the other column?

In the first column of the words female, and in the second - male.

Let's find out what work b does after the letters of sibilant consonants at the end of nouns in the initial form:

In Russian, b often does not at all indicate the softness of consonant sounds. Sometimes he just indicates the form of the word.

This work is performed by b at the end of nouns in the initial form after the letters of sibilant consonants. He reports: This is a feminine noun.

After the hissing letters at the end of nouns, ь is written only in feminine words. In masculine words, b is not written.

[h', w', w]

Nouns in the initial form with sibilants always have a spelling, because we choose whether to write b or not.

Let's discuss the method of action:

How should I proceed?

1. When you hear a hiss at the end of a word, find out the part of speech.

2. If this is a noun in the initial form, determine the gender

3. If a feminine word is written - b, a masculine word - b is not written.

If you don't know the gender of a noun, consult a dictionary.

hoop? – he, m.r., b is not written – hoop

bream? – he, m.r., b is not written – le

help? – she, zh.r., at the end b – help

comrade? – he, m.r., b is not written – comrade

small thing? – she, zh.r., at the end b – chalk

bitter? – she, zh.r., at the end of b – grief

Bream is a freshwater fish with a flat body.

We determine which words are written as transcription:

What words are transcribed?

What spelling pattern do you know at the end of words?

[dro sh] [str’i sh] [bro sh] [pl’a sh] [rόskash]

Spelling paired according to deafness-voicing consonant.

[dro sh] – drot, dro, she, zh.r.

[str’i sh] – no stri, stri, he, m.r.

[bro sh] – brochka, bro, she, f.r.

[pl’a sh] – no beach, beach, he, m.r.

[rόskash] – (what?) luxurious, luxurious – she, zh.r., at the end,

o – letter of an unstressed vowel, w – letter of a paired consonant

We find words with spelling in poetic lines:

Determine which words have the spelling b after the sibilant letters in nouns.

The old rook fell asleep in the nest.

His rook is sleeping...

Listen, how everywhere

Nice and quiet.(E. Serova)

Who harms trees?

The bark beetle is sharpening the tree.

I heard the trees crying

He arrived at dawn

And tapped on the bark.(A. Chasovnikov)

gra - he, m.r., b is not written

pla – he, m.r., b is not written

vra – he, m.r., b is not written

I dreamed of the wilds again,

The wilderness of the desert, the silence of sunset.

A yellow lion stalks a zebra

Through grass and reeds.(V. Bryusov)

Russian speech is like music to me:

In it the word sounds, sings,

She breathes the Russian soul

Its creator, people. (N. Brown)

glu – she, zh.r., at the end of b

ti – she, zh.r., at the end of b

kama – he, m.r., b is not written

re - she, zh.r., at the end of b

In which fairy tale words do you need to put a soft sign after the sibilant letter?

In which fairy tale words do you need (according to the rules of Russian spelling) to put a soft sign after the hissing letter?

Pyashlya kuzh... Stormy pupolosh... Meowaya duch...

Pyashlaya (what?) Kuzh (she, zh.r., at the end b).

Stormy (what?) Pupolosh (he, m.r., b is not spelled).

Meow (what?) Duch (she, zh.r., at the end of b).

We recognize words by interpreting their meanings:

1. A man playing the violin is...

2. An uninhabited, uncultivated piece of land -...

3. Influence, respect enjoyed by someone or something - ...

4. Thick opaque watercolor paint -...

5. The number of copies of a book, newspaper or magazine published - ...

6. An ancient copper half-kopeck coin -...

1. violinist (he, m.b.)

2. empty (she, female)

3. presti (he, m.b.)

4. gua (she, female)

5. shooting gallery (he, m.r.)

6. gro (he, m.r.)

Big guy - [crepes sh], crepes, letter of the paired consonant sh,

strong, he, m.r., without b.

Strength – [mo sh’], mo –ona, zh.r., at the end of b.

Young people - [molode w], no molode, letter of the paired consonant w,

young people - she, zh.r., at the end of b.

Call – [kli h’], he, m.r., kli, without b.

Nonsense, stupidity - [chu sh], no chu, letter of the paired consonant sh,

chu - she, zh.r., at the end of b.

Spring – [key h’], he, m.r., key, without b.

Solving spelling problems:

Remember the fairy tales of A. Pushkin and complete the nouns with the letters of hissing consonants at the end.

You,..., are my savior, my mighty deliverer.

And a groom was found for her,... Elisha.

My golden cockerel will be faithful...yours.

A fairy tale... but there is a hint in it!

You, princess [h’], are my savior, my mighty deliverer.

And a groom was found for her, Queen Elisha.

My golden cockerel will be faithful to your side.

The tale is lo [sh], but there is a hint in it!

tsarevi - he, m.r., b is not written

queens - m.r., b is not written

storo - m.r., b is not written, no storo, letter of the paired consonant w

lo - she, zh.r., at the end b, no l, letter of the paired consonant z

Guess the riddles and write down the answers correctly.

I'm glad even for a bread crumb,

Because before dark

She is hiding in a hole.

2. In winter it eats firewood and sleeps in summer.

We are she, f.r., at the end of b

Pe – she, zh.r., at the end of b

An interesting spelling task: how to write a word, with or without b?

Let's look in the dictionary.

Touche - a short solemn musical greeting.

Tu - he, m.r., b is not written.

Mascara is a permanent paint for drawing, drawing, writing, cosmetic paint (mascara).

Tu - she, zh.r, at the end of b.

Let’s remember what kind of work a soft sign does:

Solve spelling problems. Write words with b in three columns:

denotes softness, helps indicate the sound [th’], indicates shape.

Beyond the river the forest begins. Is there game in it?

Look into the syn? its lakes, cross the top, go around the sharp branches. How do Solov sing?

Build a hut?, light a fire?, fire? bread on rods. Listen to how sleepy trees creak, how an owl flies to hunt?

Di - she, zh.r., at the end of b, indicates the form of the word.

Sin – ь denotes the softness of a consonant.

Top - ь denotes the softness of the consonant.

Su – helps to indicate the sound [th’]. Solo – helps to indicate the sound [th’]. Shala - he, m.r., b is not written.

Fire - ь indicates the softness of the consonant.

Fire – ь indicates the softness of the consonant.

Na prukh – helps to indicate the sound [th’]. Dere – helps to designate the sound [th’]. Sy - he, m.r., b is not written.

The owl is a nocturnal bird of the order of owls.

denotes softness helps denote the sound [th’] indicates shape

blue bitch game

fire on the bars


In the lesson, you learned that nouns in the initial form with sibilants at the end always have a spelling, because we choose whether to write b or not.

After the hissing letters at the end of nouns, b is written only in feminine words. In masculine words, b is not written.


  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks In Russian. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in Russian for grade 3: in 2 parts. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks In Russian. – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympic tasks in Russian. 3–4 grades. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


    Read the riddle. Write down the answer. Prove the correct spelling of words with sibilant letters at the end.

Reeds grow by the river.

A baby lives in the reeds.

He has green skin

And with a green face. (P. Sinyavsky)

  • Read the words and say how they are all similar. Orally divide them into two groups. Point them above the words hallmark and solve a spelling problem.
    Midnight?, thing?, cloak?, help?, knife?, floor?, dry?, ruff?
  • Solve spelling problems in nouns. To do this, indicate the gender in brackets. Choose appropriate adjectives for the nouns, connect the words and add the endings; solve other spelling problems.
    1. Internet portal Rus.1september.ru (Source).
    2. Internet portal School-collection.edu.ru (Source).
    3. Internet portal Therules.ru (Source).
    4. Internet portal Oldskola1.narod.ru (Source).

    b after sibilants in verbs, at the end of nouns and adverbs!

    In this article we will look in detail at when it is written after sibilants in verbs, nouns and adverbs. Also on clear examples we'll show you typical mistakes writing soft sign after hissing ones.

    There are only 4 hissing letters in the Russian language. These are the letters Ш, Ж, Ш and Ш. The main cases concerning the writing of b after sibilants are the writing of a soft sign after sibilants in a verb, at the end of nouns and adverbs. Let's look at each case separately.

    When is b written after sibilants in a verb?

    “We ALWAYS write a soft sign after hissing verbs!”

    Textbooks most often list that “b” is written if the verb is in the infinitive (answers the question, what to do? or what to do?), in the second person singular (combined with the pronoun you) or in the imperative mood (indicates for action).
    It is not necessary to remember all this, since in all other forms there are no hissing words at the end.
    Let's look at examples.
    Infinitives: attract, burn, lie down.
    Second person, singular: write, love, breathe.
    Imperative form: cut, spread, eat!

    By the way, a soft sign can appear not only at the end of verbs. When adding -sya and -those after hissing letter"b" is retained. For example: cut, spread, fall in love.

    The most popular mistake with a soft sign in verbs is writing it between -t and -sya in different faces. If we write " to shave"(what to do? with a soft sign), then " shaves"(what does it do?) we will write without b. The rule is simple: “ If the question has a “b” at the end, then we also write a soft sign between –t and –xia.“We remember that the letter T is not a hissing letter, so this rule is not entirely on the topic of the article.
    We looked at verbs. Let's move on to nouns!

    Soft sign after sibilants at the end of nouns

    The rule is quite simple:

    “b is written after hissing nouns at the end ONLY if the noun is feminine singular!”

    In all other cases, b is NOT written after hissing nouns at the end.

    Let's look at examples.
    With a soft sign after hissing ones:
    Rye, night, lie, thing, daughter.
    “The queen gave birth that night to either a son or a daughter.” A.S. Pushkin.
    The feminine singular can be determined by substituting the pronoun “my”.
    My daughter, my lie, my whim.

    Without soft sign:
    Doctor, knife, many clouds, many pears, brick, roll, scarecrow, Alexander Sergeevich.

    As we see, the soft sign is not written after masculine singular nouns, in plural nouns, at the end male middle names.
    It is easier to remember when a soft sign is written in nouns than when it is not written :)

    Soft sign after hissing adverbs at the end

    Everything here is also quite simple:

    “b is ALWAYS written after hissing adverbs at the end, with the exception of the adverbs: already, married, unbearable.”

    Examples: away, completely, backhand, just, gallop, wide open, backwards, exactly the same.

    It is very important to understand what an adverb is because common mistake: writing a soft sign after sibilants in short adjectives.
    Good, handsome, hot, powerful, smelly, etc. are written without a soft sign.

    How to distinguish a short adjective from an adverb?
    The adverb answers the questions: Where? When? Where? Where? Why? For what? …and most often: How?
    An adverb denotes a sign of action, that is, refers to a verb. He walked away. He refused outright. He repeated it exactly.

    A short adjective answers the question: What? And denotes the attribute of an object. That is, to refer to a noun. The house is good. The shower is hot. Wind, wind, you are powerful...

    In addition to verbs, nouns, adverbs and short adjectives, b after sibilants is found in particles and pronouns. In them, most people write the soft sign intuitively correctly and remembering these cases, in our opinion, is not so important.
    However, for reference:
    In particles with hissing endings, the soft sign is always written. These are particles: look, just, look, see.
    Examples of using particles in sentences:
    I mean, that's how it is. Look what I found. It's just thunder.

    There are only two pronouns: OUR and YOURS. In them SOFT SIGN IS NOT WRITTEN.

    Here, in fact, are all the main cases of using b after sibilants.
    To reinforce this, we also present to your attention a diagram that combines everything that has been said above regarding writing a soft sign after hissing ones.

    If you have any questions about when it is written after sibilants in nouns, verbs, adverbs or other parts of speech, be sure to write them in the comments.

    Internet project BeginnerSchool.ru

    Website for children and their parents

    Soft sign after sibilants in nouns

    Let's look at the drawing. Why are these nouns distributed in different columns?

    Please note that in the second column, nouns have a soft sign at the end after sibilants, while in the first there is no soft sign. Why?

    In the first column all nouns are masculine, and in the second - feminine.

    Soft sign after sizzling is written at the end of nouns feminine singular. This is a spelling.

    So, let's determine whether it is necessary to write a soft sign at the end of the following nouns:

    Trembling(?) (what?) n. w.r. – shiver

    brooch(?) (what?) n. w.r. – brooch

    rich man(?) (who?) n. m.r. – rich

    knife(?) (what?) n. m.r. – knife

    youth(?) (who?) n. and. R. – the youth

    At the end of nouns male after sizzling soft sign not written.

    The soft mark after sibilants at the end of some nouns can help identify the gender of that noun.

    Mascara(f.r.) for writing

    Thank you for being with us.

    1. Soft sign In this article we'll talk about a soft sign. For what.
    2. Declension of adjectives Today we will talk about declension of adjectives. For those, who.
    3. Declension of nouns Changing a word by numbers and cases is called declension. In this one.
    4. Plural of nouns We continue to study nouns and the topic of this article is nouns.
    5. Spelling unstressed case endings nouns of 3 declensions Let's continue the topic of declension of nouns. In previous articles we discussed.

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    Soft sign at the end of feminine nouns

    Spelling. Total dictation 2014

    "After and, w, h, sch letter b written according to tradition in the following grammatical forms:

    a) at the end of the forms. p.un. including nouns (feminine) gender of the 3rd declension, for example: rye, whim, mouse, falsehood, night, trifle , thing, help;

    b) at the end of the 2nd person unit. including verbs of present and future tense (after w), e.g.: you're carrying, laugh, you see, give it, rushing;

    c) in the forms of the imperative mood of verbs, for example: ointment, eat, hide, cut, comfort yourself, hide, don't wince;

    After the hissing ones. We will set out for you the rules that say when you should not do this and when it is strictly necessary to do it.

    These rules are based on what part of speech we are talking about, in what declension and in what part of the word.

    Soft sign after hissing ones - setting rule

    We put a soft sign:

    1. The soft sign after sibilants must be written in feminine nouns if they are singular in the nominative and

    Example words: night, gap, daughter, lie, thing, baldness.

    Example in a sentence: The queen gave birth that night to either a son or a daughter.

    2. In verbs of the second person in the singular, subject to the present or future tense on endings after sibilants.

    Example in a word: you will, you will become, you will cook, you will remember, you will believe, you will do.

    Examples in sentences: If you know, if you believe, then you will be with me and will not soon stop loving me.

    - xia, the soft sign is preserved. Example: you return, you strain, you intend.

    3. In singular verbs, in endings after sibilants.

    Example in a word: Cut! Eat it! Hide it!

    Addition: If you add an ending to these verbs - xia, the soft sign is preserved. Hide! Don't be foolish!

    Examples in sentences: Vadik, don’t fool around and hide!

    4. In verbs that are in the imperative mood before endings - those, - those.

    Example: smear - smear - smear.

    Example in a sentence: Children! Do not Cry!

    5. In verbs unknown person, including before the end -xia.

    Example words: oven - bake, lie down - lie down.

    Example in a sentence: These rivers take a long time to flow.

    6. In adverbs it is necessary to enter a soft sign after the hissing ones at the end of the word.

    Example: All at once, at a gallop, backhand, wide open.

    Example in a sentence: He let his horse gallop, and backhanded the air with his sword.

    Exceptions: I can’t bear to get married.

    7. In particles with hissing endings: I mean, you see, you see, only.

    Example words: I mean, just.

    In a sentence: What a hooligan!

    Why is it sometimes that a soft sign is not written after a hissing character?

    No need to write:

    1. In nominative case nouns.

    Example: rook, kalach, stag, bream, knife.

    Offer: A swift flew up to our window.

    2. In nouns that are in the plural and genitive case.

    Example: clouds, steep, shoulders, Grisha, between, puddles.

    Example sentences: Unfortunately, no pears were served for breakfast today.

    3. In short form.

    Example: powerful, hot, good, volatile, melodious, handsome.

    Offer: He was both good-hearted and handsome...

    4. In pronouns with a sibilant at the end.

    Examples: yours, ours.

    Considering the above, the spelling of a soft sign after a sibilant differs depending on many factors - part of speech, declension, number, as well as the presence of exceptions to the rules.

    Teachers junior classes Give their students rhyming versions of the rules - for easier memorization.

    Rules in verse!

    Nouns "many"

    Nouns "my" -

    We are not putting up any sign!

    In verbs and adverbs

    The sign is always written

    And in short adjectives

    We never write!

    Spelling a soft sign at the end of words after sibilants
    In Russian, sibilants at the end of words (Zh, Sh, Shch and Ch) are possible in six parts of speech:

    in adjectives (HOT),
    in verbs (WRITE),
    in adverbs (WIDE),
    pronouns (OUR),
    particles (ONLY).

    Each of these parts of speech for the use of a soft sign has its own special rule.

    1. If we have a noun in front of us, then a soft sign is placed after the sibilants only when the word belongs to the III declension (NIGHT). Nouns of the 1st and 2nd declension with a sibilant at the end are written without a soft sign (MANY CLOUDS, BRICK). Don’t forget that patronymics and surnames ending in -ICH are nouns of the second declension and are written without a soft sign. For example: SERGEEVICH, RYURIKOVICH, VOYNOVICH.
    2. If the word answers the question WHAT? and is short adjective, then after the hissing at the end a soft sign is not needed (HOT, MIGHTY).
    3. Verbs with a sibilant at the end are always written with a soft sign. For example: LOOK or LOOK (in the form of the second person singular of the present or future tense), CUT (in the imperative mood), BURN (in indefinite form). Please note that in verbs the soft sign may appear after the sibilant and not at the very end of the word, but before the postfixes -СЯ or -TE, for example: BATHING, HIDE.
    4. At the end of adverbs after hissing ones, a soft sign is always written (WIDE, JUMP, AWAY), except for exceptions: UZH, MARRIED, UNBEARABLE.
    5. Pronouns with sibilants at the end are written without a soft sign, for example: OUR, YOURS.
    6. The particles ISH, ONLY, Bish are always written with a soft sign.

    We already knew this and did not stop him from managing things in his own way; but between us was an officer who had recently been transferred to us. (“Shot”, A. S. Pushkin)

    Petrovich had a skein of silk and thread hanging around his neck, and on his knees was some kind of rag. (“The Overcoat”, N.V. Gogol)

    This is exactly how they first took and suspected these, what's their... Kokh and Pestryakov. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

    Finally, the poor guy became, in some way, unbearable, and decided to get through by storm at all costs, you know. (" Dead Souls", N.V. Gogol)

    This expression said that she decided to endure her misfortune without complaining, and that her husband was a cross sent to her from God. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

    The sun was just beginning to rise from behind the clouds; the air was fresh and dewy. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

    And just think about what and who - what insignificance can be the cause of people’s misfortune! (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

    He knew that this story contributed to the glorification of our weapons, and therefore he had to pretend that he did not doubt it. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

    As soon as he began to say something that did not satisfy the purpose of the accusation, they took a groove, and the water could flow wherever it wanted. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

    They say that his mother was very pretty, and it seems strange to me why she married so unsuccessfully, to such an insignificant person... (“Poor people”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

    I told him... Don't cry for me: I will try to be both courageous and honest all my life, even though I am a murderer. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

    The whole battle consisted only in what the Cossacks of Orlov-Denisov did; the rest of the troops lost several hundred people in vain. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

    It will fall on its own when it is ripe, and if you pick it green, you will ruin the apple and the tree, and you will set your teeth on edge. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

    Nikolai, in two words, bought for six thousand_seventeen stallions for selection (as he said) for the horse-drawn end of his repairs. (“War and Peace”, L. N. Tolstoy)

    On the other side of the fence, the old man was whittling a hoop and did not see Levin. (“Anna Karenina”, L.N. Tolstoy)

    Nothing could come out now except falsehood and lies; and falsehood and lies were disgusting to his nature. (“Anna Karenina”, L.N. Tolstoy)

    No one declared war, but people sympathize with the suffering of their neighbors and want to help them, said Sergei Ivanovich. (“Anna Karenina”, L.N. Tolstoy)

    And in Moscow, where every meeting is a knife in her heart, she lives for six months, waiting for a decision every day. (“Anna Karenina”, L.N. Tolstoy)

    Night fell - the mother blessed her daughter and wished her a gentle sleep, but this time her wish was not fulfilled; Lisa slept very poorly. (" Poor Lisa", N. M. Karamzin)

    But sometimes - although very rarely - a golden ray of hope, a ray of consolation illuminated the darkness of her sorrow. (“Poor Liza”, N. M. Karamzin)

    And there is one key there, three times larger than all of them, with a jagged beard, of course, not from the chest of drawers. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

    “Don’t worry, I won’t give it to you,” the mustache said decisively and went after them. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

    But as I leave, I dare say that in the future I hope to be spared such meetings and, so to speak, compromises. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

    The cry of poor, consumptive, lonely Katerina Ivanovna seemed to produce strong effect to the public. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

    Her pale yellow, withered face was thrown back, her mouth opened, her legs stretched out convulsively. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

    Ditch_! - Luzhin screamed, enraged to the point of rage, - you are all wild, sir. (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

    Marfa Terentyevna did not let up, but pestered the mayor more and more: take out Bonaparte, and in the end he will become exhausted. (“The History of a City”, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

    Whatever fires out of a gun will shoot right through your heart, whatever you wave with a saber will take your head off your shoulders. (“The History of a City”, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

    He made numerous campaigns against debtors and was so eager for spectacle that he would flog anyone without himself.
    didn't trust. (“The History of a City”, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

    "Enough! - he said decisively and solemnly, “other mirages, other feigned fears, other ghosts!..” (“Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky)

    I thought that the sky would collapse, the earth would open up under my feet, that a tornado would fly from somewhere and swallow everything, everything at once... (“The History of a City”, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

    He bargained with them for a long time, asking for altyn and money for the search, but the bunglers gave a penny and their bellies in addition. (“The History of a City”, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

    The exercise was prepared by N. Solovyova and B. A. Panov (“League of Schools”).