Windsor where. Windsor Castle is one of the most beautiful castles in the world

The ship under the loud name “Rattling” is a Project 20385 corvette, which was preparing to be laid down in February 2012. In parallel, the development of an analogue of the “Agile” was carried out. The process began at the location in St. Petersburg. Attended the ceremony high ranks Russian armed forces. This project is directly focused on the construction of military vessels, the arsenal of which includes the most modern offensive and defensive weapons.

Development and construction

The project 20385 corvette is an improved version of a similar design under the designation 20380, with the introduction of fundamentally new technological and design solutions. in St. Petersburg signed a contract to create four ships of this category, two of which are already ready. In parallel, work is being carried out in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. New ships must become as reliable as possible in terms of attack, including the use the latest tools air defense.

The corvette of Project 20385 (“Thundering”) was developed by the Almaz design bureau. Predicted home port of the ships after completion - Northern Fleet. The project under consideration is significantly more advanced than its predecessor. This is especially true for tactical and technical parameters, weapons, combat and maneuvering capabilities. In theory, manufacturers plan to build ten similar corvettes for the Russian Navy. This will make it possible to significantly increase defense capability in terms of protecting the maritime border. It is worth noting that composite materials are used in the production of ships, and the cost of their production and delivery was at least half a million rubles.

Features and usage

20385 is a project of a new generation corvette intended for multi-purpose use. Its main task is to detect and destroy enemy surface ships or submarines. The combat vessel also serves for landing troops, protecting the coastal zone, and escorting other ships.

In addition to artillery and missile weapons, there are radar and sonar systems on board. The installation of a hangar for the Ka-27 helicopter expands the capabilities of the warship. This significantly increases the combat effectiveness of the vessel, allowing timely detection of enemy targets. Additional protection against detection of the Project 20385 corvette is the use of special technologies in the design that minimize their radar detection. Reliability and maneuverability in any conditions are guaranteed by composite components from FSUE Prometey, which have proven their importance in previous similar developments.

Technical indicators

Below are the characteristics of the Project 20385 corvette:

  • Length/width of the ship - 104/13 m.
  • The displacement is 2200 tons.
  • Speed ​​threshold - 27 knots.
  • The vessel's autonomy indicator is 15 days.
  • The distance covered is 5600 km.
  • Power units - diesel engines 1DDA-12000.
  • The number of crew members is 99 people.

The artillery weapons on board are represented by the A-190-01 installation (100 mm caliber). There is a universal missile system "Caliber", machine guns, anti-aircraft guns of the "Redut" type, acoustic and radar bases, anti-submarine weapons "Package" and reinforcement in the form of a Ka-27 helicopter.

Hull and superstructure

The Gremyashchiy corvette is the lead ship in the newest project 20385. Its hull is predominantly made of steel and has a smooth deck. Innovative design solutions have improved resistance to oncoming water by 25 percent and reduced loads on the main electrical installation.

The new design of the underwater part of the hull allows the use of a power plant with less weight, and this frees up the displacement parameter by about 20 percent. Due to this combat equipment the ship can be significantly strengthened. An additional advantage is the increase in speed by two knots.

The superstructure of the swimming combat vehicle is made of non-flammable composite components. They include fiberglass and carbon fiber-based polymers. This system makes it possible to achieve a small detection radius by location stations and systems. The stern is equipped with a special hangar and platform for the placement and take-off of the Ka-27 helicopter. Its fuel reserve is about 20 tons. Project 20380 and Project 20385 corvettes are strikingly different in equipment and armament in favor of the latter option.

Power plant

Previously, the main power unit was supposed to be German MTU type engines. Subsequently, following countermeasures for import substitution, it was decided to use domestically produced engines. The order was sent to specialists from JSC Zvezda and the Kolomna plant. As a result, the Project 20385 corvette was equipped with a pair of DDA-1200 diesel units.

Each unit includes two motors and a reversible gearbox. They have an automatic control system and microprocessors. The characteristics of the power plants are given below:

  • Working life - at least 15 thousand engine hours.
  • The average cruising range, taking into account a speed of 14 knots, is 4,000 nautical miles.
  • The material of the piston base is heat-resistant steel type EI-415.
  • The basis of the power units is AK-6 aluminum alloy.
  • The power rating of each generator is 630 kW.
  • Current requirement - 50 Hz (380 watts).

These installations make it possible to provide high percent power with a minimum of fuel and oil consumption, while reducing the hydroacoustic visibility of the ship.

Ship radio equipment

The project 20385 corvette "Gremyashchiy" has the following radio equipment:

  • System "Sigma" (BIUS).
  • Automatic communication unit "Ruberoid".
  • Targeting complex "Monument".
  • General detection station "Furke-2".
  • OGAS node "Anapa-M".

These devices make it possible to reduce the probability of detecting a vessel by three times and operate in a mode from 64 to 2000 MHz. They are able to identify over two hundred intended targets, and also resist enemy missile systems, providing protection for the ship. This is facilitated by four launchers for neutralizing interference of the “Bold” type. Coordination actions to control the helicopter are carried out using a special navigation tower OSP-20380.


The vessels in question are equipped with several types of weapons. Among them:

  1. A pair of combat anti-ship installations with four launch systems and 8 missiles. The launch containers are located in the middle part of the body (longitudinally along the diameter of the platform). The maximum target engagement range is 260 km.
  2. Anti-aircraft weapons, which consist of the Redut system with three modular installations, the Igla mobile complex, thirty-millimeter guns with six barrels (mounted on the stern).
  3. Complex "Rubezh".
  4. A pair of 330 mm caliber guns against torpedoes (Packet-N system).
  5. 100-mm artillery mount A-190. Its rate of fire is about 80 launches per minute. The Puma control system allows you to control aiming and shooting itself.
  6. Anti-submarine helicopter Ka-27.

The Project 20385 corvette, the photo of which is shown below, can launch projectiles aimed at hitting not only enemy submarines and surface vessels, but also oncoming torpedoes.

Seaworthiness parameters

The ship in question has increased seaworthiness compared to its analogues and predecessors. In this case, the load on vibrations during lateral motion does not matter. This opportunity gives the right to freely use all ammunition even in sea conditions of up to 5 points.

Constructors Special attention paid attention to the survivability of the ship. The developers used Newest technologies and composite materials. This made it possible to significantly reduce the radar signature of the ship. The Gremyashchiy corvette of Russian corvette project 20385 is the first of its kind to be equipped with polymer materials with high absorption of radio pulses and non-standard architectural design.

As a result, the detection and circular dispersion factor decreased by almost three times (compared to analogues). Additional protection is provided by complexes aimed at blocking enemy attack weapons.

What modifications were developed?

According to the initial plan, it was planned to develop and build four main corvettes of Project 20385. “Gremyashchiy,” the photo of which is presented above, became the flagship and a single vessel, the construction of which continued in this direction. In addition, the following modifications were designed:

  1. Border patrol corvette (20380P).
  2. Export version equipped with minimal weapons. It was supposed to have the option of changing ammunition to foreign analogues.
  3. "Prompt". He purposefully prepared for Black Sea Fleet, had improved equipment and weapons.
  4. An upgraded version with the ability to mount the Horizon combat mount.

The names of the ships are no less sonorous: “Zealous” and “Strict”.

Project 20385 corvette “Agile”

This vessel is assigned serial number 1006. It is the second hull of the project under consideration. The laying of the series also took place at the Northern Shipyard of the shipbuilding plant in St. Petersburg.

The event was attended by Admiral Vysotsky, fleet commanders of all levels, as well as other high-ranking officials and honored guests. The development of this project began in the spring of 2013. The Provorny differs from previous models in its large displacement (2200 tons) and dimensions. The length of the ship is 105 meters, and the beam and draft are 13 and 8 meters, respectively. The equipment in the weapons is also an order of magnitude different from its predecessors, thanks to the possibility of installing the Caliber-NK systems, Redut and Package complexes. It is planned to be based on the deck of a Ka-27PL helicopter.


A very important difference between the ship in question is the presence of an optocoupler-type mast, which serves to control radar devices and increases the ability to detect enemy targets, and also helps to strengthen the combat caravan, guaranteeing the escort and identification of ships and aircraft. A significant role in this is played by the radar and control unit of the Puma type.

Judging by the commentary of the leading engineer of the Almaz central design bureau, K. Golubev, development in terms of new naval ship construction is also being carried out according to an improved program under the index 20386. The project is focused on the maximum provision of domestic weapons, although the details of the construction still remain secret.

As stated by Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Yu. Borisov, by 2020 it is planned to produce at least 16 corvettes of the class in question. The main production facilities are concentrated at the shipyard in St. Petersburg and the Amur Shipbuilding Plant.

Experts think that the main problem in building such ships is compatibility. the latest weapons in large quantities and the cost of the final version. Designers continue to work to bring this figure to the optimal level.

Bottom line

The Project 20385 corvette, the characteristics of which are given above, has the most modern weapons and a multifunctional focus. As part of this event, the construction of only one of the representatives (“Thundering”) continues. The remaining vessels are being developed according to an updated design. This is due to the rise in cost of the ship, which is not always justified by the presence of various types of heavy weapons. The developers, despite the delay in replacing foreign power plants with domestic analogues, say that all planned work is being carried out according to the planned schedule.

The tradition of calling patrol ships by adjectives is sometimes extremely apt. Steregushchiy, the first-born of Project 20380, is simply a class symbol, a patrol ship. “Boikiy”, which kindly accepted us on board, is already a serious bid for success, because it is the third in the series. After a dozen or two, the turn of the name “Reasonable” will come - after all, if the ship manages to become truly widespread, this will demonstrate in the best possible way that the bet on a new class of corvettes for Russia was made correctly.

The photo shows the second corvette of Project 20380, named “Savvy”. Behind the 100-mm artillery mount you can see the covers of the launch cells of the Redut anti-aircraft missile system.

The class of coastal patrol ships in the USSR is the same “holy place” that has been empty for decades. Why this happened is well explained by the history of the Project 12441 Novik-class ship. In 1991, project 12440 was approved, designed according to last word equipment: gas turbine power plant with two propulsion and two afterburning engines; hull and superstructures made using composite materials and taking into account the requirements of low radar signature (Stealth technology); the most modern and promising anti-aircraft gun at that time missile system"Polyment/Redoubt", a hangar for the permanent deployment of an anti-submarine helicopter.

In 1994, adjustments to the project caused by the collapse of the USSR were completed: many prospective suppliers suddenly found themselves in foreign countries. The project was modernized many times during construction. Its running characteristics and combat qualities improved, but along with them, the ship’s displacement also increased, which significantly exceeded what was originally indicated in the assignment. “Novik” has come close to the ships of the sea zone, capable of long-term patrols and escorting ships during sea crossings, but with excessive characteristics for combat operations off the coast. As a result, the most technically advanced ship in Russia was reclassified as a training ship and was not completed.

The photo shows the second corvette of Project 20380, named “Savvy”. Behind the 10-mm artillery mount you can see the covers of the launch cells of the Redut anti-aircraft missile system.

Similar story happened to the Neustrashimy, project 11540, which was developed in the 1970s. Conceived as a small anti-submarine ship with a displacement of 800 tons, in a matter of years it “grew up” to 1500, then to 2000, and in the version with a helicopter it reached 2500 tons and moved to the sea zone. The result is similar: only one Neustrashimy entered service in 1987.

Of course, the fast, well-protected and armed Novik could easily cope with any tasks in the coastal zone. Its critical drawback is the price. But to protect maritime borders and timely respond to local territorial conflicts, there must be a lot of patrol ships. Therefore, towards the end of the 1990s, a competition was announced to develop a lighter and cheaper patrol ship, which was won by the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau, the same one that designed Novik.

Project 20380 ships of the Steregushchiy type promise to become the main force of the Russian Navy in the coastal zone. And despite its lower cost compared to Novik, it is, without a doubt, one of the most innovative and technically advanced vehicles in the domestic fleet.

Welcome aboard!

The unified combat information and control system allows all commanders responsible for different types weapons, air, surface and underwater situational awareness, navigation and electronic warfare equipment work side by side in one room and instantly make and execute agreed decisions.
The post of ship commander is left side bridge. For the most part, it consists of screens on which the commander can display almost any information about the state of the ship’s systems and weapons, targets, situation, and navigation.
The helmsman's station consists of a navigation screen, a steering wheel and a power plant control panel (full speed, low speed, etc.). The ship can independently maintain a given course, but even on autopilot, a sailor is always on duty at the helm. By right hand From the helmsman you can see the handle of an autonomous communication device, which will make it possible to transmit a message to any post in the event of a power outage.
The watch officer's post allows you to simultaneously monitor the operation of all ship systems, from the state of the power plant to the supply of provisions. The watch officer has an advanced communications system at his disposal and can quickly contact any post on the ship.

Notable innovations include redesigned hull lines with hydrodynamic drag reduced by almost a quarter, and a helicopter hangar, the first to be placed on such a small ship. The most important breakthrough can be called the use of a single information system control of weapons and all electronic equipment of the vehicle.

Finally, the ship received a new class designation in full accordance with the times and international terminology. Now it is no longer a patrol ship, but a corvette.

Inconspicuous, streamlined

Compared to its predecessors, Project 20380 can already be called successful. We were lucky enough to board the Boykoy, the third ship of the project, moored at the Severnaya Verf shipyard in St. Petersburg. It is in the final stages of factory testing. The other two, Steregushchiy and Soobrazitelny, have already been adopted by the Russian Navy. Four more corvettes are laid down on the stocks of the Severnaya Verf and the Amur Shipyard, a total of 20 ships have been ordered, and perhaps this is not the limit.

"Boikiy" received a more advanced optical-electronic system for sighting and fire control of naval artillery "Sandal-V" than that of "Steregushchy". It includes a high-quality optical periscope and several cameras operating in both visible and infrared ranges. Among other things, the system makes it easier to maneuver in confined spaces, providing visibility of the ship from different angles.

The main components of the success of Project 20380 are a carefully designed housing design and a unified electronic automation system. These components determine the combat qualities, the composition of weapons, and the working conditions of the crew, as well as the reliability, maintainability and possibility of modernizing the vehicle. The contours of the ship's steel hull were designed from scratch and so successfully that hydrodynamic drag at full speed (27 knots or 50 km/h) was reduced by 25%. This made it possible to use a less powerful and lighter main propulsion unit (GPU), thereby freeing up more than 15% of the displacement to increase the combat load. Hence the array of various weapons, impressive for a 1,500-ton ship, and even a helipad, a hangar and a 20-ton fuel supply for the Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopter.

The corvette's improved seaworthiness allows its weapons to be used in seas up to force five (two points more than its previous counterparts). In addition, a less powerful power plant operates more quietly, helping to reduce the ship's visibility in the hydroacoustic range. To reduce the noise of engine mechanisms, technologies previously tested on submarines were used.

The power plant consists of two diesel-diesel units DDA12000, specially developed by OJSC Kolomensky Plant based on the proven D49 diesel engine with microprocessor control. Each unit consists of two 16-cylinder V-shaped diesel engines and a summing gearbox and drives a fixed-pitch propeller. The total power of the two-shaft power plant reaches 24,000 hp. Four diesel generators of 630 kW each provide power to the on-board network.

It is not for nothing that the Steregushchy is called invisible, although adherence to the principles of Stealth technology is an indispensable attribute of modern ships of this class. The ship's superstructure, width from side to side, is made of low-flammability radio-absorbing glass and carbon fiber plastics. Antenna posts and missile weapons are stored in the hull whenever possible. Four-pipe 330-mm torpedo tubes of the Package-NK anti-torpedo protection complex are hidden in the ports. In general, the ship's average circular effective scattering surface has been reduced by three times compared to previous analogues, due to which the probability of targeting anti-ship cruise missiles at it has been reduced from 0.5 to 0.1.

Shoulder to shoulder

The unified combat information and control system is perhaps the main innovation of Project 20380, which in one way or another affects the tactical characteristics of the ship, the life of the crew, the reliability of all technical means, and even the speed of modernization of weapons.

Hangar and runway for a helicopter on a compact corvette imebt crucial in terms of underwater lighting. Being invulnerable to submarines, the helicopter can freely use active sonar detection systems without fear of giving itself away, thereby instantly turning enemy boats into a precisely localized target. The rectangular windows on the sides of the hangar are optical instruments that determine the position of the helicopter during landing. Landing lights above the hangar provide pilot guidance for precise landings in adverse weather conditions.

"If before the system were scattered throughout the ship and all the work of coordinating them fell on the crew members, now the ball is ruled by an integrated bridge system in which the description is concentrated current state all ship systems, from mechanics to the use of weapons,” says Yuri Alexandrov, deputy chief builder of the Severnaya Verf plant.

In addition to the ship's controls, the integrated bridge system includes two components: a missile and anti-submarine weapons control section and a radar warfare and air, surface and underwater situation lighting section. The first section consists of three posts located side by side directly on the captain's bridge. Combat unit commanders (CU) work here. The first is responsible for anti-submarine warfare, the second is responsible for the anti-ship complex. Externally, their posts look the same: they are large screens on which information about targets and the state of combat systems is displayed. The same screens are available for the corvette commander, who can at any time request any information about the ship, and for the watch officer, who also has access to a variety of data - from diesel operating parameters to provisions.

The placement of weapons is given for the lead corvette of Project 20380 Steregushchy. The armament of subsequent ships in the series underwent significant changes. 1. 100-mm artillery mount A-190 “Universal”; 2. Combat module of the Kortik-M air defense system (on subsequent ships - 12 launch cells of the Redut air defense system); 3. Anti-ship missile system "Uran" (later to be replaced by "Onyx" or "Caliber"); 4. 30-mm six-barrel anti-aircraft guns AK-630M; 5. Latsport of the anti-torpedo protection complex “Packet-NK”; 6. Complex of projectile jammers PK-10; 7. Podkilnaya antenna; hydroacoustic complex "Zarya-2"; 8. Hydroacoustic target designation system of the anti-torpedo protection complex; 9. Navigation radar "Pal-N"; 10. Navigation radar MR 231−2; 11. Optical-electronic device MTK-201 M2.2; 12. Target designation radar antenna 5P-10 “Puma”; 13. “Monument-A” radar antenna in a radio-transparent casing; 14. Three-dimensional general detection radar “Furke-2”; 15. Lowered hydroacoustic station "Anapa-M"; 16. Stations of the electronic warfare complex TK-25−2; 17. Hangar for the Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopter; 18. Airstrip; 19. Extended towed hydroacoustic station “Minotaur-M”.

The tasks of the third warhead commander include coordinating all weapons systems and issuing recommendations to the ship commander on the use of weapons. It is important that the ship’s commander, the helmsman, the watch officer, and warhead commanders work in the same room and can quickly make coordinated decisions and carry them out.

The corvette has a system capable of coordinating the weapons and detection systems of multiple ships operating in a division. The plant’s employees prefer not to talk about the technical aspects of its work, noting, however, that with each new ship the system becomes more powerful. Its essence is that information on the air, surface and underwater situation, on detected targets and communications is concentrated in a single center and processed. Here the degree of danger of the targets is determined, a decision is made on the type of weapon used, after which the information is instantly sent to the ships, helicopters and aircraft included in the group for coordinated actions. The use of such a system is especially logical in combination with a helicopter, which, being invulnerable to submarines and using active sonar detection means, has undeniable advantages over ships in terms of illuminating the underwater situation.

For now, the division control system is a very weighty stationary equipment placed on a ship, but in the near future it will become portable: figuratively speaking, all tactical information will be concentrated in the admiral’s suitcase.

The section for radar warfare and illumination of air, surface and underwater conditions is located in the chart room, adjacent to the bridge. The target acquisition facilities are controlled by several officers. There is also a map server where the navigator uploads maps. maritime areas in accordance with the trip plan. Thanks to unified system control, these maps become available at all positions where it is needed - from the bridge to the helicopter hangar.

Maximum automation of all ship systems made it possible to significantly reduce the time required for decision-making, as well as to facilitate the work of the crew and reduce its number to 100 people.

Ready to upgrade

The presence of integrated information networks on a ship entails a number of additional advantages related to reliability, maintainability and speed of equipment modernization. According to Yuri Alexandrov, more than a thousand industrial and research enterprises scattered literally throughout Russia are involved in the construction of the corvette. When the next component arrives at the factory, the moment of truth comes: it must demonstrate perfect compatibility with all ship systems.

Compatibility problems are not uncommon in shipbuilding. Fortunately, thanks to modern electronic technology, many components are smaller and lighter than before. It became possible to return them to the manufacturer for modification or invite specialists to the plant with the necessary spare parts. A unified ship network, on the one hand, means a certain unification of communication protocols of various devices. Components are initially created specifically for them, so the likelihood of “rejection” becomes less. On the other hand, supplier companies can test their components in advance using computer simulators. For example, if a radar station is being tested, the computer can play the role of both the rest of the ship and its weapons, and the target that needs to be detected.

Finally, the ship's modular concept allows for the ability to install the latest weapons as they become operational. For example, if on the title ship of Project 20380 “Steregushchy” the anti-aircraft missile system “Kortik-M” was responsible for air defense, then on “Boikoy”, which was born third, its place was taken by the more modern and incomparably more powerful air defense system “Redut” . Three blocks of four cells (12 cells in total) can carry from 12 9M96E2 missiles with a launch range of 135 km and a strike height of up to 35 km to 48 9M100 self-defense missiles with a range of up to 12 km in various combinations. Man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems "Igla" (launched from the shoulder) and two stern six-barreled 30-mm will help Redoubt defend against an attack from the air. artillery installations AK-630M.

Serial and various

As befits a new project, the ship met a lot of criticism along the way. Perhaps the attacks on the insufficiently long cruising range are caused by the absence of the previous class of corvettes in service with the Russian Navy. Skeptics should admit that the tasks facing the fleet have changed, and today having several dozen corvettes is more relevant than several ocean-going destroyers. Discussions arose about the composition of the ship's armament, its security and survivability, however, these qualities are also difficult to consider in isolation from the tactical schemes characteristic of the corvette class.

Over several years of service on the Steregushchy, problems occurred twice in the main power plant, which served as a reason to compare the diesel-diesel unit with gas turbine engines, which are more reliable and lighter, but incomparably more expensive. At the time of publication of this material, Boykiy could have already been in service, if not for problems with the 100-mm Universal artillery mount, which refused to work normally not only on Project 20380, but also on the Russian-made Indian frigates Talwar , Trishul and Tabar.

However, the main advantage of Steregushchiy-class ships is flexibility. Diesels can be modified, the gun mount can be replaced, but the ships will not remain on the slipway and will not become unfinished. “Not a single ship repeats the previous one,” confirms Yuri Alexandrov. “Smart” differed in many ways from “Steregushchy”; “Boikiy” also looks a little different.” It is flexibility, availability, serial production and, in the future, mass production that indicate that Project 20380 is a great success for the Russian fleet.

Traditionally, the names of patrol ships are selected in the form of adjective parts of speech, which sometimes leads to very apt names. For example, “Guardian” was the first creation in Project 20380, the initial symbol in the class of patrol ships. “Boikiy” is already a more thorough and successful work of shipbuilders, which became the serial third on the list. Decades later, the time for the famous “Reasonable” is coming - because if the ship becomes truly mass-produced, this will be the best demonstration that the choice of direction for new classes of corvettes for the country was made correctly.

Patrol ships as a class in coastal areas from the time of Soviet Union, is exactly the same well-known, empty place for decades. Why this happened can be found out by reading the history of Novik, a Project 12441 ship.

So, in the early 1990s, project 12440 was approved, which was designed using the latest technologies of that time with:

  • Gas turbine power plant with two propulsion and two afterburning engines;
  • The hull and superstructure were made with the addition of composite materials, which gave low radar signature, meeting stealth technologies;
  • The most modern and promising anti-aircraft missile system at that time was “Polyment / Redut”, a hangar in which an anti-submarine helicopter was permanently based.

Later, three years later, adjustments to the project caused by the collapse of the Union were completed. Because of this, many prospective suppliers suddenly became foreign. The project had to be modernized several times during construction. We worked to improve the ship's running and combat parameters. At the same time, they worked on its displacement, and it significantly exceeded the initial characteristics of the task. “Novik” managed to come close to the classes of ships that are capable of long-term patrols and escorting ships, while still having excessive parameters for service in coastal waters.

As a result, with the most advanced Russian ship In technical terms, they acted as often happens: it was reclassified as a training facility, but was never completed. Something similar happened to another project 11540. It was Neustrashimy, which was developed in the 1970s. It was conceived as a small anti-submarine ship with a displacement of eight hundred tons, but over several years it increased to one and a half thousand, then to two thousand, and with a helicopter it reached two and a half tons, finding itself in the sea zone. As a result, Neustrashimy was launched only twenty years later.

Of course, it is not difficult for the fast, well-protected and armed Novik to cope with all sorts of tasks in coastal waters. Its critical drawback was the cost. Although when protecting maritime borders, as well as in order to respond in a timely manner to any local territorial conflict, it is necessary to take a closer look at patrol ships, there should be an optimal number of them.

As a result, at the very end of the nineties, a competition was announced to develop lighter and cheaper patrol ships. It was won by the Central Sea design bureau Almaz, which designed Novik.

Project 20380 ships of the “Steregushchy” type, and later “Boikiy” and “Stoikiy”, promised to be the backbone of the Russian Navy in coastal waters. Moreover, despite the great cheapness in relation to the Novik, it, without a doubt, has become the most innovative and technically advanced project in the domestic fleet.

Among the innovations, one can note the appearance of redesigned hull contours, and with them a decrease in hydrodynamic resistance, a helicopter hangar, for the first time placed on such a small ship. The most important breakthrough was achieved in the use of a unified information complex for the control of weapons and electrical equipment. At the same time, the ships received new class designations corresponding to the time and international terminology. These were no longer patrol boats, but corvettes.

Inconspicuous, streamlined - “invisible”

Compared to previous ones, Project 20380 is now called successful. Some journalists were even lucky to climb aboard the Boykiy, which stood at the factory berth of the Severnaya Verf shipyard when the final stage of factory testing was underway. Others, Steregushchiy and Soobrazitelny, are already in service with the Russian Navy. Several more corvettes, including the Stoiky, were laid down by the Severnaya Verf and the Amur Shipyard.

The main components of the success of Project 20380 were the carefully designed structures in the body, as well as a single electronic complex automation. This was mainly expressed in combat qualities, the composition of weapons, and comfort for the crew, as well as reliability, maintainability and the ability to modernize the vehicles.

They worked on the contours in the steel hull of the ship without having any experience in their development. However, everything went so well that they managed to reduce the hydrodynamic resistance by 25%. Thanks to this, a light main power plant was used, not such a powerful one. This entailed the release of more than 15% of the displacement and increased the combat load, as well as a solid list of various weapons for a 1,500-ton ship, including helipad. Moreover, there was a place for an anti-submarine helicopter " Ka-27", space for a hangar and twenty tons of fuel for a helicopter.

Improved seaworthiness of the corvette made it possible to use its weapons in seas of five points, which is two points more than its predecessors. In addition, a weaker power plant could operate more quietly, which reduced the visibility of the ship in hydroacoustic ranges. To reduce engine noise, techniques tested on submarines were used.

The main power plant consists of two diesel-diesel units, which were specially developed at the Kolomensky Plant, using the proven microprocessor-controlled D49 diesel engine as a basis. The power of the main power plant can reach up to 24,000 horsepower. With four diesel generators of 630 kW each, the on-board network is provided from each of them.

“Guardian” is not called “invisible” for nothing. During construction, the principles of stealth technologies were applied, which are an indispensable attribute in modern ships of such classes. The wide ship superstructure was made of low-flammability radio-absorbing glass-carbon fiber. The antenna posts with missile weapons were removed inside the hull. They did the right thing with the Package-NK, four-tube 330-mm torpedo tubes: they hid them in the ports. IN total the average circular effective scattering surface in the ship was reduced threefold when compared with its predecessors. Thanks to this, the probability of targeting and hitting it with anti-ship cruise missiles decreased from 0.5 to 0.1.

Hand in hand

The introduction of a unified combat information and control system can be called the main innovation in Project 20380, which influenced the tactical characteristics of ships, the crew’s accommodation, the reliability of all technical equipment, as well as the rapid modernization of weapons. Previously the systems were in different places ship, and all coordination was entrusted to the crew. This is now entrusted to the integrated bridge system, which controls all ship systems, from mechanical to weapons.

There are also a couple of components in the integrated bridge system:

  • Missile and anti-submarine warfare control section;
  • Section for control of radar warfare and illumination of air, surface and underwater conditions.

The first section has three posts located hand in hand right next to the captain's bridge. These are the places of work of warhead commanders. One is engaged in anti-submarine warfare, and the second is in charge of the anti-ship complex. Appearance their posts are almost the same. It consists of large screens that display information about targets and combat systems. The corvette commander and the watch officer have the same screens.

The third warhead commander coordinates all weapons systems, and also issues recommendations to the ship commander in cases of weapon use. An important aspect is the fact that the ship’s commander, the helmsman, the watch officer, as well as the warhead commanders are within the walls of the same room, and this contributes to the lightning-fast adoption of coordinated decisions and their immediate execution.

Corvettes are equipped with weapons coordination systems and multiple target detection systems. Technical aspects are almost unknown, but it is noted that each new system on a new ship becomes even stronger.

Its essence is that information about air, surface and underwater conditions, about detected targets and communications, is concentrated as a single center and is also processed. The system determines the dangerous level of the target and makes a decision on the type of weapon that needs to be used. Then this information is sent at lightning speed to nearby ships, helicopters and airplanes for the general coordination of further activities.

It would be logical to use such a system in interaction with helicopters, which are invulnerable to submarines, and the use active funds in hydroacoustic detection, it has undeniable advantages over ships in illuminating underwater conditions. The maximum automation of all ship systems led to a manifold reduction in the time required to make any decision, as well as facilitating the work of the crew and reducing its number to one hundred military personnel.

Corvettes are ready for upgrades

Integrated information networks on ships entail additional benefits associated with reliable, maintainable and high-speed equipment modernization. Industrial and research organizations from all over Russia were involved in the process of building corvettes, and there were thousands of them, but with modern electronic technologies many components have been reduced and lightened.

Modular ship concepts include possible installation the latest weapons as they become operational. In particular, if the title ship of Project 20380 “Steregushchy” was equipped with the Kortik-M anti-aircraft missile system, “Boikiy” acquired a more modern and more powerful “Redut”, and “Stoikiy” received even more advanced weapons.

Corvette "Staudy"

Corvette "Stoikiy" is the third production corvette in Project 20380, built for Baltic Fleet. This is already a fundamentally new ship for the Russian Navy, performance characteristics and whose combat properties are an order of magnitude superior to similar ships in their class.

The most important feature of the Corvette is that it is sharper, more multifunctional, flexible, compact, unobtrusive, with a high level of automated and integrated systems. The project provides significant potential for its further modernization. The project 20380 corvette with a displacement of more than two thousand tons, a length of one hundred meters and a width of thirteen meters reaches a speed of up to twenty-seven knots. The range of sea crossings that the ship can make has been increased to four thousand nautical miles. The ship is no longer as loud as its predecessors were.

The corvette is armed with a hundred-millimeter universal artillery system and an anti-aircraft missile and artillery system. In addition, it is armed with supersonic missiles and automatic artillery mounts. The air group of this ship, however, as in previous corvettes, included one Ka-27PL helicopter. The ship received strict appearance who answers everyone modern requirements Stealth technologies.

Serial, but different in their uniqueness, corvettes

As often happens with all new projects, the ships encountered a lot of criticism along their paths. Basically, the insufficient cruising range was criticized. However, this is still due to the fact that previously the class of corvettes itself was not in service with the Russian Navy. Skeptics should understand that the very list of tasks facing the Navy has changed significantly. Today, having dozens of corvettes at your disposal is much more important than having a small number of ocean-going destroyers.

Discussions often arose over the ship's weapons; security and survivability were raised in doubt. However, it is also difficult to pay attention to these qualities if you do not at least have general idea about those tactical schemes that characterize the actual classes of corvettes. Although the project itself is promising, it is not yet perfect.

In the first few years of service and combat activity on the Steregushchy, problems appeared twice with the main power plant. These emergencies became pretexts for comparing “diesel-diesel” with a gas turbine engine, which is more reliable and lighter, but incomparably more expensive.

Also, the corvette “Boiky” was unable to immediately enter service when problems were discovered in the 100-millimeter gun mount. “Universal” refused to operate under normal conditions, and not only on Project 20380 itself. The same fate befell the Indian frigate from the Russian manufacturer.

Be that as it may, the main advantage of all corvette-type ships is their flexibility. Diesel installations have the potential for modifications, artillery installations can be replaced, but the ships themselves will not remain on the stocks and will not turn into “unfinished construction”. According to the corvette developers, none of the ships will repeat the previous one. Actually, because of the flexibility, availability, serial production and, in the future, mass production of Russian-made corvettes, Project 20380 expects great success, just like everyone else Russian Naval Forces.

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On October 28, 2016, the first ship of Project 20386 was laid down at the Severnaya Verf Shipyard OJSC. The corvettes that are to be assembled within the framework of Project 20386 are the most promising of the entire line of Project 20380. Corvette “Daring” is the first ship from the 20386 series - is a modernized warship that took the best features from the 20380 and 20385 series corvettes.

It will differ in its displacement, different hull contours, changes in the composition of the ship's radio equipment and many other improvements.

The history of the appearance of project 20386.

The history of Project 20386 began with the emergence of more early project 20380. Corvettes of this series are completely new ships that are equipped with the most powerful Redut missile defense system. IN this system includes 9M96M missiles, as well as S-400 MANPADS, designed specifically for the fleet.

Project 20380 ships are currently part of the Baltic Fleet and are armed with one of the most powerful air defense systems. It is already very difficult to classify these warships as ordinary patrol ships, although formally they are in this class. Abroad, vessels of this type have long been classified as a separate class.

The next round of development of Project 20380 was the warships of Project 20385, which received even more powerful weapons, even compared to the corvettes of the previous project. If we compare ships in terms of combat power, then the corvettes of Project 20385 (and the corvettes of Project 20380 too) can be put on the same level as the powerful frigates of Project 11356. Despite such high combat power, the new corvettes have half the size and displacement.

Why did Project 20386 begin to develop according to a different scenario?

Although it would seem that designers should continue to increase the armament power of new corvettes, in fact, it is not advisable to do this. A number of factors speak against this:

  • Corvettes with powerful and expensive weapons are too expensive for the navy;
  • The construction of such ships is extremely delayed, which leads to their obsolescence even before their official release into series;
  • A construction with such powerful weapons automatically takes them out of class, since the tasks of a corvette in no way include the responsibility of being a floating air defense complex;
  • High price prevents mass production.
In addition to these, there are many more factors that stubbornly indicate that Russian designers have chosen a fundamentally wrong development path.

That is why it was decided to make the new Project 20386 corvettes cheaper by reducing the number of weapons. In addition, after reducing the number of weapons on board the corvette, the speed and maneuverability of the vessel increased significantly. Corvettes are not at all designed to cause powerful blows on the enemy. Their main tasks are the following functions:

  • Patrolling territorial waters;
  • Escort of transport and merchant ships;
  • Protection against attacks on the main fleet in quick response mode.
Moreover, Russian Navy There is an urgent need for ships of this particular class.

It was decided to make the new project to create a corvette as cheap as possible in order to increase the speed of their production. Although ideas have been repeatedly expressed that the “base” for creating should be used already ready-made ships previous projects, it was decided to design a new ship with " clean slate" According to the technical specifications, it should have a small displacement and carry on board fairly light but balanced weapons.

What will the corvette “Daring” be like?

The first ship of Project 20386, called “Daring”, is the corvette of the future. It represents a kind of intermediate class between patrol ship and a full-fledged frigate. As a result, although formally the ship “Daring” belongs to the class of corvettes, in its characteristics it is more similar to a full-fledged destroyer.

In accordance with the development plan, the first corvette of Project 20386 must fight not only in near waters, but also confront the enemy at the far reaches of Russian territorial waters. The designers of the new ship are faced with a truly difficult task - to create a universal combat unit that can replace warships of several classes at once. So, according to terms of reference, the corvette “Daring” must confidently cope with the following combat missions:

  • New ships must protect sea communications within a 200 mile zone;
  • Counteract the enemy, who is located both at close and long distances from the bases Russian fleet;
  • Provide with its air defense system the protection of fleet ships from sudden enemy air raids;
  • Search, find and destroy enemy submarines in the zone controlled by the corvette;
  • Provide cover for the attacking landing force, both through its air defense systems and conventional fire preparation.
Naturally, a ship with such a wide range of responsibilities should differ significantly from its predecessors. The designers tried to implement in Project 20386 a ship that can act as the main strike force and at the same time have the functions of a patrol vessel.

It turns out that the designers, having built in the potential of the new warship, are again stepping on the same rake. It is unlikely that such a project will be implemented in short time, especially since the cost will be quite high.

The leadership of the Russian Navy continues to adhere to its strange tactics, which is expressed in the construction of multifunctional ships produced in very limited quantities. If this option is acceptable for the construction of several huge aircraft carriers, then at least several dozen corvettes of the same series should be immediately produced. Working out every time new project, military industry simply does not have time to provide the Russian Navy required quantity modern warships.

Most large sea ​​powers They produce ships of this class in fairly large series (they did this in the USSR too). For example, the famous American destroyers Oliver Perry were produced in the amount of 71 warships. The Chinese do the same thing, last years spend a lot of money on defense industry. In China, over 10 years, more than 20 corvettes of type 056 were built, and their production is planned to be closed no earlier than 60-80 ships of this type are produced.

Despite all the disagreements, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in April 2014 signed a contract with the Almaz MPKB to carry out design work.

Design features of the new cruiser "Daring"

Since the new corvette “Daring” is a multifunctional combat ship, its design will have many non-standard solutions:

  • It is planned to use the latest gas turbine unit as a power plant, which will be partially powered by electricity. This is a whole complex consisting of two Russian gas turbine diesel engines, each of which will develop up to 27,500 l/s. In addition, each of these engines will be assisted by a specially designed electric motor that develops power up to 2,200 hp. IN automotive industry Such power plants have been in use for a long time. They are known as hybrid engines;
  • The superstructure of the new military corvette of the Russian Navy is planned to be made of durable polymer-composite materials of the new generation, which will significantly lighten the weight of the warship;
  • Fundamentally new cargo hatches will appear, which will be located in the surface parts of the sides. This will help the ship realize the full potential of the technology. Already now the ship is often called a “ghost corvette”;
  • The ship will receive completely new hydraulic systems, a new control system, life support and electrical equipment.
The corvette "Daring" received new hull lines, which allowed it to improve its seaworthiness. The ship turned out to be very stable. It does not “climb” the wave, but cuts it, so it can go out into the open sea with waves up to 5 points.

Armament of the first corvette of project 20386.

The armament of the corvette “Daring” significantly exceeds the potential of its foreign “colleagues”. For example, the American USS Montgomery, which is considered the newest ship of the same class, has a significantly weaker combat potential. If these two ships met one on one, then the chances of survival would be American ship it wouldn't be much.

The first corvette of Project 20386 will be equipped with the following weapons:

  • A universal automatic artillery mount A190 of 100 mm caliber, which will be installed in a new flattened turret;
  • On board the ship will be installed two Uran or Uran-U missile systems, which are intended to destroy enemy ships at a distance of 130 to 260 km. It is possible that this will be the Caliber missile system, whose missiles are capable of hitting surface ships at a distance of up to 375 km. In order to reduce the visibility of these complexes, they are hidden in the stowed position of the ship behind special shields, which are located in the central part of the ship's superstructure;
  • The Redut air defense system launchers are located in the bow of the corvette. They serve to destroy air targets, both at medium and short distances;
  • In the middle part of the hull, special launchers of the Package-NK complex will be installed on board. This complex is designed for anti-torpedo protection of a corvette;
  • At the stern, on both sides of the sides, there will be automatic six-barreled artillery mounts designed to repel attacks by pirates, saboteurs, and also shoot floating mines.
Although the exact composition of the armament of the corvette "Daring" is unknown, the designers have repeatedly stated that the warship The principle of modular packaging will be implemented. A special compartment designed for modules will contain containers with a variety of weapons and equipment.

In addition, the ship’s KA-27 helicopter and several unmanned aerial vehicles of the Horizon helicopter type will be placed on board the Derzkiy corvette.

Radio equipment of the corvette "Daring"

On this moment, it is planned to install on the corvette “Daring” radio equipment identical to that located on the corvettes of Project 20385. Since these systems can be improved over the course of several years, it is possible that more advanced radio equipment will be installed on the new corvette. Now the proposed set of radio weapons looks like this:

  • Combat information and control system "Sigma";
  • Radar station "Furke-2";
  • Target designation radar;
  • Two navigation type radars;
  • Navigation aids;
  • Communication complex "Ruberoid";
  • Electronic warfare equipment;
  • OGAS "Anapa-M";
  • Station "Minotaur-M".
To protect against standard means of detecting the enemy and his anti-ship missiles, the “Brave” complex of fired jammers is used. The operation of this complex reduces the chances of hitting a ship by 70%.

After appearing in open access Images of the ship "Daring" many were struck by its external similarities with the American littoral combat ship of the "Freedom" type, which is also equipped with a modular weapons system. In a few years, it will be possible to compare the characteristics of these two ships and check which country has a more promising corvette.