"Lessons in Politeness." Extracurricular event dedicated to the rules of behavior

Municipal state-financed organization additional
Education House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren, Yanaul
Development of an extracurricular activity
"A Lesson in Politeness"
Developed by: preschool teacher
Zakirova L.K.

This politeness lesson is devoted to the methods of organizing and conducting
ethical grammar lessons for preschool and primary school children
age. The politeness lesson is intended for teachers of additional
education, teachers primary classes, educators kindergarten, A
also parents who can provide speech training to the child in
at home.

And how we need kind words!
We have convinced ourselves of this more than once,
Or maybe it’s not words – it’s deeds that are important?
Actions are actions, and words are words.
They live with each of us,
At the bottom of the soul are stored until time,
To pronounce them at that very hour,
When others need them.
(M. Lisyansky)
Nowadays, politeness for children is relevant. Since politeness
– one of the most important qualities of a cultured person. Having no skills
polite communication, difficult to pronounce good impression on others.
Therefore, parents try to instill in their children politeness from an early age.
years. Some children easily learn these norms, while others find it difficult to do so.
labor. Cultural and verbal education of children is a matter of great social

significance. And the earlier a child’s speech learning begins, the more
opportunities for strong mastery of diverse communicative skills
The purpose of the lesson: to teach children polite words, to use them, to understand and
clarify the rules of politeness.
Lesson objectives:
1.Develop memory, speech, logical thinking;
2. Cultivate politeness, a friendly attitude towards others,
culture of communication.
The novelty of this lesson is that teaching a child culture
verbal communication can have a beneficial effect on the development of his character,
his relationships with others, help him enter freely and without fear
world of communication.
Expected result: this lesson will help children use in their
speeches polite phrases, will teach them the rules of good manners.
Equipment: story by V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”, plot

pictures, cards, poster with rules of politeness, projector, pictures with
image of the sun and clouds, recording of music, phonogram of the song “Smile”).

"A Lesson in Politeness"
Progress of the event:
1.Psychological attitude. Organizing time.
(quiet music sounds).
­ Good morning! Let's smile at each other.
Sit comfortably, close your eyes and repeat to yourself:
I'm sitting in class.
I'll start working now.
I'm happy about this. My attention is focused. My memory is strong. I want
work. I'm ready to go.
Open your eyes. I see that you are ready to work. And now I would like
find out what your mood is. I'm in a good, sunny mood.
(the teacher shows a drawing of the sun). So, on your desks
There are leaves with images of the sun and clouds. Please show me,
a picture that matches your mood. (children raise

Setting the lesson goal.
Guys, do you like fairy tales? Then listen to Valentina's story
Alexandrovna Oseeva.
"Magic word"
A little old man with a long gray beard was sitting on a bench and
I was drawing something in the sand with my umbrella.
“Move over,” Pavlik told him and sat down on the edge.
The old man moved and, looking at the boy’s red, angry face,
- Did something happen to you?
- Well, okay! What about you? - Pavlik looked sideways at him.
- Nothing for me. But now you were screaming, crying, quarreling with someone...
- Still would! - the boy muttered angrily. - I'll soon run away from home completely.
- Will you run away?
- I'll run away! I’ll run away because of Lenka alone. - Pavlik clenched his fists. - I tell her
Now I almost gave in hard! Doesn't give any paint! And at the very
How many!
- Does not give? Well, there's no point in running away because of this.
- Not only because of this. Grandma for one carrot from the kitchen
drove me away... just with a rag, with a rag...
Pavlik snorted with resentment.
- Nonsense! - said the old man. - One will scold, the other will regret.
- Nobody feels sorry for me! - Pavlik shouted. - Brother is riding a boat
ride, but it doesn’t take me. I tell him: “It’s better to take it, I’m still from you.”
I won’t leave you alone, I’ll drag the oars away, I’ll climb into the boat myself!
Pavlik slammed his fist on the bench. And suddenly he fell silent.
- What, your brother won’t take you?

Pavlik opened the door to the kitchen. The old lady was removing the hot ones from the baking sheet
The grandson ran up to her and with both hands turned the red
wrinkled face, looked into the eyes and whispered:
- Give me a piece of pie... please.
Grandma straightened up.
The magic word shone in every wrinkle, in the eyes, in the smile...
- I wanted something hot... something hot, my darling! - sentenced
she, choosing the best, rosy pie.
Pavlik jumped for joy and kissed her on both cheeks.
"Wizard! Wizard!" - he repeated to himself, remembering the old man.
At dinner, Pavlik sat quietly and listened to every word.
brother When his brother said that he would go boating, Pavlik put his hand
on his shoulder and quietly asked:
- Take me, please.
Everyone at the table immediately fell silent. The brother raised his eyebrows and grinned.
“Take it,” the sister suddenly said. - What is it worth to you!
- Well, why not take it? - Grandma smiled. - Of course, take it.
“Please,” Pavlik repeated.
The brother laughed loudly, patted the boy on the shoulder, ruffled his hair:
- Oh, you traveler! Okay, get ready!
“It helped! It helped again!”
Pavlik jumped out from the table and ran into the street. But in the park there was no longer
old man. The bench was empty, and only traces remained on the sand.
incomprehensible signs with an umbrella.
What is this fairy tale about? (Children's answers)
What do you think we will talk about today?
(Children's answers)
That's right. Today we will teach you a lesson in politeness. (Slide)

Each of us has a little sun inside us. This sun is kindness. Kind
a person is one who loves others and helps them. a kind person loves nature
and saves it. And love and help warm you like the sun.
What polite words do you know? (children's answers)
3. Game “Say the Word” (Slide)
Now let's play the game "Say the Word"
1. Even a block of ice will melt
From a warm word... (thank you)
The old stump will turn green,
When he hears... (Good afternoon)
The boy is polite and developed
He says when meeting…. (Hello)
When we are scolded for pranks,
We are speaking …. (forgive me please)
Both in France and Denmark
In parting they say... (goodbye)
4. Physical education minute. Game “Politely Impolite” (Slide)
If this statement is polite, then you nod your head, and if not, then
clap your hands once.
Slurp at the table.
Call elders by name and patronymic.
Interrupt the speaker.

Wave your arms.
Say hello to adults.
To point with a finger
Address adults as “you”.
Tease the speaker.
Say magic words.
Listening to the poem:
Now listen to the poems that the guys have prepared for you.
Words: “Goodbye!”
“Thank you”, “Sorry”,
"Please", "Hello"
Give generously!
Give to passersby
Friends and acquaintances
In a trolleybus, in a park,
School and home.
These words are very
And very important.
They are human
Like air is needed.
It's impossible without them
To live in the world.

These words are necessary
Give with a smile!
6. Conversation based on pictures. (Slide)
Guys, tell me, what do you mean by the word “politeness”?
(Children's answers)
Politeness is the ability to behave in a way that pleases others.
communicate with you.
Let us look at some pictures. (On the desk)
"Don't hurt kids"
"Bon appetit"
"Hello, hello, hello to you"
"Rules of conduct in transport"
Are the guys behaving correctly in these pictures?
How would you behave in these situations?
Saying words of politeness, we wish our loved ones good health,
good mood. Yes, children, we should not only have kind words,
but also actions. After all, they say about a person by his actions: whether he is good or evil.
After all, each of our actions has rays, like the sun: from good
actions there are warm, warming rays from bad deeds become
cold and sad. So let's behave in such a way that dads and moms
friends, teachers, classmates were always happy and pleased!
7.Role play.
Mom sent you to a neighbor to borrow some flour. How will you do it?
(children's answers)
You don't know where the pharmacy is. How do you ask that you
did you explain the way?
(children's answers).

8. Summing up:
What did we talk about in class today?
What did you like most?
What words should we become close friends with? (children's answers)
Let's remember these rules for the rest of our lives!
1. Politeness is shown in relationships with people
2. A polite person will not cause trouble or offense to another.
3. Be polite to your comrades: do not give them nicknames or nicknames.
4. Don’t argue with your friends over trifles, don’t quarrel, work and play together.
5. In conversation and play, always help the weak, stand up for him, do not offend him
6. Don't respond to rudeness with rudeness.
7. A polite person is friendly and always attentive to people.
8.Let kind smile colors you" Smile when you speak politely
words! (children read in chorus a poster with the rules of politeness).
-Since we're talking about smiling, let's end our lesson with a song.
"Smile". Thank you everyone for your active participation in the Politeness lesson.
(children sing the song “Smile” to a soundtrack). children with the basic rules of etiquette. Indeed, along with an inquisitive mind,
good memory, harmonious logic, we so want to see in our children not
less important qualities: nobility and kindness, generosity and tact,
sensitivity and kindness.
Vivid illustrations of various etiquette situations, slides made
a lesson in politeness to the non-verbal.
I believe that the lesson achieved its goal. The tasks set at the beginning of the lesson
have been achieved. So with this lesson in politeness we
broadened the horizons of politeness among children.

1. Averyanova I.V. Subject weeks and holidays. – Volgograd:
"Teacher Publishing House", 2008.198p.
2. Vakulenko Yu.A. Physical education minutes. – Volgograd: “Teacher Publishing House”,

3. Pavlova O.V. How to behave at school and at home. – Volgograd: Publishing House
Teacher", 2007.137p.
4. Chirkova A.K. Extracurricular educational work. – Glazov, 2006.70 p.
5. Yarovaya L.N. Extra-curricular activities. Moscow: “Vako Publishing House”,
Annex 1
Rules of politeness.
1.We must address other people politely.

2.Behave correctly in someone else’s house.
3.Be a hospitable host.
4.Be able to listen to others and not interrupt in conversation.
5. Know who should be called “you” and who should be called “you”.
6. You need to be able to help another person, but do it in such a way that
do not emphasize that you are doing a good deed without bragging about it.
7. You must be able to accept help, not refuse advice, and not think that you
You are the best and can do everything yourself.
8. Boys are required to have a “knightly” attitude towards girls: skill
let go ahead, give way.
9. Girls should also be able to be polite and know words of gratitude.
10. Never respond with abuse for abuse, or rudeness for rudeness.
Appendix 2
How to help your child be polite?

1. Be sure to use polite words themselves in those
situations where they are needed.
2. Convince the adults around the child to use polite
words are the norm.
3. Show your child the “magic” of polite words: don’t fulfill requests
4. Make the meeting and parting situations as possible for the child
natural and varied.
5. Be the first to say hello, goodbye and thank you, don’t wait until
the child will remember.
6.Teach politeness politely!

Lesson form: combined lesson.

The purpose of the lesson: become familiar with the polite form of addressing adults.

Lesson objectives:

  • strengthen writing skills vocabulary words;
  • develop polite behavior skills;
  • develop the ability to conduct dialogue and participate in conversation;
  • teach children to express feelings with kind words;
  • cultivate the need for friendly communication

Equipment: cards with letters, with words; cards with Muzafar Alimbayev’s poem “A Lesson of Politeness”


1. Organizational moment

- Good morning!
Good morning!
Sun and birds!
Good morning!
Smiling faces!

2. A minute of penmanship

(On the board there are cards with letters: V e z h l i v o t )

– Pay attention to the cards with letters
– Name the vowels and consonants.
– What word can be formed from these letters? (Politeness)
- Let's write it down. (Politeness)
Do you guys know what the word “politeness” means?
Until the 16th century, the word “vezha” was widely used in Russian. (The card with the word is attached to the board.) Vezha - from the words “to know”, “to know”. Vezha is a person who knows how to behave in a given situation. Hence “politeness,” which later turned into “politeness.” (Cards with words, vezha, politeness, politeness.) Kindness is a valuable and obligatory quality. Therefore, politeness was taught in schools along with literacy and prayers.
– What do you think we will talk about in class today?

3. Lesson topic: School of politeness

4. Vocabulary work

Let's play the game “Say a word”, and write down the guessed words in a notebook

Uncle Sasha is upset.
This is what he said.
“I saw Nastya
I'm outside now.
Nastya is a nice girl,
Nastya goes to first grade!
But long ago from Nastya
I don't hear the words... (Hello)

To the Octopus Flounder
On Monday I swam
And on Tuesday goodbye
She told her: “...” ( Goodbye!)

Masha knew a lot of words,
But one of them was missing.
And it’s like a sin,
It is said most often.
This word follows
For a gift, for lunch.
This the word is spoken,
If you are thanked... (Thank you)

Fox Matryona says:
“Give me the cheese, crow!
The cheese is big, and you are small!
I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!”
You, Lisa, don't complain,
And say: "..." (Please!)


– Let’s play the game “Circle of Polite Words.”
We all stand in a circle and pass the ball around the circle to the music; as soon as the music has died down, the one who has the ball in his hands says a polite word, and we joyfully clap for every polite word.

- Well done, you know a lot of polite words, hold hands and let’s say together: “Kind words are not too lazy, you can tell us all day long!”

5. Learning new material

This is the story that happened to Denis Koroblev from the work of V. Dragunsky.

“The professor turned to me:
– What’s your name, young man? - That’s how nice he was when he called me “you!”
– I’m Denis Korablev! What's your name?
“And my name is Vasily Vasilyevich Sergeev.”

– What surprised Denis?
– Why did the professor call Denis “you”?
– When addressing a peer, you use the word You or You?
– And when addressing an adult?

6. Consolidation

– Now we will get acquainted with Muzafar Alimbaev’s poem “A Lesson of Politeness” (cards are distributed)

The elephant gives way to the ant:
- Good morning! Are we in a little hurry?
And the ant: “Oh, thank you, I’m in a hurry.”
How kind of you! I beg your pardon!

Lark in the sky
This is what he said to the eagle:
- You, eagle, are tired, sit on the rock.
And the eagle answered: “That’s right, son.”
I've been living for many years, and now I'm sick.
And I wish you to live long, like me, -
Let your politeness help you.

A beautiful sunset was burning in the sky,
The gentle wind played with the grass,
The gopher said: “Dear mole,
The day fades and the night comes,
The golden moon will rise soon...
- Good night to you. Have a good night's sleep.

– You have a piece of paper with a poem and pencils on your desk. I will ask you to find and underline polite words. (Work in pairs)
– What words did the animals use when addressing themselves: You or You?
– Why did they contact You?
– Let’s write down polite words in a notebook.

7. Lesson summary

– What did we talk about today? What useful things have you learned for yourself?

Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy being with you.

– I would like to end our lesson with a poem by V. Kudlachev.

“Thank you”, “Sorry”,
“Please”, “Hello” –
Give generously!
Give to passersby
Friends and acquaintances.
On the trolleybus,
In the park,
And at home.
These words are very
And very important.
They are human
Like air
It's impossible without them
To live in the world.
These words are necessary
Give with a smile.

Extracurricular activity on speech culture in 4th grade. Politeness lesson "Words are very necessary and very important"


1. To consolidate and deepen children's knowledge of speech etiquette and politeness.
2. Teach children to use in communication various shapes speech etiquette.
3. Cultivate a culture of communication in children and instill ethical standards of behavior.


1. The picture is a map of the “Labyrinth of Civility” with the names of the points: “Bench of Magic Words”, “Gate”, “Politeness”, “Dead End of Bad Advice”, “Arch of Friendship”, “Tower of Peace and Goodness”.
2. Magic cube, chips, doll, markers.
3. Cards with “Magic Words”, on the back there are poems about polite words.
4. Cards with “harmful” advice from G. Oster.
5. Cards for words.
6. Record player.
7. Audio recording of a song about friendship.
8. Balls, ribbons for decoration classroom.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

The summer flew by like a comet
The leaves on the trees turned yellow...
The holidays and summer are over,
And the schoolchildren sat down at their desks again...
Elegant, ceremonial, so beloved,
The girls are sitting with their hair combed and wearing bows!
And the boys are great! So cute
So neat, they look attentively!

Well, we can begin!

II. introduction teachers

Our Russian language is rich and beautiful. There are many wonderful words in it: kind and affectionate, reliable and solemn, stern and clear. But there are special ones, the most necessary and the most important for every person. Let's remember these words now, walking through a special labyrinth. (Shows a map-drawing of the “Labyrinth.”)

Read its title. (Labyrinth of Civility.)
- Let's go into it.

III. Repetition of knowledge about magic words

What did we meet immediately at the entrance? (Bench of Magic Words.)
- Let's remember the magic words, sitting down on this bench, and collect them into a magic cube.
- The one who remembers the magic word will approach the cube very quietly so that no one can hear, pronounce this word and lower the chip into the magic cube.

(Word chips “turn” into word cards after children read “Spells.”)

Now read in chorus the magic Spell written on the board:

I gave my gift
That is, I received joy
That is, I’m happy too,
That is doubly joyful
from my gift -
it became two out of one!
E. Mashkovskaya

Open the cube.

(The teacher opens the magic cube, the student takes out cards - words.)

This is how the cube distributed your words. Let's read the cards.

Greeting forms: hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening.

The student reads the poem “Hello.”

Hello! - you tell the person.
- Hello! - he will smile back,
And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy,
And you will be healthy for many years.

Forms of gratitude: Thank you, Thanks a lot, thank you.

The student reads the poem “Kind Words.”

Why do we say “thank you”?
For everything they do for us.
And we couldn't remember
Who was told how many times.

Forms of wishes: all the best, all the best, be healthy, Good night, bon appetit, bon voyage.

The student reads the poem " Bon Voyage».

They wish us: “Bon voyage!” -
It will be easier to go and go.
Will lead, of course, a good path
Also for something good.

Forms of apology: I'm sorry; Excuse me, please.

The student reads the poem “Sorry.”

Sorry, I won't do it again
Accidentally breaking dishes.
And interrupt adults, and forget what you promised.
And if I still forget, -
Sorry, I won't do it again.

Request forms: please, be kind, be kind, I beg you.

A student reads the poem “Please.”

Should I mark the word “please”?
We repeat it every minute.
No, perhaps, without “please”
We feel uncomfortable.

Forms of farewell: goodbye, see you soon, goodbye.

Students read M. Tanich’s poem “Magic Words.”

1 student:

Sorry, please forgive and allow.
These are not words, but a key to the soul.
Besides our companion -
Multiplication tables
There is also a table
Respect table!
Remember like the alphabet
Like two and two:
“Thank you” and “Please” -
Magic words!

2nd student:

Everywhere where immodest
They will point from the gate,
Polite will ask
And it will pass .
Before the word polite
The doors are opening!
Let it be repeated more often everywhere.
Remember like the alphabet
Like two and two:
“Thank you” and “Please” -
Magic words!

IV. Conversation about politeness

1. Teacher's Help “Journey to the Past”

Do you guys know what the word “politeness” means?
Until the 16th century, the word “vezha” was widely used in Russian. (The card with the word is attached to the board.)Vezha - from the words “to know”, “to know”. Vezha - a person who knows how to behave in a given situation. Hence “politeness,” which later turned into “politeness.” (Cards with words, vezha, politeness, politeness.) Courtesy - quality is valuable and mandatory. Therefore, politeness was taught in schools along with literacy and prayers.

What is happening these days?

2. Sketch “Listen Well” (the girl places a doll in front of her and talks to it)

Listen well, I told the doll,
Dressing up completely is pampering.
You have already become a big girl.
And yet you know absolutely nothing.
When meeting adults they say “Hello”
We thank everyone for the gifts and help.
Polite children do this all the time.
Be like that, and you will immediately
Please enroll in our polite class!

3. Reading a poem by students

What do both adults and children dream about?

1 student:

Friends, a happy time will come,
Wonderful days will come:
The guys will be friendly with everyone,
They will pester you to be rude.
There will be no bad children
The golden years will come
And into the room in dirty shoes
They will never enter.

2nd student:

Children will not be rude
They won't bite their nails
And everyone will become in the world
Love such children.
A fresh wind will blow,
The violets will bloom
All the ignorant will disappear
They will be lost forever.

3rd student:

Let rudeness disappear forever
Let it be according to doctors' prescriptions
Appears in every pharmacy
Medicine for rude children.
The child was spinning in his chair
He made noise and pestered everyone,
He was prescribed pills -
He accepted and became polite.

Phys. Minute “Polite Animals”

Imagine that animals also decided to become polite and always say hello when they meet. Come up with and show how you could greet each other.

Possible variant:

    giraffes (bending forward);

    antelope (raising legs alternately);

    lions (turns right to left);

    monkeys (jumping, bending left and right with hands behind head);

    bears (head rotation).

V. Reading “Bad Advice” by G. Oster. Solution problematic issue

What awaits us now? (Dead end of Bad advice.)

Let's remember the harmful advice of G. Oster and say what is wrong and harmful about them? And what do you think should be done in these situations?

(Children read.)

1 tip

If you came to visit friends -
don't say hello to anyone
Don’t say the words “please” or “thank you” to anyone.
Turn away and don't answer anyone's questions,
And then no one will say about you that you are a talker.

Tip 2

If a friend invites you over for his birthday,
Leave the gift at home - it will come in handy yourself.
Try to sit next to the cake, do not engage in conversations:
You will eat half as much candy while talking.

(Discussion of advice by students.)

Tip 3

If your friend is the best
Slipped and fell, point your finger at your friend
And grab your stomach.

(Discussion of advice on issues.)

Tip 4

Girls should never be noticed anywhere.
And do not give them passage anywhere and never,
They need to put their feet up, scare them from around the corner.

(Discussion of advice by students.)

It's time for us to get out of this dead end, we can't stay here any longer.

VI. Conversation about friendship, about friends

Where do we go now? (We will go under the Arch of Friendship.)

Working with the words “friendship”, “friend”.

Friendship, friend, be friends. What do these words have in common? (The root is part of the word: “friend”, these are words with the same root.)

Listen to what the poet said about how the word “friend” itself arose.

(The teacher reads a poem.)

When no one yet knew a word -
Neither “hello”, nor “sun”, nor “cow”, -
To the neighbors ancient man used to it
Show fist or tongue
And make faces (which is the same thing),
But the word became a guttural sharp sound,
More meaningful face, smarter hands,
And the man came up with the word “friend”.
He began to wait for his friend and grieve in separation.
Thanks to him for my friends.
How would I live, what would I do without them?
Friends - people I love
I will never do anything to offend you.

Let's all sing together about friendship, a song about a friend.

(A song about friendship plays.)

Discussion of the question: “What qualities should a true friend have?”

Guys, what qualities and character traits should a true friend have?

(He must be faithful, honest, kind; so that he can come to the rescue at any moment; must be there in joy and sorrow.)

You're right.
- Guys! But time is running and we need to get out of the maze. Where do you think the exit awaits us?

(In the tower of Peace and Goodness.)

VII. Revealing the meaning of the words “good”, “peace”

Throughout his life, from childhood, a person learns what “good” is. People understand that goodness must be paid for with kindness and warmth. Kindness is a sign of the strength of the soul, its greatness.

As you know, fairy tales and proverbs are the wisdom of the people. In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. Remember in which fairy tales this happens?

(“Cinderella”, “Little Khavroshechka”, “ The Scarlet Flower", "Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf" and etc.)

People reflected their attitude towards good and evil in proverbs and sayings. Let's read them in chorus.

Good word- like rain in a drought. (On the desk.)
A kind word is more valuable than wealth.
A good hello is a good answer.

How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs? (Work in groups.)

There are a lot of important and necessary words in the world, but, in my opinion, there is one most important thing for all people on Earth. What word is this?

(A student reads a poem about peace.)

There is a word in the world -
Necessary and important
Like the sun, it warms
This is everyone's word.
Write without a blot
Really wants Sveta
This word is important, warm, like summer.
Peace for all peoples, peace on the entire planet!
We really need him - me, you and Sveta.

The words “good”, “peace”, “friendship” are unthinkable without each other, just as every person is unthinkable without mother and father, without the Motherland, the country in which he lives.

VIII. Lesson summary

So we left the “Labyrinth of Civility”.
- What is the most important and the right word did each of you discover today? Write it on a card and pin it on the board.

(Children write words with a felt-tip pen, attach cards to the board. The teacher attaches cards “care”, “respect”, “understanding”, “love” if they are not among the children’s ones.)

Read your word.

(Children read the words in a “chain”. In conclusion, the student reads a poem.)

We love to write earthly words:
“Mom”, “school”, “happiness”, “kindness”... -
Bright, understandable, dear,
Important words for all people!

Thank you! It was a pleasure talking with you!

Guys, let’s talk about politeness and introduce you to the new concept of “etiquette”. M We live in a society. We are all different, but we have one planet, and we need to live in peace and harmony and lend each other a helping hand. This is why we cannot do whatever we want.

Starting from the very early age, we acquire a certain culture of behavior. Without exception, all our actions can be beautiful or ugly. We may speak rudely or politely, our movements may be graceful or clumsy, our manners may be refined or vulgar, our attitudes towards others may be dignified or impolite.

We are always pleased to deal with educated people, and we experience certain inconvenience when communicating with ignorant people. And this is understandable. A person with his behavior and appearance should not cause inconvenience to the people around him.

Good manners, good manners, the ability to behave in society has always been valued. There are enough simple rules behavior that is understandable to Russian, French, English, Spanish, American, German, and many other boys and girls. There are not many of these rules, and if you know how to use them, then in any company you will feel easy and at ease.

The basic rules of behavior in society are called etiquette.. Etiquette - rules of conduct in in public places, forms of communication, greetings, manners, clothing style. Etiquette requires a person to behave according to the situation, in accordance with the norms accepted in a given society.

The poet A. Stepanov has a poem called “What is etiquette?”:

What is etiquette?

It's possible,

This is no...

Etiquette like a label

And a good mark

But not only in the diary -

On people's tongues.


It is very simple to live culturally:

Everything is fine, which is not bad.

It is not for nothing that the word “label” is mentioned in this poem, because... The word "etiquette" comes from the French name for cards - "labels".

In the 17th century, at one of the magnificent receptions French king Louis XIV the guests were given cards listing the rules of behavior required of them. From the French name for cards - “labels” - the word “etiquette” came from, which later entered the languages ​​of many countries around the world.

What is a label? A bright sticker, a colored label that attracts our attention and tells us about the subject. The label is like a small representative of the thing. So our gestures, movements, postures, ways of greetings, behavior at the table, taste in clothing (what first catches the eye) are our kind of “label”. Etiquette recommends how a person communicates with other people, defines him appearance, prescribes a manner of behavior in a given situation, so as not to look stupid and funny. This is what first catches your eye when you meet someone.

Etiquette is a set of rules of behavior in society, on the street, at a party. How to set the table, how to receive guests. There is tourist etiquette, business etiquette, sports etiquette, wedding etiquette, mourning etiquette, etc.

People came up with the rules of etiquette. But not suddenly, not right away. These rules arose and evolved over centuries. They were closely connected with the traditions, customs of a particular country, with the concepts of good and evil, with the laws that society accepted. They are needed to make it easier for people to live with each other and are based on mutual respect and attention from person to person.

Etiquette is a very important phenomenon. If the rules of conduct were suddenly abolished, a catastrophe would break out. Its consequences would be comparable only to the abolition of the rules traffic, because standards of behavior are not long list boring instructions, but the real ones “rules of the road” - moving through life.

Why is etiquette necessary? Probably so as not to think about him. Do not rack your brains, thinking about what to do in this or that case, but save inner confidence in any situation.

Eat funny story about the origin of good manners.

One day there was bad weather big company hedgehogs in an unfamiliar place. They found the cave with difficulty. Huddled together to keep warm. But those who were in the middle were suffocating from the heat, and those who were on the edge were freezing. The hedgehogs could not find the “golden mean” - they pushed each other for a long time, stabbing each other with needles. And then we agreed: to give in to each other, change places. If you get warm in the middle, go to the edge. And wait your turn again!

Maybe good manners are the “golden mean” that people have found for ease of communication?

Why shouldn't we be attentive, polite and good friend to friend? It's not that difficult! It is not difficult to give up your seat to an elderly person on a tram or bus. It's not difficult to greet people when you meet them. And tell them “goodbye” and “all the best” when parting. It’s not difficult to be neat, combed and washed so that the people around you enjoy communicating with you. It's not difficult to help your elders around the house. It is not difficult to avoid throwing your things around the room and putting away toys.

By and large, etiquette is based on the polite, friendly attitude of people towards each other.

What is politeness? (Children answer) Politeness- is the sum of actions that determine a person’s internal culture

Politeness is the ability to treat people around us with sensitivity and consideration. The ability to behave depending on the requirements and the current specific situation.

A polite person always takes care of relatives and friends and is ready to help them.

Why be polite?

Not only children, but also adults want all their friends, all their neighbors, and even complete strangers passers-by to always treat them attentively, kindly, to always love and respect them. So that no one makes any comments to them. Polite words and actions were invented so that people would quarrel less, be offended and angry with each other.

S.Ya. Marshak has a wonderful poem about politeness - “If you are polite.” (Children read by heart):

If you are polite and not deaf to your conscience,

You will give up your seat to the old woman without protest.

If you are polite in your heart and not for show,

You will help a disabled person get on the trolleybus.

And if you are polite, then, sitting in class,

You and your friend won’t chatter like two magpies.

And if you are polite, you will help your mother

And offer her help without asking - that is, yourself.

If you are polite, then in a conversation with your aunt,

You won’t beat them with both your grandfather and grandmother.


And if you're polite, then you're in the library

You won’t take Nekrasov and Gogol forever.

And if you are polite, you will return the book

In a neat, unsmeared and intact binding.

And if you are polite, to the weaker one,

You will be a defender, without timidity before the strong.

I knew one child. He was walking with an important nanny.

She gave the child a subtle upbringing.

This boy was polite and, indeed, very nice:

Taking the ball from the younger ones, he thanked them, “Thank you!” - said.

No, if you are polite, then you give thanks,

But don’t take the boy’s ball without asking!

The secret is that only to be polite. would treat them attentively, kindly, and would always love and respect them. 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

To learn and remember everything mandatory rules politeness requires patience and work. Such as, polite man should behave in the library?

In the library you must behave in such a way as not to disturb others.

While sitting in the reading room, do not talk to your neighbors even in a whisper - by doing this you are interfering with other visitors.

If you are in the library reading room and your phone suddenly rings mobile phone, you need to leave the hall and talk quietly with the caller. You should not talk in the hall, as in any public place: it disturbs those around you.

When reading a book, do not fold the pages. Don’t rub the corners with your fingers, don’t write in the margins, don’t bend the book in half - let it remain as clean after you as it was.

Submit your book to the library on time!

Don't forget to thank the librarian for the publications selected for you.

Always say hello to library staff first.

Don't forget to say "goodbye" to the library staff.

When entering the library, do not slam the door, but carefully close it.

Boys must remove their hats while in the library.

Learn the library's opening hours and arrive and leave on time.

A library is not a canteen; it is very indecent to chew crackers, chips, nuts, etc. in the reading room.

Every day we say hello and goodbye, turn to someone with a request, thank them for their work, for their kindness, apologize... In the everyday life of a polite, well-mannered person, there are always words that we call "magical". With these words you can even sad man help restore good spirits, lift your spirits... relieve pain. Let's remember them:

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word... (Thank you)

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears... (Good afternoon)

If you can't eat anymore,

We'll tell mom... (Thank you)

The boy is polite and developed

He says when meeting... (Hello)

When we are scolded for our pranks,

We're talking... (Excuse me, please)

Both in France and Denmark

They say goodbye... (Goodbye)

The original meaning of some polite words has already been lost. For example, the word “thank you” was born from the ancient Russian wish “God bless.” What is the meaning of the word “thank”, what is gratitude? (Children's answers) Yes, gratitude is a feeling of gratitude to someone for the kindness and attention they have shown. And they help express this feeling special words. Name them . (Children's answers) That's right: thank you, thank you very much, thank you... You named only a few words, but in fact there are a great many of them. Now we will conduct an “exchange of pleasantries”:

Two people take turns reading out the words on pre-prepared cards: Thank you. Thank you. I am very grateful to you. I owe you a lot. I have no words to express my gratitude. I have no words to thank you enough. How grateful I am to you! My gratitude knows no bounds! I want to thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You are very kind. I am touched by your attention. It is very kind of you. You helped me out so much!

These seemingly simple polite words make our lives wonderfully easier. How wonderful they sound. Let's say them to each other more often.

But politeness is not just “magic words”. This is, first of all, an attentive attitude towards people. You didn’t say a word - you just held the heavy door to the subway, let an elderly person or someone your age pass ahead, took a heavy bag from your mother, and everyone you helped understood without any words that you were a polite person.

Politeness must be sincere. A person's words and behavior must correspond to his inner feelings, thoughts, desires. Sincerely, truly, in truth, don’t pretend. True politeness is about treating people kindly. Feigned, cunning and fake polite words can cause discomfort, and even hostility.

For example, every day we say the word many times "Hello". This is how we greet each other and wish each other health. It is important that this happens sincerely, from the heart, and not as in the story with the Donkey:

The Donkey was very polite.

He was well-mannered.

Smiled at everyone, bowed

And he said “hello.”

Then he took a step back

And he said: “The seal is a mattress,

And the hare is a coward, and the lion is a fool,

And the elephant is a glutton and a fat man..."

Never a kind word

He didn't say anything about anyone.

And I ask you, my friend,

Don't be like him.

The poet Vladimir Soloukhin has beautiful poem"Hello!":


Bowing down, we are friend they told a friend,

Although they were complete strangers.


What special topics did we tell each other?

Just “hello”, we didn’t say anything else.

Why is there a drop of sunshine in the world?

Why did I get a little more happiness?

in the world?

Why did you become a little happier?


When meeting, they not only wish you health - they say hello. IN different time day wish "good morning" good day», good evening. Of course, “bye” and “hello” are permissible only between peers and close friends. They never say hello over the shoulder, much less while turning away. Usually the one who greets first is the younger one, a man with a woman, a subordinate with a boss.

By the way, maybe some of you know how to greet each other in different countries? (Children's answers.) Do you know that Eskimos, when greeting each other, do not shake hands, but rub their noses against each other’s noses. In Japan, they bow, and three types of bows are used: the lowest, medium, light. It is customary among some Indian tribes when meeting stranger take off your shoes as a greeting. Tibetans, when greeting, remove their headdress with their right hand, and left hand they put it behind the ear and still stick out their tongue. (The librarian takes the hat and shows it.)

When greeting, men take off their hat. Do you know where this custom came from? It turns out this custom has been around for centuries. Also in Ancient Rome slaves, when greeting their master, had to take off their hats to show their shaved heads - a sign of slavery. Later, in the Middle Ages, knights, when entering a house, took off their helmet, as if with this gesture saying to the owner: “I trust you and am not afraid.” The knight took off his steel glove: here is my hand, there is neither a sword nor a sharp dagger in it.

Who should say hello first? (Children's answers.) It’s clear: junior with senior, student with teacher, boy with girl. In general, whoever noticed first is the one who says hello. There's nothing wrong with that. Wherever a polite person comes - to school, home, on a visit, he will always say hello. Even when he enters the dentist’s office.

The word “hello” is usually said with the name of the person you are addressing. The tone should be friendly, the gaze directed at the interlocutor. A man's gesture is extending his hand for a handshake. Never extend your hand to your elder first. A man should not be the first to extend his hand to a lady. The girl always gives her hand first. The hand extended by a woman is kissed or shaken like a man. A man is required to take off his glove to shake hands, a woman is not. Even if you are in a quarrel, politeness requires rising above the discord - and saying hello.

Unfortunately, there are adults and children With double standard behavior: In public they are alone, at home they are different. At school or at work they are polite and helpful, but at home with loved ones they do not stand on ceremony, are rude and tactless. Anyone who believes that upon returning home they can leave their politeness in the hallway along with their coat will never truly become well-mannered person. Respect for loved ones should be expressed in everyday friendly attitude towards them. An atmosphere of love and cordiality will reign in the house only on the condition that none of the family members treats their home like a hotel.

Unfortunately, we quite often see people who do not take off their hats when entering a library or theater, throw candy or ice cream wrappers on the sidewalk on the street, wear wrinkled suits and dirty shoes, are rude, answer questions impolitely, push and do not consider it necessary to apologize. What are such people called? (Uncultured, impolite, ill-mannered.) You need to cultivate a culture of behavior in yourself.

In Russia, the first school of secular manners for young nobles was introduced by the tireless Tsar Peter I. Thanks to him, almost three hundred years ago, in 1717, the first printed manual for young people on the rules of behavior was published, which was published three times and was read thoroughly, and it was called “ An honest mirror of youth, or indications for everyday manners" In addition to the alphabet and arithmetic, it outlined the rules of conduct in public places. (The librarian reads out quotes from the stand.)

When you happen to sit at the table with others, keep yourself in order according to this rule:


Don’t slurp over your food like a pig and don’t scratch your head; Do not speak without swallowing a piece, for that is what the ignorant do.


Blowing your nose, sneezing and coughing often is not good.


Don’t eat like a pig, don’t blow into the soup so it splashes everywhere, don’t sniffle when you eat.


Don't swing your feet everywhere.


When you drink, do not wipe your lips with your hand, but with a towel.


Do not lick your fingers or gnaw the bones, but trim the meat with a knife.


Don’t make a fence of bones, crusts, bread, etc. around your plate.


When they offer it to you, take only a part and give the rest to others and thank them.

Yes, yes, the nobles once did not know that they needed to eat with a fork and knife, not chomping, not throwing anything under the table and not lounging in a chair.

A lot has changed since then! Now we must know and be able to do more than our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. No one will praise us anymore for using a fork and knife, for using a napkin and for keeping the tablecloth clean after eating. Today it is natural and familiar to everyone around us.

In many countries, a person's upbringing is judged by his ability to behave at the table. Do you have good table manners? Let's check. Listen carefully to what I tell you and say “yes” if you agree and “no” if you disagree.

Is it possible to sit at the table without an invitation? (No)

Is it possible to sit at the table without washing your hands? (No)

- Do you need to sit straight and beautiful at the table? (Yes)

Is it possible to put your feet on the table? (No)

Is it possible to slurp and snore loudly? (No)

Is it possible to talk with your mouth full? (No)

- Is it possible to wave your arms while sitting at a table? (No)

Is it possible to rock on a chair? (No)

Is it okay to lick your fingers after eating? (No)

When eating, keep the fork in the left and the knife in right hand? (Yes)

Is it possible to reach across the table for something? (No). What do you need to do in order to get a treat that is far away from you? (Ask the person who sits closest to him to pass the dish (plate) with food)

- Pieces of a large pie are eaten with a knife and fork. (Yes. Small pies can be handled with your fingers, but if they are very fatty, it is better to use a knife and fork)

How do you eat spring rolls? (Using a knife and fork)

How should you eat bread correctly? (In small pieces, breaking off a slice with your hands, after taking it with your hand (not a fork) from a common plate and placing it on a separate plate for bread)

Where should you tilt the plate when you finish the soup? (Push)

If you need to salt an egg, then... ( we do it with a knife)

Where should you put your knife and fork after eating? (Into a plate, diagonally, parallel to each other)

Is it possible to tell the hostess that the treat is not tasty if you don’t like it? (No. You need to say that you don't want it yet, and put another treat on your plate that you like.)

Compote should be eaten with a spoon. (Yes .. Usually compote is eaten with a spoon, like soup, the dishes are not tilted .. Moreover, if the compote contains berries with seeds, then they need to be carefully spat out into the spoon and then placed on a saucer. It is considered very bad form to drink the compote and then eat fruit)

The feast is over. Who should leave the table first: the hosts or the guests? (Hosts)

There are many nuances of behavior at the table. But back in the 19th century, they wrote in a book on etiquette: “Try, as much as possible, not to take food with your hand.” And the hands are clean, and it’s nice to look at. Of course, there is no need to take matters to the point of absurdity.

We all love to visit. Tell, when you were invited to visit, then you need:

Arrive earlier than the appointed time;

-exactly on time;

Later than the appointed time.

Let's find out what happens to guests who don't arrive on time. I will read a poem Daniil Kharms “Very, very tasty pie”, and you will substitute the necessary words in unison.

I wanted to throw a ball

And I'm visiting myself... (called)

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

Baked crumbly... (pie)

Pie, knives and forks are here -

But there are some guests... (do not go)

I waited as long as I could,

Then a piece... (took a bite)

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down,

And the whole pie in a minute... (ate)

When the guests arrived,

Even crumbs... (not found).

The main thing is not to be late. Making you wait alone is impolite. If for some reason you are delayed and are late, it is best to call and warn about it. And most importantly, don't forget to apologize. And yet guests are waited at the table for no more than 20-30 minutes.

You cannot arrive earlier than the appointed time. Often there are so many worries associated with waiting for guests that the hosts only just have time to prepare for their arrival. And if you arrive earlier, you can find the owners in home clothes, and not in festive attire.

You cannot bring friends, brothers, sisters with you if they were not invited.

Before you go in, don't forget to dry your feet. When entering the house, take off your hat. Leave your outdoor shoes and umbrella (if you have one) in the hallway. Take off your outer clothing, hang it up, comb your hair, wash your hands, since you came from the street.

When entering a room where guests are sitting, you must say hello to everyone, even if you don’t know the people there.

If there are people at the celebration whom you do not know, but want to get to know them, you need to approach the hero of the occasion and ask to introduce you.

When all the guests are gathered, the hostess invites them to the table and she herself goes and sits down at the table first, but she can start eating when the guests start eating. Women sit at the table first, then men, young people sit down after everyone else.

In knightly times, it was considered good form for ladies and gentlemen to sit at the table in pairs. They ate from the same plate and drank from the same glass. This custom has long become a legend. But they still try to seat guests according to the same principle, and being attentive to your neighbor has not yet gone out of fashion.

At the table you need to sit calmly, straight, not lounging in your chair, but not as if you had swallowed an arshin, don’t dangle your legs, don’t bang your spoon on the plate. You should not put your elbows on the table, especially if you are holding a knife or fork, your elbows should be close to your body, the edge of the table should be at the level of your wrists. While eating, you should not talk with your mouth full, slurp, sniff, interrupt, or try to shout down other interlocutors. If your mouth gets dirty while eating, use a napkin. Don't forget to say "thank you."

The hosts rise from the table first, and guests only at the invitation of the hostess and only when she has risen.

Well, I think you've now learned how to behave at a party without people thinking you're being rude. Because good manners is the only thing that can endear you to people at first sight as one said English writer. There are many books about table manners, how to serve food and how to eat it. You should definitely read them if you want to be truly cultured people.

Not so long ago, scientists were surprised to discover that in life there are naughty children who like to do everything the other way around. They are advised: “Wash your face in the morning,” but they don’t wash their face. They are told: “Be sure to greet each other when you meet” - they immediately stop saying hello.

Then scientists decided to give such children not healthy, but bad advice. They will do everything the other way around, and everything will turn out just right.

But scientists soon realized that obedient children also needed harmful advice. For such children they are like an inoculation against stupidity.

I wrote a whole book of such advice. poet Grigory Oster.

Let's read some of them.

Tip 1.

Never wash your hands

Neck, ears and face.

This is a stupid thing to do

Doesn't lead to anything.

Your hands will get dirty again

Neck, ears and face.

So why waste energy?

Wasting time?

It's also useless to get a haircut,

None there is no point,

By old age by itself

Your head will go bald.

Tip 2.

For example, in your pocket

It turned out to be a handful of sweets,

And they came towards you

Your true friends.

Don't be scared and don't hide,

Don't rush to run away.

Don't shove all the candy

Along with candy wrappers in your mouth.

Approach them calmly

No extra words not talking,

Quickly taking it out of your pocket

Give them... your palm.

Shake their hands firmly,

Say goodbye slowly

And, turning the first corner,

Rush home quickly.

To eat candy at home.

Get under the bed

Because there, of course,

You won't meet anyone.

Tip 3.

If a friend's birthday

I invited you to my place,

You leave the gift at home -

It will come in handy yourself.

Try to sit next to the cake.

Don't engage in conversations.

You're talking

Eat half as much candy.

Choose smaller pieces

To swallow faster.

Don't grab the salad with your hands -

You can scoop up more with a spoon.

If suddenly they give you nuts.

Place them carefully in your pocket,

But don't hide the jam there -

It will be difficult to take it out.

Tip 4.

If to dad or mom

Adult aunt came

And someone important leads

And a serious conversation.

Need from behind unnoticed

sneak up on her and then

Shout loudly in your ear:

“Stop! Give up! Hands up!"

And when auntie gets off the chair

He'll fall out of fright

And he'll spill it on his dress

Tea, compote or jelly,

It's probably very loud

Mom will laugh

And, proud of my child,

Dad will shake your hand.

Dad will take you by the shoulder

And it will lead somewhere.

There, probably for a very long time

Dad will praise you.

Tip 5.

If you came to see your friends,

Don't say hello to anyone.

Words: “please”, “thank you”

Do not tell anybody.

Turn away and ask questions

Don't answer anyone's questions.

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker.

Is this really how we should behave?

Who should give up your seat in transport? (Seniors, passengers with children, disabled people, elderly people.)

Do you need to take off your hat when you come to visit, to the theater, or to the library? (Yes)

If you ate candy, what should you do with the candy wrapper?

Throw to the ground.

- Throw it in the trash.

Give it to mom.

Is it possible and, if so, when can you talk in the theater and at a concert? (During intermission)

When can you go to the wardrobe to get dressed? (After the performance ends, after the actors leave the stage)

Can one be called a cultured person who offends animals and tears flowers from a flower bed? (No)

If you accidentally push someone, then... (be sure to apologize)

If a child is bullied in your presence, then... (stand up for him and help)

You enter a room where someone is already there. Who should greet first - the person entering or those in the room? (entered)

Should a man stand when introduced? (Yes) Away. At a meeting and in any other room, it is customary for a man to sit down in that case. When a woman is already sitting. It is extremely impolite for a man to talk to a woman standing in front of him while sitting.

In what cases should a woman stand up when meeting? (When she is introduced to someone senior in age or position)

Are the addresses “uncle” and “aunt” used to address an older person? (The words “uncle” and “aunt” indicate the degree of relationship. They should not be used in conversations with elders if they are not related to you)

We often hear people use the words “man” and “woman” to attract attention. Is this acceptable? (No, the rules of etiquette require the use of a faceless form of address: “Excuse me,” “Please tell me,” etc.)

Is it decent to eat and drink on the street? (It’s indecent, it doesn’t look nice from the outside. Ice cream is the only food product that etiquette allows you to eat on the street. But remember that you need to bite it off one piece at a time and not lick it, showing passers-by the length of your tongue)

If you were given a box of chocolates, then... (treat those present)

The first word on the phone should be... (the word "hello")

If you went to a friend's house and found some kind of family celebration there... (you should apologize and arrange a meeting at another time)

What time is considered inappropriate for sudden visits? (Sunday morning- maybe the owners want to sleep longer; lunch hours are also undesirable for visits)

What would you do if someone sneezed in the room next to you? (If there are a lot of people around the sneezing person, it is not at all necessary to say: “Be healthy,” it is enough to simply not pay attention to it. There is a way to “anti-sneeze”: rub the bridge of the nose firmly.)

If you needed to tell a friend something that strangers should not hear, is it possible to say it in a whisper in his ear? (Whispering in the presence of third parties is considered the height of indecency)

Is it possible to ask questions to the guide during the tour? (It’s better not to do this; it’s also better to comment on what you saw after the tour is over)

How will you respond if someone asks you to apologize? (“Please” or “No problem.” When you yourself ask for forgiveness, you cannot say “I’m sorry” instead of “sorry”; this form implies that you are excusing yourself.)

Is it correct?

Brush your hair on public transport. (No. This rule also applies to train compartments and airplane cabins)

- If you accidentally hit someone or step on someone's foot, politely apologize. (Yes)

- Enter public transport in dirty, dirty clothes. (No)

- Walk around the school only in replacement shoes. (Yes)

- Run, pushing everyone into the dining room with your elbows. (No)

- Chew gum while talking to someone. (No)

- Spit out chewing gum on the floor, stick it to a chair, wall, school desk. (No) Where to put chewing gum if you are visiting, at the table? (You need to wrap it in paper and throw it in the trash. You shouldn’t leave it in a plate, even in paper, much less stick it to the table)

- Do not offend the little ones, do not bully the elders. (Yes)

Throwing a wrapper on the floor chewing gum or sweets, fruit peels, seed husks. (No)

You already know: when entering a store (and not only), they let those leaving, do not interfere with them and do not push them. And if someone is following you, they hold the door, especially for those who are following you with bags. Cultured man gives way to elderly people, women and children. Elderly people are allowed to board the bus and tram first, are helped to enter, and are offered to sit down. But, let’s admit, you rarely see this, even though there are special places intended for the disabled and the elderly.

By the way, careful attitude to school property and textbooks - this is also an element of culture.

« Difficult case»

    A woman was walking down the street with shopping. One of her packages fell, but she didn’t even notice. But the boy who was following saw him, what should he do?

- Pick up the package and give it to the woman.

Call out to the woman and say that her package fell.

Pass by.

2. If you don’t have a watch, you can ask passers-by on the street. How to ask a question correctly?

Can you tell me what time it is?

- Excuse me, please, what time is it?

Sorry to bother you, would you be so kind?

tell me what time it is?

Hey, do you have a watch?

3. If you called a friend, but got to the wrong place, then you need to:

Silently hang up.

-Apologize and clarify the number.

Say: “Why are you picking up the phone if they’re not calling you?

Put it down now!”

    If you are sitting and happily drinking tea with gingerbread, and suddenly your classmate comes unexpectedly. What should be done?

- Invite him to drink tea with you.

Keep the guest busy with something interesting, while you quickly finish your tea in the kitchen.

Interrupt the tea party and end it when the guest leaves.

5. Who in the following pairs can extend their hand first when meeting: woman or man, senior or junior, leader or subordinate? (A woman extends her hand to a man, a senior to a junior, a leader to a subordinate)

6. When setting the table for a celebration, you should put not only textiles (“cloth”, “fabric”), but also paper napkins. How to handle them? (It is customary to keep a textile napkin on your lap, and place a paper napkin to the left of the plate. They different functions: a textile napkin is intended to protect clothing, and paper napkins are usually used to wipe lips and (if necessary) fingers. After finishing eating, put the paper napkin on the plate, and leave the textile one to the left of the plate, because it is given alone for the entire feast, and paper napkins can be taken without restrictions) Did you know that in the Middle Ages it was customary to wipe oily hands on the fur of hunting dogs who were present at the feast and noisily fought over bones for the amusement of the feasters.

7. You call a friend or girlfriend, and his mother answers the phone. How will you talk to her? (You definitely need to say hello to her, state your first and last name, say that you are a friend of her son or daughter, and only then ask to call him on the phone. If the call time has not been agreed upon in advance, it is not customary to disturb people by calling before 10 o’clock in the morning and after 10 o'clock in the evening)

8. Guests came to you and presented you with a large bouquet, it was wrapped in beautiful paper, also decorated with a lush bow. What will you do with this bouquet? (You need to thank the giver and, no matter how beautifully the bouquet is packaged, unwrap it and put the flowers in a vase). In fact, it is customary to give flowers without packaging, so you need to remove it from the bouquet in the hallway, but something else is much more important - do not forget to present the flowers with kind and memorable words. Even in ancient times they said: “A kind word is better than a soft pie.”

9. We often accept gifts ourselves. It seems that it could be simpler and more enjoyable! It turns out that politeness and tact are also needed here. Every gift should always be accepted with gratitude. Even if this thing is not needed or there is a similar one in the house. Do not give preference to any gifts in the presence of guests. Each gift wrapped in paper must be immediately unpacked and thanked to the guest. Don’t put the sweets or fruits given to you aside “for later.” A cultured person will try them himself and invite everyone to try them.

In conclusion, I invite you to participate in literary competition. Name piece of art, from which the excerpt and its author are taken.

"-Good morning! - he shouted from afar.

Good morning! If it's morning - good. Which I personally doubt. But it is not important. Congratulations on your birthday!

Are you me?

Of course, you.

Happy birthday?


So it's my real birthday?

Of course, I brought you a gift too."

(A. Milne “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”)

« He sat down at the table and tucked his leg under him. He stuffed the whole almond cake into his mouth and swallowed it without chewing. He climbed right into the vase of jam with his fingers and sucked them with pleasure. He grabbed the coffee pot and drank all the cocoa from the spout. I choked and spilled cocoa on the tablecloth.”

(A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”)

« If some little girl met a baby on the street, then, seeing him from afar, she immediately crossed to another street. And she did it well, because among the kids there were those who could not calmly walk past the little one, but would definitely say something offensive to her, even push her, or, even worse, pull her braid.”

(N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”)

“Bengt expected the girl to get angry, or even better, to cry; and I certainly did not expect that she would look at them calmly and even friendly. Convinced that words would not get her through, Bengdt pushed the girl.

I can’t say that you treat ladies politely, she remarked, and, grabbing Bengdt with her strong arms, she threw him into the air so high that he hung on a birch branch. Then she grabbed the other boy and threw him onto another branch. So she scattered all five boys and exclaimed: “Hey, you cowards! Five of you attack one girl - that’s meanness!”

(A. Lindgren “Pippi Longstocking”)

Dear friends! Let's cultivate tact, politeness, and consideration towards other people. Let's learn kindness, the ability to distinguish between what is good and what is bad. Let's compliment each other.

List of used literature.

1. Busheleva B.V. Let's talk about good manners: Prince. for students. - M.: Education, 1989.

2. Vasilyeva - Gangnus L.P. The ABC of Politeness. - M.: Pedagogy, 1988.

3. Children's encyclopedia "AiF". Etiquette. - 2005.- No. 11.

4. Dorokhov A.A. How to behave. Conversations about politeness and rules of behavior. - M.: Pedagogy, 1976.

5. Dorokhov A.A. It's worth remembering. The book is about how to behave so that you and others can live better and more pleasantly. - M.: Det. lit., 1980.

7. They I.L. Thank you, please, hello. -L.: Lenizdat, Social and commercial company “Man”, 1991.

8. Oster G.B. Bad advice. A book for naughty children and their parents. - M.: “ROSMAN”, 1999.

9. Formanovskaya N.I. You said: "Hello!" ( Speech etiquette in our communication). - M.: Knowledge, 1989.

10. “Books of notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka.” -2007.-No.8. -P.44; 2006.-№7,-P.45-51; 2005.-No.5.-P.52-60; 2005.-№11.- P.45-49; 2003.-№2.-P.40-43; 2003.-№6.-P.37-39.

11. “Read, study, play.” -2007.-No.5.-P.95-102; 2005.-No.9.-P.97-108; 2003.-№6.-P.73-88.

Gorbaneva I.A.,

head children's library No. 3 MUK "CBS" Reutov