Three life hacks on how to be a successful speaker. Quotes about public speaking

On October 7, a training master class on public speaking within the framework of the project “ISU Debate League 2018”.

The invited expert was Mikhail Galoshin, the leading trainer of the Master of Words Academy of Oratory, ex-speaker of the City School Parliament, teacher-organizer at the Palace of Creativity in Irkutsk.

Answering questions from listeners, the specialist said:

  • how to overcome the fear of speaking in public;
  • what to do if you forget the text of a speech during your speech;
  • how to make your speech more effective and memorable;
  • how to expand your vocabulary.

Mikhail shared personal experience, talking about the difficulties he encountered on the way to his goal. In his life, like in the lives of each of us, there were ups and downs.

“Without night, there will be no day, without black, we will not understand white, and without the bitterness of failure, we will not feel the taste of jubilation from victory. Yes, you've heard it a thousand times. Did they accept it?”

Mikhail Galoshin

While studying at school, he often played the role of host of various competitions and events. One of his most vivid memories during this period is associated with the first unsuccessful performance in public. It was after this that Mikhail realized that he needed to change, become better in the field of public speaking.

“Fear is an illusion that we create for ourselves.”

Persistence, hard work, endless thirst for new knowledge and, most importantly, constant practice allowed him to reach heights and success. It was the practice that the listeners took up. Everyone had the opportunity to speak in public, learn and evaluate their abilities in eloquence.

How to deal with stage anxiety

Regardless of the level of professionalism, fear is always present in everyone during performances - this is normal. It all depends on its size and how successfully you control this feeling. You can and should work on taming fear.

“How soon you can change yourself depends only on yourself.”

Each person is individual and, in connection with this, spends different time to get used to speaking in public. Some people get it right away, others have to work on themselves for a long time. There are cases when people still cannot cope with anxiety even after many practices.

Remember, absolutely everyone can master the art of eloquence. You just need to really want and make efforts to achieve your goal. The key to an effective and memorable speech is good preparation and understanding of the topic.

In order to clearly and clearly convey the material to the public and be remembered by it, you need to have a good understanding of the stated topic. It is very important to treat the preparation of your speech as responsibly as possible. If you are going to give a five-minute speech, you can start preparing, for example, two days before the event. This time will be enough provided that the material is repeated periodically.

What to do if you forgot the text

Mikhail advised us to improvise. But even improvisation must be prepared. There are several methods for doing this:

1. Association method

The essence of the technique is that you step back a little from immediate topic conversation, switch to a topic close to it, and develop it for some time.

2. "Locomotive"

You switch to one of last words that sounded in your speech, and begin to reveal it as a new topic.

3. Questions for the audience

As long as you ask a closed (non-discussive) question, while you pause after the question, while you hear monosyllabic, short answers from the audience, you have enough time to decide what to talk about next.

The energy of speech is how we present information

By adjusting all these parameters, we create the character of the performance, which can be determined on the following scale:

Expanding vocabulary

For increase vocabulary The expert advises not only to read a lot, learn poetry and prose by heart, but also to solve scanword puzzles, retell what you have already read once and communicate as much as possible.

1. Use a dictionary of synonyms⠀

You can take short story and using a dictionary, try to change the words to the corresponding synonyms without changing the meaning of the text. ⠀

2. Write down unfamiliar words⠀

Every time you come across a new word, write it down in your notebook. And be sure to find its meaning in explanatory dictionary. Then try to make several sentences with this word and, in the future, try to use it in your speech.

  • “Charismatic speaker” - Sergei Shipunov;
  • “How to Build Confidence and Influence People When Speaking in Public” - Dale Carnegie; ⠀
  • “50 exercises for successful public speaking” - Laurence Levasseur;
  • “The genius of communication” - D.V. Aksenov, V.A. Borisova;
  • "A New Body Language" - Allan and Barbara Pease;
  • “Speech self-defense” - Alexandra Pozharskaya, Ruslan Khomenko.

Eloquence is the art of expressing the thoughts of others.
Edouard Herriot

Eloquence is the art of speaking in such a way that those to whom we are addressing listen not only without difficulty, but also with pleasure, so that, captured by the topic and incited by pride, they want to delve deeper into it.
Pascal Blaise

Eloquence is the art of flattering with dignity.
Charles Remusat

Eloquence is the art of conquering minds.

Eloquence begins with the ability to listen.

Eloquence more expensive than money, fame and power, for the latter are very often achieved through eloquence.

The main purpose of eloquence is to prevent others from speaking.
Louis Vermeil

Eloquence, like pearls, sparkles with content.
Lev Tolstoy

Eloquence is the painting of thought.
Blaise Pascal

Cats don't consider anyone who can't meow to be eloquent.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

In eloquence, it is the manner of speaking that is important, not the words.
Elbert Green Hubbard

He is truly eloquent who expresses ordinary things simply, great things sublimely, and average things with moderation.

Speech is an amazingly powerful tool, but it takes a lot of intelligence to use it.

The source of eloquence is in the heart.
John Mill

The level of the sermon has little to do with the height of the pulpit.
Wieslaw Brudzinski

Eloquence, like pearls, sparkles with content. True wisdom is terse.
Lev Tolstoy

Speak so I can see you.

In the art of fitting the maximum number of words into the smallest thought, he had no equal.
Abraham Lincoln

True eloquence is the ability to say everything that is needed and no more than is needed.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld

He can always express any phrase in two paragraphs.
Performance appraisal of a certain American officer

When clever man begins a sentence, we have no idea how he will finish it. When a fool starts a sentence, we know the end for sure.
Alexander Sventohovsky

Take from me everything I have, but leave me my speech, and soon I will gain everything I had.
Daniel Webster

Their thoughts do not lead their words, but have difficulty catching up with them.
Vasily Klyuchevsky

If you state the matter so clearly that everyone can understand you, someone will definitely not understand.
Will Rogers

Audience - best teacher eloquence.

There was such poverty in the country that the inhabitants spoke in fragments of sentences.
Mieczyslaw Shargan

The goal of eloquence is not truth, but persuasion.
Thomas Macaulay

Small sadness is eloquent, great sadness is silent.

The word is the most strong weapon person.

The first sign of intelligence is vernacular.
Alexander Pushkin

There are people who talk and talk and talk... until they finally find something to say.
Sasha Guitry

Those who cannot speak will not make a career.
Napoleon I

Caution in words is higher than eloquence.
Francis Bacon

Speak not in a way that is convenient for you to speak, but in a way that is convenient for the listener to perceive.

Clarity is the main virtue of speech.

Men are more eloquent than women, but women have greater powers of persuasion.
Thomas Randolph

The grace of the tongue is akin to the grace of the body.
Honore de Balzac

Speaking without thinking is like shooting without aiming.
Miguel de Cervantes

With age, women's eloquence moves from their feet to their tongue.
Leszek Kumor

Every nation own oratorical traditions . From the very day when the very first speaker tried to convince his very first listener that he was right, to convince not by brute force or coercion, but in a word, common sense and logic, and succeeded in this - from that very day it began oratory and rhetorical art.

We like people European culture, we have been counting the science of eloquence since the times of the ancient Greeks, but we should not forget about other traditions and peoples. Magnificent examples of eloquence and rhetoric are imprinted in literary and scientific works Ancient India, Mesopotamia, Ancient China and Egypt. We can be introduced to the best oratorical traditions by the examples of the Roman Republic, and later the Roman Empire, the fantastically rich Arabic verbal culture, the Novgorod veche, and English parliamentarism.

Every culture, which strived and strives for self-expression, gave birth to its speakers, who, based on the moment, became at different times writers, poets, politicians, emperors, revolutionaries, philosophers, military men or entrepreneurs. Their names instantly create an echo in our heart, despite the fact that we are separated in time by hundreds or thousands of years. Their word, once spoken, written or carved in stone or metal, still resonates today.

Cicero, Demosthenes, Buddha, Caesar, Homer, Confucius - this list of great speakers, whose words and deeds influenced entire nations and states, can go on and on, but instead we would rather give the floor to these speakers themselves and honor those wise aphorisms about eloquence , oratory and rhetoric that they left us.

Quotes and aphorisms of famous speakers about eloquence and oratory:

Speech is given to many, but wisdom is given to few. Cato the Elder

F. La Rochefoucauld

Heart and rich imagination are the sources of eloquence. Elisa Guenard

Speaking well means simply thinking out loud well. Renan J.

John Stuart Mill

Eloquence is the art of expressing the thoughts of others. Edouard Herriot

Eloquence is highly valued in democratic states, restraint and prudence - in monarchies. Edmund Burke

A chatty person is a printed letter that everyone can read. Pierre Buast

The level of the sermon has little to do with the height of the pulpit.
Wieslaw Brudzinski


He who is eloquent by nature sometimes speaks great truths with such clarity and brevity that most people do not think that there is deep thoroughness in them. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

One word, one gesture - that’s all the eloquence of the commander. Alphonse de Lamartine

There are men who are more eloquent than women, but not a single man has the eloquence of a woman's eyes. Carl Julius Weber

Speech should flow and develop from knowledge of the subject. If the speaker has not studied it, then all eloquence is a vain, childish effort. Marcus Tullius Cicero

True eloquence is the ability to say everything that is needed and no more than is needed. Francois VI de La Rochefoucauld

There is a gift of eloquence necessary condition pleasant companion; but no less important is the ability to listen well. author unknown

Eloquence is the art of saying well only what should be said. author unknown

Eloquence, by diverting attention to itself, damages the very essence of things. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

Eloquence is the art of controlling minds. Trolon R.

Eloquence is the art of flattering with dignity. Charles Remusat

Poetic creativity is a play of feeling, guided by reason; eloquence is the work of reason, enlivened by feeling. Immanuel Kant

Baltasar Gracian

The source of eloquence is in the heart. John Stuart Mill

Eloquence is the art of conquering minds. Plato

The greatest virtue of a speaker is not only to say what is necessary, but also not to say what is not necessary. Cicero

Oratory is unthinkable if the speaker has not mastered the subject he wants to talk about. Cicero

Caution in words is higher than eloquence. Bacon F.

The gift of speech, as we know, is not often combined with the power of thinking. Maugham S.

People are usually afraid of retreating in speech, but I think that those who skillfully make retreats are like long-armed people - they can capture more. Montesquieu S.

Figures of speech are a kind of clothing in which thoughts are dressed. Engels F.

Everyone can speak confusedly, but few can speak clearly. Galileo G.

What speakers lack in depth, they make up for in length. Montesquieu S.

Short speeches are always more meaningful and can create a strong impression. Gorky M.

There should be as much eloquence in the speech, in the eyes and facial expression of the speaker as in the choice of his words. F. La Rochefoucauld

Speaking by the way is better than speaking eloquently. B. Gracian

Cats don't consider anyone who can't meow to be eloquent. Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

In the art of fitting the maximum number of words into the smallest thought, he had no equal. Abraham Lincoln about a lawyer

When a smart person begins a sentence, we have no idea how he will finish it. When a fool starts a sentence, we know the end for sure. Alexander Sventohovsky

Their thoughts do not lead their words, but have difficulty catching up with them. Vasily Klyuchevsky

If you state the matter so clearly that everyone can understand you, someone will definitely not understand. Will Rogers

There was such poverty in the country that the inhabitants spoke in fragments of sentences. Mieczyslaw Shargan

There are people who talk and talk and talk... until they finally find something to say. Guitry

Men are more eloquent than women, but women have greater powers of persuasion. Thomas Randolph

In our world, when a person has something to say, the difficulty is not to make him say it, but to prevent him from repeating it too often... D.B. Show

The desire to speak is almost always stronger than the desire to learn something. DI. Pisarev

In life as well as in speech, nothing is more difficult than seeing what is appropriate. M.T.Cicero


People say what they think without thinking.
A. Kozlov

Don't always say what you know, but always know what you say. Claudius

Don't say anything bad about someone unless you know for sure, and if you do, then ask yourself: why am I saying this?
J. Sand

How many absurdities are said by people only out of a desire to say something new. Voltaire

What is poorly understood is often tried to be explained using words that are not understood at all. Flaubert

A smart person doesn’t say half of what he knows, a stupid person doesn’t know half of what he says. A. Absheron

A person who talks to himself, but with meaning, is no more insane than a person who talks to others, but talks nonsense. T. Stopard

I believe that anyone who has a vivid and clear idea of ​​something in their head will be able to convey it in any language, even in gibberish. M. Montaigne

The tongue of a wise man is in his heart, the heart of a fool is in his tongue. N.V. Shelkunov

The power of speech lies in the ability to express a lot in a few words. Plutarch

In the art of speech it is difficult not to say much, but to say little. Winkelman I.

Just as great minds have the gift of saying a lot in a few words, so small minds, on the contrary, have the gift of saying a lot and saying nothing. La Rochefoucauld F.

When you speak well, never say too much.
Regnard J.

You can never be too verbose if you say exactly what you want to say. Delacroix F.

Good things are twice as good when they are short. Gracian y Morales

Truthfulness of speech is good and smoothness,
But how beautiful is the brevity of truthful words.
Navoi A.

Eloquence, like pearls, sparkles with content. True wisdom is terse.
Tolstoy L. N.

Where there are few words, they have weight.
Shakespeare W.

Condensation gives strength to language. There are expressions that have the property of the rays of the sun: the more condensed they are, the stronger they burn. Southey R.

A short, expressive phrase, once understood, will be imprinted in the memory and become a slogan, which never happens with verbose reasoning. Engels F.

Commonplaces are invalids of truth. Decourcel A.

Searching too hard for words often spoils the entire speech. Best words- these are those who are themselves; they seem to be prompted by the truth itself. Quintilian M.

Do not put out the torch, although its flame fluctuates until the lantern shows you the way; do not erase old expressions from speeches until you have managed to create new words.
Ibsen G.

We should strive not to ensure that everyone understands us, but to ensure that it is impossible not to understand us. Virgil
Beware of refined language. The language should be simple and elegant. Chekhov A.P.

Academic speeches are like crystal chandeliers that sparkle but do not warm. Buast P.

An overly brilliant style makes both characters and thoughts invisible. Aristotle

There is no thought that cannot be expressed simply and clearly.
Herzen A.

Clarity is the main virtue of speech. Aristotle

The best thing is the word spoken directly and simply. Shakespeare W.

How simpler word, the more accurate it is, the more correctly it is delivered, the more it gives the phrase strength and persuasiveness. Gorky M.

Everything truly wise is simple and clear. Gorky M.

The main advantage of language is clarity. Stendhal

True eloquence lies in essence, but not in words. Sainte-Beuve Ch.

Eloquence produces a powerful, but momentary effect. People who are easily excited also calm down easily. Cold and powerful persuasion does not produce such a lift; but if it has gripped a person, it penetrates him, and its effect is indelible.
Rousseau J.-J.

Good thoughts are preferred to brilliant writing. The syllable is, so to speak, the outer garment; thought is the body hiding under clothes. Dostoevsky F. M.

A word is an expression of thought, and therefore the word must correspond to what it expresses. Tolstoy L. N.

The word reflects the thought: if the thought is incomprehensible, the word is also incomprehensible. Belinsky V. G.

Clarity of thought and clarity of expression usually occur together. Macaulay T.

It is not always important what he says, but what he says is always important. Gorky M

A word is good when it correctly expresses a thought; and it truly expresses a thought when it grows out of it, like skin from an organism, and is not put on like a glove sewn from someone else’s skin. Ushinsky K. D.

It is better to speak thoughtfully than quickly. Thomas More

Speaking without thinking is like shooting without aiming. Cervantes

If you think twice before you speak once, you will say it twice as well. Peng T.

He who thinks a lot speaks little, trying to squeeze as many thoughts as possible into few words. Irving W.

Follow the rule persistently: so that words are cramped, thoughts are spacious. Nekrasov N. A.

The pen is the best teacher; a written speech is better only than a well-thought-out one. Cicero

When there is nothing to say, they always say bad things. Voltaire

When the essence of the matter is thought out in advance, the words come by themselves. Horace

Words descend on thoughts breathing with power like pearls.
Lermontov M. Yu.

The more beautiful the thought, the more resonant phrase. Flaubert G.
Eloquence is the painting of thought. Pascal B.

Speak with conviction, the words and influence on your listeners will come naturally. Goethe I.

It's not the word, but the tone in which the word is pronounced.
Belinsky V. G.

Eloquence in actions is incomparably better than eloquence in words. Smiles S.

When the eyes say one thing and the tongue says another, experienced person believes more first. Emerson R.

You can speak with the most slurred language from the Gribuna, but if you are worried, if the questions you raised matter, if you decide the issue on the podium, the masses will be carried away along with you. Kalinin M. I.

The passions are the only speakers whose arguments are always convincing; their art is born, as it were, from nature itself and is based on immutable laws. That's why; a simple-minded person, but carried away by passion, can convince more quickly than an eloquent, but indifferent person.
La Rochefoucauld F.

The word coming from the heart penetrates the heart. Nizami

Fortitude and passion make people eloquent.
Quintilian M.

To be clear, a speaker must be frank.
Klyuchevsky V. O.

Frank speech, like wine and love, evokes the same frankness. Montaigne M.

The speaker's character is more persuasive than his speech.
Publilius Syrus

The true mirror of our way of thinking is our life. Montaigne M.

Many who commit the most shameful acts speak beautiful speeches. Democritus

Unscrupulous speakers try to make the bad seem good. Plato

A person who strictly observes himself does not enter into hypocritical relationships, does not speak at all about things about which, due to some unfavorable circumstances, he cannot express his thoughts, and if he does begin to speak, he speaks a direct and honest word. Dobrolyubov N. A.

Man is superior to animals in the ability of speech, but he is inferior to him if he makes improper use of it. Saadi

You cannot preach to people what you deny yourself.
Gorky M.

Before you say anything to others, say it to yourself.

Eloquence is the art of conquering minds.

The basis of communication between people is human speech. Despite the fact that during a conversation, only 7 percent of information is transmitted through words, and the rest goes to facial expressions, intonations and non-verbal communication channels, a person’s ability to speak is unique! And the one who has the skill to speak beautifully becomes outstanding speaker, and this leads to success among your close circle, at work, in personal life and in society as a whole.

Knowing how to tell stories beautifully is not only important professional announcers and TV presenters, actors, teachers and motivational speakers, and each of us. IN Everyday life this is simply irreplaceable, since our success depends on whether we can convince a person of something!

Becoming a great speaker is like becoming a great car driver—reading about how to turn the steering wheel, shift gears, and press the pedals is a matter of practicing and constantly improving your skill until it becomes automatic and effortless! But, of course, you need to study the basics in theory, just like a driver needs to learn the rules of the road.

The topic is vast and covers not only the ability to pronounce words correctly, but also how to overcome the fear of speaking in public, how to properly control your body and emotions when speaking, rhetoric, what is the structure of the speech itself, how to influence the audience and how to use this skill in different professions.

There are many books for each area that really cover the topic, but I repeat that without practice these are just words on paper.

Of the books that have impressed me lately:

  • "iPresentation" by Carmine Galo on the secrets of Steve Jobs' speeches and his outstanding presentations;
  • “Successful TED Talks. Recipes for the best speakers" by Chris Anderson - a selection of life hacks from the most unique speeches at the famous international conference TED;
  • deeper and more fundamental literature: “The Work of an Actor on Oneself” by Konstantin Stanislavsky and “On the Technique of an Actor” by Mikhail Chekhov - two of the most famous “textbooks” on acting, without knowledge of which an actor who thinks about his art cannot consider himself educated.

From the stage (and not only) we convey information that remains in the listeners’ brains for life. This is a huge responsibility. This is magic, magic, miracle! We are turning into a conductor of space! True, sometimes things don't go according to plan...

The human brain is an amazing organ. It starts working from the moment you are born and does not stop until you are ready to speak publicly.
George Jessel, comedian

And to prevent the same thing from happening as in the above quote, I suggest using three life hacks today that will help you make your presentation beautiful and enjoyable not only for you, but also for your listeners.

Be sincere

If you are open and sincere, choosing the right words, the result will stun you. There are many examples when even an unprofessional performance, without conscious use of techniques, produced indelible impression to the public. And why all? Because the speaker spoke sincerely, and this always catches the eye. You can stammer, tremble, cry, but what is said straight from the heart will definitely respond in the hearts of other people!

Therefore, the first and perhaps most important thing to remember is to be honest with the listener and talk about what really makes sense and is incredibly important to you. Be honest and open.

Carry the mission

Everyone who has strong idea, can give a strong speech. An idea is any thought that can change our worldview. If you are able to display your idea in the heads of other people, you will feel that in that moment you are sharing a piece of your soul that will remain with the listeners forever.

I think we all know examples of such speeches that changed history. John Kennedy's speech about the decision to send a man to the moon, Martin Luther King's speech about dreams and freedom, an interview with Steve Jobs about the fact that each of us is capable of changing this world and many others.

Therefore, talk about your dream, carry your mission and inspire your listeners with this idea.


As they say: the best improvisation is prepared improvisation. Mark Twain said: “It takes more than three weeks to prepare a good short speech impromptu".

You need to think through your speech, write it on paper or on a computer, learn and rehearse it in order to be sure of conveying information to your audience as accurately as possible.

Experienced speakers recommend rehearsing “with complications”: delivering a speech with eyes closed, with music on, performing some household activities or standing on one leg. It is also indispensably important to rehearse with the audience.

In order for our world to change in better side, we need to learn to speak and hear each other. We respond to requests and respond to each other's sincerity, honesty, sensitivity and passion. To do this, you need to discern them in the endlessly empty chatter flowing from everywhere. And you have a chance to be heard!

Speak sincerely and beautifully!