The ratio of cgs and si units. Some units of measurement

Did you know, what is the falsity of the concept " physical vacuum"?

Physical vacuum - concept of relativistic quantum physics, by which they mean the lowest (ground) energy state of the quantized field, which has zero momentum, angular momentum and others quantum numbers. Relativistic theorists call a physical vacuum a space completely devoid of matter, filled with an unmeasurable, and therefore only imaginary, field. Such a state, according to relativists, is not an absolute void, but a space filled with some phantom (virtual) particles. Relativistic quantum theory fields states that, in accordance with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, virtual, that is, apparent (apparent to whom?), particles are constantly born and disappeared in the physical vacuum: so-called zero-point field oscillations occur. Virtual particles of the physical vacuum, and therefore the vacuum itself, by definition, do not have a frame of reference, since in otherwise Einstein's principle of relativity, on which the theory of relativity is based, would be violated (that is, an absolute measurement system with reference to particles of the physical vacuum would become possible, which in turn would clearly refute the principle of relativity on which the STR is based). Thus, the physical vacuum and its particles are not elements physical world, but only elements of the theory of relativity that do not exist in real world, but only in relativistic formulas, violating the principle of causality (they arise and disappear without cause), the principle of objectivity ( virtual particles can be considered, depending on the desire of the theorist, either existing or non-existent), the principle of factual measurability (not observable, do not have their own ISO).

When one or another physicist uses the concept of “physical vacuum,” he either does not understand the absurdity of this term, or is disingenuous, being a hidden or overt adherent of relativistic ideology.

The easiest way to understand the absurdity of this concept is to turn to the origins of its occurrence. It was born by Paul Dirac in the 1930s, when it became clear that the denial of ether in pure form how I did it great mathematician, but a mediocre physicist, is no longer possible. There are too many facts that contradict this.

To defend relativism, Paul Dirac introduced the aphysical and illogical concept negative energy, and then the existence of a “sea” of two energies compensating each other in a vacuum - positive and negative, as well as a “sea” of particles compensating for each other - virtual (that is, apparent) electrons and positrons in a vacuum.

  • was adopted by the XI General Conference on Weights and Measures, some subsequent conferences made a number of changes to the SI.
  • The SI system defines seven basic and derived units of measurement, as well as a set of prefixes. Standard abbreviations for units of measurement and rules for recording derived units have been established.
  • In Russia, GOST 8.417-2002 is in force, which prescribes the mandatory use of SI. It lists the units of measurement, gives their Russian and international names and establishes the rules for their use. According to these rules, only international designations are allowed to be used in international documents and on instrument scales. In internal documents and publications, you can use either international or Russian designations (but not both at the same time).
  • Basic units: kilogram, meter, second, ampere, kelvin, mole and candela. Within the SI framework, these units are considered to have independent dimensions, that is, none of the basic units can be obtained from the others.
  • Derived units are obtained from the basic ones using algebraic operations such as multiplication and division. Some of the derived units in the SI System are given their own names.
  • can be used before names of units of measurement; they mean that a unit of measurement must be multiplied or divided by a certain integer, a power of 10. For example, the prefix “kilo” means multiplying by 1000 (kilometer = 1000 meters). SI prefixes are also called decimal prefixes.


  • The SI system is based on the metric system of measures, which was created by French scientists and was first widely introduced after the Great French Revolution. Before the introduction of the metric system, units of measurement were chosen randomly and independently of each other. Therefore, conversion from one unit of measurement to another was difficult. Moreover, in different places were used different units dimensions, sometimes with the same names. Metric system should have been comfortable and unified system measures and weights.
  • In 1799, two standards were approved - for the unit of length (meter) and for the unit of weight (kilogram).
  • In 1874, the GHS system was introduced, based on three units of measurement - centimeter, gram and second. Decimal prefixes from micro to mega were also introduced.
  • In 1889, the 1st General Conference on Weights and Measures adopted a system of measures similar to the GHS, but based on the meter, kilogram and second, since these units were considered more convenient for practical use.
  • Subsequently, they introduced basic units for measuring physical quantities in the field of electricity and optics.
  • In 1960, the XI General Conference on Weights and Measures adopted a standard that was first called the International System of Units (SI).
  • In 1971, the IV General Conference on Weights and Measures amended the SI, adding, in particular, a unit for measuring the amount of a substance (mole).
  • SI is now accepted as the legal system of units of measurement by most countries in the world and is almost always used in the scientific field (even in countries that have not adopted SI).

Historical systems of measures and units.

Before the introduction of the international system of SI units, the following systems of units were used:

Gauss system.

For the first time the concept of a system of units of physical quantities was introduced German mathematician K. Gauss (1832). Gauss's idea was as follows. First, several quantities are selected that are independent of each other. These quantities are called basic, and their units are called basic units. systems of units. Basic quantities are chosen so that, using formulas expressing the relationship between physical quantities, it is possible to form units of other quantities. Gauss called units obtained using formulas and expressed in terms of basic units derived units. Using his idea, Gauss built system of units magnetic quantities. The main units of this Gaussian system were chosen: millimeter - a unit of length, second - a unit of time. Gauss's ideas turned out to be very fruitful. All subsequent systems of units were built on the principles he proposed: LMT = Length Mass Time = Length Mass Time.

  • CGS units

    • GHS system built on the basis of the LMT system of quantities. Basic units GHS systems: centimeter is a unit of length, gram is a unit of mass, second is a unit of time. In the GHS system, using the indicated three basic units, derived units of mechanical and acoustic quantities are established. Using the unit of thermodynamic temperature - the kelvin - and the unit of luminous intensity - the candela - the GHS system extends to the field of thermal and optical quantities.
  • ISS system. (MKS units)

    • Basic units ISS systems: meter is a unit of length, kilogram is a unit of mass, second is a unit of time. Just like the SGS system, the ISS system is built on the basis of the LMT system of quantities. This system of units was proposed in 1901 by the Italian engineer Giorgi and contained, in addition to the basic ones, derived units of mechanical and acoustic quantities. By adding thermodynamic temperature, the kelvin, and luminous intensity, the candela, as basic units, the ISS system could be extended to the realm of thermal and luminous quantities.
  • MTS system.

    • MTS units system built on the basis of the LMT system of quantities. The basic units of the system: meter - a unit of length, ton - a unit of mass, second - a unit of time. The MTS system was developed in France and legalized by its government in 1919. The MTS system was adopted in the USSR and in accordance with state standard was used for more than 20 years (1933 - 1955). The unit of mass of this system - the ton - in its size turned out to be convenient in a number of industries dealing with relatively large masses. The MTS system also had a number of other advantages. Firstly, the numerical values ​​of the density of a substance when expressed in the MTS system coincided with the numerical values ​​of this quantity when expressed in the SGS system (for example, in the SGS system the density of iron is 7.8 g/cm3, in the MTS system - 7.8 t/m3 ). Secondly, the unit of work of the MTS system - kilojoule - had a simple relationship with the unit of work of the ISS system (1 kJ = 1000 J). But the sizes of the units of the vast majority of derived quantities in this system turned out to be inconvenient in practice. In the USSR, the MTS system was abolished in 1955.
  • MKGSS system (meter-kilogram-force-second system of units)

    • MKGSS unit system built on the basis of the LFT system of quantities. Its basic units are: meter - a unit of length, kilogram-force - a unit of force, second - a unit of time. Kilogram-force is a force equal to the weight of a body weighing 1 kg at normal acceleration free fall g 0 = 9.80665 m/s2. This unit of force, as well as some derivative units of the MKGSS system, turned out to be convenient when used in technology. Therefore the system received wide use in mechanics, heat engineering and a number of other industries. The main disadvantage of the MKGSS system is its very limited possibilities of application in physics. A significant disadvantage of the MKGSS system is also that the unit of mass in this system does not have a simple decimal relationship with the units of mass of other systems. With introduction International system units, the MKGSS system has lost its meaning.
  • Systems of units of electromagnetic quantities.

  • Systems of units of electromagnetic quantities. There are two known ways to construct systems of electrical and magnetic quantities based on the GHS system: on three basic units (centimeter, gram, second) and on four basic units (centimeter, gram, second and one unit of electrical or magnetic quantity). In the first way, that is, using three basic units based on the SGS system, three systems of units were obtained: electrostatic system of units (SGSE system), electromagnetic system of units (SGSM system), symmetrical system of units (SGS system). Let's consider these systems.
  • SGSE system (ES, E.S., e.s. units)

    • Electrostatic system of units (SGSE system). When constructing this system, the first derivative of the electrical unit is the unit electric charge using Coulomb's law as the governing equation. In this case, the absolute dielectric constant is considered a dimensionless electrical quantity. As a consequence of this, in some equations relating electromagnetic quantities, the square root of the speed of light in vacuum appears explicitly.
  • SGSM system (EM, E.M., e.m. units)

    • Electromagnetic system of units (SGSM system). When constructing this system, the first derivative of the electrical unit is the unit of current using Ampere's law as the governing equation. In this case, absolute magnetic permeability is considered a dimensionless electrical quantity. In this regard, in some equations relating electromagnetic quantities, the square root of the speed of light in vacuum appears explicitly.
  • CGS units

    • Symmetrical system of units (SGS system). This system is a combination of the SGSE and SGSM systems. In the SGS system, units of the SGSE system are used as units of electrical quantities, and units of the SGSM system are used as units of magnetic quantities. As a result of the combination of the two systems, in some equations connecting electrical and magnetic quantities, the square root of the speed of light in vacuum appears explicitly.

; accepted by the 1st Int. Congress of Electricians (Paris, 1881) as a system of units covering mechanics and electrodynamics. For electrodynamics, two SGS s were initially adopted. e.: el.-magn. (SGSM) and electrostatic (SGSE). The construction of these systems was based on Coulomb’s law of electrical action. charges (SGSE) and magnetic. charges (SGSM). In SGSM s. e. mag. vacuum permeability (magnetic constant) m0=1, and electrical. vacuum permeability (electric constant) e0=1/s2 s2/cm2, where s - . The SGSM unit of magnetic flux is (Mks, Mx), magnetic induction - (Gs, Gs), magnetic intensity. fields - (E, Oe), magnetomotive force - (Gb, Gb). Electric units in this property system. no names assigned. In SGSE p. e. e0=1, m0=l/c2 s2/cm2. Electric units SGSE own. have no names; their size is usually inconvenient for measurements; apply their ch. arr. in theory works.

From the 2nd half. 20th century The most widespread is the so-called symmetrical GHS s. e. (it is also called a mixed or Gaussian system of units). In symmetrical GHS s. i.e. m0=1 and e0=1. Magn. units of this system are equal to the units of the SGSM, and electrical units are equal to the units of the SGSE system.

Based on GHS p. That is, a system of thermal units SGS °C (cm - g - s - °C), light units SGSL (cm - g - s - ) and units of radioactivity and ionizing radiation SGSR (cm - g - s - ) were also created. Application of GHS p. e. is allowed in theory. works on physics and astronomy.

The ratios of the most important units of the three above-mentioned GHS systems and the corresponding SI units are shown in the table.

Physical encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. . 1983.


System of physical units values ​​from the base units: centimeter, gram, second (CGS); accepted 1st International Congress Electricians (Paris, 1881) as a system of units covering mechanics and electrodynamics. Coulomb's law of electrical interaction. charges (SGSE) and magnetic. In the system of units SGSM mag. vacuum permeability ( magnetic constant), and electric vacuum permeability ( electrical constant); unit mag. flow is maxwell (Mx, Mx), mag. induction - Gauss (Gs, Gs), magnetic intensity. fields - Oersted (E, Oe), magnetomotive force - Gilbert (Gb, Gb). Electric units in this property system. no names assigned.

In the SGSE system,. Electric From the 2nd half. 20th century max. The so-called Gauss system of units, mixed system of units became widespread). In it and; mag. Application of GHS p. e. is allowed in scientific. research. The ratio of the most important units of the GHS system and the corresponding SI units is given in table.

Lit.: Sena L. A., Units of physical quantities and their dimensions, 3rd ed., M., 1989.

Physical encyclopedia. In 5 volumes. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Chief Editor A. M. Prokhorov. 1988 .

See what "GHS SYSTEM OF UNITS" is in other dictionaries:

    - (SGS), a system of units of physical quantities with 3 basic units: length centimeter; mass grams; time second. Mainly used in physics and astronomy. In electrodynamics, two CGS systems of units were used: electromagnetic... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Modern encyclopedia

    GHS system of units- (SGS), system of units of physical quantities with basic units: cm g (mass) s. In electrodynamics, two SGS systems of units were used: electromagnetic (SGSM) and electrostatic (SGSE), as well as a mixed system (the so-called Gaussian system of units) ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    GHS system of units- CGS vienetų sistema statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Absoliuti fizikinių dydžių vienetų sistema, kurios pagrindiniai vienetai yra centimetras (cm), gramas (g) ir sekundė (s). atitikmenys: engl. CGS system vok. ZGS System, n… …Sporto terminų žodynas

    GHS (centimeter gram second) is a system of units that was widely used before the adoption of the International System of Units (SI). Within the framework of the GHS, there are three independent dimensions (length, mass and time), all others are reduced to them by... ... Wikipedia

    A system of units of physical quantities in which three basic units are adopted: length Centimeter, mass Gram and time Second. A system with basic units of length, mass and time was proposed by the Committee on Electrical... Big Soviet encyclopedia

    - (SGS), system of physical units. values ​​from 3 main. units: length centimeter; mass grams; time second. Sec. applies. arr. in physics and astronomy. In electrodynamics, two SGS s were used. e.: el. mag. (SGSM) and el. static (SGSE). In the 20th century... ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    System of units of physical quantities with basic units: cm g (mass) s. It is used mainly in works on physics and astronomy. In electrodynamics, two systems of SGS units were used: electromagnetic (SGSM) and electrostatic (SGSE). IN… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Physical quantities, a set of basic and derived units of a certain physical system. quantities formed in accordance with accepted principles. S. e. is built on the basis of physical. theories that reflect the physical relationship existing in nature. quantities At … Physical encyclopedia

    A set of basic (independent) and derived units of physical quantities, reflecting the interrelations of these quantities that exist in nature. When determining the units of the system, the following sequence is selected physical relations, in which every... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

CGS (centimeter-gram-second)- a system of units of measurement that was widely used before the adoption of the International System of Units (SI). Another name is absolute physical system units.

Within the framework of the GHS, there are three independent dimensions (length, mass and time), all others are reduced to them by multiplication, division and exponentiation (possibly fractional). In addition to the three main units of measurement - centimeter, gram and second, there are a number of additional units dimensions that are derived from the main ones. Some physical constants turn out to be dimensionless. There are several variants of the GHS, differing in the choice of electrical and magnetic units of measurement and the magnitude of the constants in various laws electromagnetism (SGSE, SGSM, Gaussian system of units). GHS differs from SI not only in the choice of specific units of measurement. Due to the fact that the SI additionally introduced basic units for electromagnetic physical quantities that were not in the GHS, some units have different dimensions. Because of this, some physical laws in these systems they are written differently (for example, Coulomb's law). The difference lies in the coefficients, most of which are dimensional. Therefore, if you simply substitute SI units into the formulas written in the GHS, incorrect results will be obtained. The same applies to different types of SGSE - in SGSE, SGSM and the Gaussian system of units, the same formulas can be written differently.

The GHS formulas lack the non-physical coefficients required in SI (for example, the electric constant in Coulomb's law), and, in the Gaussian variety, all four vectors of electric and magnetic fields E, D, B and H have the same dimensions, in accordance with their physical meaning , therefore, GHS is considered more convenient for theoretical research.

IN scientific works, as a rule, the choice of one system or another is determined by continuity of designations and transparency physical meaning than the convenience of measurements.


A system of measures based on the centimeter, gram and second was proposed by the German scientist Gauss in 1832. In 1874, Maxwell and Thomson improved the system by adding electromagnetic units of measurement.

The quantities of many units of the GHS system were found to be inconvenient for practical use, and it was soon replaced by a system based on the meter, kilogram and second (MKS). The GHS continued to be used in parallel with the ISS, mainly in scientific research.

After the adoption of the SI system in 1960, the GHS almost fell out of use in engineering applications, but continues to be widely used, for example, in theoretical physics and astrophysics due to more simple type laws of electromagnetism.

Of the three additional systems The most widely used system is the SGS symmetrical one.

Some units of measurement

  • - cm/s;
  • - cm/s²;
  • - , g cm/s²;
  • energy - erg, g cm² / s²;
  • - erg/s, g cm² / s²;
  • - dyne/cm², g/(cm·s²);
  • - , g/(cm s);
  • - , cm²/s;
  • - (SGSM, Gaussian system);

The construction of the GHS system in the section of electricity and magnetism differs from the construction of the corresponding section of the International System of Units in the following features:

a) in the International System, among the basic ones there is an electrical unit - ampere. There is no such unit in the GHS system. Derived electrical and magnetic units in this system are expressed only through three mechanical units - centimeter, gram, second;

b) the electric and magnetic constants in the GHS system are assumed to be equal to the dimensionless unit of connection; therefore, the GHS system in the section of electromagnetism loses coherence - in the equations of electromagnetism, containing simultaneously electric and magnetic quantities, the proportionality coefficient is different from unity. It had to be taken equal to He in some formulas, and in others - where c is the electrodynamic constant, equal to speed light in a vacuum;

c) electrical and magnetic units of the GHS system are established for the non-rationalized form of the electromagnetic field equations;

d) in the SGS system, the formulas for the dimensions of electromagnetic quantities contain fractional indicators degrees.

The GHS system for separating electricity and magnetism is sometimes called the Gaussian system, as well as the symmetrical GHS system. However, GOST does not provide for these names.

Many derived electrical and magnetic units of the GHS system do not have their own names. Let us agree to name all such units the same way - “GHS unit” with the addition of the name of the corresponding value. For example, the unit of charge is GHS, the unit of tension electric field GHS, etc. Let us also agree to denote all such units in the same way: with the addition of a symbol of the corresponding value in the index. For example, . In cases where this

cannot lead to misunderstandings, we will omit the index of the designation, for example “Q = 3 units. SGS", "L=5 units. SGS”, etc. It is clear that in the first case we mean “3 units of charge”, in the second - “5 units of inductance”.

Before the introduction of the SGS (symmetrical) system, the SGSE systems (SGS electrical system) and the SGSM system (SGS magnetic system) were in operation. When constructing the first one, it was taken equal to one electric constant when constructing the second - magnetic constant

The SGS system (symmetrical) is to some extent a combination of the SGSE and SGSM systems. Derived units of the GHS system are formed in the following way: units of the SGSE system are taken as units of electrical quantities, and the corresponding units of the SGSM system are taken as magnetic quantities. The GHS system in the section of electricity is coherent, since in all defining equations of electrical quantities the proportionality coefficient equal to one The coherence of the GHS system will be disrupted during the transition to magnetism (see p. 178).

Units of electrostatic quantities

To obtain derived units, we arrange the electrostatic formulas in a series that satisfies the following conditions:

1) the first formula in such a series must contain an electrical quantity, which is expressed only through mechanical quantities;

2) each subsequent formula of the series must determine a value expressed in terms of mechanical and electrical quantities that have already been obtained by the previous equations of the series.

Using the defining equations located in the specified way, let's find the derived units of electrical quantities.

Electric charge. The initial equation for constructing the SGS system is Coulomb’s law, which determines the force of interaction between point electric charges located at a distance

where e is the dielectric constant of the medium, a proportionality coefficient depending on the choice

units of quantities. If we take into account that the electric constant is taken equal to unity in the CGS system, then equation (19.1) will take the form

Putting here we find a formula that determines the force of interaction between two identical charges in a vacuum:

Putting cm in this formula, we get the unit of electric charge:

This unit is called the absolute electrostatic unit of charge or unit of charge. The CGS unit of charge is equal to the charge that interacts with equal charge at a distance of 1 cm in a vacuum with a force of 1 dyne. The charge dimension is obtained from the formula

Ratio of the GGS unit of charge to the coulomb:

Where numeric value electrodynamic constant, expressed in centimeters per second.

Linear density of electric charge. We obtain the unit of linear charge density using formula (9.2), putting in it

The unit of linear density of electric charge CGS is equal to the charge density at which the charge is uniformly distributed along a length of 1 cm. Dimension of linear density:

The ratio of the unit of linear charge density to the coulomb per meter:

Surface density of electric charge. Putting in the formula we get one surface density charge:

The unit of surface density of electric charge SGS is equal to the surface density at which charge 1 SGSd is uniformly distributed over the surface area. Dimension of surface charge density:

The ratio of the CGS unit of surface density to the coulomb per square meter:

Spatial (volume) density of electric charge. Putting in the formula we get the unit of spatial charge density:

The unit of spatial (volume) density of electric charge CGS is equal to the charge density at which a charge uniformly distributed in space by volume is equal to Dimension of spatial charge density:

Unit ratio bulk density charge of the GHS system with coulomb per cubic meter:

Electric field strength. We obtain the unit of electric field strength by putting in the formula

The CGS unit of electric field strength is equal to the field strength in which a force of 1 dyne acts on the charge. Tension dimension:

Relation to volts per meter:

Electric field strength flow. Putting in the formula we get the unit of tension flow:

The CGS unit of electric field strength flux is equal to the intensity flux through a flat surface with an area of ​​1 cm2 perpendicular to the field lines of 1 unit strength. GHS. Dimension of tension flux

Ratio 1 unit. with volt meter:

Electric potential. Unit electric potential we find by putting in the formula

The unit of electric potential CGS is equal to the potential of a uniform electric field in which a point electric charge is 1 unit. has potential energy 1 erg. Potential dimension:

These units also express voltage and electromotive force(see p. 173).

The unit of potential can also be determined by a formula expressing the relationship between the potential difference between two points of a uniform electric field located on the same power line at a distance from each other, and the strength of this field:

Putting , we get

The CGS unit of electric potential is equal to the potential difference between two points located at a distance of 1 cm on a field line of a uniform electric field of intensity

Relation to Volt:

Electric dipole moment. We find the unit of the electric moment of the dipole using formula (9.17), putting in it

The unit of electric moment of a dipole CGS is equal to the moment of a dipole whose charges, each equal, are located at a distance of 1 cm from each other. Electric torque dimension:

Relation to coulomb meter:

Polarization. Putting it in the formula, we get the unit of polarization:

The unit of polarization CGS is equal to the polarization of the dielectric, at which the volume of the dielectric has electrical torque Dimension


Ratio 1 unit. SGSR with pendant per square meter:

Absolute dielectric susceptibility. Putting it in the formula, we get the unit of absolute dielectric susceptibility:

Therefore, the absolute dielectric susceptibility is expressed in the CGS system in dimensionless units.

We obtain the same result by substituting the dimensions of polarization and electric field strength into formula (9.20):

Let us draw attention to the fact that in the International System of Units, absolute dielectric susceptibility is a dimensional quantity (see p. 71).

Electrical bias. We find the unit of electrical displacement using formula (9.22):

Since in the GHS system there is an electric constant dimensionless, equal to 1, then the electric displacement is expressed in the same units and has the same dimension as the electric field strength, i.e.

In SI, electric field strength and electric displacement are expressed in different units and have different dimensions.

Ratio between and pendant per square meter:

Electrical capacity. Putting it in the formula we get the unit of capacity:

The CGS unit of electrical capacitance is equal to the capacitance of an isolated conductor, at which an electric charge creates a potential on the conductor. Capacitance is possessed by a conductive ball with a radius of 1 cm. Dimension of capacitance

Sometimes the unit of capacity is called a centimeter (cm). However, this name has not received official recognition. The relationship of this unit to the farad:

Volumetric energy density of the electric field. We find the unit of this quantity by putting in the formula

Erg on cubic centimeter is equal to the volumetric energy density at which the volume of the electric field region contains 1 erg of energy. Dimension of volumetric energy density:

The ratio of erg per cubic centimeter to joule per cubic meter:

Units of electric current quantities

Current strength. The current strength in the SGS system is in contrast to the derivative value. Current strength is understood as a value equal to the electric charge flowing through the cross-section of a conductor per unit time, i.e.

Putting it, we find the unit of current:

Unit of force electric current CGS is equal to the current strength at which an electric charge passes through the cross-section of the conductor. Dimension of current strength:

Ampere ratio:

Electric current density. We obtain the unit of current density by putting in the formula

The unit of electric current density CGS is equal to the current density at which the strength of the current uniformly distributed over the cross-section of the conductor area is equal to the current density dimension:

Ratio to amperes per square meter:

Electrical voltage. Putting in the formula we get the unit of electric


Unit electrical voltage GHS is equal to the voltage at the site electrical circuit, at which the section passes D.C. force and power expended Dimension of electrical voltage:

Relation to Volt:

Electrical resistance. We find the unit of resistance using formula (9.33), substituting into it

Unit electrical resistance CGS is equal to the resistance of the section of the electrical circuit at which a direct current force causes a voltage drop. Resistance dimension

Relation to ohm:

Specific electrical resistance. Putting cm in the formula, we find the unit of resistivity:

The CGS unit of electrical resistivity is equal to resistivity substance in which a section of an electrical circuit made of this substance with a length of 1 cm and a cross-sectional area has a resistance Dimension of specific


Relationship between and ohm meter:

Electrical conductivity. We obtain the unit of electrical conductivity by putting in formula (9.36)

The CGS unit of electrical conductivity is equal to the conductivity of a section of an electrical circuit with resistance. Conductivity Dimension:

Correlation with Siemens:

Specific electrical conductivity. Putting cm in the formula, we find the unit of electrical conductivity:

The unit of specific electrical conductivity CGS is equal to the specific conductivity of a substance at which a section of an electrical circuit made of this substance with a length of 1 cm and a cross-sectional area has electrical conductivity. Dimension of specific conductivity:

The relationship between units of conductivity in the GHS and SI systems:

Mobility of current carriers (ions, electrons). We find the unit of mobility using formula (9.40), putting in it

The CGS mobility unit is equal to the mobility at which an ion (electron) acquires a speed of 1 cm/s at a field strength equal to the mobility dimension

The relationship between mobility units in the GHS and SI systems:

Molar concentration (concentration of component B).

We find the unit of molar concentration using formula (9.49), putting the mole in it,

A mole per cubic centimeter is equal to the molar concentration of a substance in a solution at which the volume of the solution contains 1 mole of solute. Dimension of molar concentration:

The ratio of units of molar concentration in the GHS and SI systems:

Ionic equivalent concentration. We find the unit of ion equivalent concentration using formula (9.50). Putting in this formula we get

Dimension of ion equivalent concentration:

Molar electrical conductivity. We find the unit of molar electrical conductivity using formula (9.51), putting in it:

The CGS unit of molar electrical conductivity is equal to the molar conductivity of a solution having a molar concentration of a substance with specific conductivity. Dimension of molar electrical conductivity

The ratio of units of molar electrical conductivity in the CGS and SI systems:

Equivalent electrical conductivity. We find the unit of equivalent electrical conductivity by substituting it into formula (9.51a):

Therefore, the equivalent electrical conductivity is expressed in the same units and has the same dimension as the molar electrical conductivity.

From a comparison of formulas (9.51) and (9.51a) it follows that the numerically equivalent conductivity is several times greater than the molar conductivity.

Electro chemical equivalent. We find the unit of electrochemical equivalent using formula (9.52), putting in it

The CGS unit of electrochemical equivalent is equal to the electrochemical equivalent of the substance that is released on the electrode when an electric charge passes through the electrolyte. Dimension of the electrochemical equivalent:

Absolute and relative dielectric constants, dielectric susceptibility, valence, chemical equivalent are relative quantities and therefore

expressed in dimensionless units. Units temperature coefficient resistance and molization coefficient are the same as in SI (see pp. 79 and 83).

Units of magnetism quantities

It is impossible to use the constitutive equations of magnetic quantities in the form in which they are given in § 9 in the SGS system. The fact is that the formulas of electromagnetism, containing both electrical and magnetic quantities, in the GHS system differ from the corresponding formulas of the International System of Units. The right side of such formulas (see Table 10) includes the factor or where c is the electrodynamic constant. It is a transition multiplier from the unit of current strength of the SGSM system to the unit of current strength of the SGSE system:

The main characteristic of a magnetic field is magnetic induction. Therefore, we will begin with it the construction of the SGS system for magnetic quantities.

Magnetic induction. To obtain a unit of magnetic induction, we use formula (9.55). By introducing a factor into the right side of this formula we get

Putting dyne, cm, we find the unit of magnetic induction:

This unit is called Gauss (G). Gauss equal to induction uniform magnetic field, which for a segment 1 cm long straight conductor with current strength acts with a maximum force of 1 dyne. Magnetic induction dimension:

Gauss to Tesla ratio:

Magnetic flux. Putting in let's find the formula unit of magnetic flux:

This unit is called maxwell. Maxwell is equal to magnetic flux, created by a homogeneous magnetic field by induction in cross section area Dimension of magnetic flux:

Maxwell's relation to Weber:

Flux linkage is also expressed in Maxwells (see §9).

Magnetic moment of electric current. To receive a unit magnetic moment current, we use formula (9.53), introducing its multiplier into the right side (see also Table 10):

Let's find the unit of magnetic moment.