Swiss mercenaries in the Middle Ages. The tough Swiss warriors

Both sides actively held meetings throughout December and also hurled accusations at their opponents. In particular, Rovshan was suspected of organizing the murder of thief Vyacheslav Ivankov and the assassination attempt on Usoyan.

According to operatives, after a sniper wounded one of the leaders of the Russian criminal world Aslan Usoyan, nicknamed , he seriously thought about who after him would become the head of the mafia empire. As a result a thief in law relied on relatives and Yezidi Kurds, which is Grandfather Hasan himself. As the agency’s source in law enforcement agencies notes, today we can say with complete confidence that if something happens to Usoyan, the mafia clan will be led by his nephew, nicknamed Miron. He was born in 1981 in Georgia, and when by 2004 he became a little accustomed to the criminal world, Grandfather Hasan appointed him to look after Yaroslavl region. In 2004, capital operatives detained Miron along with

another relative of Ded Hasan - Yuri Usoyan. They were found to have drugs. However, both crime bosses got off with suspended sentences. In 2005, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Yaroslavl Region opened a case against Chanturia for falsifying documents, and he was even put on the wanted list. But this time too, Miron avoided being sent to a colony.

After an attempt was made on Ded Hassan’s life in the fall of 2010, he urgently “transferred” his nephew from the Yaroslavl region to Dedovsk near Moscow and began to gradually bring him up to date. According to operatives, now it is Chanturia who communicates with all businessmen under the clan’s wards, negotiates with other thieves in law, etc. It is noteworthy that Miron really does not like to bring conflict situations in the mafia world before open confrontation, preferring to decide controversial issues through negotiations. Because of this, even Usoyan’s ardent opponents are quite loyal to Chanturia. True, they note that he does not have a single prison sentence under his belt.

Miron understands that he will have a serious role to play in the upcoming war of thieves. As the agency's source notes, recently this a thief in law began to move not alone, but accompanied large group bodyguards.

Thief in law Yuri Usoyan - Yura Lazarovsky

It is worth noting that Aslan Usoyan himself is now surrounded by more than ten guards. When he is in his favorite restaurants “Bosphorus” (Miron’s headquarters) and “Phaeton” (the headquarters of Ded Hassan himself), there is a whole cordon of strong guys standing around his table, behind whose backs you can’t even see the boss.

Grandfather Hassan also decided on those who will further represent the interests of the clan “on the ground.” For example, in the Krasnodar region this is the same Yuri Usoyan (Yura Lazarevsky), in Sverdlovsk region another nephew of Ded Hasan is Temuri Mirzoev (Timur Sverdlovsky), in Kazakhstan - Yazidi Kurd Gadi Kaloyan (Onik, was crowned in the summer of 2012).

According to operatives, the only one who can seriously compete with Miron in the right to lead the clan is a thief in law Zakhary Kalashov (). He is currently serving a long sentence in Spain for money laundering, but will be released in 2013. His extradition is demanded by Georgia, where Kalashov was sentenced in absentia to 18 years for the kidnapping and murder of businessman Alex Crane. However, due to the fact that the government in Tbilisi has actually changed, there is no certainty that Kalashov’s extradition to Georgia will take place. According to operatives, Shakro’s weight in the criminal world, and especially among the Yezidis, is extremely high. Even despite his forced long-term isolation. And a significant part of the financial assets of the Usoyan clan is based on Kalashov’s business empire. It is difficult to say how Shakro will behave after his release. He was always considered faithful ally Usoyan. But when Kalashov was under house arrest before the verdict, he had disagreements with representatives of Ded Khasan (in particular, with thief in law Lasha Shushanashvili).

In the meantime, the most faithful “defender” of Shakro’s interests in Moscow is his ex-wife Donara. According to operatives, she personally participates in some “gatherings” of gangsters and even in “shootouts”, to which she arrives in a limousine with a “talking” license plate “V...OR”

According to law enforcement, while Aslan Usoyan was waging a war with his long-time opponent Tariel Oniani (“thieves in law” could not decide who would manage the business empires of Zakhary Kalashov, who was sent to prison), he did not notice how a new force hostile to him had appeared in the mafia world. Its leaders were the “criminal generals” Dzhemo Mikeladze (Dzhemo) and Rovshan Dzhaniev (Rovshan Lyankaryansky).

Rovshan's criminal career began in 1996, when he dealt with his father's killer right in the courtroom. After serving his sentence, he began to rapidly move up the hierarchical ladder of the mafia world. Now he is considered one of the richest thieves in law. As operatives note, he has a lot of reasons not to like Ded Hasan. Rovshan has long been claiming to be the leader of Azerbaijani mafia groups, but he cannot achieve this goal. Most of the other prominent crime lords, immigrants from Azerbaijan (including Bakhysh Aliyev (Vakha), Nadir Salifov (Lotu Gulu), Yusif Aliyev (Yuska Shamkhorsky) are members of the Usoyan clan. Thanks to this, they are more than successfully resisting Rovshan. In particular , since 2009, Dzhaniev and Bakhish Aliev and Co. have been waging a fierce war for the Moscow wholesale greens market, which brings in colossal profits uncontrolled by the state. During the showdown, about 20 gangsters have already been killed. And it was Rovshan who suffered the greatest losses.

Thief in law Yusif Aliyev - Yusuf Shamkhorsky

In the same 2009, Dzhaniev had another problem. According to detectives, close friend Grandfather Hassan decided to take control of the production and sales of dry concrete mixtures in the Moscow region. Most of the retail and wholesale construction markets were run by bandits close to Rovshan, who did not want to see a competitor in this area of ​​business.

In the middle of the summer of 2009, a meeting took place, which was attended by Yaponchik himself, one Chechen authority, as well as several Azerbaijani thieves in law associated with Lankaransky. The conversation between the parties turned out to be very unpleasant, and on July 28 an attempt was made on Ivankov’s life. He later died in hospital.

Then the clan of Ded Hassan did not connect this crime with the story of concrete mixtures, since there was a “war” with Oniani, in which Yaponchik was on the side of Usoyan. However, after Ivankov’s death, the situation for Dzhaniev did not change. He still lost in battles with opponents supported by Ded Hassan.

A particularly severe blow was dealt to Rovshan in the fall of 2010. Then he was detained in Ukraine with a fake passport. During his stay in the pre-trial detention center, he left his closest associate, crime boss Vagif Tukanov, to monitor the flow of income from his facilities in the Moscow region. The Azerbaijani thieves under Usoyan’s wards decided to take advantage of their competitor’s shaky positions: they tried to “in an amicable way” remove representatives of the Rovshan clan from the structures under his control. When this did not work out, shooting began again in the capital. So, in September 2010, Vagif Tukanov was killed. And literally two weeks later, Ded Hassan himself came into the killer’s sights. A sniper wounded him in the stomach.

However, this time too, the Usoyan clan attributed the incident to the machinations of their friend, the thief Merab Dzhangveladze.

Thief in law Nadir Salifov - Guli

Ded Hassan’s “family” began to seriously think about the role of Rovshan in all these crimes after another high-profile murder. In April 2012, a killer shot and killed the Azerbaijani “authority” Ilgar Dzhabrailov (Danabash). According to operatives, he performed extremely important role in the Usoyan clan: he was responsible for the safety of Ded Hasan himself and his favorite places (in particular, the same “Phaeton”), and also oversaw the Azerbaijani direction in the clan. In addition, Danabash was a relative of Yusif Aliyev. Here in the Usoyan clan there was no doubt where the “wind was blowing” from. Gradually, the thieves began to associate Rovshan’s name not only with this crime, but also with the murder of Yaponchik and the attempt on Ded Hasan’s life. The result of this was the “malyava” (message), which was signed and distributed throughout the colonies by more than 30 “thieves in law” (including 10 Azerbaijani) from the Usoyan clan. It said that by the decision of the “criminal generals” Lankaransky was finally and irrevocably deprived of the title of “thief in law.”

However, according to the detectives, Grandfather Hassan’s clan realized it too late. By this time, Rovshan managed to unite the disparate forces in the “world of thieves” that oppose Usoyan. Now he is supported by Dzhemo Mikeladze and, as well as about a hundred other thieves in law.

It turned out that Dzhaniev had been secretly preparing for the war with Usoyan since 2009, and decided to “open his cards” recently, when there was no longer any particular need to hide everything. Throughout the fall and December 2012, thieves from the united opposition created by Dzhaniev held meetings abroad, during which they discussed plans to “discredit” Usoyan in the criminal world, as well as methods of conducting new war. There is no longer any doubt that it will happen.

Ded Hasan's clan tried to actively resist Rovshan. In the fall, Yusif Aliyev and Bakhysh Aliyev were sent to Ukraine in order to “undermine” Lankaransky’s positions. For Vakha, this voyage ended sadly. After some time in Istanbul, Dzhaniev caught him, whose people beat him half to death.

Rovshan himself now lives in the UAE, where most of the meetings of the united opposition of gangsters take place. At the last of them, held on December 10, 16 people were “crowned” at once - Usoyan’s potential opponents in the upcoming war. Ded Hassan’s clan, however, has already begun to carry out “explanatory” work with the newly minted crime bosses, after which some began to express public repentance for their participation in the Dubai gathering.

Irreconcilable leaders of the world of thieves: Tariel Oniani/"Taro" (in handcuffs) and Aslan Usoyan/"Grandfather Hassan"

Gogi Chikovani - the oldest thief in law
Khuseyn Akhmadov/"Hussein the Blind"
Vladimir Volkov/"Volchok"
Sergey Timofeev/Sylvester. Killed 09/13/1994
Vyacheslav Ivankov/"Yaponchik". Mortally wounded 07/28/2009
In Spain, thief in law “Shakro Molodoy” was accused of “organizing a criminal community and laundering criminal proceeds”
Meeting at top level: From left to right: Dzhemal Khachidze/“Dzhemal”, Aslan Usoyan/“Grandfather Hassan” and Zakhary Kalashov/“Shakro-Young” (far right)

There is another bloody thieves' feud going on in Russia - a war of "thieves in law" with each other. The winner will take the throne of the thieves' emperor and will control the "Russian mafia" throughout the world

The first thieves' war began when the "blatars" mobilized during the Great War began to return to places of detention. Patriotic War(second half of the 1940s). Some of them received medals, and one thief was even a Hero Soviet Union became. Once in civilian life, the thieves returned to their usual craft. In the camps, old friends presented them with complaints: if you are a thief, you should not serve in the army, and if you served, that means you are a “bitch” and according to the “concepts”, thieves’ rules, you deserve to die. Then these wars were called “bitch.”
The second thieves' war took place under Khrushchev (50s). Soviet authority decided to reforge the thieves with their own hands, taking advantage of the fact that according to the laws of the criminal world, a thief should not do certain things in the zone, for example, clean the toilet. Thieves were taken to special zone“White Swan”, where there was no one to force to do menial work - only thieves and security. The thief had no choice but to force another thief to carry out the bucket. And they began to kill each other and start camp riots. They were shot, crushed by tanks...
“In the practice of the Soviet camp system, thieves’ wars were one of the most significant ways to eradicate this caste. Sometimes such confrontations were provoked by the thieves themselves, sometimes they were created for this purpose. special conditions at the initiative of the country’s leadership,” said Anatoly Zhoglo, police colonel, veteran of the Main Directorate for Organized Crime Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The first salvos of the third thieves' war rang out in 1991, after the authorities of the Chechen criminal community, declaring that “they would take over the country anyway,” refused to participate in the division of the territory of the USSR. (In 1988, the so-called “gangway” took place in Dagomys, at which the thieves divided the “areas of responsibility” among themselves.)
The confrontation first took place at the level of shootouts and mutual imprisonments with the help of corrupt “cops” or “committee members.” Then the Slavic authorities decided to declare war on the Caucasians. The main initiator is considered to be Sergei Timofeev, nicknamed “Sylvester,” but behind this leader of the Solntsevskaya and Orekhovskaya gangs were the thieves Dzhem and Sliva. The difficulty was to establish the habitats of the leaders of the Caucasian groups. In the spring of 1991, Sylvester almost managed to solve this problem. A day was set when the leaders of the Caucasian criminals, according to Sylvester’s plan, were to be simultaneously liquidated, but information about this plan was “accidentally” leaked to the media...
In 1998, even more serious volleys of the third thieves thundered. Thieves' blood was shed abundantly due to... default. Most of the common fund turned out to be invested in instantly depreciated GKO notes. (The thieves were not original and followed the example of our major government officials.) When the crisis broke out, at a meeting in Odessa, the thieves were going to ask uncomfortable questions to the main custodian of the thieves' common fund - the elderly Aslan Usoyan, nicknamed "Grandfather Hassan." But before the gathering had time to begin, Ukrainian fighters against organized crime appeared. Six months later, in one of the roadside eateries on the Moscow Ring Road, unknown persons killed a Georgian thief in law, who was responsible for the security of that “meeting.” And the questions to “Ded Hasan” disappeared by themselves.
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, two to three hundred Slavic thieves are currently “working” in Russia. Total number The “legitimate” thieves’ caste exceeds two thousand, most of whom are Georgian thieves. The latter settled in Russia after Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili introduced severe criminal penalties only for self-recognition of the title of “thief in law” (up to 10 years with confiscation of property).

Thieves' morals
“Even before the revolution, the institution of thieves in law began to form on Russian territory,” recall veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. - Then such people called themselves vagabonds or Ivans, who did not remember their kinship. Around those times, shortly before the Bolsheviks came to power, a code of thieves was formed - the so-called “concepts”. A thief must not marry, have property, and must not submit to any government authority, much less cooperate with the zone administration. A thief must monitor the collection of funds for the common fund and never give up the title of thief. After Khrushchev's bloodshed in the White Swan, the thieves made concessions for themselves, for example, they allowed themselves to get married. And they acquired property like nouveau riche.
Today, the “thieves’ vertical” resembles the structure of the Soviet nomenklatura. Instead of meetings of the Politburo there is a thieves’ “gangway”, the decisions of which are binding (sometimes on pain of death). Instead of the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank there is a thieves' common fund. Instead of the army - “infantry”, ordinary gangsters. The role of the KGB is performed by corrupt officials and employees of state security agencies.
“In matters of security, there has been such close interpenetration that now the party in power has begun to be called the party of thieves and swindlers. Although many of the deputies have not even been seated yet,” police veterans conclude.
One of the thieves of the old formation presented an “inside” view of my question about morals: “...No, I have never seen the thieves’ code and did not sign it in blood. Old inmates told me that this code was invented by the famous “Sonka the Golden Hand”. She also came up with the common fund idea - to hand over part of the loot to a common fund in order to hire lawyers and “warm up” them in the zone. Large sums were collected there. Because of this common fund, they devoured her - they handed her over to the police, but they didn’t help in prison, and she disappeared...
According to historian Alexei Mukhin, since the mid-1980s, USSR KGB officers entered into authorized contact with representatives of the thieves’ world in all thieves’ prisons - Vladimir, Tulunskaya (Irkutsk), “ White Swan"and others. The outcome of this action is unknown, but after these conversations the KGB seized almost all incriminating documents on the thieves from the GULAG archives and, apparently, compiled its own file cabinet.
According to archival data, more than 70% of convicted thieves in law collaborated with the authorities in one form or another. These documents posed a considerable danger to their authority in the criminal environment. Thus, the KGB was able to find an opportunity to manipulate criminal authorities, and only during the serious upheavals that the all-powerful Committee experienced did the criminal community again become uncontrollable. According to one version, in order to regain control over the criminal underworld, the special services are eliminating thieves under the guise of the third thieves' war.

The smell of blood
Four thieves stood at the origins of this war: Tariel Oniani (“Taro”), Aslan Usoyan (“Grandfather Hasan”), Zakhary Kalashov (“Shakro-Young”) and Vyacheslav Ivankov (“Yaponchik”). A series of thieves’ gatherings took place in Russia and abroad, some were organized by Tariel Oniani, others by Aslan Usoyan. The main “agenda” of each of them was ways to achieve leadership.
Aslan Usoyan, a Kurd, born in Tbilisi in 1937, was the holder of the largest thieves' common fund in Russia. He preferred to live in the Krasnodar region. According to operational data, he does not call his opponent an enemy, but on the contrary, says that Oniani is “a talented businessman with great connections" He was the initiator of convening a number of thieves’ “gangways”, the main issues of which were the confrontation with Oniani and the money for Olympic construction in Sochi.
Tariel Oniani was born in 1952. He received his first conviction for robbery at the age of 17, and was convicted eight times in total. Listed among the top three largest authorities underworld former USSR. More than once he gathered gatherings of thieves to sentence “Grandfather Hassan.” As a rule, they were dispersed by special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At one of these meetings, which was held on the ship, as a result of a special operation, more than 50 crime bosses were detained, including 39 thieves in law. Among them were Tariel Oniani himself, Jamal Khachidze and Roland Gegechkori (“Hat”).
In 2005, Spain put Tariel on the wanted list on charges of organizing a criminal group and money laundering. To capture him, the Spanish police carried out a large-scale special operation “Wasp” in 2006, but the crime boss managed to leave the country, and his daughter and several of his closest associates were imprisoned. But most importantly, as a result of this action, Zakhary Kalashov (“Shakro-Young”) was arrested.
Oniani sent his people to one of the elders of the thieves’ world, Gogi Chikovani.
“Thieves must not drink their own blood! This plays into the hands of the cops!” - said then 83-year-old thief in law Gogi Chikovani, one of the oldest thieves in law in the post-Soviet space.
They didn't listen to him. After a number of thieves’ “summits”, both those that took place and those dispersed by the police, the body of Kutaisi thief Malkhaz Mindadze was found in the capital of Greece with two bullet wounds. One of Taro's assistants was also killed there. According to some reports, the murder of Mindadze is revenge for the murder of one of Shakro-Young’s friends.
The thief in law “Yaponchik” did not interfere in the fight between these people. He didn't intervene until a sniper shot him.
Vyacheslav Ivankov (“Yaponchik”) was born in 1940 in Moscow. Also known as “Glory to the Japanese”, “Grandfather”, “Assyrian son-in-law”, “Ivanets”. Committed thefts. At the end of the 1960s, he began to “work” with “Mongol” (Gennady Karkov), who extorted money from trade workers and “guild workers”. They were taken outside the city and forced to dig graves to get money and valuables. In the late 1980s, Ivankov was in prison. In 1991, at the request of the group famous politicians and major cultural figures (doctor Svyatoslav Fedorov, singer Joseph Kobzon, human rights activist Sergei Kovalev), the thief in law was released early. Then “Jap” managed to move to the USA (under the guise of a cameraman for the film crew of the famous film director Rolan Bykov).
FBI agents monitored Ivankov and collected evidence of his criminal activities in the United States. An American court sent “Jap” to jail for 10 years for racketeering. After serving time in a foreign land, Ivankov was extradited to Russia. Since then, he has never even come close to the thieves' gatherings that took place in the territory of the former USSR, which were crushed by fighters against organized crime.
“Don’t touch Grandfather,” people close to him said, “he now writes fairy tales for children. Let him die in peace, he doesn’t feel well anyway...”
...The Jap was shot on the evening of July 28, 2009 from a Gazelle cargo truck with a covered body, in which a window was cut out for targeted shooting. In a truck parked across the street from the Thai Elephant restaurant, they found two sniper rifles. The “honorable” thief in law was 69 years old.

How the thieves' commander was killed
Two snipers on one target at once is a unique phenomenon. With an aiming range of up to a kilometer, shooting from 150 meters - and one sniper would be enough. It is possible that the abandoned rifles are a distraction factor. During the investigation, it turned out that the bullet was filed crosswise in order to cause maximum damage to the body.
By official version, Ivankov was allegedly going to resolve a dispute between criminal groups over the gambling business. Representatives of criminal circles reported then that Ivankov almost constantly lived and worked in Moscow. He spent the daytime hours in the office of one of the companies that belonged to his friends, on Khoroshevskoye Shosse, not far from the Polezhaevskaya metro station. And in fact, he composed children's fairy tales.
But, firstly, “Yap” at the wake of “Skif” (a thief in law killed shortly before the assassination attempt on Ivankov) gave his word to take revenge on the killers. Secondly, a week before the assassination attempt, “Yaponchik” had a serious conversation with representatives of the Georgian thieves’ diaspora, during which Ivankov was going to “break” a bottle of champagne on someone’s head.
Operatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs shared this idea with me: “Think about it, who could drive a Gazelle stolen from the region, with two SVDs on board, through almost all of Moscow with impunity, past all the checkpoints? Know clearly where to shoot, at whom, and get away with impunity. And throw some more trunks, but they are worth a lot! Think about who really controlled the gambling business in the country? Thieves in law? It’s funny, this is last year’s snow!”
After the attempt on Ivankov’s life, a “malyava”, allegedly signed by “Yaponchik”, “Ded Khasan”, “Shakro-Young” and thirty other thieves, caused a stir in the criminal world. (“Malyava” is a note outlining the decision of the thieves’ “Politburo”, which is distributed through illegal means throughout all correctional institutions.) The authors of the “malyava” called on every “honest tramp” to kill Tariel Oniani, to whom they applied in the epistle dirty word to "b".
“Now not a single man will sit in the same cell with Oniani, because he will simply have to kill him, which means that he will have to impose on himself another sentence and the sentence of those people who stand behind Oniani,” this is how one of the representatives commented on the contents of the letter to me the top of the criminal world.
A rhetorical question: Could Vyacheslav Ivankov, being in a coma after the assassination attempt, become the author of the “malyava”, under which his signature is the first? Another signatory, Zakhary Kalashov (“Shakro-Young”), was in a Spanish prison. One of the representatives of the criminal world told me: “In principle, other thieves could sign for Ivankov and Kalashov. Conceptually, this is possible. Until now, none of the thieves have withdrawn their signature on the little one.”
Four years ago each of warring parties sent her representatives to the elderly thief Gogi Chikovani in Tbilisi. At the same time, Gogi told NTV correspondent Maxim Gladky about his attitude to the thieves’ war. We are publishing fragments of the conversation that were not aired.
“Correspondent: Ivankov, they say, took the position of one of the conflicting parties. Do you have a desire to go to Russia to prevent the thieves' war?
Gogi Chikovani: No, that’s impossible. Tariel’s brother came to see me... I advised: “Stop it.” I even said, “Don’t think that you will win, because when you win, your defeat will begin.” They didn't understand. I say: “The second party, which is in conflict with “Jap”, she won’t come! Even thief in law Tariel gathered, but no one answered, and everything fell silent.
It is useless to talk about preventing war between thieves' clans. They are because big money they quarrel... And they don’t like Georgian thieves even here in Georgia. They are no longer in the villages or regions. They went to Russia or further. I'm the only thief in law here who is free.
I can't reconcile them. Frankly, they are no longer thieves, they are businessmen. I had people say interesting things. About the “gangway” in the summer on Pirogovka, on a boat. Come on, idiots! One conflicting party was there on board, and the other was not. This is vile. And I told the thieves that what they were up to was similar to what happened in 1947. Then there was a real war between the crooked thieves and us. And so they killed us, we killed them. I’ve served 27 years in prison in my life and I don’t envy those who followed my path.”
On the evening of September 16, 2010, an assassination attempt was made on Aslan Usoyan on Tverskaya Street in Moscow. He received three gunshot wounds to the stomach. Two 7.62 mm cartridges and a homemade automatic rifle were found at the crime scene. In many ways it repeated the assassination attempt on “Yaponchik”. But “Grandfather Hasan” survived.
Aslan Usoyan was hit by one bullet, 7.62 caliber, fired, according to the preliminary version, from Chinese equivalent Kalashnikov. The bullet is not poisoned, without a cross-shaped notch. The media immediately connected this attempt with the name of Oniani. Through his lawyer, Taro, who was in prison, categorically rejected such assumptions. However, after Ivankov’s death, he also expressed extreme regret over the loss of such a person and even asked the investigation to let him go to the cemetery to lay a wreath to his ally.
In March 2011 Russian authorities Oniani was extradited to Spain at the request of the law enforcement agencies of that country...

Rearguard of "Ded Hasan"
Another heavy loss of the fighting forces of “Ded Hasan” was the death of Andrei Selvyan, nicknamed “Andrei Sukhumsky”. He was born in the foothills of Sukhum, was a farce, and in 1986 he was convicted in Tuapse (Krasnodar Territory). When he was released, he became the leader of an organized crime group, which, according to operatives, included Ashot Elekchan, Ishkhon Mochkalyan, Yusif Osipov, Sergey Evrushyan. They took control of a number of markets and commercial structures in the Moscow region, Krasnodar Territory and Leningrad region. Then he met Aslan Usoyan.
In 1994, Selvyan in the Krasnodar Territory received another sentence for extortion, but despite this, he managed to remain free. He was sent to a penal colony in Ust-Labinsk to serve his sentence. According to the documents, it was stated that he was in it, but in fact the “authority” lived in Moscow.
Despite his criminal past, Selvyan was the deputy head of two Moscow private security companies. According to operatives, he was personally involved in protecting Usoyan, and on the day of the assassination attempt, it was Andrei who was driving the jeep that brought “Hasan” to the crime scene.
Now “Sukhumsky” himself became a target for killers: he was killed by unknown assailants in Moscow, on Volochaevskaya Street, in the entrance of the house where Andrei lived. The criminal hid the PM in a paper bag. He shot the security officer twice in the back, and when he tried to get his service pistol, he finished him off with a “control” in the head. The boss was still alive when the ambulance came for him, but died on the way to the hospital.
A bag with a bullet hole and eight spent 9mm cartridges were found at the scene. The deceased had with him a license for a pistol from the private security company SMERSH, a telephone, 50 thousand rubles and about 7 thousand dollars.
““Grandfather Hasan” instructed Selvyan to resolve conflict situations, and also to be responsible for the safety of thieves’ gangs,” said fighters against organized crime from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. “Andrei Sukhumsky managed to hold one of these meetings in Krasnaya Polyana, next to the current government residence.”
Recently, law enforcement officers put two thieves in law on bunks: Vladimir Volkov (“Volchok”) and Khusein Akhmadov (“Husein Blind”). “Volchok” was detained by employees of the criminal investigation department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Adygea. During a personal search, 0.6 g of methadone was found and confiscated from him. “Blind” in Moscow was found with 3 grams of heroin, as well as a homemade dagger with a blade 40 centimeters long, recognized as a bladed weapon. According to Akhmadov, the dagger was made for him as a gift by some camp craftsman.
Both thieves were part of Usoyan’s circle of friends. "Top" was watching Krasnodar region, where in last years lived "Grandfather Hasan". And “Hussein the Blind” is one of the few Chechen thieves in law who is friendly with Usoyan.

The price of victory is world domination?
- What do thieves divide among themselves specifically? - I asked one of the representatives of the criminal generals.
- The same as always, power. After all, after the crisis of 1998, when half of the common fund almost collapsed, no one asked “Ded Hassan” where the money went and who would compensate. And Tarot, obviously, insisted on explanations. In general, word by word, everyone began to form their own thieves around themselves...
- That’s why we went to Chikovani?
- Chikovani is old already. I just needed his name. Those who are 50-60 years old gain strength. And they are not dividing specific plants and factories. Thieves are very rarely friends with each other, but “suit” obliges them to respect each other. But if a thief wants to kill another, he must do it with a knife. And then there are some snipers... I do not rule out that the special services are eliminating the thieves one by one, taking advantage of the quarrel between Oniani and Usoyan. Look at how often the murders happen. They killed one, paused for two or three months, then another, paused again. This is how committee members worked under Khrushchev.
- Why such a pause?
- So that the thieves get confused in the “misunderstandings”, squabble with each other, forget, calm down, relax.
- If you estimate the amount of funds, the palaces in our zones should be cleaner than in Rublyovka?
- There are palaces, only thieves build them for themselves.
- I have heard that state security maintains close contacts with thieves...
- “Shakro-Young” tried to get into the aluminum business when, according to security operatives, Deripaska came there. During the negotiations, the thief was simply hit on the head with an ashtray and thrown out. And there was no response from him, and no repeated attempts to get involved in this matter.
The Spanish special services tried to isolate “Shakro-Young” from any contacts with the outside world, even arresting his lawyers. And in the Shakro empire there are not only notorious casinos, there are powerful industrial enterprises and some banks that are now under threat.
Other thieves also have banks, but each of the clans planning to fight has its own methods of protecting criminal financial flows. It would be ridiculous for thieves not to take advantage of a situation where the government is allocating hundreds of billions of dollars to prevent a financial crisis. And, pushing each other with their elbows, they strove for this “trough”, wanting first of all to insure their financial institutions. That's all thieves' romance...
- And after the events of 1998 and the war of thieves, did “Grandfather Hassan” leave the “common fund” or did he stay?
“I don’t know,” the thief’s colleague answered honestly, “I’ve been out of work for a long time.” Each team could create their own. Or it was crushed.
- That is, it is possible that new leader will become the new custodian?
- This may be the case. The most important thing here is to figure out who is behind the assassination attempt. “Grandfather Hassan,” if he survives, will sort it out...
-What will be the outcome of this massacre?
- “Grandfather Hassan” probably knows who ordered it. And I don't envy this man. It seems that this is the same “third force”, that is, the intelligence services. Usoyan was too openly interested in the Sochi Olympics. You'll see, in three months someone else will be removed from the top.
And in the end, only one will remain - either Usoyan or Oniani. The authority of the winner will spread to all territories controlled by thieves, not only in former USSR, but also in the world. That's what it's all about... Let's wait and see...
- Wouldn’t Usoyan want to retire after such upheavals?
- He must take revenge, otherwise he is no longer a thief. Then his own kents will devour him. The rules are, God forbid you stumble...

The West is preparing for defense...
It is noteworthy that the thieves' war spilled out beyond the camps and even beyond the borders of the former Soviet Union. The interests of the thieves spread to the UK, Spain, Ukraine and Poland, Israel, the Baltic states and Hungary. The now deceased "Jem" and "Poodle" controlled Germany and Switzerland; "Turbinka" and "Strela" - South Korea and the Philippines; "Yuldash" - Pakistan; "Plum" (deceased) - Canada; “Jap” (deceased) - USA; “Matvey” - Greece; "Petrik" - Germany and France; "Karo" - Turkey.
One of the versions, which was voiced at one time by US intelligence services, suggests that mass exodus thieves in law from the collapsed USSR to capitalist countries - a secret and clearly planned action by the KGB. This version was based on the theory that organized crime was created in the Soviet Union precisely on the initiative of thieves in law associated with state security officers. And the latter, being thrown into the West, will begin to spread the tentacles of the Russian mafia into an alien economy and thus undermine the foundations of capitalism.
The report “Russian Organized Crime” (ROC) added fuel to the fire. The authors of this 94-page brochure include such well-known experts as former US CIA Directors James Woolsey, William Webster and Robert Gates, Senators Patrick Leahy, William Roth and John Kyl, former boss Pentagon Intelligence Agency Harry Soyster.
“Russian organized crime not only threatens the credibility of Russian statehood, but is seen by citizens as an alternative to state power,” argues James Woolsey in this study.
The theory of “thieves’ landing on the West” arose largely thanks to the opinion of some experts from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a number of means mass media. In reality, everything is much more prosaic and chaotic. Yes, some groups in the West were created by thieves, but they did not seek to form “armed bandit forces” numbering thousands of bayonets. This contradicted at least the elementary rules of conspiracy. It should be taken into account that the massive, if you can call it that, migration of thieves abroad was caused either by a series of serious shootings, of which there were many in Russia in 1993-94, or by persecution by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
“In the West, our thieves were “packed” right away, an opportunity was found,” says Anatoly Zhoglo. - There's another one the legislative framework, other methods and forms of work of intelligence services. When the presence of a thieving spirit is even slightly felt there, they will burn it out with a hot iron.
Again, operational work. Just imagine, if every fifth adult man in our country has a previous conviction, then “informing” is a “bummer” for our citizen. And in Japan, for example, officially every third citizen is a police informant. In the same States, “Yaponchik” was “packed” right away...”
So, after talking with crime bosses, listening to comments from law enforcement officials, researching hundreds of facts and documentary evidence, I come to the conclusion: the third thieves’ war has ethnic overtones. Georgian thieves in law, led by Tariel Oniani (“Taro”), fight the multinational forces of Aslan Usoyan (“Grandfather Hasan”). Russian and foreign intelligence services are actively trying to control the fighting. The winner, or rather the survivor, in this war, the thief in law, will receive thieves' plots scattered throughout the world as a trophy, and will become the first thieves' emperor.

Today's Switzerland is a rich and prosperous country, although a few centuries ago it was on the outskirts European civilization. However, even then the entire continent knew about the small mountainous state. There were two reasons: firstly, the famous local cheese, and secondly, the hired Swiss infantry, which terrified the armies of even the largest European countries.

Children of the mountains

The Swiss built their style of warfare on the basis of ancient experience. The mountainous terrain of the cantons was unsuitable for cavalry. But the linear infantry was very effective. As a result, to end of XIII century they invented a new version of the ancient Greek phalanx - the famous “battle”.

It was a square measuring 30, 40 or 50 warriors in width and depth. The first ranks were occupied by soldiers dressed in heavy armor and armed with pikes - long (3-5 meters) spears. Their head was protected by a helmet, their chest by a cuirass, and their legs by pauldrons and legguards. In general, the sight of such infantry bristling with spears was very threatening.

In the third row were riflemen with halberds. Behind them stood two more rows of halberdiers, but with longer peaks - about six meters. This battle formation, reminiscent of the Macedonian phalanx, allowed the mercenaries to successfully repel attacks from all sides. The most effective “battles” were against cavalry, including knightly cavalry.

The beginning of triumph

Swiss mercenaries began to appear in foreign military service in the 14th century. The noble Pisan Visconti family begins to hire them. Mercenaries are praised for their tenacity and loyalty.

Rumors of invincible warriors begin to spread throughout Europe. However, the Swiss experienced their first real triumph not in the battle with the opponents of the Pisans, but in the battle with the French king Charles VII in 1444.

The monarch sent a 20,000-strong army to Switzerland. When the French reached the canton of Basel, a small detachment of 1,300 Swiss daredevils - mostly young pikemen - came out to meet them. A little later, they were joined by a couple hundred more volunteers from local residents.

The forces were too unequal: 20 thousand well-armed French under the command of the heir to the throne, Louis (son of Charles), and 1,500 Swiss. The king's subjects tried to attack them for several hours. However, the Swiss, bristling with pikes, successfully repelled all the attacks of the royal infantry and cavalry. As a result, they forced Louis to retreat in disgrace, leaving more than four thousand dead on the battlefield.

European glory

After a crushing defeat, the French begin to attract the Swiss into their service. Treaties were concluded between the king and the mercenaries (the first dates back to 1452), which could be extended an unlimited number of times.

The treaty of 1474 is noteworthy. It is known from it that King Louis XI (the same one whom the Swiss defeated in 1444) took upon himself to pay 20 thousand francs annually to the cantons, which, in turn, were supposed to provide soldiers to the monarch.

Thanks to the Swiss (by the end of the 15th century, five thousand mercenaries fought for the French), the inhabitants of Versailles were ultimately able to achieve victory in internecine war with the Dukes of Orleans. Subsequently, the number of “battlemen” at the royal court increased to 20 thousand people. They take part in all the wars waged by the kingdom: in Italy, with Spain, and also with the rebellious feudal principalities.

The mercenaries never showed weakness or cowardice; in all battles they were the most reliable fighting force that the king could rely on. It is no coincidence that the monarch’s personal guard will subsequently be organized at court - 100 Swiss with halberds.

All European rulers, including the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian, drew attention to the mercenaries from the cantons. They were attracted to the service by the Kingdom of Spain, the Netherlands, and even distant England.

Despite the fact that warriors from the cantons served many kings, they were famous for their absolute loyalty and incorruptibility. There was not a single case where the Swiss violated the treaty. But they demanded the same from the employer. If he violated the agreements, the Swiss could easily leave the battlefield.

Strong and reliable armor made them warriors who knew no fear. The mercenaries also became famous for their extraordinary cruelty. They almost never took prisoners, and if they left their enemies alive, it was only for further public execution.

Papal Defenders

In the 16th century, the Swiss became the personal guard of the Pope. In 1527, when German troops took the Eternal City, only 147 guards remained to cover the retreat of Pontiff Clement VII. Fighting with many times superior Landsknechts (several thousand people), the Swiss were killed every single one, but were able to ensure the safety of the Pope.

Also noteworthy is the episode of 1943, when troops entered Rome after the overthrow of Benito Mussolini Nazi Germany. Having replaced camisoles with field uniform, and halberds for rifles, the guards took up defensive positions around the papal residence in the Vatican.

As soon as the Germans appeared on the square, the Swiss shouted to them that they did not want bloodshed, but if something happened they would fight to the end. As a result, the Germans retreated, not daring to launch an assault. To this day, the personal security of the pontiff is provided by soldiers from the cantons.

- Dad, who are these bearded guys with spades, ready to kill for 4 guilders and a jug of wine?
- These are Swiss mercenaries, son!

Swiss mercenary troops

Swiss mercenary troops on foreign service- Swiss soldiers and officers hired for military service in the army foreign countries in the period from the XIV to the XIX centuries.

Swiss mercenary troops in foreign service appeared already in the 14th century, when in 1373 the Visconti army included many mercenaries from different places Switzerland. As their fame spread, demand for their services began to grow, especially in the 15th century; Already in 1444, at the Battle of St. Jakob an der Beers, Charles VII recognized the desperate courage of these mercenaries, as a result of which it became a constant goal of French policy to recruit them into the service of France.

Swiss mercenaries serve in 1465 in the army of the enemies of Louis XI at Montlhéry, in 1462 - Count Palatine of the Rhine Frederick I at Seckenheim. Real treaties began to be concluded between the Swiss mercenaries and France (the first such treaty was concluded by Charles VII in 1452-1453), which were renewed several times.

The treaty of 1474, concluded against Charles the Bold, is especially important. According to this treaty, the king (Louis XI) undertakes, as long as he lives, to pay annually 20,000 francs to the contracting villages, which must equally distribute this money among themselves; for this they are obliged, if the king is at war and requires help, to provide him with armed men, so that they receive from him a salary of 4 1/2 guilders a month each and for each trip to the field at least three months' salary and that the mercenaries enjoyed the benefits royal troops. If the negotiating villages call on the king for help against Burgundy, and he is delayed by the war, then he pays them a reward of 20,000 Rhine guilders every quarter of the year, not counting the annual payments already mentioned.

This agreement gave Charles VIII the opportunity to use 5,000 Swiss mercenaries in the internecine war with the Duke of Orleans (1488), and during the campaign against Naples to use the services of 20 thousand Swiss, who brought him great benefit during the retreat, especially when crossing the Apennines. In 1495, King Charles VIII organized a permanent Swiss army at court called the Cent Suisses.
At this time, the struggle for Italy created an increased need for mercenaries; Switzerland became the main place for recruiting troops from the Central European powers. Of the Italian sovereigns, the Duke of Savoy was the first to invite the Swiss into his service, and from 1501 - Venice.

During the struggle between Florence and Pisa, the Swiss fought in the troops of both sides. At the same time, the Swiss began to serve in Milan (since 1499), first to Lodovic Moreau, then to his son Massimilian Sforza. They appear in the army of the popes under Sixtus IV and especially under Julius II.

The Spanish government also began, at the end of the 15th century, to use the service of Swiss mercenaries, mainly in the form of security guards for the Spanish Viceroy in Naples.
Emperor Maximilian I used Swiss mercenaries in different parts their Burgundian possessions and in Italy. In the unrest that arose in Germany in 1519 as a result of the expulsion of Duke Ulrich of Württemberg, the Swiss served both in his army and in the ranks of his opponents. French service, however, played a major role in Swiss politics, especially after the 1515 defeat at Marignano.

When the Reformation began, Zwingli managed to retain Zurich in 1521, and in 1522 (at a short time) - and Schwyz from the renewal of the treaty with France; in 1528 Bern did the same, after he adopted the reform.

During internecine religious wars in France there were repeatedly extraordinary recruitments of Swiss into the Huguenot troops, and zealous Catholic politicians, with the "Swiss King" (as many called the brilliant Swiss leader, Lucerne Schultheis Ludwig Pfieffer) at the head, helped the league; some were drawn into the affairs of Savoy, others considered it their duty to support Spain. In the struggle of Charles V with the Schmalkalden Union, Catholic Swiss were in the service of the emperor - and at the same time, a detachment of Swiss fought in the ranks of the Schmalkalden, contrary to government prohibition.
In the relations established during the era of Catholic reaction, the service of Spain, and since 1582, the service of Savoy, comes to the fore for Catholics, since 1574; This is supplemented by service with minor Italian sovereigns - Gonzaga in Mantua, d'Este in Ferrara and then in Modena, the Medici in Florence, where a guard was formed from the Swiss.

The 17th century began with a series of treaties with France. In 1602, Henry IV made a treaty with all recruiting places except Zurich; The interests of French politics were also served by the Treaty of the Rhaetian villages, directed against Venice (1603). In 1614, Zurich, after Berne had changed its neutrality somewhat earlier, also decided to proceed with the treaty with France concluded in 1602.

During the 30 Years' War, in 1632, Gustav Adolf recruited two regiments from the Swiss, which were completely scattered at the battle of Nerdlingen; then we see Swiss mercenaries in the service of the Electoral Palatinate, Palatinate-Zweibrücken and the Elector of Saxony, and in Italy - in the republics of Genoa and Lucca.
The bulk of the Swiss mercenaries were in the service of France; by virtue of the treaty of 1663, Switzerland was, as it were, chained to a triumphal chariot Louis XIV. Under the terms of the treaty, the French government could recruit from 6 to 16 thousand people in Switzerland, but the emissaries French king slowly recruited an unlimited number of people for an insignificant salary, and French ambassador distributed recruitment patents without asking local authorities; free detachments (recruited not under an agreement or in excess of an agreement) depended entirely on French government and had to serve, under his responsibility, wherever he indicated to them, which at times led to an unpleasant violation of treaties for Switzerland with those countries with which she was at peace. This was the case, for example, during the struggle between France and Spain for Franche-Comté and especially during its clash with the Dutch, with whom, as fellow believers, the Swiss greatly sympathized; from 1676, a detachment of Swiss were in the service of the Netherlands for 10 years, and subsequently this service became a favorite in Protestant Switzerland.

In addition, many Swiss mercenary troops were in the service of the emperor, in Lorraine and Savoy, near Spanish king etc. France, during the period of greatest power of Louis XIV, kept up to 32 thousand Swiss on pay (after the Peace of Nimwegen).
Since 1734, the Neapolitan Bourbons began to keep a hired guard from the Swiss. The Brandenburg Guard of mercenaries was abolished after the death of Frederick I (1713); Even earlier, the service of the Swiss with the Venetians, who had a very significant number of mercenaries during the fight against the Turks in Morea, ceased.

The Lorraine Guard, transferred to Florence in 1737, was disbanded with the resettlement of Franz Stephen to Vienna. The number of Swiss mercenaries in the service of foreign sovereigns in the 18th century was still quite significant: according to calculations made during the Peace of Aachen, there were only about 60 thousand people, although there were many mercenaries among the Swiss themselves different nations. The second count in the 18th century was made at the beginning of the revolution; it turned out that there were about 35 thousand of all mercenaries, of which only 17 thousand were Swiss natives; the latter comprised, at the beginning of 1792, 13 French, 6 Dutch, 4 Spanish and 3 Piedmontese regiments, with 70 generals.
French revolution did not at all destroy mercenaryism, but only gave it a different direction: service to the Bourbons ceased, but their mercenaries went over to serve partly for the republic, partly for its enemies - in the army of Condé, the Vendeans, and Paoli in Corsica, for whom they fought already in 1768 deserters from the Genoese mercenaries. In 1798, France recruited Swiss mercenary troops that were in Piedmont's pay, and in 1808, two Spanish regiments, while five others were fighting for Spanish independence at that time.