Sergei Yesenin about love for a woman. Objects of love poems

The theme of love in Yesenin's lyrics is special place. True connoisseurs of Russian literature cannot be left indifferent by these heartfelt lines, filled with a living, bright feeling. You read them and it seems that you are touching eternity, since they awaken the most intimate feelings in your soul. The recipients of Yesenin's love lyrics are the women whom he admired and idolized. It should be noted with what sincere tenderness he addresses them, how charming he chooses epithets. Yesenin's poems about love are incredibly melodic and beautiful. I want to read them out loud, thinking about every word.

No one can remain indifferent to these stunning lines. In this article we will look at the theme of love in Yesenin’s lyrics. How is it different? What can be found in it that is truly amazing for an ordinary person?

Features of Yesenin's love lyrics

When you get acquainted with these mesmerizing poems, it seems that they touch every string of your soul. There is a complete immersion in the process of contemplating these heartfelt lines. You read them and are filled with some kind of majestic beauty that brings joy and moral satisfaction. The peculiarity of Yesenin’s love lyrics is that they fit very easily to music.

That is why so many beautiful and soulful songs appeared based on the poems of this wonderful poet. Literary scholars rightly call Sergei Yesenin a “poetic singer” who knew how to say a lot by expressing his feelings in rhyme.

“A blue fire started to spread”

One of the most beautiful lyrical works. The poem is imbued tender feelings and reflects the revaluation of values ​​that occurs in the soul lyrical hero. It seems that he is ready to completely submit to fate, to refuse bad habits and even “stop making trouble.” The heart of the lyrical hero is filled with bright emotions; he feels within himself the opportunity to change a lot in life, to correct the mistakes of the past.

Sergei Yesenin uses very beautiful means artistic expression to express one’s state: “blue fire”, “golden-brown whirlpool”, “hair the color of autumn”. It can be seen that the experience of feeling awakens feelings in his soul that lead to change. The poem leaves a pleasant feeling of gentle sadness for unfulfilled dreams and helps to remember real goals.

“You don’t love me, you don’t regret me”

The poem is quite famous and beautiful. These lines captivate the imagination and make the soul shrink with delight. The lyrical hero is in a state of confusion. The key line here is “Whoever has loved cannot love.” The heart of the lyrical hero is not yet ready to experience new love. There are too many scars in the soul that prevent you from feeling truly happy. It may seem that he is too withdrawn and is afraid of the onset of additional experiences. Moral torment causes a lot of mental pain, from which it is sometimes impossible to find relief. The lyrical hero is to some extent disappointed in life.

He simultaneously wants to change something and is afraid to accept it into his destiny. significant events, that’s why the words appear in the poem: “He who has loved cannot love.” After all, there is always the possibility that you will find yourself deceived and abandoned. These are the feelings the lyrical hero experiences, fearing the onset of new disappointment.

“Dear hands - a pair of swans”

The poem is incredibly tender, reverent and filled with warmth. The lyrical hero of Sergei Yesenin is delighted feminine beauty, turns out to be captivated by her. He wants to find his true happiness, however, conflict is inevitable: there are too many regrets in his soul that interfere with a happy sense of self. There is a great focus on experiencing subjective feelings.

“I don’t know how to live my life” is an expression of confusion, anxiety and invisible loneliness. The lyrical hero is worried about the idea that most of his life has been lived in vain. It is difficult for him to decide on the direction in which he needs to follow. The feeling of love beckons him to conquer unknown heights, but he is afraid of experiencing disappointment, afraid of being deceived. The lyrical hero often turns to his previous experience in order to compare certain things and understand what to do.

“Sing, sing. On the damn guitar..."

The poem is incredibly sensual and dedicated to living passionate feeling. The lyrical hero feels like an unarmed knight who has embarked on an exciting adventure. He is attracted by wonderful impulses and at the same time wary. This is one of the most heartfelt works of Sergei Yesenin.

“I didn’t know that love was an infection” - this line shows how unprepared we sometimes are to experience the feeling of love. It frightens many people because they have to deal with something hitherto unknown and go into unknown distances. The lyrical hero understands love as “destruction,” which inevitably comes when we're talking about O beautiful woman. He is already internally prepared for disappointment.

"Fool heart, don't beat"

The poem reflects the state of the lyrical hero, experiencing existential crisis. The lyrical hero does not believe in love, calls it deception, because the feeling itself always makes him suffer. He has already gone through numerous trials as a result of past relationships and does not want to repeat the mistakes he once made. The work is shrouded in a note of sadness, but there is no sense of hopelessness in it. The theme of love in Yesenin's lyrics occupies a central place.

“I remember, darling, I remember”

The poem is imbued with a note of nostalgia. The lyrical hero yearns for the time when he was different: without thinking about anything, he started a relationship, and did not impose certain obligations on himself. He yearns for the past and seems to want to return to it for a moment. At the same time, some life circumstances do not allow me to return there.

The hero regrets some mistakes of the past, but at the same time understands that there is no more time left to try to correct them. Yesenin's poems about love are imbued with unprecedented tenderness, inspiration and bright sadness. Strong feelings grip the reader's soul and do not let go for a long time. These lyrical works I want to re-read it again to feel all their charm and grandeur.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, the theme of love in Yesenin’s lyrics is a special direction in the poet’s work. Here great importance have feelings and their development. The lyrical hero reveals himself from an unexpected and beautiful side. He has to learn a lot about himself, learn to accept his own emotional state.

Yesenin's poems about love. Deep, sincere, soulful.
Sergei Yesenin's poems about love are imbued with a note of bitterness and hopelessness, they contain all the weight of love. The main direction of the poems of his entire life is love for a woman. And most often this is unhappy love. Get into the spirit of “Yesenin’s” poems with us!

Yesenin's poems about love

I remember, my love, I remember...

I remember, darling, I remember
The shine of your hair...
It’s not happy and it’s not easy for me
I had to leave you.

I remember autumn nights
Birch rustle of shadows...
Even if the days were shorter then,
The moon shone longer for us.

I remember you told me:
“Blue years will pass,
And you will forget, my dear,
With the other one forever.”

Today the linden tree is in bloom
I reminded my feelings again,
How tenderly then I poured
Flowers on a curly strand.

And the heart, without preparing to cool down
And loving another sadly,
Like a favorite story
On the other hand, he remembers you.



Flowers say goodbye to me...

Flowers tell me goodbye
Heads bowing lower,
What I won't see forever
Her face and her father's land.

Darling, well, well! Well!
I saw them and I saw the land,
And this deathly trembling
I accept it like a new affection.

And because I realized
All my life, passing by with a smile, -
I speak for every moment
That everything in the world is repeatable.

Does it really matter if someone else comes?
The sadness of the departed will not be swallowed up,
Abandoned and dear
Coming better song will fold

And, listening to the song in silence,
Beloved with another beloved,
Maybe he'll remember me
Like a unique flower.


You don’t love me, you don’t regret me...

You don't love me, you don't regret me,
Am I not a little handsome?
Without looking in the face, you are thrilled with passion,
He placed his hands on my shoulders.

Young, with a sensual grin,
I am neither gentle nor rude with you.
Tell me how many people have you caressed?
How many hands do you remember? How many lips?

I know they passed by like shadows
Without touching your fire,
You sat on the knees of many,
And now you're sitting here with me.

Let your eyes be half closed
And you're thinking about someone else
I don’t really love you very much myself,
Drowning in the distant dear.

Don't call this ardor fate
A frivolous hot-tempered connection, -
How I met you by chance,
I smile, calmly walking away.

Yes, and you will go your own way
Sprinkle joyless days
Just don’t touch those who haven’t been kissed,
Just don’t lure those who haven’t been burned.

And when with another in the alley
You'll walk by chatting about love
Maybe I'll go for a walk
And we will meet again with you.

Turning your shoulders closer to the other
And leaning down a little,
You will tell me quietly: “Good evening!”
I will answer: “Good evening, miss.”

And nothing will disturb the soul,
And nothing will make her tremble, -
He who loved cannot love,
You can't set fire to someone who's burned out.


It's a dark night, I can't sleep...

It's a dark night, I can't sleep,
I’ll go out to the river and onto the meadow.
The lightning lightning loosened
There is a belt in foam jets.

On a hillock there is a birch-candle
In lunar feathers of silver.
Come out, my heart,
Listen to the songs of the guslar!

I'll fall in love, I'll take a look
For girlish beauty,
And I’ll go dance to the harp,
So I'll rip off your veil.

Into the dark mansion, into the green forest,
On silk flowers,
I'll take you down the slopes
Until the poppy dawn.



Well, kiss me, kiss me...

Well, kiss me, kiss me,
Even to the point of bleeding, even to pain.
At odds with cold will
Boiling water of heart streams.

Overturned mug
Among the merry ones is not for us.
Understand, my friend,
They only live once on earth!

Look around with a calm gaze,
Look: damp in the darkness
The month is like a yellow raven
It circles and soars above the ground.

Well, kiss me! That's how I want it.
Decay sang a song to me too.
Apparently he sensed my death
The one who soars on high.

Fading Power!
Die like that!
Until the end of my sweetheart's lips
I would like to kiss.

So that all the time in blue slumbers,
Without being ashamed and without hiding,
In the gentle rustle of bird cherry trees
It was heard: “I am yours.”

And so that the light over the full mug
It didn’t go out with a light foam -
Drink and sing, my friend:
They only live once on earth!



Don't look at me reproachfully...

Don't look at me reproachfully
I have no contempt for you,
But I love your pack with drag
And your crafty meekness.

Yes, you seem prostrate to me,
And, perhaps, I'm glad to see
Like a fox pretending to be dead
Catches crows and crows.

Well, then, look, I’m not chickening out.
Just how would your ardor not go out?
To my cold soul
We've come across these more than once.

It's not you I love, darling,
You are just an echo, just a shadow.
I dream of another in your face,
Whose eyes are dove.

Don't let her look meek
And, perhaps, it looks cold,
But she walks majestically
It shook my soul to the core.

You can hardly fog one like this,
And if you don’t want to go, yes you will,
Well, you don’t even lie in your heart
A lie infused with affection.

But still, despising you,
I will shyly open myself forever:
If there were no hell and heaven,
The man himself would have invented them.

If you liked Yesenin's poems about love, share them with your friends and loved ones. Have a good mood and sincere happy love!

S. A. Yesenin is known as a poet who sang the beauty of Russian nature and love for a woman. Like no one else, the theme of love sounds very bright, bewitching and, in most cases, sad. The peculiarity of love is that it shows two sides of feelings: happiness and the following sadness and disappointment. The loving poet dedicated poems to many women, each of them was unique for him, so each poem sounds special.

Objects of love poems

The peculiarity of Yesenin’s love lyrics cannot be understood without learning about the women to whom the poet dedicated his poems. Yesenin had a reputation not only as a riotous hooligan, but also as a Don Juan, who had many women. Of course, a poetic nature cannot live without love, and that’s what Yesenin was. In his own poems, he admitted that not a single woman loved him, and he, too, was in love more than once. One of the poet’s first bright hobbies was Anna Sardanovskaya. Then 15-year-old Seryozha fell in love and dreamed that, having reached a certain age, he would marry her. It was about Anna's house that the poet said: "A low house with blue shutters"I will never forget you."

It should be said that it was not always possible to accurately determine from the poet’s lyrics which woman became the addressee. For example, the heroine of the poem "Anna Snegina" has three prototypes at once: Anna Sardanovskaya, Lydia Kashina, Olga Sno. Yesenin was very connected with the name of the latter vivid memories about his first steps in the literary field. The poet visited the salon of this writer, where he participated in debates and arguments, gradually getting used to the metropolitan life of writers.

One cannot help but say something about the poet’s wife. Her image became important not only when creating love poems. The poem "Inonia" was also dedicated to her. Yesenin’s poem “Letter from Mother” says about Zinaida: “I easily gave my wife to another.” It is Reich who is lyrical heroine poem "To Kachalov's Dog".

Perhaps the most striking and contradictory feeling in the poet’s life is his love for Still not everyone can understand what attracted the very young, fair-haired handsome man to the already mature woman Isadora. The result of the relationship with the famous dancer was the tavern cycle.” “I was looking for happiness in this woman, but I accidentally found death,” the poet exclaims.

Poetry Analysis

Already in the very first verses, the main feature of Yesenin’s love lyrics is revealed: love for any person is a tragedy. An example is the poem “Tanyusha was good.” The light style emphasizes the daring young life, but its ending contradicts the sound of the verse. Tanyusha kills herself because of unhappy love. Undoubtedly, early lyrics the poet is, first of all, a hymn to the Motherland. Most of the works of this period are dedicated to Rus', the countryside, and animals. But in more later years Yesenin realized himself as a true singer of love.

Poems of the 20s

Surprisingly, the theme of love became one of the main ones precisely during the period when the poet began to call himself a hooligan. In the cycle of poems “The Love of a Hooligan” one can clearly hear the motives of the fleeting nature of love, its fragility, but at the same time the feeling is described as a very bright moment in life, for which a person is ready to do anything. In some texts, Yesenin uses vulgar, rude language, even sometimes obscene. Despite this, they are full of feeling, deep pain, in them you can hear the cry of a soul thirsting for love, lost and entangled in everyday routine (“Harmonic Rash,” “Sing, Sing”).

Analysis of the poem "A blue fire swept up"

This text clearly demonstrates such a feature of Yesenin’s love lyrics as the use of vivid metaphors and epithets. The poet expresses regret that he spent a lot of time on carousing and scandals, forgetting about what is most important in life. Yesenin utters the following thought: he would even renounce poetry if only he could touch a gentle hand and hair “in autumn color.” Perhaps none of the poets could so touchingly describe the feelings of a daring hooligan. The poem shows everything important features Yesenin's love lyrics (essay on this topic must necessarily contain its analysis), one of which is vitality. First of all, it is due to autobiography. Each feeling described was experienced by the poet himself.

"Let others drink you"

The poem is filled with noble sadness for the past. The author expresses sympathy for everything that happened before and for everything that never happened. The peculiarity of Yesenin’s love lyrics is that love is always sad. The poet focuses on the fact that in human life everything does not happen as in dreams. This is due to human stupidity, the desire for petty values, and carelessness. In this text, the poet confesses to his lyrical heroine: only she alone could be his true friend and wife, but they both did not save themselves for each other.

Cycle "Persian motives"

This is a real gem love poetry. Beautiful oriental style, special musicality and vivid images - these are the features of Yesenin’s love lyrics in this cycle. One of the most striking works is “You are my Shagane, Shagane.” It is unusual due to its composition. The first lines of the verse sound like a refrain and are repeated in the last stanza. But main feature is that each stanza is built according to the principle of a ring composition.

This text most clearly embodies the features of Yesenin’s love lyrics. An essay on literature written on this topic must certainly include consideration of the means of artistic expression, because here the poet achieved stunning beauty precisely thanks to unusual turns of speech. How strange and at the same time powerful the line “I’m ready to tell you the field” sounds. The abundance of epithets allows the author to express love for his home country and longing for her.

"I asked the money changer today..."

In this I managed to express my attitude towards such a mysterious feeling as love directly. The lyrical hero learns from the Persian money changer that love cannot be expressed in any words, it can only be expressed by touches, glances and kisses. Again an unusual composition. The first line is repeated in each stanza, creating a special rhythm.

Features of Yesenin's love lyrics (briefly)

Let's consider the main features of the poet's love poems:

  1. Love as an obsession, a disease, a description of a feeling that destroys a person - these are the features of Yesenin’s love lyrics. And Mayakovsky, and some other poets of that time. At the beginning of the 20th century, this view of this feeling was very relevant among writers.
  2. A feeling of love can momentarily pull a person out of everyday routine, but, unfortunately, it does not last forever. And after that, only pleasant, but at the same time painful memories remain, pinching the chest.
  3. Use of vivid poetic images (comparisons, metaphors and epithets). By the way, these are the features of the love lyrics of Yesenin, Blok, Mayakovsky and other poets of the Silver Age, who were looking for a new verse, new form and words.

These are the features of Yesenin’s love lyrics. Short essay must reflect all three points, and they must be confirmed concrete examples. This is easy to do, because almost every poem touches on this topic in one way or another. As material for creating a work on the topic “Features of Yesenin’s love lyrics” (essay or essay), you can take such memorable texts as “Dear hands - a pair of swans”, “Letter to a woman”, “To Kachalov’s dog”, “Never have I been on the Bosphorus."

Sergei Yesenin wrote a lot about love. About love for native land, nature, but the main theme of the poems, of course, is the feeling for a woman. Most often, the poet uses sad, melodic intonations in them, and it is no coincidence, because in life the author never knew simple family happiness.

  1. “I remember, darling, I remember”. The poet's poem is imbued with longing and sadness for the times when he was in love with the actress Miklashevskaya. The girl did not take Sergei seriously, despite his advances. Nevertheless, she made a huge impression on him and remained in the romantic’s heart for a long time. And despite the fact that Yesenin is already in a relationship with someone else, he still dreams of that sweet lady with whom he once spent all his days and nights... Read the text of the verse...
  2. “Apparently, it’s been like this forever.” Enough sad poem, in its meaning is similar to parting with a loved one. It is mentioned from the wedding and thirty years of life... one can try to assume that it was written before his marriage to Sophia Tolstoy. Perhaps the poet felt the approach of his imminent death, and with this message he wanted to say goodbye to his last love. Read the text of the verse...
  3. “Darling, let’s sit next to each other.” Calm, measured and honest - this is exactly how the poet imagined relationships, although he himself often turned them into a drunken stupor and a cruel hell of jealousy and suspicion. But he found everything he thought his heart needed in the beautiful actress, Augusta Miklashevskaya. And yet this romance was not destined to last forever. Before meeting the girl, Sergei Yesenin had already resigned himself to his fate as a “lonely rake” and did not dream of anything more. With the arrival of Augusta came hope for a bright and happy future... But alas, these were just dreams. Read the text of the verse...
  4. “You don’t love me, you don’t feel sorry for me...” The poet is aware of his isolation from the world; the motive of loneliness can be traced here. The poem was written not long before the death of the author and is based on a certain introspection and summing up. IN recent months Sergei was especially lonely: he drank, beat and insulted his wife, and left home. His only listening companions were girls of easy virtue, one of the meetings with whom is described in this poem. The poet writes that their meeting is accidental, and soon the lady will forget about his existence and begin to have fun with someone else. Read the text of the poem...
  5. “It makes me sad to see you.” This poem also dedicated to Augusta Miklashevskaya and included in the “Love of a Hooligan” cycle. He remembers the happy month of August - when they actually met, but in September they were forced to part. That is why the poet takes the first month of autumn to be the decline of life, the approach of death. September follows August, just as the cooling of passion follows mad love. Read the text of the verse...
  6. "Don't look at me reproachfully." The poem was written when the poet was married to Sofia Tolstoy. It is clear from the lines that Sergei did not have loving feelings for the girl, but at the same time she was nice to him in appearance. The true feelings of the lyrical hero remained in the past, his heart was completely given away different women, and there was nothing more left. Read the text of the verse...
  7. “Sing, sing. On a damn guitar." The poet's ambiguous attitude towards the woman to whom he is clearly not indifferent is clearly presented. In the second stanza we observe admiration and admiration for the beauty of the lady. He is literally in love with her wrists, shoulders, hair... What happens next abrupt change the mood of the lyrical hero. The realization comes to him that this, so beautiful lady, and not worthy at all strong feelings, full of the poet’s inner bestowal. He understands that the girl will not bring him happiness, but will only doom him to death. The work is believed to be dedicated to Isadora Duncan. Read the text of the verse...
  8. “What a night, I can’t.” The poet understands that life did not go at all as he would have liked, and it is too late to correct anything. The heroine of the poem, to whom it is dedicated, acts as an unloved and unwanted woman. But the author no longer hopes for happiness, he is pleased with this girl, and what else is needed to while away last days life? After all, Sergei, while writing this poem, was already thinking about his imminent death. Read the text of the verse...
  9. "Well, kiss me, kiss me". The feeling of imminent death does not leave the poet for a minute. For him, the only goal remains pleasure ardent passion, he wants to plunge into the pool of love, but that was not the case. The girl who was head over heels in love with the poet - Sofya Tolstaya - had a very romantic and modest nature. She dreamed about high feelings, about happy marriage. As a result, two people who passionately want their own do not get what they want. Read the text of the verse...
  10. "Move away from the window." The poem is structured in the form of a monologue of a young girl who turns to her ardent lover with a request to leave her alone. It can be assumed that the poet is writing here about his fellow villager, with whom he was once unrequitedly in love, Anna Sardanovskaya. The heroine admits that she does not love Sergei and does not want to connect her life with him, completely depriving him of all hope. But, despite everything, the poet carries bright feelings for the girl throughout his entire life. short life. Read the text of the verse...
  11. “Dear hands are a pair of swans.” This poem was written under the impression of the charm of the Armenian arithmetic teacher Shagane Talyan, whom the poet met in Batum during his trip to the Caucasus. The image of a swan here is associated with a woman of incredible beauty, her harmonious and graceful movements. For Yesenin, Shagane is a sweet lady, faithful, delicate, affectionate, capable of calming the anxiety in the soul of the lyrical hero. Read the text of the verse...

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Sergei Yesenin is one of the most famous Russian poets " silver age”, and strangely one of the most misunderstood. People usually love him for his tavern cycle, but many forget that Yesenin was capable of much more. The same poems by Yesenin about love can be colored with rural flavor, and urban melancholy, and oriental exoticism, but they remain just as piercing.

Having gained first popularity with his “village” poems about nature and quiet rural life, V later poet embarked on the most daring experiments. He sang of social change and the frenzy of night drinking, admired technical progress and foresaw totalitarian nightmares. But all this time he did not forget one of the main, eternal themes of poetry - love.

Yesenin himself was not only a theorist of love. He was married three times - to an actress Zinaide Reich, on the ballerina Isadora Duncan and on Sofya Tolstoy, the granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy. In addition, he had many different affairs on the side. Among his loves were platonic ones, and children were born from other novels. And the poet gave himself completely to each of his feelings, in return receiving an influx of inspiration from him. Yes, Yesenin understood love!

It's amazingly different love lyrics from other poems. In other works of Sergei Yesenin, one can clearly hear his era - the beginning of the 20th century, when the foal is replaced by “iron cavalry”, menacing shadows rise over the world, and desperate night Moscow is enjoying its tavern days. These poems are clearly tied to their time. But Yesenin’s love lyrics have been cleared of reference to the era. It is beyond centuries and epochs, it is eternal. Such poems were timely both during the poet’s lifetime and now, almost a century later.

Reading Yesenin’s poems about love, you always feel his nature. The poet is honest, admitting things that one would not normally say out loud, and this makes his poems convincing.

The most famous love poems

Sergei Yesenin rarely bothered to give his poems separate titles. Therefore they most we call by the first line. “You don’t love me, you don’t feel sorry for me,” “Goodbye, my friend, goodbye,” “There’s a blue fire…” and so on. For some poems it is even possible to determine to whom they were dedicated.

Much more often in Yesenin’s love poems, love is unhappy. It is either past, or unrequited, or hopeless due to external reasons. Even the divided feeling that Yesenin writes about bears the imprint of past suffering. “Darling, let’s sit next to each other,” “Flowers tell me goodbye,” many other poems talk about separation, past or future, inevitable.

The poet's lyrical hero himself not only suffers from unhappy love, but also causes suffering. He can openly admit that he loves someone other than the one who loves him. He can do wrong and admit it to himself - and the reader.

The “Persian Cycle” stands out separately in the poet’s work. Although he seems noticeably happier, with a more Southern heat, it's worth reading deeper to realize that Persian moments of happiness are fleeting, and all the characters know it. However, this ephemeral happiness is also fully experienced and overwhelms both the lyrical hero and the reader. “They live only once on earth,” the poet invites his companion to understand.

Even when his hero - a bully and a rake - seems to be ready to change and “refuse to make trouble” for the sake of love, it’s not particularly easy to believe him. You see: this hero is prone to impulse, to emotional loud words, to deception, in which he himself believes. But I wish, how I wish, that, having sung about love for the first time, the hero never dropped that note!

His voice sounds much more honest in the cynical “Sing, sing…”. Understanding all the harm fatal passion, the hardened character still gives in to love for the one who “drove the bully crazy.” And this duality makes Yesenin’s hero much more alive than in the template verses of less gifted authors.

Of course, one love lyrics Yesenin is not exhausted. He has the melancholy anguish of “Tavern Moscow”, and the epic “Pantocrator”, and the allegorical mysticism of “The Black Man”, and poignant village poetry. If you calculate what place the theme of love occupies in Yesenin’s work, then it turns out to be surprisingly small. But poems about love are what probably resonate most with Sergei Yesenin. Probably because Yesenin did not replicate love poems, but wrote them from the heart and dedicated them to specific people.

On our page you can read a complete selection of Yesenin’s poems about love, selected especially for you.