How to learn to consider yourself beautiful. Practice graceful movements

It's no secret that many women are unhappy with their appearance. And not at all because they are unlikable, it just seems so to them. And the impeccable forms and appearance of movie heroines can generally develop an inferiority complex in many. Every woman wants to be attractive and confident. So why not try to become one. Psychological advice on how to feel beautiful may be very appropriate here.

What makes a girl attractive

If there are a few simple rules that you need to follow every day. A very important nuance is your posture. It happens that a girl may be reprimanded about her stoop, sometimes she herself notices it in the mirror. Pay attention to how public people behave. Shoulders turned, a straight back, a slightly raised head - this can be easily learned not only by standing in front of a mirror, but also through simple physical exercises. If you want to always look slim and fit, watch your posture not only on the street and at work, but also at home.

Don't look for flaws in your appearance. After all, often what seems ugly and unattractive to you is what others like the most. Better think about how best to highlight your strengths.

In addition, read more serious literature, learn languages, listen to good music. This will give you confidence in communicating with people.

Love yourself, feel like an individual. Perhaps someone likes you just like that.

By trying to reorganize her thoughts in a positive way, the girl will gain an understanding of how to feel beautiful and confident.

Watch your appearance

Taking care of your appearance does not mean using the entire arsenal of cosmetics. There are several important points here.

If possible, try to get enough sleep. If you do not give your body proper rest, this will affect not only your mood, but also your complexion.

Don't overdo your makeup. There should be little cosmetics on the face. In modern women's magazines there are many useful tips on how to brighten or smooth out certain features.

A smile makes communication more relaxed. So take care of your teeth. An unkempt mouth will not only alienate your interlocutor, but will also age you.

Keep track of your wardrobe. Of course, it should correspond to fashion trends, but pay more attention to those clothes that will hide the flaws of your figure and highlight its advantages.

If it is important for a young lady to feel beautiful, she will give up bad habits. Cigarettes and alcoholic drinks can age any beauty.

Get rid of negative emotions

You can feel like a beautiful woman by eliminating the reasons that cause negative emotions.

Limit communication with people who annoy you with moralizing. Don't torture yourself with thoughts that your appearance is imperfect. And often this is not true. Choose a hairstyle that suits the shape of your face, choose cosmetics of a suitable tone, wear clothes and shoes that suit your height and build. You will begin to like yourself and radiate positivity.

You need to get rid of the obsessive desire to be like someone. After all, properly applied makeup can make any girl more attractive. If you are unsure of yourself, seek advice from an experienced makeup artist. And in order to bring your shape closer to the ideal, you need to eat rationally and exercise. You will see, this will increase your self-esteem and eliminate the question of how to feel beautiful.

Every lady has her favorite things that she doesn’t want to part with, there are new things bought for the season or for a holiday, there are wardrobe items that were bought just for the occasion. As a result, everyone probably has a situation where they are full of things, but have nothing to wear. How to feel beautiful and feminine? Of course, in fashionable, comfortable and beautiful clothes. So take some time to take care of your wardrobe.

Check your shoes. Immediately put aside the one you will no longer wear. Then it will become clear what needs to be bought and what just needs to be put in order.

Reconsider your underwear. It has the property of stretching. Some can be worn under home clothes, but some will have to be purchased.

Sort through casual and evening wear. Perhaps you are already tired of some jumper, put it aside. Do this with all the things that are just taking up space in the closet.

As a result, you will have a clear picture of what you don’t want to part with and what needs to be updated. Moreover, any new thing gives the girl positive emotions. And unnecessary things can be given to someone or sold if they are in good condition.

How to feel beautiful at home

We are already accustomed to seeing women in modern TV series who not only wear expensive clothes and shoes at home, but also change their clothes several times a day. Of course, not everyone can afford such luxury, but everyone should look up to such ladies.

Try to have one outfit for working at home and another for relaxing. After all, it will be nice to meet an unexpected guest (neighbor, girlfriend or friend) in a neat and comfortable outfit.

Tidy up your hair in the morning and apply light makeup. You yourself will like to see yourself in the mirror, well-groomed and attractive, and the person who comes to you will have the impression that he is welcome here.

Choose a time for a set of physical exercises. This will make you feel fit and collected.

It used to be often said that before the wedding, a girl looks perfect, and then she meets her husband from work, unkempt and in a wrinkled robe, and is also surprised that the chosen one becomes indifferent to her. So how can you feel beautiful and desired? Meet your loved one with a smile, in a good mood, well-groomed, in beautiful home clothes. Your chosen one should feel that they were expected. In this case, the young lady can count on reciprocity.

Buy good cosmetics and perfumes

Good cosmetics are not necessarily some expensive brand. There are many manufacturers who have proven themselves well in the market, but at the same time are affordable for most customers. And there doesn’t necessarily have to be a lot of perfume items.

It is enough to have lipsticks that match your favorite shoes, dresses or handbags. Quality is important here. In addition, they have a limited shelf life. It's better to update your lipsticks periodically.

The same rule applies to shadows. From time to time they tend to crumble, so it is better to buy new ones from time to time.

Don't skimp on good deodorants. Moreover, they last a long time.

If you like perfume, buy one with a soft and mild aroma. For example, when you are in a company, you can put others in an awkward position if you use perfume with a bright exotic smell. It is unlikely that the girl will be reprimanded, but the overall impression of her may not be the most pleasant.

Spend more time caring for yourself

How to feel beautiful and young? Everyone needs to set aside time to take care of themselves. A well-groomed appearance makes any woman more confident. Moreover, now there are many products that will make your skin fresh and tightened. These include creams, lotions, and various masks for the face, body, and hair. The main thing is to choose a cosmetic product with the optimal composition for yourself. And here it is also important not to be lazy. Taking care of your appearance every day will definitely bear fruit. You can visit the fitness club a couple of times a week. And be sure to walk in the fresh air. If self-care becomes a good habit, you will always delight others with your beauty and energy.

How to feel beautiful on the street

Feeling beautiful on the street means realizing that people are looking at you with admiration. Any girl or woman should always try to look perfect. To make a good impression on others, you need to consider the following details:

  • your shoes and clothes should be neat and preferably chosen in the same style;
  • the handbag and gloves should also be matched;
  • hair should be clean and beautifully styled;
  • choose your makeup so that it complements your beauty and does not dominate it;
  • watch your gait and posture, keep your stomach tight;
  • be confident in your irresistibility.

If you radiate energy and self-confidence, those around you will definitely feel it.

Go shopping

How can a girl feel like a beautiful girl if she has a complex about her wardrobe? It is clear that not every young lady can easily buy new clothes for herself. But even small and inexpensive purchases can improve your mood:

  • buy jewelry items;
  • upgrade your mobile phone case;
  • pair a new T-shirt with your favorite jeans;
  • just take a walk around the bookstore, maybe you’ll be interested in some new publication;
  • buy something tasty for tea.

Every pleasant purchase will definitely charge you with positivity. And if you happened to buy a long-awaited expensive new thing, you will look forward to the opportunity to show off in front of your friends or your boyfriend.

Pay attention to self-education and hobbies

Never before has external beauty been able to completely replace spiritual beauty. After all, others care not only about your appearance, but also about the joy of communication. It's no secret that many beauties are unable to carry on a basic conversation, while girls with a more modest appearance captivate those around them with their individuality. Therefore, the question of how to feel beautiful is far from clear-cut. You should always strive to look good, that's for sure. But it is also important to be able to carry on a conversation, listen to a person, and help him with advice. Go to concerts, to the theater - it will enrich your inner world. Find a hobby that completely absorbs your free time. Prepare something unusual for your friends. Watch an interesting movie together. A versatile and enthusiastic person always commands respect. Your inner and outer beauty will allow you to assert yourself and become an example for others.

Hi all! We are used to being beautiful for some occasion or event, while in ordinary life we ​​look modest. And this is how other people most often see us, especially the most important ones, especially ourselves. And we begin to get used not to the best version of ourselves, but to the most mediocre one.

How can you feel beautiful, most of the time seeing yourself in the mirror in far from being in the best shape: rumpled, sleepy, hastily put on makeup to look a little neater and prettier. With this article I want to inspire you to take more care of yourself and make yourself attractive more often: so that you really like yourself. Join me and read how to feel beautiful and feminine!

I am sure that a girl is beautiful precisely when she feels so. You know about the phenomenon when a very pretty, but drooping/tired/unkempt/angry girl (choose any) does not make a good impression and does not seem attractive. And the one who is in a good mood, joyful, well-groomed and full of energy - pleases the eyes of everyone around and captures attention.

Since the external and internal are closely related, let’s start with the external: it will be easier. And for working with a rich inner world, this article about negative mental attitudes will be useful. I recommend reading it :)

These steps will definitely help you feel beautiful. Implement them gradually and evaluate the results.

Step 1: Review everything

Now I mean all things, from underwear, socks and home clothes to evening dresses and shoes. Everything that does not correspond to your new “me”: beautiful, elegant, feminine - put it aside. You can do this gradually when you notice that some thing doesn’t particularly suit you.

You may have fewer things, but in all of them you will feel beautiful both at home and in public places. Put aside everything that doesn’t fit well, is worn out, doesn’t fit into the concept of attractiveness, or simply something that you haven’t worn much and don’t plan to wear. Make room for new things and find a use for unnecessary things. Some things should be thrown away, while others can simply be given away or even sold.

Step 2: Find Your Perfect Makeup

When you walk only in something that flatters your figure, doesn’t pinch or hang, and looks neat, then you can move on to this step. To find a successful makeup that will make your face more beautiful and expressive, you need to try different options. Some people are transformed by arrows, others simply look great with delicate and fresh makeup in pastel colors.

I really like highlighting the crease of the upper eyelid and the lines along the growth of the upper and lower eyelashes. This instantly opens up the look and emphasizes the shape and color of the eyes. To do this, I use brown shadows, in addition to them I add some light ones on the eyelid itself, in the inner corner and under the eyebrow. An even complexion with bb or cc cream, a little blush, thick eyelashes - and I feel especially attractive.

Look for those techniques and shades with which you begin to look at yourself differently and feel very pretty :) Let this not be an option for going out, but the look that you create as often as possible. You must get used to seeing yourself as beautiful and joyful.

Step 3: Take time to take care of yourself

There are still 24 hours in a day, and not everyone believes that it is worth devoting more time to self-care. But believe me, it's worth it! Being well-groomed also adds many benefits to our self-confidence and helps us regain energy for other things. So it's a really good investment. Listen to how your skin reacts to certain products and choose the optimal care.

If you don't like some parts of your body, then start working on them. Do self-massage, select exercises for these zones, do yoga: it works the body very well. In general, try to concentrate more on your strengths. Surprisingly, the shortcomings then somehow fade into the background.

In addition to daily basic products that help in self-care, you need to pamper yourself with all sorts of face and hair masks, bubble baths, wraps and other things. This is also important.

Would you be interested in an article about homemade hair masks? I would try on myself some of the most popular ones and prepare a report on their effect. If yes, then write about it in the comments: this will increase the chances that such an article will appear.

I will continue to explore the topics of femininity and beauty: this is very interesting to me. So be sure to subscribe to the blog! As soon as I have the opportunity and inspiration, something new and interesting will come out here :)

And yes, in the last article I said that I would devote the next one to relationships. Alas, I remembered this halfway through writing this, so today we are looking at how to feel beautiful and feminine? If you haven’t seen the previous article, I advise you to read it: it’s about a common mistake in losing weight when we start to practice hunger strikes. Find out why you shouldn't do this! And I say goodbye to you and wish you to feel just great!

Every woman dreams of being beautiful. Strangers, friends, co-workers, and even their own mothers treat attractive people in a special way.

Psychologists have long noticed that beautiful people receive more social and economic benefits from others than people with average appearance, and even milder administrative and judicial punishments! Those who are less fortunate in appearance can only sigh enviously: “Don’t be born beautiful...” After all, they cannot become members of this “club of the elite.” Or can they?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

The feeling of one's own attractiveness is a purely subjective sensation that has nothing to do with appearance, but comes “from within.” We are not even close to reality when we judge our appearance. People around us, looking at us, perceive the whole picture as a whole. And not only appearance, but also behavior, gait, temperament, voice, clothes. We, looking in the mirror, see only part of ourselves: at best, a full-length facade, but more often - only the head, and we also focus on the shortcomings: “Well, there’s a pimple on the chin again!” Does your friend have a mole on the bridge of her nose? This gives her charm. And the same mole on your own nose disfigures you!

When our body begins to change in adolescence, a picture of ourselves is formed in our minds and our own self-esteem is created. This picture is very difficult to erase at an older age, no matter how incorrect or outdated it is. Try to remember when you started to dislike this or that part of the body. One of my friends all her life believed that she had a big, excuse me, butt. But when she dug deeper into herself, she remembered that the teacher told her about this back in kindergarten! Her physique has probably changed significantly since then, but criticism of herself remains to this day.

But “ugly ducklings” very often turn into beautiful swans, but the low self-esteem strengthened in childhood remains. Sometimes parents are to blame for this. Of course, it is rare that a parent will directly tell their child that he is ugly. Rather, what plays a role here is the sincerity of the parent’s assessment of the teenager’s appearance, that glance “with a twinkle” that a parent casts on his charming child, or the indifferent: “Leave me alone, these freckles won’t spoil you!”

So what should you trust: your critical judgment, the consolation of family and friends, or the opinions of strangers? Women are resorting to the latter more and more often - it’s not without reason that, for example, on a classmate meeting site, many women now and then check the ratings of their photos. They want to know what complete strangers think about their appearance. But this is not the best way to evaluate your appearance.

The good news is that you're almost certainly more beautiful than you think. You owe part of this to the self-centeredness of others: people are too attentive to their own appearance to also critically evaluate yours. The imperfections of your figure are interesting only to you, unless you have very exaggerated flaws, for example, a hump. In addition, psychologists have noted that if you are overly concerned with your appearance, then most likely you are beautiful. Ugly people don’t care; they have long gotten used to their ugliness and learned to live with it. But if you pay attention to your appearance, and besides, you still feel uncomfortable in public (and this usually happens from the increased attention of others), then this definitely indicates your attractiveness.

Don't compare yourself to anyone.

You are unique, and your beauty is also unique. Think of magazine beauties as the works of printing art that they are. Don't compare yourself to them. It wouldn’t even occur to you to compare yourself with the women depicted in the paintings of great masters.
Anna works in a photo studio: “When I am constantly surrounded by thin, long-legged models, with my height of 160 cm and with all the “roundness”, I feel ugly fat! But as soon as I step outside to go home, I begin to feel attractive again. Looking at ordinary earthly women, I think: “But I’m absolutely nothing!” This is what it means to be in a false reality!”
When you want to evaluate your intellectual abilities, you don't compare yourself to Einstein. No, you'd rather choose someone easier. Why is the assessment of one’s attractiveness based, as a rule, on the sky-high images of magazine and television beauties?

Don't criticize yourself and don't let others do it.

Try to get rid of negative thoughts about yourself. Truly, we are our own worst enemies. Would you allow anyone else to criticize you the way you do? No way in the world! You shouldn't let your opinions or other people's opinions of you ruin your life. Self-hypnosis will partly help with this.

How much time do you spend in front of the mirror, contemplating parts of your body that you don't like? Spend the same amount of time admiring the parts you find attractive. If you think something bad about your figure, then praise something that you like about it: “Maybe your legs are a little thin, but what graceful ankles!” It is equally important to learn to praise other people. If you have a positive attitude towards the figures of other people, then you will definitely come to terms with yours.

Take care of yourself.

Any woman knows the feeling when, having made a face mask or dyed her hair, she begins to feel more attractive, although, by and large, no radical changes in appearance have occurred. Therefore, do not rush to make drastic changes to your appearance. Since this complex is psychological, that is, it is determined not by your appearance, but by what you think about your appearance, then getting rid of it should not happen by improving your figure or, God forbid, facial plastic surgery, but by increasing your self-esteem.

Of course, at some moments in life it is important for everyone to look “one hundred percent,” for example, during presentations or celebrations. But some people cannot “let go” of themselves for a minute. Any of us has met such people at least once in our lives - these are the women who cannot go to a bakery without putting on perfume and lipstick. It is interesting that the level of attractiveness of such women is assessed by others as “above average.” That is, being well-groomed is perceived in the same way as beauty. Unfortunately, many of these well-groomed women tend to underestimate their self-esteem and constantly compare themselves with other people (and this self-esteem is usually not in their favor).

Think about others, not yourself.

Shy people tend to consider themselves less attractive. When you focus solely on yourself, you become more self-critical. While psychologists say that the best way to look attractive in the eyes of another person is to show your interest in him.

Irina tried to smile less often because she didn’t like her crooked teeth. Among the people who knew her, she was considered an unsociable, gloomy and unattractive person. Until her friend, a psychology student, took her seriously. She simply made Irina smile broadly at every meeting with people. And imagine, no one recoils in horror! On the contrary, everyone reacted positively to a smile, even if it was not perfect. Irina began to feel more relaxed in the company of people, so it seemed to everyone that her character had changed, and even that she had become pretty.

Low self-esteem deprives women of the pleasure of wearing beautiful clothes, being active and feeling in harmony with the world around them. Show attention to others, rather than focusing on yourself, and you will appear to others as an attractive, pleasant and open person.

The ability to present yourself in a favorable light is the secret of beauty. Everyone knows that our loved one seems beautiful to us, regardless of his appearance. Imagine that loving glances are constantly directed at you. Stop considering yourself unattractive, and then others will stop thinking so.

It's hard to be beautiful - it's even harder to feel beautiful. Less than 2% of women around the world can meet the modern media ideal of female appearance. But they still continue to impose this ideal on us. Young girls today see more beauties on screen and in the press every day than their mothers saw during their entire adolescence. It's no wonder that 8 out of 10 women are dissatisfied with their appearance.

Standards of female beauty are increasingly becoming unrealistic and unattainable. We need to have an army of hairdressers, makeup artists, fitness trainers and nutritionists just to maintain our fitness and appearance.

The truth is that most of us are “ugly” according to modern beauty standards promoted in the media. After all, even models and actresses can hardly be called perfect, looking at photographs of their everyday lives taken by tabloid photographers. Maintaining this standard of perfection is very tiring.

But even knowing that such beauty standards are simply unrealistic and unworkable, many of us spend too much time, emotional energy and money trying to meet them. And it doesn’t matter who you are: a young girl with skin that many will envy and a firm butt, or a woman who is already counting gray hair and wrinkles, you most likely pay more attention to your shortcomings than to your advantages.

While physical attractiveness may help you make the first move, it won't save the relationship or help you be more confident. We've all been around those beauties who start to seem less attractive as soon as they open their mouths, or not-so-attractive people who become more and more endearing because of the personality they exude.

It would be wonderful to wave a magic wand and get rid of the insecurities and self-hatred that permeate the pursuit of beauty. What would happen if you just got rid of it and started living a life focused only on what brings you joy and confidence?

If you practice, you will succeed! After all, those 99% of us who will never be able to appear on the covers of glossy magazines can consider themselves absolutely beautiful if they switch their attention and diligence to something else.

Here are 36 ways to start feeling incredibly beautiful here and now:

1. Smile

A smile lights up your face. Your brain begins to work as if you are absolutely happy. Your smile makes others happy.

2. Watch your posture

Stand up straight. Raise your head. Pull your shoulders back. Now you look confident, energetic and simply amazing!

3. Think about the good, not the bad.

Stop looking at wrinkles and problem areas on your body. There is no need to compare yourself to Lady Perfection. Let your “worst” qualities fade into the background and focus on your strengths instead. After all, you are much more beautiful than you think!

No matter your size, shape or age, your body is a temple of miracles. See how well it does at being a beautiful home for you, your vibrant personality.

5. Appreciate your imperfections

You are just part of a Huge Community of Imperfect People. So, welcome to our club! So treat all shortcomings as something that connects you with all humanity. Flaws are the new ideal.

6. Don't be afraid to express yourself

When you are lively and expressive, your entire personality is visible to others. What could be more beautiful?

7. Get excited

Allow yourself to be excited and enthusiastic about life. Don’t give your complexes related to your appearance a reason to hide all the beauty of life from you. All this will certainly affect you!

8. You'll have to sweat a little

Do fitness. Put on your tight uniform and start moving your lovely body. Increase endorphin levels. So that even your hair becomes wet. Because through your sweat you shine like a star!

9. Practice graceful movements

Try ballet, tai chi, yoga, or simply practice other types of flowing movements that allow your body to beautifully curve in response.

10. Embrace your inner beauty

Take a pen and paper and write down a list of the beauty you do, give to others, create, or express in yourself. Look, you are simply a sanctuary of beauty.

11. Show kindness

A kind person is always graceful in his beauty. Beauty shines in such people like a beacon of hope and peace.

12. Don't try your best

Don't go overboard with makeup or clothes. Don't spend a ton of money on plastic surgery. Don't exhaust yourself to death with rigorous training. When you try your best, you look exhausted. It's very difficult to feel beautiful when you're exhausted.

13. Don't do what you're supposed to do at your age.

Your age does not define you or your ability to be beautiful. In fact, age matures you and allows your sassy yet beautiful nature to flourish! Just live the age you feel you are.

14. Get creative

Creativity is the first assistant of kindness. Creativity is the beauty that flows through you. Draw, write, sculpt, garden, sew, cook, decorate - in a word, be a creative person, and you will feel how beauty flows through you.

15. Inspire others

As the poet Rumi writes, “Let the beauty we love be in everything we do.” Make beautiful things. Live beautifully. Be the epitome of beauty. You will begin to inspire others with your beauty.

16. Pause your thoughts

It is very difficult to feel beautiful when negative thoughts about your imperfect appearance or age are running through your head like a ticker tape. As soon as you start to delve deeper into these thoughts, immediately pull yourself together and switch to something else.

Look at yourself the way your nearest and dearest do. Start loving yourself the same way they love you. Feel the beauty they feel around you.

18. Become part of natural beauty

You are part of nature in all its unfading luxury and seasonal changes. While you feel like you are part of it, think about how you are connected to the beauty that surrounds you.

19. Listen to beautiful music

Sometimes music can speak to your soul. It touches and enlivens the spiritual core and beauty of you as a person. Listen to Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 to feel your beauty come to life.

20. Make love

It seems that no comments are needed here.

21. Dress well

If you are not sure about choosing clothes that would suit your body type, age, skin tone, then find someone who can help you with this so that clothes highlight your inner beauty.

22. Hugging often

Share the hugs of love with your friends and family. It is so beautiful!

23. Get enough sleep

You're well aware of what a lack of sleep can do to your appearance, not to mention your mental health. Getting a good night's sleep is like getting a little facelift!

24. Dance

Dance alone. Dance with a partner. Dance like no one is noticing you. Dance will help you feel like a beautiful child, carefree and happy.

25. Choose the right makeup

Make sure your makeup doesn't look old-fashioned, too heavy, or just plain wrong. Sometimes this can be quite a serious obstacle. A new look can bring out the best in you.

26. Think beautifully

Don't clutter your mind with terrible thoughts about yourself or others. Don't dwell on unpleasant things. Avoid watching scenes of violence or simply unpleasant programs on TV. Fill all your thoughts with something pleasant.

27. Stop smoking

Smoking ages your skin and makes you smell bad. This is bad for you and in no way reflects how much you love yourself. By giving up this bad habit, you will immediately feel more beautiful.

28. Be the life of the party, even if it's hard

Speak up yourself first. Show your interest in people. Introduce yourself. Smile. Bridging the gap between yourself and a stranger or friend is always so beautiful.

29. Do physical labor

If you have a sedentary job, sometimes you really want to enjoy the beauty of work, the result of which can be felt and seen. Do some physical labor. For example, wash the car, rake leaves, dig in the garden, etc. You will definitely see the result of your work. The movement, the work, the result – it’s all so beautiful!

30. Don't forget about your dental health

Since you smile a lot now, you will want to have a healthy, pearly smile. White, clean teeth can rejuvenate your appearance by 10 years. It is very difficult to smile when you are embarrassed to show your teeth.

31. Create beauty around you

Let everything that surrounds you reflect your inner beauty. Clean up the clutter. Wash the windows. Place the flowers in a vase. Let the whole house be filled with your beauty.

32. Decorate your food

Well-prepared, healthy and tasty food, prepared with caring hands, is a beauty for your stomach and soul.

33. Get rid of stress

Anxiety, a raised eyebrow, a furrowed brow, hunched shoulders are all signs of stress. Find the cause of your anxiety and try to get rid of it. Radiate the light of your beauty in any situation. Then all problems will disappear.

34. Exude confidence

Show the world that you know you are beautiful when it comes to your confidence. Self-confidence grows in proportion to the growth of self-acceptance. Love the unique and beautiful person that you are and tell the world about it.

35. Dress up

Life is getting too gray. Dress up for the occasion. No, not even that: always be the best dressed person in the room you are in. Wear red! And let them turn to you.

36. Express gratitude

Be grateful for who you are and what you have. A few complaints about your appearance mean nothing compared to the many advantages and advantages that surround you. Bask in the beauty of your virtues, and this will allow you to become a completely different person.

1. Smile

A smile lights up your face. The brain begins to work as if you are absolutely happy. A smile makes those around you happy.

2. Watch your posture

Stand up straight. Raise your head. Pull your shoulders back. Now you are confident and slim.

Stop paying too much attention to your problem areas. There is no need to compare yourself to glossy photographs. Let your “worst” qualities fade into the background and focus on your strengths instead. After all, you are much more beautiful than you think.

4. Appreciate your imperfections

There are no perfect people. Treat all shortcomings as something that connects you with all of humanity. Flaws are the new ideal.

5. Get excited

Be enthusiastic about life. Don’t give your complexes related to appearance a reason to hide all the beauty of life from you. All this will certainly affect you.

6. Practice graceful movements

Try ballet, Chinese tai chi, yoga, or simply dancing that allows your body to beautifully bend in response.

7. Show kindness

A kind person is always graceful in his beauty. It is the inner beauty that makes the outside beautiful.

8. Create

Creativity is beauty that flows through you. Draw, write, garden, sew, cook, decorate - in a word, give free rein to your talents and you will feel that beauty comes from within.

9. Listen to beautiful music

Sometimes music revives the soul and beauty of a person. Listen to the classics, especially lyrical works by great composers.

10. Remember about healthy sleep

Lack of sleep can do terrible things to our appearance, not to mention our psychological health. Getting a good night's sleep is like getting a good facelift.

Don't clutter your mind with unpleasant thoughts about yourself or others. Don't dwell on unpleasant things. Don't watch scenes of violence or simply unpleasant programs on TV. Try to think only about pleasant things.

12. Decorate your food
Well-prepared, healthy and tasty food is beauty for the stomach and soul.

13. Get rid of stress

Anxiety, a raised eyebrow, a furrowed brow, hunched shoulders are all signs of stress. Find the cause of your anxiety and try to get rid of it. Radiate the light of your beauty in any situation.

14. Be confident

Show the whole world that you know very well that you are beautiful. Self-confidence grows in proportion to the growth of self-acceptance. Love the unique and beautiful person that you are and tell the world about it.