Scenario of the ceremonial line dedicated to the last call. The anthem sounds - teachers are imprisoned

The song sounds " School years", the students come out and take their places.
All: Here we are
1. no flowers needed
2. cheerful disposition
3. sparkling good laughter
4. bright smile for free!
5. we are here today
All: the best!
6. good afternoon, dear friends
7. we want to introduce ourselves
Everyone: we are cool guys
8. we are 10 years old – and that’s a lot
9. We are strict about our studies.

To the tune of the song "Our Neighbor"

1. All day from morning to night
I'm learning all the lessons
Even if very much
I want to go outside.
And wherever I go,
And wherever I go,
I will never forget
How the verb is conjugated.
Mom, dad, be sorry
Mom, dad, be sorry
Mom, dad, let's go for a walk!
2. At night I’ll just close my eyes
And I’ll lie down on the bed -
Instant multiplication table
I'm starting to remember.
And when I sit down to dinner,
I always think about
Why is the sky darkening
And where the Don flows.
3. Sometimes I sit and dream,
That a happy day will come,
And I'm Ivan Susanin
He will take him to the forest with him.
I will play there freely,
I will jump and jump.
And the multiplication table
Slowly forget.
1. It would seem to be the same thing
What day, what year,
But for some reason it worries me again
Another day's arrival.

2.And I can’t contain my excitement in the morning,
It’s as if in these everyday life you
You are waiting for discovery and revelation.
And dreams come true.

3. Any lesson, any meeting,
More valuable than all the treasures on earth
After all, every school moment is marked
Its uniqueness.

Teacher: Indeed, every school day opens. For a student, this is a discovery of the world. For a teacher, the discovery of the treasures of a child’s soul is a meeting with a multicolored world of unique characters, feelings, actions, and interests. And now the meeting in this class will no longer take place. You have completed the first stage of education. It's a lot. Behind the disappointment that the sticks didn’t work out, the pen didn’t obey. And joy: the letters suddenly lined up in an orderly row. Yes, a special period in life has ended, when many things happened for the first time. Our wonderful family has existed for four years. In every family there is good, there is sad. But that’s why she is a friendly family, to overcome all difficulties. Every family has its own family album.
Let’s look through our family album and remember how we met, how we lived. So, four years ago, our school life began.
(The music “On the first fine September day” plays; the student reads a poem in the background of music.)

The forest drops its crimson outfit.
No, don’t forget that autumn time.
When we, the inept pre-schoolers,
They escorted mothers by the hand to school.
And the timidity immediately disappeared,
And autumn became more beautiful
When I entered the classroom with a smile
Our teacher.

We met her in the morning,
Hurrying to work.
She taught us goodness
And literacy and numeracy.

She could understand without words
And she knew how to listen to us,
Instilling faith and love
Into an open soul.

Like leaves reaching towards the sun,
We always gravitated towards her,
And the main words became:
Teacher, Friend and Mom!
Let the years fly by -
Like a reflection of distant days,
We will never forget
Those first lessons.
And to see you again,
Hear your word
We're all ready for first grade
Go study again!

Ah, first class, ah, first class!
Instilled love in all of us
And to discipline and to sciences,
And to everyday work.
Here we were taught to listen,
We lived - we didn’t grieve
And they were friends with books, they taught us everything.
In the morning we wanted to sleep, and we could barely walk,
And look at us like this.

Scenes from school life:
Teacher: Petrov, how much will it be: four divided by two?
Student: What should we divide, Marya Ivanovna?
Teacher: Well, let's say four apples.
Student: And between whom?
Teacher: Well, let it be between you and Sidorov.
Student: Then three for me and one for Sidorov.
Teacher: Why is this?
Student: Because Sidorov owes me one apple.
Teacher: Doesn’t he owe you a plum?
Student: No, I shouldn’t have plums.
Teacher: Well, how much will it be if four plums are divided by two?
Student: Four. And all to Sidorov.
Teacher: Why four?
Student: Because I don’t like plums.
Teacher: Wrong again.
Student: How many is correct?
Teacher: Now I’ll put the correct answer in your diary!
The bell rings:
And now the math lesson. Let's start with mental counting. Kirill, if you have 100 rubles and you ask your brother for another 100 rubles. How much money will you have?
As before, 100 rubles.
Teacher: You just don’t know math!
Student: No, you don’t know my brother!

Teacher: Sasha, if you found 5 rubles in one pocket and 10 rubles in the other.
Student: So I put on someone else's pants.

Poem by B. Zakhoder “Petya Dreams”
If soap came
In the mornings to my bed
And the soap itself would wash me -
That would be nice!
If, let's say,
I'm a wizard
Gave me such a textbook
So that he would
I could do it myself
Answer any lesson...
If only I had a pen,
So that I could
Solve a problem,
Write any dictation -
All by itself, of course!
If only books and notebooks
Learned to be okay
They knew all their places -
That would be beauty!
If only life would come then!
Take a walk and relax!
Mom would stop here too
Saying that I'm lazy!

The guys answer the lesson at the blackboard
And one by one they raise their hand,
Ilya is the last one to be sad at his desk
And he draws devils with a pen in a notebook.
It's unpleasant to feel like a fool,
But the topic of the lesson is not clear to Ilya.
The computer is cool, his dad and mom
Bought as a gift, but what came out was drama:
He didn't learn his homework,
But he moved to level three,
Fought all evening, and in a stubborn battle
Our hero has achieved victory, no doubt.
It's a shame the teacher doesn't know about this
And Ilya’s deuce decorates the diary.
The computer genius got angry at everyone.
And who is to blame? He achieved everything himself.

1st student: Half the lesson has passed!
Where have you been, my dear?

Student 2: I am a fish in an aquarium
I was looking in a living corner!
The fish swam first
Afterwards I stopped swimming.
Of course I was scared
He rushed to call an ambulance.
I called, called, called -
I completely forgot about the lesson.

We have a test again.
We solve two problems.
I solved one easily.
The second one - at least cry.
I'll ask Bogdan.
Perhaps he will help?
Bogdan wrote the answer on a piece of paper,
He folded the airplane and sent it to Roma.
Well, what can you do? On Romino Mountain
The plane changed its trajectory very abruptly.
He landed easily on the teacher's table.
The question on that test was immediately resolved.

1st boy:
One day my best friend and I
So tired - no strength:
During recess in a small heap
I kneaded a friend.

2nd boy:
We fell asleep during class.
The desk is softer than the bed.
We yawned so much that our cheekbones
There was no one to set things right.

3rd boy:
And the teacher! What have you done?
He didn't say a word
And, without delving into the essence of the matter,
I immediately called my dad.

1st boy:
Oh, what a thrashing it was!
Oh, what a scolding it was!
This is hardly the best way
Understand a child's soul!

2nd boy:
If it's time for class
Flows very slowly
We, having forgotten the strict textbook,
We draw whatever comes to mind,

3rd boy:
On a notebook and on a map,
On the board and on the wall,
On the briefcase and on the desk,
On the neighbor's back.

1st boy:
Sabers, naval combat, guitars,
A wolf, seven kids,
Knights from old films -
We draw everything.

2nd boy:
To speed up the task
Our brains thought
We eat packs of gum
What's tastier than pies?

In chorus:
We are tired of studying.
Oh, I wish I had a day off soon.
Soon the torment will end for everyone!
Mom, I want to go home!
I'm actually not a slacker, and I don't mind going to school,
But we know: Monday is a hard day for work.
On Tuesday before lunch I fooled everyone.
Well, after that, at my neighbor’s until dark, I was kicking ass.
On Wednesday I was also busy: I lightly counted the crows.
And on Thursday I was a fool all over the couch.
Well, on Friday I diligently chased the quitter with a friend.
I was tired, of course, and who wouldn’t be tired!
I spat at the ceiling on Saturday... I can prove it to anyone:
I usually never sit without work for a minute.
I'm ready to study all day on Sunday
Russian, algebra and reading. Only it's a day off.
Tomorrow is Monday again, and I don’t mind going to school,
I'm not a slacker at all. This is just a hard day.

Mother. Well, come on, son, diary. Let's see what you have there.
Son. I can't give it today.
Mother. Why?
Son. The pharmacy was closed.
Mother. What does this have to do with a pharmacy?
Son. How does this “have to do with it?” Katya said that today my diary can only be shown to my parents along with valerian.

They perform the song Barbarika - School, School, Open the Doors

1.We came here as kids,
holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
And dads and moms were worried,
gave us wise advice.
But time passed quickly,
And we grew up a little,
And I wanted it so much with a child’s gaze
We still have a look at the school
School, school, open the doors,
School, school, lessons, breaks,
School, school - teacher at the blackboard
And we are warmed by your love. (2 times)
2. We enter classrooms daily.
Original desk, chair, notebook
English, Russian, drawing,
You were able to tell a lot.
We sang and read
While playing, you taught us.
Thank you, dear school,
After all, all science is a class!
Chorus(2 times)
Lose...Chorus (quiet), chorus (raised / 2 times)

The bell is ringing for us again,
But this is not for the lesson.
The farewell, touching hour has come.
We entered the hall solemnly,
We should all have fun
But for some reason sadness hides in the eyes.
We climbed to our first Olympus,
We look at the world solemnly and strictly,
Let the school road be difficult,
We hope and believe - we will win!

Everything in life is school bell:
The desks set off on a long journey.
There will be steeper starts ahead
And they will be more serious, but for now...
Dictations and tasks, successes, failures,
Adverbs, verbs and ancient centuries,
Either the word does not bend, then the Volga will be lost...
It all starts with the school bell.

Anodes, cathodes, Suvorov's campaigns,
Battles, conjugations, sand movements...
The example is not remembered, the answer does not work,
It all starts with the school bell!

It all starts with a school bell -
The road to the stars, the secrets of the ocean.
All this will be late or sooner
All this will come, guys, but for now...
We're having graduation. Graduation ball,
We are leaving primary school.
It was not by chance that we entered secondary school,
We carry a huge baggage of knowledge with us.

At this hour we still have to say
About those who gave us life,
About the closest people in the world,
Who will still help in many ways.
Our parents follow us invisibly
Both in joy and in the hour when trouble came.

They seek to protect us from sadness,
But, alas, we do not always understand them.
Forgive us, dear, dear,
After all, besides you, we have no more valuable people.
As they say, children are the joy of life,
And you are our support in it!

Wherever you are, still
Be sure to remember
What will always meet you
With love and tenderness
Your haven is your parents' home.
Bow down to your mother's earth
And bow to your father to the ground.
You owe them an unpaid debt,
Remember this sacredly all your life.

Children perform Alena Kucher's song

“My soul is only for you...”
Only for you I sing with my soul
Without lies and selfish reasons,
I can't love without you,
I don’t like this world without you.
Like a bell ringing in a dream
Mom's voice is painfully dear
Thoughts are always warm about you
The best father because my
We are by your side forever
Let's forget all unnecessary words

Hugs tighter and love
We are by your side forever

We thank you

I don't ask life for anything good
You raised me well
And it's baked into my soul
It's like living water
This world is so cruel and hurtful
But there is a place for rights and dreams
And we set out on the path with him,
We are grateful for everything only to you
We are by your side forever
Let's forget all unnecessary words
Only heart and soul, look and silence
Hugs tighter and love
We are by your side forever
Like the sun's light, air and water
We repeat once again, for everything that we have
We thank you

Only for you I sing with my soul
Without lies and selfish reasons
I can't love without you
I don’t like this world without you

1st graduate:
Today we say thank you
Of course, to your parents too.

2nd graduate:
Your concern, understanding and patience
They always helped us, without a doubt!

3rd graduate:
Here they are, those who sat with us at night over the book...

4th graduate:
Here they are, those who wrote essays for us...

5th graduate:
The most best moms and dads in the world,

6th graduate:
Your children say thank you very much.

Really, good advice, they guided you with wise instructions. Thanks to their care, help, desire to bring the children of our class closer together, you have turned from first-graders into kind and friendly guys. Together with you, they are now here at the holiday, and we say a huge word to all of them.
Teaches. And now you can say the cherished phrase
ALL: HOORAY! WE are fifth graders!!!

Teacher. So, we flipped through the pages of our family album and remembered a lot. But the day comes when you have to part with someone. The time has come for us to sum up the results of our four-year studies. A year of hard work has ended. You all worked hard and moved on to fifth grade.
And now comes the most crucial, exciting moment. You are awarded your first document - a diploma of completion primary school.
- Attention! Get ready to receive your diplomas. The solemn moment arrives. Now you must take the fifth grade oath.

– Joining the ranks of high school students in the face of their comrades, in the face of martyred parents, in the face of hard-working teachers
All in chorus: I swear!
– Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, don’t ignore a single question, even the most difficult and tricky one.
All in chorus: I swear!
– Do not bring teachers to a boiling temperature of 100 Celsius.
All in chorus: I swear!
– Be fast and swift, but not exceed a speed of 60 km/h when moving along school corridors.
All in chorus: I swear!
– To pull out the veins from teachers, not to squeeze out sweat, but strong and exact knowledge and skills.
All in chorus: I swear!
– Swim only “good” and “excellent” in the sea of ​​knowledge, dive to the very depths
All in chorus: I swear!.
– Be worthy of your teachers.
All in chorus: I swear!


Our holiday is over
The hour of farewell is coming.
And the question is, what happens next?
Doesn't give everyone peace.
There will be summer, there will be rest,
Let's say goodbye to all our friends
And we’ll be the first to wish the teacher: “Don’t be bored!”

We are moving to fifth grade
The middle management is waiting for us.
How we studied in first grade
Let's not forget anyway.

Four years have flown by
And I can’t believe it now
That once a friendly flock
We arrived at our noisy class.

Time passed unnoticed
A year is like a day, and a day is like an hour.
Together we crossed
Every year from class to class.

We grew up, we learned
And today we stand here.
To you, our first friend, teacher,
We say thank you.

New sciences await us ahead,
It won't be easy for us to defeat them.
We won't be bored in the fifth grade,
And there will be no time to be completely sick.

(The Astrologer enters. He takes an ancient scroll from his belt, unwinds it and reads.)
Astrologer. Hear what the future holds for you! All fourth grade students will move to high school. They will be warmly welcomed by the director, head teacher, and class teacher. School classrooms will open their doors to you. Here you will sit at computers, at sewing machines, stand at woodworking machines, knit, sew, and cook.
2030... Spring is coming...
We will read your names in the newspapers.
1. Roman Burenkin became a famous athlete.
2. Radmir served and is already a general.
3. Ilona,
4. Polina,
5. Adele in Paris at a dance competition
They amazed all the foreigners with their grace.
6. Roma became the owner of the fleet,
But with gasoline, as before, parking!
7. And Igor, of course, is a zealous computer scientist,
He created new cool programs.
8. Our Ernest became an expensive lawyer,
He is abroad now with his brother.
9. , 10. Danil and Emma plunged into science,
We jointly discovered the theory of sound,
Still working - the theory of light
And they became laureates for it!
11. Just think, our Aida,
The one who was smarter than everyone and more beautiful,
Lives and works here next door,
She chief physician children's clinic!

12, 13. Elina and Nastya are going on tour with us,
Only the first roles are played.

14. Arseny, so quiet and gloomy,
Now a member of the State Duma.
15. Bogdan is a star in the chess world.
And there are only sixty-four cells.
16. Karina is the director of this school,
She already heads teachers' councils.
17. Dasha works at the university.
She knows all the tricks.
Students have their own cheat sheets
eliminates quickly and deftly...

18. Lisa opened her own studio. They sew clothes there.

19. Kirill is an excellent designer here.
Almost the whole class turned to him.
Even those who live abroad
They can contact Kirill now!

20. Vitalik is a lawyer, he is always fair to everyone.
He is reliable and honest in everything and will never break the law.

21. Lesha is a pilot, he pilots an airliner,
passengers adore him, and his superiors respect him.

22. Marat is a builder with us.
He builds houses for people - just cool!
Happy people live in those houses
He builds them with love for us!

23. The best expert in forensics
Matvey, he knows a lot about it!
All crimes will be solved -
Matvey will not miss a single piece of evidence!

24. Petya is a brave policeman!
He is a general and therefore important.
The president himself presents him with the order,
He is the best in the police, everyone knows that!

25. Ilya is a detective, he is our Sherlock Holmes,
And where all Interpol got confused,
He uses his method of deduction
And the world is freed from criminals!

26. Ararat is a doctor from God!
And just a nice person!
We have few such doctors,
You trust them more than yourself

Many years will pass... And spring will come...
We will read your names in the newspapers.

Well then, let's go
The wind of wanderings is calling you.
In pursuit of learning
You are not afraid of a storm.
Let friendship help you
In the galaxy of knowledge.
On the next planet
Titled "Fifth Grade"
Teachers will meet you
And they will help.

Although, of course, it’s a pity for us to part with you.
But we will always remember each other.

I see a friendly circle again,
And everyone in this circle is a friend.
I feel braver
Or maybe somewhere wiser.
Friends will give any advice,
I won't hear "no" from them.
And they don’t laugh at misfortune
In moments of difficulty with me.
And they share my joys,
And they trust me with theirs.
In return, I will support you somewhere,
Or maybe I’ll give you some advice.

Oh, how I need this circle!
Where there are no enemies, but only friends.
And I say from my heart:
“Thank you for your friendship.”
Should I call a friend?
When it's dark on the road,
When the road is unrecognizable
And you don’t have the strength to go?
When there is trouble on all sides,
When it's night in the sun,
But won't he see
Won't he rush to help?
After all, he will not be able to eat and sleep,
When does this suddenly happen!
But... if you need to call a friend -
It's unlikely that this is a friend...

Students sing the song “The Road of Goodness”
Ask strict life which way to go,
Where to go in the white world in the morning,

Follow the sun, even though this path is unknown,
Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness.

Forget your worries, ups and downs,
Don't whine when fate doesn't behave like a sister.

But if things are bad with a friend, don’t rely on a miracle,
Hurry to him, always follow the path of goodness.

Oh, how many different doubts and temptations there will be,
Don't forget that this life is not child's play.
Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness.
Drive away temptations, learn the unspoken law,
Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness.

Drive away temptations, learn the unspoken law,
Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness.
Drive away temptations, learn the unspoken law,
Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness.

Thanks guys for good words. Congratulations on graduating from elementary school. I wish you all the best on your further path. All four years I lived in thoughts about you, rejoiced, worried with you, gave you a piece of my soul and heart. Taught you to be honest, caring, decent people. Wherever the road leads, remember:
I will be happy and warm for your successes, good luck, good deeds; I'm ashamed and hurt for bad deeds. Don't forget about human dignity. IN good hour!

Happiness to you, children, parents!
Every episode is the most difficult.
How many days and hours are behind?
And sometimes it seemed impossible
Find an explanation for something.
I would like, truly, sincerely,
To continue to guide you through life.
So that you, our children, grow up
And we could be proud of you.
But we have to part.
"Goodbye!" - I'm telling you.
And today we say goodbye to you
I give a part of myself.
I would also like to thank your parents for raising you to be such good children, for putting all their love and tenderness into you, for always understanding your little failures, for that they supported me and understood me, for always taking part in the life of our class.
And the care of grandmothers for their grandchildren is especially touching. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The first child is the last doll, the grandson is the first child.” Therefore, many grandmothers were like mothers. We know that they most often express their worries about their grandchildren in tears. Probably, their fate will continue to be to worry, to care, to worry.

I disappear from school until the evening.
I'm flying home - and I have no doubts,
What's at the stove - young granny
He will cook borscht, fry cutlets for us...
She circles around the house like a bee
And that’s why there is warm honey in the vessels.
And in the garden there is hilling and weeding,
And summer is fast, it won’t wait.
I love grandma not only for her work,
And just like that - well, I just love it.
Thanks to grandma, like good July,
She exists in the world - and I sleep peacefully.

The teacher gives letters of thanks to parents.

4 mothers take the stage.

Mother. Dear Guys!
Today is an unusual day:
You have moved to fifth grade.
On the threshold of high school
We give you all the instructions.

Mother. Many years left to study
And don't lose patience,
Two, three, one
Do not allow it into your diary.

Mother. Don't irritate the teachers
After all, the teacher is the king and god!
Let them scold you harshly
Be as humble as an angel.

Mother. We also wish you,
Fifth grader, dear,
So that they don't send you
Take your parent home.
Students, teacher, parents release balloons into the sky.


ceremonial lineup dedicated to the Last Call


Today is our special day
We are both happy and slightly sad.
We solemnly gathered today
At the Last Bell celebration.

Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers, parents and students!We are pleased to welcome you to the ceremonial line dedicated to significant event in the lives of our school graduates. Today the last bell will ring for 11th grade students!
Azarov's song "School" is playing.


We invite graduates of 2012, led by their class teacher ………………….

(graduates exit)

Presenter:School! Attention! Align with the banner! Banner middle secondary school name……..introduce! At ease! The ceremonial line dedicated to the Last Bell holiday is declared open.

Presenter:School is our second home. A house where guests often come. Today, our guests of honor are present at our celebration: wonderful people our village, district, our friends and helpers: ... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Dear graduates!
Today a special bell will ring for you, it will not be like the bells you have heard before.
This call for you is the boundary between childhood and adulthood. And now you will hear parting words on behalf of those who are accompanying you to adult life.

The floor is given to the school director ………………………….

The floor is given_______________________________________________________________

The floor is given_______________________________________________________________


Thank you, dear guests, for your warm words and good wishes. You made your first discoveries on this planet with a man who has the most wonderful title on earth - the first teacher. He opened the world to you, gave you his love, warmth. People remember their first teacher all their lives and remember him with gratitude.
The floor is given to the first teacher ___________________________________________________


We have just a little bit left,
The bell is about to ring,
But keeps, cherishes the memory
Your very first lesson.
You led us by the hand
According to the wisdom of science.
All the good that is in us
We took it from your hands.
You are the good fairy, leading to knowledge,
Giving joy carrier of light.
Happy hopes to you,
Great recognition
And new finds,
And new victories!

Presenter.Exactly 11 years ago, the people dearest to your heart brought you to school. Then they wished you patience, to learn to read and write, to be polite and obedient. They checked your diaries every day, were happy and sad with you.On behalf of the parents, the floor is given to ………………..


At this hour we still have to say
About those who gave us life.
About the closest people in the world,
About those who helped me grow
And it will help in many ways.
Our parents follow us invisibly.
And in joy, and in the hour,
When trouble came.
They strive to protect us from sorrows,
But, alas, we do not always understand them.
Forgive us, dear, dear,
We don’t have any people more valuable than you,
As they say - children are the joy of life,
And you are our support in it!


Let will pass by bad weather
And the world will become brighter for you
Please accept my wishes for happiness
From your little friends

The floor is given to 1st class

In life 11th grade

We're seeing you off now.

And we give you goodbye

Our first-class order.

We understand perfectly

Your difficulties now:

Outside, spring is in full swing.

But you have exams.

It will entice you with coolness

The greenery of the forest, the smooth surface of the river.

Don't give in to temptations.

You are now graduates.

You mastered it hard

A hundred rules and sciences.

But there's still a little bit left

There are 1000 pieces at the institute.

We sincerely wish

You should go to college.

May this be the last call

Became the first step into life.

Keep learning.

So that without mental anguish

Crown your education

The title of Doctor of Science.

You were an example for us.

Maybe even a lighthouse.

Personally, I will be proud

Because I knew you.

Concluding our speech.

We wish you to cross the mountains,

Soar into the clouds, sail across all the oceans.

See you again! Bon Voyage!

Graduate:Dear, the smallest residents of our school, first graders! The leaves flew around so quicklycalendar, connecting autumn and spring. And you are no longer the helpless little jackdaws we saw off on September 1stschool. You already look at the world consciously and confidently. Have a nice trip, dear boys and girls. Happy bells and school discoveries. Thank you for your kind words addressed to us.

Graduate 1.

Seeing off and leaving is difficult.

It’s easier - everyone knows - to meet.

We need to be strong today

So that you can say the main words.

Graduate 2.

Here is the first syllable and the first friend,

And the first worries.

So, the first round is completed,

And what are the results?

Graduate 3.

We sometimes came here

Captivated by melancholy and boredom,

And it seemed like nonsense to us

Wisdom of science.

Graduate 4.

Here we were sometimes worried

Not the best marks

And the clear gaze of beautiful eyes

A pretty neighbor.

Graduate 5.

And now we take it out into the world

The baggage of your knowledge,

And life is not a competition, not a tournament,

And not even an exam.

Graduate 6.

We are escorted on this path

And tears and smiles.

And we will be forgiven somehow

Flaws and mistakes.

Graduate 7.

And we have not once, not twice

Let's remember the school yard

And all the farewell words

Graduate 8.

But the school romance has reached its epilogue,

This means that the plot is almost exhausted.

Last call. We take stock

All our affairs span eleven years.

Graduates sing the song “Teacher”

Chelsea's song "Last Call" is playing

Graduate 9.

Teachers, goodbye! Goodbye!
We don't have long to be in this building.
You knew a lot of troubles with us,
Exams, tests, lessons
And the birds of the year flew by...
But the apprenticeship has passed,
And our gratitude is forever!

Graduates give flowers to teachers.

Graduates sing the song “How time flew by”


Your last date with school...
Now it will ring for the last time,
Like a song of separation, a signal of parting,
Sad farewell, last call.
It rings over the past and present,
Over what you saved and what you didn’t save.
Above your youth the departing rings
Sad, farewell last call.

The long-awaited moment has arrived. The right to give the last bell is granted to 1st grade students

Presenter:It is no coincidence that graduates are compared to birds that leave their nest. And therefore, graduates send pigeons on their way - a symbol of youth, beauty, and freedom. (The song “pigeons” sounds). And we say after them: “Fly, pigeons, fly! Have a nice journey!” (doves are released)

Presenter:The footprint in the sand is fragile. The wind will blow and sweep away the imprint of your footprints. The trace in the soul is not subject to either weather or time. You, graduates, will keep such a mark in your heart and memory. We wish that peace and harmony reign in your homes. May your parents be healthy and

friends are true. Let your eyes be keen to see all the colors of life. Let your soul never know loneliness, your loved ones, your close people will be with you everywhere.

And now I turn to first graders.Dear first graders! At the beginning of this school year, the 11th graders led you to school by the hand, they accompanied you to your first lesson, and today you will take the graduates by the hand and lead them into adulthood.

IN bon voyage, our dear graduates. (The song “When we leave the schoolyard” plays)

Presenter:Smirno school. Align with the banner! Banner of the Cavalier Secondary School …………………. take out. At ease!

Ceremonial line dedicated. The holiday of the last call is declared closed. We invite all classes to attend lessons.



MKOU secondary school No. 9 village. Rozovka

Classroom teacher Chernyshenko N.A.

Goals: show the importance of family, home warmth; bring up caring attitude to family and friends, to develop the ability to give them joy, the desire to take care of loved ones, to cherish them; develop speech and reasoning skills; integrate children’s knowledge about themselves and their ancestry;

Equipment: presentation on the topic “My friends and family”, computer, interactive board, a family tree for each student, poems about family, phonograms of the song “Parental House” performed by L. Leshchenko and the children's song “Blue Car”.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment. Emotional mood

There is 1 slide on the screen (the sun is shining and children with briefcases are running to school)

Teacher: Hello, Dear Guys! I am very pleased to see everyone together in our cozy classroom.

Let's smile at the sun,

Let's give each other a hand -

Let's cheer you up

For yourself and a friend. Give your hand to your neighbor and spread a spark of spirit around.

A recording of the song “Parental Home” performed by L. Leshchenko is played.

II. Report the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: What is the song you just listened to? What is a parent's home? How do you understand this expression? (This is our own street, our own city. The place where a person was born and raised. This is a family. In the house we take our first steps, learn to live and overcome difficulties, from here we move into adulthood.)

Indeed, guys, home is a hearth. This is the beginning of all beginnings... The most precious thing a person has is his family. These are close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take example, whom we care about, to whom we wish goodness and happiness. A healthy, strong, friendly family is, above all, the key to success. Success in everything: work, study, rest. Family is strong through love, respect, tradition and family heirlooms.

Guys, what is it? Origins, how do you understand this word? (the beginning of time) Life-giving power of Origins manifests itself in love for native land, native word, homeland, relatives, parents.

For the lesson, I prepared photographic materials from your family albums “My Family” on slides, and you probably guessed what we will talk about today?

Right. The topic of our class hour “MY CLOSE AND RELATIVE PEOPLE” (slide 2)

Reading a story(ABC of origins, p. 5-6)

Teacher: Listen to the story "Sunny, Mom and Dad"

Early and early the sun rises clearly and warms the earth with its rays. Flowers, blades of grass, trees, berries, and mushrooms are washed with dew. All living things rejoice at the rising sun. The whole Earth, the whole world, is filled with golden-scarlet light. Every day the sun fills the earth with rainbow light. Likewise, the life of every person is filled with the warmth of their parents. Parents give life, care for and protect their children from adversity, do everything to ensure that their children’s lives are happy.

What could be more valuable than family? The father's house greets me with warmth,

Here they always wait for you with love and see you off on your journey with kindness!

Conversation with students.

What is “family”? A family is a group of relatives living together (husband, wife, parents, children). A family is a circle of people who love and respect you and will never leave you in trouble, will always be with you in joy and sorrow. Family is the most important thing in life for every person

It turns out that the status of the family in the world is quite high. Family is a connection between generations. Parents are at the origins. A culture of behavior and a culture of communication begins to form in the family. Each of you has a home, family, relatives. Families are all different. Some have a large family, while others have a small one. In the traditions of the Russian family a large number of children. How are families different? Each family has a special atmosphere, its own family habits, hobbies and traditions. (habits, way of life, atmosphere, traditions that are passed on from generation to generation.)

A family is created by two people who love each other. Marriage in Orthodoxy is called a wedding. (slide 3) Crowns are placed on the heads of the bride and groom. This is a sign that on this day they are the “prince” and “princess”, the most revered people in the area. The crown, like the ring, has no end. This means that until death, the bride and groom must be faithful to each other when they become husband and wife. The birth of a child fills family life with light and joy .(slide 4) Parents try to pass on their knowledge and faith to their children. If you feel bad, if it’s difficult, if you’ve been offended, who will caress you, caress you, understand and console you? Of course, your mothers, grandmothers, fathers, relatives and people close to you. In a good family, everyone takes care of each other, helps, supports, and shares joy. To maintain a friendly family, it is very important that there are general events, holidays, family traditions. Every family has family photographs. The tradition of compiling and storing family albums has become firmly established in our lives. This tradition is very important. It is not without reason that during the war or in other situations when people were forced to leave their homes, they took with them only the most valuable things and among them photographs of dear people. Therefore, every family has photographs that leave a long-lasting memory of dear people, events in family life.

Who can you be proud of in your family?

How you spend free time in family?

Tell us about your parents, oh family holidays.

Children's stories about their family and friends on the background slides 5-14 with photographs from family albums
Teacher reads a poem:
Our parents follow us invisibly, Both in joy and in the hour when trouble came,They strive to protect us from sorrows,But, alas, we do not always understand them.Forgive us, dear, dear,After all, besides YOU, we have no more valuable people.As they say, CHILDREN are the joy of life,And YOU are our support in it
Reading poems about family (slide 15)1. In the family circle We are growing together as a family
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.
All your roots are in the family circle,
And you come into life from family.
In the family circle we create life,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home. Dad plants a flower for mom. Mom cooks a pie for dad, Grandma irons Katya’s dresses, Katya washes shirts for her brothers. Everyone is making a plane for the youngest. Work is going on happily in the house. And why? This is very clear. It is joyful to please each other. 2. What could be more valuable to a family? What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,
They are always waiting for you here with love,
And they send you off on your way with kindness!

Father and mother and children together
sitting at festive table,
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.
The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.
Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land 3. Family Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
I want my friends to say about us:
How nice your family is! 4. I take care of mom and dad
I'm taking care of mom and dad
Dad complains:
- I’m kind of tired from work...
Mom too:
- I’m tired, I can barely stand on my feet...
I take a broom from dad -
I'm not a slacker either,
After dinner, dishes
I’ll wash it myself, I won’t forget, -
I'm taking care of mom and dad,
I'm strong, I can do it! 5. About love Mom looks at dad, smiles,
Dad looks at mom, smiles,
And the day is the most weekday, not Sunday,
And outside the window - not the sun, but a blizzard,
It's just their mood
They're just Very love each other.
This love makes it both easy and bright.
My dad and mom are so lucky! Teacher: Mom and Dad are the most bright people on Earth. Parental love warms the child's soul, fills it with rainbow light, protects Hard time. Your parents are the people closest to you. Love and take care of them!“Honor your father and your mother, and it will be good for you, and you will live long on earth.” This is one of the main rules for every person. Show concern for your parents. Growing up, children become like their parents both in appearance and in deeds. No wonder people say: "The apple never falls far from the tree".(slide16)

Guys, can our class be called a family? (children answer) to some extent it is possible. We must treat each other like a family, with care, kindness and understanding. I hope that our class will become a friendly family and, like in a good family, love and mutual understanding will reign in it.(slides 17-18)

Lesson summary Reflection

Teacher: What would you like to thank your parents and loved ones for?
Children answer the question in a circle, starting with the words « I want to thank …»
Dear children, today we expressed nice words gratitude to our closest and dearest people, our parents. The Word is a gift of the heart, paving the way from a loving soul to loving soul. Thank you!

Summarizing the answers: I would like to wish that in your life you learn very important matter- learned to thank those who do a lot of good for you - close and dear people.

Homework assignment Create a pedigree for your family (slide 19)

I wish you good luck in the new school year! The Day of Knowledge! (slides 20-21) Performance of the song “Blue Car”


class hour

At this hour we still have to say
About those who gave us life,
About the closest people in the world,
About those who helped me grow
And it will help in many ways.
Our parents follow us invisibly
And in joy and in the hour when trouble came,
They strive to protect us from sorrows,
But, alas, we do not always understand them.
Forgive us, dear, dear,
After all, besides you, we have no more valuable people.
As they say, children are the joy of life,
- And you are for us... a support in her!


Mommy! Academic year passed,
Gave me a lot of knowledge. And I declare:
I learned very well -
I congratulate you on your vacation!
Let's go on vacation together
There is no one happier than us in this world:
We'll sing and sunbathe together,
Relax your mind, soul and body.
So that the bell rings when,
Connecting summer resources,
Learn lessons again without difficulty,
Getting only "A's"!


You suffered with me, mom, -
Another class finished...
I'm wearing a wide Panama hat:
Hooray! We're on vacation!
I don't cry over a textbook
I don’t chew science at night,
And I’m going to the camp and to the dacha,
I'm chasing a ball, herding a goat.
Three-month short deadlines
Cursing the sunny holidays,
From unlearned lessons
You get some rest. And - from me!

Well, how can we not remember today those
Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter
Who collected for school every day
And sometimes he burned with shame for us...
Parents! We are nowhere without you!
Any trouble with you is not a problem!
And joy - so full of fun!
After all, you still have a long time to study with us...

The last bell is ringing for your children,
The time of cheerful school days has passed,
They now stand on the threshold of adulthood,
I just don't recognize your guys today.
Dear parents, please accept my congratulations,
Behind the lesson checks, explanations,
New excitement awaits you ahead,
May God give you endurance, good luck and patience.

The trill of the last bell echoed sadly,
Your children are now entering adulthood,
You will always be responsible for them,
After all, at any age they are children for you.
Congratulations on your last call, parents,
We wish your children a bright future,
We wish you good luck, joy, goodness,
May your children always make you happy with their successes.

Congratulations on graduation: General | From alumni | Graduates | Brother |