The Nerussa River in ancient times. Nerussa (river)

Nerussa River - Encyclopedic reference

Nerussa is a river in Russia, flowing through the territory of the Oryol and Bryansk regions. Left tributary of the Desna
The length of the river is 161 km, and the basin area is 5630 sq km.
The source of the river is located near the city of Dmitrovsk Oryol region, and the mouth is near the city of Trubchevsk, where the Nerussa flows into the Desna.
It has three tributaries: Lokna (right), Nessa and Sev (left).
On the banks of the Nerussa there is the Bryansk Forest State Natural Biosphere Reserve.

Literature about the Nerussa River

River Nerussa - POEMS

Gennady Sobolev-Trubetsky

Not in St. Andrew's places
I’m going, but on my own,
covered with morning dew and dear since childhood.
The Nerussa River is like the thread of a magic ball:
at the beginning - childhood, and at the end -
you'll see the old man

suddenly in his reflection, trying to draw water;
The bushes will only sadly rub my back...
I remember all the pikes that were caught here by sight,
at their command always... away from fools

I should stay a little to the side, trying to note
like a willow leaf falling into a silver surface,
and barely noticeable circles like an invisible wave
inexorably circles the entire globe...

Returning echo, quiet sound
will sing to me like Lel,
about how the source is hidden far away.
From those pagan lands that did not know the Cross,
your name has come to these places.

And by the river, in a deep forest, the robber Kudeyar
treasures hid countless treasures
under quiet light Stozhar.
Everyone can find them here, but there is one secret -
You need to take special advice with you:

“Look with all your eyes, but let your soul see”;
then you will understand this magical world, barely breathing:
and the silk of grass, and the velvet of moss, and the silver of water,
dew of evening pearls and diamond stars...

Mound. Tract of the Slavs
with the strange name “Room”,
and Byzantine merchants come to mind.
here is a clear face on silver... and after hundreds of years
Porphyrogenitus Constantine looks here from the coins.

A new Age, hurrying forward, will bite the bit.
The water took everything with it: both time and deeds...
With the Russian soul - its water is deep, pure...
With a non-Russian name, the river is my treasure!

Gennady Sobolev-Trubetsky

July, Nerussa and heat - three words like a sketch...
The ides lying on the bottom puff, but do not bite.
It itches with laziness and therefore the midge fakes,
And in the sky - faded Blue colour what day... it's hot...

The once fast stream is in no hurry today,
Crooked shadows from willows are like sleepy snakes...
And what can you do if your brain is boiling in the morning?
Poems haven’t been written for a long time... it’s a hot day...

Only the aromas of summer herbs on the wings of a dragonfly
It will take you to such a distance where, closing your eyes,
The imagination will carry away not the body, but me...
It's not hot there, it's nice there until the end of the day..

But suddenly the float woke up and woke up the whole world.
And now my gaze is again ready to drill holes into it.
Instantly the terrible heat disappeared somewhere,
Having left this frame in a hurry, it’s just me and ide...

See information about rivers in the catalog alphabetically:

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, Oryol Region

- Coordinates - Coordinates

 /   / 52.55528; 33.77667 (Nerussa, mouth)Coordinates:

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Total length 161 km; The basin area is 5630 km². The source of the river is near the city of Dmitrovsk, Oryol region, which is also located on it.

Since 1987, the state natural biosphere reserve “Bryansk Forest” has been located on the banks of the Nerussa.



Nerusa, Nerussa, Neruza. There are a number of versions regarding the origin of the name:

Nerussa in literature

Nerussa in the works of Daniil Andreev

« I wouldn’t even trade the magnificent Volga for this one for anyone. famous river. It flows through the virgin forest, where you don’t meet people for days on end, where gigantic oaks, colossal ash trees and maples wash their roots in fast-moving water, so transparent, so clean that the whole world of underwater plants and fish becomes accessible and clear. Only once a year, for a few days, are these places filled with people; these are the days of haymaking passing narrow strip along the coastal lawns. The hay is cut, stacked in stacks (very convenient, by the way, for overnight stays) - and again there is no one - for dozens of miles, only dragonflies dance over the vines drooping towards the water.”

Boris Romanov’s book “Travel with Daniil Andreev” is dedicated to Nerussa and its environs.

In 2014, 2 km from Nerussa in the village of Chukhrai, the D.L. Museum was opened. Andreeva.


  • Nerussa- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

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  • Boris Romanov. The Messenger, or the life of Daniil Andreev. - M.: Feoriya, 2011. - 640 p.
  • Boris Romanov. Traveling with Daniil Andreev. - M.: Progress-Pleiada, 2006. - 440 p.



Excerpt characterizing Nerussa (river)

- Well, now it’s good! – she said contentedly and, no longer paying attention to us, walked on...
We looked after her in a daze and, unable to understand anything, continued to stand like a pillar, digesting what had happened. Stella, as always, was the first to come to her senses and shouted:
- Girl, wait, what is this? What should we do about this?! Well, just wait!!!
But little man, just, without turning around, waved his fragile palm to us and calmly continued on his way, very soon completely disappearing into a sea of ​​lush green, unearthly grass... above which now only a transparent purple fog fluttered like a light cloud...
- Well, what was that? – Stella said, as if asking herself.
I didn’t feel anything bad yet and, having calmed down a little after the “gift” that unexpectedly fell, I said.
– Let’s not think about it for now, and we’ll see later...
We decided on this.
The joyful green field disappeared somewhere, replaced this time by a completely deserted, cold-icy desert, in which, on a single stone, the only person there was sitting... He was clearly very upset about something, but, at the same time, seemed very warm and friendly. Long White hair fell in wavy strands onto the shoulders, framing a face worn by years with a silvery halo. It seemed that he did not see where he was, did not feel what he was sitting on, and in general, did not pay any attention to the reality around him...
- Hello, sad man! – Having approached enough to start a conversation, Stella quietly greeted.
The man raised his eyes - they turned out to be blue and clear, like the earthly sky.
- What do you want, little ones? What have you lost here?.. – the “hermit” asked detachedly.
- Why are you sitting here alone, and there is no one with you? – Stella asked sympathetically. - And the place is so creepy...
It was clear that the man did not want to communicate at all, but Stella’s warm voice left him no choice - he had to answer...
“I haven’t needed anyone for many, many years.” “This doesn’t make any sense,” his sad, gentle voice muttered.
“Then what are you doing here alone?” – the baby did not let up, and I was afraid that we would seem too intrusive to him, and he would simply ask us to leave him alone.
But Stella had real talent to make anyone, even the most silent person, talk... Therefore, amusingly tilting her cute red head to the side, and, clearly not intending to give up, she continued:
- Why don’t you need anyone? Does this happen?
“As it happens, little one...” the man sighed heavily. - It just happens... I’ve lived my whole life in vain - who do I need now?..
Then I slowly began to understand something... And having collected myself, I carefully asked:
– Everything was revealed to you when you came here, right?
The man jumped up in surprise and, fixing his now piercing gaze on me, sharply asked:
“What do you know about this, little one?.. What can you know about this?...” he slouched even more, as if the weight that had fallen on him was unbearable. – All my life I have struggled with the incomprehensible, all my life I have been looking for an answer... and I did not find it. And when I came here, everything turned out to be so simple!.. So my whole life was wasted...
- Well, then everything is fine if you have already found out everything!.. And now you can look for something else again - there is also a lot of incomprehensible here! – the delighted Stella “calmed” the stranger. -What is your name, sad man?
- Fabius, honey. Do you know the girl who gave you this crystal?
Stella and I jumped in unison in surprise and, now together, grabbed poor Fabius with a “death grip”...
– Oh, please tell us who she is!!! – Stella immediately squealed. – We definitely need to know this! Well, absolutely, absolutely definitely! This happened to us!!! This happened!.. And now we absolutely don’t know what to do about it... – the words flew from her mouth like a machine-gun burst and it was impossible to stop her even for a minute, until she herself, completely out of breath, stopped.
“She’s not from here,” the man said quietly. - She's from afar...
This absolutely and completely confirmed my crazy guess, which appeared to me briefly and, frightening itself, immediately disappeared...
- How - from afar? – the baby didn’t understand. – You can’t go any further, can you? We're not going any further, are we?
And then Stella’s eyes began to widen a little, and understanding slowly but surely began to appear in them...
- Mommy, did she fly to us?!.. But how did she fly?!.. And how is she completely alone? Oh, she’s alone!.. How can we find her now?!
In Stella’s stunned brain, thoughts were confused and seething, overshadowing each other... And I, completely stunned, could not believe that what I had been secretly waiting for for so long and with such hope had finally happened!.. And now, I finally found it, but I couldn't do it wonderful miracle hold...

The Nerussa originates from the village of Abrameevo in the Oryol region and flows for 184 kilometers through the territory of the Komarichsky, Brasovsky, Suzemsky and Trubchevsky districts of the Bryansk region, flowing into the Desna at 1 km south of the city Trubchevsk.

And like a sister,
accompanied my path
Nerussa River -
nimble child:
Playing and shining through the thickets,
It sparkled and then disappeared.

A. Bryansky dedicated his story “On Nerussa” to this forest river.
In the story “Tales of the Bryansk Forest”, Mikhail Alekseev has lines about this river: “And when I reminded the old man that I was asking him about something completely different, he again did not think for a long time:
- Nerussa is a well-known fact. Nerussa came here from all over the world. And Tatar, and Nemchura and all the others. There were millions of them here.
This seemed true, but for some reason I wanted to find another, perhaps more romantic, reason for the name of the river. “Nerussa - Russa - Nerussa,” I muttered slightly intelligibly, walking after Ilya like a wolf. Rusa is a braid up to the waist..." Further, the author writes that Nerussa is very similar to a long girl’s braid. From its very origins to the meeting with Sev, it twists steeply, in places twists into strands of whirlpools, shines, gleams in the sun, but this braid is not fair-haired. The writer reasons: “the waters in the river are dark dark even with on a clear day“Isn’t Nerussa from here?”
Nikolai Rodichev has a poetry collection “Russian River - Nerussa”. It also published a poem about this river.
“The Nerussa in the Vyatichi land is not a Russian river in relation to the Russian population who settled from the south...”, writes P. I. Jacobi in his study “Vyatichi of the Oryol province”.
There are other assumptions about the origin of the name of the Nerussa River. Her name is associated with Baltic origin: the Latvian word is narussas, the Prussian word is narussa. The Nerussa River also has a tributary somewhat similar to the Nessa...
Nerussa - this is the name it bears railroad station in the Suzemsky district, located between the Russian Bryansk and the Ukrainian Khutor-Mikhailovsky. What is she famous for? Here is the center of the Bryansk Forest Nature Reserve. It was organized in 1987. Party and Soviet workers advocated its creation in those years. Journalist A. Nestik and biology teacher I. Shpilenok fought for its creation...
The Bryansk Forest Nature Reserve is one hundred and twenty kilometers away. The Nerussa River is the pearl of the reserve." Nerussa is one of most beautiful places Russia - divides the reserve in two, numerous forest streams flow into it. Broad-leaved forests of oak and ash have been preserved in the river floodplains, and on the river terraces there are the most highly productive pine forests in Russia. " wild nature this region is unique,” ​​says Igor Petrovich Shpilenok. “Elements of various geographical zones: taiga and deciduous forests, forest-steppe. The reserve's common taiga species are the great owl, the common horned owl, the nutcracker, and the capercaillie. Bears and lynxes live in remote tracts..."

- Coordinates Estuary - Location - Coordinates A country

Russia, Russia

Region K: Rivers in alphabetical order K: Water bodies in alphabetical order K: Rivers up to 500 km in length Nerussa (river) Nerussa (river)

Nerussa- a river in Russia flowing through the territory of the Oryol and Bryansk regions. It is a left tributary of the Desna, into which it flows opposite the city of Trubchevsk.

Total length 161 km; The basin area is 5630 km². The source of the river is near the city of Dmitrovsk, Oryol region, which is also located on it.

Since 1987, the state natural biosphere reserve “Bryansk Forest” has been located on the banks of the Nerussa.



Nerusa, Nerussa, Neruza. There are a number of versions regarding the origin of the name:

Nerussa in literature

Nerussa in the works of Daniil Andreev

« I wouldn’t even exchange the magnificent Volga for this unknown river. It flows through the virgin forest, where you don’t meet people for days on end, where gigantic oaks, colossal ash trees and maples wash their roots in fast-moving water, so transparent, so clean that the whole world of underwater plants and fish becomes accessible and clear. Only once a year, for a few days, are these places filled with people; These are the days of haymaking, passing in a narrow strip along the coastal lawns. The hay is cut, stacked in stacks (very convenient, by the way, for overnight stays) - and again there is no one - for dozens of miles, only dragonflies dance over the vines drooping towards the water.”

Boris Romanov’s book “Travel with Daniil Andreev” is dedicated to Nerussa and its environs.

In 2014, 2 km from Nerussa in the village of Chukhrai, the D.L. Museum was opened. Andreeva.


  • Nerussa- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

Write a review about the article "Nerussa (river)"


  • Boris Romanov. The Messenger, or the life of Daniil Andreev. - M.: Feoriya, 2011. - 640 p.
  • Boris Romanov. Traveling with Daniil Andreev. - M.: Progress-Pleiada, 2006. - 440 p.



Settlements on the Desna (from source to mouth)
Russia, Russia
Ukraine Ukraine

right tributary “These are the Machines of God’s people,” said Prince Andrei. “They took us for their father.” And this is the only thing in which she does not obey him: he orders these wanderers to be driven away, and she accepts them.
- What are God's people? asked Pierre.
Prince Andrei did not have time to answer him. The servants came out to meet him, and he asked about where he had been. old prince and how soon will they expect him?
The old prince was still in the city, and they were waiting for him every minute.
Prince Andrei led Pierre to his half, which was always waiting for him in perfect order in his father’s house, and he himself went to the nursery.
“Let’s go to my sister,” said Prince Andrei, returning to Pierre; - I haven’t seen her yet, she is now hiding and sitting with her God’s people. Serves her right, she will be embarrassed, and you will see God's people. C "est curieux, ma parole. [This is interesting, honestly.]
– Qu"est ce que c"est que [What are] God's people? - asked Pierre
- But you'll see.
Princess Marya was really embarrassed and turned red in spots when they came to her. In her cozy room with lamps in front of the icon cases, on the sofa, at the samovar, a young boy sat next to her with long nose And long hair, and in a monastic robe.
On a chair nearby sat a wrinkled, thin old woman with a meek expression on her childish face.
“Andre, pourquoi ne pas m"avoir prevenu? [Andrei, why didn’t you warn me?],” she said with meek reproach, standing in front of her wanderers, like a hen in front of her chickens.
– Charmee de vous voir. Je suis tres contente de vous voir, [Very glad to see you. “I’m so pleased that I see you,” she said to Pierre, while he kissed her hand. She knew him as a child, and now his friendship with Andrei, his misfortune with his wife, and most importantly, his kind, simple face endeared her to him. She looked at him with her beautiful, radiant eyes and seemed to say: “I love you very much, but please don’t laugh at mine.” After exchanging the first phrases of greeting, they sat down.
“Oh, and Ivanushka is here,” said Prince Andrei, pointing with a smile at the young wanderer.
– Andre! - Princess Marya said pleadingly.
“Il faut que vous sachiez que c"est une femme, [Know that this is a woman," Andrei said to Pierre.
– Andre, au nom de Dieu! [Andrey, for God’s sake!] – repeated Princess Marya.
It was clear that Prince Andrei’s mocking attitude towards the wanderers and Princess Mary’s useless intercession on their behalf were familiar, established relationships between them.
“Mais, ma bonne amie,” said Prince Andrei, “vous devriez au contraire m"etre reconaissante de ce que j"explique a Pierre votre intimate avec ce jeune homme... [But, my friend, you should be grateful to me that I explain to Pierre your closeness to this young man.]
- Vraiment? [Really?] - Pierre said curiously and seriously (for which Princess Marya was especially grateful to him) peering through his glasses into the face of Ivanushka, who, realizing that they were talking about him, looked at everyone with cunning eyes.
Princess Marya was completely in vain to be embarrassed for her own people. They were not at all timid. The old woman, with her eyes downcast but looking sideways at those who entered, had turned the cup upside down onto a saucer and placed a bitten piece of sugar next to it, sat calmly and motionless in her chair, waiting to be offered more tea. Ivanushka, drinking from a saucer, looked at the young people from under his brows with sly, feminine eyes.
– Where, in Kyiv, were you? – Prince Andrey asked the old woman.
“It was, father,” the old woman answered loquaciously, “on Christmas itself, I was honored with the saints to communicate the holy, heavenly secrets.” And now from Kolyazin, father, great grace has opened...
- Well, Ivanushka is with you?
“I’m going on my own, breadwinner,” Ivanushka said, trying to speak in a deep voice. - Only in Yukhnov did Pelageyushka and I get along...
Pelagia interrupted her comrade; She obviously wanted to tell what she saw.
- In Kolyazin, father, great grace was revealed.
- Well, are the relics new? - asked Prince Andrei.
“That’s enough, Andrey,” said Princess Marya. - Don’t tell me, Pelageyushka.
“No...what are you saying, mother, why not tell me?” I love him. He is kind, favored by God, he, a benefactor, gave me rubles, I remember. How I was in Kyiv and the holy fool Kiryusha told me - a truly man of God, he walks barefoot winter and summer. Why are you walking, he says, not in your place, go to Kolyazin, there is a miraculous icon, mother Holy Mother of God opened. From those words I said goodbye to the saints and went...

Continuation. Starts at No. 88

For 161 kilometers from source to mouth, the Nerussa channel has a winding shape, the banks are varied in their landscape - high and low, there are sandbanks, but most of the banks are overgrown with bushes, reeds, and trees.

This article makes an attempt to describe the tributaries of the Nerussa and the area through which the river flows. Contrary to the Desna River, which cut through the entire Bryansk region from north to south, the Nerussa flows from northeast to southwest to the mouth of the Sev River, and then northwest to its confluence with the Desna.

Ponerusya - that’s what I called the basin of the Nerussa River with its tributaries, water meadows and ravines, with villages, hamlets, towns, the cities of Dmitrovsk-Orlovsky, Sevsk. There is the Volga region, the Podesnie region, why not be Ponerus? The Nerussa River originates with two sources in the north of the Dmitrovsky district in an area rising 273 meters above the level Baltic Sea 2.5 kilometers north of the village Obrateevo from a spring near a forest tract and a second source from the lake in the village of Krasnoye Znamya. The headwaters of the river are characterized by thickets of reeds and cattails. In the upper reaches, the river flows due south in low banks, densely overgrown with tall grass, reeds and sedge. Trees and shrubs grow along the swampy floodplain, mainly alder, elm, and various willows. The cold waters of the headwaters flow past the village of Petropavlovsky, the villages of Uzliv, Dudinka, on the way to the village of Pervomaisky, the river receives the right stream from the village of Beloch and the left stream from the village of Stolbishche and the villages of Kostobobrovka, Vasilyevka, Selkino.

Further, the Nerussa River flows from the village of Pervomaisky to the southwest past the village of Aleksandrovsky, the village of Lesnichestvo along the forest tract Danilova Dacha to the city of Dmitrovsk, on the way it receives a stream from the village of Druzhno on the right. Downstream, north of the city of Dmitrovsk, the first right tributary Lokna (length 15 km), from an altitude of 265 m above sea level, flows into the Nerussa, originating north of the village of Lysov, flowing south through the village of Borodino, the village of Lukino , village Rublino, village Yasnaya Polyana.

Two streams flow into the Lokna tributary, the right one from the village of Rublino and the left one downstream, originating north of the village of Paltsevo, flowing through the village. Volkonsk, Popovka village, Pushkinsky, Andriyanovsky, Vechernyaya Zarya, Krasnokalinovsky villages. In the upper reaches from the mouth of the Lokna River to the border with the Komarichsky district for 16 km. Nerussa receives two large unnamed streams and four rivers. The first left tributary of the Nerussa Obshcheritsa (length 15 km.) from a height of 236 m above sea level with the tributary Moshka (length 4 km.), originating in the east of the village of Bychki, flowing through the villages of Solomino, Morevo, Gorbunovka, d .Trubichino, flows into the Nerussa, skirting the city of Dmitrovsk from the southwest.

The left tributary of the Obshcheritsa, the Moshka, originates in two streams east of the villages of Moshki and the village of Novoivanovsky and flows into the Obsehritsa west of the village of Morevo; lower to the left, the Obsehritsa receives another stream, originating south of the village of Vertyakino.

In the upper reaches of the Nerussa it flows in low banks overgrown with willow trees. Four kilometers from the mouth of the Obshcheritsa, the Nerussa receives a large left tributary of the Nessus (25 km long), which originates northeast of the village of Trofimove from an altitude of 263 m above sea level. and flows to the southwest through the village of Ferezevo, the village of Ivanovsky, the village of Bryantsevo, the village of Malo Bobrovo, the village of Krugloye, the village of Alyoshenka, and the village of Storozhishche.

On the way to Nerussa, Nessa receives on the left five small streams from populated areas: the village of Bobrovo, the village of Privich, the village of Gorodets, the village of Vizhenka, the village of Kochetovka, the village of Proklevo and on the right the stream of the village of Baldyzh.

On the right, a stream flows into the Nerussa opposite the mouth of the Nessa, originating in the village of Mirnaya Dolina and flowing through the villages of Vladimirsky and Nikolaevsky; on the right bank, a forest area comes close to the stream. Downstream, 4 km from the mouth of the Nessa, the right tributary Lencha (16 km long) flows into the Nerussa, originating in the Dmitrov region with two sources near the populated area of ​​Terekhovka from an altitude of 275 m above sea level. and flows south through the village of Ostrovok along the border with Brasovsky district.

Further, 2 km from the mouth of Lench, the Nerussa receives the next left tributary Rostorog (21 km long) with five streams at Vysoky village from an altitude of 252 m above sea level. Rastorog is the last tributary on the territory of the Dmitrovsky district, flows past the village of Devyatino, the village of Beryozovka, the village of Kholchevka, the village of Kavelino, the village of Bol. Krichino, on the way the Rostorog receives streams from the village of Kensky, the village of Voskresensky, the village of Uporoy, p.Star. Love,

With. Small Krichino, from the populated areas of the Komarichsky district Solntse, Zarevo, Lugan, Zakharovo, Lyuboshch.

The rhinoceros flows on its way through a treeless zone, near the village of Kavelino the left bank is swampy, trees and shrubs grow, before flowing into the Nerussa river. Hornbills flow into streams. On the left bank, 2.5 km away from the Nerussa village of Taldykino, here the rather monotonous treeless banks end. From the village of Taldykino to the village of Chernevo, the right bank is covered with mixed forest for 7 km, the area is quite beautiful, there are sandbanks at the bends of the river. From the village of Chernevo to the village of Radogoshch there is a treeless area for 7 km. Beyond the village of Radogoshchya, the right bank is again covered with forest; this section of the river is one of the most beautiful in the upper reaches of the river.

Anatoly Eslikov

(Read more in future issues of the newspaper)