Contempt for people. Meaning of the word contempt

Ushakov's Dictionary


contempt, contempt, pl. No, Wed This is an attitude towards someone or something that is caused by recognizing someone or something as unworthy, not deserving of respect, vile, morally low, insignificant. To feel a feeling of contempt for someone or something. To treat someone or something with contempt. “Of course: there must be contempt at the cost of his funny words.” Pushkin.

| This is an attitude towards someone or something, which is based on the recognition of someone or something as unworthy of attention, unworthy of being taken into account, of being afraid of it. “Will I retain contempt for fate? Will I carry the inflexibility and patience of my proud youth towards her? Pushkin. Contempt for death.

Philosophical Dictionary (Comte-Sponville)




Withholding respect or attention. Thus, one can despise danger or conventions. More often, however, the word is used in relation to human being. To despise someone is to deny him the respect that we should normally have for our neighbor, either because we consider him unworthy, or because we are unable, justifiably or unreasonably, to regard him as our equal. It should be noted that if all people are equal in rights and dignity, contempt is always unjust, therefore, deserves only one thing - contempt.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugina)


I, Wed

1. A feeling of disrespect or disregard for someone.

* Contempt for the traitor. *

2. Complete indifference to something due to lack of fear, fear.

* Contempt for danger. Contempt for death. *

Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

Ozhegov's Dictionary


1. A deeply disdainful attitude towards someone. P. to the traitor. Shower contempt at someone. (express extreme contempt).

2. Emphasized indifference to things, neglect of things. P. to danger. P. to luxury.


The emotion of contempt is considered as one of the manifestations of the feeling of hostility. However, the definitions given to this emotion and the understanding of its essence seem to me not entirely adequate. According to S.I. Ozhegov (1985), contempt is a deeply disdainful attitude towards someone or something. But neglect by the same author is defined as an arrogant attitude towards someone or something, devoid of any respect and attention. There is no hint of manifestation here arrogant person hostility towards another person, but there is only consciousness of one's superiority over him morally, culturally or physically.

K. Izard has the same approach to contempt. His main concept is “victory,” understood as the physical, verbal and imaginary advantages of one person over another. At the same time, he writes that “victory” presupposes the presence of a winner and a loser and that the first begins to treat the second with contempt. Based on this, the author believes that contempt arises not only in interpersonal communication, but also between competing teams and their fans. However, victory or defeat does not lead to contempt. Consequence obvious superiority over the opponent may arise dismissive(arrogant) attitude towards him, but not contempt. For the latter, a feeling of hostility is necessary, and this should not be overlooked. Contempt is a specific manifestation of hostility when one person feels more than just disgust for others but expresses it in actions, full of sarcasm(evil iro-ni And) silt and hatred.

You can also despise yourself for behavior that is unworthy in your own eyes. Contempt can also characterize the attitude of one ethnic group or race to another.

In my opinion, contempt is social disgust to a person who has committed an unworthy act. The specificity of this emotion is that, having arisen situationally, it does not disappear without a trace after the end of the situation that provoked it, but becomes persistent negative attitude To to this person, i.e. into feeling.

Since contempt is a complex experience, its facial expressions are neither an expression of disgust nor an expression of anger. This is a complex pantomimic expression. Expressing contempt, a person straightens up, slightly throws his head back and looks at the object of contempt as if from top to bottom. Eyebrows and upper lip somewhat raised (or the corners of the lips are compressed, which, according to P. Ekman and V. Friesen, 1986, is the most recognizable sign of contempt, regardless of ethnocultural differences). Contempt can also be expressed by a “contemptuous” grin. The emotion of contempt, compared to anger and disgust, is characterized by the most low level physiological arousal. This is a “cold” emotion, accompanied by extreme minor changes Vegetatics. The process of communicating with a despised person takes on the features of arrogance, and not just condescension.

The reasons for the emergence of the emotion of contempt in evolution are difficult to explain. It seems that this is purely human emotion appeared as a mechanism for reducing the dangers that threatened a person (contempt of danger), which made him

190 Chapter 6. Characteristics of various emotions

more decisive and courageous. This function of contempt has not lost its significance in our time. In addition, a contemptuous attitude towards the enemy made him “subhuman” in the eyes of the soldiers, reducing the risk of showing humanity and pity towards him, which also increased the determination in destroying the enemy. It is possible that contempt was a way of strengthening social norms hostels through the expression of their extremely disdainful attitude towards members of the team who violated these norms, which made them moral outcasts of society. Contempt can serve as a means of group pressure on individuals.

6.5. Intellectual “emotions”, or affective-cognitive complexes

Intellectual emotions (feelings) are understood as specific experiences that arise in a person in the process of mental activity. The term “intellectual feeling” arose in the first half of the 19th century in the school of I. Herbart (Herbart, 1834). However, these feelings were considered by representatives of this school either as features of sensations, or as a manifestation of the dynamics of ideas. Essentially, the intellectual feeling in their view is nothing more than a conscious assessment of the relationships between ideas and is no different from cognitive processes. Therefore, as intellectual feelings they identified the feeling of novelty, contrast, change, surprise. In general, the composition of intellectual emotions (feelings) varies significantly among different scientists. In R. Descartes (1950) and B. Spinoza (1957), intellectual feelings include surprise, confidence and doubt. A. Ben (1906) referred to intellectual emotions amazement, wonder, novelty, truth and falsity, and a sense of internal consistency and inconsistency. K. D. Ushinsky (1950, vol. 9) considered the leading mental feeling to be the “sense” of similarity and difference or the “sense” of comparison. He also included expectation, surprise, deception, irreconcilable contrast among intellectual feelings. mental stress, mental success or failure, surprise, doubt, confidence.

T. Ribot (1898), E. Titchener (1898), W. James (1922) wrote about intellectual emotions (feelings). Moreover, if the first of these authors talks about amazement, surprise, passion, which can be attributed to affective reactions, then the second two take cognitive processes for intellectual feelings: or judgments as a result logical operations, like E. Titchener - agreement, contradiction, ease or difficulty, truth or falsity, confidence or uncertainty; or elements of thinking that are not figurative, as in W. James - similarity, implication, coincidence, relationships between objects of thinking, etc. As we see, in these cases we are not talking about the subject’s experiences. Therefore, we can assume that the listed intellectual phenomena ( cognitive processes) classified by K. D. Ushinsky, E. Titchener, W. James and others as intellectual

6.5. Intellectual* “emotions” and affective-cognitive complexes 191

feelings only due to the undifferentiated use of the term “feeling”, which meant, in essence, awareness human thought processes.

And to this day, intellectual emotions include surprise, a sense of guesswork, confidence, and doubt (see the series of works on intellectual emotions by I. A. Vasilyeva, 1976-1998). This author considers the basis for their isolation and separation from “autonomous” emotions (fear, pride, love, etc.) to be their special functional-genetic connection with mental activity. “They not only arise in the course of mental activity,” writes Vasiliev, “but are also directed at it, evaluate its success and failure from the point of view of the motives of mental activity, and, based on this assessment, actively influence the course thought process to ultimately satisfy the cognitive needs of the subject” (1976, p. 153). Despite the attribution of such broad functional “responsibilities” to intellectual emotions, it remains completely unclear how emotions associated with the result of mental activity (joy, satisfaction or, conversely, disappointment, annoyance, anger) differ from the same emotions associated with the result of motor activity , getting food, etc. And why the assessment of the course of mental activity made (right - wrong) must certainly be considered as an emotion or feeling.

Hello, dear readers! I am sure that many in life have encountered such an unpleasant manifestation as Contempt. I received several relevant questions by email, here are some of them: M My boyfriend despises her, what should I do in such a situation? I often feel contempt and disgust for other people, how can I deal with this? and others.

Let's pose the question bluntly: Is contempt good or bad? This will become clear after we formulate the definitions and causes of such an emotion as Contempt.

What is Contempt?

Some definitions of Contempt:

Contempt– a negative emotion based on arrogance, condemnation and a dismissive (disrespectful) attitude towards another person (or towards oneself).

Basics of Contempt: 1. . 2. Emotions and wishes of Evil.

  • He who Despises people does not wish them Good, gives himself the arrogant right to condemn, judge others, knowingly placing himself above the latter. Contempt living in a person’s heart is an indicator of the lack of simple Kindness and Respect in him.
  • Also, Contempt contradicts and is an obstacle to Forgiveness and Love, it destroys any in the human soul (respect, gratitude, love, devotion, friendship, others).

Good definitions of Internet Contempt:

  • Contempt (Contempt) as a personality quality is a tendency to treat others in a deliberately derogatory, extremely disrespectful and arrogant manner.
  • From the parable: Contempt is, first of all, the risk of ending up in the place of the despised.
  • From Wikipedia: Contempt is associated with a feeling of superiority. In addition, it easily turns into rage and even gives rise to hatred...
  • Contempt is a negative emotion, a feeling of complete disregard, extreme disrespect, indifference, disdain for someone or something.

Read more about Contempt and Contempt

Many spiritually bright people ask themselves: “Even if a person did very, very badly, will the Creator, or Christ, despise him for this?... Or is the Creator’s love for his imperfect creations unconditional?” If the question is formulated correctly, the answer becomes obvious.

It is difficult to imagine that God the Creator, who exists and Love, can experience in his heart the negative emotion of Contempt towards his imperfect, but still beloved human children! Probably, God experiences love and mercy, showing the wisdom of understanding that some careless Soul, having made a mistake () has not yet passed its life lesson. He never ceases to believe, love and help the lost, so that when the time comes, he will certainly cope with the tasks set by fate with dignity.

You need to understand that it is impossible to combine within yourself negative emotions contempt for a person, even if he did something very bad, and a wish for Good to this Soul, a wish to realize his mistake and correct himself. Where there is contempt, there is no room for forgiveness.

I would like to remind you that Peter denied Christ three times, betrayed him, but Christ had love, mercy and wisdom to forgive Peter, and He forgave. And Peter became one of the most devoted disciples of Christ, he learned from his mistakes, and the love and example of Christ undoubtedly helped him in this.

So isn’t it better to cultivate generosity, true Kindness and mercy in the heart, and wish the lost one insight, awareness, redemption and cleansing, than to fill your heart with contempt and condemnation, which is essentially a direct wish for Evil?

Remember! Wishing Evil for others, or for yourself, will never lead you to anything good! Especially if you consciously wish Evil to others! It will always return to your destiny with destruction and misfortune!

Karmic consequences of Contempt, for the one who despises

  1. Anyone who practices Contempt for others will definitely find himself in a situation where he himself will be despised.
  2. He who despises others will, over time, be perceived as pathetic and cowardly in the eyes and hearts of other people.
  3. Those who despise people will end up losing dignity, respect and trust from other people.
  4. Whoever despises will not be able to be fully happy and experience joy in his heart. Such a person dooms himself to suffering, even if outwardly he is successful.
  5. He who despises himself will never be able to cope with those shortcomings or weaknesses. for which he despises himself. Until he replaces contempt with a kind attitude towards himself.
  6. He who despises himself, if he does not stop, will sooner or later destroy himself and his destiny.

Now let's answer concrete questions our readers:

M My boyfriend despises her, what should I do in such a situation?

If he despises, it means he doesn’t respect. Firstly, you need to find out the specific reason why he doesn’t respect you. Secondly, you need to understand that without mutual respect happy relationship you can't build it. And thirdly, it’s worth asking yourself the question: do you need such a young man? After all, where he rules, there are no bright feelings and good relations, which means there can be no happiness.

How to deal with contempt for others?

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It is called “a slap in the face from a distance” and “boiling water in an ice pan”... Although each of us has once become either its victim or its source, this complex set of negative emotional reactions relatively little studied.

Contempt is not one of the six basic emotions(remember that these are anger, happiness, surprise, disgust, sadness and fear - almost like in the cartoon “Inside Out”). Although some psychologists still argue on this topic. After all, contempt, like everyone else basic emotions, has a unique, recognizable “facial expression”. It is easy to read, even if the words do not contain any negativity: rolling eyes, a wry smile on one side, a mocking and distant tone of voice...

But perhaps contempt is really not an emotion, but a personality pattern, a character trait? Psychologist Roberta Schriber and her colleagues at the University of California in their recent study 1 insist that the tendency to believe that others do not measure up to certain high standards, may not be a temporary affect, but a permanent personality trait. That is, people with such an established pattern of behavior condemn, ridicule and humiliate others regularly and, most likely, will do this throughout their lives.

Disdainful attitude towards people - faithful companion the famous “dark triad” - narcissism, psychopathy and especially Machiavellianism

Contempt has two sides. Although contemptuous people are unpleasant, arrogant and tactless, at the same time it seems to them that those around them are unfair to them and underestimate them.

A contemptuous attitude towards people, as established by Roberta Schreiber, a faithful companion of the famous “dark triad”- narcissism, psychopathy (indifference to other people’s emotions) and especially Machiavellianism (manipulative behavior). This is not surprising, because using “lower beings” to your advantage is not at all difficult.

Family psychologist Professor John Gottman argues that contempt on the part of one of the partners is the first sign that a marriage is heading into the abyss 2 and has a colossal negative effect on relationships. He even claims that couples in which sarcasm and ridicule are commonplace are more likely to suffer from infectious diseases.

It has been noticed that more often such a toxic attitude is conveyed by the wife, not the husband. Neuroscientist at the University of Texas at Dallas, Marion Underwood, believes that women are more likely to show contempt than men. It is easier for them to shower others with a “cold shower” in silence or with sarcastic hints than to express aggression directly 3 . And so silent war in the end it turns out more dangerous than open outbursts of anger.

People who are intolerant of others have low self-esteem and see complete flaws in themselves.

What fuels contempt? Modern researchers cannot identify the only reason that leads to the formation of contempt for others. But they find a strong connection between the tendency to look down on people and low self-esteem. As a rule, people who are intolerant of others see complete shortcomings in themselves.

Roberta Schreiber suggests that contemptuous and distrustful adults in childhood could not count on the help and support of their parents and often felt unhappy and useless. That is, contempt - defensive reaction to a traumatic situation. So a person who exudes poison is more likely to be pitied.

1 R. Schriber et al. “Dispositional Contempt: A First Look at the Contemptuous Person,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, June 9, 2016.

2 J. Gottman, R. Levenson “A two-factor model for predicting when marriage will divorce: Explanatory analyzes using 14-year longitudinal data.” Family Process, 2002, No. 41.

3 M. Underwood “Glares of contempt, eye rolls of disgust and turning away to exclude: Non-verbal forms of social aggression among girls.” Feminism & Psychology, 2004, no. 14.