Pokrovsky normal physiology. Human physiology

The textbook is written in accordance with curriculum and reflects many years of teaching experience at the Department of Normal Physiology of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov and RUDN. In addition to chapters covering the physiology of individual organs and systems, the textbook includes chapters “Cell Physiology”, “Characteristics of Regulatory Mechanisms”, “General Physiology of Excitable Tissues”, as well as “Human Ecology and Fundamentals of Valueology” and “Physiology labor activity». Special attention given controversial issues, including the interaction of cells using electric fields. Illustrations and tables contribute to a strong understanding of the material. Recommended Educational and methodological association in medical and pharmaceutical education Universities of Russia as a textbook for students of medical universities. For students of various faculties of medical universities.

Functions of the cell and its organelles.
Each cell has common (basic) functions inherent in all cells, and specific functions, characteristic mainly this species cells.
Functions inherent in all cells. The purpose of these functions is to ensure the vital activity of the cells themselves.

Synthesis of tissue and cellular structures ensures restoration of structures undergoing decay, regeneration of cells in case of tissue damage, such as epithelium, growth and development of the organism in ontogenesis. Energy is consumed for synthesis processes, but at the same time it is replenished, since the cell uses energy-rich organic matter, coming from food.

Energy production that occurs as a result of catabolism (dissimilation) - a set of processes of decay of cellular and tissue structures and complex compounds with the release of energy.

Table of contents
List of abbreviations 9
Preface 11
Introduction 12
Chapter 1. Cell physiology 20
1.1. Functions of the cell and its organelles 20
1.2. Structural and functional characteristics of the cell membrane 24
1.3. Primary transport of substances 27
1.4. Secondary transport of substances 30
1.5. Ion channels 33
1.6. Properties of biological tissue. Irritants 35
Chapter 2. Characteristics of regulatory mechanisms 37
2.1. Nervous mechanism regulation 37
2.2. Humoral and myogenic regulation 42
2.3. Unity and features of regulatory mechanisms. Functions of the blood-brain barrier 44
2.4. System principle regulation of body functions 45
2.5. Types of regulation of body functions and their reliability 50
Chapter 3. General physiology of excitable tissues 52
3.1. Story. The essence of the excitation process 52
3.2. Resting potential 53
3.3. Action potential 58
3.4. Local potentials 63
3.5. Changes in cell excitability during its excitation. Lability 65
3.6. Criteria for assessing excitability. Accommodation. Use of electric current in medicine 67
Chapter 4. Sensory receptors. Nerve fibers, neuromuscular synapse 72
4.1. Structural and functional characteristics of sensory receptors 72
4.2. Physiology of nerve fibers 75
4.3. Physiology of the neuromuscular junction 81
Chapter 5. Muscle physiology 85
5.1. Structural and functional characteristics of skeletal muscle 85
5.2. Mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction 88
5.3. Types of muscle contractions 91
5.4. Indicators of physical muscle activity 93
5.5. Structural and functional features of smooth muscles 94
Chapter 6. Central nervous system 98
6.1. Structural and functional characteristics of the central nervous system 98
6.2. Mediators and receptors of the central nervous system 103
6.3. The mechanism of neuron excitation 107
6.4. Characteristics of the spread of excitation in the central nervous system 109
6.5. Properties of nerve centers 111
6.6. Postsynaptic inhibition 116
6.7. Presynaptic inhibition 119
6.8. general characteristics inhibition in the central nervous system 121
6.9. Coordination activity and integrative role of the central nervous system 122
6.10. Structural and functional characteristics spinal cord 126
6.11. Conducting function of the spinal cord 128
6.12. Somatic reflexes of the spinal cord 129
6.13. Muscle tone in the spinal organism 136
6.14. Propulsion systems brain stem 137
6.15. Conducting function of the brain stem 141
6.16. Integrative Brainstem Systems 142
6.17. Functions of the cerebellum 144
6.18. Physiology diencephalon 146
6.19. Functions basal ganglia 149
6.20. Functions of the limbic system 150
6.21. Neural organization neocortex. Corticalization of functions 151
6.22. Main functional areas of the neocortex 152
6.23. Methods for studying the central nervous system 158
Chapter 7. Autonomic nervous system 161
7.1. General characteristics of the autonomic nervous system 161
7.2. Sympathetic nervous system 167
7.3. Parasympathetic nervous system 172
7.4. Intraorgan nervous system 174
7.5. Regulation of synapse functions 176
7.6. Interaction between parts of the autonomic nervous system 178
7.7. Centers of the autonomic nervous system 179
7.8. Afferent pathways of the autonomic nervous system 181
7.9. Tone of vegetative centers 183
7.10. Trophic effect of the nervous system 185
Chapter 8. Hormonal regulation of body functions 187
8.1. Characteristics of hormonal regulation 187
8.2. Hormones of the pituitary gland, pineal gland and thymus 192
8.3. Functions of hormones thyroid gland 196
8.4. Physiology of the parathyroid glands. Calcitriol 198
8.5. Functions of pancreatic hormones 200
8.6. Adrenal hormones 202
8.7. Gonads 205
Chapter 9. Blood system 209
9.1. Blood as the internal environment of the body 209
9.2. Physiology of erythrocytes 211
9.3. Leukocyte Physiology 215
9.4. Properties and functions of platelets 218
9.5. Blood group systems 219
9.6. Vascular-platelet (primary) hemostasis 221
9.7. Coagulation hemostasis 223
9.8. Mechanism of fibrinolysis 227
Chapter 10. Respiratory system 229
10.1. Structural and functional characteristics of the respiratory system 229
10.2. The mechanism of inhalation and exhalation. Ventilation volume 233
10.3. Gas exchange between the alveoli and the body's blood 242
10.4. Transport of oxygen by blood 244
10.5. Transport carbon dioxide blood 248
10.6. Breathing regulation 250
10.7. Breathing in different conditions 257
Chapter 11. Cardiovascular system 260
11.1. Story. Characteristics of the cardiovascular system 260
11.2. Cardiac cycle 262
11.3. Features of the properties of the heart muscle and its energy supply 265
11.4. Automation of the heart 269
11.5. Basic methods for studying cardiac activity 272
11.6. Regulation of heart activity 277
11.7. Main indicators and patterns of hemodynamics 284
11.8. Classification of vessels 287
11.9. Movement of blood through arteries 288
11.10. Movement of blood through capillaries 291
11.11. Movement of blood through veins 293
11.12. Features of blood flow in individual organs 295
11.13. Regulation of vascular tone 297
11.14. Regulation of systemic blood pressure 302
11.15. Blood circulation during physical and emotional stress 308
Chapter 12. Lymphatic system 311
Chapter 13. Digestive system 315
13.1. General characteristics of the digestive system 315
13.2. States of hunger and satiety 320
13.3. Digestion in the oral cavity 321
13.4. The act of swallowing 326
13.5. Digestion in the stomach 329
13.6. Digestion in duodenum 337
13.7. Liver Physiology 339
13.8. Digestion in small intestine 342
13.9. Nutrient Absorption 347
13.10. Digestion in the colon 348
Chapter 14. Metabolism and energy. Nutrition. Thermoregulation 352
14.1. Basic concepts 352
14.2. Metabolism and nutrition 353
14.3. Energy exchange in the body 361
14.4. Thermoregulation 366
Chapter 15. Excretory system 369
15.1. Characteristics of the extraction system 369
15.2. The role of various parts of the nephron in the formation of urine 373
15.3. Regulation of urine formation 379
15.4. The role of the kidneys in the regulation of physiological parameters of the body 381
15.5. Composition, quantity and excretion of urine 386
15.6. Methods for studying renal excretory function 388
Chapter 16. Sensory systems 391
16.1. General characteristics of sensor systems 391
16.2. Properties of sensory systems and adaptation of the organism to the environment 396
16.3. Criteria for assessing the sensitivity of sensory systems and regulation of their activity 398
16.4. Encoding information in the nervous system 400
16.5. 404 Vision System
16.6. Hearing system 412
16.7. Body position systems 416
16.8. Taste and smell systems 419
16.9. Tactile and temperature system external environment 422
16.10. Sensory systems of the internal environment of the body 423
Chapter 17. Pain system 425
17.1. Sensory part of the pain system 425
17.2. Analgesic part of the pain system (with the participation of A. F. Belov and V. A. Pravdivtsov) 428
Chapter 18. Higher nervous and mental activity 432
18.1. Physiological basis behavior 432
18.1.1. Innate activity of the body and imprinting 432
18.1.2. The structure of a holistic behavioral act (acquired behavior) 434
18.2. Memory 436
18.2.1. Short-term (electrophysiological) memory 437
18.2.2. Intermediate (neurochemical) memory 438
18.2.3. Long-term (neurostructural) memory 440
18.2.4. Remembering and Forgetting 442
18.2.5. The role of individual brain structures in memory formation 444
18.3. Learning 446
18.3.1. A conditioned reflex is one of the forms of learning. Methods for studying higher nervous activity 446
18.3.2. Classification conditioned reflexes 450
18.3.3. Inhibition of conditioned reflexes as a form of learning 452
18.3.4. Other forms of learning 454
18.4. Types of higher nervous activity and personality temperament 457
18.5. Wakefulness and sleep. Dreams 459
18.6. Forms mental activity and consciousness 461
18.6.1. Characteristics of individual forms of mental activity 462
18.6.2. Physiology of motivations and needs 463
18.6.3. Emotions 464
18.6.4. Thinking is the main form of mental activity 467
18.7. Conscious and unconscious activities of the body 468
18.8. Features of human mental activity 470
Chapter 19. Biological rhythms 474
19.1. Concepts. Factors shaping biorhythms 474
19.2. Characteristics of biorhythms and their classification 475
19.3. Biological clock > 480
19.4. Biorhythms and performance 481
Chapter 20. Adaptive mechanisms of the body 483
20.1. Characteristics and classification of adaptive mechanisms 483
20.2. Stressors and stages of body resistance 486
20.3. Mechanisms of resistance development and maladaptation 487
20.4. Adaptation to physical activity and hypokinesia 488
20.5. Protection against germs and foreign bodies 490
Chapter 21. Human ecology and the basics of valeology 493
21.1. Characteristics of ecology as a science 493
21.2. Environmental aspects formation of human races and constitutions 494
21.3. Basic principles of human health formation 497
Chapter 22. Physiology of labor activity 501
Chapter 23. Playback 507
23.1. Physiological patterns of pregnancy and childbirth 507
23.2. Human sexual development 508
23.3. Sexual behavior 510
References 518.

Year of issue: 2003

Genre: Physiology

Format: DjVu

Quality: Scanned pages

Description: When preparing the textbook “Human Physiology,” the authors set themselves the following tasks: to supplement the textbook with scientific achievements beyond last years; introduce modern methods research of functions in humans, replacing outdated ones with them; improve the logic of material presentation in order to facilitate students’ understanding of the flow patterns physiological functions. The basis for ideas about life activity is the integration of modern data obtained from molecular, organ, systemic and organismal levels. The human body is considered in the textbook “Human Physiology” as complete system, which is in constant interaction with the diversity of influences from the surrounding, including social, environment.

The textbook “Human Physiology” is intended for students medical universities and faculties.

Physiology: subject, methods, significance for medicine. Short story. - V.M. Pokrovsky, G.F. Briefly
Physiology, its subject and role in the medical education system
Formation and development of methods of physiological research
Principles of organizing function management - V.P. Degtyarev

Control in living organisms
Self-regulation of physiological functions
System organization management. Functional systems and their interaction

Organism and environment. Adaptation
A Brief History of Physiology

Excitable tissues
Physiology of excitable tissues - V.I. Kobrin

Structure and main functions cell membranes.
Basic properties of cell membranes and ion channels
Methods for studying excitable cells
Resting potential
Action potential.
The effect of electric current on excitable tissues

Physiology nerve tissue- G.L. Kuraev

Structure and morphofunctional classification of neurons
Receptors. Receptor and generator potentials
Afferent neurons
Efferent neurons
Conducting stimulation along nerves

Physiology of synapses - G.L. Kuraev
Physiology of muscle tissue

Skeletal muscles - V.I. Kobrin

Classification of skeletal muscle fibers
Functions and properties of skeletal muscles
Mechanism of muscle contraction
Modes of muscle contraction
Muscle work and power
Energy of muscle contraction
Heat generation during muscle contraction
Musculoskeletal interaction
Functional status assessment muscular system in humans

Smooth muscles - R.S. Orlov

Classification of smooth muscles
The structure of smooth muscles
Innervation of smooth muscles
Functions and properties of smooth muscles

Physiology of glandular tissue - G.F. Briefly

Multifunctionality of secretion
Secretory cycle
Biopotentials of glandulocytes
Regulation of glandulocyte secretion

Neural regulation of physiological functions
Mechanisms of activity of the central nervous system - O.E. Chorayan

Methods for studying the functions of the central nervous system
Reflex principle of regulation of functions
Inhibition in the central nervous system
Properties of nerve centers
Principles of integration and coordination in the activity of the central nervous system
Neuronal complexes
Blood-brain barrier
Cerebrospinal fluid
Elements of cybernetics of the nervous system

Physiology of the central nervous system - G. A. Kuraev

Spinal cord

Morphofunctional organization spinal cord
Peculiarities neural organization spinal cord
Spinal cord pathways
Reflex functions of the spinal cord

Brain stem

Reticular formation brain stem



Limbic system


Basal ganglia

Caudate nucleus. Shell
Pale ball

Cerebral cortex

Morphofunctional organization
Sensory areas
Motor areas
Associative areas
Electrical manifestations of cortical activity
Interhemispheric relationships

Coordination of movements - B.C. Gurfinkel, Yu.S. Levik

Physiology of the autonomic (vegetative) nervous system - A.D. Nozdrachev

Functional structure of the autonomic nervous system

The sympathetic part
Parasympathetic part
Metasympathetic part

Features of the design of the autonomic nervous system
Autonomic (vegetative) tone
Synaptic transmission of excitation in the autonomic nervous system
The influence of the autonomic nervous system on the functions of tissues and organs

Hormonal regulation of physiological functions - V.A. Tkachuk, O.E. Osadchiy
Principles of hormonal regulation

Research methods

Formation, excretion from endocrine cells, blood transport and mechanisms of action of hormones

Hormone synthesis
Removal of hormones from producing cells and transport of hormones in the blood
Molecular mechanisms of hormone action

Endocrine glands and the physiological role of their hormones

Parathyroid glands
Adrenal glands
Sex glands

Endothelium as endocrine tissue

Blood system - B.I. Kuznik
Concept of the blood system

Basic functions of blood
Amount of blood in the body

Blood plasma composition

Physicochemical properties of blood

Formed elements of blood

Red blood cells

Hemoglobin and its compounds

Color index
Functions of red blood cells


Basic conditions for normal hematopoiesis
Physiology of erythropoiesis
Factors providing erythropoiesis


Physiological leukocytosis Leukopenia
Leukocyte formula
Characteristic individual species leukocytes
Physiology of leukopoiesis
Factors providing leukopoiesis
Nonspecific resistance

Blood groups

AVO system
Rhesus system (Rh-hr) and others
Blood groups and morbidity

Hemostasis system

Vascular-platelet hemostasis
Blood clotting process

Plasma and cellular coagulation factors
Blood clotting mechanism

Natural anticoagulants
Regulation of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis

Instrumental methods for studying the blood system
Blood and lymph circulation - V.M. Pokrovsky, G. I. Kositsky
Heart activity

Electrical phenomena in the heart, the emergence and conduction of excitation

Electrical activity myocardial cells
Functions of the cardiac conduction system
Dynamics of myocardial excitability and extrasystole

Pumping function of the heart

Cardiac cycle
Cardiac output
Mechanical and sound manifestations of cardiac activity
Methods for studying cardiac functions

Regulation of heart activity

Intracardiac regulatory mechanisms
Extracardiac regulatory mechanisms
The influence of the central nervous system on the activity of the heart
Reflex regulation of heart activity
Conditioned reflex regulation of heart activity
Humoral regulation heart activity

Integration of cardiac regulation mechanisms

Endocrine function of the heart

Functions of the vascular system

Basic principles of hemodynamics. Classification of vessels
Movement of blood through vessels

Arterial pressure blood and peripheral resistance
Arterial pulse
Volumetric blood flow velocity
Movement of blood in capillaries. Microcirculation
Movement of blood in veins
Blood circulation time

Regulation of blood movement through vessels

Innervation of blood vessels
Vasomotor center
Humoral influences on blood vessels
Physiological systems of blood pressure regulation
Redistribution reactions in the circulatory regulation system
Regulation of circulating blood volume. Blood depots
Changes in the activity of the cardiovascular system during work

Regional blood circulation - Ya.L. Khaianashvili

Coronary circulation
Blood supply to the brain and spinal cord

Pulmonary circulation

Lymph circulation - R.S. Orlov

Structure of the lymphatic system
Lymph formation
Composition of lymph
Lymph movement
Functions of the lymphatic system

Breath - A.B. Chuchalin, V.M. Pokrovsky
The essence and stages of breathing
External respiration - A. V. Chernyak

Biomechanics of respiratory movements
Respiratory muscles
Changes in lung pressure
Pleural pressure
Elastic properties of the lungs
Lung compliance
Elastic properties of the chest
Resistance in the respiratory system
Work of breathing

Ventilation - Z.R. Aisanov, E.A. Maligonov

Lung volumes and capacities
Quantitative characteristics ventilation
Alveolar ventilation

Gas exchange and gas transport - S.I. Avdeev, E.A. Maligonov

Gas diffusion
Oxygen transport
Oxymoglobin dissociation curve
Oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption by tissues
Carbon dioxide transport

Regulation of external respiration - V.F. Pyatin

Respiratory center
Reflex regulation of breathing
Coordination of breathing with other body functions

Peculiarities of breathing during physical activity and with altered partial pressure of gases - Z.R. Aisanov

Breathing during exercise
Breathing when climbing to altitude
Breathing pure oxygen
Breathing at high pressure.

Non-respiratory functions of the lungs - E.A. Maligonov, A.G. Lustfully

Protective functions respiratory system

Mechanical protection factors
Cellular factors protection
moral protective factors

Metabolism biologically active substances in the lungs

Digestion - G.F. Briefly
Hunger and satiety
The essence of digestion and its organization

Digestion and its importance
Types of digestion
Conveyor principle of organizing digestion

Digestive functions

Secretion of the digestive glands
Motor function of the digestive tract

Regulation of digestive functions

Digestive management
The role of regulatory peptides and amines in the activity of the digestive tract
Blood supply to the digestive tract and its functional activity
Periodic activity of the digestive organs

Methods for studying digestive functions

Experimental methods
Methods for studying digestive functions in humans

Oral digestion and swallowing


Digestion in the stomach

Secretory function of the stomach
Motor activity of the stomach
Evacuation of stomach contents into the duodenum

Digestion in the small intestine

Pancreatic secretion

Formation, composition and properties of pancreatic juice

Bile formation and bile secretion
Intestinal secretion
Cavity and parietal hydrolysis of nutrients in the small intestine
Motor activity of the small intestine
Suction various substances in the small intestine

Functions of the colon

Entry of intestinal chyme into the large intestine
The role of the colon in digestion
Motor activity of the colon
Colon gases
Microflora of the digestive tract

Liver functions
Digestive functions and physical activity person

Effect of hypokinesia
The influence of hyperkinesia

Non-digestive functions of the digestive tract

Excretory activity of the digestive tract
Participation of the digestive tract in water-salt metabolism
Endocrine function of the digestive tract and the release of physiologically active substances in secretions
Incretion (endosecretion) of enzymes by the digestive glands
Immune system of the digestive tract

Metabolism and energy. Nutrition - V.M. Pokrovsky

Protein metabolism
Lipid metabolism
Carbohydrate metabolism
Exchange of mineral salts and water

Heat transfer - physical thermoregulation
Isotherm regulation


Selection. Physiology of the kidney - Yu.V. Natochin
general characteristics
Kidneys and their functions

Methods for studying kidney function
Nephron and its blood supply
The process of urine formation

Glomerular filtration
Tubular reabsorption
Tubular secretion

Determination of the magnitude of renal plasma and blood flow
Synthesis of substances in the kidneys
Osmotic dilution and concentration of urine
omeostatic kidney function
Excretory function of the kidneys
Endocrine function of the kidneys
Metabolic kidney function
Principles of regulation of reabsorption and secretion of substances in renal tubular cells
Regulation of kidney activity
Quantity, composition and properties of urine
Consequences of kidney removal and artificial kidney
Age-related features of kidney structure and function

Reproductive function - I. I. Kutsenko
Sexual differentiation
Human sexual behavior
Physiology of female genital organs
Physiology of male genital organs
Physiology of pregnancy
Physiology of childbirth and the postpartum period
Adaptation of the newborn’s body to the conditions of extrauterine life

Sensory systems - M.A. Ostrovsky, I.A. Shevelev
General physiology of sensory systems

Methods for studying sensory systems
General principles structure of sensory systems
Basic functions of the sensor system
Mechanisms of information processing in the sensory system
Adaptation of the sensory systemTypes of conditioned reflexesRegulation biological clock mammals



(Only a part is shown on the page. Everything is in the archive)

To the reader (preface to the 1st edition) 5

Preface to the 2nd edition 8

List of abbreviations 10

Introduction. Physiology as a subject and concepts characterizing it 12


Body fluids 19

1.1. Internal environment body 19

1.2. Biological properties liquids that make up the internal environment

do organism 21

1.2.1. Water like component body fluids 21

1.2.2. Histohematic barriers 22

1.2.3. Intracellular fluid 24

1.2.4. Interstitial or tissue fluid 25

1.3. Blood plasma as the internal environment of the body 28

1.3.1. Electrolyte composition of blood plasma 28

1.3.2. Osmotic and oncotic pressure of blood plasma. . . . 29

1.3.3. Exchange of water between blood plasma and interstitial fluid

stu 30

1.3.4. Products of protein metabolism, carbohydrates and plasma lipids

blood 32

1.3.5. Blood plasma proteins 33

1.4. Factors providing liquid state blood 37

1.5. Lymph as the internal environment of the body 39

1.6. Mechanism of lymph formation 40

1.7. Transcellular body fluids 41

1.8. Exchange of fluids between water sectors in the human body. 42

Physiology of excitable tissues 45

2.1. Structure and physiological functions of the membrane of excitable cells

fabrics 45

2.1.1. Transport of substances across the cell membrane 46 Movement of water through the cell membrane 47 Osmosis 47 Diffusion 47 Primary active transport 48 Secondary active transport 50 Endocytosis and exocytosis 51 Intracellular transport of molecules 52

2.2. Excitability as the main property of nervous and muscle tissue. . 52

2.2.1. The concept of irritation and irritants 52

2.2.2. Dependence of the occurrence of excitation on duration and

irritation forces 53

2.2.3. Excitability and excitation under the action of direct current

on nervous and muscle tissue 55 Physiological electroton 55 The law of polarity of irritation of nervous and muscle tissue. 56 Electrodiagnostic law 57

2.2.4. The concept of functional mobility of excitable tissues 58

2.3. Electrical phenomena in excitable cells 58

2.3.1. Membrane potential peace 59

2.3.2. Action potential of excitable cells 61

2.2.3. Refractory period in excitable cells 64

2.3.4. Local response of the membrane of excitable cells 65

2.4. Conduction of impulses along nerve fibers 66

2.4.1. Unmyelinated fibers 66

2.4.2. Myelinated fibers 67

2.4.3. Laws for conducting excitation nerve fiber. . . . 68

2.5. Conduction of excitation through synapse 68

2.5.1. Conduction of excitation through the neuromuscular synapse. . 69 Presynaptic mechanism 70 Diffusion of acetylcholine through the synaptic cleft of the nerve

but-muscle synapse 72 Postsyaptic mechanism 72 Restoration processes of membrane structure and function

neuromuscular synapse after the transfer of excitation. . 73

2.5.2. Conduction of excitation through the axosomatic synapse. . . 73 Function of the presynaptic terminal of neurons 75 Presynaptic mechanism of excitation. . . . 76 Presynaptic regulation of mediator exocytosis. . . . 77 Postsynaptic mechanism of excitation. . . 78 Functions of metabotropic receptors of the postsynaptic membrane

branes of axosomatic synapse 80

2.5.3. Carrying out excitation in the main types of synapses

central nervous system 81 Cholinergic synapse (Fig. 2.22) 82 Adrenergic synapse 83 Dopaminergic synapse 84 Serotonergic synapse 85 Glutamatergic synapse 86 GABAergic synapse 87 Glycinergic synapse 87

2.6. Functions of muscle tissue 88

2.6.1. Skeletal muscle 88 Functions of myofilaments 90 Mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction 91 Activation of muscle contraction 94 Skeletal muscle relaxation 96 Types of muscle contractions 96 Types of skeletal muscle fibers 98 Physiological indicators of skeletal muscle contraction 100

2.6.2. Skeletal muscle fatigue 101

2.7. Smooth muscle 103

2.7.1. Types of smooth muscles 104

2.7.2. Electrical activity of smooth muscle cells 106

2.7.3. Neuromuscular junction smooth muscle 108

2.7.4. Molecular mechanism of smooth muscle contraction. . . . 109

2.7.5. Molecular mechanism of smooth muscle relaxation. . . Sh

2.7.6. Physiological parameters of smooth muscle contraction. . 111

2.8. Functions of cardiac muscle cells 113

2.8.1. Electrical activity of cardiac muscle cells P4 Resting potential 114 Molecular mechanism of action potential in typical

cardiac muscle cells 115 The mechanism of occurrence of pacemaker activity in cells

sinoatrial node 117

2.8.2. Molecular mechanism of cardiomyocyte contraction. . . . 119

2.8.3. Molecular mechanism of cardiomyocyte relaxation. . . 120

2.8.4. Mediator control of cardiomyocyte contraction 121


General principles and mechanisms of regulation of physiological functions . . . . 127

3.1. General principles of organizing a regulatory system 127

3.1.1. Levels of organization of the regulatory system 127

3.1.2. Types and mechanisms of regulation 129

3.1.3. Reactivity and effect of regulation 132

3.1.4. Mechanisms of regulation of life activity 132

3.2. Reflex regulation of body functions 133

3.2.1. Sensory receptors 135

3.2.2. Afferent and efferent nerve conductors 136

3.2.3. Excitation and inhibition in the reflex arc 137

3.2.4. Mechanisms of communication between links reflex arc. . . . 137

3.2.5. Nerve centers and their properties 140

3.2.6. Interaction of various reflexes. Principles of coordination

tions reflex activity 144

3.2.7. Reflex regulation of visceral functions 146

3.3. Voluntary (volitional) regulation of physiological functions. . . .

Name: Human physiology.
Kositsky G.I.
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The year of publishing: 2009
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Language: Russian
Description: The book "Physiology in figures and tables: questions and answers" edited by Smirnova V.M., et al., discusses in interactive form in the form of questions and answers, a course in normal human physiology. Described...

Educational literature for medical students



Edited by

V.M. Pokrovsky,


Second edition, revised and expanded





UDC612.1/.8(O75) BBK 28.903


V.B. Brin, prof., head. Department of Normal Physiology, North Ossetian State Medical Academy; S.A. Chesnokova, prof. Department of Physiology, Russian Peoples' Friendship University.

Human physiology: Textbook/Ed. V.M. PokrovF50sky, G.F. Briefly. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.:

Medicine, 2003. - 656 p.: ill.: l. ill. - (Educational literature. For students of medical universities). ISBN 5-225-04729-7

The second edition of the textbook (the first was published in 1997 and was printed three times in 1998, 2000 and 2001) was revised in accordance with latest achievements Sciences. New facts and concepts are presented. The authors of the textbook are highly qualified specialists in the relevant fields of physiology. Particular attention is paid to the description of methods quantification functional state critical systems human body. The textbook corresponds to the program approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia.

For students of medical universities and faculties.

POKROVSKY Vladimir Mikhailovich, dr med. Sciences, Professor, Kuban State Medical Academy

BRIEFLY Gennady Feodosievich, Doctor of Biology Sciences, Professor, Kuban State Medical Academy

Avdeev Sergey Nikolaevich, Ph.D. honey. Sciences, Institute of Pulmonology, Ministry of Health of Russia

Aisanov Zaurbek Ramazanovich, Dr. med. Sciences, Institute of Pulmonology, Ministry of Health of Russia

Vodolazhskaya Margarita Gennadievna, Doctor of Biology Sciences, Professor, Stavropol State University

Gurfinkel Viktor Semenovich, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Degtyarev Vitaly Prokofievich, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Moscow State Medical and Dental University

Kobrin Vladimir Isaakovich, Dr. med. sciences, professor, Russian state¬ gift medical university

Kositsky Grigory Ivanovich, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member RAMS, Russian State Medical University

Kuznik Boris Ilyich, MD. Sciences, Professor, Chita State Medical Academy

Kuraev Grigory Asvandurovich, Doctor of Biology Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member RAO, Rostov State University

Kutsenko Irina Igorevna, MD. Sciences, Professor, Kuban State Medical Academy

Levin Yuri Sergeevich, Ph.D. biol. Sciences, Institute of Information Transmission Problems RAS

Maligonov Evgeniy Antonovich, Ph.D. honey. Sciences, Associate Professor, Kuban State Medical Academy

Natochin Yuri Viktorovich, Doctor of Biology Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg State University

Nozdrachev Alexander Danilovich, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg State University

Orlov Ratmir Sergeevich, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Osadchiy Oleg Evgenievich, Dr. med. Sciences, Kuban State Medical Academy

Ostrovsky Mikhail Arkadevich,

Perov Yuri Mitrofanovich, Ph.D. honey. Sciences, Professor, Kuban State Medical Academy

Lustfully Alexander Georgievich, Ph.D. honey. Sciences, Kuban State Medical Academy

Pyatin Vasily Fedorovich, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Samara State Medical University

Tkachuk Vsevolod Arsenievich, Doctor of Biology Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member RAS, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow State University

Khananashvili Yakov Abramovich, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Rostov State Medical University

Chernyak Aleksandr Vladimirovich, Ph.D. honey. Sciences, Institute of Pulmonology, Ministry of Health of Russia

Chorayan Hovhannes Grigorievich, Doctor of Biology Sciences, Professor, Rostov State University

Chuchalin Alexander Grigorievich, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Pulmonology, Ministry of Health of Russia

Shevelev Igor Alexandrovich, Doctor of Biology Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University

Preface to the second edition

Preface to the first edition

Chapter 1. Physiology: subject, methods, significance for medicine. Brief

story. - V.M. Pokrovsky, G.F. Briefly

1.1. Physiology, its subject and role in the medical education system

1.2. Formation and development of methods of physiological research

1.3. Principles of organizing function management. - V.P. Degtyarev

1.3.1. Control in living organisms

1.3.2. Self-regulation of physiological functions

1.3.3. System organization of management. Functional systems

and their interaction

1.4. Organism and environment. Adaptation

1.5. A Brief History of Physiology

Chapter 2. Excitable tissues

2.1. Physiology of excitable tissues. - IN AND. Kobrin

2.1.1 Structure and main functions of cell membranes

2.1.2. Basic properties of cell membranes and ion channels

2.1.3. Methods for studying excitable cells

2.1.4. Resting potential

2.1.5. Action potential

2.1.6. The effect of electric current on excitable tissues

2.2. Physiology of nervous tissue. - G.A. Kuraev

2.2.1. Structure and morphofunctional classification of neurons

2.2.2. Receptors. Receptor and generator potentials

2.2.3. Afferent neurons

2.2.4. Interneurons

2.2.5. Efferent neurons

2.2.6. Neuroglia

2.2.7. Conducting stimulation along nerves

2.3. Physiology of synapses. - G.A. Kuraev

2.4. Physiology of muscle tissue

2.4.1. Skeletal muscles. - IN AND. Kobrin Classification of skeletal muscle fibers Functions and properties of skeletal muscles Mechanism of muscle contraction Modes of muscle contraction Muscle work and power Energy of muscle contraction Heat generation during muscle contraction Musculoskeletal interaction Assessment of the functional state of the muscular system

in humans

2.4.2. Smooth muscles. - R.S. Orlov Classification of smooth muscles The structure of smooth muscles Innervation of smooth muscles Functions and properties of smooth muscles

3.1. Mechanisms of activity of the central nervous system. - O.G. Chorayan. . . 97

3.1.1. Methods for studying the functions of the central nervous system

3.1.2. Reflex principle of regulation of functions

3.1.3. Inhibition in the central nervous system

3.1.4. Properties of nerve centers

3.1.5. Principles of integration and coordination in the activities of the central

nervous system

3.1.6. Neuronal complexes

3.1.7. Blood-brain barrier

3.1.8. Cerebrospinal fluid

3.1.9. Elements of cybernetics of the nervous system

3.2. Physiology of the central nervous system. - G.A. Kuraev

3.2.1. Spinal cord Morphofunctional organization of the spinal cord Features of the neural organization of the spinal cord Spinal cord pathways Reflex functions of the spinal cord

3.2.2. Brain stem Medulla Bridge Midbrain Reticular formation of the brainstem Diencephalon Thalamus Cerebellum

3.2.3. Limbic system Hippocampus Amygdala Hypothalamus

3.2.4. Basal ganglia Caudate nucleus. Shell Pale ball Fence

3.2.5. Cerebral cortex Morphofunctional organization Sensory areas Motor areas Associative areas Electrical manifestations of cortical activity Interhemispheric relationships

3.2.6. Coordination of movements. - B.C. Gurfinkel, Yu.S. Levik

3.3. Physiology of the autonomic (vegetative) nervous system, - A.D. Nozdrachev 171

3.3.1. Functional structure of the autonomic nervous system The sympathetic part Parasympathetic part Metasympathetic part

3.3.2. Features of the design of the autonomic nervous system

3.3.3. Autonomic (vegetative) tone

3.3.4. Synaptic transmission of excitation in the autonomic nervous system 182

3.3.5. The influence of the autonomic nervous system on the functions of tissues and organs 187

Chapter 4. Hormonal regulation of physiological functions - VA Tissue

Principles of hormonal regulation

Research methods

Formation, excretion from endocrine cells, transport by blood

and mechanisms of hormone action

Hormone synthesis

Removal of hormones from producing cells and transport of hormones

Molecular mechanisms of hormone action

Endocrine glands and the physiological role of their hormones


Parathyroid glands

Adrenal glands


Sex glands

Endothelium as endocrine tissue

5. Blood system - B I

Concept of the blood system

Basic functions of blood

Amount of blood in the body

Blood plasma composition

Physicochemical properties of blood

Formed elements of blood

Red blood cells

Hemoglobin and its compounds

Color index

Functions of red blood cells


Basic conditions for normal hematopoiesis

Physiology of erythropoiesis

Factors providing erythropoiesis



Physiological leukocytosis

Leukocyte formula

Characteristics of individual types of leukocytes

Physiology of leukopoiesis

Factors providing leukopoiesis

Nonspecific resistance


Blood groups

AB0 system

Rhesus system (Rh-hr) and others

Blood groups and morbidity


Hemostasis system

Vascular-platelet hemostasis

Blood clotting process

Plasma and cellular coagulation factors

Blood clotting mechanism

Natural anticoagulants


Regulation of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis

Instrumental methods for studying the blood system

Chapter 6. Blood and lymph circulation.- V.M. Pokrovsky, G. I. Kositsky. . . 21A

6.1. Heart activity

6.1.1. Electrical phenomena in the heart, occurrence and conduction

excitement Electrical activity of myocardial cells Functions of the cardiac conduction system Dynamics of myocardial excitability and extrasystole Electrocardiogram

6.1.2. Pumping function of the heart Cardiac cycle Cardiac output Mechanical and sound manifestations of cardiac activity Methods for studying cardiac functions

6.1.3. Regulation of heart activity Intracardiac regulatory mechanisms Extracardiac regulatory mechanisms The influence of the central nervous system on activity Reflex regulation of heart activity Conditioned reflex regulation of heart activity Humoral regulation of heart activity Integration of mechanisms regulating cardiac activity. . . . 302

6.1.4. Endocrine function of the heart

6.2. Functions of the vascular system

6.2.1. Basic principles of hemodynamics. Classification of vessels

6.2.2. Movement of blood through vessels Blood pressure and peripheral resistance Arterial pulse Volumetric blood flow velocity Movement of blood in capillaries. Microcirculation Movement of blood in veins Blood circulation time

6.2.3. Regulation of blood movement through vessels Innervation of blood vessels Vasomotor center Humoral influences on blood vessels Physiological systems of blood pressure regulation Redistribution reactions in the regulatory system

blood circulation Regulation of circulating blood volume. Blood depots. . . 329 Changes in activity of cardio-vascular system

when working

6.2.4. Regional blood circulation. - Y.A. Khananashvili Coronary circulation Blood supply to the brain and spinal cord Pulmonary circulation

6.3. Lymph circulation. - R.S. Orlov

6.3.1. Structure of the lymphatic system

6.3.2. Lymph formation

6.3.3. Composition of lymph

6.3.4. Lymph movement

6.3.5. Functions of the lymphatic system

Chapter 7. Breathing.- A.G. Chuchalin, V.M. Pokrovsky

7.1. The essence and stages of breathing

7.2. External breathing. - A.V. Chernyak

7.2.1. Biomechanics of respiratory movements

7.2.2. Respiratory muscles

7.2.3. Changes in lung pressure

7.2.4. Pleural pressure

7.2.5. Elastic properties of the lungs

7.2.6. Lung compliance

7.2.7. Elastic properties of the chest

7.2.8. Resistance in the respiratory system

7.2.9. Work of breathing

7.3. Ventilation of the lungs. - Z.R. Aisanov, E.A. Maligonov

7.3.1. Lung volumes and capacities

7.3.2. Quantitative characteristics of lung ventilation

7.3.3. Alveolar ventilation

7.4. Gas exchange and transport of gases. - SN. Avdeev, E.A. Maligonov

7.4.1. Gas diffusion

7.4.2. Oxygen transport

7.4.3. Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve

7.4.4. Oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption by tissues

7.4.5. Carbon dioxide transport

7.5. Regulation of external respiration. - V.F. Pyatin

7.5.1. Respiratory center

7.5.2. Reflex regulation of breathing

7.5.3. Coordination of breathing with other body functions

7.6. Features of breathing during physical activity and under altered conditions

partial pressure of gases. - Z.R. Aisanov

7.6.1. Breathing during exercise

7.6.2. Breathing when climbing to altitude

7.6.3. Breathing pure oxygen

7.6.4. Breathing at high pressure

7.7. Non-respiratory functions of the lungs. - E.A. Maligonov, A.G. Lustfully

7.7.1. Protective functions of the respiratory system Mechanical protection factors Cellular protective factors Humoral protective factors

7.7.2. Metabolism of biologically active substances in the lungs

Chapter 8. Digestion. - G.F. Briefly

8.1. Hunger and satiety

8.2. The essence of digestion and its organization

8.2.1. Digestion and its importance

8.2.2. Types of digestion

8.2.3. Conveyor principle of organizing digestion

8.3. Digestive functions

8.3.1. Secretion of the digestive glands

8.3.2. Motor function of the digestive tract

8.3.3. Suction

8.4. Regulation of digestive functions

8.4.1. Digestive management

8.4.2. The role of regulatory peptides and amines in the activity of the digestive system

body tract

8.4.3. Blood supply to the digestive tract and its functional


8.4.4. Periodic activity of the digestive organs

8.5. Methods for studying digestive functions

8.5.1. Experimental methods

8.5.2. Methods for studying digestive functions in humans

Oral digestion and swallowing




Digestion in the stomach

Secretory function of the stomach

Motor activity of the stomach

Evacuation of stomach contents into the duodenum

Digestion in the small intestine

Pancreatic secretion

8 8 11 Formation, composition and properties of pancreatic juice

Bile formation and bile secretion

Intestinal secretion

Cavity and wall hydrolysis of nutrients

in the small intestine

Motor activity of the small intestine

8 8 6 Absorption of various substances in the small intestine

Functions of the colon

8 9 1 Receipt of intestinal chyme into the large intestine

The role of the colon in digestion

Motor activity of the colon

Colon gases


Microflora of the digestive tract

Liver functions

Digestive functions and human motor activity

Effect of hypokinesia

The influence of hyperkinesia

Non-digestive functions of the digestive tract

Excretory activity of the digestive tract

Participation of the digestive tract in water-salt metabolism

Endocrine function of the digestive tract and excretion

as part of the secretions of physiologically active substances

Incretion (endosecretion) by the digestive glands


Immune system of the digestive tract

Chapter 9. Metabolism and energy. Food - V M Pokrovsky


Protein metabolism

Lipid metabolism

Carbohydrate metabolism

Exchange of mineral salts and water

Energy conversion and general metabolism

Methods for studying energy exchange

Direct calorimetry

Indirect calorimetry

Gross Exchange Study


Surface rule

Energy exchange during physical labor

Energy exchange during mental work

Specific dynamic action of food

Regulation of energy metabolism

Food - GF Korotko
