Russian State Social University Russian State Social University

Russian State Social University is the main social university in Russia! 25,000 students study at RGSU in 48 areas of bachelor's degree and 32 areas of master's degree at 13 faculties. At the university, the RSSU College trains mid-level specialists: 10 specialties based on grades 9 and 11.

Advantages of studying at RGSU:

  • Quality education: full-fledged higher education at the level of world standards.
  • RGSU - University of Peace: International students from 110 countries study here. RGSU centers are open in Cuba (Guantanamo University) and Argentina (University of Cuyo), University of San Luis (Argentina), Autonomous University of Mexico (UAM) (Mexico).
  • 7 languages ​​are taught at RGSU: English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Chinese and Korean.
  • Academic mobility programs: RSSU students study in the following countries: China, Republic of Korea, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Brazil.
  • Student life: The Student Council - Senate of the RSSU has three times become the best student self-government body among Moscow universities. During the year, RGSU hosts more than 250 student events, for example: Miss and Mister RGSU, hostel day, university birthday, Student Spring festival, master classes and lectures by famous Russian figures. Several times a year, the most active students of the university go for several days to one and four recreation centers of the RSSU to hold creative forums.
  • RGSU is one of the leaders of the volunteer movement in Russia. The RGSU volunteer center consists of 7,800 students from 140 universities across the country. Volunteers ensure the largest events in the country and the world: Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi, Aquatics Championships in Kazan, European Football Championship 2016, World Football Championship 2018, Annual tank biathlon competitions, National Championship " Abilympix."
  • Sports at the university: RGSU is the most chess university in the country. The university is the main organizer of the largest international chess tournament in Europe, Moscow open, which is held annually in late January - early February at RGSU. The chess tournament holds a record in the Guinness Book of Records. In 2013, a sports and recreation complex with a swimming pool was opened at RGSU.
  • Practice and employment: RSSU students can undergo internships and find employment in the largest Russian companies and institutions with which the university cooperates. Some of them: Ministry of Industry and Trade, Sberbank, Post Bank, VTB24, Adidas, Moscow Government, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Culture, Domodedovo, Federation Council of the Russian Federation. More than 70% of RSSU graduates are officially employed in the first year after graduation.

  • RGSU received 3 stars in the QS Stars University Ratings
  • RSSU entered the QS BRICS ranking
  • 63rd place in the National University Ranking "Interfax"
  • Entered the TOP 10 among all Russian universities in economics, humanities and social sciences according to the Expert rating agency
  • RGSU educational programs are recognized as the best within the framework of the all-Russian project “Best Programs of Innovative Russia - 2017”
  • Entered the TOP-20 economic universities in Russia in terms of graduate salaries (

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Latest reviews from RGSU

Natalya Vladimirova 10:13 04/02/2019

Hello people! My son studied at this “university”. At first he entered the correspondence department, and after the first year their group was transferred to distance learning. For all 5 years, we regularly paid tuition, our son took tests, practice sessions, and completed his sessions. And here is the long-awaited state exam! When he tried to get in touch with the examination committee, he was informed that he had debts (and starting from the 1st year) and he was not allowed to take the exam. Then there was a message that the computer had...

Anonymous review 20:42 03/25/2019

I recently completed my master's degree at RGSU. And these were the most terrible two academic years of my life. The only positive side I can point out is the presence of really good teachers, but this is the exception rather than the rule. Because the majority have such outdated information and an inert worldview that sometimes it even becomes funny. Throughout the training, teachers periodically did not come to classes, citing the fact that they had a completely different schedule. And many blamed the students...

RGSU Gallery

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University"

About RGSU

RGSU structure

Based on world-class scientific research, RSSU trains the best specialists in Russia, as well as the managerial elite of the social sphere, forms active and responsible citizens of Russia, highly adapted to modern market conditions, and promotes the integration of graduates into the global community of professionals.

We try to unleash the potential of each student in accordance with the high requirements for social sector specialists.

Today, the university has more than 100 thousand students and a number of educational sites in Russia and the CIS countries. Those wishing to receive a first-class education can choose any of 47 areas of bachelor's and specialist's degrees and 28 master's degrees.

Additional education

The Russian State Social University also provides secondary vocational education. The university has a college that provides fast and high-quality training in the most popular areas:

  • Law and organization of social security;
  • Advertising;
  • Social work;
  • Design (by industry);
  • Hotel service;
  • Banking;
  • Teaching in primary school;
  • Economics and accounting (by industry);
  • Tourism;
  • Insurance business.

Experienced RGSU teachers who know the specifics of conducting and testing the Unified State Exam will help:

Prepare for creative exams.

  • Russian language;
  • Literature;
  • Mathematics;
  • Social science;
  • Russian history;
  • Physics;
  • Biology;
  • Computer science;
  • Geography;
  • Composition and drawing;
  • Foreign languages.

Preparatory department

Free preparation for entering a university for preferential categories of citizens.* Education using distance technologies.

*according to paragraph 7 of Article 71 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Directions of educational activities

Admission to the university is based on the results of passing the unified state exam. For persons who completed secondary education before 2009, an alternative system of entrance examinations is provided. The university has paid and free forms of education; students are given a deferment from the army.

The range of specialties at RGSU is truly impressive. Students can choose to study for a master's, bachelor's or specialist degree.

The undergraduate department includes training in 42 programs, the most popular of which are:

  • hotel business;
  • design;
  • journalism;
  • Information Security;
  • management;
  • political science;
  • psychology;
  • sociology;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence.

Masters are trained in 26 programs, including bachelor's degrees. In addition, students can choose such interesting specialties as social work, advertising, applied mathematics and many others.

In 2013, training was provided for specialists in 5 programs:

  • economic security;
  • psychology of professional activity;
  • translation and translation studies;
  • clinical psychology;
  • security of information technologies in law enforcement.

Social structure of the university

RGSU has created all the conditions for student learning. Spacious classical halls are provided for lectures, smaller rooms are for practical events and business games. Each room is equipped with modern technology and free access to the Internet. An individual electronic library with an extensive book array, scientific and research works has been created for each faculty.

Active student life is the hallmark of the Russian State Social University. Each student can realize their talents to the fullest. A comfortable conference hall is allocated for scientific discussions, and for athletes there is an entire stadium, a swimming pool, an ice rink and several gyms. The university has its own recreation centers in the Moscow region and in the south of Russia; students can have fun both a few days off and an entire vacation in a pleasant student company. The local Palace of Culture allows you to realize your creative component within the walls of your native university.

Nonresident students are provided with a dormitory. RGSU has 4 comfortable buildings located in the north of the capital.

Scientific activity

Research activities have received active development on the basis of RGSU. Those wishing to enroll in graduate school can choose from more than 14 popular areas and 32 profiles: ecology, historical sciences, economic theory, criminal procedure, sociology of culture and much more.

The entire university community is involved in the scientific work of the University: administration, teaching staff, students. This approach allows you to build a business scientific career path from your first year through research under the guidance of experienced scientists. We publish three scientific journals, two of which are included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission.

The Social University occupies a leading position in many rankings among universities in the region, country and world. This is achieved through the coordinated work and interaction with others of each individual element: teachers, students, administration, faculties, material resources, social work, international activities and many other areas and structures. What is the secret of the success of RGSU?

How did the university begin?

The university began its history long before it began to have its modern status.

The progenitor of the educational institution was the Moscow Higher Party School, established in 1978. A little more than 10 years later, it was reformed into an institute of socio-political works.

Soon, the Russian government began to receive proposals that it was necessary to create a university that would produce qualified professionals for the social field. The requests were heard, and in 1991 the university was created on the basis of the institute, combining training in the social and political spheres.

In 2004, after a series of reorganizations, the university received its current legal status.

The rating of RSSU is increasing not only because of the long, effective and versatile activities of the educational organization, but also thanks to its outstanding graduates. The following students studied at the Russian State Social University:

  • Famous tennis player and coach Evgenia Borisovna Kulikovskaya.
  • Acting Governor of the Primorsky Territory Andrey Vladimirovich Tarasenko.
  • Alexey Vitalievich Stukalsky, member of the Russian curling team at the 2014 Olympics.
  • Holder of the title of the youngest grandmaster with an entry into the Guinness Book of Records - Sergei Aleksandrovich Karyakin and many others.

Thus, it can be noted that over time the university only flourishes and graduates famous people.

general information

The main founder is the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The rector of the university is Natalya Borisovna Pochinok.

The university operates in accordance with all educational standards and basic laws of the Russian Federation.

The inclusion of RSSU in the ranking of universities from the QS World University Rankings indicates that at the global level its scientific, educational, and international activities are in a state of maximum impact. In addition to the social university, only 14 Russian educational organizations are included there, including the Higher School of Economics, RANEPA, and the Financial University. In addition, according to some criteria, RGSU received the highest rating - 5 stars, and this takes the institution to a new planetary level of recognition.

  • Klin, ;
  • Minsk, Republic of Belarus;
  • Osh, Republic of Kyrgyzstan;
  • Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow region and others.

All of them defend the honor of the parent university and support its status.

University structure

Thanks to the high-quality work of its faculties, RSSU’s place in rankings compiled by various research agencies is always high. For example: the Expert Center, having analyzed the activities of structural divisions, concluded that the Russian State Social University is among the 10 best in the country among economic faculties and ranks 12th among humanities.

In addition to those listed, RGSU has the following faculties:

  1. Information technologies.
  2. Ecology and technospheric safety.
  3. Communication management.
  4. Linguistic.
  5. Psychology.
  6. Training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel.
  7. Sociology and social work.
  8. Management.
  9. Physical culture.
  10. Legal and economic.

Thus, there are 14 main divisions in total.

The RSSU rating is high not only among those who want to get a bachelor's or master's degree, but also among visitors who want to improve their language skills, school graduates who want to get a secondary specialized education, and other categories of citizens. For example:

  1. Center for Russian Language and Culture.
  2. Faculty of preparation for foreign applicants.
  3. Higher School of Music.
  4. Faculty of Further Education.
  5. RGSU College.

List of educational areas

  • Humanities: political science, history, theology, international relations, foreign regional studies.
  • Information technology: pedagogical education in the course “Informatics”, business informatics, information security, systems and technologies in computer science, computer technology, applied mathematics.
  • Environmental: ecology and environmental management.
  • Communication: journalism, advertising and public relations.
  • Linguistic: translation and translation studies, linguistics.
  • Psychological: defectology education, psychology, clinical psychology, psychology of professional activities.
  • Social: organization of work with youth, social work, psychological and pedagogical education, sociology.
  • Economic: tourism, finance and credit, economics, trade, economic security.

These and also legal, sports, management, scientific and pedagogical areas invariably enjoy high popularity among RSSU applicants, and their rating is constantly growing in the general list of specialties taught in Russia.

Material base and equipment

Providing literature, scientific samples, teaching aids, and equipment is the basis for successful training. At a social university, there are no problems with equipment: computer classes and libraries in each academic building (of which, by the way, there are 11 buildings), interactive teaching tools, equipment for laboratory and practical work for each student, access to electronic scientific resources - everything is calculated for a full educational process.

For students who came to study from afar, 4 dormitories were built, which are located almost within walking distance of the main buildings.

In addition, the university has a sports base with a stadium, skating rink, swimming pool, and gyms. All this is in excellent condition and receives only positive reviews.

The RSSU rating is high due to the high-quality environment for people with disabilities: the dormitories have special rooms, all buildings are equipped with ramps and handles, classrooms are designed for students in wheelchairs.

Social and educational activities

A lot of work is carried out at the university aimed at developing personal qualities in students. For example, since 2011, a volunteer center has been established that works in the following areas:

  • Social help.
  • International volunteering.
  • Organization of sporting events.
  • One-time public events and much more.

In addition, the university is interested in developing scientific aspirations, so support for future scientists is provided on a daily basis.

The sports successes of students also do not go unnoticed, and the university makes every effort to ensure that young people take part in international competitions.

Features of student admission

  1. You must have a passport, a document confirming your education (or a copy), 3*4 photographs, and a medical certificate.
  2. Documents can be submitted electronically.
  3. The admissions campaign begins on June 20, the acceptance of documents ends on July 28 (August 8 for correspondence) for those who want to enroll in undergraduate or graduate programs.

International activity

  1. The university has branches in several countries.
  2. Students regularly undergo internships at foreign universities.
  3. Representatives of different countries and nationalities study at the university.
  4. Various international events are held on the basis of RGSU: presentation of the International Congress UNIV 2018, International Chess Cup, educational camp “Gathering of Concerned”, conference “Topical Issues of Philology, Cultural Studies and Linguodidactics” and much more.
  5. Students and teachers become regular participants in various international events, for example: the Financial centers: Traveling around the world forum, the Education and Career and Intourmarket exhibitions, the aesthetic gymnastics tournament and other various events.

Contacts, addresses

The main address of RGSU in Moscow: street 4, building 1.

In order to submit documents for training, you need to get to Stromynka Street, 18. To resolve questions regarding admission, you should call the phone number listed on the official website of the institution.

Commission working hours: from 10 am to 7 pm, except Saturday - on this day the reception is open until 2 pm.

Thus, the RSSU rating is formed not only thanks to good scientific programs that are rated at the world level, but also to active work with students in their free time, international cooperation and an extensive structure. For those who want to connect their lives with the specialties that can be obtained at this university, RSSU is an excellent chance to climb the career ladder, gain many useful contacts and grow as a person.

Student at this university: This educational institution has been going through a terrible nightmare since 2017, when it was headed by Mrs. P*****. It is not worth going into the intricacies of her biography; suffice it to say that her teaching experience was less than 2 years, when she headed such a large and reputable institution.

We will talk about the Faculty of Management, where I entered to study in the summer of 2016. For obvious reasons, I will not reveal my specialization; I will say that training is conducted in a similar manner in all areas of the faculty.

The advantages include the good infrastructure of some university premises. There are good auditoriums, classes, renovations have been done. Another thing is that these things do not affect the quality of training, which remains at an unsatisfactory level.

Let's move on to the shortcomings. They exist in any university, of course, only here they exceed all available standards:

1. Disgusting work of the dean's office.
If something happens to you and you need to find out something, then be prepared for the fact that with a probability of 85% you will not be able to find out the answers to your questions. The dean's office systematically does not answer the phone from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., although they have a huge number of additional numbers. The deans of other departments (Stromynka, Losinoostrovskaya) respond normally and without expectations.

I also strongly recommend that you read all the laws in advance, because the dean’s office themselves do not understand how education is structured and what rights students have. There was a case when employees of the dean’s office stated that I could not make a social deduction, although, according to the law, I had every right to do so. Accordingly, I was not given certified copies of the license.

Separately, I will say about receipts for tuition fees: keep ALL copies in huge quantities, because the dean’s office likes to “lose” them and demand payment for tuition, even if you paid everything on time and brought confirmation.
2. Pointless items on the schedule.
In order to stretch study time, countless subjects are added that are not related to your specialty. To some extent, they could be useful for one’s horizons, only there are fewer of these pairs than there are fingers on one hand, and they all end in exams and tests with very high requirements.

3. Electronic learning system LMS.
An unfinished and crude site where teachers ask to upload work. There is no point in 90% of the tasks, as well as adequate assessment criteria.

There were stories when this system crashed on the day of the exam and the teacher was unable to grade students. As a result, the teacher gave them the thumbs down. By the way, most of the group does not take any part in the classes and does not complete assignments. Some of these “activists” received good grades, but the guys who worked normally received C grades and could not justify them in any way.

By the way, the dean’s office is very fond of losing grades and transcripts, so don’t be surprised that your diploma may not contain the grades you earned or expected.

Here I strongly advise you to independently track absolutely all the grades you receive: save statements, ratings, even work. In the form of photographs or copies so that you can defend your position in a critical situation.

4. Low quality of knowledge, lack of prestige of the university.
My sister studied at this university, not the Faculty of Journalism, several years ago. Then a huge scandal broke out due to the fact that some doctors/candidates were awarded academic titles on the basis of the RSSU based on works that were completely borrowed from other people. That is, they took someone else’s work entirely and only changed the name there. You can read this story (Dissernet investigation) on the Internet, there is a lot of confirmed information.

There is an opinion that RGSU is a very prestigious university. In fact, it is not included in any objective university rankings, except for those posted on third-rate websites, where RSSU will certainly take a place higher than HSE, RUDN University or some more or less worthy institution. The situation of such “success” lies in marketing, as in Synergy - articles, reviews, awards are bought. This is quite common in the fields of cinema, music, and business, so there is nothing surprising here.

In vacancies in a company with a big name, you can find items with education. Employers ask graduates of Moscow State University/RANEPA to apply, there are even technical universities, but so far none of my friends have come across a vacancy with RGSU.

5. There are no ties with large brands and organizations for employment and internships
All major universities have partnerships with branded companies and organizations that can accept you for internship and even work.

For example, they like to hire graduates from the humanities from Moscow State University in the field of PR/advertising, MGIMO in diplomacy and international relations, and HSE in the media field and journalism. At RGSU you may be offered vacancies for salespeople with a salary of 25 thousand rubles (they are posted on their website). There are no practical trainings or internships, since you will undergo them at RSSU. Summer practice takes place in the admission committee of the RSSU under the GPC agreement. Often, such trainees mislead applicants and tell lies about the prestige of the university. Many students are forced to volunteer in exchange for credits. It is clear that this is not officially regulated in any way, but a refusal can significantly ruin your grades.

Bottom line: I have been studying at this “university” for three years now. The attitude of the university towards students is bestial. It doesn’t matter whether you study on a paid or budget basis, RGSU is not a “social” university, but, on the contrary, an anti-social university that will make you doubt your own strengths and prospects.

A separate point for people who have difficulty paying for education: if you pay for education yourself in conditions of financial difficulties (you have a low salary, have mortgages, loans), and you expect quality from your education, then it is better to look at other universities. Get ready for the fact that you will have to think about this university very often, about resolving any issues that should not concern you in any way, since this is the responsibility of the university under the agreement that you entered into.

If you want to study for a diploma (as I study for a management degree) and for you the financial issue is not a problem, then you are welcome. But remember that you can end up on the expulsion list at any time.