Made the first fire ram during the Second World War. Victor Talalikhin: the ace who was the first to perform a night air ram

Insufficient lighting affects the functioning of the visual apparatus, that is, it determines visual performance, the human psyche, his emotional condition, causes fatigue in the central nervous system resulting from the effort made to recognize clear or ambiguous signals.

It has been established that light, in addition to providing visual perception, affects the nervous optical-vegetative system, the formation of immune defense, the growth and development of the body and affects many basic life processes, regulating metabolism and resistance to exposure unfavorable factors environment. Comparative assessment natural and artificial lighting shows an advantage in terms of its effect on performance natural light.

It is important to note that not only light levels, but all aspects of lighting quality play a role in preventing accidents. It may be mentioned that uneven lighting can create adaptation problems, reducing visibility. When working under poor quality or low levels of lighting, people may experience eye fatigue and fatigue, leading to decreased performance. In some cases, this can lead to headaches. The reasons in many cases are too low levels illumination, glare of light sources and brightness ratio. Headaches can also be caused by pulsating lighting. Thus, it is clear that improper lighting poses a significant threat to the health of workers.

To optimize working conditions it has great importance workplace lighting. The objectives of organizing workplace illumination are as follows: ensuring the visibility of the objects in question, reducing stress and fatigue of the visual organs. Industrial lighting must be uniform and stable, in the correct direction luminous flux, eliminate the glare of light and the formation of sharp shadows.

There are natural, artificial and combined lighting.

Inspection of lighting conditions consists of measurements, visual assessment or determining by calculation the following indicators:

1. natural light factor;

2. illumination of the working surface;

3. blindness rate;

4. reflected gloss;

5. illumination pulsation coefficient;

6. lighting at workplaces equipped with PCs;

  • illumination on the screen surface
  • white field brightness
  • uneven brightness of the working field
  • contrast for monochrome mode
  • spatial unstable image

Irrational artificial lighting may manifest itself in non-compliance with the standards of the following parameters of the light environment: insufficient illumination working area, increased pulsation of light flux (more than 20%), poor spectral composition of light, increased gloss and brightness on the table, keyboard, text, etc. It is known that when working for a long time in low light conditions and when other parameters of the light environment are violated, visual perception decreases, myopia develops, eye disease, and headaches appear.

Ensuring the requirements of sanitary standards for light environmental factors for workplaces of personnel engaged in visually intense work, and for workplaces in classrooms and audiences educational institutions is important factor creation comfortable conditions for the organ of vision.

Among the quality indicators of the light environment, very important is illumination pulsation coefficient (Kp). Illumination pulsation coefficient is a criterion for assessing the depth of fluctuations (changes) in illumination created by a lighting installation over time.

The requirements for the light pulsation coefficient are the most stringent for workstations with a PC - no more than 5%. For other types of work, the requirements for the illumination pulsation coefficient (Kp) are less stringent, but the value of Kp should be no more than 15%. Only for the roughest visual work is allowed higher value(Kp), but not more than 20%.

Local lighting (if used) should not create glare on the surface of the screen and increase the illumination of the PC screen by more than 300 lux. Direct and reflected glare from all lighting sources should be limited.

Often the greatest inconvenience for users is the increased reflectivity of monitor screens and low-quality on-screen filters (if they are installed on display screens). This causes additional eye fatigue. To reduce it, in many institutions, users themselves turn off some of the lamps and work with minimal illumination, both at the workplace and on various surfaces.

This type of work should be considered unacceptable, because in this case, the illumination on the retina of the eye from any sign requiring discrimination turns out to be lower than the physiologically necessary value, equal to 6–6.5 lux. The required illumination is regulated by the pupil size from 2 mm (at very high illumination) to 8 mm (at extremely low illumination for the most rough work). It has been established that the optimal brightness levels of surfaces range from 50 to 500 d/m2. The optimal brightness of the display screen is 75–100 cd/m2. With such screen brightness and table surface brightness within the range of 100–150 cd/m2, the productivity of the visual apparatus is ensured at the level of 80–90%, and the pupil size remains constant throughout acceptable level 3–4 mm.

Therefore, by “fighting” glare on the display screen using the above method, users simultaneously create other unfavourable conditions. In particular, the load on the eye muscles increases significantly. This causes increased fatigue of the visual organ, and subsequently the development of myopia.

In reality, non-compliance with lighting and brightness standards occurs in more than 40% of workplaces. Recommendations for meeting the standards are well known. As a rule, it is enough to install an additional number of lamps and slightly change the orientation of the desktops in relation to the light sources. It can be more difficult to meet the requirements of the standards for the pulsation coefficient (hereinafter referred to as Kp) of illumination.

In most rooms (more than 90%), lighting is carried out using lamps that have conventional electromagnetic ballasts (ballasts), and these lamps are connected to one phase of the network. To find out how organizations comply with the requirements for pulsation coefficient standards, using the Argus-07 lux-pulse meter and TKA-PKM, measurements of the pulsation coefficient were carried out on many workers and educational places V different organizations(including at workplaces with PCs).

Our measurements and analysis of literature data show that in terms of the value of Kp, most of the surveyed places did not meet the requirements of the standards: the actual values ​​of Kp in different rooms for different types lamps with fluorescent lamps range from 22 to 65%, which is significantly higher than the norm. Currently widely used ceiling lamps 4x18 W with a mirrored grille have a pulsation coefficient of 38-49%, for this reason many workers find it difficult to force themselves to work on a PC, as they get tired very quickly, sometimes experience dizziness and other discomfort. The pulsation coefficient of incandescent lamps is 9-11%, of ceiling lamps of the “Kososvet” type - 10–13%, but they are less economical.

An increase in the illumination pulsation coefficient Kp reduces a person’s visual performance and increases fatigue. This is especially evident in students, primarily in schoolchildren under 13–14 years of age, when the visual system is still developing.

Unfortunately, significant non-compliance is overlooked in many organizations. And in vain. It has been established that actually increased pulsation of illumination has negative impact to the central nervous system, and in to a greater extent- directly on the nerve elements of the cerebral cortex and photoreceptor elements of the retina.

Research carried out at the Ivanovo Research Institute of Occupational Safety and Health showed that a person’s performance decreases: tension appears in the eyes, fatigue increases, it is more difficult to concentrate on difficult work, memory deteriorates, occurs more often headache. The negative impact of pulsation increases with increasing depth.

For those who work with a display screen, visual work is the most intense and differs significantly from other types of work. According to the Institute of Higher Education nervous activity and neurophysiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences (RAS of Russia), the brain of a PC user is forced to react extremely negatively to two (or more) simultaneous, but different in frequency and non-multiple rhythms of light stimulation. At the same time, pulsations from images on the display screen and pulsations from lighting installations are superimposed on the biorhythms of the brain.

Methods for reducing the light pulsation coefficient.

There are three main ways:

  • connecting conventional lamps to different phases of a three-phase network (two or three lighting fixtures);
  • power supply of two lamps in a lamp with a shift (one with a lagging current, the other with a leading current), for which compensating ballasts are installed in the lamp;
  • use of lamps where the lamps must operate from alternating current frequency 400 Hz and higher.

Practice shows that currently in most premises all rows of lamps are connected to one phase of the network, so the implementation of such technical reception how “dephasing” lamps is often difficult. Therefore, the most realistic options are often the following:

  • dismantling previously installed lamps equipped with electromagnetic ballasts and installing in their place new lamps equipped with electromagnetic ballasts (i.e. electronic ballasts);
  • leave the existing lamps (if they comply with the requirements of clauses 6.6, 6.7 and 6.10 of SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03), remove electromagnetic ballasts from them and install electronic ballasts in their place); dismantling ballasts and installing electronic ballasts in one luminaire takes an average of 15 – 20 minutes.

Currently, the leaders in the introduction of luminaires with electronic ballasts are Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Germany, then the USA and Japan. The complete transition of all organizations in the world to such lamps in the next 10–15 years will significantly reduce electricity consumption in the world, i.e. partially improve the environmental situation.

Among the factors external environment affecting the body, light occupies one of the first places. Light affects not only the organ of vision, but also the entire body as a whole. The idea of ​​the integrity of the organism, clearly expressed in the works of I.P. Pavlov, is also confirmed by the body’s reactions in response to exposure to light. Light as an element of the human living environment is one of the main factors in the most important medical and biological problem of our time - the body and the environment. Under the influence of light, the physiological and mental reactions of the body are restructured.

Numerous studies of the effects of natural light on the human body have established that light affects a variety of physiological processes in the body, promotes growth, activates metabolic processes, increases gas exchange.

Light - visible radiation- is the only irritant of the eye that causes visual sensations that provide visual perception of the world. However, the effect of light on the eye is not limited only to the aspect of vision - the appearance of images on the retina and the formation visual images. In addition to the basic process of vision, light also causes other important reactions reflex and humoral nature. Acting through an adequate receptor - the organ of vision, it causes impulses spreading along the optic nerve to the optical region cerebral hemispheres brain (depending on the intensity) excites or depresses the central nervous system, restructuring physiological and mental reactions, changing the general tone of the body, maintaining an active state.

Visible light also influences immune and allergic reactions, as well as various indicators metabolism, changes the level of ascorbic acid in the blood, adrenal glands and brain. It also affects the cardiovascular system. IN Lately a humoral effect has also been established nervous excitement, which occurs when light irritation of the eye.

Special hygienic value has a bactericidal effect of ultraviolet rays that are part of the spectrum of sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the development of bacteria is delayed, and with sufficiently long exposure, the bacteria die.

The role of the radiant energy of the sun is especially great in the formation of a growing organism. By activating metabolic processes, it promotes proper growth and development. Ultra-violet rays, by transferring provitamin D found in the child’s skin from an inactive state to an active one, they ensure normal bone formation. Good lighting also provides psychological impact; the abundance of light creates an emotionally uplifted, joyful mood.

Unfavorable lighting conditions cause a deterioration in overall health, a decrease in physical and mental performance. Back in 1870, F. F. Erisman convincingly proved that the development of myopia is a consequence of systematic strain on the organ of vision in low light conditions.

Depending on the spectral composition, light can have a stimulating effect and enhance the feeling of warmth (orange-red), or, conversely, a calming effect (yellow-green), or enhance inhibitory processes (blue-violet).

This is used in the aesthetic design of industrial premises, painting equipment and walls: cold tones - when high temperatures and the presence of heat sources in hot climates. Warm colors - in case of low temperatures, the need for a tonic influence of the production environment on workers. Most widely used green color, which has a beneficial psychological effect.

It is no coincidence that issues of rational organization of industrial lighting are included in the chapter “Protection of workers from harmful production factors" In low light conditions and poor quality lighting, the state of a person’s visual functions is at a low initial level, visual fatigue increases during work, the risk of industrial injuries increases, and labor productivity deteriorates.

According to statistics, on average various types production activities the number of accidents associated with poor lighting is 30...50% of the total.

Now in the century scientific and technological progress, radiant energy sources are widely used in a wide variety of fields. In this regard, a person is exposed to natural and artificial sources radiant energy with a wide variety of spectral characteristic and an extremely wide range of intensity: from 100,000 lux or more during the day with direct sunlight up to 0.2 lux at night under moonlight.

The lack of natural light is associated with the phenomenon of “light starvation.”

Light starvation is a condition of the body caused by a deficiency of ultraviolet radiation and manifests itself in metabolic disorders and a decrease in the body's resistance.

In addition, prolonged work indoors without natural light can have adverse psychophysiological effects on personnel due to lack of communication with outside world, feeling of enclosed space.

To compensate for ultraviolet deficiency, long-term UV irradiation units (combined with lighting units) and short-term irradiation units (fotaria) are used.

In rooms without natural light, gas-discharge light sources with a spectral composition close to natural, dynamic lighting devices are used for lighting, and special architectural techniques are used that imitate natural light (stained glass, false windows, etc.).

Any work (for example, reading) can be done in a very wide range illumination levels. However, its efficiency (reading speed) will change as shown in the figure.

influence light illumination organism human


Up to a certain level of illumination, work cannot be performed (the text is not visible, the reading speed will be zero), then the efficiency of visual work increases and at a certain point reaches a maximum.

A further increase in illumination does not lead to an increase in efficiency (reading speed does not change). The illumination corresponding to this value (the saturation point of the curve) is called optimal illumination.

Many people believe that mixed lighting is harmful to the eyes. However, this is not quite true. Mixed lighting consists of different wavelengths, this circumstance makes it less desirable than, for example, sufficient natural lighting. But negative influence It has no effect on the human body.

It is harmful to perform visual work at insufficient level natural light, in which case mixed lighting will favor visual functions. Therefore include electric light should not wait until it gets completely dark.

For the first time in the world, night air ram was carried out by a Soviet fighter pilot, senior lieutenant Evgeniy Stepanov, on October 28, 1938 in the skies of Spain

For a long time it was believed that the first night ram on the account of the Soviet pilot Viktor Talalikhin, who rammed a fascist He-111 bomber near Moscow on August 7, 1941. Without in any way detracting from his primacy in this matter within the framework of the Great Patriotic War, let's pay tribute to our great ace pilot Evgeniy Nikolaevich Stepanov.

So, the first night ram in the history of aviation was carried out on October 28, 1938. That night, the commander of the 1st Chatos squadron, senior lieutenant Evgeniy Stepanov, who took off in his I-15, saw an enemy bomber illuminated by the moon and went on the attack. During the battle, the top turret gunner was killed. Meanwhile, the Savoy turned towards Barcelona, ​​the lights of which were already clearly visible. Stepanov decided to go for the ram. Trying to preserve the propeller and engine as much as possible, he struck with the wheels, which hit the tail of the Savoy. Having lost its stabilizer, the bomber immediately crashed down just a few kilometers from the city.

Although the I-15 was damaged, Stepanov, after checking the control and operation of the engine, decided to continue patrolling and soon discovered another Savoy. Having fired at the bomber several times, he forced its crew to turn aside open sea, over the waves of which the bomber finally finished off. Only after this did our pilot return to the Sabadell airfield, where he safely landed his damaged fighter.

In total, Stepanov conducted 16 air battles in Spain and shot down 8 enemy aircraft.

Yevgeny Stepanov fought his last battle in Spanish skies on January 17, 1938. On that day, he led a squadron to the Universales Mountains to intercept the Junkers, which were flying to bombard Republican troops, accompanied by large group"Fiatov". A battle broke out over the city of Ojos Negros. The enemy outnumbered Stepanov's group by almost 3 times. Eugene successfully attacked and shot down the Fiat and thereby saved the Austrian volunteer pilot Tom Dobiash from apparent death. After that, Stepanov chased after the second enemy fighter, got behind him, caught him in his sights and pressed the triggers. But the machine guns were silent. The cartridges are out. I decided: “Ram!” At that second, several anti-aircraft shells exploded in front of the I-15’s nose. The Nazis cut off fire. The second series of explosions covered Stepanov’s car. The control cables were broken by shrapnel and the engine was damaged. Not obeying the will of the pilot, the plane went steeply towards the ground. Stepanov jumped out of the cockpit and opened his parachute. He landed close to the forward positions and was captured by the Moroccans. This probably would not have happened if, upon landing, Stepanov had not hit a rock and lost consciousness.

Enemy soldiers tore off the uniform of the Soviet pilot, stripped him underwear, twisted his hands with wire. Interrogations, beatings, torture and abuse followed. He was kept in solitary confinement for a month and was not given food for several days. But the officer did not tell the enemies even his real name. Stepanov went through prisons in Zaragoza, Salamanca and San Sebastian.

Six months later, the government of the Spanish Republic exchanged him for a captured fascist pilot.

After returning from Spain, Stepanov received the rank of captain and was appointed inspector of piloting technology of the 19th IAP of the Leningrad Military District.

From the biography: Evgeny Stepanov was born on May 22, 1911 in Moscow, into the family of a marble worker. At the age of 6 he was left without a father. In 1928 he graduated from 7 classes, and in 1930 he graduated from the FZU railway school. He worked as a blacksmith. He studied at the factory radio club. In 1932, he completed his studies at the Moscow Osoaviakhim Pilot School, with 80 hours of flight time. In the same year, on a Komsomol voucher, he was sent to the Borisoglebsk Military Pilot School. After graduation, in March 1933, he was assigned to serve on a bomber, but after numerous applications he managed to secure an assignment to a fighter. He served in the 12th Fighter Aviation Squadron, part of the 111th Fighter Aviation Brigade of the Leningrad Military District. He was a senior pilot and flight commander.

From August 20, 1937 to July 27, 1938, he took part in the national revolutionary war Spanish people. He was a pilot, squadron commander, and then commander of a group of I-15 fighters. He had pseudonyms: “Eugenio” and “Slepnev”. Had 100 hours of combat flight time. Having carried out 16 air battles, he shot down 8 enemy aircraft personally, including 1 by ram, and 4 in a group. On November 10, 1937 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

From May 29 to September 16, 1939, he took part in battles with the Japanese in the area of ​​the Khalkhin-Gol River. Flew on I-16 and I-153. His task was to transfer combat experience to pilots who had not yet met the enemy in the air. In total in the skies of Mongolia, an inspector of piloting techniques of the 19th fighter aviation regiment(1st Army group) Captain E.N. Stepanov made more than 100 combat missions, conducted 5 air battles, and shot down 4 enemy aircraft. August 29, 1939 for courage and military valor demonstrated in battles with enemies, awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. On August 10, 1939 he was awarded the Mongolian Order “For Military Valor”.

As part of the 19th fighter regiment participated in Soviet-Finnish war of 1939 - 1940. Then he was an inspector for piloting technology at the Air Force Directorate of the Moscow Military District.

During the Great Patriotic War he worked in the Air Force Directorate of the Moscow Military District. In 1942 - 1943 he was head of the military department educational institutions Air Force of this district. After the war, he retired to the reserve, worked as an inspector, instructor and head of a department in the DOSAAF Central Committee, then was deputy head of the Central Aero Club named after V.P. Chkalov. Died September 4, 1996. He was buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery.

It is a well-known fact that the first aviators did not fight in the sky, but greeted each other.
In 1911, both the French and Russians simultaneously equipped aircraft with machine guns and the era of air combat began. In the absence of ammunition, the pilots used a ram.

Ramming is an air combat technique designed to disable an enemy aircraft, a ground target, or an unwary pedestrian.
It was first used by Pyotr Nesterov on September 8, 1914 against an Austrian reconnaissance aircraft.

There are several types of rams: a landing gear strike on the wing, a propeller strike on the tail, a wing strike, a fuselage strike, a tail strike (I. Sh. Bikmukhametov’s ram)
A ram committed by I. Sh. Bikmukhametov during the Great Patriotic War: going out into the enemy’s forehead with a slide and a turn, Bikmukhametov struck the enemy’s wing with the tail of his plane. As a result, the enemy lost control, went into a tailspin and crashed, and Bikmukhametov was even able to bring his plane to the airfield and land safely.
Ram by V. A. Kulyapin, ram by S. P. Subbotin, ram on jet fighter, used in air combat in Korea. Subbotin found himself in a situation where his enemy was catching up with him while descending. Having released the brake flaps, Subbotin slowed down, essentially exposing his plane to attack. As a result of the collision, the enemy was destroyed, Subbotin managed to eject and remained alive.


Pyotr Nesterov was the first to use an aerial ram on September 8, 1914 against an Austrian reconnaissance aircraft.


During the war, he shot down 28 enemy aircraft, one of them in a group, and shot down 4 aircraft with a ram. On three occasions, Kovzan returned to the airfield in his MiG-3 aircraft. On August 13, 1942, on a La-5 plane, Captain Kovzan discovered a group of enemy bombers and fighters. In a battle with them, he was shot down and injured in his eye, and then Kovzan directed his plane at an enemy bomber. The impact threw Kovzan out of the cabin and from a height of 6,000 meters, with his parachute not fully opening, he fell into a swamp, breaking his leg and several ribs.


He directed the damaged plane to a higher target. According to the reports of Vorobyov and Rybas, Gastello’s burning plane rammed a mechanized column of enemy equipment. At night, peasants from the nearby village of Dekshnyany removed the corpses of the pilots from the plane and, wrapping the bodies in parachutes, buried them near the crash site of the bomber. Gastello's feat was to some extent canonized. The first ram in the history of the Great Patriotic War was carried out Soviet pilot D. V. Kokorev June 22, 1941 at approximately 4 hours 15 minutes ( long time I. I. Ivanov was considered the author of the first ram in the history of the Great Patriotic War, but in fact he completed his ram for 10 minutes. later Kokorev)


Shot down one on a Su-2 light bomber German fighter Me-109, the second one rammed. When the wing hit the fuselage, the Messerschmitt broke in half, and the Su-2 exploded, and the pilot was thrown out of the cockpit.


The first used a night ram on August 7, 1941, shooting down a He-111 bomber near Moscow. At the same time, he himself remained alive.


On December 20, 1943, in his first air battle, he destroyed two American B-24 Liberator bombers - the first with a machine gun, and the second with an air ram.


February 13, 1945 in the southern part Baltic Sea during an attack on a terminal transport with a displacement of 6,000 tons, V.P. Nosov’s plane was hit by a shell, the plane began to fall, but the pilot directed his burning plane directly into the transport and destroyed it. The crew of the plane died.


On May 20, 1942, he flew on an I-153 plane to intercept an enemy Ju-88 reconnaissance aircraft photographing military targets in the city of Yelets Lipetsk region. He shot down an enemy plane, but it remained in the air and continued to fly. Barkovsky aimed his plane at the ram and destroyed the Ju-88. The pilot died in the collision.


On November 28, 1973, a MiG-21SM jet fighter rammed an F-4 Phantom of the Iranian Air Force (in case of violation by the latter State border USSR in the region of the Mugan Valley of the AzSSR) captain G. Eliseev died.

10 Kulyapin Valentin (Taran Kulyapin)

He rammed a CL-44 transport aircraft (number LV-JTN, Transportes Aereo Rioplatense airline, Argentina), which was making a secret transport flight on the route Tel Aviv - Tehran and unintentionally invaded air space Armenia.