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Born June 21, 1983 in Elizabeth City, North Carolina Edward Snowden, world famous whistleblower American intelligence agencies, who in 2013 provided several media outlets with information about the US government’s total surveillance of millions of people around the world. Fleeing persecution, Snowden eventually ended up in Russia. He cannot return to his native country, since in the United States he was charged in absentia with espionage and theft of government property. However, the disgraced agent is not wasting his time. On the birthday of the famous whistleblower, tells what he began to do during his forced exile.

“The Hermit,” whose face never leaves the screens

$200 thousand - according to the data The Guardian, was Edward Snowden's annual income at the Agency national security(NSA). And, as Yahoo News writes, he earned approximately the same amount in 2016 from fees for performances on various lectures and symposia organized around the world.

Despite the fact that Snowden's whereabouts are not disclosed for security reasons, it cannot be said that he leads the life of a hermit. On the contrary, his face constantly appears at various technology and human rights conferences, leading directors of the level seek his attention Oliver Stone, and government representatives are consulted on security issues. Range of events in which he participates former intelligence officer, incredibly wide. Here is his face appearing on a giant screen at a conference on personal data security in Tokyo, here he is speaking to an audience at international exhibition youth culture Comic-con in San Diego, and then at a music festival in the middle of Europe.

Naturally, Snowden does not receive fees for all of his remote appearances. However, this is of little concern to the American authorities, who for the fifth year now have been criticizing the former NSA employee for “profiting from secrets.” home country" “In my opinion, he violated the oath he swore to our government on our Constitution. The fact that he is being rewarded for this is sad and wrong,” the former CIA Director John Brennan.

However, Snowden's supporters believe that he simply had no other choice. He was unable to take large savings with him to Russia. But you have to live on something. If he had not been able to earn money on his own, he would inevitably have been labeled a spy in the pay of Moscow. Besides, what's wrong with lecturing for a living? After all, many former American agents living quietly in their homeland make money quite legally from the same speeches on security issues.

Traveled all over Russia in 5 years

At the same time, Snowden has never appeared “live” in public in Russia over the past 5 years. Only once did a photographer accidentally capture him walking along the embankment in the Russian capital.

According to Snowden's lawyer Anatoly Kuchereny, the whistleblower lives in an ordinary Moscow apartment rented apartment, moves around the city by metro and buys groceries in regular stores. For 5 years, the agent traveled around Russia, visited St. Petersburg several times, which he really liked.

Life in Russia, meanwhile, turned out to be far from cheap, and the income from lectures alone was not enough to cover everything. And Snowden accepted an offer to get a job as an IT security consultant in one of the large international corporations. At the same time, he began developing his own software for protection against surveillance "Haven". It was presented in December 2017 and co-authored by the Freedom of the Press Foundation. The program allows you not only to encrypt all information on your computer or phone, but also stands guard at home. Sensors mobile device record changes in the room and send a signal to the owner if someone has entered there.

His girlfriend lives with Snowden in Russia Lindsay Mills. Several years ago, the American media wrote about their separation, but director Oliver Stone, who filmed about Snowden Feature Film and who met him several times in Moscow, denied this information. The agent in Russia is also visited by his father, who has repeatedly urged his son to return to his homeland.

Posted by (@lsjourney) Feb 14, 2017 at 11:29 PST

Will the fugitive return home?

Inevitably, during such a long stay in Russia, Snowden was accused of working for Russian intelligence services. The denials, which were repeatedly given by both the whistleblower himself and the President of Russia, could not reassure the most suspicious.

Eg, head of German counterintelligence Hans-Georg Maasen in 2016 said Snowden had become "part of hybrid war which Russia is waging against the West." According to the politician, the Russian SVR could have recruited the American even before he joined the NSA. The fact that for international public opinion Snowden remains an idealistic loner, which Maasen called Russia's "pinnacle of success" in disinformation efforts.

But if the NSA whistleblower was indeed recruited by the Russians, then how do we explain the fact that he repeatedly criticized the Russian authorities while living in Russia? Snowden disagreed with legal restrictions in the field of the Internet, condemned the blocking of the Telegram messenger. He repeatedly stated his desire to leave Russia and move to permanent place residence in one of the Latin American countries.

However, Snowden has said more than once that he is ready to return to the United States and appear in court if they give him guarantees that trial will be open and with a jury trial. However, he did not receive such guarantees under the previous president. Barack Obama, not under the current owner of the White House Donald Trump. At the same time, leading human rights organizations, Hollywood stars, and even individual politicians, such as the senator from Vermont and a contender for the role of presidential candidate from the Democratic Party, are supporting Snowden at home. Bernie Sanders.

When Trump came to power, some American publications wrote that the Kremlin might hand over Snowden as a gift to the new president, but these reports turned out to be just another “fake news.” Russian authorities extended the residence permit of a former agent. And now it seems that one of America's greatest dissidents will still have time to grow old here.

Former CIA employee Edward Joseph Snowden reported facts known to him regarding a parallel civilization on Earth and UFOs. According to documents that Edward copied to the CIA and became available back in 2013, the US government has long known that another species of humanoids lives on Earth parallel to humans, and UFOs really exist and are controlled by species more advanced than humanity. These species are not alien, but our earthly ones, only more highly developed. They have lived here for billions of years and are far ahead of humanity in development. The so-called “extremophiles” have been known to the US government for a long time, dating back to the 90s of the last century, but information about them is still classified as “Secret”.

Information about their existence was found in more than 1.7 million copied NSA files. It was kept in documents of high military secrecy dedicated to anomalous life forms on the ground. According to disclosed information from the Pentagon's special agency DARPA, responsible for secret military developments, these humanoids exist in conditions of extreme temperatures, in the area of ​​​​hydrothermal vents underground and underground. polar ice, for which we received code name"extremalophiles".

According to Edward Snowden, US military researchers are confident that they represent more intelligent species, how Homo Sapiens, since their development was devoid of wars and disasters that occurred on the surface of the Earth.

The Earth's mantle is considered a habitat for extremophiles. Extremophiles can live in a variety of temperatures and are able to thrive and develop intelligence. According to American scientists, “this is the only place where conditions have been more or less stable for billions of years.”

It is noted that DARPA continues to study a mysterious species of humanoids under conditions of increased secrecy.

Unidentified flying objects

According to Edward Snowden, as cited by the resource, “the highest echelons of power do not know what to do with UFOs, and are feeding them to citizens official version that they are all just weather balloons or natural phenomena" But the documents say that UFOs are real. Transport ships of this civilization fly not only in the Earth’s atmosphere, but have also been spotted on seabed, in hydrothermal vents, volcanoes and directly in solar orbit.

The CIA stores data from tracking systems and deep-sea sonars, but they have the status of state secrets and even scientists do not have access to this data about these objects.

The President of the United States receives daily briefings about the activities of the civilization of extremophiles and the movement of its devices - UFOs. Analysts believe that their technology has advanced so far that we have little chance of surviving in any potential war with them. There is an opinion that we are just ants from their point of view and there is a small chance that they will no longer pay attention to us.

But the military is also considering the possibility of aggression. Current action plan in emergency situations includes a plan - to blow up nuclear weapon in deep caves to "seal" the enemy in hopes of destroying their communications, which will prevent further attacks from the depths of the earth."

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In the summer of 2013, Edward Snowden, a former employee of America's National Security Agency, reported that people in all corners of the world were being monitored by the United States. By this act, he wanted to convey that control over any citizen is possible only when the court approves it. As a result, the former CIA employee turned to Russia with a request to grant him political asylum. Snowden is still in the Russian Federation.

How Edward Snowden became an employee of the National Security Agency

Edward Joseph Snowden is from North Carolina. He always dreamed of serving in Armed Forces America. However, fate decreed otherwise. During military exercises in 2004, Edward broke both legs, resulting in further service there was no question.

Being a good programmer, Edward joins the National Security Agency. In the USA, this service is considered the most secret and dominant. The NSA has established electronic intelligence in countries around the world. National Security Agents are provided with extensive possibilities, they have the power to spy on any Internet or mobile user.

Edward Snowden spied on certain people, who were “attached” to him, hiding behind their position technical worker. For politicians, big businessmen, public citizens, for all the bigwigs modern society there is a dossier. If the authorities need to put pressure on any influential person, all data is sent to State Department USA.

Why Edward Snowden spread information about the activities of the NSA

The question arises as to what caused Edward Snowden to decide to disseminate information about the activities of the National Security Agency and begin to live in Russia. After all, a successful agent secret service- This is a very exciting, highly paid and prestigious occupation.

Today there are three versions. The first is Snowden's awakened conscience. He was unable to accept the illegal collection of people's data.

The second version is possible competition. Structure American intelligence includes several dozen departments that compete with each other. Perhaps the leak of information happened with the tacit consent of the Central Intelligence Agency, where Snowden worked for some time.

AND latest version– Edward Snowden is a spy recruited by the Russian services.

In any case, after “leaking” secret information concerning America’s security, the agent arouses anger and indignation on the part of the US government. Russia, in turn, was a country that could hold back America's political onslaught.

Where is Edward Snowden now?

On this moment Edward Snowden, who once exposed US intelligence, lives in the Russian Federation. He has been given this opportunity until 2020.

Upon arrival in Russia, Edward got a job in a capital company as a system administrator. In 2018, his main income is interviews and lectures on the Internet.

The ex-spy leads a secretive lifestyle. When the hype around his person died down a little, Edward began to sometimes go out into society, visiting restaurants, exhibitions, and concerts. He is always on guard for his personal safety.

Edward is happy with life in Russia, and not so long ago his beloved Lindsay Mills came to him. Despite this, former agent tried to move to France and even Brazil. However, when he received a residence permit in the Russian Federation until 2020, Snowden no longer made such attempts.

The life of Edward Snowden in Russia

In the summer of 2018, it will be five years since Snowden moved to live in Russia. Maria Zakharova, who is a representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, mentioned that an American refugee can obtain Russian citizenship.

Edward is studying Russian. He already has good pronunciation and is quite rich lexicon. Snowden travels around different cities Russian Federation, in particular he visited Nizhny Novgorod and St. Petersburg. The former NSA agent runs a business and recently released an Android application.

Edward Snowden has no plans to return to America. Which one exactly? Russian city Where Snowden is today is not known for certain. This information is kept confidential.


Edward Snowden was born on June 21, 1983 in Elizabeth City. Lonnie Snowden, his father, worked (until 2009) at coast guard, and my mother, Elizabeth, was a lawyer (still works in court). In addition to Edward, the family had a daughter, his older sister, whose name is Jessica.

Education of Edward Snowden

In 1999, Edward Snowden and his parents moved to Ellicott City in Maryland. Edward took courses at one of the colleges to obtain required amount points to obtain a certificate (High school diploma). This document in the USA it is necessary for admission to university. It should be noted that Edward did not complete his college course.

He received his higher education in absentia much later, already in 2011.

Edward Snowden's work for the government

In 2003, the guy went to serve in the army. However, it did not last long. During the exercise, Snowden managed to break both legs. After injury medical commission I decided to commission the fighter.

After the army, Snowden began his career. He got his first job at the National Security Agency. His tasks included guarding one of the NSA facilities at the University of Maryland.

Despite his formal lack of qualifications, his professional skills in the IT field allowed him to quickly rise through the ranks. career ladder in intelligence. In 2007, Snowden received a position in the CIA and was sent under diplomatic cover to the capital of Switzerland, Geneva.

According to Snowden himself, it was his close acquaintance with the methods of work of the CIA in Geneva that dissuaded him from the fact that he was engaged in the right thing. He realized that he was “part of something that was doing more harm than good.”

The young idealist wanted to declassify information about violations of the law by the intelligence services much earlier, but he big hopes that with the election of Obama the situation will change. However, it soon became obvious that the new president was continuing the policies of his predecessors. Edward leaves the CIA and in 2009 begins working for the NSA as an employee of external contractors such as Dell and Booz AllenHamilton.

Exposure on behalf of Edward Snowden: chronology of events

He began working on the possibility of declassifying information about crimes of American intelligence services back in January 2013. Then he began contacting Laura Poitras (one of the founders of the Freedom of the Press Foundation), journalist Glenn Greenwald (The Guardian) and publicist Barton Gellman ( Washington Post).

Edward Snowden: interview BBC Russian

On May 20, 2013, Snowden took a leave of absence, citing the need to treat an illness, and flew to Hong Kong. This is where he gave some of the information to trusted journalists. However, there is still some time left before all the cards are revealed.

On June 6, he sent a message to Gelman that the police had come to his home in Hawaii. The Guardian and Washington Post newspapers, at the request of Edward himself, immediately published information about the PRISM total surveillance system on their pages.

On June 9, Edward Snowden met with journalists in Hong Kong. It was then that it became known that he had staged a loud revelation. According to Edward himself, he did not plan to go into hiding because he did not believe that he had done anything wrong. However, on June 10, Snowden went on the run.

Ten days later he turned 30 years old. It was on this day that the United States formally charged Snowden. On June 22, an appeal was made to the Hong Kong authorities with a demand to detain and extradite Snowden. The authorities of the Asian country responded with a gentle refusal. Formally, Snowden's detention was denied due to inaccurate wording in the extradition request.

Who is behind Edward Snowden?

The next day, information appeared in the media about the arrival of the now disgraced American in Russia. This caused a real stir among journalists who flooded Sheremetyevo. Without a visa, Snowden was forced to remain in the airport transit area.

On June 30, he sent an official request to the Russian Foreign Ministry, asking for political asylum. In addition, about 20 similar requests were sent to different countries. A positive response was given by Nicaragua, Venezuela and Bolivia.

On August 1, he received a certificate of temporary asylum in Russia for a period of one year.

On October 31, it became known that Snowden was able to find a job in Russia - he will provide technical support to the Internet portal.

In November of the same year, he submitted a petition for pardon to the authorities of his country.

Personal life of Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden can be described as a romantic and an idealist. Journalists who interviewed him in Hong Kong describe him as quiet, good-natured, intelligent and modest.

He explains all his behavior as a responsibility to humanity and believes that everyone needs to act before it is too late.

For a long time, Snowden dated dancer Lindsay Mills. The young couple planned to get married; in the spring of 2013 they lived together in Hawaii, on the island of Waipahu.

Snowden's disappearance came as a surprise even to his significant other. Lindsay was having a hard time with the breakup. In her blog, the girl wrote that after Edward's sudden disappearance, her "world opened and then closed," leaving her "lost at sea without a compass."

Without a doubt, Edward is very worried about his loved ones, worried about their safety. According to him, he can no longer communicate closely with anyone, since the authorities of his country can be cruel to those people who know him. In October 2013, he managed to meet with his father, who specially came to Russia to visit his son.

Snowden spoke about the corruption of the Russian government, which granted him asylum

Former US intelligence officer Edward Snowden Friso Gentsch/dpa/Global Look Press

Former US National Security Agency employee Edward Snowden said that the Russian government, which provided him asylum, is corrupt. He said this in an interview with the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.

"As is known to the Russian people“The Russian government is corrupt in many ways,” Snowden said. “I think Russians feel powerless.” This is how he answered a question about civic engagement in a country “that is widely known for violating human rights.” “Russians are not naive, they know that state television cannot be trusted. Russians are warm-hearted and smart. The problem is with the government, not with the people,” he added. former employee American intelligence agencies.

According to Snowden, he has never met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but “definitely does not agree” with the principles of the work of the head of the Russian Federation.

When asked whether Snowden believes it is dangerous for him to criticize local authorities, he replied that there was undoubtedly a risk: “Maybe the government doesn’t care what I say. I do not speak Russian. And I'm a former CIA agent, so it's very easy for them to discredit my Political Views as an American CIA agent in Russia."

The former American special agent said that Russian intelligence services offered to cooperate with him as soon as he arrived in Russia, but he categorically refused. “I don’t need connections with them [with Russian government], I don’t want to participate, I never planned to be here,” Snowden explained.

At the same time, he told how he now lives in Russia: “I take the metro, live in an apartment with my girlfriend and pay rent like everyone else.” At the same time, according to him, he does not use bank cards and tries not to advertise his name.

The journalists clarified that the interview took place in a hotel near the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Snowden: new head of CIA participated in torture

Edward Snowden in June 2013 gave the Washington Post and Guardian a number of classified materials about surveillance programs of US and UK intelligence services on the Internet. He flew to Hong Kong, and from there to Moscow, where he spent some time in the transit zone of the Moscow airport. Russia granted Snowden temporary asylum for a year on the condition that he cease his activities against the United States. On August 1, 2014, Snowden received a three-year residence permit.