Kurpatov technique of emotional freedom. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) by Gary Craig

Created in 1995 by Garry Craig emotional freedom technique has gained wide popularity in the USA, England and other countries of the world. Its spread is due to the excellent results of Eft practitioners in achieving their goals, self-healing, gaining wealth and happiness.

I became acquainted with this technique at the moment when I took online course training in bioenergy by Alexander Lowen from the US Bioenergy Institute. To the subjects studied in this institute this technique had no relation. But it turned out to be a wonderful addition that accelerated my self-knowledge and the discovery of my capabilities.

There are now several varieties emotional freedom or transformation techniques. Another name for it is energy psychology. Why energy, because in addition to working with the consciousness and subconscious, work with the body is involved. Working with the body is based on knowledge of acupuncture. The West is considering human body Like a machine, the approach to human health also comes down to checking the functioning of individual organs. Eastern medicine views man as a whole living system. And diseases are like blocking the free flow of energy in a given area or organ. Even in ancient times, in the east, both for prevention and treatment, various effects were used on certain channels and points in the human body with the help of massages and acupuncture. We can see this in ancient engravings. Eastern theory about the meridians that carry Chi energy in the body - the basis of acupuncture.

Engraving 1- Points on the kidney meridian. Engraving 2- Points on the heart meridian

EFT uses the simplest points that are easy to find and do not require 100% hit to stimulate, just tap them. But points located on the ears and feet, for example, have a greater concentration per 1 sq.cm. Not all points are on meridians.

Meridians with points indicated

Points used in EFT:

1-point near the corner of the eyebrow is the first point on the bladder meridian - (Bladder meridian). This meridian carries YANG energy received from the sun

2-point near the corner of the eye, at the temple lies on the gallbladder meridian (Gall Bladder meridian), this meridian carries YIN energy received from the earth

3-point under the eye, located on the stomach meridian (Stomach meridian), which carries YANG energy and is associated with feelings of anxiety and fear

4-point under the nose, lying on the large intestine meridian, carrying YIN energy received from the earth, is responsible for detoxifying the body and is associated with the expression of feelings of grief and crying

5-point under the lips. Located on the meridian responsible for conception and fertilization (Conception vessel or channel or meridian). The most important channel or meridian carrying YIN energy, responsible for restoring energy throughout the body.

6-point under the collarbone. Lies on the Kidney meridian, carries YIN energy from the earth and is responsible for short memory and for the energy received at birth from nature

7-point under the arm. Lies on the Spleen meridian, also carries the energy of the earth YIN. Associated with learning and concentration, and also promotes rapid metabolism in the body

8 points on the crown, lying on the main meridian or channel (Governor vessel), carrying YIN energy, responsible for increasing immunity. And points on the Bladder meridian, which carries the energy of the YANG sun, nourishes and calms the nervous system.

The 9 so-called “karate points” on the edge of the palm lie very close to the Small intestine meridian and are connected to the heart. Stimulation of these points breaks through any energy blockades in the body.

Now there are several varieties of emotional freedom or transformation techniques. But they are all united by the underlying ancient knowledge of acupuncture and NLP (neurolinguistic reprogramming)
The basis of working with the body in EFT is ancient knowledge about the subtle energies flowing through the body. The West views the human body as a machine; the approach to human health also boils down to checking the functioning of individual organs, like parts in a machine. Eastern medicine views a person as a single living system. And diseases are like blocking the free flow of energy in a given area or organ. Even in ancient times, in the east, both for prevention and treatment, various effects were used on certain channels and points in the human body with the help of massages and acupuncture.
In relatively recent times, a number of progressive psychologists have contributed to the use of this ancient knowledge and its transformation into practical methods spiritual healing. Chief among them is Dr. George Goodhart with his work in applied kinesiology, a predecessor Emotional release techniques. Dr. John Diamond was also one of the first psychiatrists to write about these energies. Many of his advanced concepts, along with ideas from applied kinesiology, formed the foundation on which this new technology Healing.
Dr. Roger Callahan, who introduced the creator of the EFT system, Harry Craig, these techniques have special merits to history. He was the first to widely publicize these methods. Without Roger Callahan's zeal, we'd probably still be sitting around theorizing about this "interesting thing."

Dr. Roger Callahan

Results of using EFT

The most important thing is what application gives E.F.T.- This freedom from negative emotions . That is, freedom that allows you to thrive and grow despite hidden obstacles that prevent you from fully developing your abilities.
This is freedom from many years of self-doubt, from constant disgust, from the grief of losing a loved one, from anger, from negative memories about violence.
This is freedom earn more, call business partners, start a new business, improve your golf performance, finally get rid of excess weight, easily communicate with people or become a lecturer, singer or actor.
This is freedom for anxiety that makes you take medications, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or empty the refrigerator.
This is freedom express love easily and walk the planet with gratitude and confidence.
This is freedom from fears, phobias, anxiety, panic, or post-traumatic stress, from bad habits , from depression. from feelings of guilt, etc. etc.

Scientific justification of the method.

All our bodies have electrical nature. This is stated in any initial course anatomy. Rub your feet on the carpet and then touch a metal object. Sometimes you can see the discharge static electricity at your fingertips. This would not be possible if your body were not electrical in nature.

« People are electrochemical machines. Our every thought is an electrical impulse. Every movement we make is the result of mental electrical impulses. Each thought corresponds to a specific electrical impulse in the brain. When we think about something that upsets us, electrical waves are generated in the brain, which create negative feelings of fear, anger, sadness or pain. The Happiness Code balances the vibrations in the brain that occur as a result of a thought that we once perceived as a threat. Absence electrical vibrations results in the thought no longer causing negative emotions in us (unfortunately for pharmaceutical companies and fortunately for us) » , - Gary Londre, Ph.D.

The magic key to happy life- nothing more than a certain sequence of points that need to be pressed on, while simultaneously holding a disturbing thought in the mind. These points representplaces of maximum electrical activity our body, with stimulation of which you caneliminate any negative emotions, fears and even physical pain.

In fact, civilization has known about this for many millennia. About 5,000 years ago the Chinese discovered complex system energy circulating in the body. These energy flows, or meridians as they are called, are the starting point oriental medicine, it underlies modern acupuncture, acupressure and many other healing techniques. This energy circulates throughout the body and is invisible to the eye. It cannot be seen without high-tech equipment.

By analogy, you also do not see energy flows on TV. You know, that they are there, by the result that they produce. Sound and picture are the only evidence that the energy flow exists.

Similar Emotional Release Technique is a witness to this energy flow in your body because it gives you an effect that lets you know it's there. Simple stimulation endpoints meridians, you achieve significant changes in your emotional and physical health. This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for energy system.

IN different countries People are increasingly turning to alternative medicine to solve health problems. EFT techniques can solve problems in many areas human life. Video clips created in different countries show this.

Today I want to introduce you to the incredible effective technology, which will allow you to independently cope with many problems: you will learn to relieve stress, emotional stress, physical pain, free yourself from difficult experiences, limiting beliefs, negative subconscious attitudes that hinder your development and growth, and so on.

I can note that the effect of this technique is especially noticeable in moments of acute outbursts of negative emotions (irritation, anger, rage, resentment, pain, anxiety... etc.). Right in the process of doing it, you will feel significant relief! In addition, I noticed another interesting “phenomenon”. Very often you can make completely unexpected discoveries and understand that the reason for the emotional response to a specific situation is not at all in it. In general, it is very interesting and very effective. Tested on myself more than once!

I present to you TPP – Equipment Emotional Freedom , or Emotional Release Technique (eng. Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT) - one of the meridian techniques, based on the principles of traditional oriental medicine (acupressure) and Western psychology. EFT was created by American engineer Gary Craig in the 90s, based on the technique of Dr. Roger Callahan, Thought Field Therapy.

My acquaintance with this amazing technique occurred while reading Joe Vitale’s book “The Key”. For those who haven't read it, I highly recommend it. In it the author opens one of the main secrets of achieving what you want and shares various techniques for liberation from fears, blocks, negative attitudes and so on. Surely many of you know some techniques for attracting everything into your life, but few people realize that this medal also has back side. Before you receive something, you need to make room for it and free yourself from subconscious negative attitudes in this regard. That's it in short. More details in other articles... Later. Let's return to TPP.

The Emotional Freedom Technique is based on the following statement: “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the normal functioning of the body’s energy system.” And the principle of thermal power plant itself is based on the ancient Chinese medicine using energy channels in the human body, called meridians.

In the process of TES therapy, a person concentrates on the problem, then by influencing the meridians (by simply tapping fingers on certain points on the face and body) eliminates disturbances in the energy system for this specific problem. After the session, only the experience itself remains, and the emotional charge and pain that accompanied it disappear.

It is believed that this technique can help in 80% of cases immediately. The remaining 20% ​​requires more hard work. For example, phobias go away within a minute. The author of the technique, Gary Craig, advises using it on everything possible. After all The thermal power plant is completely simple in terms of technical design. Even children can learn to use it in just a few minutes.

Joe Vitale in his famous bestseller “The Key” says the following about EFT:

“Negative emotions that limit us and prevent us from attracting into our lives what we consciously want are caused by a violation of the body’s energy system. By pressing on key points, we balance the energy and clear blocks. It's also the easiest stress-relieving tool I've ever come across.

The possibilities in the Universe are endless - you deserve to have everything you want. The degree of your dissatisfaction with the lack of something in your life is determined by the degree of your resistance to your desires. More often than not, we don’t allow abundance into our lives either because we are afraid that it is unsafe for us, or because we believe that we don’t deserve it, or for both reasons.”

The Emotional Freedom Technique will allow you to let go of limiting attitudes and attract whatever you want into your life.

A TES therapy session consists of several parts:

1. Identify the problem itself that you will work with. Describe her. What kind of situation is this? For example, “I have a headache,” “I was upset by a quarrel with my husband, he doesn’t understand me,” “my boss is annoying,” “I don’t believe that I can achieve my goal,” and so on.

2. Rating the degree of your worries on a 10-point scale. Just determine how strong your feelings about the current situation are. this moment. How strong this situation hooks you.

3. Setting up for the session. It consists of repeating a certain phrase three times in a row and at the same time lightly tapping the “karate point” on the other hand with the pads of the fingers of one hand (this is the point on the edge of your palm that is used to strike in karate, see the picture on the right). The phrase you repeat at the same time sounds like this: “Even though _________, I deeply and completely accept myself.” Instead of a space, you voice your problem. For example, “Even though “I am deeply depressed,” I deeply and completely accept myself.” This is how the session is set up.

4. Tapping - tapping the meridian points with your fingertips. This is done about 7 times, but essentially you are starting from your internal sensations. Over time, you will feel when to move on to the next point. By tapping on the points, you repeat the essence of the problem (preferably out loud). You can quarrel at the same time, you can get angry if the situation irritates you greatly. For example, “I have a headache again” - move on to the next point: “I have a headache again”, the next point: “this headache just bothers me”, the next point: “why does it hurt all the time, it’s simply impossible”... and so on. To better understand the essence, watch the videos at the end of the article. They are very helpful.

Tap all the time on one side of the face and body. It doesn’t matter which one.

Let's consider the points and the sequence of influence on them.

There are several versions of this technique, several schools. They are equally effective, so you can safely use any of them. A full session includes sequential tapping of the following points:

1. NB = Beginning of the Eyebrow
2. KG= Edge of the Eye
3. PG = Under the Eye
4. PN = Under your nose
5. PB = Chin
6. CL= Beginning of the Clavicle
7. PR = At ​​Hand
8. BP= Thumb
9. UP= Index Finger
10. SP= Middle Finger
11. MZ= Little finger
12. TC = Karate Point
-. TC = Ligament Point (not numbered in the figure, but it is shown on the back of the hand 1.27 cm below the middle of the segment between the bones of the ring and little fingers).

A detailed description of the location of each point can be found in the TES manual on pages 31-32. You can download the manual from this link (click). Please note that the points are tapped (stimulated) in order from top to bottom. That is, each subsequent point is lower than the previous one. This will be easy to remember. Walk through these points several times and they are yours forever.

5. Working out the connection point. While tapping on the Link Point, the following set of actions is performed (there is no need to repeat the problem at this time)

Close eyes
Open eyes
Move your eyes as far down as possible to the right
Move your eyes down to the left as far as possible
Make it with your eyes full circle in one direction
Make a full circle with your eyes opposite direction
“Hum” any melody for a couple of seconds
Count to 5
“Hum” any melody again for a couple of seconds

6. After this, repeat the tapping procedure (tapping with your fingertips on corresponding points), as described in point 4. Together this is called a “ham sandwich” - the two tapping procedures are like a bun, and tapping the ligament point and doing the actions is like a ham between them. This thing is one “round” or “cycle” of the TPP. The entire EFT session consists of these cycles.

7. Take a deep breath and exhale, and rate the problem again on a 10-point scale. It may not decrease (rarely) or decrease by 1-2 units, or disappear completely (this also happens). If it has not disappeared, but has decreased (the intensity has decreased), then continue the entire procedure again from point 3, while in the setup (when setting up) we say the following: “Even though I still feel headache, I deeply and completely accept myself” or “Even though I still have this problem, I deeply and completely accept myself.” That is, now you are already working with the remnants of the problematic situation.

8. Again, evaluate the condition on a subjective scale. Everybody is here time is running evaluation compared to the original condition. If there are any emotional tails left, some deficiencies, something not fully treated, i.e. the state estimate is different from zero, then it is necessary to repeat the entire cycle, i.e. "sandwich" until there is zero. It is important! It is always necessary to bring the problem to a complete resolution, i.e. to zero. If you had a fear of rats, then complete zero It will be possible to pick up a rat and not experience any unpleasant emotions. This is all quite realistically achieved in 10-15 minutes of work using the emotional freedom technique, by the way.

This is what the entire TES therapy session is all about.. It really can be learned in literally 5-10 minutes, you just have to remember the sequence of actions. And for this it is very useful to watch several videos where the session is held. This is interesting. As a rule, the session is carried out accompanied by a specialist and you can evaluate what questions he or she asks, how he or she leads the person to the desired understanding, and so on.

I would like to add on my own behalf that I never used a full session, because when I became acquainted with this technique, I had a shortened version. It included only points on the face and body, as well as a point on the top of the head. In addition, there was no insertion with a ligament point. But despite this, the results I got shocked me!! With the help of this technique, I easily coped with the strongest negative emotions! It really works and works very well!

Let me remind you that download Manual on EFT or feasibility study (EFT) you can by going to this link (click).

Below I present to your attention a small a selection of videos. Read, watch, study the technique more deeply if you are interested, and be sure to apply it in your life. She works miracles, and I sincerely wish you more miracles in your life!!!

Video 1. EFT session with Masha Bennett

Video 2. EFT session with Masha Bennett (autumn 2009)

And another incredible one documentary, based on the film “The Secret”. It shows footage from an on-site training during which different people work through their problems, get rid of many years of physical pain and severe psychological trauma with the help of TES! Also, the film very clearly shows all the points and what needs to be done!

Ecology of consciousness. Psychology: Today we want to introduce you to an incredibly effective technique that will allow you to cope with many problems on your own: you will learn to relieve stress, emotional tension, physical pain, free yourself from difficult experiences, limiting beliefs, negative subconscious attitudes that hinder your development and growth, and so on Further.

Today we want to introduce you to an incredibly effective technique that will allow you to cope with many problems on your own: you will learn to relieve stress, emotional tension, physical pain, free yourself from difficult experiences, limiting beliefs, negative subconscious attitudes that hinder your development and growth, and so on.

The effect of this technique is especially noticeable during moments of acute outbursts of negative emotions (irritation, anger, rage, resentment, pain, anxiety, etc.). Right in the process of doing it, you will feel significant relief! In addition, another interesting “phenomenon” was noted. Very often you can make completely unexpected discoveries and understand that the reason for the emotional response to a specific situation is not at all in it. In general, it is very interesting and very effective. Tested more than once!

We present to you EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - one of the meridian techniques based on the principles of traditional Eastern medicine (acupressure) and Western psychology. EFT was created by American engineer Gary Craig in the 90s, based on the technique of Dr. Roger Callahan, Thought Field Therapy.

My acquaintance with this amazing technique occurred while reading Joe Vitale's book "The Key". For those who haven't read it, I highly recommend it. In it, the author reveals one of the main secrets of achieving what you want and shares various techniques for freeing yourself from fears, blocks, negative attitudes, and so on.

Surely many of you know some techniques for attracting anything into your life, but few realize that this coin also has a flip side. Before you receive something, you need to make room for it and free yourself from subconscious negative attitudes in this regard.

The Emotional Freedom Technique is based on the following statement:“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the normal functioning of the body’s energy system.” And the principle of EFT is based on ancient Chinese medicine, which uses energy channels in the human body called meridians.

In the process of EFT therapy, a person concentrates on a problem, then, by influencing the meridians (by simply tapping certain points on the face and body with his fingers), eliminates disturbances in the energy system for that specific problem. After the session, only the experience itself remains, and the emotional charge and pain that accompanied it disappear.

It is believed that this technique can help 80% of cases immediately. OS The final 20% requires more hard work. For example, phobias go away within a minute. The author of the technique, Gary Craig, advises using it on everything possible. After all, TPP is completely simple from the point of view of technical execution. Even children can learn to use it in just a few minutes.

Joe Vitale in his famous bestseller "The Key" says the following about EFT:

"Negative emotions that limit us and prevent us from attracting into our lives what we consciously want are caused by a violation of the body's energy system. By pressing on key points, we balance the energy and clear blocks. It's also the easiest stress-relieving tool I've ever come across.

The possibilities in the Universe are endless - you deserve to have everything you want. The degree of your dissatisfaction with the lack of something in your life is determined by the degree of your resistance to your desires. Most often, we do not allow abundance into our lives either because we are afraid that it is unsafe for us, or because we believe that we do not deserve it, or for both reasons at once.."

The Emotional Freedom Technique will allow you to let go of limiting attitudes and attract whatever you want into your life.

1. Identify the problem itself that you will work with. Describe her. What kind of situation is this? For example, “I have a headache,” “I was upset by a quarrel with my husband, he doesn’t understand me,” “my boss is annoying,” “I don’t believe that I can achieve my goal,” and so on.

2. Rating the degree of your worries on a 10-point scale. Just determine how strong your feelings about the current situation are at the moment. How much does this situation bother you?

3. Setting up for the session. It consists of repeating a certain phrase three times in a row and at the same time lightly tapping the “karate point” on the other hand with the pads of the fingers of one hand (this is the point on the edge of your palm that is used to strike in karate, see the picture on the right). The phrase you repeat sounds like this: “Even though _________, I deeply and completely accept myself.” Instead of a space, you voice your problem. For example, “Even though “I have deep depression “, I deeply and completely accept myself.” This is how the attunement to the session occurs.

4. Tapping - tapping the meridian points with your fingertips. This is done about 7 times, but, in essence, you start from your inner feelings. Over time, you will feel when to move on to the next point. By tapping on the points, you repeat the essence of the problem (preferably out loud). You can quarrel at the same time, you can get angry if the situation irritates you greatly. For example, “I have a headache again” - move on to the next point: “I have a headache again”, the next point: “this headache just bothers me”, the next point: “why does it hurt all the time, it’s simply impossible”... and so on. To better understand the essence, watch the videos at the end of the article. They are very helpful.

Tap all the time on one side of the face and body. It doesn’t matter which one.

Let's consider the points and the sequence of influence on them.

There are several versions of this technique, several schools. They are equally effective, so you can safely use any of them. A full session includes sequential tapping of the following points:

1. NB = Beginning of the Eyebrow
2. KG= Edge of the Eye
3. PG = Under the Eye
4. PN = Under your nose
5. PB = Chin
6. CL= Beginning of the Clavicle
7. PR = At ​​Hand
8. BP= Thumb
9. UP= Index Finger
10. SP= Middle Finger
11. MZ= Little finger
12. TC = Karate Point
-. TC = Ligament Point (not numbered in the figure, but it is shown on the back of the hand 1.27 cm below the middle of the segment between the bones of the ring and little fingers).

Please note that the points are tapped (stimulated) in order from top to bottom. That is, each subsequent point is lower than the previous one. This will be easy to remember. Walk through these points several times and they are yours forever.

5. Working out the connection point. While tapping on the Link Point, the following set of actions is performed (there is no need to repeat the problem at this time):

Close eyes
Open eyes
Move your eyes as far down as possible to the right
Move your eyes down to the left as far as possible
Make a full circle with your eyes in one direction
Make a full circle with your eyes in the opposite direction
“Hum” any melody for a couple of seconds
Count to 5
“Hum” any melody again for a couple of seconds

6. After this, repeat the tapping procedure(tapping the corresponding points with your fingertips), as described in point 4. Together this is called a “ham sandwich” - the two tapping procedures are like a bun, and tapping the ligament point and doing the actions is like a ham between them. This thing is one “round” or “cycle” of the TPP. The entire EFT session consists of these cycles.

7. Take a deep breath and exhale, and rate the problem again on a 10-point scale. It may not decrease (rarely) or decrease by 1-2 units, or disappear completely (this also happens). If it has not disappeared, but has decreased (the intensity has decreased), then continue the entire procedure again from point 3, while in the setup (when setting up) we say the following: “Even though I still feel a headache, I deeply and completely I accept myself" or "Even though I still have this problem, I deeply and completely accept myself." That is, now you are already working with the remnants of the problematic situation.

8. Again, evaluate the condition on a subjective scale. Here there is always an assessment in comparison with the original state. If there are any emotional tails left, some deficiencies, something not fully treated, i.e. the state estimate is different from zero, then it is necessary to repeat the entire cycle, i.e. "sandwich" until there is zero. It is important! It is always necessary to bring the problem to a complete resolution, i.e. to zero. If you had a fear of rats, then the opportunity to pick up a rat and not experience any unpleasant emotions will be a complete zero. This is all quite realistically achieved in 10-15 minutes of work using the emotional freedom technique, by the way.

Aspects of EFT from Masha Bennett (where to start, how to identify the key problem)

This is what the entire TES therapy session consists of. It really can be learned in literally 5-10 minutes, you just have to remember the sequence of actions. And for this it is very useful to watch several videos where the session is held. This is interesting. As a rule, the session is carried out accompanied by a specialist and you can evaluate what questions he or she asks, how he or she leads the person to the desired understanding, and so on.

I would like to add on my own behalf that I have never used a full session, because when I became acquainted with this technique, I had a shortened version. It included only points on the face and body, as well as a point on the top of the head. In addition, there was no insertion with a ligament point. But despite this, the results I got shocked me!! With the help of this technique, I easily coped with the strongest negative emotions! It really works and works very well!

Below is a small selection of videos. Read, watch, study the technique more deeply if you are interested, and be sure to apply it in your life. She works miracles, and I sincerely wish you more miracles in your life!

EFT session with Masha Bennett

EFT session with Masha Bennett (autumn 2009)

Joe Vitale on EFT - How to be happy "here and now"

And another incredible documentary film, based on the principle of the film "The Secret". It shows footage from an on-site training, during which different people work through their problems, free themselves from years of physical pain and severe psychological trauma with the help of EFT! Also, the film very clearly shows all the points and what needs to be done! You'll like it!

Try It on Everything

This might interest you:

High workload, the need to make decisions quickly and compete with more successful people quite capable of leading to various disorders. That is why, like mushrooms after rain, the number of options for getting rid of accumulated tension is growing. Some are developed official science, other methods, such as the technique of emotional freedom, came from Eastern practices. The good news is that it is not as complicated and philosophical; to improve your condition you will only need to spend a few minutes.

Emotional freedom technique - description and criticism

This method was created by Gary Craig, based on the approach of Dr. Callahan, outlined in his work “Thought Field Therapy.” The result was a technique that incorporated the traditions of Eastern healing and European psychotherapy. The creator claims that the emotional freedom technique is effective for neurosis, obsessive thoughts, addictions, insomnia, and other disorders. The method is often called acupuncture without needles due to the need to influence singular points acupressure. And during a kind of massage you will have to focus on your problems.

The author claims that the technique can provide almost instant results with ease of implementation. But not everyone agrees with him; some scientists even called the approach pseudoscientific. This is based on the fact that the presence of acupuncture points has not yet been proven in any way, and several are used in the technique, and oriental medicine claims that there are a great many of them on the body. After such doubts, a placebo test was carried out, which did not reveal any special properties that distinguished the approach from other psychotechniques. Skeptics even believe that it simply distracts attention from the existing problem, creating the appearance of its disappearance.

Proponents of the method say that it works regardless of faith in eastern medicine and allows you to work through accumulated problems on your own.

Emotional Freedom Technique - Practice

As mentioned above, during the session you will have to influence certain points that will help normalize energy balance in body. 12 points are processed in the following sequence.

  1. The beginning of the eyebrow.
  2. The edge of the eye (near its outer corner).
  3. Below the eye (central zone).
  4. Under the nose (center).
  5. Chin (middle).
  6. Beginning of the collarbone.
  7. Under the arm (the beginning of the armpit is in line with the nipples).
  8. Thumb(first phalanx).
  9. Forefinger.
  10. Middle finger.
  11. Little finger.
  12. Karate point (the area of ​​the palm between ring finger and the little finger, 1.27 cm below the upper border).

Each of these points is worked out by light tapping. It all starts with the karateka’s point and ends with it; during this period you need to forget about the problem. Only when affecting this zone, the following actions are performed:

  • close and open your eyes;
  • move them down and to the right, then down and to the left;
  • Make a circle with your eyes in one direction, then in another;
  • “purr” any melody for a few seconds;
  • count to 5 and sing something again.

This ritual helps you get ready for work and then come out of a state of deep concentration.

There are several stages for using the emotional freedom technique for sleep disorders, severe shocks and other problems.

  1. Decide what you will be working with.
  2. Rate the degree of your worries on a 10-point scale.
  3. While tapping on the karateka’s point, say three times: “Despite the fact that (description of the problem), I fully and deeply accept myself.”
  4. Proceed with tapping, starting from the karateka's point in the above manner. The remaining points need to be tapped an average of 7 times, but it is better to focus on own feelings. It is advisable to say out loud the essence of the trouble during this, you can even quarrel a little.
  5. Then take a deep breath and exhale, and again rate the problem on a scale of 10. Usually there is a decrease in anxiety by 1-2 points, rarely a sharp drop or complete disappearance is observed. If the problem persists, continue from point 3, until it disappears completely.

Those who use the practice claim that in 10-15 minutes you can get rid of even a serious phobia. But if you do not notice any improvement even after several sessions for any problem, then you should think about visiting a specialist.

Gary Craig Gary Craig developed Emotional Freedom Techniques in the 1990s. This technique is based on the teachings of Dr. Roger Callahan, the psychologist who invented Thought Field Therapy.

This method is based on the principles of traditional Eastern medicine (acupressure) and Western psychology (deprogramming of consciousness). The basic procedure of the method involves stimulating specific acupressure points while focusing on an aspect of the problem. This is “emotional acupuncture without needles,” which combines an emotional attitude towards getting rid of a problem and light physical impact fingers of your hand to the points of energy meridians known from Chinese medicine.

The Gary Craig method is used for anxiety and excitement, physical pain, phobias, addictions, insomnia, stress, obsessive thoughts and other psychological and physical symptoms. It's simple and at the same time effective method psychological assistance that anyone can master.

How the technique works

Recent advances in science have shown that every memory is encoded in the human brain and is associated with certain emotions. Every time you remember an event, neural connections begin to activate and a corresponding signal passes through them. Our memories that the brain stores with early childhood, are not with us forever, they can be changed.

Meridian tapping helps you rewrite these neural connections so that you do not feel negative emotions associated with a certain memory. Tapping sends signals to the brain, and they are perceived by the amygdala, greatly reducing the level of cortisol in the blood. As a result, stress decreases and relaxation and calm occur.

Gary Craig talks about himself and the TES technique:

“I've read hundreds of books and spent thousands of dollars on seminars and tapes. With the tenacity and enthusiasm of a newspaper reporter hunting for a scoop, I tirelessly sought out and studied various sources. I was looking for something that would work. EFT is the most exhilarating, most effective and efficient personal improvement tool I have ever encountered. Its name fully corresponds to its essence: it really frees you from negative emotions.”

Download the book (.pdf)

Empty couch

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