Kruglov, Minister of Internal Affairs. Kruglov, Sergei Nikiforovich

Conducting work on the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is considered one of the most promising courses in the development of current combat aviation. The use of drones or drones has already led to important changes in the tactics and strategy of military conflicts. Moreover, it is believed that in the very near future their importance will increase significantly. Some military experts believe that the positive development of drones is the most important achievement aircraft industry of the last decade.

However, drones are used not only for military purposes. Today they are actively involved in “ national economy" With their help, aerial photography, patrolling, geodetic surveys, monitoring of a wide variety of objects are carried out, and some even deliver purchases home. However, the most promising new drone developments today are for military purposes.

Many problems are solved with the help of UAVs. Mainly, this is intelligence activity. Most of modern drones were created specifically for this purpose. IN last years More and more attack unmanned vehicles are appearing. A separate category kamikaze drones can be distinguished. UAVs can conduct electronic warfare, they can be radio signal repeaters, artillery spotters, and aerial targets.

For the first time, attempts to create aircraft that were not controlled by humans were made immediately with the advent of the first airplanes. However, their practical implementation occurred only in the 70s of the last century. After which a real “drone boom” began. Remotely controlled aircraft have not been realized for quite some time, but today they are produced in abundance.

As often happens, American companies occupy a leading position in the creation of drones. And this is not surprising, because funding from the American budget for the creation of drones was simply astronomical by our standards. So, during the 90s, three billion dollars were spent on similar projects, while in 2003 alone they spent more than one billion.

Nowadays, work is underway to create the latest drones with longer flight duration. The devices themselves must be heavier and solve problems in difficult environments. Drones are being developed designed to combat ballistic missiles, unmanned fighters, and microdrones capable of operating in large groups (swarms).

Work on the development of drones is underway in many countries around the world. More than one thousand companies are involved in this industry, but the most promising developments go straight to the military.

Drones: advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of unmanned aerial vehicles are:

  • A significant reduction in size compared to conventional aircraft, leading to a reduction in cost and an increase in their survivability;
  • The potential to create small UAVs that could perform the most various tasks in places of hostilities;
  • The ability to conduct reconnaissance and transmit information in real time;
  • There are no restrictions on use in extremely difficult combat situations associated with the risk of their loss. During critical operations, multiple drones can easily be sacrificed;
  • Reduction (by more than one order of magnitude) of flight operation in Peaceful time, which would be required by traditional aircraft, preparing the flight crew;
  • Availability of high combat readiness and mobility;
  • Potential for the creation of small, uncomplicated mobile drone systems for non-aviation forces.

The disadvantages of UAVs include:

  • Insufficient flexibility of use compared to traditional aircraft;
  • Difficulties in resolving issues with communication, landing, and rescue of vehicles;
  • In terms of reliability, drones are still inferior to conventional aircraft;
  • Limiting drone flights during peacetime.

A little history of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

The first remote-controlled aircraft was the Fairy Queen, built in 1933 in Great Britain. It was a target aircraft for fighter aircraft and anti-aircraft guns.

And the first production drone to participate in real war, there was a V-1 rocket. This German “miracle weapon” bombarded Great Britain. In total, up to 25,000 units of such equipment were produced. The V-1 had a pulse jet engine and an autopilot with route data.

After the war, they worked on unmanned reconnaissance systems in the USSR and the USA. Soviet drones were spy planes. With their help, aerial photography, electronic reconnaissance, and relay were carried out.

Israel has done a lot to develop drones. Since 1978 they have had their first drone, the IAI Scout. During the 1982 Lebanon War israeli army using drones, completely destroyed the Syrian air defense system. As a result, Syria lost almost 20 air defense batteries and almost 90 aircraft. This affected the attitude military science to the UAV.

The Americans used UAVs in Desert Storm and the Yugoslav campaign. In the 90s, they became leaders in the development of drones. So, since 2012, they had almost 8 thousand UAVs of a wide variety of modifications. These were mainly small army reconnaissance drones, but there were also attack UAVs.

The first of them, in 2002, eliminated one of the heads of al-Qaeda with a missile strike on a car. Since then, the use of UAVs to eliminate enemy military forces or its units has become commonplace.

Types of drones

Currently, there are a lot of drones that differ in size, appearance, flight range, and functionality. UAVs differ in their control methods and their autonomy.

They can be:

  • Uncontrollable;
  • Remote controlled;
  • Automatic.

According to their sizes, drones are:

  • Microdrones (up to 10 kg);
  • Minidrones (up to 50 kg);
  • Mididrons (up to 1 ton);
  • Heavy drones (weighing more than a ton).

Microdrones can stay in airspace up to one hour, minidrones - from three to five hours, and middrones - up to fifteen hours. Heavy drones can stay in the air for more than twenty-four hours while making intercontinental flights.

Review of foreign unmanned aerial vehicles

The main trend in the development of modern drones is to reduce their size. One such example would be one of the Norwegian drones from Prox Dynamics. The helicopter drone has a length of 100 mm and a weight of 120 g, a range of up to one km, and a flight duration of up to 25 minutes. It has three video cameras.

These drones began to be produced commercially in 2012. Thus, the British military purchased 160 sets of PD-100 Black Hornet worth $31 million to conduct special operations in Afghanistan.

Microdrones are also being developed in the United States. They are working on special program Soldier Borne Sensors, aimed at developing and deploying reconnaissance drones with the potential to obtain information for platoons or companies. There is information about plans by the American army leadership to provide individual drones to all soldiers.

Today, the RQ-11 Raven is considered the heaviest drone in the US Army. It has a mass of 1.7 kg, a wingspan of 1.5 m and a flight of up to 5 km. With an electric motor, the drone reaches speeds of up to 95 km/h and stays in flight for up to one hour.

It has a digital video camera with night vision. The launch is done manually, and no special platform is needed for landing. The devices can fly along specified routes in automatic mode, GPS signals can serve as landmarks for them, or they can be controlled by operators. These drones are in service with more than a dozen countries.

The US Army's heavy UAV is the RQ-7 Shadow, which conducts reconnaissance at the brigade level. It went into serial production in 2004 and has a two-fin tail with a pusher propeller and several modifications. These drones are equipped with conventional or infrared video cameras, radars, target illumination, laser rangefinders, and multispectral cameras. Guided five-kilogram bombs are suspended from the devices.

The RQ-5 Hunter is a mid-size half-ton drone developed jointly by the US and Israel. Its arsenal includes a television camera, a third-generation thermal imager, a laser rangefinder and other equipment. It is launched from a special platform using a rocket accelerator. Its flight zone is within a range of up to 270 km, within 12 hours. Some modifications of Hunters have pendants for small bombs.

The MQ-1 Predator is the most famous American UAV. This is a “reincarnation” of a reconnaissance drone into an attack drone, which has several modifications. The Predator conducts reconnaissance and carries out precision ground strikes. It has a maximum take-off weight of more than a ton, a radar station, several video cameras (including an IR system), other equipment and several modifications.

In 2001, a high-precision laser-guided missile Hellfire-C was created for it, which next year used in Afghanistan. The complex has four drones, a control station and a satellite communications terminal, and it costs more than four million dollars. The most advanced modification is the MQ-1C Gray Eagle with a larger wingspan and a more advanced engine.

The MQ-9 Reaper is the next American attack UAV, which has several modifications and has been known since 2007. It has a longer flight duration, controlled aerial bombs, and more advanced radio electronics. The MQ-9 Reaper performed admirably in the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns. Its advantage over the F-16 is its lower purchase and operating price, longer flight duration without risk to the life of the pilot.

1998 - the first flight of the American strategic unmanned reconnaissance aircraft RQ-4 Global Hawk. Currently, this is the largest UAV with a take-off weight of more than 14 tons, with a payload of 1.3 tons. It can stay in the airspace for 36 hours, while covering 22 thousand km. It is assumed that these drones will replace U-2S reconnaissance aircraft.

Review of Russian UAVs

What is at the disposal of the Russian army these days, and what are the prospects for Russian UAVs in the near future?

"Bee-1T"- Soviet drone, first flew in 1990. He was a fire spotter for multiple launch rocket systems. It had a mass of 138 kg and a range of up to 60 km. He took off from a special installation with a rocket booster and landed by parachute. Used in Chechnya, but outdated.

"Dozor-85"- reconnaissance drone for the border service with a mass of 85 kg, flight time up to 8 hours. The Skat reconnaissance and attack UAV was a promising vehicle, but work has been suspended for now.

UAV "Forpost" is a licensed copy of the Israeli Searcher 2. It was developed back in the 90s. "Forpost" has a take-off weight of up to 400 kg, a flight range of up to 250 km, satellite navigation and television cameras.

In 2007, a reconnaissance drone was adopted "Tipchak", with a launch weight of 50 kg and a flight duration of up to two hours. It has a regular and infrared camera. "Dozor-600" is a multi-purpose device developed by Transas, which was presented at the MAKS-2009 exhibition. It is considered an analogue of the American Predator.

UAVs "Orlan-3M" and "Orlan-10". They were developed for reconnaissance, search and rescue operations, and target designation. Drones are extremely similar in their appearance. However, they differ slightly in their take-off weight and flight range. They take off using a catapult and land by parachute.

A robot cannot cause harm to a person or, through inaction, allow a person to be harmed.
- A. Azimov, Three laws of robotics

Isaac Asimov was wrong. Very soon the electronic “eye” will take aim at the person, and the microcircuit will dispassionately order: “Fire to kill!”

The robot is stronger than the flesh and blood pilot. Ten, twenty, thirty hours of continuous flight - he demonstrates constant vigor and is ready to continue the mission. Even when the overloads reach the terrible 10 “zhe”, filling the body with leaden pain, the digital devil will maintain clarity of consciousness, continuing to calmly calculate the course and monitor the enemy.

The digital brain does not require training or regular training to maintain its proficiency. Mathematical models and algorithms for behavior in the air are forever loaded into the machine’s memory. After standing in the hangar for a decade, the robot will return to the sky at any moment, taking the helm in its strong and skillful “hands.”

Their hour has not yet struck. In the US military (the leader in this field of technology), drones make up a third of the fleet of all aircraft in service. Moreover, only 1% of UAVs are capable of using .

Alas, even this is more than enough to spread terror in those territories that are given over to hunting grounds for these ruthless steel birds.

5th place - General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper (“Harvester”)

Reconnaissance and strike UAV with max. take-off weight of about 5 tons.

Flight duration: 24 hours.
Speed: up to 400 km/h.
Ceiling: 13,000 meters.
Engine: turboprop, 900 hp
Full fuel supply: 1300 kg.

Armament: up to four Hellfire missiles and two 500-pound JDAM guided bombs.

Onboard radio-electronic equipment: AN/APY-8 radar with mapping mode (under the nose cone), MTS-B electro-optical sighting station (in a spherical module) for operation in the visible and infrared ranges, with a built-in target designator for illuminating targets for ammunition with semi-active laser guidance.

Cost: $16.9 million

To date, 163 Reaper UAVs have been built.

The most high-profile case of combat use: in April 2010 in Afghanistan, the third person in the al-Qaeda leadership, Mustafa Abu Yazid, known as Sheikh al-Masri, was killed by an MQ-9 Reaper UAV strike.

4th place - Interstate TDR-1

Unmanned torpedo bomber.

Max. take-off weight: 2.7 tons.
Engines: 2 x 220 hp
Cruising speed: 225 km/h,
Flight range: 680 km,
Combat load: 2000 lbs. (907 kg).
Built: 162 units.

“I remember the excitement that gripped me when the screen rippled and became covered with numerous dots - it seemed to me that the remote control system had malfunctioned. A moment later I realized it was anti-aircraft guns shooting! Having adjusted the drone's flight, I sent it straight into the middle of the ship. At the last second, the deck flashed before my eyes - so close that I could see the details. Suddenly the screen turned into a gray static background... Apparently, the explosion killed everyone on board.”

- First combat flight September 27, 1944

“Project Option” envisaged the creation of unmanned torpedo bombers to destroy the Japanese fleet. In April 1942, the first test of the system took place - a “drone”, remotely controlled from an aircraft flying 50 km away, launched an attack on the destroyer Ward. The dropped torpedo passed directly under the keel of the destroyer.

TDR-1 taking off from the deck of an aircraft carrier

Encouraged by the success, the fleet leadership hoped to form 18 attack squadrons consisting of 1000 UAVs and 162 command “Avengers” by 1943. However, the Japanese fleet was soon overwhelmed by conventional aircraft and the program lost priority.

The main secret of the TDR-1 was a small-sized video camera designed by Vladimir Zvorykin. Weighing 44 kg, it had the ability to transmit images via radio at a frequency of 40 frames per second.

“Project Option” is amazing with its boldness and early appearance, but we have 3 more amazing cars ahead:

3rd place - RQ-4 “Global Hawk”

Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft with max. take-off weight 14.6 tons.

Flight duration: 32 hours.
Max. speed: 620 km/h.
Ceiling: 18,200 meters.
Engine: turbojet with a thrust of 3 tons,
Flight range: 22,000 km.
Cost: $131 million (excluding development costs).
Built: 42 units.

The drone is equipped with a set of HISAR reconnaissance equipment, similar to what is installed on modern U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. HISAR includes a synthetic aperture radar, optical and thermal cameras, and a satellite data link with a speed of 50 Mbit/s. Installation possible additional equipment for conducting electronic reconnaissance.

Each UAV has a set of protective equipment, including laser and radar warning stations, as well as an ALE-50 towed decoy to deflect missiles fired at it.

Forest fires in California captured by Global Hawk

A worthy successor to the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft, soaring in the stratosphere with its huge wings spread. The RQ-4's records include long-distance flight (USA to Australia, 2001), longest flight of any UAV (33 hours in the air, 2008), and demonstration of drone refueling (2012). By 2013, the RQ-4's total flight time exceeded 100,000 hours.

The MQ-4 Triton drone was created on the basis of the Global Hawk. A naval reconnaissance aircraft with a new radar, capable of surveying 7 million square meters per day. kilometers of ocean.

The Global Hawk does not carry strike weapons, but it deservedly makes it onto the list of the most dangerous drones because it knows too much.

2nd place - X-47B “Pegasus”

Stealth reconnaissance and strike UAV with max. take-off weight 20 tons.

Cruising speed: Mach 0.9.
Ceiling: 12,000 meters.
Engine: from an F-16 fighter, thrust 8 tons.
Flight range: 3900 km.
Cost: $900 million for research and development work on the X-47 program.
Built: 2 concept demonstrators.
Armament: two internal bomb bays, combat load 2 tons.

A charismatic drone, built according to the “duck” design, but without the use of PGO, the role of which is played by the supporting fuselage itself, made using stealth technology and having a negative installation angle in relation to the air flow. To consolidate the effect Bottom part The fuselage in the bow has a shape similar to the descent vehicles of spacecraft.

A year ago, the X-47B amused the public with its flights from the decks of aircraft carriers. This phase of the program is now nearing completion. In the future - the appearance of an even more formidable X-47C drone with a combat load of over four tons.

1st place - “Taranis”

The concept of a stealth attack UAV from the British company BAE Systems.

Little is known about the drone itself:
Subsonic speed.
Stealth technology.
Turbojet engine with a thrust of 4 tons.
The appearance is reminiscent of the Russian experimental UAV “Skat”.
Two internal weapons bays.

What is so terrible about this “Taranis”?

The goal of the program is to develop technologies to create an autonomous, stealth strike drone that will allow high-precision strikes against ground targets at long range and automatically evade enemy weapons.

Before this, debates about possible “jamming of communications” and “interception of control” caused only sarcasm. Now they have completely lost their meaning: “Taranis”, in principle, is not ready to communicate. He is deaf to all requests and pleas. The robot indifferently looks for someone whose appearance matches the description of the enemy.

Flight test cycle at the Australian Woomera test site, 2013.

“Taranis” is just the beginning of the journey. Based on it, it is planned to create an unmanned attack bomber with an intercontinental flight range. In addition, the emergence of fully autonomous drones will open the way to the creation of unmanned fighters (since existing remotely controlled UAVs are not capable of air combat due to delays in their telecontrol system).

British scientists are preparing a worthy ending for all of humanity.


The war has no woman's face. Rather, not human.

Unmanned technology is a flight into the future. She brings us closer to the eternal human dream: finally stop risking the lives of soldiers and leave feats of arms to soulless machines.

Following Moore's rule of thumb (computer performance doubling every 24 months), the future could arrive unexpectedly soon...

Currently, unmanned aircraft systems are experiencing rapid growth throughout the world. Countries that have not previously carried out the scientific development and production of these high-tech complexes are entering the market of this segment of modern technology, namely: India, Pakistan, Iran, Syria , Poland, Czech, Norway. The undisputed leaders are USA , Israel, Germany who left far behind Russia. Distinctive feature The domestic market for unmanned systems is weak funding from the state. Significant funds for the development and production of unmanned systems are allocated only by the Ministry of Defense.

However, the demand for modern Russian market in unmanned systems is manifested not only in the need security forces, but also in other, purely civil spheres, namely: environmental monitoring; monitoring of pipelines and gas pipelines; mapping; forest protection, fish protection. Even a small application of unmanned systems in these areas produces tangible results. In the era Soviet Union The development of unmanned systems was carried out by large aviation manufacturers, such as the Tupolev Design Bureau; now many companies are engaged in this, initially not related to aviation, which came to this segment from other related industries. The scientific development and production of unmanned systems is carried out by the concern VEGA, Aerocon, Transas, Irkut, Rissa, etc.

EXperiments. Drones

According to the classification of the Ministry of Defense, there are 4 classes of unmanned systems

  1. short-range complexes (up to 25 km);
  2. Short-range UAV (up to 100 km);
  3. medium range (up to 500 km);
  4. long range (more than 500 km).

There is a demand for both expensive devices with a long flight duration (more than a day), and low-budget ones, which are a pneumatic gun that shoots a target load to a height of 200 meters with a photo, video camera and data transmission system, lowered to the ground using a parachute within 20-30 seconds

Among the 1st class UAVs, the Eleron-3SV and Eleron-10SV complexes from the Kazan company Enix received a good assessment from the Ministry of Defense specialists. These systems are recommended for use in Ground forces RF. Their airframes are made using an integrated circuit.

Short-range drones

The mass of the Eleon-3SV device without target load is 4.3 kg. It can be transported in a shoulder container or by road. Flight duration is about 2 hours, flight altitude is 5 km. The maximum range of data transmission via a digital video channel is 25 km. The device is launched using a rubber band or a pneumatic guide; landing is carried out using a parachute, which is released during landing by radio command.

"Elern-10SV" has a flight duration of 2.5 hours at a speed range of 75-135 km/h, transmits data over a distance of up to 50 km. The device lands with the help of a parachute in an inverted position on its back, which ensures the safety of information and fragile payload. In a similar way, the Israeli BirdEye-400 UAV lands, which was purchased Russian Ministry defense to study.

For the needs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for use in urban conditions, the Moscow Aviation Institute has developed a mini-helicopter “Raven” with a take-off weight of 32 kg. (payload weight up to 16 kg). With a 2-hour flight duration at a speed of 100-120 km/h, the complex allows you to distinguish people, car license plates... "Raven" can be used in difficult weather conditions, and is acoustically inconspicuous.

Strong competitors to helicopters are turbine-type drones, which are vertical take-off vehicles and are used to perform tasks that require close-range video surveillance, precise landing given point. They can be used anywhere, incl. in urban areas and in the forest, because The main rotor in such devices is located inside the housing. One of the few companies developing such promising UAVs is the Rissa company. The most famous is its development "Typhoon". The device is designed for 50 minutes of flight time and can be indispensable for studying the condition of buildings during non-destructive testing, for lifting equipment to low altitudes, and for monitoring traffic on highways.

Aileron-3SV Aileron-10SV Bird-Eye 400
Mini-helicopter "Raven" Flight-D Irkut-200
UAV "Yulia" Dozor-2 Dozor-3

Medium-range drones

Medium-range unmanned systems "Reis-D", which are in service with the Russian army, were developed by the Design Bureau named after. Tupolev. Currently, a medium-range UAV project is being developed based on a reconnaissance and strike complex with a Tu-300 vehicle (launch weight - 3 tons, speed up to 950 km/h, flight range - 300 km, capable of carrying weapons weighing up to 1 ton). .

The Irkut company has developed the Irkut-200 complex (length 4.53 m, wingspan 5.34 m, range up to 200 km). Structurally, it is a high-wing aircraft. The use of composite materials made it possible to reduce the weight of the device. The UAV takes a load weighing up to 30 kg. and up to 60 kg. fuel, which allows flights lasting up to 12 hours. Takeoff and landing are carried out on a platform up to 250m long. The advantage of the complex is high degree autonomy, as well as low cost life cycle and operation.

A larger device is the Yulia UAV with a take-off weight of 550 kg. with a payload of up to 100 kg. - developed by the Moscow Research Institute "Pendant". The drone is designed to fly for 12 hours and transmit information over a distance of up to 250 km. Takeoff and landing are carried out “like an airplane.”


Long-range unmanned systems

The issue of ensuring High Quality information transmitted by the UAV great importance assigned to the Transas company, which is a developer of marine and aviation navigation systems. This problem became key in the creation of the Dozor-3 complex, which belongs to the class of heavy medium-altitude UAVs with long flight duration. The payload of a UAV can be: video cameras and forward- and side-view radars, a thermal imager, an automatic high-resolution digital camera, a target load control system and information storage devices. For patrolling maritime and land borders, natural disaster monitoring, emergency situations Transas offers Dozor-2 and Dozor-4 to support search and rescue operations. "Dozor-4", in particular, is used border service FSB to fly over gas pipelines and take aerial photographs.

Transas' use of nanotechnology makes it possible to make its devices more stable and less noticeable to radar.

New Russian unmanned vehicle ORION Copy of the US unmanned vehicle MQ-9 Reaper

Problems and prospects for industry development

Russian manufacturers are dependent on imported components (engines internal combustion, electronic elements equipment, etc.). The lag also applies to small-sized vision systems, high-capacity power supplies, piston and electric propulsion systems. The production of cheap, promising composite materials is not sufficiently developed. However, work in the field of unmanned aircraft continues. According to experts, with sufficient funding, Russia’s gap with the leading countries developing and producing UAVs can be overcome in 5-6 years. Now, by order of the Ministry of Defense, the Sukhoi company is developing two aircraft-type UAVs - reconnaissance and strike. Transas is developing UAVs weighing up to 1 ton. The Kazan enterprise OKB Sokol is working on the creation of UAVs weighing 5 tons. According to the state defense order, the development of 3 drones, but of the helicopter type (short-range UAV weighing 300 kg, a drone with a take-off weight of 700 kg and a heavy attack unmanned helicopter) is being carried out by the Russian Helicopters holding company. Testing of the complexes created by these companies should be expected no earlier than 2014.

According to RIA Novosti, tests of the “Pacer” reconnaissance and strike unmanned aerial vehicle, created by the Kronstadt company (until 2015 the company was called “Transas”), began at the Gromov Flight Research Institute. This is a serious aircraft-type drone, the weight of which is 1200 kg, and the payload mass, which includes high-precision air-to-surface missiles, is 300 kg.

In connection with this event, there is hope that the Russian army will finally have attack drones. In this class of weapons, we not only lag behind the United States - we simply do not have them.

True, work in this direction has been carried out since the late 2000s. However, for now we can conditionally boast of the Dozor-600 UAV of the same St. Petersburg company Kronstadt, which made its first flight back in 2010. His trials began last year. However, absolutely nothing is known about either the start of mass production or entry into the army.

This delay is undoubtedly due to the fact that the Ministry of Defense would like to get something more impressive. Because “Dozor-600” is almost half inferior to the American “Predator” both in weight and in terms of payload mass. If you compare it with Reaper, you get a very sad picture. The payload of the “American,” which consists of missiles and bombs on six hardpoints, is 1,700 kg, while that of the “Dozor-600” is 120 kg.

It follows from this that instead of this development of Kronstadt, the army should receive the next one, made jointly with the Kazan Design Bureau Sokol - the attack drone "Pacer". True, this will not be a step ahead, since the new development will reach the level of the Predator, created in the last century, in its striking power. Most of the characteristics of the "Pacer" are classified. Therefore, we can only assume that the avionics on the Russian drone will be more advanced than that of the Predator. And in this area, Russian manufacturers have certain advantages. They apply to on-board radars, electronic warfare equipment, and weapons control systems. But, as already mentioned, the “bare metal” is about the same.

Flight characteristics of UAVs "Predator" and "Pacer"

Maximum take-off weight, kg: 1020 - 1200

Payload weight, kg: 200 - 300

Engine type: piston - piston

Maximum flight altitude, m: 7900 – 8000

Maximum speed, km/h: 215 - presumably 210

Cruising speed, km/h: 130 — presumably 120−150

Flight duration, hours: 40 – 24


By order of the Ministry of Defense, the Russian defense industry is creating three attack drones. We have already mentioned the lightest (weight about one ton). In order to bring the “Pacer” to the testing stage, the Kronstadt company spent about a billion rubles. However, these are not yet state tests of the aircraft. And you shouldn’t expect him to join the army any day now. "Kronstadts" claim that they intend to launch new development into mass production in 2018. However, for this you need to have not only a desire, but also a certificate confirming the quality of the product, that is, compliance of its flight characteristics with the requirements terms of reference. But, we repeat, “Pacer” will allow us to get closer to the yesterday of American strike unmanned aircraft.

More expensive - 1.6 billion rubles - is the cost of creating an attack drone weighing up to 5 tons. The tender for this order was won by the Kazan OKB Sokol named after. M.P.Simonova. This drone, called Althuis, is in the prototype stage of preparing for its first flight. But it will also allow you to get closer to today American attack unmanned aircraft, which by the time Althuis is adopted into service will already be ahead.

The characteristics of the Altuis UAV are also classified. However, according to information received from the customer, i.e. The Ministry of Defense knows that this drone will be close in its capabilities to the American MQ-9 Reaper, developed by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems and in operation since 2007. Since nothing is known about the characteristics of the Althuis other than the approximate weight of the vehicle, we will present the performance characteristics of only one Reaper.

Performance characteristics of the MQ-9 Reaper (“Harvester”)

Length - 11 m

Wingspan - 20 m

Maximum take-off weight - 4760 kg

Payload weight - 1700 kg

Maximum speed - 400 km/h

Cruising speed - 250 km/h

Range - 5900 km

Flight duration - up to 28 hours

Engine type - TVD

Engine power - 670 kW


Third Russian project the creation of an attack drone, which is being implemented by order of the Ministry of Defense, should make Russia a leader. The Okhotnik UAV belongs to the class of super-heavy drones; its mass is approximately 20 tons.

The project is not only complex, but also illustrates the dramatic development of the domestic aircraft industry. Firstly, not even drama, but a real tragedy that took place in the 90s, led to the fact that the Tupolev Design Bureau was forced to stop fine-tuning the already flying Tu-300 Kite attack drone. This serious machine with a turbojet engine was launched from a transport and launch container using two solid fuel boosters. The mass of the missile and bomb load exceeded a ton. The plane did not have landing gear; after completing the task, it landed by parachute.

If there were no intrigue and intraspecific struggle in the industry, in which the Sukhoi Design Bureau turns out to be the invariable winner, then the unique attack UAV “Scat”, whose weight is equal to 20 tons, would already be on the way to being put into service. In 2007, its full-size model was presented at the MAKS air show by the Mikoyan-Gurevich Design Bureau.

However, very soon, miraculously, funding for the project stopped. At least funds have already begun to flow into the industry to contribute to its revival. The most promising development was abandoned precisely at the moment when the MQ-9 “Reapers” began to arrive in the US Army. True, there is an “objective” reason for this - at that moment, the Minister of Defense took over the post of Anatoly Serdyukov, which began purchasing high-tech weapons outside the country. And, in particular, drones. Everything was fine with light and medium reconnaissance vehicles - Israel willingly sold them to us. However, the commercial partner was not in the mood to share heavy vehicles with high combat potential.

For this reason, we are now forced to catch up with the American days of yesterday (Predator) and today (Reaper).

After the end of the “Serdyukovism”, the frozen project also miraculously went to the Sukhoi Design Bureau. All developments of the MiG were transferred to the new developer. At the same time, RSK MiG participates in joint work on the creation of "Hunter".

The terms of reference for the “Hunter” were approved by the Ministry of Defense in 2012. Its details have not been disclosed. However, there is information that the new drone will belong to the class of sixth generation fighters. It will be built according to a block diagram, which will allow it to be used to solve a wide range of problems. The developers were determined to begin testing the prototype in 2016 and transfer it to the army in 2020. However, as usual, the deadlines have passed. Last year, the first flight of the prototype was postponed to 2018.

Since nothing is known about the flight characteristics of the Okhotnik, we present the characteristics of the Skat UAV. Logically, the Hunter’s performance should be at least as good.

Length - 10.25 m

Wingspan - 11.5 m

Height - 2.7 m

Maximum take-off weight - 20000 kg

TRD engine thrust - 5040 kgf

Maximum speed - 850 km/h

Range - 4000 km

Practical ceiling - 15000 m

Combat load - 6000 kg for 4 internal points pendants

According to experts, unmanned aerial vehicles have invaluable important for modern military aviation. The advent of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones as they are also called, has changed the tactics of combat operations. The “drone boom” occurred in the late 70s of the 20th century. The Americans are generally recognized leaders in the global production of drones.

The use of UAVs in Russia was seriously considered only in 2008. The basis for this was the Georgian conflict. After the events in Georgia, all the advantages that the use of drones can provide became obvious. Information about Russian military UAVs is presented in the article.

Getting to know the device

The abbreviation UAV stands for “unmanned aerial vehicle.” It indicates that a pilot is not needed to control this aircraft. The movement of the UAV can be controlled remotely: from an airplane, from the ground or from space.

About classification

Today, a huge number of different drones have been produced for aviation needs. Each model has its own configuration features and component characteristics. According to experts, UAV manufacturers in Russia have not yet developed standards for the manufacture of drones. This, in turn, led to a lack of requirements for the drone. UAVs can be classified using the following parameters:

  • Design.
  • Start type.
  • Special purpose.
  • Specifications.
  • Type of power supply for the power plant.
  • Navigation characteristics and radio frequency spectrum.

Types of drones

Unmanned aerial vehicles presented on the global aviation market are:

  • Uncontrollable.
  • Remote controlled.
  • Automatic.

Depending on their size, drones are divided into several groups:

  • Microdrones. Their weight does not exceed 10 kg. Such aircraft are designed for a one-hour flight.
  • Mini drones. UAVs weigh around 50 kg. They can stay in the air for 3 to 5 hours.
  • Midi. The weight of such a drone is about a ton. It is capable of overcoming 15-hour flights.
  • Heavy. The mass of such devices exceeds a ton. Of all the above types, these drones are considered the most advanced. Heavy UAVs are suitable for intercontinental flights.

Russia does not have a production base focused on the commercial or consumer market.

About the advantages of drones

Unlike manned airplanes and helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles have the following strengths:

  • UAVs have reduced overall dimensions, which cannot be said about traditional aircraft.
  • Drones are less expensive to produce.
  • The military command has the opportunity to use UAVs in combat conditions without putting the pilot’s life at risk. Due to the relative cheapness of the device, it is not a pity to “sacrifice” it if necessary.
  • Since UAVs are capable of transmitting received information in real time, they can be used for reconnaissance purposes.
  • Drones have high combat readiness and mobility. To launch them, there is no need to raise the entire flight crew.
  • Several UAVs can be used to form small mobile complexes.

About the disadvantages

Despite the presence of undeniable advantages, unmanned aerial vehicles are not without some disadvantages. Weaknesses UAVs are:

  • Unlike traditional aviation, such nuances as landing and rescuing the aircraft have not been sufficiently thought out for drones.
  • Drones are significantly inferior to controlled aircraft and helicopters in such a parameter as reliability.
  • In peacetime, the use of drones is limited.

The tasks of drones in civilian life

UAVs appeared immediately after the creation of the first aircraft. However, the production of drones was put into production only in the 1970s. As it soon turned out, with the help of these devices it is possible to carry out aerial photography, monitoring various objects, geodetic surveys, and deliver purchases to your home.

Areas of application of UPLs

In Russia, unmanned aerial vehicles are designed to perform the following tasks:

  • Monitoring and protection of state borders.
  • Intelligence and identification of terrorist threats.

Drones are widely used by the military during special operations in Syria. Drones are also used in agriculture. UAVs are used to carry out aerial photography and inspection of oil pipelines. According to aviation experts, the civil sphere in the use of UAVs in Russia (drones) occupies only 30%.

About use in the army

The direction for UAV production in Russia has been set by the military. Army command drones are used primarily for reconnaissance missions. It is in this direction that the main UAV manufacturers in Russia are working. In recent years, in addition to reconnaissance drones, attack drones have begun to be produced. TO separate group belong to kamikaze drones. In addition, some UAV models are adapted for electronic warfare against the enemy and for relaying radio signals. The drones can also provide targeting information for artillery guns. During military exercises in Russia, UAVs are used as relatively inexpensive aerial targets. Cheap production of drones allows the military to sacrifice these unmanned vehicles when performing important tasks.

About the first models of Russian drones

Compared to Israel and the United States, Russia today is significantly inferior in the production of UAVs. Many Russians are interested in the question of what kind of unmanned aerial vehicles their country’s military aviation has. One of the first, still Soviet, models is the Pchela-1T drone.

The UAV made its first flight in 1990. His task: to adjust the firing from the Smerch and Hurricane artillery guns. Today this model is in service with Russia. The Bee-1T UAV is designed for a range of up to 60 thousand m. The weight of the device is 138 kg. To launch the drone, a special installation and rocket boosters are provided. The drone lands using a parachute. "Pchela-1T" was used Russian army during Chechen conflict. During the military operations, this Russian UAV made ten flights. Two models were shot down by militants. According to aviation experts, today this model is outdated.

Another old-style Russian reconnaissance drone is the Dozor-85 model. After successful tests in 2007, the military ordered the first batch of 12 drones. "Dozor-85" is intended for border guards. The weight of the device is 85 kg. A UAV of this model can remain in the air for no more than 8 hours.

About the aircraft manufactured in 2007

"Skat" is a reconnaissance and attack UAV of Russia. The aircraft was designed at the experimental design bureau of Mikoyan and Gurevich and JSC Klimov. The location for the UAV display was the MAKS 2007 air show. The device was presented as a full-size mockup. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as the main developer of the Russian attack UAV, was the Sukhoi AKH. Soon, as stated CEO RSK "MIG" Sergey Korotkov, design work on the drone has been stopped. The reason for this was insufficient funding for the project. However, as stated by the CEO, as of 2015, production of the drone was resumed again. The project is funded by the Russian Ministry of Industrial Trade. The unmanned vehicle is intended for reconnaissance. In addition, with the help of aerial bombs and guided missiles, this device can fire at ground targets.

The size of the UAV is 10.25 m. The height of the drone is 2.7 m. The drone is equipped with a three-legged chassis and one turbofan engine RD-5000B, for which a flat nozzle is provided. The weight of the UAV is no more than 20 thousand kg. The aircraft is capable of transporting a combat load of up to 6 thousand kg. The drone is equipped with four suspension points. Their location was the internal bomb bays. The drone is capable of developing maximum speed 850 km/h. Designed to cover 4 km distances. The combat radius is 1200 km.

About the Russian-Israeli project

2010 was the year a contract for the production of drones was signed between the Russian military department and the Israeli company IAI. According to the agreement, the vehicles are assembled at aircraft manufacturing enterprises of the Russian Federation. The Israeli-made Searcher drone, produced in 1992, was taken as the basis. In Russia, the UAV was improved and renamed “Forpost”. The take-off weight of the drone is 400 kg. The flight range does not exceed 250 km. The device is equipped with a satellite navigation system and thermal imaging cameras.

Other models

Since 2007, reconnaissance activities have been carried out by aircraft models of the Tipchak UAV. The launch weight of the aircraft is 50 kg. The drone's flight duration does not exceed two hours. Conventional and infrared cameras are provided for the UAV.

In 2009 Russian company Transas released the Dozor-600 UAV. The aircraft is a multi-purpose drone. It was first presented at the MAKS-2009 exhibition. Experts believe that this drone is an analogue of the MQ-1B Predator. However, there is no reliable information about the exact characteristics of the American UAV. IN future plans Russian aircraft designers to equip the radar system with a video camera and a thermal imager. A target designation system is also being developed for the drone. Using Dozor-600, the military carries out reconnaissance and surveillance in front-line areas. Information indicating the strike capabilities of this drone is not yet available.

Russian military aviation uses the Orlan-3M and Orlan-10 UAV models. With the help of these devices, reconnaissance, search operations and target designation for salvo fire from artillery guns are carried out. Externally, both models of “eagles” are very similar. The minor differences are in their take-off weight and range. A special catapult is used to launch both drones. The UAV is landed using a parachute.

About the new Russian UAV

For the needs of the military, the aircraft manufacturing company Zala Aero Group has created a new model of unmanned aerial vehicle, which is known as the Zala 421-08. Main project manager: Zakharov A.V. The main task of the UAV is to carry out surveillance and correct salvo fire from artillery guns. In addition, a drone can be used to assess damage. According to experts, a distinctive feature of this aircraft is the ability to perform video and photo surveillance from a short distance. The drone uses a “flying wing” design. The drone is provided with:

  • Glider with autopilot.
  • Controls.
  • Power point.
  • Onboard power supply system.
  • Removable blocks containing target load.
  • A system that is responsible for landing using a parachute.

The drone body is equipped with special miniature LED lights. Thanks to them, the drone does not get lost at night. The vehicle is also equipped with automatic parachute landing. The video channel operates within a radius of 15 km, audio - 25 km. The drone has a short flight duration of only 80 minutes. Wingspan - 81 cm. Indicator maximum height the flight distance is 3600 m. The drone is launched from a catapult. Landing is carried out using a parachute or a special net. The aircraft is equipped with an electric traction motor. The drone has a speed of 65 to 130 km/h. The maximum take-off weight is 2.5 kg. The drone can be operated in temperatures ranging from -30 to +40 degrees, as well as at a maximum permissible wind speed of 20 m/s. The aircraft is equipped with a special module, with the help of which target tracking is carried out automatically.

About "Okhotnik-B"

Aviation designers of the Sukhoi and MiG companies are carrying out design work on the production of a modern model of Russian UAV. 2017-2020 - this is the time frame allotted to designers to create an unmanned aerial vehicle. In the documentation, the drone is listed as “Okhotnik-B”. In Russian media former leader The United Aircraft Corporation stated that the Sukhoi company is considered the main developer of the drone, and the MiG corporation acts as a co-executor in this project. According to the presenter Russian expert in the field of unmanned systems by Denis Fedutinov, the UAV will be no different in appearance from the reconnaissance and strike vehicles produced by the USA and technologically advanced European countries. When making a drone Russian designers the “flying wing” scheme was used. On this moment There is no more detailed information about the future aircraft. It is known that Okhotnik-B will belong to the type of heavy drones, and its flight and combat characteristics will be as close as possible to the parameters of the X-47B produced American company Northrop Grumman. Subsonic speeds will be possible for the Russian unmanned vessel, its range of action will be 4 thousand meters. It is planned to arm the Okhotnik-B with a variety of target loads, including shock ones. According to the expert, the mass of the load will be at least two tons. Flight tests are planned for 2018. The drone will enter Russian service no earlier than 2020.

About the manufacturers

The companies Geoscan Aero, Tranzas, Armair and Zala Aero (a subsidiary of the Kalashnikov concern) are carrying out design work to create unmanned aircraft for the economic and military sectors of the country.

Aviation specialists at the Tupolev plant are developing a new Russian drone. The products of these companies are in demand in both the military, industrial and commercial sectors. With the help of UAVs produced by Zala Aero, pipelines, reservoirs, state borders, and nature reserves are now monitored. Operational search activities are carried out using drones. The machines produced by Geoscan Aero are used primarily in the commercial sector. With their help, photo and video shooting and delivery of various goods to the customer are carried out.