Lesson notes for February 23, senior group. Lesson summary on the topic: “February 23” in the senior group

The lesson is dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Goal: familiarize childrenwith the concepts of “defenders of the Fatherland”, “army”

Objectives: to cultivate a sense of pride in your army; give an idea of ​​the types of troops, the names various types military equipment; clarify children's knowledge about the professions of fathers and about the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Guys, coming soon the people of our country will celebrate very important holiday. Whoeverbe one of you knows, Which?

This dayvery special

For boys and men -

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Every citizen knows!

Hello, holiday.

Hello, holiday,

Celebration of boys and dads.

Congratulations to all military personnel

Our cheerful kindergarten.

Song: “We guys are brave soldiers”

Educator; Why is the holiday called “Defender of the Fatherland Day”?Who are the "defenders" ? (defenders are those who protect other people.) Soldiers and military personnel protect our country from possible enemies. Therefore, Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday for all military personnel.

Guys, how many of you know what the Fatherland is? (the word "Fatherland" comes from the word "father".The Motherland is called Fatherland)

Whatprotect our military? (Our Motherland)

Howit is called? (Russia) Russia is the country where you and I were born and live. And our military protects it. Look , guys, what is this? (Flag) This is the flag of our country, Russia. So this is the Russian flag.

Educator; And now we will go to an exhibition dedicated to the soldiers of our Motherland, our Fatherland. Look at these pictures guys. Who are they depicting?(military, soldiers of our army.) Please note that different military personnel have their own uniform, depending on the type of troops. The sailors have a black uniform, a cap with ribbons on their heads, striped vests, sailor collars - jacks. Sailors serve on ships and sail on the open sea.

And these are the pilots. They are dressed in warm jackets and have helmets on their heads. Dress uniform green pilots, caps have cockades with wings. Pilots fly airplanes, for example , fighters.

Maybe someone knows what other military people wear helmets? (Tankers) Correct , and tankers also drive tanks. Here they are. Is there also an infantry fighting vehicle or fighting machine infantry.

The military men depicted in this picture are border guards. They are called that because , that they guard the border.A border is a line that separates the territory of one state from the territory of another state. Who helps border guards guard the border?(specially trained dogs.)

Let's play the game: "Flies, swims, walks." (cards are made from cardboard: blue – sailors;(swim) green – infantrymen; (marching) yellow - pilots (flying) all movements are made to the music. Fixing the name of the military branches.

Let's see if you remember what the soldiers from different kinds troopsand names of military equipment.

Riddles: Brother said: Take your time! You better study at school!

If you are an excellent student, you will become... (border guard)

The plane soars like a bird, there is an air border.

Our soldier is on duty day and night... (pilot)

The car is rushing into battle again, the tracks are cutting the ground,

That car in the open field is driven by... (tanker)

You can become a sailor to guard the border

And serve not on the ground, but in the military......(ship)

Who taxied there for takeoff?


And also, guys, since ancient times people have been proud of their defenders and came up with proverbs and sayings about them.

Sayings about the army.

To live is to serve the homeland.

It will not take on a brave enemy.

The stronger the friendship, the easier the service.

If the army is strong, the country is invincible.

Proverbs about the army.

He who serves honestly is the friend of glory.

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

Stand together for peace - there will be no war.

And now I offerI'm sorryword to the future defender:

The winds blow in February, the chimneys howl loudly,

A light drifting snow rushes along the ground like a snake.

Rising, the flights of planes rush into the distance. Timofey

This February celebrates the army's birth.

Our army is dear

ANDbraveand strong, Roma. Sh.

Without threatening anyone

She protects us.

Our army is dear

Preserves the peace of the country

So that we grow up without knowing troubles, Nastya.

So that there is no war.

We have soldiers and tank crews. Sailors,

All the guys are strong, they are not afraid of enemies. a lion

There are missiles somewhere, and the border is locked,

And it’s so wonderful that we can sleep peacefully. Diana

I invite the girls to congratulate our boys:

We want to wish you good health,

The best person in the world is to run and beat everyone at football. Sophia . D.

May good luck be with you. Only you are friends in dreams,

Help us in everything, protect us from others! Ksyusha

In general, dear boys, we will tell you a secret:

Of course, there is no one better than you in this world! Kate.

The girls give a postcard to all the soldiers with a smile!

We ask you not to offend us, but to protect and protect us! Alina .

Congratulations to the girls: presentation of gifts .

Olga Perekotiy
Lesson notes for February 23. (for children of the older group) “Our Army.”

(For older children) "Our Army".

1. Give children knowledge about army, to form their first ideas about the branches of the military, about the defenders of the Fatherland. Introduce children with military equipment .

2. Foster love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in one’s army. Cultivate a desire to be like strong Russian warriors.

3. Develop memory and imagination.

4. consolidate the ability to make an airplane according to a diagram, using existing skills in design

Preliminary work:

1. Looking at illustrations, postcards, photographs.

2. Reading fiction.

3. Listening musical works, dedicated army and defenders of the Fatherland.

Progress of the lesson.

Playback: - Guys, February 23 our people will celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. Who are the defenders of the Fatherland?

Children: Soldiers who defend the Fatherland.

Vosp.: What is the Fatherland?

Children: This is the Motherland.

Vosp.: That's right, the defenders of the Fatherland are warriors, that is, soldiers who defend our Motherland from enemies. And Motherland also means dear, like mom and dad. Homeland is the place where we were born, the country in which we live. The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about Homeland:

There is no land more beautiful than the Motherland our!

A person has one mother - one Motherland!

Guys, what do you think, one soldier can defend the Fatherland?

Children: no, you need a lot of soldiers.

Vosp.: Absolutely right, not in vain said: - Alone, not a warrior in the field. And when there are a lot of soldiers, it’s army. Every nation, every country has its own army. There is one in Russia too army, and she more than once defended her people from invaders.

The teacher suggests looking at pictures of military equipment.

play: What's in the pictures?

Children: ship, submarine, plane, helicopter, tank, missiles.

Vosp.: And in one word it’s called "Military equipment". What do you call the soldiers working on this equipment?

Children: On ships and submarines- Sailors. They protect the sea.

There is a tank driver on a tank, defending the earth.

Playback: right, and also There are border guards who protect the borders of our country, missilemen, pilots who protect the sky. And all together this is called the branch of the military.

Let's become pilots and fly on an airplane.

Physical education for a minute "Aircraft".

The planes buzzed

(rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows)

The planes took off.

(hands to the side)

They sat quietly in the clearing,

(sit down, hands to knees)

And they flew again.

(arms to the sides with rhythmic bends to the sides).

Vosp.: Soon our boys will grow up and go to serve in army. They will become soldiers of the Russian Army. Do you have to be a soldier to become a soldier?

Children: Strong, brave, dexterous, skillful.

The teacher offers the children, made from paper (origami) make airplanes and add the necessary parts to them. Children make them themselves according to the proposed scheme.

Vosp.:Who knows poems about airplanes?

Children: Planes in the sky,

White snow runs after them,

Let's go to the parade

We rushed after row after row.

Vosp.: Well done guys! Tell me about what types of troops did you learn about today?

Children list.

Vosp.: You coped with your task wonderfully, and you know that your dads are also defenders of the Fatherland, they served in army. Ask them at home what troops they served in, congratulate them and give them your plane.

Class ends with sounds "Air March" music by Yu. Hight.

Abstract joint activities teacher with older children preschool educational institutions groups. Defender of the Fatherland Day

Age group: older
Subject:"Decor book exhibition“Glory to the dear army!”
Type (varieties) of integrated activities for children: cognitive-communicative, productive-labor (modeling, monologue-description, manual labor, drawing).
Content of children's activities (didactic units):
Books about the army;
Encyclopedias about military equipment;
Military awards (WWII and modern);
Army photo album;
Elements of an army uniform (tankman and infantryman's hats, vest, duffel bag, binoculars);
Board game“Sky, sea and earth”, its components (playing field, cards, rules)
To consolidate knowledge about the defenders of the Motherland, cultivate respect for the Russian Army and a sense of pride in the process of jointly organizing the book exhibition “Glory to the Native Army!”;
develop the ability to analyze and present a jointly completed task by using a jointly consistent model of cooperation and carry out final control;
consolidate the ability to create a printed board game, composing it from parts, perform actions in accordance with visual algorithm making a printed board game;
improve the skills of word formation, reasoning, writing a story and description.
Materials and equipment:
Stimulus material:
invitation to participate in the exhibition design
Materials for children's activities:
materials for presenting assignments and performance results:
bookshelves to post materials with completed tasks;
self-assessment screen.
materials for transformation and transformation:
pictures depicting items needed for infantrymen, sailors and pilots.
material resources for children's activities:
A4 sheets of cardboard, 7-7 cm cardboard cards, artistic and visual aids (glue, colored pencils, felt-tip pens).
Didactic material:
symbol cards for laying out the cooperation algorithm,
monologue-description algorithm,
rebus (7I).
- Guys, I have a surprise for you! (Showing the duffel bag). What is this, have you guessed? That's right, we saw him in pictures in books. You will find out what is in the bag if you solve the puzzle. ( 7th). Well done! (I take out a doll family from my duffel bag, one doll in a military uniform)

What book is this family from? ( E. Uspensky “About Sidorova Vova,” how his whole family “nursed” him in the army). Guess why I brought you this family? I know you really like this funny story. Do you think it is suitable for our book exhibition “Glory to the Dear Army!”, which we have begun to design? (Dispute) (Depending on the decision, we put it on the shelf or not).
- When will dads come to us? Already this evening?! And we’re not all ready yet! What have we done so far? ( they put up books that they had read, books that they had made themselves, and also encyclopedias) What else do we always put on display? ( games, book characters, albums) There is a lot to do, you need to hurry! Do you think we can handle it? ( Yes) Hold hands, let's become confident. (ex. “Everything will work out!”).
- We will place new exhibits at the exhibition and remember what was said in the books, so that later, when the preparation is over, the guides will be able to introduce guests to all the exhibits. And the guide will be the one who collects the most awards for correct answers and listens to his friends.
- Remember the first defenders of Russia. ( heroes)
What heroes do you know? ( Alyosha, Dobrynya, Ilya) Radik knows a poem about them. Read it to us, please. ……..
- Why were they called heroes? ( they were very strong). How can I say it differently? ( mighty, strong, invincible). What weapons did they have? ( spears, swords, arrows, shields).
- The bodies of the heroes were protected by chain mail. Natalya Mikhailovna wove us a piece of such chain mail. Look at her and guess why she was called that? ( made from rings)
- The heroes had heroic horses. Can you distinguish the heroes from other horsemen? Let's check it now!
Physical exercise.
- Stand in one line! Pay off the first and second!
The first numbers go to the table with the number 1, the second numbers go to the table with the number 2. Each team will complete its own puzzle, and then we will find out which picture shows the heroes.
- The first game is ready! Place it on the bottom shelf in the center.
-We have another surprise! Egor brought a new exhibit to the exhibition. Bring out your surprise, Egor. Can you tell us whose awards these are? (Egor’s story about the medals of WWII veteran great-grandfather Leskov Vasily Fedorovich).
- Many years have passed since then, but Yegor’s entire family cherishes these medals because they are proud of their great-grandfather. Egor, will you allow us to put awards on the exhibition? Place it on the top shelf in the center where the most valuable exhibits are. Which? ( books we made ourselves). All guests will now know what kind of hero your great-grandfather Vasily Fedorovich Leskov was.
- We have a book at the exhibition about the war with fascist invaders? What is it called? ( M. Zoshchenko “Stories about war”) Why was she called that?
- The defenders of the fascists won. In honor of the victory over the Nazis, a parade was held in Moscow. Let's try and march like winners.
One, two, in step,
Three, four, step harder.
Soldiers go to the parade
And they take a step together.
Who walks together in a row?
Combat squad of guys.
Good afternoon everyone!
Get out of our way of laziness!
Don't bother me working
Don't interfere with your studies!
- I see that you remember everything well about the heroes and about the young defenders, well done! Can you tell your dads about other books too? Who will remind us of what we will learn if we read S. Baruzdin’s books “I’ll Be Like Dad” and “A Soldier Walked Down the Street”. (Child's story)
- These are the awards soldiers receive these days! (Showing modern awards) Do you like it? Boys, would you like to receive such awards? I am sure that you will definitely receive it when you go to serve in the army. Let's put the awards on the bottom shelf on the left.
-And in this book, the soldiers argued about whose service was the most interesting, difficult and necessary. There are many professions in the army. Do you know what professions there are in the army? Let's check it now! (Ball game “Who serves where”).
On the sea - sailors
In the infantry - foot soldiers
In the tank - tank crews
In artillery - artillerymen
With a parachute - parachutists
In the cavalry - cavalrymen
With a machine gun - machine gunners
With a machine gun - machine gunners
At the anti-aircraft guns - anti-aircraft gunners
IN missile forcesrocket men
They fly on an airplane - pilots
In a helicopter - helicopter pilots
On the border - border guards
In the landing - paratroopers
Provide communication - signalmen
- There are a lot of military professions!
- Whose dads served in the army? I know that you are proud of them and would like to tell the exhibition guests about it. How to do it? We have an album with soldiers' photographs your dads, but how can you find out whose dad it is? Who completed homework and interviewed dad? Who is the bravest and most willing to tell us what they have learned? You had this hint. (interview algorithm). (2-3 stories) I will write down your stories and we will insert them into the album next to the photographs. Now the guests will learn everything about our defenders. Let's put the album on the bottom shelf on the right, next to modern awards.
- Sasha’s dad, Andrei Vladimirovich, will never forget about his service in the army and his army friends, because he designed such an interesting album. You all liked him, do you think the guests will be interested in meeting Andrei Vladimirovich? Sasha, bring the album to the exhibition!
- We have accumulated a lot of army things! This is the headset that Nastya’s dad, Nikolai Alekseevich, gave us. Who do you think he was in the army? ( tanker). What is the name of this T-shirt?( vest) who wears such T-shirts in the army? ( sailors). What is this item for? ( to look into the distance) And here are two hats. Whose dad gave us the cap? Who gave the cap? What do you think a soldier wears and what does a commander wear?
- Do you know what pilots, sailors, and infantry need? I'll have to check it out!
Get in line! Pay off the first, second, third!
- The first numbers are pilots, the second are sailors, the third are infantrymen. I suggest you choose images of items for... ( pilots), the second team for... ( sailors), third for... ( infantrymen), then you need to glue the pictures onto cardboard and place them on the card. The winner will be the team that does everything quickly, accurately and is able to come to an agreement. (Children agree on cooperation using an algorithm, work, then discuss and evaluate the result). Here we have another game! We put it next to the first game on the same shelf.
- Our army is large and strong, there are many soldiers and commanders! What helps the army to be so powerful? ( Military equipment).
- In what books can you get acquainted with military equipment? ( encyclopedias). What shelf are they on? ( bottom left).
- Well, have you placed all the exhibits? Are all the shelves filled? Can I welcome guests? Who has the most awards, who will be the tour guide? To be confident and courageous you need to try. (Children evaluate the activity of their peers, choose a guide. The selected child conducts a tour using an algorithm for describing the exhibition).
-Did you like it? I really liked it too! This exhibition turned out wonderful! There are so many people who want to become tour guides! It would be nice if guests came every day. But no one knows that we organized such an exhibition. How to be? (Decision to make a poster and invitation cards).
Distribute responsibilities in accordance with the cooperation algorithm according to a joint-individual model, produce posters and invitation cards.
Complete the self-assessment screen.

1. Expand children’s understanding of public holiday;
2. Deepen children’s knowledge about Russian army;
3. Introduce children to different types of armed forces, branches of the military (“chevrons”, flags of troops);
4. Improve dialogic and monologue forms of speech;
5. Continue work to enrich the vocabulary;
6. To instill in children respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, patriotic feelings for the Motherland.

Guys, please tell me what holiday Russians celebrate on February 23rd.
- Right, Defender of the Fatherland Day!
- What do you guys think, what is the Fatherland? (children's answers).
- That's right, the Fatherland is ours Motherland. And for us, what kind of place is the Motherland? (children's answers)
- Our native land feeds us, raises us, but what can’t it do?
- Motherland cannot protect us. Who can do this? (our Russian army).
- Please tell me why our army is called Russian? (children's answers).
- Let's remember together: what three types of armed forces exist?
Drawings will help you with this: emblems and flags of the armed forces (children look at the drawings, remember the types of troops and arrange them correctly).

- What types of troops exist? (children's answers)

That's right, currently the Armed Forces include three types of troops:
*Ground troops
*Air Force

- Guys, what types of troops do you know?
(if the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps and shows pictures)
- Let's play together now

game “Name the military profession”

I will name the types of troops, show a picture, and you must name who serves in these troops.
- Let's start the game:
- V tank troops serves….(tankman)
- serves in the missile forces... (rocketman)
- V border troops serves... (border guard)
- Serves in the Signal Corps….(signalman)
-V airborne troops serves…(paratrooper)
-V navy serves….(sailor)
- V air force serves….(pilot)

- Well done, you did it successfully, you were able to choose the right military professions. And now a physical lesson for the staunch soldiers.

Physical exercise: “The Steadfast Soldier.”

Stand on one leg
If you are a persistent soldier.
Left leg to the chest,
Look, don't fall.
Now stand on the left,
If you are a brave soldier.

- Tell me, guys, what helps military personnel in their hard work?
(Military equipment).
- Now you and I will play

game "Find and distribute military equipment correctly"

In front of you is a poster with different types military equipment, you first need to look and determine what type of troops it belongs to this technique, trace this picture with a pencil desired color.
* blue - Air Force
* blue - Navy
* green - Ground troops
- Guys, on what basis can you distinguish military personnel from different branches of the military?
(insignia, according to the flag)
- I offer you a very difficult game

“Arrange the flags in accordance with the insignia - “chevron”

Here are cards with chevron insignia and cards with flags of the military branches. You need to choose the right flags for the chevrons.
For example:

-Well done!
- Guys, please tell me what we talked about, what games we played? What did you like most? What new did you learn?
- Guys, in our country every man who has turned 18, if his health allows, must serve one year in the army. This is very honorable.
- And what qualities should a warrior – a defender – have? (children's answers).
“The girls and I think that our boys will also be brave, persistent, brave defenders of the Fatherland. Educator: Topol Tatyana Viktorovna.

Subject: "Our army is dear"

Objectives: To give children knowledge about the national holiday of February 23, about the Russian army and the branches of the military (sailors, border guards, pilots).

Clarify the idea of ​​a defender of the Fatherland - a warrior who guards and defends his people, the Motherland.

To foster a sense of pride in your army, to evoke a desire to be like strong, brave Russian soldiers.

Equipment: Postcard "Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day", family photos, illustrations with the image various genera troops, photographs of monuments.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Above the Kremlin wall-

Aircraft flights.

Glory to the dear army

On her birthday.

Our army is strong and strong

She protects our peaceful work.

loves the army Russian people

She protects her native land.

They serve in the army strong people

We will grow up and be the same

We will become strong and dexterous

Strong and skillful.

2. Guys, tell me what this poem is about?

(About our Russian army).

Why do we need an army? (To protect your people, your homeland). There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. On February 23, our people will celebrate the birthday of the Russian Army. This is a holiday of our defenders: soldiers, commanders, your grandfathers, dads, brothers and someday in the future you. On this day it is customary to congratulate our men on the holiday.

3. Let's look at this postcard.

Who do you see here? (A soldier with flowers, he was surrounded by children, they congratulated him on the holiday. The girls give him flowers, and the boys pretend to be military men. They want to be like a soldier).

4. Guys, there are defenders of the Fatherland in every family: these are your grandfathers, older brothers and, of course, your beloved dads.

(looking at photographs from a family album).

5. Every nation, every country has its own army. And she more than once defended her people from invaders.

The army has various kinds troops: border guards, sailors, pilots, tank crews, artillerymen. All these troops have their own insignia, their own military weapons.

Listen to the poem:

North, south, east and west -

The right compass is at hand

Don't be sad, don't cry

The law of the sea speaks!

Sailors are experienced people

Will never let you down

Captains are growing up

Great seas await them.

Who is this poem about? (about sailors). What does a sailor need for service? (ship, anchor, steering wheel, binoculars).

Game "airplanes".

Listen to another poem:

Birds fell asleep on the branches

The stars in the sky don't shine

Hidden by the border

Border guard detachment.

Border guards are not asleep

At the native border

Our sea, our land

Our sky is being guarded.

Who is this poem about? (about border guards, about people who guard the borders of our Motherland).

What do border guards need for service? (dogs, binoculars, machine gun).

Game "Wait, who's coming?"

Now listen to what kind of military we're talking about in this poem?

Welcoming the dawn of youth

Under the shadow of wings and rockets

And guard the heights

Those who are on duty today.

This poem is about pilots. What does a pilot need? (airplane, parachute)

Game "Boarding"

6. Military package (viewing military photographs)

7. Guys, our people remember and honor the defenders of our Motherland. There are different monuments in many cities. Look at these photos.

8. Guys, do you know why on a holiday evening from a quiet clear skies suddenly there is thunder? Multi-colored stars fly over the rooftops: will they rise and then melt away in an instant? (This festive fireworks). This is a good fiery reminder of the strength and glory of our defenders.

I suggest you make a festive fireworks display in this evening sky (children put fireworks on fabric).

Let the fireworks bloom in winter

For the soldiers of the Fatherland,

Let him reign over the whole Earth

Peace for humanity.