Extracurricular event on the topic "algorithms". Equipment and visual material

Date of publication: 02/13/17

$14. What is an algorithm?

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational: formulate the concepts of “algorithm” and “performer”.
  • Developmental: promote the development of algorithmic and logical thinking, creative activity of students, interest in the subject; promote the development of the ability to plan a sequence of actions to achieve a goal.
  • Educational: to form an information culture.

Lesson type: Learning new material.

Lesson type: Combined.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual.

Forms of training: collective.

Characteristics of the student population: 6th grade.

Level of study of the discipline: basic.

Lesson time: 45 minutes.

Equipment: presentation, projector, interactive whiteboard, Cucaracha program, handouts.

Lesson plan:

  • Organizational start of the lesson
  • Checking homework
  • Updating students' knowledge
  • Learning new material
  • Reinforcing the material learned
  • Summarizing
  • Homework
  • Grading
  • Organizational end of the lesson
  • Good morning, guys. Have a seat. My name is Dubinina Anastasia Yuryevna and today’s computer science lesson will be taught by me. Who is absent?
  • Let's remember yesterday's lesson. (slide)
  • And we move on to a new topic of the lesson. Guys, do you like cartoons? (Yes). Then all attention is on the screen . (slide)
  • The concept of an algorithm has been known in mathematics for a long time. The term comes from the name of the great scientist of Central Asia and the medieval East, Muhamad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi. With the help of algorithms, not only traditional computational problems in mathematics are solved, but also many others that arise in everyday life or at work. Each of us uses various algorithms every day: instructions, rules, recipes, etc. We usually do this without thinking. For example, when opening a door with a key, no one thinks about the sequence in which to perform the actions. However, in order to teach someone to open a door, you will have to clearly indicate both the actions themselves and the order in which they should be performed. The same will be required when specifying the travel route.
  • Now sit down at the computers. Oh no! Our computers have been blocked by the evil plankton from SpongeBob and we need to quickly find the password before he erases all the data. To do this, I give you task cards. It is necessary to arrange the order of actions correctly. And you will get a phraseological unit. This is the password to the computer. Forward!
  • What topic did we cover? (Graphs and diagrams)
  • What is a schedule? (A graph is a line that gives a visual representation of one quantity versus another)
  • What is a diagram? (A diagram is a graphical representation that gives a visual representation of the relationship between several quantities or several values ​​of one quantity).
  • How many types of diagrams do you know? (3)
  • What types of diagrams do you know? (Circular, columnar, petal).
  • What is a pie chart used for? (Serves to equalize values ​​at one point)
  • What about columnar? (Allows you to compare multiple quantities at multiple points).
  • And finally, petal? (Each point in a data series has its own axis.)

You guys are great!

For this lesson, Marina Belokoneva, Roman Kardashov and Anna Ryzhkova had to prepare reports. You are ready? You have 3 minutes to speak, since we don’t have much time.

Thank you very much to the guys for the wonderful performances!

Why do you think bits and bytes didn't understand the boss's instructions?

Let's see if you know how not to confuse people and correctly express your thoughts.

Tell me step by step the steps of how you get ready for school.

How do you buy milk?

And in what lessons do we still encounter a sequence of actions? (mathematics: find a GCD, Russian: determine the part of speech, conduct a phonetic analysis of the word).

As you already understand, the topic of our today’s lesson is “Algorithm ".(slide) We open our notebooks. We write down today’s date – December 9th and the topic of the lesson.

So let's write it down : (slide) Algorithm- this is an accurate and understandable instruction (instruction) to perform a sequence of actions aimed at achieving a specified goal or solving a given task. And who can execute the algorithms?

In the “pre-computer” era, a person was meant as an executor of algorithms (in extreme cases, an animal in a circus). A person constantly uses algorithms to solve problems, without thinking about it, mechanically (automatically). Today, many automatic devices and, above all, of course, a computer serve humans as executors of algorithms. At the same time, the compilation of the algorithm must be especially responsible and thorough, since the machine cannot guess and correct errors. In this sense, she is an ideal performer. Let's write it down:

(slide) Performer is a device or living creature capable of performing actions prescribed by an algorithm. Examples of performers: a person, a computer, a washing machine, a dog, etc. Give other examples of performers.


Arrange the actions in the required order (“Planting a Tree” algorithm):

o) put the shovel and watering can in place:

c) take a shovel and a seedling;

o) plant a seedling in a hole;

r) dig a hole;

p) take a watering can with water and water the seedling;

e) fill up the hole.

Arrange the actions in the required order (algorithm “Sewing on a button”):

f) put the needle and scissors in place;

x) cut a thread of a suitable color;

d) take a shirt;

a) thread the needle;

i) sew on a button;

s) take a needle and scissors;

m) choose a suitable button.

What phraseological unit did we get in the end? (Second wind). Right! Let's give our computer a second wind. Let's introduce this phraseological unit together and in capital letters.

On your desktop, find the Cucaracha program. We launch it by double-clicking the left mouse button. Now I will give you a task. And you must do it in this program.

The program fulfills 5 conditions: LEFT. RIGHT, DOWN, UP, STAND. It is in capital letters that you can enter command data into the input line. One word at a time! To start the algorithm, press the green triangle.

Cucaracha stands in the cage (1;1). Where will it end up after executing the following commands?





Let's now turn the word "Hammer" into "Hank". To do this, starting from cell (1;1) to cell (1;7) we write the word “Hammer”. We place the cucaracha on the square (2;3).

Now let's start the transformation.

Try to turn “Bear” into “Mouse” yourself.

We write from (2;2) to (2;6) the word “Bear” in the square (3;4) the letter “Y”.

We put the cucaracha on (3;3).

Write the algorithm in your notebook.

Try to turn “Murashka” into “Murka” yourself.

We write from (1;4) to (1;10) the word “Goosebumps”. We put Cucaracha on (2;8).

Write the algorithm in your notebook.

Great job!

6.So, guys, what is an algorithm? What can you tell us about the algorithm executor? Where do we find the algorithm? Well done!

7.Open the diaries. Let's write down homework for the next lesson: paragraph 14, questions, at home create any algorithm on any topic. For example, “I’m brushing my teeth.”

8. Lesson grades.

9.Thank you everyone! The lesson is over. See you soon.

Lesson Objectives:


    consolidate the ability to build and execute algorithms containing branching and looping;


    development of cognitive interest;

    development of logical thinking, memory, attention;

    formation of information culture.

    developing the ability to collaborate and work in a group,


    education of personal qualities: activity, independence, accuracy in work;

Requirements for knowledge and skills:

Students should know:

    the concept of an algorithm and its varieties: branching and looping;

    definition of logical operations AND and OR.

Students should be able to:

    compose and execute algorithms containing branching and/or looping, specified in the form of a verbal description or flowchart;

    use standard computer software to view text or graphics.

Lesson type: summary lesson

Lesson type: combined in quiz form

Methods for organizing educational activities:



Software and teaching software:

computer, image viewer, assignments, presentation on theoretical material (given in the appendix) for the interactive whiteboard

During the classes

I. Teacher's opening speech.

Today we are summing up the study of the section of the computer science course “Algorithms”. We will conduct the lesson in the form of a quiz, for which we need to split into two teams of players and two groups of fans of the teams. The command names will be “Start” and “End”. Why such names? (students should remember that these are two important commands in the notation of any algorithm, and also remember why these commands are important). We divide the children into teams, seat them at three groups of tables so that the teams sit opposite, and also select jury members (if possible). It is advisable to involve the entire class in teams and juries.

II. Updating what has been learned (warm-up).

As a warm-up, the teams are offered two logical problems: the problem about the tiger and the emperor's daughter and the problem about the parrot.

By solving problems, teams can score up to 3 points.

II I. First competition – “Proverb on a flowchart”

The teams are given several proverbs, coded in the form of an algorithm flowchart. Quiz participants must unravel the proverb. Depending on the speed of solving, you can offer a different number of tasks. Below are examples of assignments.

Obstacle in the form of a hill










A smart person won't climb a mountain, a smart person will go around a mountain

Strike while the iron is hot

The jury reviews the answers and awards teams points: for a completely correct answer - 3 points, for a partially correct answer - 1 or 2 points.

IV . Second competition – “Gaps in Proverbs”

The teams are offered several proverbs with spaces in the words. You need to guess where the extra spaces are and remove them. For correct completion of the task, up to 3 points are awarded. Examples of tasks are shown below.

V . Third competition – “Write down an algorithm”

In this competition, teams are asked to watch two fragments from a cartoon that describe algorithms for performing certain actions, and then write down these algorithms in the form of flowcharts. For correct completion of the task, up to 3 points are awarded. Video clips are included in the appendix.

VI . Fan Contest "Weather Fairy"

At the end of the quiz, there is a team fan competition in which fans can bring points to their team.

Lesson summary

The jury calculates the final points and announces the winner. You can prepare prizes for the winners and consolation prizes for the remaining teams.


    Computer science in games and tasks. 4th grade. Textbook-notebook in 2 parts, part 1. M., Balass, 2004 onwards.

    Internet resources.

Quiz game “Ah, Algorithm, Algorithm, Algorithm...” 2nd course

Shulgina Diana Sergeevna

Educational institution: G. Serpukhov, GBPOU MO "Serpukhov College"

Item: OP.08 “Theory of Algorithms”

Course: 2

Subject: Extracurricular activity, quiz game “Ah, Algorithm, Algorithm, Algorithm...”

Time of implementation of the educational event: 1 hour


Consolidating and deepening the knowledge gained in the lessons of the subject OP.08 “Theory of Algorithms”;

Increasing student interest in the subject OP.08 “Theory of Algorithms.”


educational: developing algorithmic thinking skills; development of logical and abstract thinking;

educational: development of teamwork skills;

developing: generalization, systematization, analysis and application of acquired knowledge.

Required equipment and materials:

Multimedia projector, laptop, screen, printouts with tasks, a “success card” for each team for the jury, tables, pens, clocks, prizes.

Preparatory stage: Teams have been completed (each team has 4-5 people), a jury has been formed (3 people), tasks for the stations “Assemble an algorithm”, “Fill out the flowchart” and “Crossword”, and sheets of paper with numbers have been printed. Those who are not involved in the game are in the hall as spectators.

Leading: teacher

The presentation was made in the environmentMicrosoftOfficePowerPoint 2007;

- necessary equipment: laptop, multimedia video projector, screen.

Progress of the game:

Slide 2 is on the screen.

Leading: Hello guys!

Today we are holding a quiz game“Ah, Algorithm, Algorithm...” In class you met this important gentleman and you know that it is impossible to live without him in a country called “Informatics”.

Our path will pass through 5 competition stations. Based on the results of these competitions, a winner will be revealed - a jury will monitor your answers (the presenter introduces the jury members ).

In order to start the game, we need the captains to introduce their teams, because the name of the team is an important matter. Remember what Captain Vrungel said? - “Whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail”! and by lot (pulling out pieces of paper with numbers ) showed their homework.

The captains introduce themselves and represent their teams.

Leading: Now you can hit the road! Our Great Algorithm awaits!

    Station "Warm-up"

The first station on our way is the “Razmka” station. Teams must answer the questions presented. Whoever gives the correct answer first gets a point. Answers are only accepted if the captain raises his hand. If the answer is shouted out, no points are awarded. The jury monitors discipline and will deduct points for violations.

The team has 20 seconds to discuss before giving their answer. We discuss quietly so as not to disturb or prompt the other team.


    Please indicate an extra answer. Algorithm properties: (slide 3 )

A. mass character

b. discreteness

V. unambiguity

answer: in

    From which scientist did the term “algorithm” come from? (slide 4 )

A. Euclid

b. Al-Khwarizmi

V. Archimedes

answer: b

    A person or robot that carries out someone's commands is called... (slide 5 )

A. assistant

b. executor

V. program

answer: b

answer: mouse

    What computer device is used to process information? (slide 7 )


b. Winchester

V. scanner

answer: a

2. Station “Assemble an algorithm” ( slide 8 )

Leading: I have envelopes with assignments in my hands. They contain mixed up parts of the algorithm. Your task is to create the correct algorithm. At the end, the captain reports that the team is ready and the jury members check the work.

Distributes envelopes with tasks to the teams.

5-7 minutes are allotted, the jury checks the correctness of the algorithms.


When checking the task on the screen, slides 9 and 10

3. Station “Fill out the flowchart” ( slide 11 )

Leading: Guys, you have block diagrams on your cards. From the proposed options, you need to find algorithms that correspond to one or another block diagram and fill it out, while in one of the algorithms the initial value of the number X and its final value are given after executing this algorithm. Therefore, it is necessary not only to select the correct algorithms, but also to write down the commands in the correct order so that the result corresponds to the final value of the number X. For this, the team will receive additional points. To do this, you have pens on your table.

The captain informs about the readiness of the teams.
Find the correct answer and fill out the flowchart. Checking the jury's answers. 10-12 minutes.


At this time there is a competition for spectators! "Identify the proverb" slide 12

When checking the task on the screen, slides 13 and 14

4. Station “Crossword!” ( slide 15 )

Solve the crossword puzzle.


    Method of describing the algorithm

    A property of an algorithm that determines whether a process can be terminated

    Message, mixing, knowledge, skills

    An object that can perform a specific set of actions

    A strictly defined sequence of actions when solving a problem

    Method of describing the algorithm

    Synonym for algorithm

    Information processing device

    Brush, pencil, what are these objects called in a graphics editor?

    Graphic image

    Individual algorithm action

Answers: on slide 15












Up comes the sweetness of Logic for the audience

5. "Logic" ( slide 17-18 )

Leading: Here we are at the last station. A little more and His Majesty the Algorithm will determine the winner. Logic task. Each team is given its own individual task. 10 minutes are allotted for everything.


1. The lady checked in a backpack (P), a suitcase (H), a traveling bag (S) and a basket (K) as luggage. It is known that a suitcase weighs more than a basket and a backpack; a suitcase and a backpack weigh more than a suitcase and a basket; the basket and the bag weigh the same as a suitcase and a backpack. Which of the proposed chains corresponds to the arrangement of the lady's things in descending order of their mass?


Answer: 3

2.Vika, Sonya, Borya, Denis and Alla are standing in line at the school cafeteria. Vika stands ahead of Sonya, but after Alla; Borya and Alla are not standing next to each other; Denis is not close to Alla, Vika, or Borya. In what order are the guys standing?

The answer is written as a string of five characters corresponding to the first letters of the children's names. For example, the line VSBDA corresponds to the fact that the children are in the following order: Vika, Sonya, Borya, Denis, Alla.


Answer: 4

3. A chain of beads marked with the letters A, I, B, D, O is formed according to the following rules: the vowel letter comes first; after a vowel in the chain there cannot be a vowel again, and after a consonant there cannot be a consonant; the last letter cannot be a consonant letter that is in second and fourth place at the same time, and the first letter must be the only one.

Which of the proposed chains was created according to these rules?


Answer: 2

4. On Monday, one of the classes should have four lessons: mathematics (M), physics (F), computer science (I) and biology (B). Teachers expressed their wishes regarding the scheduling. The mathematics teacher wanted to teach the first or second lesson, the physics teacher - the second or third lesson, the computer science teacher - the first or fourth, the biology teacher - the third or fourth.

Which schedule option will suit all teachers?



Slide 16 While the teams decide "Logic station for viewers" . Whoever guesses the word the fastest and raises his hand to guess it. Shouting will not be accepted.

Answer: computer


The jury sums up the results and announces the winning team. Members of the winning team receive prizes, while the losing team receives a consolation prize.

Slide 19

Leading: Our game has come to an end. There are no losers in it - after all, we have become even more friends with His Majesty the Algorithm.

Thank you all for your work. See you again!

The purpose of our quiz: systematize the knowledge and skills acquired during a whole year of studying computer science within the walls of our school and apply them in new conditions, and each of you has the opportunity to identify gaps in knowledge and better prepare for the final test. For today's lesson you will need ingenuity, erudition, speed of reaction and the ability to analyze.

Lesson type: integrated application of knowledge and methods of action.

Equipment and visual material:

Musical arrangement; Poster “Quiz” “Me and Computer Science” Magnets Paper and pencils for participants and jury. “Jury” plate Plates with the names of teams Cards with questions for the captain competition Cards with questions for the “decoder” competition Cards with puzzles

Preliminary preparation for the quiz:

Divide the group into 2 teams Choose a name Make computer-themed posters for a poster competition Choose a captain Prepare prizes Invite a jury

Organizational part

Welcome Topic and purpose of the lesson Presentation of the jury Today's quiz is judged by a very competent jury consisting of:

Chairman: a person who has nothing to do with computer science, and therefore will be very objective towards the participants, and also has the loudest voice among teachers, very subtle humor and great popularity among students:__________________________
Jury members: master of education, major authorities in the field of educating the younger generation; people who are indirectly related to computer science, but directly related to the quiz participants: _________________________
And finally, people who are directly related to computer science: group No. 82

    Presentation of teams and captains.

Business Card Competition
Captains introduce their team: its name, emblem, motto.

Main part of the Scrabble Competition

Representatives of each team answer 1 person in turn. The answer is 1 second. For a correct answer - 1 point. If a team gives an incorrect answer, the other team is given the opportunity to answer.
Action performed with a key (pressing) Incorrect entry in the program (error) Translate the word “calculate” into English (computer) Zero or one in computer science (bit) A special program that performs unwanted actions on the computer for the user (virus) Addressable memory element ( cell) A strictly defined sequence of actions when solving a problem (algorithm) An instruction to the performer (command) A problem to be solved (task) A computer device used to display text and graphic information (monitor, display) A graphical method of presenting information (block diagram) Symbol - separator (space) The simplest device for calculations (accounts) Flexible magnetic disk (floppy disk) This is what specialists in their field are called (ac) The “alternative” procedure, how can it be called otherwise? (branching, choice) The “brain” of the computer (processor) The cracker of computer programs (hacker) The currency in which the programmer receives his salary in India (rupee) A type of computer program popular among schoolchildren (a game) A repeatedly repeated part of an algorithm (program) (loop) Printing device (printer) Location indicator on the screen (cursor) A state in which the computer is turned on and does not respond to user actions (freeze) Information storage location (memory) Special rules that determine the principle of constructing words and sentences (syntax) Beginner user (teapot) How to in computer jargon, a collection of hardware (hardware) is called the World Wide Web (Internet) A pocket computing device (calculator) A sign used to separate an integer part from a fraction in computer science (Dot) What is the name of a person who is a fan of computer games (gamer) A numerical representation of the teacher’s opinion about student’s work (evaluation) Analysis of the program (analysis) Preliminary scoring.

Two competitions are held simultaneously - the "Captains" competition and a competition for the whole team - the "Decoder" competition

Captains competition

There are 4 question cards available. Captains choose 2 questions. Think about the questions for 2 minutes. Correct answer - 1 point. For an early answer - 1 point.
What is the connection between a city in England, a 30x30 caliber gun and one of the elements of the computer? (all of them are connected by the word “Winchester”) When a “mouse” type manipulator appeared, the name for it in the Russian language was used for some time after the name of a character in a famous Russian fairy tale. Name this character. (Kolobok) Why is a processor called a stone in computer jargon? (the basis of the processor chip is a high-purity silicon crystal) The first APPLE PC, according to legend, was born in a garage in Silicon Valley (USA) in 1977. However, in 1981, one company released a more successful PC model, which for the near future became the standard and conquered markets on all continents. Name its brand (IBM) Competition "Decoder"

The team is given cards with proverbs, which are paraphrased in a computer way. The guys' task is to translate them into a generally accepted form. For a correct answer - 1 point.
Better a Corvette on the table than a Pentium in a dream. Each new program is a well-forgotten old one. They are greeted by computers and escorted by programs. Learning algorithms is always useful. It's good to have a long rope and a short program. The program is not expensive, the algorithm is expensive. Preliminary scoring.

Poster competition

The teams were given homework to prepare propaganda posters. 5 points for the poster.

Competition "Programmer"

Students are given a listing of the program where they need to complete the task. The task is completed for a time and for the correctness of the result obtained.
For speed - 5 points.
For the correctness of the completed task - 5 points.
Using the manual calculation given in the following program, determine what grade S the computer will give if the answers to the questions are as follows:
a) 46, 45, 84, 8, 58;
b) 13, 45, 84, 8, 58;
c) 46, 17, 13, 49, 58;
d) 47, 45, 84, 9, 57;
e) 46, 4, 7, 8, 58;

10 LET S=0
40 IF N= 46 THEN S=S+1
70 IF N= 45 THEN S=S+1
100 IF N= 84 THEN S=S+1
130 IF N= 8 THEN S=S+1
160 IF N= 58 THEN S=S+1
180 END

Preliminary scoring.

Competition "Inforebuses"

Teams are given 5 computer-themed puzzles; they need to solve them within 5 minutes.