How to make a triangular photo in Photoshop. How to make a soldier's triangle out of paper

In this article you will learn how to draw in Photoshop different types triangles: equilateral, isosceles, scalene and rectangular.

How to draw an equilateral triangle

An equilateral triangle has all three sides equal.

The easiest way to draw such a triangle in Photoshop is to use Polygon tool.

Select this tool and in the settings panel immediately specify the number of sides - 3.

The next step is to decide what the future triangle should be: a vector shape, a raster shape with a solid fill, or just an outline is needed. Consider all options.

Vector triangle

In the options bar, select the option Shape layer.

Now you can draw the triangle itself. During creation, you will see its boundaries. This is necessary in order to calculate its dimensions. Also, until you release the mouse button, you can rotate it.

The good thing about a vector triangle is that you can quickly change its color, as well as painlessly change its size without losing quality. To do this, call the command - Ctrl+T.

To later turn it into a raster triangle, use the command.

Raster triangle with solid fill

You will get the same triangle as in the example above, but it will be immediately in the raster.

To do this, in the options bar you need to select the setting Fill pixels.

Before creating such a triangle, you must first.

Now draw a shape and it will be like the most ordinary bitmap element.

How to Draw the Outline of an Equilateral Triangle

For such a shape, select the option in the options bar Outlines.

Draw a triangle. Naturally, you will only get its outline. Next, with the same tool selected, right-click inside the path. A context menu will appear. Select a team Create a selection area.

A dialog box will open. Leave the feathering radius at 0. Click OK.

As a result, we made it from the outline.

To do this, run the command Editing - Stroke. A window will appear in which you specify the thickness of the stroke line, as well as how it will pass relative to the dotted selection line: inside, in the center, outside.

Photoshop has made a stroke, now remove the dotted selection line so that it does not interfere - Ctrl+D. Result:

How to draw an isosceles triangle

An isosceles triangle has two equal sides.

Let's look at an example when you need to draw isosceles triangle specified sizes. Let's say the base is 300 pixels and the height is 400 pixels.


Isosceles triangle given dimensions drawn!

In a right triangle, one of the angles is 90 degrees.

If you need a right triangle with advance known sizes, for example, the sizes of the legs are 200 and 300 pixels, then the easiest way to do this is as follows:

Step 1

Create new document in Photoshop with the height and width equal to the dimensions of the legs: for example, let the width be 300 pixels and the height 200 pixels.

The work area in Photoshop is always rectangular shape, so an angle of 90 degrees will already be provided. The two sides of a rectangle are its legs. All that remains is to draw the diagonal - this will be the hypotenuse.

Step 2

We will proceed by analogy with the example above. Take the tool Line and set the option Shape layer.

Now draw a line around the edges and connect two points diagonally:

Step 3

There are again three shape layers in the layers palette. They can be combined into one layer (command Merge Layers).


The right triangle is ready, you can paint it in any color:

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

There are many areas in which you could apply your Photoshop knowledge. I can tell you with confidence that sometimes for two different areas the skills required are so different that it’s simply amazing. The designer may not even imagine how to retouch a portrait. And the photographer will have no idea how to work with rulers. But there are things that everyone should know. Like, for example, creating simple shapes. Let's figure out how to draw a triangle in Photoshop.

Ways to draw a triangle in Adobe Photoshop CS 6 several. Let's start with the polygon tool.

Let's create a new document. On the right, find the polygon tool and select it.

Now choose the color of the future triangle. On the same toolbar. This method will allow us to create a triangle filled with color.

And now on the top panel we set the number of angles of the triangle.

Now let's click on work area and stretch it out. The triangle is ready!

Let's look at another way. How to draw a triangle in Photoshop using a pen.

We return to the same toolbar. Select "feather".

Make 2 clicks on the work area and close the outline.

This method will allow us to make both a triangle filled with color and the outline of the triangle. Let's start with the outline.

Click on the drawn triangle with the left mouse button. In the drop-down list, select “stroke the outline.”

As you can see, a window has popped up allowing us to choose two options. Stroke with a brush or pencil. I'll use a brush.

Know that the outline will be outlined using the settings that were set in advance.

The stroke is completed. To remove the outline, select the pen tool again. Left-click to bring up the context menu. And select the “delete outline” command.

Now let’s figure out how to use a pen to make a triangle filled with color. Let's return to the outline. Click with the left mouse button. In the drop-down menu, select “create selected area”. And let's go to the sidebar, to the color selection tool we are already familiar with. We install the required one. On the same panel we look for “fill”.

Click on the selected area.

Removing selection using the key combination ctrl+d. The triangle filled with color is ready!

At first glance, it may seem that the second method is much more convenient, because we can choose any triangle shape. But in fact, the first method allows us to carry out any manipulations to change the shape. But that's a completely different story.

When I was a “teapot”, I was faced with the need to draw a triangle in Photoshop. Then with this task without outside help I couldn't cope.

It turned out that everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. In this lesson I will share with you my experience in drawing triangles.

There are two (known to me) ways.

The first method allows you to depict equilateral triangle. To do this we need a tool called "Polygon". It is located in the shapes section on the right toolbar.

This tool allows you to draw regular polygons With given number sides In our case there will be three of them (sides).

After setting the fill color

place the cursor on the canvas, hold down left button mouse and draw our figure. During the creation process, the triangle can be rotated without releasing the mouse button.


In addition, you can draw a shape without a fill, but with an outline. Contour lines are configured in the top toolbar. Filling, or rather the lack thereof, can also be adjusted there.

I got the following triangles:

You can experiment with the settings to achieve the desired result.

The next tool for drawing triangles is "Straight-line lasso".

This tool allows you to draw triangles with any proportions. Let's try to draw a rectangular one.

For right triangle we will need to accurately draw a right (who would have thought...) angle.

Let's use the guides. Read how to work with guide lines in Photoshop.

So, we read the article, let’s pull the guides. One vertical, the other horizontal.

To make the selection “attracted” to the guides, turn on the snap function.

Then right-click inside the selection and select, depending on your needs, context menu items "Perform Fill" or "Stroke".

The fill color is configured as follows:

The stroke width and position can also be adjusted.

We get the following results:

For getting sharp corners the stroke needs to be done "Inside".

After deselecting ( CTRL+D) we get a finished right triangle.

These are the two simplest ways to draw triangles in Photoshop.