When Bogdan Khmelnitsky became hetman. Bohdan Khmelnitsky

Bogdan Khmelnitsky was an Orthodox nobleman of Russian origin. In the 30-40s of the 17th century he served in the Polish border army. Like any other nobleman he had his own farm and several workers. The local Catholic elder Chaplitsky disliked Khmelnitsky. During his absence, in the spring of 1647 he and his people attacked the farm, plundered it, and captured his family.

The elder hated the Orthodox Bogdan so much that he ordered his 10-year-old son to be flogged at the market. The boy was whipped to such a state that he died two days later. Soon his wife Anna Semyonovna also died. Thus, Khmelnitsky was left without a wife and property.

It was useless to go to court, since the same Catholics as Chaplitsky sat there. Therefore, the nobleman, who had lost everything, went straight to Warsaw to see King Vladislav. Things were going hard for the king. The Sejm was controlled by the Polish lords. They didn't give any money defensive war with the Turks, nor for military operations against Muscovy.

Vladislav received the nobleman, listened to him and threw up his hands in helplessness. He could not do anything against the lords and their henchmen on the ground. Having failed to obtain justice from the king, Bogdan went to Zaporozhye.

Zaporozhye in the 17th century

In the 17th century, Zaporozhye, located on the border of Poland and the Wild Field, was an exceptional phenomenon. It was a dense network settlements, in which a wide variety of crafts developed: carpentry, blacksmithing, plumbing, shoemaking and others. Individual settlements of the “kureni” lived completely independently. All this formed a special stereotype of behavior that gave birth to a new ethnic group called Zaporizhian Cossacks. The Poles treated the Cossacks extremely unkindly and warily.

Zaporizhian Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan

The attitude of the Polish magnates towards registered Cossacks. Registered Cossacks were called Cossacks who served the Polish crown. To repel Tatar raids, a great number of them gathered under the banner of the hetman. But at the end of hostilities, the army was disbanded, and the Cossacks returned home. Only 6 thousand soldiers remained in permanent military service, that is, on the register. They enjoyed the privileges of the gentry, and the rest of the people worked for the lords and paid rent for land, hunting grounds and churches.

At that time, 200 thousand Cossacks lived in Zaporozhye. It was huge military force. And the Poles hated this whole mass of people, although they did not encroach on the foundations of the state. On the contrary, they served the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as a reliable defense against Tatar raids. Without them, the Tatar chambuls (chambul - Tatar cavalry detachment) would mercilessly plunder the country and destroy cities.

Bogdan Khmelnitsky against Poland

In December 1647, Bogdan Khmelnytsky arrived in Zaporozhye. He gathered representatives of the Cossacks on the island of Tomakovka and said: “We’ve had enough of tolerating the arbitrariness of the Poles. Let’s gather a council and defend the Orthodox Church and our land.” Such a call was welcome and understandable to the residents of Zaporozhye.

But initially the Cossacks did not at all set separation from the Polish kingdom as their political goal. They only wanted to ensure strict compliance with the laws. Therefore, their demands were short and clear.

Firstly, to provide all Cossacks, as a military class, with gentry privileges. Secondly, prohibit propaganda of the Catholic Union in Ukraine. Remove all Uniate priests and return the churches captured by Catholics to the Orthodox. Thirdly, allow each person to practice his faith. This political program reflected the aspirations of the entire oppressed population of Zaporozhye.

The Cossacks chose Khmelnytsky as their hetman, and he received enormous power. After all, the Cossacks, with complete anarchy in Peaceful time During the campaigns, iron discipline and unquestioning obedience to superior officers were observed.

From Zaporozhye the hetman went to Crimea, where he enlisted the support of the Crimean Khan. After that, he set out on a campaign with a detachment of 5 thousand people. These forces, naturally, were insignificant compared to the enemy forces. The Poles at that time could field an army of 150 thousand people. But the kingdom was unable to mobilize such a mass of people. Complete confusion reigned in it, and the lords, as always, refused the king money for the gentry’s militia.

Therefore, Bogdan Khmelnytsky, despite his small forces, won three major victories in 1648. The first of them is the Battle of Yellow Waters. Stefan Potocki, the son of the Polish Hetman Potocki, died in it. Then came the victory at Korsun. Two Polish hetmans were captured - Potocki and Kalinovsky. And finally, the third victory at Pilyavtsy. Here the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (gentry militia) began to flee from the Cossacks in panic.

But the victories of the Cossacks did not force the Poles to come to an agreement and recognize the political demands of the Cossacks. To be honest, the Polish gentlemen had no time for this. In the same 1648, King Vladislav died. And the magnates forgot about the rebellious Cossacks. At the diets they discussed the candidacies of the future king.

Hetman Khmelnytsky with his army enters Kyiv

This respite turned out to be very useful for Khmelnitsky. His army occupied Kyiv and fortified itself on both banks of the Dnieper. The hetman actually became an independent ruler in Ukraine, and the region under his authority began to be called Hetmanate.

But finally, the gentry chose a new king. It was Jan-Kazimir. Immediately after this, preparations began for military action against the Cossacks. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was assembled, German artillerymen and infantrymen were hired. Ambassadors secretly went to the Crimean Khan to win him over to their side.

In June 1651 it took place major battle near Berestechko. The Tatars acted as allies of the Cossacks, but suddenly left their camp and went to the steppe. Khmelnitsky had no choice but to catch up with them. However former allies They grabbed him and took him with them to Crimea. The Cossack army was left without a commander and was pressed by the Poles to the swamp.

Cossack Colonel Ivan Bohun took command in this difficult situation. He tried to lead people through the swamp and ordered the road to be paved. But the Poles managed to bring up artillery. Gat was destroyed by cannonballs, and most of the Cossacks died.

After this, a radical change in military operations occurred. Polish troops captured Ukrainian lands, where until recently the Cossacks were the masters. However, the Polish lords made minor concessions. They agreed to increase the number of registered Cossacks to 20 thousand people. But this meant that the remaining 180 thousand continued to remain without rights. That is, it turned out that the uprising ended in nothing, and the human sacrifices were in vain.

Pereyaslavskaya Rada

By this time, Bogdan Khmelnitsky had returned from Crimean captivity and found himself with nothing. He had no army, and the alliance with the Tatars no longer existed. Ukraine found itself caught between Crimean Khanate and Poland. She had no rear, and it was impossible to defend herself.

Having assessed the situation, the hetman came to the conclusion that he needed a new strong ally. It could only be Orthodox Moscow. Negotiations with her began in 1651. But Moscow, as usual, responded slowly. Only in October 1653 was a historic decision made to annex Ukraine to the Muscovite kingdom.

All this time, the hetman did not sit idly by and wait for news from the eastern lands. He managed to rally the Cossacks again and make them believe in themselves. But it got to the point that even the second wife cheated on Bogdan with her lover. The hetman ordered both her and her lover to be hanged. Thus, he showed everyone his will and character.

Cossack Rada

Khmelnytsky's troops defeated the Polish lords at the Battle of Batoga in 1652 and at the Battle of Zhvanets in 1653. The second victory coincided with the good news. Moscow gave the go-ahead for reunification with Ukraine. On January 8, 1654, the Rada gathered in Pereyaslavl (Pereyaslavl-Khmelnitsky) (went down in history as Pereyaslavskaya Rada). She supported the policy of joining Moscow. This was expressed in the words: “We will follow the Tsar of Moscow, the Orthodox.”

However, the Cossacks at this historical moment remained true to their stereotype of behavior. They agreed to take an oath of allegiance to the Moscow Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, but at the same time demanded that he give them an oath to preserve Cossack liberties.

Boyarin Buturlin, who represented Moscow kingdom, I was already choked with indignation when I heard this. He stated: “In Rus' it is not customary for kings to take an oath to their subjects. And the Sovereign will observe your liberties in any case.” Since the situation was hopeless, the Cossacks, shaking their long forelocks, agreed. That was the end of the matter.


Russian people have always lived by the principle: “They harness for a long time, but drive quickly.” They were in no hurry to accept Ukraine into the state, but having taken this step, they began to act energetically and swiftly. In 1654, Russian troops took Smolensk. In 1655 it was the turn of Vilno, Kovno and Grodno. Poland suffered defeats on all fronts.

A weakening power always attracts the attention of other states. In 1655, the Swedish king Charles X invaded Poland. He expelled Jan Casimir, and part of the gentry recognized him as their king. Now the interests of Russia and Sweden collide in Lithuania. erupted Russian-Swedish war(1655-1659). But neither side achieved a decisive victory. Subsequently, the Poles recovered from the defeat and even recaptured occupied Lithuania from Russia.

Bogdan Khmelnytsky died in the summer of 1657 from a stroke. This man went down in history as the initiator of the reunification of Ukraine and Russia. Two peoples united in single state. And although there were many disagreements in the future, the alliance remained unbreakable until the end of the 20th century. Only the collapse of the USSR led to the formation of 2 states, but this did not affect the personal and family ties of people.

Bohdan Zinoviy Khmelnitsky(born 27 years old 1595 (6 years old 1596 with the new style) - died 25 Lipnya (6 years old with the new style) 1657, at Chygirina) - Russian gentry, registered Cossack, Viysk clerk, from 1648 - hetman of Viyska Zaporozky. Organizer of the uprising against the gentry in Ukraine, which escalated into the National Free War of the Ukrainian people against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The founder of the Cossack state in the territories of Central Ukraine is the Zaporozian Empire, better known as the Hetmanate. Due to the unreliability of the Crimean allies and the important war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, in 1654 the army in Pereyaslav formed a military union with the Muscovite kingdom. At the end of his life, he wanted to reorient himself to an alliance with Sweden and the Ottoman Porte, adding to Moscow’s ambitions that the Cossack sovereignty was insecure.

The history of all nations takes its own twists and turns. For the French - before the collapse of the Bastille and the Napoleonic wars (1789-1815), for the Spaniards - the Reconquista and the great geographical discoveries of the 14th-15th centuries, for the Germans - before Bismarck and the unification of Germany (1871 ), for Americans - “Boston Tea” and praise of the Constitution (1773-1793). What was the historical “Rubicon” for Ukraine? Every poet, every national figure and every national hero has not lost such a clear trace in Ukrainian historical memory as Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky.

Fate knows very little about the life of Bogdan Khmelnytsky until 1647. The traditional origin of the Cossack hetman - 1595 - is based on the records of the Venetian ambassador Niccolò Sagredo, who in 1649 wrote his report before the Venetian seigneury, saying that Khmelnytsky was 54 years old.

M. Maksimovich presented the version that Bogdan was born on the 27th birthday of 1595, on the holy St. Theodore Inscribed and having the name Bogdan, in the popular form of the church name Theodore (Theodotus). However, this version did not explain the names of Bogdan Khmelnitsky and Zinovy.
Apparently, the nutritional status of the people of Bohdan Khmelnytsky is losing its integrity and will require further treatment.

We also know little about the youth of the future hetman. His father - noble nobleman Mikhailo Khmelnytsky, most likely, came from the land of Peremsk near the border of Galicia (nine - bordering Ukraine and Poland), wearing the coat of arms "Abdank", serving in the army of the Crown Hetman Stanislav Zholk Evsky, loitering with him for ten hours in Zhovkva, having served for a year from another Galician magnate, Yan Danilovich. The client’s obligations themselves brought Father Khmelnytsky to the Naddnipryan region. It so happened that Danilovich, having taken over the seat of Chigirin's old age, and the future hetman's father, apparently, became a castle constable. On the shoulders of Mikhail Khmelnitsky lay the functions of the Osadchy - the organizer of rural resettlement to the sparsely populated Dnieper steppes. Colonization of the steppe borderland is small for the Ukrainian elders of true strategic importance - it is the only possible way to survive under the pressure of the Crimean and Nogai hordes and the devastation associated with them. For this very service, the elder Khmelnytsky and seized the village of Subotiv, which is not far from Chigirin, and thus extinguished the power of freedom there. Having settled in the Ukraine, Khmelnytsky Sr. fell in love with the Cossack community and fell in love with the Cossack mother, Bogdan’s mother.


It is logical that Bogdan left home schooling and then started attending paralegal school. Paleographic analysis of the sheets written by the Hetman with a wet hand revealed handwriting with remarkable drawings of the Kiev school. It is not excluded that, having started at school, I came from the Kiev monasteries. It is possible, in 1609 Rotsi, at the Proposal of Getman Zholkvsky, Father-in-law Viddav Yogo to the Lvilvo єuzuti Krygiy, de Buv by Andrei ґonzel-Mokrtsky, Doctor of Theologian, the Window writing of the I Propadnik. There, the mighty hetman began five years ago, having a good knowledge of world history, having acquired a good knowledge of the Latin language, having thoroughly learned Volodya’s Polish language, and then having learned the Turkish language koi, Crimean-Tatar and French languages. In 1648, the Mokrsky family entered before the deputation of Lviv townspeople to Khmelnytsky, who obliged Lviv with his army and the Tatars. The hetman recognized Mokrsky, and lost one on one, falling at the feet of his reader and shouting for his lessons.


The military career of the current leader began no later than 14 years ago. It is clear that 1620 rub. Bogdan, together with his father, took part in the Moldavian campaign of Hetman Stanislav Zholkevsky and took part in the battle against the Turks near Tsetsora. This battle ended not only in a miserable defeat for the crown army, but in the death of Bogdanov’s father. Yunak was consumed by the full and so ended his life in the galleys, as if his mother did not redeem him, exchanging him for some of the noble Turkish soldiers buried earlier by the Cossacks.

Bogdan was a professional warrior, taking part in glorious naval expeditions to the Turkish shores, joining the Smolensk campaign of 1633, fighting against the Muscovites and rewarding him with a sword for the king. Bogdan was not lost during the Cossack uprising of Pavlyuk (1637), although his participation in the anti-Polish uprising could have a negative impact on the gentry’s career. When the uprising collapsed among the gentry, Bogdan won over the coalition of liberal elders, which reached a compromise with the crown hetman Mykolay Pototsky. Signature of Khmelnytsky as the general clerk of Viysk Zaporozky standing under the act of Borovitsky capitulation. So Bogdan went to the warehouse of the Zaporozian embassy to King Vladislav IV. Regardless of those who, behind the minds of capitulation, Cossack self-government in Sich continued to conquer, and having thus learned the institution of the military clerk, Khmelnytsky rejected the duty of the new importance of the centurion Chigirinsky, saving his pouring into the Cossacks in Zaporizhzhia. For example, if the French emigre Count de Brezhie negotiated the hiring of Ukrainian Cossacks from the French infantry, some of the courtiers pleased his mother with the centurion Khmelnytsky. At 1644 r. de Brezhi wrote to Cardinal Mazarin: “Among the Cossacks is the intransigent commander Bogdan Khmelnytsky, with whom they fear falsehoods at court.” This year, after a special acquaintance with Khmelnytsky de Brezhi, he also reinforced his master's volodynia with Latin and some organizational features.

Features of life and turns of life

It was not the elder’s career that found Bogdan on the most distinguished path of a rebel and a liberator, but a special destiny itself. A dedicated warrior, he has overcome the laurels of life and the bitterness of defeats. Buv arms schonaymenshe trichi.

Her first name was Ganna Somkivna, the sister of the future hetman Yakim Somka. It was with her that Bogdan lived most of his adult life, having raised three siblings and four daughters, but apparently never knew happiness. After the fate of his widowhood, he saw the pretty girl Motrona, the groom of his late friend. Prote before the end of the old enemy of Khmelnytsky, Chigirinsky sub-starost Danilo Chaplinsky, with his hayduks, made an attack on Subotiv and, without the owner, having stolen the beautiful Motrona and unkindly accused with her. Khmelnytsky’s young son Ostap got into trouble and was brutally beaten by the gangsters. The boy died from the beatings. Having recognized the wickedness, the condemned father tried to appeal to the courts and to report the king himself, in other words. The king will find himself pulling the centurions: having spoken, you wear a template on your belt - judge! Vladislav IV did not suspect that the trial of his comrade Chaplinsky would be a prelude.” doomsday” over the Poles for numerous falsehoods to the Rusyns - a trial over the liberties of the gentry in the Ukraine.

Moreover, the conflict with Chaplinsky, his attack on Maina and the homeland of Khmelnytsky was only the drive for the uprising against Poland. There is plenty to prove that the reasons for the break with Poland were significantly greater, that the movement and struggle against it had been prepared for a long time and was not inconsistent either for the Ukrainian forces, or for the Polish order and its administration in Ukraine. edges. Having dared to enter the Khmelnytskyi branch of Ukraine, they universally called for the defense of the ancient Greek faith against the enemies, the Poles.

Having been named in the same way as Chaplinsky, Bogdan was hesitant to seek another church whore, in fact, for a living person. Only the supreme person of the church could have allowed for such an outrageous act. Khmelnytsky, also the hetman of the Zaporozhye Empire, did not need to beg the church rulers, for which his military victories were gained - break up the crown army near Pylyavtsy, take Lvov and, they say, triumphantly zd to Kiev. For a cob 1649 rub. The love of Bohdan and Motroni was consecrated by the Patriarch of Jerusalem Paisiy himself, who was at that time in Ukraine.

Utim, the happiness of the “young” was unprecedented. Snail 1651 rub. Khmelnytsky's eldest son Timish, getting angry, ordered to hang the "mother" on the gates of his father's yard in Chigirin, saying, for his friend's sake. The hetman's complaint was no less than effective. Never before became friends with the sister of Nizhyn Colonel Ivan Zolotarenok, Ganna. It appears that this good-hearted woman was the widow of one of the Cossack colonels and was highly respected among the elders. After the death of Bogdan, she took monastic vows in one of the Kiev women’s monasteries on Pecherska, where she died in 1667.

It is very important that, starting the war with Poland, B. Khmelnitsky secured an alliance from Turechina and Crimea, which gave him political and military assistance. The very victory of B. Khmelnitsky 1648 r. At the battle of Zhovti Vody, Korsun and Pilyavtsy, a nationwide uprising of the Ukrainian people against the Polish administration and the Polish gentry and agents in Ukraine was sparked. It was then that the taxation of Lviv and Zamost was created, and the great territory of Ukraine was released from Poland. Participant - Savorodets (R. Rakushka) - so describing Khvilu Revolution, Yaka fled in 1648 Rotsya, he was to his top of the tank: “So musted, vividly, rose in the goat, and Zagodovo knit in the yak of such a person, the same person. Albo himself, or even his son, could not go to the army; and if he himself was unwell, then the servant was sent by the boy, and there were a few more of them, they all left the yard, only one was left, but it was difficult to hire..., the lie was where in the cities there were Maydeburg rights - and the sworn burmisters and the paradise left their ranks, and the beards were naked, so the troops marched.”

At the mercy of the roc

Triumphal entry of Khmelnytsky to Kiev and his meeting at the Rezdvo 1648 r. As the “blessed Volodar and Prince of Rus'” they witnessed that the beginning of a new Cossack-Hetman power was in power over the power of Khmelnytsky. All this power needed to be defended, to ensure its recognized place in the system of European powers. Khmelnytsky’s entire life was dedicated to this achievement. As a founder and everyday worker, defender and ruler of the new Ukrainian state, Khmelnytsky proved himself to be a great commander, a talented diplomat and a top-ranking government figure.

Bogdan Khmelnytsky was a man of excellent health, but remained often ill. Vіn reposed 27 linya (6 sickles for the new style) 1657 rub. in Chigirin and 25 serpnya of lamentations in Subotov, in the Illinian Church, which I myself remembered. There is a small ancestral tomb of the Khmelnytskys. After his death, the hetman’s body was embalmed and buried. It’s obvious that it will be known at the same time. Well, there are two versions of this, that’s what the Polish and Ukrainian are called. According to the Polish version, voivode Stefan Czarnecki attacked Subotiv in 1664, dug up a house from the body of the hetman, burned and drank from the city. The Ukrainian version of the stew completely throws up, saying that Bogdan’s body was re-poured by his old friend Lavrin Kapus. In order to prevent further abuse of his body, the new burial place knew even more people who had perished during the wars. It has been assumed that the final place for the burial of Khmelnytsky’s ashes may be “Semidubova Gora” near the village. Ivkivtsi, which is nearby Subotova. But there is still no evidence to confirm both versions.

Khmelnitsky as a leader

The Suchasniki lost their knowledge about the hetman’s character and his temperament. Zazvichay tse bula lyudina is skeptical, skhilna to the most respectable judges. Prote politicians and military leaders always show the edge of choleric agitation, which is often extinguished with alcohol. In the case of the Khvylin, it was simply not safe for life to sink the wrath under one’s hand. Apparently in 1653, when the sergeant-major raised doubts about the effectiveness of the campaign against Moldova, the hetman angrily slashed the sword of the Cherkassy colonel Yasko Parkhomenka in the Russian Federation. Luckily, the wound was not too deep. Khmelnytsky, feeling overwhelmed, ordered the foreman to bring a jar of honey: “Drink, children, and don’t rub your wrath on me.”

Khmelnytsky, in a dubious manner, magnified the charisma of a leader, and yet his authority in the Cossack middle class felt like a dictator. As the Lithuanian Chancellor Albrecht Radziwill remarked to his colleague: “The Khmelnytsky Trimav of the Rusyns was so heard that the stench was created at all times with just one wave.”

However, there was no dictatorship, which would have been possible to counteract the tamed Cossack elders of democracy, installed in the Polish gentry. The promotional butt is part of the Moldavian expedition of 1653, which ended very tragically for Khmelnytsky’s eldest son Timosh. There is no reason to “fight someone else’s land,” the colonels declared. In my opinion, the Moldovan vector of politics did not lie in line with the current Cossack interests, especially after the serious defeats in the war with Poland, but rather satisfied the ambitions of the young hetman, who was friends with the daughter of the Moldavian ruler Rozand oh Lupul. Zreshta, the Cossack expeditionary corps was surrounded by a special Hetman hundred, which perished all at once from Khmelnychenko near Suchava. Another example is the oath to the Moscow Tsar after Pereyaslavl for the sake of 1654, in which authoritative colonels such as Ivan Bohun, Ivan Sirko and Gritsko Gulyanitsky swore allegiance to the will of the hetman (Umansky and Bratslav did not swear allegiance to the hetman) Sky, Poltava and Kropivnyansky regiments). Well, dictatorship on the battlefield, and the Cossack policy was determined by the senior council.

Creation of the Ukrainian state

The greatest achievement of Khmelnytsky in the process of the National Free War of the Ukrainian people was the establishment of the Cossack-Hetman Power - the Ukrainian Zaporizky (1648-1764). In all areas of sovereign life - in the military, administration, judiciary, finance, in the queen of economics and culture, Khmelnytsky acts as a sovereign figure in a grand format. This was revealed in the organization of the supreme power of the new Ukrainian state, which, under the brutality and title of the Zaporizian Army and under the rule of his hetman, united all the faiths of the Ukrainian people. B. Khmelnytsky created not only a state apparatus and raised a whole herd of fighting military and civil servants, both from the Cossack elders and from the Ukrainian gentry (I. Vigovsky, P. Teterya, D. and I. Nechai, I. Bohun, G. Gulyanytsky , S. Mrozovitsky (N. Morozenko) etc.), and I wholeheartedly support the faith of the Cossack-Hetman Power, which, despite all the difficulties and defeats, managed to save and maintain its conquests, against the invasion of Moscow and the Polish-Turkish kikh zazihan, mayzhe until end of the 18th century

From now on, B. Khmelnytsky carefully placed himself until the end of the extinguishment of the legally independent Cossack Ukraine, the well-understood insecurity of such a time for the current political minds and the real importance of the Military Zaporozky in the system of the European world in order. And then, with his free choice of overlord, he declared his claims to the status of an independent ruler. Khmelnytsky’s political program supported traditional and innovative ideas, a synthesis of democracy of an often chocratic type, authoritarianism and ideas of religious revival. But it is hardly possible to use the assessment of B. Khmelnitsky, as M. Grushevsky gave his time: “Mustiness and death are hanging over us from the declaration of the Hetman at the middle of this decade.”

Six years of struggle for the Ukrainian state during the hour of the National Free War of the Ukrainian people under Bogdan Khmelnytsky’s 1648-1654 years demonstrated the extremely high level of the enormous maturity of our ancestors at that time iv. The victories of the Ukrainian army over the Polish gentry, the rise of Bohdan Khmelnytsky as a sovereign figure, commander, diplomat, the Zaporozian Cossacks and their legendary courage and skill in military actions called out the treasures of the whole world. In a short line and in the extreme minds of military actions, the Cossack state was created by Bogdan Khmelnytsky and was characterized by high democratic principles of self-government. Under the Hetman of Ukraine, the Rada of the General Elder was established as a pre-determined body, which discussed the complexities of the sovereign’s life and exact issues. At one time in Zaporizhzhya the Rada of the Sich elders acted together with the Sich otaman, as they made a decision regarding the concerns of the Zaporozhye Sich.

Another important body of sovereign self-government was the regimental Rada, which collected the daily food of regimental life from the Cossacks of the regimental sergeant-major and colonel. Khmelnytskyi, having abandoned the effective tax system, collected tribute money and collected a few pennies. Having established and supported diplomatic relations with the rich countries of Europe, including Poland, Turkey, Moldova, Voloshchina, Austria, Sweden, Italy, Transylvania, which recognized Ukraine as a sub’ The subject of international law. At the same time, we organized an effective and efficient security service. Grand Chancellor Lithuanian Olbracht Radziwill wrote to his friend “about the scouts of Khmelnitsky, who are everywhere, like Venice.” Ukrainian historian Ivan Kripyakevich respected that the hetman “has not only accurate information about the affairs of Poland, Crimea, Turkey, the Carpathian principalities, as well as following the policies of Sweden and Germany , Austria, Italy, collecting the required information through our agents , receiving information from foreign envoys. Collected records from the minds of vikorsist for political purposes - by drowning the enemies of the world with their decisions.” Everything is more important, as the well-thought-out, effective and beneficial organization of the administrative-territorial, shipping and military structure gave Khmelnytsky hope to establish the Ukrainian state.

The Ukrainian state of Bohdan Khmelnytsky cried out for the burial of numerous people - diplomats, mandrovniks, chroniclers. The Italian Alberto Vimina, who especially respected the hetman of 1656 and spoke with him more than once, wrote in his thoughts about the Ukrainian people during the period of their greatest fall in the hours of Khmelnytskyi. He was especially impressed by the democratic form of government of the Cossacks - calling for the sake of discussing important sovereign food, if the Cossacks were in the presence of the hetman to rule them. The travel notes of the Syrian Archdeacon Paul of Aleppo, who described the travel of the Antiochian Patriarch Macarius across Ukraine in 1654 and 1656, recorded for us the details of the life of the Ukrainians, as And they congratulated him on the fact that through the glass they smelt the bread as a symbol of kindness. Describing his enmity with Hetman Khmelnitsky, Pavlo Alepsky emphasizes: “So the axis of wine, Hops, whose glory and name spread throughout the world.” There is a rich and buried mantra about enlightenment in Khmelnytsky’s state: “All the stinks, for the blame of the poor, will bring more friends and daughters, be able to read and know the order of church services... The number of written ones especially increased during the hour of Hops.” Aleppo was impressed by the great archeology at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where “all the ancient church books came out in a wonderful hand, carved color and appearance, as well as the little ones on the great arches, the most important places of the region, icons of saints, coherence, that’s it.”

Polish historian Ludwik Kubala, who dedicated many fates to the follow-up life and activity of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, equating the Ukrainian hetman with his companion - the leader of the English revolution of the mid-17th century, Oliver om Cromwell, meaning that Bohdan Khmelnytsky’s estate turned out to be richly complex, its well-trained intelligentsia belongs to the old, strong power. Military, finance, sovereignty, administration, relations with neighboring powers - all this needed to be done... It was necessary to collect and count people. There was then a people from the skin of the supernatural extinctions, having outgrown the talented people of the nastil, who crossed the boundaries of the wicked.”

Stosunki from Moscow region that death

Thanks to his luck, Khmelnytsky used his far-sighted intelligence and cunning, which reliably masked him almost to death. Cunning was a mystery, as it more than once ruined the plans of his political opponents. There is only one fault: at the Pereyaslavl negotiations, no tricks were used against Moscow diplomats. They immediately hung out their minds, which superseded Khmelnytsky’s strategic plans, and in the eyes of the elders, they went beyond the bounds of healthy political stupidity. The Cossacks insisted on signing a massive oath until the military-political union was established, as was common among the king and the gentry, so the Moscow boyars did not consider more sedition than to take an oath before the king himself I, and were inspired to work in his name. The superechka was obviously taken away for post-war service. Acceptance until this hour of the Pereslavl Charter of 1654 r. I don’t care about anyone! And the decision itself was praised, apparently only from the poetized “report” of the Moscow dyks, who was overwhelmed by the sentimentality of the young Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich: “The will of the king is similar, Orthodox.” Over time, this inconvenience led to the breakdown of the allied bonds and, finally, until the Battle of Konotop in 1659, when yesterday's brothers-in-arms - the Ukrainian Cossacks and the Moscow warriors - met at the crooked sich, not happy for the rest of us. This happened even after Bogdan.

One thing is clear: the current policy of the legendary hetman did not have clearly expressed priorities, more precisely, Ukraine itself was a priority. Whether the hetman negotiated with him, whether he established peace or declared war, this always fit into the situational interests of the Cossack state, the cordons of which included the Cossack war. “Wherever the Cossack army went, there the Cossack government would be,” summed up General Clerk Ivan Vigovsky. However, the Cossack shawl was not a spontaneous collapse of the Cossack aggression, and even went beyond where the “Ruska” people historically lived and where the “Russian Church” - the Orthodox Ukrainian parish - stood quietly. It was with these motives that Khmelnytskyi undertook the taxation of Lvov, the campaign against Zamostya and Pidlyashsha and in the established Hetman’s rule in today’s Belarus, which it took over from 1655-1657. Colonel Ivan Zolotarenko.

In response to the Moscow demarche, Khmelnitsky went ahead with the most extreme diplomatic campaign, forcing the signing of property agreements with Sweden, the Habsburg Empire, Moldova and Crimea. Negotiations with Jan-Kazimierz resumed. The days of the Hetman continued to be bitter. Sensing the approach of death, he called out to the senior council and, after a year, commanded the mace to his 16-year-old son Yurasev - the only one who was left alive. The peculiarity of the immature hetman was entirely symbolic. It seemed that the authority of Bogdanov’s name was influencing the ambitious elder to get promoted. It didn’t turn out that way, as I had guessed - but it’s a different story.

For example, the hetman's brains became bloody.

6 serpnya 1657 r. He died at his residence in Chigirin. The body of the great strategist of Cossack Ukraine was buried in Subotov in the foundation of the Illinian Church just a month later.

07.27.1657 (09.08). – Hetman Bogdan Mikhailovich Khmelnitsky, leader of the liberation war for the reunification of Little Russia and Great Russia, died.

Bogdan (Zinovy) Mikhailovich Khmelnitsky (c. 1595–27.7.1657), Russian statesman, commander, hetman of Little Russia, who won the victory in liberation war from 1648 to 1654 against Polish domination. The result of the war was the destruction of the influence of the Polish gentry, the Catholic clergy and their Jewish tenants, as well as the reunification of Little Russia with Great Russia.

Khmelnitsky Born in Orthodox family Cossack centurion. Primary education received at the Kiev-Brotherly School; then, according to Polish historians, he studied with the Jesuits in Yaroslavl-Galitsky and received a good education for that time. In addition to his native Little Russian language, he spoke Polish and Latin. During the Polish-Turkish War in 1620, he was captured by the Turks; spent two years in , where he learned Turkish. Upon returning home, he joined the registered Cossack army. He took part in the naval campaigns of the Cossacks against Turkish cities (in 1629, the Cossacks under the command of Khmelnitsky visited Constantinople and returned with rich booty); V popular uprising 1637–1638; held the position of military clerk; after the uprising - the Chigirin centurion.

In the mid-1640s. began preparing an uprising against Polish rule in Little Russia. He joined secret negotiations with King Vladislav IV (who reigned in Moscow in 1610-1613); outwardly agreeing with his plan to send Cossacks against the Crimean Khan, a vassal of Turkey, Khmelnitsky, under the cover of this plan, began to form a Cossack army to fight against Poland. In 1647, Khmelnytsky was arrested, but fled to the Zaporozhye Sich. In January 1648, an uprising broke out in Sich under the leadership of Khmelnytsky, marking the beginning of the war of liberation. In Zaporozhye, Khmelnytsky was elected hetman. On May 6, 1648, Khmelnitsky defeated the Polish avant-garde near Zheltye Vody, and on May 16, near Korsun, the main Polish forces. These victories served as a signal for a nationwide uprising in Little Russia. Peasants and townspeople abandoned their homes, organized detachments and tried to take revenge on the Poles and Jews for the oppression they suffered from them for long years. By the end of July, the Cossacks drove the Poles out of the Left Bank, and at the end of August, having strengthened themselves, they liberated three right-bank voivodeships: Bratslav, Kiev and Podolsk. At the same time, the master's estates were destroyed, many Polish magnates, Jewish tenants and thousands of Jews in general were killed.

Letter (8.6.1648) from Bogdan Khmelnitsky to the Moscow Tsar with a message about victories over the Polish army and the desire of the Zaporozhye Cossacks to come under the rule of the Russian Tsar

On June 8, 1648, Hetman Khmelnytsky addressed a request for the reunification of Little Russia with Great Russia. At the same time, in military assistance Khmelnitsky did not yet need Moscow: the victories of the Cossack army over the Poles continued.

On September 20-22, 1648, Khmelnitsky defeated a 36,000-strong gentry militia near the town of Pilyava (Podolsk province). In October, he besieged Lviv and approached the Zamosc fortress, which served as the key to Warsaw, but did not go further. I decided to wait for the election of a king for negotiations (since Vladislav IV died in May 1648). The Jesuit and papal cardinal Jan Casimir was elected to the throne. He appeased Khmelnytsky with signs of hetman's dignity and promises of reforms favorable to Orthodoxy, so Khmelnytsky ordered the uprising to end. In January 1649, he was solemnly greeted by the people in Kyiv. Patriarch Paisiy of Jerusalem blessed the hetman to stand strong for the Orthodox Faith.

From Kyiv, Khmelnitsky went to Pereyaslav, where embassies began to arrive one after another - from Turkey, Moldova, Wallachia, Russia with offers of friendship and alliance. At the beginning of 1649, Khmelnitsky again turned to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with a request for the reunification of Little Russia with Great Russia. But the tsarist government hesitated, because this meant war with Poland.

Polish ambassadors also arrived to negotiate peace. Khmelnitsky delivered an ultimatum: the complete destruction of the union within all of Rus' and the replacement of all ranks and positions in it by persons of exclusively Orthodox confession; granting the Kyiv Metropolitan a seat in the Senate; subordination of the hetman directly to the king himself. The Poles considered the ultimatum unacceptable and decided to continue the war.

Numerous volunteers continued to flock to Khmelnitsky. In the spring of 1649 Cossack army Accompanied by the Tatars under the leadership of the Crimean Khan, Islam Girey moved west, besieging the Polish army near Zbarazh (on the Gniezna River in Galicia) in July. On August 5, the battle began, but the next day, when the defeat of the Poles and the capture of the king was approaching, Khmelnitsky, in the midst of the battle, gave the order to stop the attack (not wanting the Christian king to be captured by the Tatars). The Treaty of Zboriv was concluded on following conditions: Poland actually recognized its Little Russian Ukraine as an autonomy - the Hetmanate, where the deployment of Polish troops was prohibited, administrative positions had to be provided to Orthodox Christians, the only ruler was recognized as the elected Hetman, and supreme body- General Cossack Rada. The number of registered Cossacks was set at 40 thousand; Jesuits could not live in Kyiv and lost influence on Russian schools; Kyiv Metropolitan won a seat in the Senate; An amnesty was declared to all participants in the uprising. This was a victory for the uprising.

However, the Poles did not want to implement the Zboriv Treaty. Metropolitan Joasaph of Corinth, who came from Greece, encouraged the hetman to war and girded him with the sword sacred at the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The Patriarch of Constantinople also sent a letter, blessing him for the war against the enemies of Orthodoxy. Athonite monks also encouraged the Cossacks to fight. In the spring of 1651, Khmelnytsky’s army again moved to the West. Near Zbarazh, he waited for the arrival of his ally, the Crimean Khan, and moved to Berestechko (Volyn province). Here, on June 20, another battle with the Poles began, which lasted almost two weeks. But the khan betrayed and retreated, capturing Khmelnitsky, and the Cossacks fought off the Poles for 10 days, but were defeated.

A month later, the freed hetman appeared among the Cossacks and inspired them to continue the fight; New rebels rose up, but the Poles had already approached Kyiv. New negotiations took place near Belaya Tserkov, and on September 17 peace was concluded on less favorable terms: the Cossacks, instead of 4 voivodeships, were given one Kiev voivodeship, their number was reduced to 20 thousand, the peasants returned to their previous state under the rule of Polish landowners, etc. Therefore, the Belotserkov Peace Treaty entailed a number of new clashes between peasants and Cossacks and the Poles. Mass migrations to the east began. Khmelnitsky's army also decreased due to the people's dissatisfaction with the alliance with the Tatars, without whom the Hetman could not do. In the spring of 1653, a Polish detachment under the command of Charnetsky began to devastate Podolia, and soon the Tatars, with royal permission, began to plunder Little Russia. The only hope left was for Moscow's help.

In August 1653, “Hetman of the glorious army of Zaporozhye and everything on both sides of the Dnieper of the existing Ukraine [outskirts] of Little Russia,” Bogdan Khmelnitsky once again wrote to the Tsar through the ambassador: “We don’t want to serve another unfaithful Tsar; We strike only you, the great Orthodox Sovereign, with our brow, so that your royal greatness does not leave us. The King of Poland with all the power of Latvia is coming at us, they want to destroy the Orthodox faith, the holy churches, the Orthodox Christian people from Little Russia” (Acts of Southern and Western Russia, vol. XIII).

On October 1, 1653, the Zemsky Sobor in Moscow, after some discussions, decided to reunite Little Russia with Russia and declare war on Poland. The decision to reunite was unanimously approved on January 8, 1654.

Khmelnytsky died on July 27, 1657 from apoplexy. He was buried in the village of Subbotovo (now Chigirinsky district), in a stone church that he built himself, which still exists to this day.

(1595 - 1657) - hetman, statesman, commander.
Bogdan Khmelnitsky was born on December 25, 1595 in the village of Subotov (one version) in the family of the centurion of the Chigirin regiment, Mikhail Khmelnitsky. Historians put forward different versions about the place of birth of Bogdan Khmelnitsky. The Khmelnitsky family is an ancient Moldavian family of the Lublin voivodeship.
Bogdan Khmelnitsky's education began at the Kyiv fraternal school, after which he entered the Jesuit College in Yaroslavl. And in the future he continues his studies in Lviv. It is characteristic that having mastered the art of rhetoric and composition, as well as fluent Polish and Latin, Khmelnitsky did not convert to Catholicism, but remained faithful to his father’s faith (that is, Orthodoxy). Later he would write that the Jesuits were unable to reach the very depths of his soul.
In 1620-1621, Bohdan Khmelnytsky took part in the Polish-Turkish war, during which his father died and he himself was captured. After two years of captivity, Khmelnitsky manages to escape (according to other sources, he was ransomed by relatives). After returning to Subotov, he enlists in the registered Cossacks.
Then, in Khmelnitsky’s biography, a series of campaigns with the Cossacks against Turkish cities begins. During the Cossack uprising of 1630-1638, Khmelnytsky's name is mentioned only once when signing the surrender agreement, which was written in Khmelnytsky's hand (he was the general clerk of the rebel Cossacks) and signed by him and the Cossack foreman.

In 1635, for his bravery, he was awarded a golden saber by the Polish king Vladislav IV. In 1644-1646 he participated in the war between France and Spain, commanding a detachment of more than two thousand Cossacks.
Taking advantage of Khmelnitsky's absence, the Polish elder Chaplinsky attacked his farm and plundered it. Fruitless attempts to seek retribution at trial led to the fact that Khmelnytsky raised the Cossacks to revolt, who proclaimed him hetman.
Since 1648, Khmelnytsky with an army of four thousand marched against the Poles. His victories over the Poles caused a general uprising of the Cherkasy people and the population of Little Russia against the Poles.
On September 17, 1651, the so-called Belitserkov Treaty, very disadvantageous for the Cossacks. After this agreement, the mass resettlement of people within the Russian state began. Soon the agreement was violated by the Poles.
On January 8, 1654, a council was assembled in Pereyaslavl, at which, after a speech by Khmelnitsky, who pointed out the need to choose one of the four sovereigns: the Turkish Sultan, the Crimean Khan, the Polish King or the Russian Tsar and surrender to his citizenship. The people supported the idea of ​​surrendering to the Russian Tsar.
Bohdan Khmelnytsky died on July 27, 1657 from a stroke. He was buried in the village of Subotov, in a stone church he built himself, which exists to this day. In 1664, the Polish governor Stefan Czarnecki burned Subotov and ordered the ashes of Khmelnytsky and his son Timosh to be dug up and the bodies thrown out of the grave for “disgrace.”

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Name: Bogdan Khmelnitskiy

Age: 61 years old

Activity: hetman, commander, statesman.

Family status: was married

Bogdan Khmelnitsky: biography

Bogdan Mikhailovich Khmelnitsky went down in history as the leader of the Cossack uprising. The hetman's activities helped the Russian state obtain the left bank of the Dnieper, the Zaporozhye Sich and Kyiv. Little is known about Bohdan Khmelnytsky’s childhood and youth. Historians have established that the birth of the hetman happened in Subotov in 1595. Bogdan Mikhailovich's parents came from a noble family.

Khmelnitsky's education began at the Kyiv fraternal school, as evidenced by Bogdan's cursive writing. After graduation educational institution the young man became a student at the Jesuit College located in Lvov. The main subjects that Khmelnitsky studied were Latin, Polish language, rhetoric and composition. Despite the trends of that time, Bogdan Mikhailovich did not submit to them and remained in the Orthodox faith.

Khmelnitsky, already in adulthood, admits that the Jesuits did not penetrate the depths of the soul. The hetman noted that it was difficult not to stray from the righteous path and remain faithful to Orthodoxy. Bogdan Mikhailovich often traveled around the world.

Serving the King

In 1620, the Polish-Turkish war began. Bogdan Khmelnitsky took part in the hostilities. In one of the battles taking place near Tsetsora, his father died, and the hetman was captured. For two years Bogdan Mikhailovich was in slavery, but he found benefit in this: he learned Tatar and Turkish languages. During their time in captivity, the relatives managed to collect a ransom. Upon returning home, Khmelnitsky was enrolled in the registered Cossacks.

Soon Bogdan is attracted to sea voyages against Turkish cities. So, in 1629, the hetman and his army captured the outskirts of Constantinople. Khmelnitsky did not stay in the occupied lands for long; after the trip he returned to Chigirin. The authorities of Zaporozhye appointed Bogdan Mikhailovich to the post of centurion of Chigirinsky.

After the accession of Vladislav IV to the Polish throne, the war between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Muscovite kingdom began. Khmelnitsky went with his army to Smolensk. The Chronicle of the Samovidets says that Bogdan Mikhailovich participated in the siege of the city. The hetman saved the Polish king from captivity in 1635, for which he received a golden saber.

From that time on, Khmelnitsky began to be respected royal court. When Vladislav IV decided to oppose Ottoman Empire, then Bogdan Mikhailovich was the first to know about the king’s plans. The ruler told Khmelnitsky about the idea. The hetman reported to Vladislav IV about violence against the Cossacks, thereby protecting the people.

Ambiguous information has been preserved about the period of military operations between France and Spain. A number of historians have come to the conclusion that a two-thousand-strong detachment of Cossacks led by Khmelnitsky took part in the siege of the Dunkirk fortress. Ambassador de Bregy noted military talent Boris Mikhailovich.

But historians Zbigniew Wujcik and Wladimir Golobutsky opposed this. Experts argued that Polish mercenaries, commanded by Colonels Przyemski, Cabret and de Siro, were invited to besiege Dunkirk. Until now, discussions on this issue have not subsided. Historical documents confirm the fact that Khmelnitsky participated in negotiations with the French, but whether the hetman besieged the fortress is unknown.

Vladislav IV initiated the war with Turkey, but sought support not from the Sejm, but from the Cossack elders, including Bohdan Khmelnitsky. The outbreak of military action against the Ottoman Empire fell on the shoulders of the Cossacks. This allowed the hetman to receive a royal charter, according to which the Cossacks were restored to their rights and their privileges were returned to them.

The Seimas learned about the negotiations with the Cossacks. Members of parliament spoke out against the agreement, so the king had to retreat from his plan. But the Cossack foreman Barabash retained the letter for the Cossacks. After some time, Khmelnitsky, using cunning, took the document from him. There is a version that Bogdan Mikhailovich forged the letter.


Bohdan Khmelnytsky took part in a number of military actions, but the national liberation war made the hetman a historical figure about whom legends were made. The main reason for the uprising was the violent seizure of land; the despotic methods of struggle of the Poles caused negativity in the ranks of the Cossacks. Polish tycoons were behind this.

According to the official version, on January 24, 1648, Khmelnytsky was recognized as hetman. An important event happened in Sich. During the trip, Bogdan Mikhailovich gathered a small army, which plundered the Polish garrison. After this victory, the hetman's ranks were gradually replenished with recruits.

Express training courses were organized for those who had just arrived. Masters taught beginners fencing, military tactics, hand-to-hand combat and shooting. Khmelnitsky regretted only one thing - the lack of cavalry. But this problem soon disappeared thanks to an alliance with Crimean Khan.

The news of the uprising spread quickly, so the son of Nikolai Pototsky opposed the army of Bogdan Mikhailovich. The first battle took place near Zheltye Vody. The Poles were not ready for battle, so they lost to the Cossacks. But the war did not end there.

The next point was Korsun. The soldiers of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth were the first to reach the polis. The Poles killed the population and plundered the treasury. Khmelnitsky organized an ambush a few kilometers from Korsun. And the Battle of Korsun began. The Polish army consisted of 12,000 fighters, but this was not enough to defeat the Cossack-Tatar army.

The National Liberation War helped achieve the desired results. Poles and Jews were persecuted in Ukraine. But the uprising got out of Khmelnitsky's control. From that moment on, the hetman lost the opportunity to control the Cossacks.

The death of Vladislav IV made the war virtually meaningless. Bogdan Mikhailovich turned to the Russian Tsar for help. Khmelnitsky sought patronage from the sovereign. Numerous negotiations with Russians, Poles, even Swedes did not lead to desired result.

In May 1649, the Cossacks began the second stage of military operations. The previously reached agreements were the first to be violated by the troops of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Bogdan Mikhailovich was considered a recognized strategist, so he accurately calculated every action. The hetman surrounded the Polish military and constantly raided them. The authorities had to sign the Peace of Zborov.

The third stage of the war began in 1650. The Cossacks' opportunities were gradually running out, so the first defeats began. The Cossacks concluded the Belotserkov Peace Treaty with the Poles. This agreement contradicted the Zborovsky peace. In 1652, despite the document, the Cossacks again initiated military action. Khmelnitsky could not get out of the almost lost war on his own, so he decided to make peace with the Russian state. The Cossacks swore allegiance.

Personal life

The biography of Bogdan Khmelnitsky contains information about three wives: Anna Somko, Elena Chaplinskaya, Anna Zolotarenko. The young women gave their husband eight children, including 4 boys and 4 girls. Daughter Stepanida Khmelnitskaya was married to Colonel Ivan Nechay.

Was in captivity Russian rulers, after which she and her husband were in Siberian exile. Bogdan Mikhailovich married Ekaterina Khmelnitskaya to Danila Vygovsky. Having become a widow after the execution of her husband, the girl was re-engaged to Pavel Teteri.

Historians have not yet found accurate information about Maria Khmelnitskaya. According to one document, the young woman was married to the Korsun centurion Blizky, according to another - the wife of Lukyan Movchan. The fourth daughter, Elena Khmelnitskaya, according to some sources, was an adopted child.

Even less is known about the sons of Bogdan Mikhailovich. Timosh lived for 21 years, brother Grigory died in infancy, Yuri died at the age of 44, and Ostap Khmelnitsky, according to unconfirmed information, died at 10 years old after being beaten. Only handwritten portraits of Khmelnitsky have survived to this day, since photographs were not yet taken in those years.


Health problems for Bogdan Mikhailovich Khmelnitsky appeared at the beginning of 1657. Just at this time it was necessary to decide who to join - the Swedes or the Russians. The hetman had a presentiment of death, so he decided to convene the Rada in Chigirin to transfer power to his successor. Khmelnitsky's place was taken by 16-year-old son Yuri.

Historians long time could not determine the exact date of Bogdan Mikhailovich’s death, but many years later they found out that death came to the hetman on August 6, 1657. Khmelnitsky died due to a cerebral hemorrhage.

The funeral of the Cossack leader took place in the village of Subotovo. The grave of Bogdan Mikhailovich is located next to his son Timofey in the Ilinskaya Church, built by a Cossack. Unfortunately, 7 years later the Pole Stefan Czarnecki came and ordered the village to be burned, the ashes of the Khmelnytskys to be taken away and the remains thrown away.

Now they know about Bogdan Mikhailovich in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Streets, squares and cities are named after the hetman. The flag of the city of Khmelnitsky represents the sun on a blue background. Monuments were erected in honor of the Cossack leader, including in Kyiv. During the Great Patriotic War, the Order was established. Bogdan Khmelnitsky, documentaries and feature films were made.

In culture

  • 1938 – “Bogdan Khmelnitsky”
  • 1941 – “Bogdan Khmelnitsky”
  • 1956 – “300 years ago”
  • 1999 – “With Fire and Sword”
  • 2001 – “Black Rada”
  • 2007 – “Bogdan Zinovy ​​Khmelnitsky”