The book is the light of goodness. the smallest peoples of Russia

Each language is interesting and unique, and in conditions of bilingualism, a teacher-philologist must instill a love for both Russian and the native language. It is very helpful to think about this topic by the statement of Kaisyn Kuliev, which is good to offer to schoolchildren at introductory lessons Russian language at secondary level or when teaching text analysis (preparation for the Unified State Exam, State Examination)

(1) Each language is a whole world. (2) Language is not only a subject to be studied, but alive soul people, their joy, pain, memory, treasure. (3) He must evoke in each of us ardent love, gratitude, and reverent attitude. (4) The language of everyone, even the most small people, is a whole world full of charm and magic.

(5) There is no language that does not deserve respect. (6) Not only large but also small nations live on earth. (7) Each of them has his own language, which is dear to his children, like the voice of a mother, like the bread of his native land.

(8) I love Russian language, but I also love my native Balkar, in which I first said “mother”, “bread”, “tree”, “snow”, “rain”, “stars”. (9) I want my language - the first treasure of my people - to live and develop. (10) Respect and love for the Russian language, which I have spoken for many years and which I admire as I continue to study it, does not at all prevent me from loving native speech- my mother's language. (K. Kuliev.)

After reading this text, the guys answer the questions.

1. Guys, what do you know about Kaisyn Kuliev? When did he live? What did you become famous for?

(We remember that Kaisyn Shuvaevich Kuliev (1917-1985) -national poet Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR (1967). He is a Laureate Lenin Prize(1990 - posthumously), USSR State Prize (1974) and Gorky State Prize of the RSFSR (1967))

2. What type of speech is the text: description, narration or reasoning? Prove that this is reasoning.

3. Determine the topic of the text and the problem.

5. Determine the main idea of ​​the text. What did the author want to tell us?

Conclusions. This is a text about Russian and the native language. Any language is the living soul of a people. You need to love both the Russian language and your native language, treat them as treasures.

You and I live in a republic where its residents speak two languages ​​- Russian and Chuvash. Which one is yours? My point is that every language is unique and many people learn multiple languages. For example, A.S. Griboyedov knew 8 languages, A.S. Pushkin -5, Lermontov - 4. Knowledge of languages ​​enriches a person, helps him better understand other peoples. How interesting it is to know another language!

You can invite the children to find evidence of the uniqueness of each language themselves. Schoolchildren conclude that learning Russian and their native languages ​​is a useful and exciting activity.

In conclusion, I would like to say that raising a student to love language, maintaining a constant interest in him linguistic phenomena does not mean raising a nationalist who extols his culture above all other cultures. On the contrary, a person who knows other languages, other cultures and world classics, is often a greater patriot than someone who does not want to acquire this knowledge.

Today there are 6,000 languages ​​on the planet. Half of them, according to linguists, are spoken by less than 10,000 people, 350 dialects have about 50 speakers, and 46 languages ​​remain in the memory of only one person. We have collected the 10 rarest and strange languages spoken by earthlings.

1. Ayapan: a language whose last two speakers did not speak to each other

On Ayapan language spoken in Mexico for centuries. He survived spanish conquest, wars, revolutions, famine and floods. But now, like many other indigenous languages, Ayapanese is on the verge of extinction. There are only two people left who can speak it fluently... but they long years refused to talk to each other. People who know them say that they have always disliked each other. Manuel Segovia and Isidro Velazquez live 500 meters from each other in the village of Ayapa, Tabasco. And only in 2014, to the delight of linguists, did they make peace.

2. Khoisan: A clicking language with 122 consonants

On Khoisan spoken by about 3,000 people from Namibia and Botswana in Africa. The language is famous for its unusual phoneme composition, perhaps the largest in the world: the language has anywhere from 58 to 122 consonants, 31 vowels, and four tones. Among this variety there are as many as 43 “clicking” consonants.

3. Archie: a language with 1.5 million verb endings

While the word "is" on English language may have several endings, for example "ate" or "eat", in the Archi language there are 1,502,839 possible forms verb inflections. Archie, spoken in Dagestan village of Archib, has a completely unusual morphological system with a huge number of rules and exceptions. This language has 26 vowels and approximately 74-82 consonants.

4. Anal: an unfortunately named language spoken by 23,000 people

People tribal anal live in Indian state Manipur and Myanmar. About 23,000 Analians speak their own language, also called "Anal". It is unknown where this name of the tribe and language came from. But the Encyclopedia of Northeast India indicates that the Burmese refer to the Anals as "Khon", which means "dirty people".

5. Tuyuka: a language with 140 genders of nouns

Probably at the most difficult language on Earth - tuyuka - indigenous speaks ethnic group of the 500-1000 people who live in the jungles of Colombia and the Brazilian Amazon. While most languages ​​have a few very simple genders, such as masculine or feminine, tuyuka According to various estimates, there are from 50 to 140 genders of nouns, which makes it extremely difficult to study. And not only that, the language has many special verb endings. For example, the ending "-Wi" means "I know because I saw it" and "-hiyi" means "I guess it might be so."

6. Silbo gomero: whistling tongue

The language spoken by the indigenous people of the Canary Islands silbo gomero, has only two vowels and four consonants, and instead ordinary speech whistle is used. The language originated from one of the dialects Spanish, where all vowels and consonants were replaced with whistling sounds. Whistling varies in pitch and duration, and at the same time it retains the approximate articulation of ordinary speech.

7. Linkos: a language created by scientists to communicate with aliens

In 1960 year dr. Hans Freudenthal published a book entitled. " Linkos: Designing a Language for Cosmic Communication" in which he proposed this language designed to be understandable to anyone possible intelligent extraterrestrial life form during radio broadcasts. Freudenthal believed that such a language should be easily understood by creatures unfamiliar with earthly languages ​​and syntax. Integers it consists of a series of repeated impulses separated by pauses. For many decades, Linkos was only the subject of theoretical discussions, until in 1999, astrophysicists encoded a message in Linkos and sent it using a radio telescope to to the nearest stars. The experiment was repeated in 2003. No response was ever received.

8. Na'vi: a real language created by a linguist for the movie AVATAR

Na'vi is the language of the characters in the film Avatar.

Na"vi were the humanoid indigenous inhabitants of the planet Pandora in the 2009 film Avatar. Its director and screenwriter, James Cameron, thought out his world so seriously and in detail that he hired Dr. Paul Frommer, professor emeritus at the University of Southern California, to create own language especially for the film. When the film was released in 2009, lexicon Na'vi consisted of about a thousand words, but understanding of its grammar was available only to its creator. However, this changed later when Frommer expanded the lexicon to over 2,000 words, and published the grammar, making Na'vi a relatively complete and learnable language.

9. Rachasap: a language used exclusively to address the King of Thailand

The King is without a doubt the most loved and revered person in all of Thailand. Talking about royal family, or when addressing its members, Thais use special language, known as "rachasap", meaning "king's tongue". This tradition is more than seven hundred years old and it is integral part Thai culture. Most Thais know the language, but very few can speak it correctly. However, rachasap can be heard almost daily on television and radio whenever something is said about the king or members of his family.

10. Toki-Pona: a minimalist language consisting of 14 phonemes and 120 keywords

First published online in 2001, the language was developed by Toronto-based translator and linguist Sonia Lang. Toki-Pona has a total of 14 phonemes and 120 basic words, and uses letters Latin alphabet. At least 100 people speak Toki Pona fluently.

Dear eleventh graders!

This text may be useful for preparing for an essay on the Unified State Exam.

2. Pay attention to the highlighted fragments in the text.

3. Select the necessary clichés, in your opinion.

1.One problem is attached to the text.

2. Please note that the title of the text does not always correspond to the title that the author may have had. Therefore, in an essay for the Unified State Exam, if you do not know the exact name, avoid the name that is suggested in various sources.

expresses (expresses, formulates, carries out) the idea that “...”

strives (wants) to convey to the reader the idea that “...”

makes the reader pay attention to...

encourages the reader...

believes that...

convinces us that

States that…

claims that only

stands for

shows us people who...

leads (leads) the reader to the idea that...

comes to the following conclusion:...

admires (who? what?)

amazed (by what?)

as if inviting him to admire (what?)

watching with interest (what?)

with pain in his heart (with bitter irony, with bitterness) he writes (says) that...

can't put up with...

expresses concern...

draws attention to the fact that...

“...” - these words, in my opinion, reflect the main problem of the text.

“...” - this statement accurately reflects the author’s thought.

The text proves the idea that “...”

The author evaluates (what?)
The author reveals the essence of (what?)
The author sets out his approach (to what?)
The author proceeds from the fact that
The author differentiates the concepts of (what)
The author draws attention to the fact that
The author convincingly proves (what?)
Defining the essence and place (of what? in what?), the author believes that
Emphasizing the relevance of (what?), the author draws attention to (what?)
According to the author, important has (what?)


PROBLEM human relationship to languages

“There is no language that does not deserve respect.” (According to K.Sh. Kuliev)

1)Every language- it's a whole world. 2) Language is not only a subject to study, but living soul of the people, his joy, pain, memory, treasure. 3) It should evoke in each of us ardent love, gratitude, and reverent attitude. 4) The language of everyone, even the smallest people, is a whole world full of charm and magic...

5)There is no language that does not deserve respect. 6) Not only large but also small nations live on earth. 7) Each of them has his own language, which is dear to his children, like the voice of a mother, like the bread of his native land.

8)I I love Russian language, But I also love my native Balkar, in which I first said “mother”, “bread”, “tree”, “snow”, “rain”, “stars”. 9) I want my language - the first treasure of my people - to live and develop. 10) Respect and love for the Russian language, which I have spoken for many years and which I admire, continuing to study it, completely doesn't interfere to me love native speech- my mother's language. (According to K.Sh. Kuliev)

Kuliev Kaisy"n Shuvaevich (1917-1985) - Soviet Balkar poet.

Collections of poems:

Fire on the mountain

wounded stone

Book of Earth

Stars - to burn

We wish you patience in preparing for your essay! Rest assured: perseverance, diligence and intense training will give decent results.


For preparation for the Unified State Exam You can use teaching aid « SEMI-FINISHED ESSAYS. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. COLLECTION No. 1».

Detailed instructions on how to use the collection or if you want to use a collection of semi-finished essays, write to

Each language is a whole world. Language is not only a subject for study, but the living soul of a people, its joy, pain, memory, treasure. He should evoke ardent love in each of us, gratitude, reverence attitude. The language of everyone, even the smallest people, is a whole world, complete charms and magic... (K. Kuliev.)

High culture of conversational and writing, good knowledge and development of a sense of the native language, the ability to use its expressive means, its stylistic diversity- the best support, the most faithful help and the most reliable recommendation for every person in his public life and creative activity. (Academician V.V. Vinogradov.)

The Russian language brought us a rare gift from distant times - “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, its steppe expanse and bitter b, the thrill of blue lightning. Ringing of swords.

This language decorated the difficult lot of the ordinary Russian person with fairy tales and songs. He was angry and festive, affectionate and striking. It thundered unshakable anger in our speeches and books freethinkers,painfully sounded in Pushkin’s poems, buzzed “like a bell on a veche tower” in Lermontov, painted huge canvases of Russian life in Tolstoy, Herzen, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, was thunderous in the mouth of Mayakovsky, simple and strict in the thoughts of Gorky, witchcraft tunes rang in stanzas Blok.

Of course, entire books are needed to tell about all the splendor, beauty, unheard of generosity our truly magical language. (K. Paustovsky.)

The language of the people is the best, never fading and the ever-re-blooming flower of his entire spiritual life... In language becomes spiritualized all the people and all their homeland; in him pretends the creative power of the people's spirit into thought, into the picture and sound of the sky of the fatherland, its air, physical phenomena, its climate, its fields, mountains and valleys, its forests and rivers, its storms and thunderstorms - all that deep voice, full of thought and feeling native nature, which speaks so loudly about a person’s love for his sometimes harsh homeland, which expresses itself so clearly in native songs, in native tunes, in the mouths of folk poets. But in the light transparent depths of the folk language more than one nature is reflected home country, but also the whole story spiritual life people. That is why the best and even the only way to penetrate into the character of a people is to master their language. (K. Ushinsky.)

Keep in mind that talent is the same as what is called earth in nature. I personally stick to this one analogies and I organize my behavior in relation to talent like a farmer who works to cultivate the land, but the grateful land, of course, gives birth itself. (M. Prishvin.)

The riches of the Russian language are immeasurable. They simply are stunning. For everything that exists in the world, our language has exact words and expressions, similar to every word is inseparable from the concept it conveys. Likewise, the Russian language is inseparable from spiritual essence Russian people and their history. Among the magnificent qualities of our language there is one that is absolutely amazing and hardly noticeable. It lies in the fact that its sound is so diverse that it contains the sounds of almost all languages ​​of the world. (K. Paustovsky.)

We have nothing more Russian than language. We use it as naturally as we drink or breathe. In the depths of the 20th century in which we find ourselves, the word "to use" is becoming increasingly immoral, if not criminal. Poor and rich people of different beliefs, ages, nationalities and religions breathe the same air. Its freeness has never been discussed until now. But the air was not free in perspective. The consciousness of modern man is cracking, now complicated by environmental problems. But he still can’t change his mind. Air, water, earth...what a useless thing a diamond might one day turn out to be.

Language is the same ocean. No matter how vast and deep both of them are, it is difficult to add even a drop or a word to them. There is as much of this as there is. But no more. (A. Bitov.)

The purpose of the lesson:

  1. Systematization of knowledge by types of texts and connections between sentences and paragraphs in the text.
  2. Deepening and systematization of skills and abilities linguistic analysis text in preparation for the Unified State Exam.
  3. To promote respect and love for the Russian language and other languages.
  4. Development of expressive oral and competent written speech; skills in writing an essay-report and speaking a message.


During the classes

I. Spelling training(On the desk).

Native language, I love Tatar language, Russian language, love your native speech, the language lives and develops, a small people.

II. Guys, what topic are the spellings chosen for? (Language.) You said it right, we will talk today in class... (About languages.)

As the epigraph of the lesson, I decided to take words from the text that we will be working on (texts on desks in printed form and on the screen).

Epigraph: Each language is a whole world.

Balkar poet Kaisyn Kuliev was born into a family of a cattle breeder and hunter. The talented child showed artistic and poetic abilities from childhood. At the age of 18 he comes to Moscow and enters drama school. As a student, he translates into Balkar language poems by A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov. Then he studies at the Literary Institute. He is a participant in the Great Patriotic War.

Reading the text and working on it.

(1) Each language is a whole world. (2) Language is not only a subject for study, but the living soul of the people, its joy, pain, memory, treasure. (3) He must evoke in each of us ardent love, gratitude, and reverent attitude. (4) The language of everyone, even the smallest people, is a whole world full of charm and magic.

(5) There is no language that does not deserve respect. (6) Not only large but also small nations live on earth. (7) Each of them has his own language, which is dear to his children, like the voice of a mother, like the bread of his native land.

(8) I love the Russian language, but I also love my native Balkar, in which I first said “mother”, “bread”, “tree”, “snow”, “rain”, “stars”. (9) I want my language - the first treasure of my people - to live and develop. (10) Respect and love for the Russian language, which I have spoken for many years and which I admire as I continue to study it, does not at all prevent me from loving my native speech - the language of my mother. (K. Kuliev.)

What type of text is it? (Text-discussion.)

Identify parts of the text. (Beginning - 1.2 sentences, middle part - 3-9 sentences, ending - 10 sentences.)

Formulate and read the main idea of ​​each part.

(Beginning: “I am the soul of the people, their joy, pain, memory, treasure.” Middle part: “There is no language that does not deserve respect.” Ending: “Respect and love for the Russian language does not at all prevent you from loving your native speech - mother's language."

Give a title to the text. (Respect and love for the Russian language.)

How many paragraphs are there in the text? (Three.)

How are the paragraphs connected to each other? (Lexical repetition and pronouns, chain connection.)

Show how the sentences in the paragraphs are connected to each other?

Conclusion. The connection in paragraphs is carried out using lexical repetition and pronouns, that is, a chain connection.

In sentences 2, 9, find a contextual synonym. (Language is a treasure.)

Find the comparisons in sentence 7. (Language is like the voice of a mother, like the bread of the native land.)

What did this text make you think about? (About the meaning of the Russian language.)

What importance does the Russian language have for you? (Children read their answers to the question that they wrote at home.)

For today's lesson, a group of students prepared an essay - a report “We love the Russian language”, now we will listen to them.

Report from the International Day of Mother Languages.

Niyaz, did you like your own performance?

Yes. At first I was afraid whether I could cope with the task. After all, almost the entire school was sitting in the hall. But love for the Russian language conquered fear.

What are your progress in the Russian language?

I manage to get 4, but I really love it when they give me 5. I like to read poetry.

Or maybe you can tell us a poem?

Yes, I will be happy to read Akhmat Erikeev’s poem:

To me, a non-Russian, it is near and dear
Wonderful Russian language
I understood his structure in conversations
And I got used to him as if he were my own.

How can the speech not be native,
If with her I’m richer a hundred times!
Pushkin, Herzen, Nekrasov with me
They speak their native language.

Guys, have others had the desire to tell poems about their native and Russian languages?

(Students read poetry.)

Gabdulla Tukay “Native language”.

Mother tongue is the holy language, the language of father and mother,
How beautiful you are! The whole world in your wealth I have comprehended!
Rocking the cradle, my mother revealed you to me in song.
And then I learned to understand my grandmother’s fairy tales.

Native language, native language, I boldly walked into the distance with you,
You elevated my joy, you enlightened my sadness.
Native language, with you and me for the first time I prayed to the creator:
“Oh God, forgive my mother, forgive me, forgive my father.”

Shaikhi Mannur, Tatar poet.

Know both Russian and Tatar languages,
Learn it, my friend!
With them you will discover knowledge,
Everyone is close and tall.

Languages ​​bring us closer
They lead into the big world.
Learn the language you are Russian,
Don't forget, dear.

T. Zumakulova, Balkarian poetess. "Two languages".

Native language!
He is dear to me, he is mine,
On it the winds whistle in our foothills,
It was the first time I heard
The birds babble in the green spring to me...
But, like a native,
I love the Russian language...
It has lively, quivering feelings.
Opened up to me.
And the world opened up in them.

Evgeny Bukov, Russian poet.

If you know Russian,
Everyone will understand you when they meet,
At least travel around the whole country.
In Russian speech that everyone understands
They will talk to you
Both Georgian and Ukrainian,
Both Uzbek and Belarusian.

Gabdulla Tukay, Tatar poet.

Over the centuries we have become related to the Russians,
Dictionary and language were exchanged.
Some songs were born to us,
And the events alone were glorified.

I see that you are really eager to learn this language. What page oral journal you liked it better. Please share your impressions, Ange? (Addresses another student in the class.)

I like it last page, where young talents were discovered. My friend from 9th grade Nurieva Gulnaz spoke on this page. I knew that she writes poetry in the Tatar language, and that day I discovered news for myself: she writes beautifully in Russian. I am proud that my neighbor Gulnaz is my close friend.

Okay guys. I realized that the event was useful and you will remember it for a long time. Our work on the text in today's lesson was like a continuation of that event. I wish good luck and efforts to all my classmates.

Teacher: Let's listen to the report on the newspaper (checking the individual task: the student(s) make a report on the newspaper): I want to make a short report on the newspaper “Russian Word”. It was released by members of the “Entertaining Grammar” circle. I was especially interested in the additional information section. From this article I learned that Russian is one of the six main languages ​​of the United Nations. Six languages: English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Russian. It turns out that many people speak Russian – a quarter of a billion people.

The article “All about languages” talks about the ways of development and growth of the Russian language, about its significance. Next: poems about the Russian language, proverbs, sayings, riddles. And also some interesting food for thought.

I would like to end the message with the words of K. Paustovsky: “We learn language and must learn it continuously until last days own life".

III. Evaluating student responses at each stage of the lesson and in the lesson as a whole(with comment).

IV. Homework.

Level I: make a plan for the text in the form of questions.

Level II: make a simple plan for the text.

Level III: write a miniature essay “What will knowledge of the Russian language give me in the future.”