Research work "geography of endangered languages". Linkos: a language created by scientists to communicate with aliens

Dear eleventh graders!

This text may be useful for preparing for an essay on the Unified State Exam.

2. Pay attention to the highlighted fragments in the text.

3. Select the necessary clichés, in your opinion.

1.One problem is attached to the text.

2. Please note that the title of the text does not always correspond to the title that the author may have had. Therefore, in an essay for the Unified State Exam, if you do not know the exact name, avoid the name that is suggested in various sources.

expresses (expresses, formulates, carries out) the idea that “...”

strives (wants) to convey to the reader the idea that “...”

makes the reader pay attention to...

encourages the reader...

believes that...

convinces us that

States that…

claims that only

stands for

shows us people who...

leads (leads) the reader to the idea that...

comes to the following conclusion:...

admires (who? what?)

amazed (by what?)

as if inviting him to admire (what?)

watching with interest (what?)

with pain in his heart (with bitter irony, with bitterness) he writes (says) that...

can't put up with...

expresses concern...

draws attention to the fact that...

“...” - these words, in my opinion, reflect the main problem of the text.

“...” - this statement accurately reflects the author’s thought.

The text proves the idea that “...”

The author evaluates (what?)
The author reveals the essence of (what?)
The author sets out his approach (to what?)
The author proceeds from the fact that
The author differentiates the concepts of (what)
The author draws attention to the fact that
The author convincingly proves (what?)
Defining the essence and place (of what? in what?), the author believes that
Emphasizing the relevance of (what?), the author draws attention to (what?)
According to the author, important has (what?)


PROBLEM human relationship to languages

“There is no language that does not deserve respect.” (According to K.Sh. Kuliev)

1)Every language- This the whole world. 2) Language is not only a subject to study, but alive soul people, his joy, pain, memory, treasure. 3) It should evoke in each of us ardent love, gratitude, and reverent attitude. 4) The language of everyone, even the most small people, is a whole world full of charm and magic...

5)There is no language that does not deserve respect. 6) Not only large but also small nations live on earth. 7) Each of them has his own language, which is dear to his children, like the voice of a mother, like the bread of his native land.

8)I I love Russian language, But I also love my native Balkar, in which I first said “mother”, “bread”, “tree”, “snow”, “rain”, “stars”. 9) I want my language - the first treasure of my people - to live and develop. 10) Respect and love for the Russian language, which I have spoken for many years and which I admire, continuing to study it, completely doesn't interfere to me be in love native speech - my mother's language. (According to K.Sh. Kuliev)

Kuliev Kaisy"n Shuvaevich (1917-1985) - Soviet Balkar poet.

Collections of poems:

Fire on the mountain

wounded stone

Book of Earth

Stars - to burn

We wish you patience in preparing for your essay! Rest assured: perseverance, diligence and intense training will give decent results.


For preparation for the Unified State Exam You can use teaching aid « SEMI-FINISHED ESSAYS. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. COLLECTION No. 1».

Detailed instructions on how to use the collection or if you want to use a collection of semi-finished essays, write to

title the text so that the title reflects its main idea.... make a plan and write a concise summary... guys please

help me title the text, write it summary and the plan...


very necessary

someone before the evening, when we were returning home, suddenly lost his temper strong wind and drove us straight onto the breakwater, and the wild waves that were rampant seemed to have a special goal of slamming us with all their might against the granite of the breakwater and smashing our little boat into pieces. We rowed out last bit of strength; We saw our only salvation in getting to the harbor before we were hit by the rocks. This turned out to be impossible, and so we were lifted so high that for a moment we saw the sea on the other side of the pier, then it was thrown down, as if from a five-story building, then it was doused with a huge waterfall, then with furious force it began to hit our boat against the pier, now with its stern, now bow, then side. I tried to push myself away from the breakwater with an oar, but it immediately broke. I became numb with despair and suddenly noticed, or rather felt, that Zhitkov was no longer behind me. There was a moment when I was sure that he had drowned. But then I heard his voice. It turned out that at that moment when we were lifted up, Zhitkov, with amazing presence of mind, jumped from the boat onto the pier, onto its sloping, wet, slippery wall and climbed to the very ridge. From there he shouted to me: “It’s over!” “The end” is a nautical rope. Zhitkov demanded that I throw him a rope that lay curled up in a ring on the bow, but since I was still very unsteady in the maritime vocabulary, I understood the word “end” in his general meaning and screamed in death anguish. Fortunately, the lighthouse keeper saw the disaster and rushed to my aid. With terrible curses, which even the howling of the storm could not drown out, with his face distorted with anger, he threw me the end of the rope and, together with Zhitkov, dragged me, trembling, but inexpressibly joyful, onto the wet stones of the pier and immediately took care of our boat: he hooked it with a long hook and ordered the assistant to bring her into the harbor, after which he attacked me and Zhitkov with a new assortment of curses, demanding that we follow him to the lighthouse. I expected extraordinary ferocity, but he, without ceasing to scold, gave us a glass of pepper, ordered us to take off our wet clothes and run naked along the breakwater to quickly warm up. Then he put us on a bed in his kennel, covered us with a blanket and, sitting down behind an overturned box, took a pen to draw up a report on what happened. And I was amazed at the courage of my faithful and reliable comrade...


1. Restore the sequence of actions when writing a concise summary based on a text that can be understood by ear. 1. Lock

sequence of events, reasoning and make an outline of the text.

2. Select compression methods for each part of the text and shorten the text while maintaining main information and all microthemes.

3. Write a concise summary.

4. Listen original text and formulate the main theme and idea of ​​the text.

5. Check the connection between the parts of the presentation and the presence of the author's intention.

Which Russian scientist? we're talking about? Write your last name in nominative case no initials.

“He laid the foundations for the scientific study of phraseology of the Russian language, established three types phraseological units(phraseological adjunctions, phraseological unities, phraseological combinations)".

Determine which branch of linguistics is being discussed in the following statements. Enter the correct answer in the nominative case into the answer table.

[She] "studies the emotional expression of the elements language system, as well as the interaction of speech facts that contribute to the formation of expressive means of one or another language” (Sh. Bally).

[It should be defined as a science not only] “about the means of speech expression,” but also “about the patterns of language functioning, determined by the most appropriate use linguistic units depending on the content of the statement, goals, situation and sphere of communication” (M.N. Kozhina).

What word is being discussed in the text?

The word ... is formed from the name of two Cyrillic letters. In modern Russian, this word means the same as Greek word… . At the same time, there is a tendency to distinguish between these concepts: ... often only a set of letters is named, but not necessarily in order ...

About one of the letters of the Russian alphabet M.V. Lomonosov said: “ The dumb man took his place, like a fifth wheel" Write the correct answer as a letter in the answer table.

Please help me compose a concise summary)))

Now on my table, in crystal vases under electric lights, this fragrant, sweet, aromatic and healing substance is playing with reflections, known to man a long time ago. But it was brought to us from a place where bees had never been - from the tundra. This honey was created not only by bees, but also by the efforts of people who arranged for our native Russian bees of the Trans-Oka meadows to work in the Arctic.
In the north beyond the Arctic Circle, sometimes there are whole mountains of flowers: there is a mountain all white - cloudberries and blueberries are blooming. And then, it happens that in July the mountain is all pink - fireweed has begun to bloom, or rowan, or wild rosemary, geranium, and who knows what! And just think, every flower here has two to three times more nectar than ours, and every flower was waiting for a bee, and there were no bees in the Arctic Circle.
What is attractive is that we discovered polar honey, not at a loss to nature, that millions of pounds of honey were then in flowers to attract bees for pollination, but there were no bees and we brought them.
There are things in the world, original in their goodness and understandable to everyone, uniting nature and man in an ancient union, and among these things is bread. But you just have to be very hungry to feel the sun in bread, and it’s easier for us to see this in the substance of honey.
Please help me prepare a concise summary C:

. It seemed that Tarkovsky came to literature just like that - an established master, to whom all the richest possibilities of Russian verse were open and accessible.

And only the dates indicated on title pages of his books (the first of the dates is 1929), testified: before the reader is the result of many years creative work, intense ideological, philosophical and artistic quest of the author.

Arseny Aleksandrovich Tarkovsky lived with poetry and art in the literal sense of the word early childhood. Born in 1907, he grew up in a highly cultured, progressive-minded environment... Almost all of his relatives and friends wrote poetry. Lyrical, but more often humorous poems “just in case” were composed by his father, who spoke seven European and two ancient languages. Both the mother and his comrades were no strangers to poetry - high school students, friends at home, who introduced the boy to the poems of Pushkin, and Lermontov, Byron and Baratynsky, Tyutchev, Fet, Nekrasov...

Reflecting subsequently on the fact that the service of poetry is akin to a feat or is a feat, Arseny Tarkovsky with conquering force affirmed in his work the idea of ​​​​the prophetic, transformative power of art, about the great calling of the poet, connected with life, the Motherland, the history of his people and the whole domestic and world culture:

I am a smaller branch from the trunk of Russia,

I am her flesh, and to my leaves

The veins reach, wet, steel,

Linen, blood, bone,

Direct extensions of roots.

There is a powerful craving for heights, and therefore I am immortal, while

Flows through my veins - my pain and blessing -

Underground springs icy moisture,

All Er and El of the holy tongue.

Please write a concise summary using vocabulary dictation materials.

An established master, Russian verse, subsequently thoughtful, transformative power, domestic culture, the calling of a poet, icy moisture, powerful thrust, holy language; linen, bone, blood, immortal, prophetic, art.

I will be very grateful!!!

Each language is a whole world. Language is not only a subject for study, but the living soul of a people, its joy, pain, memory, treasure. He should evoke ardent love in each of us, gratitude, reverent attitude. The language of everyone, even the smallest people, is a whole world, complete charms and magic... (K. Kuliev.)

High culture of spoken and written speech, good knowledge and development of a sense of the native language, the ability to use its expressive means, its stylistic diversity- the best support, the most faithful help and the most reliable recommendation for every person in his public life and creative activity. (Academician V.V. Vinogradov.)

The Russian language brought us a rare gift from distant times - “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, its steppe expanse and bitter b, the thrill of blue lightning. Ringing of swords.

This language decorated the difficult lot of the ordinary Russian person with fairy tales and songs. He was angry and festive, affectionate and striking. It thundered unshakable anger in our speeches and books freethinkers,painfully sounded in Pushkin’s poems, buzzed “like a bell on a veche tower” in Lermontov, painted huge canvases of Russian life in Tolstoy, Herzen, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, was thunderous in the mouth of Mayakovsky, simple and strict in the thoughts of Gorky, witchcraft tunes rang in stanzas Blok.

Of course, entire books are needed to tell about all the splendor, beauty, unheard of generosity our truly magical language. (K. Paustovsky.)

The language of the people is the best, never fading and the ever-re-blooming flower of his entire spiritual life... In language becomes spiritualized all the people and all their homeland; in him pretends the creative power of the people's spirit into thought, into the picture and sound of the sky of the fatherland, its air, physical phenomena, its climate, its fields, mountains and valleys, its forests and rivers, its storms and thunderstorms - all that deep voice, full of thought and feeling native nature, which speaks so loudly about a person’s love for his sometimes harsh homeland, which expresses itself so clearly in native songs, in native tunes, in the mouths of folk poets. But in the light transparent depths of the folk language more than one nature is reflected home country, but also the whole story spiritual life people. That is why the best and even the only way to penetrate into the character of a people is to master their language. (K. Ushinsky.)

Keep in mind that talent is the same as what is called earth in nature. I personally stick to this one analogies and I organize my behavior in relation to talent like a farmer who works to cultivate the land, but the grateful land, of course, gives birth itself. (M. Prishvin.)

The riches of the Russian language are immeasurable. They simply are stunning. For everything that exists in the world, our language has exact words and expressions, similar to every word is inseparable from the concept it conveys. Likewise, the Russian language is inseparable from spiritual essence Russian people and their history. Among the magnificent qualities of our language there is one that is absolutely amazing and hardly noticeable. It lies in the fact that its sound is so diverse that it contains the sounds of almost all languages ​​of the world. (K. Paustovsky.)

We have nothing more Russian than language. We use it as naturally as we drink or breathe. In the depths of the 20th century in which we find ourselves, the word "to use" is becoming increasingly immoral, if not criminal. Poor and rich people of different beliefs, ages, nationalities and religions breathe the same air. Its freeness has never been discussed until now. But the air was not free in perspective. The consciousness of modern man is cracking, now complicated by environmental problems. But he still can’t change his mind. Air, water, earth...what a useless thing a diamond might one day turn out to be.

Language is the same ocean. No matter how vast and deep both of them are, it is difficult to add even a drop or a word to them. There is as much of this as there is. But no more. (A. Bitov.)

Each language is interesting and unique, and in conditions of bilingualism, a teacher-philologist must instill a love for both Russian and native language. It is very helpful to think about this topic by the statement of Kaisyn Kuliev, which is good to offer to schoolchildren at introductory lessons Russian language at secondary level or when teaching text analysis (preparation for the Unified State Exam, State Examination)

(1) Each language is a whole world. (2) Language is not only a subject for study, but the living soul of the people, its joy, pain, memory, treasure. (3) He must evoke in each of us ardent love, gratitude, and reverent attitude. (4) The language of everyone, even the smallest people, is a whole world full of charm and magic.

(5) There is no language that does not deserve respect. (6) Not only large but also small nations live on earth. (7) Each of them has his own language, which is dear to his children, like the voice of a mother, like the bread of his native land.

(8) I love the Russian language, but I also love my native Balkar, in which I first said “mother”, “bread”, “tree”, “snow”, “rain”, “stars”. (9) I want my language - the first treasure of my people - to live and develop. (10) Respect and love for the Russian language, which I have spoken for many years and which I admire as I continue to study it, does not at all prevent me from loving my native speech - the language of my mother. (K. Kuliev.)

After reading this text, the guys answer the questions.

1. Guys, what do you know about Kaisyn Kuliev? When did he live? What did you become famous for?

(We remember that Kaisyn Shuvaevich Kuliev (1917-1985) -national poet Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR (1967). He is a Laureate Lenin Prize(1990 - posthumously), USSR State Prize (1974) and Gorky State Prize of the RSFSR (1967))

2. What type of speech is the text: description, narration or reasoning? Prove that this is reasoning.

3. Determine the topic of the text and the problem.

5. Determine the main idea of ​​the text. What did the author want to tell us?

Conclusions. This is a text about Russian and the native language. Any language is the living soul of a people. You need to love both the Russian language and your native language, treat them as treasures.

You and I live in a republic where its residents speak two languages ​​- Russian and Chuvash. Which one is yours? My point is that every language is unique and many people learn multiple languages. For example, A.S. Griboyedov knew 8 languages, A.S. Pushkin -5, Lermontov - 4. Knowledge of languages ​​enriches a person, helps him better understand other peoples. How interesting it is to know another language!

You can invite the children to find evidence of the uniqueness of each language themselves. Schoolchildren conclude that learning Russian and their native languages ​​is a useful and exciting activity.

In conclusion, I would like to say that raising a student to love language, maintaining a constant interest in him linguistic phenomena does not mean raising a nationalist who extols his culture above all other cultures. On the contrary, a person who knows other languages, other cultures and world classics, is often a greater patriot than someone who does not want to acquire this knowledge.

Dedicated to the Year of the Russian Language...

Great Russian word»

I love my native language!

As our power, mighty.

Airy, juicy, tasty, harsh and tender, many-sided,

Our amazing language is skillful in all melodies.

The narrow term, the interjection sigh, and the cry suit him,

Be proud that you understand Russian, try to comprehend the depth.

He created a miracle of shadow, light, and sound soaring, and words in harmony,

The life of poetry is warmed by them, the stars of eternity burn in them.

The people are singers, sculptors, warriors, and in their serenity

He was awarded immortality. Learn to live the same life with him.

The language of the people is both rich and precise,

They grow like weeds

On poorly plowed roadsides.

There are different words, there are all kinds of words,

Words are clear, hard and soft.

Words can be bold, stubborn, harsh.

But there is certainly action behind every word.

There are many words on earth. There are daily words -

They show the blue of the spring sky...

There are words - like wounds, words - like judgment, -

With them they do not surrender and are not taken prisoner.

A word can kill, a word can save,

With a word you can lead the shelves with you.

In a word you can sell, and betray, and buy,

In a word, you can pour it into striking lead.

But we have words for all words in the language:

Glory, Motherland, Loyalty, Freedom and Honor.

Let them not serve as bargaining chips, -

Keep them in your heart as a golden standard!

And do not make them servants in small households -

Take care of their original purity.

Curious, funny and subtle: a verse that hardly resembles a poem.

The writer comprehended the muttering of a cricket and a child perfectly.

And in the nonsense of crumpled speech there is a certain sophistication.

But is it possible to sacrifice human dreams to these amusements?

And is it possible to turn a Russian word into the chirping of a goldfinch,

To make sense living basis couldn't it sound through it?

No! Poetry puts barriers to our inventions, for it

Not for those who wear a sorcerer's cap when playing charades.

The one who lives a real life, who has been accustomed to poetry since childhood,

He always believes in the life-giving, intelligent Russian language.

Language, our magnificent language.

River and steppe expanse in it,

It contains the screams of an eagle and the roar of a wolf,

The chanting, and the ringing, and the incense of pilgrimage.

It contains the cooing of a dove in the spring,

The lark takes off towards the sun - higher, higher.

Birch Grove. The light is through.

Heavenly rain spilled on the roof.

The murmur of an underground spring.

Spring ray playing on the door.

In it is the One who did not accept the swing of the sword,

And seven swords to the visionary heart

And again the steady roar of the wide waters.

Cuckoo. At the well of the young woman.

Green meadow. Merry round dance.

Eve in the sky. In black - lightning running.

A plow and a sickle with a ringing scythe.

A hundred winters to winter. Agile sleds.

Savraska runs at a quiet trot.

A trotter flies like the horse of a winged fairy tale.

Shepherd's horn. Pity until dawn.

Home. The melancholy became sharper than steel.

It is nice here. And there - look, look.

Let's run. We're flying. Let's leave. There. Far away.

A rattling waking dream

You will merge thought and power into a single choir,

Crowning the deep Neva

With the Amber Sea in an eternal treaty.

You will find the treasure you were looking for,

You will flood and sing the minds and countries.

Isn't he yours, the magician of Baikal,

Where in the lake under the bottom do not sleep volcanoes?

It is so powerful and so beautiful, the harsh RUSSIAN is our language!

The world is conquered by just one phrase with which our man fought,

When he smashed the damned fascists and went on the attack against the enemy.

And the Russian soldiers sang when there were three steps to death,

In RUSSIAN RUSSIAN “Katyusha”, and it was a hundred times easier.

And the insidious enemy listened to the song, clutching a machine gun in his hands.

Our Yesenin to the sounds of tango, or dancing a waltz, foxtrot,

I loved to whisper a couple of lines in RUSSIAN to a beautiful foreign woman.

When we burst into space like a storm on an iron trotter,

The world heard: Yuri Gagarin gave a start in RUSSIAN!

We have been hearing our native speech since childhood, writing and speaking in RUSSIAN.

Olympics RUSSIAN Misha conquered all countries of the world.

Reading competition

"And we will save you, Russian speech,

The Great Russian Word"

I love my native language!

He is understandable to everyone, he is melodious,

He, like the Russian people, has many faces,

As our power, mighty.

Good afternoon, dear teachers, Dear Guys!

2013-2014 academic year The municipality of the Uchalinsky district declared the Year of the Russian Language.

The great Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol wrote with love and admiration about the Russian language:

“Before you is a mass - the Russian language! Deep pleasure calls you, the pleasure of plunging into all its immeasurability and grasping its wonderful laws.”

Touch with reverence what you have,

Create brightly and revel in the boundless Russian language.

5th grade students are invited.

The creator and custodian of the Russian national language is the Russian people.

National language connects the past and present of the people. It stores the achievements of science and culture, the life experience of generations.

Listen to what Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy said about the Russian language:

“The Russian people created the Russian language, bright as a rainbow after a spring shower, accurate as arrows, melodious and rich, sincere, like a song over a cradle.

What is Motherland? This is the whole people. This is his culture, his language.”

The people are the ruler of the secrets of the word and all the treasures of language,

They wove its foundation for generations to come.

6th grade students are invited.

Finally and on high state level realized the importance of language in our lives. In the country there is a simplification and pollution of our speech. And “empty” words have become almost the norm of the language.

An outstanding scientist of our time, academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, in his book “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful” wrote:

“...Our language is the most important part our general behavior in life. And by the way a person speaks, we can immediately and easily judge who we are dealing with. You need to learn intelligent speech for a long time and carefully - listening, remembering, noticing, reading and studying. But even though it’s difficult, it’s necessary, necessary.”

The language of the people is both rich and precise,

But there are, alas, inaccurate words,

They grow like weeds

On poorly plowed roadsides.

Words burn like heat or freeze like stones -

Depends on what you gave them,

With which hands I touched them at the right time

And how much warmth I gave them.

Yes, there are words that burn like flames

That they shine far and deep - to the bottom,

But their substitution of words

Treason may be equal to...

7th grade students are invited.

The word is an amazing gift that only man possesses. There are a great many words in the Russian language. How many are there? Not a single specialist or statistician can answer this question convincingly.

I collected 200 thousand Russian words in my explanatory dictionary Vladimir Ivanovich Dal. Sergei Ozhegov’s dictionary contains 57 thousand words. 20 thousand words were used in the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

IN modern world New words and expressions are appearing more and more often.

Fulfilled in a world shocked

A moment anticipated by thought.

And with a new word, suddenly born,

The native language is enriched.

8th grade students are invited

Scientists, public figures highly valued the virtues of the Russian language. Russian writers, masters of words, those who comprehend not only the meaning of a word, but also its sound, its expressive possibilities, admired the Russian language, noted its different sides, features, originality.

I.S. Turgenev compared the Russian language to the sea, which “spread all around with boundless and bottomless waves.”

Maxim Gorky considered the Russian language to be a powerful instrument of culture and noted that “the Russian language is inexhaustibly rich and is being enriched with amazing speed.”

V.G. Belinsky, A.I. Herzen, N.A. Dobrolyubov saw in the Russian language a reflection of the high moral and spiritual strength of our people.

K.G. Paustovsky exclaimed: “We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.”

9th grade students are invited.

The great Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. He has a large vocabulary, has expressive means to denote all necessary concepts in any human activity.

Taking advantage of the richness of language, the speaker or writer can choose the exact and the right words to convey ideas clearly. And not only thoughts, but also feelings, the most subtle, the most passionate and the deepest.

I have the key to all sciences,

I am familiar with the whole universe.

It's because I own

Russian all-encompassing language.

Students of 10th grade are invited.

“Each language is a whole world. Language is not only a subject for study, but the living soul of a people, its joy, pain, memory, treasure. It should evoke in each of us ardent love, gratitude, and reverent attitude.

The language of everyone, even the smallest people, is a whole world full of charm and magic.” This is what Kaisyn Kuliev, a Balkarian writer, wrote about the language.

Our RUSSIAN is so diverse, graceful, modest and strong.

He is so dangerous for an enemy, but in love he is so affectionate.

Leave your doubts, my friend, and the honor of your native language

Carry it with dignity to generations for all future centuries!

Students of 11th grade are invited.

Boundless love for the native language, a passionate desire to preserve and increase its wealth are heard in Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev’s address to future generations of Russian people:

“Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this heritage passed on to us by our predecessors...

Handle this powerful tool with respect; in skillful hands it is capable of performing miracles!”