Business manager in the Soviet army 11. "on the introduction of regulations on control over economic activities in the Soviet army and navy"

We associate birds with something calm and beautiful: light, independent from the disturbances of earthly life, they have always aroused in humans something like a little envy. However, do not rush to relax - Mother Nature still has something to surprise us with. Among the huge variety of bird species, there are some that we do not advise anyone to encounter.


The goshawk is a very beautiful bird and, like all other members of the family, selfless. You shouldn’t even think about approaching the nest of this proud man: the hawk will fearlessly rush to attack the “guest”, regardless of his size.


Making an ostrich angry is not the smartest decision. These birds jealously guard their territory and attack every intruder. The speed of an ostrich can reach eighty kilometers per hour, so it will not be possible to escape. To top it all off, the ostrich has sharp claws on its paws, with one blow of which it can rip through the belly of anyone.

Bicolored Pitohui

These strange small birds live in the forests of New Guinea. Hunting them is deadly: skin, feathers and internal organs Pitohui dichrous contain huge amounts of batrachotoxin, a poison that is a hundred times stronger than strychnine. Scientists still cannot understand the reasons for this trick of nature, because this bird is far from a hunter.

Griffon Vulture

The usual diet of vultures is carrion, and this is common knowledge. However, a study published in 2011 in the journal Nature demonstrated that there may be exceptions to the rule. Griffon vultures living in northern Spain began to hunt livestock, moving from scavengers to predators. A wounded person may well be the victim of such a bird: last year, a young woman fell off a cliff and broke her leg - and the vultures managed to get to her before the rescuers.

blue jay

Blue jays seem to be quite harmless creatures. They feed on insects and nuts - but are not averse to stealing the eggs of other birds. To approach a blue jay's nest is to knowingly risk your eyes. This small bird defends its territory with the courage of an African lion: ornithologists know cases of jay attacks on hawks, raccoons, cats, squirrels and snakes.


Apart from the ostrich, the cassowary remains the only bird to have killed a human. Middle finger The cassowary is equipped with a long, sharp claw that can easily rip out the intestines of its prey. Of course, you would have to be very unlucky to meet a cassowary in its habitat - however, theoretically it is quite possible.

Red cardinal

And another small bird that can become a source of big trouble. Male cardinals are extremely aggressive, especially during mating season. They are ready to defend their territory until last straw blood - especially from brothers. Red cardinals often crash to death against the glass of houses, mistaking the reflection in them for a rival.

Birds are often associated with tranquility.
They are the first ones you hear early in the morning from your window or while walking in the park.
But what you don’t expect from them is cruelty.

If seagulls feel that their chicks are in danger, they will attack with all the cruelty of a kite.


Yes, they are already extinct, along with the rest of the dinosaurs. Velociraptors were more aggressive than any living bird. They were smart, hunted in packs and had very sharp claws that could easily cut the throat of a prey, be it a fish or another dinosaur.


These birds rush at small rodents and fish and pierce them with their sharp claws. These are hunting machines. Although they are trained to hunt for humans, falcons still do not lose their instincts and can cause serious harm, even at a young age.

Blue-capped Ifrita

Although this bird does not eat anything larger than an insect, it has defense mechanism protecting her from danger. Its diet includes a certain type of beetle that produces batrachotoxins similar to the poison dart frog. Anyone who picks up the ifrit with their hands will become numb and poisoned.

Shrike Thrush

This bird, like the previous one, is armed with the same deadly toxin. The shrike thrush lives in the forests of Indonesia, Australia and Papua New Guinea. This thrush is olive-colored and often hides among the trees, but its singing is very musical.


It was the first of three poisonous birds, in which the poison is found on the skin and in the feathers. IN Papua New Guinea This bird is called “garbage” because it is not suitable for food. Almost. If hunger sets in and there is nothing else to eat, then it will do, but first you need to remove the feathers and skin and fry the carcass over charcoal.


The danger of this bird is its potential harm. The eagle has an excellent set of talons, beak and vision, making it an excellent predator. He can carry an object weighing 2 kg in flight. And he is quite gluttonous to eat half a kilo of fish in 4 minutes.


Vultures have a notorious reputation. They also have acid in their stomachs that is resistant to different types bacteria and viruses that are fatal to other living things.


These are the largest birds on earth - they can reach a height of 2.5 m, weigh up to 120 kg, and reach speeds of up to 70 km/h. Ostriches also have very sharp claws. If it weren't for their cute faces and shy behavior, ostriches could be considered real monsters.


This bird is considered the most dangerous in the world. She lives in New Guinea, her sharp claws can kill a person (which happened). The cassowary's legs are very strong, and the speed that this bird develops is at least 50 km/h.

Presidents Medvedev and Putin consider the eagle the most powerful and invincible bird - conjoined twin, Lord Obama and the One who comes for Him - the bald eagle, the real Colonel Gaddafi - the hawk of the Quraish tribe. Warlike World fights under the sign birds of prey, they do not fight for anything, having a bird of paradise on their coat of arms, and in malarial Sao Tome and Principe, the shield of the corrupt system is held by two nightingales, one of which “mows” like a falcon, like a sparrow - like a sick eagle.

Birds, in the eyes of man, are the most noble creatures of the animal world, which is why they are minted on coins and painted on heraldic paintings. Short person He is afraid of birds and rightly so. A harmless sparrow can drive a tired worker crazy with its chirping on a window at 5 am, a garbage pigeon can easily shit on the heads of patriarchs and oligarchs, and can destroy someone’s farming business in a couple of hours.

We bring to your attention an illustrated list of the most evil and dangerous birds on the planet. So that they know who to fear instead of the dove and starling.

1. Golden Eagle

Oh, it’s not for nothing that the Ukrainian riot police are named after this bird. And it was not for nothing that the Ukrainian poet Ivan Franko was once angry and wrote: “That’s why I hate you, golden eagle, because you have an evil heart in your chest.”

The golden eagle is the national bird of five countries of the world, while ornithologists from other countries, if you ask them confidentially, will tell you that the golden eagle, by its nature and character, is a bastard.

The eagle is not only a strong and proud bird, but also cruel, like an SS pervert. If you are a turtle and fall into his clutches, the golden eagle will not eat your turtle brain out on the spot. He will lift you up air space and crash it somewhere on the stones so that the victim becomes wet place. Which the bird will happily peck and lick. It is not for nothing that in Mongolia, tame golden eagles are used to hunt wolves and foxes. Where the hunter misses, the beaked predator will kill a dozen or two animals for pleasure. Essentially, a golden eagle is a shark with wings. And one must treat it with appropriate trepidation and “piety.”

2. Pelican

A distinctive feature of the pelican is the most capacious beak in the world. The bird needs it to implement a semi-passive method of feeding. The pelican dips its beak into the murky water and then drains everything except the edible items. It's like taking a big lump of dirt to search and find a potato in it. But this pelican is not the bastard.

The meanness of the pelican is that it does not kill its prey - it silently swallows it alive. These birds eat everything that can become a source of animal protein. Including pigeons, ducks and penguins in Africa. All living things that fall into the pelican's beak are doomed to flounder helplessly in hydrochloric acid gastric juice without any hope of saving resistance.

The character of this bird describes how the city park pelican ate a pigeon. The pelican was not hungry; he was well fed by the park staff. He grabbed the pigeon just for fun. From a human point of view, the pelican is a war criminal.

3. Shrike

A small lump of flesh, the songbird shrike is a true psychopath among feathered killers. No one mocks their victims as subtly as this touching bird.

The tiny shrike has a tenacious beak, a fierce disposition and a good appetite. He can only eat a small insect on the fly, but he deals with his favorite mice and rats smartly. A normal abnormal shrike always has several trees with thorns in mind. God created these trees specifically so that shrikes could impale rodents on sharp thorns and then, slowly, eat them.

There are also romantic moments in the life of shrikes. While courting a female, the male invites the lady to dinner. They fly to a tree on which the gentleman has previously impaled various edible animals with a monstrous kebab. This is where a person learned to make barbecue from.

The main thing that a person knows about vultures is that these birds eat dead, decaying animals. Vultures, as a rule, do not kill anyone, they wait for someone to do it for them - the victim will die on its own or be underfed by some lion. Thus, these birds justify their existence by their huge role in the ecosystem.

Most species of vultures are calm, patient scavengers, but the black American subspecies of the brown vulture has a significant breed defect - a weak sense of smell.

Therefore, the black vulture “falls on the tail” of other types of vultures. A dozen black vultures can attach themselves to one condor and fly after him until he finds some dead cat. Then, outnumbered, they take away the trophy from the honest earner. In addition, black vultures decide to attack something that moves, but is helpless - for example, a calf or piglet on a farm. One pecks at the baby, and the whole flock feasts on it until the owner nods.

5. Kea parrot

The New Zealand kea parrot is named after its "ke-e-a" call. This is an omnivorous, gluttonous, noisy and impudent creature. Kea are incredibly curious and use their beaks to explore anything unfamiliar, attacking cars, picnics and backpacks with things. Basically, of course, they empty trash cans.

A passion for everything new and unfamiliar pushes kea parrots to commit crimes. There is a known case when a kea stole a passport from a tourist who came to New Zealand gaze at the beauty of nature. He stole it and did not return it, not heeding the curses thrown after him.

But the most terrible thing about the behavior of these feathered clowns is that they bite sheep, thereby eating them alive piece by piece. They behave like the crests from the joke: “whatever I don’t eat, I’ll bite into it.”

As you understand, in the place of the unfortunate sheep there could be a drunken man. For example, a tourist.

Here are the coats of arms of states. Choose to suit your taste, to match your politics and economics!

Birds are a symbol of peace and goodness. We can immediately name several dangerous animals, insects and even reptiles, but we are unlikely to easily remember birds that are deadly to humans. But they exist.


In appearance, this bird is completely harmless, but it is original and “elegant”. In fact, the cassowary is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous bird on the planet. Sensing a threat (or simply seeing a person on the territory of his possessions), this flightless inhabitant tropical forests New Guinea and northeastern Australia are immediately attacked.

Cassowaries' legs are very strong, and their dagger-like claws are capable of causing fatal injuries.

The “bird” has a rather bad character; the cassowary flies into a rage for no apparent reason.

This fact was even highlighted among the American and Australian military during World War II, emphasizing the fact that it was better to avoid meeting the colorful feathered monster. By the way, cassowaries are rarely kept in menageries - due to their unpredictable temperament, it was this creature that most often caused injuries to zoo workers.

South American harpy

This is the strongest eagle in the world, whose body weight reaches 9 kg. The claws of a huge bird are larger and more powerful than those of a tiger and a bear, and it will not be difficult for it to pierce a human skull.

The harpy usually does not attack a person first; contents itself with monkeys, sloths, boa constrictors and smaller birds for lunch.

The only exception is an attack on the nest of this Mexican eagle. The harpy will selflessly protect the only chick (and these pairs of birds raise only one chick). On this moment The number of South American harpies is steadily declining, the reason for this was the destruction of forests and the reproductive characteristics of winged predators.

Blackbird Flycatcher

To be deadly to humans, this bird did not have to distinguish itself large sizes And physical strength. The blackbird flycatcher, also known as the bicolored pitohu, is the most poisonous bird on the planet. In addition to the pitohu, there are also three-venomous birds, two of which belong to the same genus (P. kihocephalus and P. ferrugineus) as the bicolor pitohu, and the third was the blue-headed ifrita covaldi.

All three “analogs” are significantly inferior in the degree of toxicity to the blackbird flycatcher. In 1989, ornithologist Jack Dumbacher studied birds in New Guinea. While releasing cute birds from the web, the scientist scratched his finger. Not paying attention to the scratch, Jack instinctively put his finger in his mouth and immediately felt his tongue, mouth and lips go numb.

Subsequently, it was found out that the poison enters the bird’s body along with beetles of the species Choresine pulchra, and then gradually accumulates in the feathers and skin.

As a result of its meals, the flycatcher becomes dangerous to other mammals, although the bird itself has adapted to the poison. It’s funny that the local aborigines have long known about this quality of pitohu, “ greatest discovery“The ornithologist was quite amused by them.

Canada goose

The Canada geese (not to be confused with Canada Goose jackets) is a very beautiful waterfowl of the Anatidae family. The huge duck has an aggressive disposition and desperately defends its territory.

When encountering humans, Canadian hussars often inflicted lacerations, serious fractures and cranial injuries on people.

Federal scientist, specialist in wildlife Neil Dow, conducted field research and published results showing the destruction coastline and the destruction of many animals and birds by geese. In addition, geese have collided with airplanes many times. In 1995, in Elmendorf, Alaska, a US Air Force plane crashed into a flock of geese on takeoff and crashed. 24 crew members were killed. In 2009, the pilot of Flight 1549 managed to make an emergency landing after encountering Canadian hussars, and the passengers escaped with minor injuries.


The feathered city dwellers have neither poison nor extreme physical abilities, but they have an amazing presence developed intelligence. An organized flock of crows is capable of acting like a real gang, according to a pre-planned plan.

There are often cases when crows work together to drive their prey - small animals and pigeons - under the wheels of vehicles, and then drag the unfortunates to the side of the road and feast.

Crows can also attack humans. Reports of their attacks on people appear in the press every now and then. Especially in the spring.

Most often, children and old people become victims of flocks, and, surrounding the unfortunate person from all sides, crows are able to inflict significant injuries with their hard beaks, diverting attention to each other.

London runners in Elten Sound Park were forced to change their running route due to an attack by crows. It is noteworthy that the aggressive birds attacked mainly blond people. The reasons for the hostility towards blondes have never been clarified.

The consequences of the intelligence of crows were also reflected in mass incidents - in just one month of 1978, nine trains derailed in China. The cause was the rubble that the crows placed on the rails.

SSS R, let’s ask ourselves: “Whose role is more significant - Heroes Soviet Union who performed great feats on the fronts, or Heroes Socialist Labor who made an exceptional contribution to military production? The activities of Boris Lvovich Vannikov convincingly indicate that one can safely put an equal sign between both.

Let's remember why Soviet state highly appreciated the work of the legendary People's Commissar. There is a good reason for this: September 7 marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of Boris Vannikov.

Organizer of explosive growth

In 1933, Boris Vannikov, a strategically thinking business executive who had proven himself brilliantly in the civilian sector of Soviet industry, came to the defense industry. He had a fundamental asset technical education received in the famous “Baumanka”, the plus is the desire to work day and night for the good of the Fatherland.

Vannikov’s participation in solving the problems facing the USSR military-industrial complex went through three stages. The first was marked by entry into the corps of directors of enterprises that produced military products, high positions in the system of People's Commissariats of the military-industrial profile, including the highest position - People's Commissar.

The end of the first stage and the beginning of the second are notable for the fact that Vannikov reflected on the fate of the Soviet military-industrial complex not in his office, but in an NKVD cell. He spent 43 days there. Stalin believed the arguments of Anastas Mikoyan, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, and on July 20, 1941, Boris Lvovich returned to the People's Commissariat of Armaments of the USSR, which he headed before his arrest, this time as deputy head of the department. On February 16, 1942, he was again the People's Commissar, but this time for USSR ammunition. Vannikov will remain in this position for 3 years and 11 months. If we take the volume of ammunition production for the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army in 1941 as 100 percent, then after the first year of work of People's Commissar Vannikov, supplies to the front doubled, and during the second year they tripled. The 300 percent level was reached six months after only one method of producing relevant products took root in the Soviet military-industrial complex - in-line production. From February 1942 to May 1945, the front received a third of a billion artillery shells. The tonnage of explosives was in the seven figures. It was the establishment of the flow method that predetermined the progressive increase in the advantage of the Soviet military-industrial complex over the German one in terms of ammunition. At the same time, the People's Commissar, who in 1944 became Colonel General of the Engineering and Artillery Service, sought to ensure that volumes did not come at the expense of quality. And he achieved his goal. Performance characteristics have undergone stage-by-stage changes. Ballistics has become much better to a greater extent satisfy the recipients of the ammunition.

Armor-piercing, cumulative, fragmentation, and sub-caliber shells were brought to the level of world standards. A varied assortment of highly effective fuses came to the front in an endless stream. Thanks to the most unique technologies it was possible to minimize the processing of shell casings. In a segment focused on bomb production, automatic welding has become the norm. Gunpowder factories saw a sharp increase in labor productivity. From February 1942 to May 1945, 19 developments of main-purpose artillery rounds and nearly 60 fundamentally new variations of aerial bombs went from design concept to use on the front line. Additional and, as it turned out, powerful arguments were found for opposing the Germans at sea: just a few months after Vannikov became People's Commissar of Ammunition, arsenals Soviet fleets two types of mines were replenished - aircraft and antenna ones. The People's Commissar showed great interest in improving rockets. Most significant achievement- the M-13 DD projectile, created with the active support of Vannikov, capable of hitting a target at a distance of 11,800 meters. Unlike the previous ones, it was two-chambered. Of the nearly 15 million delivered to the front, these samples received the most highly appreciated artillerymen.

When Vannikov was People's Commissar of Ammunition of the USSR top management did not forget about his achievements in previous posts. Boris Lvovich recalled: “On June 8, 1942, by Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR for exceptional services to the state in organizing production, developing new types of artillery and small arms, I was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor... I am proud high reward. “I would like, however, to emphasize that for me it meant a high appreciation of the pre-war work of the remarkable, dedicated and highly qualified team of the arms industry, which, by the way, later during the war, with honor, coped with even more complex and responsible tasks.” About the activities of this team in pre-war period can also be judged by the resolution of the XVIII Party Conference, held in February 1941, less than four months before the start of the war, which noted: “The growth rate of production of the defense industrial people's commissariats in 1940 was significantly higher than the growth rate of production of the entire industry... As a result of the success of development new technology and growth defense industry has increased significantly technical equipment Red Army and Navy the latest types and types of modern weapons."

Chief Nuclear Scientist

Vannikov played historical role in the restructuring of the Soviet military-industrial complex in response to the challenges of the global military-technical revolution, which was started by the Americans, who became the owners of nuclear weapons in 1945. The Soviet military-industrial complex was faced with task number one: to eliminate the US monopoly.

Initially it was decided by the Special Committee on the Use atomic energy under the State Defense Committee (GKO) of the USSR, and after its abolition - by the Special Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy under the government of the USSR. It was thanks to Vannikov that a system of engineering and technical support was created for transforming the USSR into nuclear power. Top-secret factories and laboratories, special design bureaus appeared, and training began in the specialty “ Nuclear physics» in universities and institutes. The interaction and division of labor between Vannikov and Kurchatov was brilliantly organized. The future creator of the first tokamak, Igor Golovin, worked hand in hand with both, testifying: “They complemented each other perfectly. Kurchatov was responsible for the decision scientific tasks and the correct orientation of engineers and workers related areas science, Vannikov - for the urgent execution of orders by industry and coordination of work.”

Two milestone events of the Soviet military-industrial complex were associated with the history of the Special Committee. In 1949, the Soviet atomic bomb, in 1953, the USSR tested hydrogen for the first time in world history. For his contribution to the elimination of the US nuclear monopoly, Vannikov was awarded the second “Gold Star” of the Hero of Socialist Labor.

In the first month of summer 1953, the Special Committee was closed. Its functions were transferred to the Ministry of Medium Engineering of the USSR. Vannikov became the first deputy head of the department. Now it’s no secret to anyone that the Colonel General of the Engineering and Artillery Service was the chief nuclear scientist of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building. After some time, his chest was decorated with a third " Golden Star"Hero of Socialist Labor. This is how Boris Lvovich’s merits in replenishing the arsenals of the Soviet Armed Forces with thermonuclear aircraft munitions were appreciated. Note that all issues of preparation for testing the first Soviet hydrogen bomb were decided when he was in the leadership of the Special Committee.

The outstanding organizer of military production will still be in office when the USSR sets its sights on creating strategic offensive nuclear weapons. However, he was not destined to truly participate in this process. Health began to fail, and in 1958 a regiment of personal pensioners Union significance arrived.

Having passed into another world on February 22, 1962, Boris Lvovich remained forever in grateful memory descendants. For example, guests of the Azerbaijani capital listen with great interest to the stories of guides about the Baku period of the life of a colonel general of the engineering and artillery service. To perpetuate the memory of Vannikov, the standard phrase“on the house where he lived, there was Memorial plaque" This house is located in Russian capital, with which many years of work of an outstanding organizer of military production are associated. Tula and Donetsk residents are proud that they have streets named after Vannikov. In the city of Russian gunsmiths, the memory of the thrice Hero of Socialist Labor was immortalized twice. The Stamp machine-building plant bears the name of Boris Lvovich. They value the fact that it was in Tula, at the famous TOZ, that Vannikov’s star rose as an organizer of military production.