Future progressive example sentences with translation. Future Continuous – expression of the duration of an action in the future

Education Future Continuous
(shall/will be + …-ing)

Future Continuous (Future Progressive) are formed with the help to be in the shape of ( shall be, will be) and present participle forms semantic verb:I will be doing. In modern English the construction will be used in all persons. When adding endings to verbs - ing sometimes there are changes in their spelling, for example have/hav ing. More about .

Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form
I shall/will be working I shall/will not be working Shall/Will I be working?
will be working he
will not be working Will he
we shall/will be working we shall/will not be working Shall/Will we
will be working you
will not be working Will you

Abbreviated forms:

'll= shall/will
'll not=shall not/will not
shan't= shall not
won't= will not

Using the Future Continuous

1. A continuous action that will occur at some point or period of time in the future. The moment of action can be indicated by time notations ( at 3 o’clock - at 3 o’clock, at noon - at noon, at midnight - at midnight, at that moment - at this moment) or other future action, expressed verb in in and .

Examples: They will still be having a lunch at 8 o’clock. – They will still have breakfast at 8 o’clock.
Tonight at 11 p.m., we will be dancing at the party. – Tonight at 11 o’clock we will dance at the party.
She 'll be playing the piano when her parents come home. She will play the piano when her parents come home.

2. A continuous action that will be performed in a certain period of time, although it may be interrupted throughout this period of time.

Examples: They 'll be cleaning their house during all week. They will clean their house all week.

3. An action taking place in the future that is already planned or that is part of an established routine.

Examples: Andrea will be taking a taxi to the airport. - Andrea will take (take) a taxi to the airport.

Note.Pay attention to the peculiarities of using Future Continuous (Future Progressive) and Future Simple.

4. Future Continuous (Future Progressive), like Future Simple, is used with the following time symbols ( the whole evening - all evening, all day long - all day, all day tomorrow - all day tomorrow, from two till three - from three to four).

Future Continuous Future Simple
She 'll be sleeping the whole evening.
She will sleep all evening.
He 'll work the whole evening.
He will work all evening.

5. If we are talking about a long-term action (about a process), it is used Future form Continuous (Future Progressive), and if the author states the fact of an action, the Future Simple form is used.

6. When two continuous actions are performed simultaneously, they are both expressed using either (Future Continuous in the main clause and Present Continuous in the subordinate clause), or (Future Simple in the main clause and Present Simple in the subordinate clause). If the speaker wants to emphasize action as a process, they are used Continuous tenses, and if it states a fact, Simple tenses are used.

Examples: While you are sleeping,I shall be playing tennis – While you sleep, I will play tennis. (process)
While you sleep,I shall play tennis – While you sleep, I will play tennis. (fact)

Now we will take a closer look at Future Continuous rules and construction examples. This time is also known as Future Progressive in another name. Let's also compare it with the Future Simple - a fact in the future tense. Example: Tomorrow I will fly to New York. In negation we put not: I will not eat it.
But Future Continuous answers the question whether the process will happen in the future or not and is built on this principle. Will you be doing your homework at 7? You will do yours homework at 7:00?


As you probably know, the Future Simple is built according to the formula Will + V1 (a verb in the first form without endings) and denotes a fact. And Future Continuous – Will be + V (-ing) and this is a process of action.
Example: I will cook for you. (FS)
I will be cooking for you. (FC)

Types of offers

Negation of Future Continuous “I will not be cooking tomorrow”
In negation you can shorten particle not: I won’t be swimming - I won’t swim. Here will not = won’t.
Negative question “Why will you not be flying to Alaska?”

More examples for understanding

Let's take another look at Future Continuous examples sentences with translation - we will consolidate knowledge.
She will be preparing the whole day tomorrow to meet us. She will be preparing all day to meet us tomorrow.
Tomorrow this time I will be learning English. Tomorrow at this time I will be learning English.
I will be sleeping from 3 till 5. I will sleep from 3 to 5. A certain period of time in the future is highlighted here.

Hint words

Let us give an example of the words pointers that tell us that the Future Continuous is used:
this time tomorrow - at this time tomorrow
all day long - all day
all day tomorrow - all day tomorrow
the whole day (morning/evening) – the whole day (morning/evening)
from 5 till 9 p.m. – from 5 to 9 pm

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So as not to miss new ones useful materials,

Future Continuous(continuous future tense) is widely used in English. Like all the times of the group Continuous, it transmits long-lasting action, occurring at a certain moment specified in the context. Future Continuous will help you diversify your speech, since in some cases it can be an alternative Future Simple or Present Continuous.

How is the Future Continuous formed?


An affirmative sentence consists of a subject, auxiliary verb will be and the main verb ending - ing.

I/He/She/It/We/You/They + will be + verb- ing
I will be speak ing . - I will speak.

He will be build ing . - He will build.

She will be eat ing . - She will eat.

It will be operat ing . - It will work.

We will be draw ing . - We will draw.

You will be think ing . - You will think.

They will be walk ing . - They will walk.


IN negative sentences between will And be a particle appears not.

I/He/She/It/We/You/They + will not be + verb- ing
I will not be speak ing . - I will not speak.

He will not be build ing . - He won't build.

She will not be eat ing . - She won't eat.

It will not be operat ing . - It won't work.

We will not be draw ing . - We won't draw.

You will not be think ing . - You won't think.

They will not be walk ing . - They won't go for walks.

Verb will usually takes a shortened form. In a statement it is combined with a pronoun, in negation - with a particle not:

  • He'll be building.
  • We'll be drawing.
  • You won't be thinking.
  • They won't be walking.


In order to build interrogative sentence, we put it first will, after it the subject, then be and main verb.

Will I/he/she/it/we/you/they + be + verb- ing
Will I be speak ing ? - I will speak?

Will he be build ing ? - Will he build?

Will she be eat ing ? – Will she eat?

Will it be operat ing ? – Will it work?

Will we be draw ing ? - Shall we draw?

Will you be think ing ? – Will you think?

Will they be walk ing ? - Will they go for a walk?

Time Future Continuous not considered on initial stage teaching English. We have divided the functions of this time into 2 groups: the yellow block contains functions necessary for an average level, and the red block – for a high level.

Where does the Future Continuous occur?

Average level

  1. Future Continuous shows the action that will take place in certain time in future. The sentence does not indicate when the event will begin or end. We focus on the fact that at a particular moment the action will last.

    In this case, the duration of action is indicated using the following words: this time tomorrow / next week(this time tomorrow/next week), at 3 o'clock tomorrow(at 3 o'clock tomorrow), at 10 a.m.(at 10 am), in the morning/afternoon/evening(morning/afternoon/evening), tonight at 6 p.m.(tonight at 6 o'clock) at noon(at noon), at midnight(at midnight), in a week/month/year(in a week/month/year).

    Trevor will be watching a football match tomorrow at 8 p.m.– Trevor will watch football tomorrow at 8 pm.

    I will be studying at the university in a year. - I will be studying in the University in a year.

  2. Future Continuous used to politely ask a person about his plans for the near future. In such situations, we want this person to do something for us. We are trying to find out if his plans coincide with our desires.

    Will you be going to the kitchen later? Bring me a glass of soda. - You will you go to the kitchen later? Grab me a glass of soda.

    I don't like public transport. Will you be driving a car to get to the airport? - I do not like public transport. You will you go to the airport by car?

  3. Future Continuous used in the same way as Present Continuous: To communicate planned actions that will happen in the near future.

    They will be leaving for Chicago next week. = They are leaving for Chicago next week. - They are leaving in Chicago next week.

    We will be jogging with Julia in the park today. =We are jogging with Julia in the park today. - We let's run with Julia in the park today.

Complex cases of using the Future Continuous

High level

  1. Future Continuous shows an action that the speaker believes will happen in the future. The reason for this belief may be a consequence of the natural course of events or the result of an agreement.

    I can ask John to call you. I 'll be seeing him tomorrow. – I can ask John to call you. I see you with him tomorrow.

    He won't be taking part in a competition as he has seriously hurt his arm. - He will not take part in competitions, as he seriously injured his hand.

  2. We use Future Continuous as a neutral replacement Future Simple. In such cases Future Continuous shows that the speaker is only interested in plans, while Future Simple sounds like an invitation, an interest, a desire to do something.

    Will you be going to a new restaurant with us tonight? - You will you go with us to a new restaurant tonight? (we are only interested in plans: whether a person will or will not go to a restaurant with us)

    Will you go to a new restaurant with us tonight? – Let's go to with us to a new restaurant tonight. (we invite you to come with us)

That's it for the list of features Future Continuous comes to the end. As you can see, the list is small. Take the quiz to practice using this time, and don't forget to download the education worksheet Future Continuous Tense .

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Future Continuous - long future tense in English

Hello, dear reader and admirer in English. Christina Franz is in touch. I am glad that you visited my blog and I hasten to express my gratitude! On our blog you will find a large number of examples for all times in English. Today we are practicing Future Continuous. An amazing future tense used to indicate process and duration that I absolutely love.

The scheme for the formation of the Future Continuous Tense is indecently simple :)

WILL BE + any verb with ING new ending. “Smart” books will explain the rules to you for hours: the theory can be told without stopping. BUT NOT JUST WITH US! All you need to remember is will be + ing and exhale......! 😕 😀

>>I will be running / I will be smiling / I will be kissing you / I will be helping you<<<

Creating a question is even easier! Will takes the lead and, as in sports commentary, ... scores a goal!

>>Will you be dancing? Will you be helping me? Will you be acting shy?<<<

Negations are a little more complicated. You need to remember as many as TWO combinations 😮: will not or won’t. It’s better to immediately use won’t in colloquial speech in order to work out all the complexities of negative sentences in the future and forget about it once and for all. Will not is equivalent in frequency of use in normal live English conversation.

>>I won’t be cooking / I won’t be writing / I won’t be doing it on my own<<<

And now #SEA-SEA practice, examples in sentences / Examples in a sentence (Future Continuous):

I will be doing my hair when you appear – I’ll do my hair when you show up (don’t even think about putting make on it :)

She will be washing the floors tomorrow at 7 am – She will wash the floors tomorrow at 7 o’clock in the morning.

Peter will be buying another firm during this week – Peter will buy a new company (not a farm) during this week.

STOP TIME! Let's relax and read an English joke:

– Honey, both that journalist and the engineer proposed to our daughter!
– So who’s the lucky man?
- The engineer. Our daughter married the journalist

I will be writing the letter for 5 days – I will write a letter for 5 days (for is strange, but according to this model you can safely come up with a number of your own sentences in English, I WILL BE DOING SOMETHING FOR A SEVERAL DAYS)

In 5 minutes I will be cooking the pizza for my dear husband – In five minutes I will be preparing pizza for my dear husband.

A separate nuance: creating questions in English for polite intentions!

Will you be drinking with us? -Will you drink with us?

Will you be singing a romantic song for me? – Will you sing a romantic song for me?

💡 …..For example, your mother-in-law came to visit you. What tense should you use for polite requests? Only progressive!

Will you be staying here for 2 days? – You will stay here for two days (or two weeks =)) Here, show all your knowledge of numerals, can you count to 100 in English? 😉

And this is where we don’t say goodbye to you! Christina Franz, an English language teacher at the film school, was with you. Be sure to subscribe to the free COURSE in the >>> section. With love, warm and sunny days! 🙂

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The word Future is translated as “future” and shows us that the action will only take place. Continuous indicates the duration of this action. That is, the action will begin sometime in the future and will last for some time.

We use the Future Continuous to emphasize the duration of an action that will take place in the future. Unlike the Future Simple tense, which we use when we simply talk about something as a fact that will happen.

Let's look at two examples:

1. FutureSimple:

I will fly to America.
I'll fly to America.

2. FutureContinuous:

Tomorrow this time I will be flying to America.
Tomorrow at this time I will be flying to America. (literally: Tomorrow at this time I will appear flying to America)

The first example simply talks about fact: Sometime in the future a person will fly to America.

The second example says it will be process, and it will last for some time. That is, we focus specifically on the duration of this action. A person will board a plane and fly for a certain long time.

Now let's look at cases of using the future continuous tense.

Use of Future Continuous Tense

This tense is used in the following cases:

1. When we talk about an action that will take place at a certain period or point in time.
Example: I will study from 5 to 7; they will be out at 8

2. When we talk about an action that will last a certain amount of time (this action can be interrupted by others).
Example: I will be working on this project all week; she will study English all summer.

Affirmative sentences Future Continuous Tense

An affirmative sentence is formed using the auxiliary verb to be in the form of the future tense (will be) and the ending “-ing”, which is added to the verb denoting action. The education scheme will be as follows:

the one about whom we're talking about+ will be + verb + -ing

We playing
They will be swimming
She cooking

For example:

She will be driv ing a car all night long.
She will drive all night.

They will be sleep ing from six till nine.
They will sleep from 6 to 9.

I will be work ing.
I will work.

Rules for adding endings -ing we looked at in this article. In it we also talked about verbs that are never used in continuous tenses, since they cannot last. Be sure to check it out!

Words are indicators of time

Very often with time Future Continuous the following words are used:

  • all day long - all day
  • this time tomorrow - at this time tomorrow
  • all day tomorrow - all day tomorrow
  • the whole morning/evening/day - the whole morning/evening/day
  • from 6 till 8 p.m. - from 6 to 8 pm

They will help you understand that this is the continuous future tense. Let's look at examples:

I will be having rest the wholesale evening.
I'll rest the whole evening tomorrow.

They will be swimming in a pool from 3 till 5 p.m..
They will be swimming in the pool from 3 to 5 pm.

Negative form of Future Continuous Tense

A negative sentence at this time is formed in the same way as affirmative sentence, but to our verb to be is added negative particle not. In this case, we place the particle not between will and be. We can do it willnotbe.

the one in question + will not be + verb + -ing

We playing
They will not be swimming
She cooking

She will not be read ing.
She won't read.

They will not be danc ing.
They won't dance.

I will not be walk ing in the park.
I won't walk in the park.


In negation we can shorten the particle not, pay attention to how exactly:

will not = won't

I won't be painting.
I won't draw.

Question form Future Continuous Tense

If you want to ask whether someone will do some continuous action in the future, then move the verb to be to the first place in the sentence. At the same time, our actor we put between will and be. It turns out like this: Will she be...?

Scheme of question formation:

will + person in question + be + verb + -ing

we playing?
Will they be swimming?
she cooking?


I will be clean ing my house.
I will clean my house.

We will be watch ing a new film.
We will watch a new film.

She will be sleep ing the whole day.
She will sleep all day.

The question and a positive answer (our “yes”) will look like this:

Question Short answer (contains will) Full answer (constructed as an affirmative sentence)
Will I be clean ing my house?
Will I clean my house?

Yes, I will.
Yes, I will.

Yes, I will be clean ing my house.
Yes, I will clean my house.
Will we be watch ing a new film?

Yes, we will.
Yes we will.

Yes, we will be watch ing a new film.
Yes, we will watch the new film.

Will she be sleep ing the whole day?
Will she sleep all day?

Yes, she will.
Yes, she will.

Yes, she will be sleep ing the whole day.
Yes, she will sleep all day.

Negative answers (our “no”) will look like this:

Question Short answer (contains will + not) Full answer (constructed as a negative sentence)
Will I be clean ing my house?
Will I clean my house?

No, I will not.
No, I will not.

No, I will not be clean ing my house.
No, I won't clean my house.
Will we be watch ing a new film?
Will we watch a new movie?

No, we will not.
No, we won't.

No, we will not be watch ing a new film.
No, we won't watch the new movie.
Will she be sleep ing the whole day?
Will she sleep all day?

No, she will not.
No, she won't.

No, she will not be sleep ing the whole day.
No, she won't sleep all day.

Will they be danc ing the whole night?

Yes, they will.
Yes, they will.

Will they be danc ing the whole night?
Will they dance all night?

No, they will not.
No, they won't.

Will he be play ing football from 4 till 6?

Yes, he will be play ing football from 4 till 6.
Yes, he will play football from 4 to 6.

Will he be play ing football from 4 till 6?
Will he play football from 4 to 6?

No, he will not be play ing football from 4 till 6.
No, he won't play football from 4 to 6.

Clarifying questions

We ask such questions with the following words:

  • What - what
  • Where - where
  • Who - who
  • Which - which
  • Why - why

question word + will + person in question + be + verb + -ing

What we playing?
Where will they be swimming?
Why she cooking?

Why will they be studying this time tomorrow?
Why will they be studying at this time tomorrow?

What will she be painting?
What will she paint?

Today you got acquainted with the last continuous tense. If you have not read it, I advise you to read the following articles:

  • Present Continuous Tense - present continuous tense in English
  • Past Continuous Tense - past continuous tense in English

If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments.

Reinforcement task

Now let's put this knowledge into practice. Translate the following sentences:

1. He will do this research all year.
2. My friends won't study all summer.
3. Will they climb the mountain all day?
4. I will graduate from university next year.
5. My sister won't walk the dog from 3 to 4.
6. Where will they play?
7. Her parents will work in the garden.
8. She will be preparing dinner at this time.
9. What will she cook?
10. How long will it take you to do your homework?

Leave your answers in the comments below the article.