Katerina's feelings and mind in a thunderstorm conclusion. Essay on the topic of mind and feelings in literature

Feelings against reason or why Boris is not a match for Katerina

In Ostrovsky's drama "The Thunderstorm" the main character is Katerina.

The drama talks about tragic fate a girl who couldn't fight for her love.

Out of “love and affection” Katerina ends up in the Kabanov family, into which she cannot express her point of view or argue about something.

Kabanikha’s son Tikhon, Katerina’s husband, cannot contradict his mother in anything, just like Katerina. Kabanikha considers herself “superior” to others.

She is a stranger in this house, she is constantly humiliated every day. She finds herself in an environment where there is nothing “holy and good.”

Let's move on to the explanation scene main character Katerina and Boris:

This scene takes place in the finale, this scene is the denouement, the tragic denouement of their relationship.

They understand that their meetings do not make sense and they were a mistake. They say so, but somewhere deep down they don’t think so.

The internal state of the characters is not so easy to understand, but it is still possible to understand it. Stage directions help us do this.

For example, Boris, when meeting Katerina, always looks around as if he is afraid that they will be seen. Katerina is the opposite of Boris in this regard: She behaves calmly, is not nervous, does not worry because the feeling that she experiences, she is unable to hide.

("Runs up to him and jumps on his neck").

Boris and her love for him are a small ray of light in " dark kingdom" of her life. For his sake, she is ready to give up everything, leave her husband and this nasty mother-in-law Kabanikha: “Take me with you from here!”) She is determined, which cannot be said from Dikiy’s nephew - Boris - He cannot disobey him, contradict him. Because she depends on him financially.... She cannot give up everything for the sake of love!!!

“I’m not going of my own free will: my uncle sends..” He doesn’t have his own opinion!!! Only weak loves become dependent on another person, Boris is weak, weak-willed. He doesn’t want to change his life for the sake of some kind of love.

Katerina is stronger than Boris, but she also has more problems, he is a “free bird”, and she is a “husband’s wife”.

When saying goodbye to Katerina, the weak-willed Boris cries, But why? He seems to sympathize with her, regrets her, but he runs from her, runs from his “love”, not thinking how hard it is for Katerina to live, how bad she feels with her husband and Kabanikha. It’s difficult for Katerina to say goodbye to Boris, she loves him, wants to stay with him longer and look at him. Boris tries to leave quickly... so as not to see her.

He believes that the best deliverance for her will be death! (“The only thing we need to ask God for is that she dies quickly, so that she doesn’t suffer for a long time!”) He worries about her, but he can’t save her, he doesn’t want to! Because he sincerely doesn’t love her.

He could have prevented death, but he didn't want to.

He leaves. After some thought, she finally decides to commit the most disgusting act - suicide. Before leaving, she asked him to pray for her sinful soul. It’s hard for her.

It’s difficult for her to take this step. But betrayal pushes her.

She believes that the house is worse than the grave and does this. She believes that her life is over and throws herself into the river..

Every day, being in the company of people we don’t know or don’t know very well, we draw conclusions about their internal state based on appearance, by the shadows of emotions that play on their faces. However, this does not always give the correct idea. In fact, some individuals hide their emotions so well that only close, intimate acquaintance with them can reveal their inner contents and reveal who they really are.

What causes internal conflict: feelings versus reason

We do not have the opportunity to look inside a person, into his soul. IN otherwise An amazing and terrible picture of the eternal internal conflict that occurs between the perception of the world on a sensory level and the logical train of thoughts would be revealed to us. Constant evaluation what is happening around again and again starts a process, the purpose of which is to analyze and make decisions in relation to a particular situation. And all this is weighed on two bowls: with emotional point point of view and point of view of cold, dry calculation.

Pros and cons of extreme positions

Some individuals in the decision-making process are guided only by cold calculations and logically verified designs, which tell them with almost mathematical precision right decisions. From the point of view of normal consistency. Others rely on the world of sensual emotional sensations, not paying attention to the first clue lying on the surface, they put themselves in the place of those around them and follow what is called “the dictates of the heart.”

The first case is dry and boring. The actions of such people are predictable and lack brightness. The latter may succumb too much to emotions and, in literally, do not calculate the degree of their impact on the environment.

At the same time, both types of people live in harmony with themselves and do not suffer from the severe conflict placed at the head of this essays.

Golden mean

I believe that both of these forces exist in everyone to balance each other. Then, when taking any action, we will perform actions consistent with common sense, but adjusted, depending on how painful they can be for others, or, on the contrary, they will add a joyful mood.

Essay “Internal conflict: feelings against reason” (Var 2)

Man by nature is a very complex creature. His actions can be very difficult to predict. The mind, as a rule, tries to find best option to resolve a particular situation. But still, often our feelings also come into play in the decision-making process. As a matter of fact, this is what happens internal conflict feelings and mind.

What is internal struggle?

Every person has experienced internal struggle at least once in their life. Usually the feelings in our hearts cause us to take unwise or risky actions. And the voice of reason, in turn, tries with all its might to protect people from danger. This struggle is a very complex process.

Internal struggle

Speaking about true feelings, I would like to turn to the work of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky - “The Thunderstorm”. After all, the main character of the play was experiencing the same conflict between feeling and reason. She understands that she must be faithful to her husband, but still Katerina’s heart belongs to her beloved Boris. The girl was the personification of a bright and pure personality. In fact, she is a ray of light in the dark kingdom of the Kabanovs. The main character sees the same ray of light in Boris. As a matter of fact, it is precisely on this basis that the girl has a contradiction between her feelings and reason.

Still, Katerina is not I gave up trying to come to terms with the fact that I would live my life with a person for whom I felt nothing. She tried to come to terms with the fact that she would live in a house that she did not like. It was the voice of reason. He tried to convince the girl that arranged marriage is right choice. Katerina believed that the members new family will be favorable to her, but this never happened. The girl wanted warmth and love.

Choice made

The main character often dreamed of what she was so afraid of in reality and she tried to overcome her dreams. Nevertheless human nature won a victory over the hardened order. At some point, the main character begins to feel like a woman. An irresistible desire arises in her to love and, of course, to be loved. With all this, Katerina is constantly tormented by doubts. She feels a sense of fear, understands that she might make a mistake and it gnaws at her. The impossibly difficult struggle that the girl goes through leads to a sad outcome. Having obeyed the voice of her heart, the girl begins to think that she has no forgiveness. These thoughts pushed her to commit suicide.

Probably many, at least once, still had to worry internal conflict. Reason thus tries to protect people from troubles. I believe that you should always listen to your heart. But before accepting final decision you need to weigh the pros and cons. But before making any decision, it is necessary for reason and feeling to reach a compromise.

Other writings

Reflections on the moral dimension of the problem of relationships between generations (based on the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”).

Morality is the rules that determine people's behavior. Behavior (action) expresses internal state of a person, manifested through his spirituality (intelligence, development of thought) and the life of the soul (feeling).

Morality in the lives of the older and younger generations is associated with the eternal law of succession. The young take over from the old life experience and traditions, and wise elders teach the young life rules- “to the mind.” However, young people are characterized by courage of thought, an unbiased view of things without reference to established opinions. It is because of this that conflicts and differences of opinion often arise between them.

Actions and life assessments heroes of the drama A.N. Ostrovsky's "The Thunderstorm" (1859) reflects their morality.

Representatives of the merchant class of Dikaya and Kabanov are those people whose wealth and importance among the residents of the city of Kalinov define them high position. Those around them feel the power of their influence, and this power can break the will dependent people, to humiliate the unfortunate, to realize one’s own insignificance in comparison with “ strongmen of the world this." Therefore, Savel Prokofievich Dikoy, “ significant person in the city” does not meet with any contradiction. He holds his family in awe, who hide “in attics and closets” during the days of his anger; loves to instill fear in people who do not dare to make a murmur about their salary; holds Boris’s nephew in a black body, having robbed him and his sister, brazenly appropriating their inheritance; denounce, insult, meek Kuligin.

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova, known in the city for her piety and wealth, also has her own ideas about morality. For her aspiration younger generation to “will” is criminal, because what good and the young wife of the son, and the daughter, the “girl,” will cease to be “afraid” of both Tikhon and her herself, omnipotent and infallible. “They don’t know anything, there’s no order,” the old woman gets angry. “Order” and “old times” are the basis on which the Wild and Kabanovs rely. But their tyranny loses self-confidence; it is not able to stop the development of young forces. New concepts and relationships inevitably come into life and crowd out old forces, obsolete standards of life and established morality. So Kuligin, a naive man, wants to ennoble Kalinov by building a lightning rod and sundial. And he, impudent, dares to read Derzhavin’s poems, glorifying “the mind,” before “his dignity,” the all-powerful merchant, who is on friendly terms with the mayor himself, the head of the city. And Marfa Ignatievna’s young daughter-in-law, when saying goodbye, “throws herself on her husband’s neck.” And you have to bow at your feet. And he doesn’t want to “howl” on the porch - “to make people laugh.” And the resigned Tikhon will blame his mother for his wife’s death.

Tyranny, as the critic Dobrolyubov asserts, “is hostile to the natural demands of humanity... because in their triumph it sees the approach of its inevitable death.” “Wilds and Kabanovs are shrinking and shrinking” - this is inevitable.

The younger generation is Tikhon, Katerina, Varvara Kabanov, this is Dikiy’s nephew Boris. Katerina and her mother-in-law have similar concepts about the morality of younger family members: they should be God-fearing and honor their elders - this is in the traditions of the Russian family. But further, the ideas of both of them about life, in their moral assessments, differ sharply.

Brought up in the atmosphere of a patriarchal merchant house, in conditions parental love, care and prosperity, young Kabanova has a character that is “loving, creative, ideal.” But in her husband’s family she faces a formidable prohibition “to live by her own will,” which comes from her stern and soulless mother-in-law. It is then that the demands of “nature,” a living, natural feeling, acquire an irresistible power over the young woman. “That’s how I was born, hot,” she says about herself. Katerina’s morality is not guided, according to Dobrolyubov, by logic and reason. “She is strange, extravagant, from the point of view of those around her,” and, fortunately, the oppression of her mother-in-law with her despotic disposition did not kill the desire for “will” in the heroine.

Will is a spontaneous impulse (“I would run up like that, raise my arms and fly”), and the desire to ride along the Volga singing, hugging each other, and fervent prayers, if the soul asks for communication with God, and even the need to “throw out the window, She’ll throw herself into the Volga” if she gets “sick of” captivity.

Her feelings for Boris are uncontrollable. Katerina is ruled by love (he is not like everyone else - he is the best!) and passion (“If I was not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment?”). But the heroine, a woman with integrity, strong character, does not accept lies, and she considers split feelings, pretense, an even greater sin than her own fall.

To the question Help me write an essay on the topic of feelings versus reason based on the work "The Thunderstorm" 300 words asked by the author Black Hundred the best answer is
For writers' creativity of this period(second half of the 19th century century) is characterized by interest in the problem of love. The drama “The Thunderstorm” is no exception. Ostrovsky vividly portrays the love of the main character of the play, Katerina Kabanova, for Boris Grigorievich. This love becomes the heroine’s first and therefore especially strong real feeling. Despite the fact that she married Tikhon Kabanov, the feeling of love was unknown to her. While living with her parents, young people looked at Katerina, but she never understood them. She married Tikhon only because he did not dislike her. Katerina herself, when asked by Varvara whether she loved anyone, answers: “No, she only laughed.”
Having met Boris, Katerina Kabanova falls in love with him, without even talking to him properly. She falls in love largely because Boris outwardly represents a sharp contrast with the society under whose yoke she lives. This new, hitherto unknown feeling even changes Katerina’s worldview. So she tells Varvara about her dreams: “At night, Varya, I can’t sleep, I keep imagining some kind of whisper: someone speaks to me so affectionately, as if he were cooing me, as if a dove was cooing. I don’t dream, Varya, as before, of paradise trees and mountains, but as if someone is hugging me so warmly and warmly and leading me somewhere, and I follow him, I go...” This poetic story is completely imbued with foreboding love. The heroine's soul strives to know this feeling and dreams about it. And Boris Grigorievich, Dikiy’s nephew, turns out to be the embodiment of her dreams in reality for Katerina.
At first, Katerina is very afraid of her sinful love. She is very pious and considers such love terrible sin, she is horrified by the possibility of God's punishment. But she cannot resist this feeling and, after hesitating a little, takes the fatal key to the gate from Varvara. The decision has been made: she will see Boris no matter what.
The desire for love in Katerina is closely intertwined with the desire for freedom, liberation from family oppression, from a weak-willed husband and a grumpy and unfair mother-in-law. Boris, as she sees him, represents complete opposite“dark kingdom” of tyrants. This is not surprising: Boris is well-mannered, educated, courteous, and dressed in metropolitan fashion. But Katerina is cruelly mistaken about this man: Boris differs from the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov only in appearance. He is unable to oppose anything to the Dikiy, just as Tikhon cannot say anything against the order reigning in Kabanikha’s house. Katerina Kabanova's love leads to tragic consequences. After her confession of adultery, Katerina can no longer live as before with her husband and mother-in-law, and be subjected to constant humiliation and insults. In desperation, she seeks help from her loved one, secretly hoping to find a way out of the situation. psychological dead end. Katerina going on last date with Boris, hopes that he will take her with him, will not leave her like that, will protect her. But Boris turns out to be a weak-willed, cowardly and cowardly man; he refuses to take Katerina with him. This is where his complete inability to fight, his weak character, manifests itself. He betrays the woman he loves, refusing to take her with him out of fear of his uncle.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Help me write an essay on the topic of feelings versus reason based on the work "The Thunderstorm" 300 words

Answer from Ilya[newbie]
I advise you, young man, to read the book, and you are Lazy.

Answer from Get bored[newbie]

Answer from Mistress of the still waters![guru]
After reading Ostrovsky's work "The Thunderstorm"!

Answer from chevron[active]
A. N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm” was written in 1859, on the eve of great changes in Russia. The writer created an image in the drama that was fundamentally new in Russian literature. According to Dobrolyubov, “the character of Katerina, as it is performed in “The Thunderstorm,” is a step forward not only in Ostrovsky’s dramatic activity, but also in all of our literature.” The main problem The work, without a doubt, is the problem of liberating women in a merchant environment from family oppression. But the play also reflects other, no less important, problems: the problem of fathers and children, the problem of feelings and duty, the problem of lies and truth, and others.

Answer from DOJE[newbie]
directly Kakha

Answer from Anatoly Tanaev[newbie]
Step 1: Read the work, Step 2: Find a similar one on the Internet, Step 3: Write an essay based on the topic, work and samples from the Internet.

Answer from David Omarov[newbie]
The play “The Thunderstorm” by Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky is historical for us, as it shows the life of the philistinism. "The Thunderstorm" was written in 1859. It is the only work of the “Nights on the Volga” cycle conceived but not realized by the writer. The main theme of the work is a description of the conflict that arose between two generations. The Kabanikha family is typical. The merchants cling to their old morals, not wanting to understand the younger generation. And since young people do not want to follow traditions, they are suppressed. I am sure that the problem raised by Ostrovsky is still relevant today. Many parents do not want to perceive their children as individuals. It is very important for them that their children think like them and repeat their actions. Father and mother believe that they have the right to decide where their child will study, with whom he should be friends, etc. Reading “The Thunderstorm,” I experienced ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, I was shocked by the accuracy of the images of the era. Stunningly bright and evil Kabanikha. Ostrovsky very clearly conveyed the contrast of the image, the main flaw of which is hypocrisy. On the one hand, she is pious and ready to help everyone, a kind of Samaritan, on the other hand, at home she behaves like a tyrant. In my opinion this is very scary man. Kabanova completely crushed her son Tikhon. He is presented in the play as a pitiful, helpless creature who does not command any respect. On the other hand, I was shocked by the hopelessness of the situation in which Catherine, a pure and bright woman, found herself. She is very strong in her soul, since she was not brought up in the traditions of the society of the city of Kalinov. She is opposed to society, to the foundations that, like a monolith, stand in the way of her freedom. She lives with a wretched husband who is simply impossible to love. He's not a person, he's just empty place. While reading, I felt pity for Catherine and joy for myself that I live in a completely different world. Although there are still features of the remnants of the past in our world. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm” showed the crisis of society when the shoots of a new, more enlightened consciousness sprout. The old consciousness strives to trample everything that does not correspond to its ideas. A thunderstorm is a symbol of an element that will soon sweep away everything that seems unshakable. The world will change. Unfortunately, Katerina will never know about this. Her soul could not bear the contradictions tearing it apart, forcing the woman to commit a terrible sin.

Answer from Kolya Mayorov[active]
A. N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm” was written in 1859, on the eve of great changes in Russia. The writer created an image in the drama that was fundamentally new in Russian literature. According to Dobrolyubov, “the character of Katerina, as it is performed in “The Thunderstorm,” is a step forward not only in Ostrovsky’s dramatic activity, but also in all of our literature.” The main problem of the work, without a doubt, is the problem of liberating women in a merchant environment from family oppression. But the play also reflects other, no less important, problems: the problem of fathers and children, the problem of feelings and duty, the problem of lies and truth, and others. The work of writers of this period (the second half of the 19th century) is characterized by an interest in the problem of love. The drama “The Thunderstorm” is no exception. Ostrovsky vividly portrays the love of the main character of the play, Katerina Kabanova, for Boris Grigorievich. This love becomes the heroine’s first and therefore especially strong real feeling. Despite the fact that she married Tikhon Kabanov, the feeling of love was unknown to her. While living with her parents, young people looked at Katerina, but she never understood them. She married Tikhon only because he did not dislike her. Katerina herself, when asked by Varvara whether she loved anyone, answers: “No, she only laughed.” Having met Boris, Katerina Kabanova falls in love with him, without even talking to him properly. She falls in love largely because Boris outwardly represents a sharp contrast with the society under whose yoke she lives. This new, hitherto unknown feeling even changes Katerina’s worldview. So she tells Varvara about her dreams: “At night, Varya, I can’t sleep, I keep imagining some kind of whisper: someone speaks to me so affectionately, as if he were cooing me, as if a dove was cooing. I don’t dream, Varya, as before, of paradise trees and mountains, but as if someone is hugging me so warmly and warmly and leading me somewhere, and I follow him, I go...” This poetic story is completely imbued with foreboding love. The heroine's soul strives to know this feeling and dreams about it. And Boris Grigorievich, Dikiy’s nephew, turns out to be the embodiment of her dreams in reality for Katerina. At first, Katerina is very afraid of her sinful love. She is very pious and considers such love a terrible sin; she is horrified by the possibility of God's punishment. But she cannot resist this feeling and, after hesitating a little, takes the fatal key to the gate from Varvara. The decision has been made: she will see Boris no matter what. The desire for love in Katerina is closely intertwined with the desire for freedom, liberation from family oppression, from a weak-willed husband and a grumpy and unfair mother-in-law. Boris, as she sees him, is the complete opposite of the “dark kingdom” of tyrants. This is not surprising: Boris is well-mannered, educated, courteous, and dressed in metropolitan fashion. But Katerina is cruelly mistaken about this man: Boris differs from the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov only in appearance. He is unable to oppose anything to the Dikiy, just as Tikhon cannot say anything against the order reigning in Kabanikha’s house. Katerina Kabanova's love leads to tragic consequences. After her confession of adultery, Katerina can no longer live as before with her husband and mother-in-law, and be subjected to constant humiliation and insults. In desperation, she seeks help from her loved one, secretly hoping to find a way out of the created psychological impasse. Katerina, going on her last date with Boris, hopes that he will take her with him, not leave her like that, and protect her. But Boris turns out to be a weak-willed, cowardly and cowardly man; he refuses to take Katerina with him. This is where his complete inability to fight, his weak character, manifests itself. He betrays the woman he loves, refusing to take her with him out of fear of his uncle.

Slesarenko Yana

Love is the most strong feeling on the ground. Love is the greatest and most precious gift of man. When we love someone, we ourselves may not notice how we do good deeds and give our happiness to the world around us. However, love is not always happy. For example, when a person dear to you does not reciprocate, an internal conflict arises deep within you between feelings and reason. In such situations, a person is lost and does not know what to do next: give in to his feelings or listen to reason.



When does conflict arise between reason and feelings?

Love is the most powerful feeling on earth. Love is the greatest and most precious gift of man. When we love someone, we ourselves may not notice how we do good deeds and give our happiness to the world around us. However, love is not always happy. For example, when a person dear to you does not reciprocate, an internal conflict arises deep within you between feelings and reason. In such situations, a person is lost and does not know what to do next: give in to his feelings or listen to reason.

Let's remember the works fiction, in which the topic of the essay is revealed and the point of view stated above is proven. So in the story “Asya” by I.S. Turgenev main character Mr. N falls in love with Asya and, after a while, realizes that he loves this heroine very much. Asya reciprocates his feelings and everything seems to be fine for two lovers. However, Mr. N experiences a struggle between his feelings and his mind throughout the entire conversation. He understands that he cannot live without his beloved, but his mind tells him that he will need to bear great responsibility for Asya. As a result, Mr. N’s reason overcomes his feelings, and the young man leaves Asya and leaves the city. Thus, I.S. Turgenev portrays his main character as a person who is going internal struggle between reason and feelings.

Another example is A.N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”. The main character Katerina experiences a conflict between feeling and reason. She understands that she must be faithful to her husband Tikhon, but Katerina’s heart belongs to Boris. The main character is depicted as a very bright and loving person, she is a ray of light in this dark kingdom of the Kabanovs. Katerina sees the same ray of light in Boris. Because of new love The main character has a conflict between feelings and reason. Katerina cannot tolerate this struggle and decides to die in order to end the internal disagreement between feelings and reason.

To summarize what has been said, I would like to express the hope that most people live in harmony between feelings and reason. And harmony is the happiness of a person.