What does chrome mean? Chemical properties

Google Chrome - free program to view websites on the Internet (browser). Fast, convenient, modern. Knows everything you need for comfortable work and relaxation online.

What's good about Chrome:

  • Opens any sites
  • Automatically translates web pages
  • Protects against viruses and phishing
  • Self-updating

Chrome is a program created Google Corporation, which is known to be the coolest company in the world. A lot of money has been invested in this browser, they have worked and are working on it the best minds, the program is constantly being improved.

How to install the program

Download the program file, open it, install. Chrome is installed only on the system drive (usually Local Drive C).

After installation, the browser opens and you can use it immediately.

Also, a program shortcut appears on the Desktop, that is, an icon that opens it.

How to use Google Chrome

To launch the program, you need to open the Google Chrome icon. It is usually located on the Desktop and looks like this:

You can also find this icon if you open Start - All Programs - Google Chrome.

This is what the browser looks like:

As you can see, everything is very minimalistic. At the top right there are three standard buttons - minimize, minimize to window/maximize, close:

On the left are open tabs. The active one shows the site that is currently open.

Also the address open in this moment The site (page) is shown just below. This place is correctly called the "address bar".

To open a particular site, you need to type its address in this line and press the Enter button on the keyboard. For example, I type the address of our website and press Enter.

The site opens inside the program. If you need to open another site without closing this one, then add a tab. To do this, click on the small curly rectangle next to the open tab.

A new tab opens with an empty address bar.

In it we also type the address of the site that we want to open and press the Enter button on the keyboard.

By the way, the address bar can also be used as a search bar, because it is “connected” with the Google search engine.

That is, you can type your question in Russian. Search suggestions will appear. You can select one of them or select nothing - just press Enter.

Google search results will be loaded inside the program. That is, we are offered a choice of several sites on this topic.

To open any of them, you need to click on its title.

Back, forward, refresh

In each tab, next to the address bar (on the left), there are three buttons for managing content.

When you click on the first one, the browser will take you back one step. That is, to the site or site page that was opened in this tab before. Of course, provided that there was something open in the tab.

The adjacent button, on the contrary, will send you forward. This is possible if you have returned back at least once.

And the last button is needed to reload the page. For example, you opened a website, but for some reason it did not load. By clicking on this button you can reboot it, in other words, open it again.


There is a special asterisk at the end of the address bar (on the right). It is needed in order to remember your favorite sites or individual pages of sites. This feature is called Bookmarks.

For example, I want to add this page to the browser so that I can open it again later. I click on the asterisk at the end of the address bar. The Add to Bookmarks window appears.

You can click on the “Done” button in it, or you don’t have to click it - the page will still be added to the browser’s memory.

Now, if you open a new tab, there will be a bar just below the address bar gray. On it there will be a site or a site page that I remember.

That is, at any time I can open this page simply by clicking on it.

By the way, you can always remove it from this gray stripe. To do this, simply right-click on it and select “Delete” from the list that appears.

You can also find bookmarks added to Chrome by clicking on the button with three vertical stripes. It is located immediately after the address bar (far right) and is called “ Setting up and managing Google Chrome».

A list will open. If you hover over the “Bookmarks” item, it will appear additional list, at the bottom of which there will be all the bookmarks added to the browser.

If there are a lot of bookmarks, it makes sense to sort them into categories (folders). You can do this using the Bookmark Manager. It is located in the same place: the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button - Bookmarks - Bookmark Manager.

Click on the “Arrange” button, add folders, and drag bookmarks into them.

As a result, the folders you created will appear on the bookmarks panel. Let me remind you that this panel is located immediately below the address bar when you open a new (empty) browser tab.

By clicking on a folder, a list with bookmarks folded into it will open. Very comfortably!

How to download files from the Internet

As you know, you can download various files on the Internet: documents, books, music, etc. Chrome, like all other browsers, can do this.

What does "download" mean? This means that some site has posted files that you can take for yourself. Or there are such files in your email box. Downloading them means saving them so that you can later open them on your computer without the Internet. That is, these will already be your files on your computer.

This happens in the Google Chrome browser in the following way: You click on a file that can be downloaded, and it is automatically saved to your computer.

This is what it looks like. Immediately after clicking on a file that can be downloaded, a gray arrow appears for one second. Thus, the browser reports that the process has started.

The downloaded file is placed in bottom part browser.

This part with loading and already downloaded files can be closed by clicking on the cross with right side.

You can control the downloading of a particular file by right-clicking on it at the bottom of the browser (on the file downloading bar). Or in the Chrome settings: button “Setting up and managing Google Chrome” (at the end of the address bar) - Downloads.

Where to look for downloaded files on your computer. In the "Downloads" or "Downloads" folder.

Start - the name of your computer (the first top button on the right side) - “Download”.

How to delete history

All sites that you open in your browser are recorded in a separate place. Unlike “Bookmarks”, which you add yourself at will, this happens independently of you.

Chrome also remembers your downloads, photos and pictures that you looked at on the Internet, as well as passwords and data that you entered.

All this information is called “History” and it is available in any browser.

It turns out that anyone who uses your computer can find out your browser history. See what sites you visited, open your email or social network page, and access other personal information.

Moreover, in Chrome, part of the history is shown immediately when you open an empty tab.

All other sites you visited can be found here: “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button - History.

You can erase this information there, in History. For this there is a special button “Clear history...”.

A window with cleaning settings will open. Birds indicate what the browser offers to delete by default. You can customize it your way - remove or add birds. You can also specify how long to clear the history.

Important! By checking the “Passwords” item, Chrome will delete those logins and passwords that it has remembered. This means that you will not be able to automatically log into your personal services (email, pages in in social networks etc.). To restore access, you will need to enter your login and password for each service. Therefore, before deleting passwords, check whether you remember this data.

After you configure what you want to delete, click the "Clear history" button. The information will be deleted.

However, all bookmarks, settings, themes and extensions will remain.

Extensions, themes, applications

Extensions are all sorts of gadgets for the browser. They are built into Google Chrome and help the user solve certain tasks.

For example, using the Adblock Pro extension, the browser will automatically block annoying ads on websites. And with the help of various gadgets for VKontakte, you can significantly expand the capabilities of this social network.

All these extensions are free. Everyone decides for themselves whether to install them or not. They are easy to add to the browser and just as easy to remove. Most users do not use these gadgets at all, because they simply do not know about them.

In order to find and install an extension, you need to open the Google Online Store.

By the way, you can open it directly from the browser itself: the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button - Tools - Extensions - More extensions (below).

On the left side there is something like a menu. There are only three items in it - Applications, Extensions, Themes - but each has a bunch of sub-items. Open “Extensions” and select what suits you.

By pointing at a particular extension, something like an announcement will appear with brief information about him. To open more detailed information you need to click on it.

To install, click on the “Free” button and in the small window that appears, click on the “Add” button. You may have to wait a bit for it to load.

Installed extensions are automatically added to the browser. An icon for each typically appears at the end of the address bar.

To work with many extensions, you must be authorized, that is, logged into Chrome. This is done on a special page that will open when required.

You will need to provide an address Email, to which the Google account was created, and the password for this account.

If you do not have this data, you can get it for free by clicking on the “Create an account” link (under the login form).

To manage extensions (uninstall, disable/enable), you need to go to a special place in the browser: the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button - Tools - Extensions.

Theme is the design of the browser: background image, color scheme. This is what Chrome looks like when you open a new tab.

Initially, Chrome's theme was standard - white and gray. But you can get a different design completely free of charge. Here are some examples of what a new tab looks like in different themes:

Selecting and installing a theme is the same as installing extensions. Opening the Google online store. You can do this through the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button - Tools - Extensions - More extensions (below).

On the left side (in the menu) click “Themes” and select the appropriate design. To open detailed information about a topic, click on it. And to install it, click on the “Free” button and wait for it to download. After which the theme will be automatically installed.

Applications are programs that can be used directly in the browser.

Thanks to them, you can create documents, edit photos, listen to music, play games right in Chrome. There is no need to download or install anything on your computer.

The principle is the same as for extensions. We go to the Google online store.

You can get there through the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button - Tools - Extensions - More extensions (below).

In the menu (on the left), click on the “Applications” item, select, install. Often you need to log in, that is, log into your account. If you do not do this, the application will not install.

One of the downsides is that most applications require high-speed Internet to work. At low speeds they will “crash” - glitch, not work.

How to open an installed application. Open a new tab and click on the “Applications” button under the address bar.

Chrome plays decisive role in regulating blood sugar levels: it is integral part the so-called glucose tolerance factor, which, along with insulin, ensures that after a meal the blood sugar level does not rise too quickly and does not fall again too quickly.

Are your blood sugar levels elevated? Do you have high cholesterol or cataracts? Are you gaining weight? These symptoms are often the result of a lack of chromium in the body.

Undoubtedly, chromium occupies central place in sugar metabolism.

Although many years of practice show that limiting carbohydrate intake is the easiest, most reliable way general health improvement, allowing you to bypass the disease, the best remedy for its dietary treatment is chromium.

To reduce insulin resistance

When taken regularly, this micronutrient has significant therapeutic effects on a wide range of health problems that are caused or aggravated by insulin resistance - including:

If you are overweight

In addition to switching to a low-carb diet, taking supplements with chromeThe best way, which will reliably help you get rid of unwanted fat. As studies have shown, chromium operates in several directions:

  • By reducing sugar cravings, chromium makes it easier to stick to a low-carb diet.
  • Even without compliance, the mineral can increase the overall musculoskeletal mass of the body, which in turn speeds up metabolism and burns excess fat.
  • Chromium helps prevent muscle loss if you intentionally restrict your caloric intake.
  • The mineral helps burn calories during exercise, making weight loss even easier. Workout also increase emissions chromium from the body, increasing your need to take supplements.

To lower cholesterol levels

Inclusion chromium In a nutritional supplement program, it helps increase blood levels of artery-cleaning HDL cholesterol while lowering levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. The total cholesterol concentration also decreases.

This reduction is even more dramatic when a small amount of niacin is added to the chromium, the researchers report.

To relieve headaches and strengthen bones

Therapeutic value chromium in other areas is not as firmly established as in the cases of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension, but it may apply to many other diseases:

  1. It may relieve chronic headaches and help treat acne, which appears to be partly due to impaired insulin metabolism.
  2. Chromium strengthens bones by increasing dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) levels, so it may be part of a treatment program for osteoporosis.
  3. And although we cannot say that chromium prevents glaucoma, it can (along with) suppress the increase in intraocular pressure.

Consequences of shortage

More than 90% of Americans, for example, are deficient in chromium. And as often happens, those who need it most have the least of it. Failure chromium has a self-sustaining nature. When your body is low in this microelement, you are more drawn to sweets.

But the more sugar you eat, the more to a greater extent reserves are running low chromium. Considering that the average American consumes about 150 pounds (68 kg) of sugar and corn syrup annually these days, it is not surprising that problems with insulin resistance and deficiency chromium have become so widespread.

If you have excess weight, it is very likely that you are insulin resistant. Obesity is both a cause and a consequence of this metabolic disorder. Insulin metabolism disorders and obesity are equal risk factors for heart disease.

Chromium deficiency also increases the likelihood of developing heart disease.

Short of taking supplements, there is not enough good ways restocking chromium in organism.

True, mushrooms, barley and whole grain products contain this trace element, but only if they are grown on rich chrome soil. Seafood and meat are also considered good food sources, but again the animals must be fattened on rich chrome diet.

You can often come across such a thing as a “chrome surface,” and stainless steel is familiar to almost every inhabitant of the planet. What do they have in common? The correct answer is chrome. Let's find out what chromium is and where it is used, what its properties are and its role in human life.

Chrome is a hard metal that has a bluish-gray color. Located in the 6th group of the 4th period of the periodic table. It has atomic number 24 and the symbol Cr.

Physical properties of chromium

The melting point of chromium is 2130 degrees Kelvin and the boiling point is 2945 Kelvin. The metal has a cubic crystal lattice and hardness 5 on the Mohs scale. Chrome is one of the most hard metals(V pure form) and is second only to uranium, beryllium, iridium and tungsten. Purified chrome is easy to machine.

Chemical properties of chromium

Chromium has several oxidation states that significantly affect its properties and color.

  • Oxidation state +2 - has a blue color and is a very good reducing agent.
  • Oxidation state +3 - amphoteric oxide of green or purple color.
  • Oxidation state +4 - a very rare compound, does not form salts and has a common color - silver.
  • Oxidation state +6 - a very strong oxidizing agent, hygroscopic and very toxic. Chromates of this oxide have yellow, and dichromats are orange.

As simple substance stable in air. Does not react with sulfuric and nitrous acids. At temperatures above 2000 degrees Celsius, it burns and forms green chromium oxide.

There are compounds of chromium with boron, carbon, nitrogen and silicon.

Application of chromium

  • Chromium is used to create stainless alloys. The stainless steel we all know is created using chromium.
  • Chrome is used as an electroplating coating. You've probably seen chrome-plated metal surfaces. They can be recognized by their beautiful mirror shine. Chrome-plated products are less susceptible to atmospheric corrosion (do not rust).
  • Various chromium alloys are used to create nozzles for aircraft and rocket engines, as well as for the production of plasma torch nozzles.
  • Heating elements are made from an alloy of chromium and nickel.
  • Various dyes are made from chromium compounds, as well as compounds for tanning leather.

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Chromium is a chemical element with atomic number 24. It is a hard, shiny, steel-gray metal that polishes well and does not tarnish. Used in alloys such as stainless steel and as a coating. The human body requires small amounts of trivalent chromium to metabolize sugar, but Cr(VI) is highly toxic.

Various chromium compounds, such as chromium(III) oxide and lead chromate, are brightly colored and used in paints and pigments. The red color of ruby ​​is due to the presence of this chemical element. Some substances, especially sodium, are oxidizing agents used to oxidize organic compounds and (together with sulfuric acid) for cleaning laboratory glassware. In addition, chromium (VI) oxide is used in the production of magnetic tape.

Discovery and etymology

The history of the discovery of the chemical element chromium is as follows. In 1761, Johann Gottlob Lehmann found in Ural mountains orange-red mineral and called it "Siberian red lead". Although it was erroneously identified as a compound of lead with selenium and iron, the material was actually lead chromate with chemical formula PbCrO4. Today it is known as the mineral croconte.

In 1770, Peter Simon Pallas visited the site where Lehmann found the red lead mineral, which had very useful properties as a pigment in paints. The use of Siberian red lead as paint has received fast development. In addition, the bright yellow color of crocont has become fashionable.

In 1797, Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin obtained samples of red by mixing croconte with hydrochloric acid he received CrO 3 oxide. Chromium was isolated as a chemical element in 1798. Vauquelin obtained it by heating the oxide with charcoal. He was also able to detect traces of chromium in gemstones such as ruby ​​and emerald.

In the 1800s, Cr was primarily used in dyes and tanning salts. Today, 85% of the metal is used in alloys. The rest is applied in chemical industry, production of refractory materials and foundry industry.

The pronunciation of the chemical element chromium corresponds to the Greek χρῶμα, meaning "color", due to the variety of colored compounds that can be obtained from it.

Mining and production

The element is produced from chromite (FeCr 2 O 4). Approximately half of the world's ore is mined in South Africa. In addition, Kazakhstan, India and Türkiye are its major producers. There are enough explored deposits of chromite, but geographically they are concentrated in Kazakhstan and southern Africa.

Deposits of native chromium metal are rare, but they do exist. For example, it is mined at the Udachnaya mine in Russia. It is rich in diamonds, and the reducing environment helped produce pure chromium and diamonds.

For industrial production metal chromite ores are treated with molten alkali ( caustic soda, NaOH). In this case, sodium chromate (Na 2 CrO 4) is formed, which is reduced by carbon to the oxide Cr 2 O 3. The metal is produced by heating the oxide in the presence of aluminum or silicon.

In 2000, approximately 15 million tons of chromite ore were mined and processed into 4 million tons of ferrochrome, a 70% chromium-iron alloy, with an approximate market value of US$2.5 billion.

Main characteristics

The characteristics of the chemical element chromium are due to the fact that it is a transition metal of the fourth period of the periodic table and is located between vanadium and manganese. Included in group VI. Melts at a temperature of 1907 °C. In the presence of oxygen, chromium quickly forms a thin layer of oxide, which protects the metal from further interaction with oxygen.

As a transition element, it reacts with substances in different ratios. Thus it forms compounds in which it has various degrees oxidation. Chromium is a chemical element with the basic states +2, +3 and +6, of which +3 is the most stable. Besides, in in rare cases states +1, +4 and +5 are observed. Chromium compounds in the +6 oxidation state are strong oxidizing agents.

What color is chrome? The chemical element gives the ruby ​​hue. The Cr 2 O 3 used for is also used as a pigment called chrome green. Its salts color glass emerald green. Chromium is the chemical element whose presence makes rubies red. Therefore, it is used in the production of synthetic rubies.


Isotopes of chromium have atomic weights from 43 to 67. Typically, this chemical element consists of three stable forms: 52 Cr, 53 Cr and 54 Cr. Of these, 52 Cr is the most common (83.8% of all natural chromium). In addition, 19 radioisotopes have been described, of which the most stable is 50 Cr with a half-life exceeding 1.8x10 17 years. 51 Cr has a half-life of 27.7 days, while all others radioactive isotopes it does not exceed 24 hours, and for most of them it lasts less than one minute. The element also has two meta states.

Isotopes of chromium in earth's crust, as a rule, accompany manganese isotopes, which is used in geology. 53 Cr is formed during the radioactive decay of 53 Mn. The Mn/Cr isotope ratio supports other information about early history solar system. Changes in the 53 Cr/ 52 Cr and Mn/Cr ratios from different meteorites prove that new atomic nuclei were created just before the formation of the solar system.

Chemical element chromium: properties, formula of compounds

Chromium(III) oxide Cr 2 O 3, also known as sesquioxide, is one of the four oxides of this chemical element. It is obtained from chromite. The green color compound is commonly called "chrome green" when used as a pigment for enamel and glass painting. The oxide can dissolve in acids, forming salts, and in molten alkali - chromites.

Potassium dichromate

K 2 Cr 2 O 7 is a powerful oxidizing agent and is preferred as a means for cleaning laboratory glassware from organic matter. For this purpose, its saturated solution is used. Sometimes, however, it is replaced with sodium bichromate, based on the higher solubility of the latter. In addition, it can regulate the oxidation process of organic compounds, converting primary alcohol into aldehyde and then into carbon dioxide.

Potassium dichromate can cause chrome dermatitis. Chromium is likely to cause sensitization leading to the development of dermatitis, especially of the hands and forearms, which is chronic and difficult to cure. Like other Cr(VI) compounds, potassium bichromate is carcinogenic. It must be handled with gloves and appropriate protective equipment.

Chromic acid

The compound has the hypothetical structure H 2 CrO 4 . Neither chromic nor dichromic acids occur in nature, but their anions are found in various substances. The “chromic acid” that can be found on sale is actually its acid anhydride - CrO 3 trioxide.

Lead(II) chromate

PbCrO 4 has a bright yellow color and is practically insoluble in water. For this reason, it has found use as a coloring pigment called crown yellow.

Cr and pentavalent bond

Chromium is distinguished by its ability to form pentavalent bonds. The compound is created by Cr(I) and a hydrocarbon radical. A pentavalent bond is formed between two chromium atoms. Its formula can be written as Ar-Cr-Cr-Ar, where Ar represents a specific aromatic group.


Chromium is a chemical element whose properties have given it many various options applications, some of which are listed below.

It gives metals corrosion resistance and a glossy surface. Therefore, chromium is included in alloys such as stainless steel, used, for example, in cutlery. It is also used for chrome plating.

Chromium is a catalyst various reactions. It is used to make molds for firing bricks. Its salts are used to tan leather. Potassium bichromate is used for the oxidation of organic compounds such as alcohols and aldehydes, as well as for cleaning laboratory glassware. It serves as a fixing agent for fabric dyeing and is also used in photography and photo printing.

CrO 3 is used for the manufacture of magnetic tapes (for example, for audio recordings), which have best characteristics than films with iron oxide.

Role in biology

Trivalent chromium is a chemical element necessary for the metabolism of sugar in the human body. In contrast, hexavalent Cr is highly toxic.

Precautionary measures

Chromium metal and Cr(III) compounds are generally not considered a health hazard, but substances containing Cr(VI) can be toxic if ingested or inhaled. Most of these substances are irritating to the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. With chronic exposure, chromium(VI) compounds can cause eye damage if not treated properly. In addition, it is a recognized carcinogen. Lethal dose of this chemical element - about half a teaspoon. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the maximum permissible concentration of Cr (VI) in drinking water is 0.05 mg per liter.

Because chromium compounds are used in dyes and leather tanning, they are often found in soil and groundwater abandoned industrial sites requiring environmental cleanup and restoration. Primer containing Cr(VI) is still widely used in the aerospace and automotive industries.

Element properties

Basic physical properties chromium are as follows:

  • Atomic number: 24.
  • Atomic weight: 51.996.
  • Melting point: 1890 °C.
  • Boiling point: 2482 °C.
  • Oxidation state: +2, +3, +6.
  • Electron configuration: 3d 5 4s 1.

Project Web Lab launched by Google in collaboration with the London Science Museum. This is a museum exhibition of five exhibits, as well as a website where you can access them interactively. The main idea of ​​the project is to allow website visitors to interact with real exhibits in real time. Each of them is dedicated to a specific technology, the project will operate until June 2013.

To see the museum's exhibits in action, go to the laboratory's website. Please note that your browser and computer's video card must support WebGL technology. If such support is not available, you will be notified at home page site. If everything is in order, click the login button, then select the exhibit you are interested in on the page that opens.

The first exhibit of the exhibition is “Universal Orchestra”. Once you launch it, you will be able to play on the eight installed in the museum musical instruments, creating your own melodies. Control is carried out with the mouse. Since there is only one exhibit, but there are many visitors, you may need to wait in an online queue.

The “Sketchbots” exhibit is very interesting. The computer's webcam takes your photo, it is immediately processed, turning into an outline picture. By clicking the Submit button, you can send it to the museum. After this, the robotic manipulator installed in it will quickly draw your portrait in the sand. True, even in this case you will have to stand in a rather long line. The finished portrait, unfortunately, will later be erased.

The Teleporter exhibit allows you to control panoramic webcams installed in several places around the world - in a cafe in North Carolina, in an entertainment center in Holland and in the Cape Town Aquarium. By selecting this museum exhibit, you will see three round windows corresponding to the three installed web cameras. Choose any of them - for example, the first one. You are immediately “teleported” to a cafe in North Carolina, and an image from the camera installed in it will appear in front of you. You can rotate it 360° with your mouse, this will give you a full panoramic view. In addition, you will be able to take photographs of what you observe. The picture from the entertainment center is less interesting, but the panorama from the Marine Aquarium in Cape Town will allow you to watch the fish. By turning the camera, you can follow any aquarium inhabitant you like.

The next exhibit of the museum is “Data Tracer”. It allows you to find where a particular file is physically stored. Compared to previous exhibits, it is less interesting and simply shows the path to a specific point on the map. The same can be said about the museum’s fifth exhibit, the Lab Tag Explorer, which shows on a map where lab visitors are located and also counts their number. By going to the laboratory’s website, you can independently test all the exhibits of the London Science Museum.