What does chrome mean? What is Google Chrome

In life modern society The Internet is gaining popularity like an avalanche, and for most users it is extremely necessary. Through the network we communicate with each other, make purchases, send and receive various data. Surely everyone who has ever gone out into global network, knows what is needed for this special program– browser. The browser is a kind of guide to virtual world. Its task is to convert information from hypertext markup language (HTML) into a format familiar to humans.

Browsers exist huge variety. They all differ in some way, for example, in speed, support additional extensions and plugins, interface, security level and so on. Among the wide selection, the browser stands out clearly Google Chrome. As you can guess from the name, its developer is a famous search giant.

Google Chrome has a multilingual interface (53 languages) and is distributed free of charge. There are versions for , Linux, OS X, as well as for mobile operating systems iOS and Android. The browser is under active modernization, and developers regularly release new versions with a number of improvements and elimination of identified errors. The product is very popular all over the world, according to some data it occupies more than half of the market. Like most of its analogues, Google Chrome has a number of features that make it stand out from the crowd.

Main features of Google Chrome

  • Multiprocess architecture. The program is designed so that each open tab or window is a separate process. Thanks to this isolation, tabs or windows do not interfere with each other’s work, that is, if one tab is frozen, there is no need to restart the entire application. This is also practical from a security point of view, because if an attacker gains remote access to any of the tabs, others will not be available to him.
  • Lots of extensions. An abundance of different plugins allows you to increase the efficiency and ease of use of the browser. This creates mass additional features ordinary users and web developers. Their installation is not difficult; extensions can be easily managed and, if necessary, activated or disabled.
  • Traffic savings and speed. Unique technology Data compression ensures high page loading speed and saves traffic. This is especially true on mobile devices, where the amount of Internet traffic is often limited. To ensure high speed, the application is equipped with unique algorithms for reading JavaScript code and proactive DNS analysis.
  • High integration with services. Google Company has many different services, including Email Gmail, Google Drive cloud storage, YouTube video content service and many others. If you use them through Google Chrome, then the user has access to more advanced options. For example, to upload a file to cloud storage, you just need to drag and drop it into Google Chrome, which is not available using other browsers. The browser can translate page text into different languages by using Google Translate. Synchronization of bookmarks and credentials between devices is organized at a decent level.
  • Ease of use. The application combines elements of simplicity and functionality. Even a beginner can get along with its concise and intuitive interface. It is worth noting the ease of managing bookmarks; they can be grouped into folders and moved by simply dragging and dropping. If desired, the user can make the bookmarks bar more accessible by placing it under the address bar. The main element of the interface is the tab bar, it is located at the very top, above the address bar. Tabs are implemented in the form of neat shortcuts with the name of the loaded page. By simple movement aside, the tab can be opened in a new window. Distinctive element browser is a quick access page. It displays the most frequently visited sites in the form of tiles, and a little above the search bar. The Quick Access page appears when you open a new tab or window, and can also be used as your home page.

Security in Google Chrome

The level of security in the browser deserves special attention. Google has traditionally placed special emphasis on security. The application implements a system of blacklists for resources with virus threats; when attempting to visit them, the user receives notifications. For those who do not want to leave the history of the pages they visit, there is an “incognito” mode. In this mode, cookies are not even saved; only files downloaded by the user and added bookmarks will survive. Thanks to active support from the developers, new versions of the program are regularly released with the elimination of detected defects.

P.S. Google Chrome can be an excellent assistant for people with completely different needs, from ordinary users to advanced professionals. With its ease of use, broad functionality and deep integration with branded services, it has conquered millions of users around the world and is the leader in popularity among other analogues.

Video on the topic: “Features of the Google Chrome browser and security”

Chromium (Cr), chemical element Group VI of Mendeleev's periodic system. It is a transition metal with atomic number 24 and atomic mass 51.996. Translated from Greek, the name of the metal means “color”. The metal owes its name to the variety of colors that are inherent in its various compounds.

Physical characteristics of chromium

The metal has sufficient hardness and brittleness at the same time. On the Mohs scale, the hardness of chromium is rated at 5.5. This indicator means that chromium has the maximum hardness of all metals known today, after uranium, iridium, tungsten and beryllium. For simple substance chromium is characterized by a bluish-white color.

Metal is not a rare element. Its concentration in earth's crust reaches 0.02% wt. shares IN pure form chrome is never found. It is found in minerals and ores, which are the main source of metal extraction. Chromite (chromium iron ore, FeO*Cr 2 O 3) is considered the main chromium compound. Another fairly common, but less important mineral is crocoite PbCrO 4 .

The metal can be easily melted at a temperature of 1907 0 C (2180 0 K or 3465 0 F). At a temperature of 2672 0 C it boils. The atomic mass of the metal is 51.996 g/mol.

Chrome is a unique metal due to its magnetic properties. In conditions room temperature it is characterized by antiferromagnetic ordering, while other metals possess it under conditions of extremely low temperatures. However, if chromium is heated above 37 0 C, the physical properties of chromium change. Thus, the electrical resistance and coefficient change significantly linear expansion, the elastic modulus reaches minimum value, and internal friction increases significantly. This phenomenon is associated with the passage of the Néel point, at which the antiferromagnetic properties of the material can change to paramagnetic. This means that the first level has been passed, and the substance has sharply increased in volume.

The structure of chromium is a body-centered lattice, due to which the metal is characterized by the temperature of the brittle-ductile period. However, in the case of this metal, the degree of purity is of great importance, therefore, the value is in the range -50 0 C - +350 0 C. As practice shows, crystallized metal does not have any ductility, but soft annealing and molding make it malleable.

Chemical properties of chromium

The atom has the following external configuration: 3d 5 4s 1. As a rule, in compounds chromium has the following oxidation states: +2, +3, +6, among which Cr 3+ exhibits the greatest stability. In addition, there are other compounds in which chromium exhibits a completely different oxidation state, namely: +1 , +4, +5.

Metal is no different chemical activity. While chromium is in normal conditions, the metal is resistant to moisture and oxygen. However, this characteristic does not apply to the compound of chromium and fluorine - CrF 3, which, when exposed to temperatures exceeding 600 0 C, interacts with water vapor, forming Cr 2 O 3 as a result of the reaction, as well as nitrogen, carbon and sulfur.

When chromium metal is heated, it reacts with halogens, sulfur, silicon, boron, carbon, and some other elements, resulting in the following chemical reactions chromium:

Cr + 2F 2 = CrF 4 (with an admixture of CrF 5)

2Cr + 3Cl2 = 2CrCl3

2Cr + 3S = Cr 2 S 3

Chromates can be obtained by heating chromium with molten soda in air, nitrates or chlorates of alkali metals:

2Cr + 2Na 2 CO 3 + 3O 2 = 2Na 2 CrO 4 + 2CO 2.

Chromium is not toxic, which cannot be said about some of its compounds. As you know, dust of this metal, if ingested, can irritate the lungs; it is not absorbed through the skin. But, since it does not occur in its pure form, its entry into the human body is impossible.

Trivalent chromium enters environment during mining and processing of chrome ore. Chromium is likely to enter the human body in the form food additives used in weight loss programs. Chromium, with a valence of +3, is an active participant in glucose synthesis. Scientists have found that excessive consumption of chromium does not cause any particular harm to the human body, since it is not absorbed, however, it can accumulate in the body.

Compounds involving hexavalent metal are extremely toxic. The likelihood of their entry into the human body appears during the production of chromates, chrome plating of objects, during certain welding work. The ingestion of such chromium into the body is fraught with serious consequences, since compounds in which the hexavalent element is present are strong oxidizing agents. Therefore, they can cause bleeding in the stomach and intestines, sometimes with perforation of the intestine. When such compounds come into contact with the skin, strong chemical reactions occur in the form of burns, inflammation, and ulcers.

Depending on the quality of chromium that needs to be obtained at the output, there are several methods for producing the metal: electrolysis of concentrated aqueous solutions of chromium oxide, electrolysis of sulfates, and reduction with silicon oxide. However, last method is not very popular, since it produces chromium with a huge amount of impurities. Moreover, it is also not economically viable.

Characteristic oxidation states of chromium
Oxidation state Oxide Hydroxide Character Predominant forms in solutions Notes
+2 CrO (black) Cr(OH)2 (yellow) Basic Cr2+ (blue salts) Very strong reducing agent
Cr2O3 (green) Cr(OH)3 (grey-green) Amphoteric

Cr3+ (green or purple salts)
- (green)

+4 CrO2 does not exist Non-salt-forming -

Rarely encountered, uncharacteristic

+6 CrO3 (red)



CrO42- (chromates, yellow)
Cr2O72- (dichromates, orange)

The transition depends on the pH of the environment. A strong oxidizing agent, hygroscopic, very toxic.

Hard metal of bluish-white color. Chrome is sometimes classified as a ferrous metal. This metal is capable of coloring compounds in different colors, that’s why it was called “chrome”, which means “paint”. Chromium is a microelement essential for normal development and functioning human body. His most important biological role consists of regulating carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose levels.

See also:


Depending on the types chemical bond— like all metals, chromium has a metallic type of crystal lattice, that is, the lattice nodes contain metal atoms.
Depending on the spatial symmetry- cubic, body-centered a = 0.28839 nm. A feature of chrome is sudden change his physical properties at a temperature of about 37°C. The crystal lattice of a metal consists of its ions and mobile electrons. Similarly, the chromium atom in the ground state has electronic configuration. At 1830 °C it is possible to transform into a modification with a face-centered lattice, a = 3.69 Å.


Chromium has a Mohs hardness of 9, one of the hardest pure metals (second only to iridium, beryllium, tungsten and uranium). Very pure chrome can be machined quite well. Stable in air due to passivation. For the same reason it does not react with sulfur and nitric acids. At 2000 °C it burns to form green chromium(III) oxide Cr 2 O 3, which has amphoteric properties. When heated, it reacts with many non-metals, often forming compounds of non-stoichiometric composition: carbides, borides, silicides, nitrides, etc. Chromium forms numerous compounds in various degrees oxidation, mainly +2, +3, +6. Chrome has all the properties characteristic of metals - it conducts heat well, electricity, has the shine inherent in most metals. It is antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic, that is, at a temperature of 39 °C it changes from a paramagnetic state to an antiferromagnetic state (Néel point).


The largest chromium deposits are located in South Africa (1st place in the world), Kazakhstan, Russia, Zimbabwe, and Madagascar. There are also deposits in Turkey, India, Armenia, Brazil, and the Philippines.nThe main deposits of chromium ores in the Russian Federation are known in the Urals (Don and Saranovskoe). Explored reserves in Kazakhstan amount to over 350 million tons (2nd place in the world). Chromium is found in nature mainly in the form of chromium iron ore Fe(CrO 2) 2 (iron chromite). Ferrochrome is obtained from it by reduction in electric furnaces with coke (carbon). To obtain pure chromium, the reaction is carried out as follows:
1) iron chromite is fused with sodium carbonate ( soda ash) on air;
2) dissolve sodium chromate and separate it from iron oxide;
3) convert the chromate to dichromate, acidifying the solution and crystallizing the dichromate;
4) pure chromium oxide is obtained by reducing sodium dichromate with coal;
5) metallic chromium is obtained using aluminothermy;
6) using electrolysis, electrolytic chromium is obtained from a solution of chromic anhydride in water containing the addition of sulfuric acid.


The average content of Chromium in the earth's crust (clarke) is 8.3·10 -3%. This element is probably more characteristic of the Earth's mantle, since ultramafic rocks, which are believed to be closest in composition to the Earth's mantle, are enriched in Chromium (2·10 -4%). Chromium forms massive and disseminated ores in ultramafic rocks; education is associated with them largest deposits Chroma. In basic rocks, the Chromium content reaches only 2·10 -2%, in acidic rocks - 2.5·10 -3%, in sedimentary rocks(sandstones) - 3.5·10 -3%, clayey shales - 9·10 -3%. Chromium is a relatively weak aquatic migrant; Chromium content in sea ​​water 0.00005 mg/l.
In general, Chromium is a metal in the deep zones of the Earth; stony meteorites(analogues of the mantle) are also enriched in Chromium (2.7·10 -1%). Over 20 chromium minerals are known. Only chrome spinels (up to 54% Cr) are of industrial importance; in addition, Chromium is contained in a number of other minerals, which often accompany chromium ores, but do not themselves represent practical value(uvarovite, volkonskoite, kemerite, fuchsite).
There are three main chromium minerals: magnochromite (Mg, Fe)Cr 2 O 4 , chrompicotite (Mg, Fe)(Cr, Al) 2 O 4 and aluminochromite (Fe, Mg)(Cr, Al) 2 O 4 . By appearance they are indistinguishable and are inaccurately called "chromites".


Chrome - important component in many alloy steels (in particular, stainless steel), as well as in a number of other alloys. The addition of chromium significantly increases the hardness and corrosion resistance of alloys. The use of Chrome is based on its heat resistance, hardness and corrosion resistance. Most of all, Chromium is used for smelting chromium steels. Aluminum- and silicothermic chromium is used for smelting nichrome, nimonic, other nickel alloys and stellite.
A significant amount of Chromium is used for decorative corrosion-resistant coatings. Powdered Chromium is widely used in the production of metal-ceramic products and materials for welding electrodes. Chromium, in the form of Cr 3+ ion, is an impurity in ruby, which is used as a gemstone and laser material. Chromium compounds are used to etch fabrics during dyeing. Some Chromium salts are used as component tanning solutions in the leather industry; PbCrO 4 , ZnCrO 4 , SrCrO 4 - like art paints. Chromium-magnesite refractory products are made from a mixture of chromite and magnesite.
Used as wear-resistant and beautiful galvanic coatings (chrome plating).
Chromium is used for the production of alloys: chromium-30 and chromium-90, which are indispensable for the production of nozzles for powerful plasma torches and in the aerospace industry.

Chrome (eng. Chromium) - Cr

You can often come across such a thing as a “chrome surface,” and stainless steel is familiar to almost every inhabitant of the planet. What do they have in common? The correct answer is chrome. Let's find out what chromium is and where it is used, what its properties are and its role in human life.

Chrome is a hard metal that has a bluish-gray color. Located in the 6th group of the 4th period of the periodic table. It has atomic number 24 and designation Cr.

Physical properties of chromium

The melting point of chromium is 2130 degrees Kelvin and the boiling point is 2945 Kelvin. The metal has a cubic crystal lattice and hardness 5 on the Mohs scale. Chromium is one of the hardest metals (in its pure form) and is second only to uranium, beryllium, iridium and tungsten. Purified chrome is easy to machine.

Chemical properties of chromium

Chromium has several oxidation states that significantly affect its properties and color.

  • Oxidation state +2 - has a blue color and is a very good reducing agent.
  • Oxidation state +3 - amphoteric oxide of green or purple color.
  • Oxidation state +4 - a very rare compound, does not form salts and has a common color - silver.
  • Oxidation state +6 - a very strong oxidizing agent, hygroscopic and very toxic. Chromates of this oxide have yellow, and dichromats are orange.

In the form of a simple substance, it is stable in air. Does not react with sulfuric and nitrous acids. At temperatures above 2000 degrees Celsius, it burns and forms green chromium oxide.

There are compounds of chromium with boron, carbon, nitrogen and silicon.

Application of chromium

  • Chromium is used to create stainless alloys. The stainless steel we all know is created using chromium.
  • Chrome is used as an electroplating coating. You've probably seen chrome-plated metal surfaces. They can be recognized by their beautiful mirror shine. Chrome-plated products are less susceptible to atmospheric corrosion (do not rust).
  • Various chromium alloys are used to create nozzles for aircraft and rocket engines, as well as for the production of plasma torch nozzles.
  • Heating elements are made from an alloy of chromium and nickel.
  • Various dyes are made from chromium compounds, as well as compounds for tanning leather.

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CHROMIUM-A; m.[from Greek chrōma - color, paint]

1. Chemical element (Cr), hard metal gray-steel color (used in the manufacture of hard alloys and for coating metal products).

2. Soft thin leather tanned with salts of this metal. Boots made of chrome.

3. A type of yellow paint obtained from chromates.

Chrome (see).


(lat. Chromium), chemical element of group VI of the periodic system. Named from the Greek. chrōma - color, paint (due to the bright color of the compounds). bluish silver metal; density 7.19 g/cm 3, t pl 1890°C. Does not oxidize in air. The main minerals are chrome spinels. Chromium is an essential component of stainless, acid-resistant, heat-resistant steels and large number other alloys (nichrome, lame, stellite). Used for chrome plating. Chromium compounds are oxidizing agents, inorganic pigments, tanning agents.


CHROME (Latin chromium, from the Greek chromium - color, color, chromium compounds are characterized by a wide color palette), Cr (read “chrome”), a chemical element with atomic number 24, atomic mass 51.9961. Located in group VIB in the 4th period of the periodic table of elements.
Natural chromium consists of a mixture of four stable nuclides: 50 Cr (mixture content 4.35%), 52 Cr (83.79%), 53 Cr (9.50%) and 54 Cr (2.36%). Configuration of two outer electronic layers 3s 2 R 6 d 5 4s 1 . Oxidation states range from 0 to +6, the most typical are +3 (the most stable) and +6 (valences III and VI).
Neutral atom radius 0.127 nm, ion radius (coordination number 6): Cr 2+ 0.073 nm, Cr 3+ 0.0615 nm, Cr 4+ 0.055 nm, Cr 5+ 0.049 nm and Cr 6+ 0.044 nm. The sequential ionization energies are 6.766, 16.49, 30.96, 49.1, 69.3 and 90.6 eV. Electron affinity 1.6 eV. Electronegativity according to Pauling (cm. PAULING Linus) 1,66.
History of discovery
In 1766, a mineral was discovered in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg, which was called “Siberian red lead,” PbCrO 4. Modern name- crocoite. In 1797 French chemist L. N. Vauquelin (cm. VAUCLIN Louis Nicolas) made a new one out of it refractory metal(most likely Vauquelin received chromium carbide).
Being in nature
Content in the earth's crust is 0.035% by weight. The chromium content in sea water is 2·10 -5 mg/l. Chromium is practically never found in free form. It is part of more than 40 different minerals (chromite FeCr 2 O 4, volkonskoite, uvarovite, vokelenite, etc.). Some meteorites contain chromium sulfide compounds.
The industrial raw material for the production of chromium and chromium-based alloys is chromite. By reducing chromite melting with coke (reducing agent), iron ore and other components, ferrochrome with a chromium content of up to 80% (by weight) is obtained.
To obtain pure metal chromium, chromite is fired with soda and limestone in furnaces:
2Cr 2 O 3 + 2Na 2 CO 3 + 3O 2 = 4Na 2 CrO 4 + 4CO 2
The resulting sodium chromate Na 2 CrO 4 is leached with water, the solution is filtered, evaporated and treated with acid. In this case, Na 2 CrO 4 chromate transforms into Na 2 Cr 2 O 7 dichromate:
2Na 2 CrO 4 + H 2 SO 4 = Na 2 Cr 2 O 7 + Na 2 SO 4 + H 2 O
The resulting dichromate is reduced with sulfur:
Na 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 3S = Na 2 S + Cr 2 O 3 + 2SO 2
The resulting pure chromium(III) oxide Cr 2 O 3 is subjected to aluminothermy:
Cr 2 O 3 + 2Al = Al 2 O 3 + 2Cr.
Silicon is also used:
2Cr 2 O 3 + 3Si = 3SiO 2 + 4Cr
To obtain high-purity chromium, technical chromium is electrochemically purified from impurities.
Physical and chemical properties
In its free form, it is a bluish-white metal with a cubic body-centered lattice, A= 0.28845 nm. At a temperature of 39°C it changes from a paramagnetic state to an antiferromagnetic state (Néel point). Melting point 1890°C, boiling point 2680°C. Density 7.19 kg/dm3.
Stable in air. At 300°C it burns to form green chromium (III) oxide Cr 2 O 3, which has amphoteric properties. By fusing Cr 2 O 3 with alkalis, chromites are obtained:
Cr 2 O 3 + 2NaOH = 2NaCrO 2 + H 2 O
Uncalcined chromium(III) oxide readily dissolves in alkaline solutions and in acids:
Cr 2 O 3 + 6HCl = 2CrCl 3 + 3H 2 O
At thermal decomposition chromium carbonyl Cr(OH) 6 turns red basic oxide chromium(II) CrO. Brown or yellow hydroxide Cr(OH) 2 with weakly basic properties is precipitated when alkalis are added to solutions of chromium(II) salts.
Careful decomposition of chromium(VI) oxide CrO 3 under hydrothermal conditions produces chromium(IV) dioxide CrO 2, which is ferromagnetic and has metallic conductivity.
When concentrated sulfuric acid reacts with solutions of dichromates, red or violet-red crystals of chromium(VI) oxide CrO 3 are formed. Typically acid oxide, when interacting with water, it forms strong unstable chromic acids: chromic H 2 CrO 4, dichromic H 2 Cr 2 O 7 and others.
Halides are known corresponding to to different degrees chromium oxidation. Chromium dihalides CrF 2, CrCl 2, CrBr 2 and CrI 2 and trihalides CrF 3, CrCl 3, CrBr 3 and CrI 3 were synthesized. However, unlike similar compounds of aluminum and iron, CrCl 3 trichloride and chromium tribromide CrBr 3 are non-volatile.
Among chromium tetrahalides, CrF 4 is stable, chromium tetrachloride CrCl 4 exists only in vapors. Chromium hexafluoride CrF 6 is known.
Chromium oxyhalides CrO 2 F 2 and CrO 2 Cl 2 were obtained and characterized.
Compounds of chromium with boron (borides Cr 2 B, CrB, Cr 3 B 4, CrB 2, CrB 4 and Cr 5 B 3), with carbon (carbides Cr 23 C 6, Cr 7 C 3 and Cr 3 C 2), were synthesized. with silicon (silicides Cr 3 Si, Cr 5 Si 3 and CrSi) and nitrogen (nitrides CrN and Cr 2 N).
Chromium(III) compounds are the most stable in solutions. In this oxidation state, chromium corresponds to both cationic and anionic forms, for example, existing in alkaline environment anion 3- .
When chromium(III) compounds are oxidized in an alkaline medium, chromium(VI) compounds are formed:
2Na 3 + 3H 2 O 2 = 2Na 2 CrO 4 + 2NaOH + 8H 2 O
Cr(VI) meets a number of existing only in aqueous solutions acids: chromic H 2 CrO 4 , dichromic H 2 Cr 2 O 7 , trichromic H 3 Cr 3 O 10 and others that form salts - chromates, dichromates, trichromates, etc.
Depending on the acidity of the environment, the anions of these acids easily convert into each other. For example, when a yellow solution of potassium chromate K 2 CrO 4 is acidified, orange potassium dichromate K 2 Cr 2 O 7 is formed:
2K 2 CrO 4 + 2HCl = K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 2KCl + H 2 O
But if an alkali solution is added to the orange solution of K 2 Cr 2 O 7, the color turns yellow again because potassium chromate K 2 CrO 4 is formed again:
K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 2KOH = 2K 2 CrO 4 + H 2 O
When a barium salt solution is added to a yellow solution containing chromate ions, a yellow precipitate of barium chromate BaCrO 4 precipitates:
Ba 2+ + CrO 4 2- = BaCrO 4
Chromium(III) compounds are strong oxidizing agents, for example:
K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 14 HCl = 2CrCl 3 + 2KCl + 3Cl 2 + 7H 2 O
The use of chromium is based on its heat resistance, hardness and corrosion resistance. They are used to produce alloys: stainless steel, nichrome, etc. A large amount of chromium is used for decorative corrosion-resistant coatings. Chromium compounds are fire-resistant materials. Chromium (III) oxide is a green paint pigment, also included in abrasive materials (GOI pastes). The color change upon reduction of chromium(VI) compounds is used to conduct a rapid analysis of the alcohol content in exhaled air.
The Cr 3+ cation is part of potassium chromium KCr(SO 4) 2 ·12H 2 O alum used in leather tanning.
Physiological action
Chrome is one of nutrients, is constantly included in the tissues of plants and animals. In animals, chromium is involved in the metabolism of lipids, proteins (part of the enzyme trypsin), and carbohydrates. A decrease in chromium content in food and blood leads to a decrease in growth rate and an increase in cholesterol in the blood.
Chromium metal is virtually non-toxic, but chromium metal dust is irritating to lung tissue. Chromium(III) compounds cause dermatitis. Chromium(VI) compounds lead to various human diseases, including cancer. Maximum permissible concentration of chromium(VI) in atmospheric air 0.0015 mg/m3.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .


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