What the government is hiding about aliens. Does a UFO really exist: facts and sensations

UFO- unknown flying object; in means mass media any celestial phenomenon, the nature of which the observer himself cannot determine. In this case, it is usually assumed that a compact moving object was observed, similar to an aircraft, the appearance of which is associated with a visit to Earth by aliens from outer space. The term UFO is a direct translation of the English UFO - unidentified flying object, which came into use in 1950–1955. In Russian, especially in works trying to fail scientific basis under the study of UFOs, other related terms are sometimes used: anomalous atmospheric phenomenon(AEA), anomalous aerospace object (AAO), unidentified aerospace phenomenon (UNP).

Observation of strange atmospheric and celestial phenomena is not an “invention” of the 20th century. In the history of mankind, there are many cases of “heavenly signs”. There were especially many reports of UFO sightings from eyewitnesses (and jokers) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, during the period of the creation of the first airships and airplanes. The outbreak of mass interest in UFOs began during the era of the heyday of aviation and the creation of rocket technology.

The birth of a sensation. The first UFO report caused a huge public interest and an avalanche of publications by the American pilot Kenneth Arnold. Flying near Mount Rainier in Washington state on the afternoon of June 24, 1947, he noticed nine strange objects. One of them resembled a crescent moon with a small dome in the middle, and eight others looked like flat disks that glittered in the rays of the Sun. Arnold estimated that the objects that struck him were moving at a speed of about 2,700 km/h. Talking about them appearance, Arnold compared them to “tailless airplanes.” He noted that the movement of the strange objects was “like a speedboat racing across the waves,” or “like a saucer thrown across the surface of the water.” This is how the now popular term “flying saucer” or “flying saucer” arose.

The first publication of the Arnold case was met with skepticism, but a few weeks later the press was filled with testimonies from other eyewitnesses. Magazines and books began to be published on this topic.

Official UFO Investigations. Since the armed forces of some countries were testing new weapons at that time, it was suspected that reports of strange phenomena in the atmosphere could be related to these tests. Air Force The United States began in 1948 collecting and systematizing reports of UFOs in order to clarify them military significance. Civilian scientists and engineers were involved in this work. Analysis was carried out several times collected facts for the CIA and the leadership of the US Army. This work, known as Project Blue Book, continued from to varying degrees activity until 1969.

In July 1952, several reports of visual and radar sightings of UFOs near Washington National Airport caused great stir. Given the public and government attention to these messages, the CIA sent fact-gathering instructions to the army and intelligence, and also created a group of experts consisting of engineers, meteorologists, physicists and astronomers under the leadership of physicist H.P. Robertson (Calif. Institute of Technology in Pasadena). Having studied the facts, experts came to the conclusion that 90% of UFO reports have an astronomical or meteorological explanation: the vast majority of them are associated with the observation of the Moon and bright planets(especially Venus), clouds and polar lights, birds, airplanes, balloons, rockets, meteors, searchlights and other phenomena that are understandable to professionals, but occurred under unusual conditions or were observed by insufficiently qualified eyewitnesses. One of the commission members, the famous American astronomer Donald Menzel (D.H. Menzel), published the book Flying Saucers in 1953, in which he explained the nature of some UFO sightings.

Interest in UFOs increased in the early years space age. From the USA it spread to Western Europe, USSR, Australia and other countries. The second commission to study UFO reports worked in the United States in February 1966 and came to the same conclusions as the first. However, some scientists and engineers remained dissatisfied with the work of these commissions; Particularly active opponents of the “natural” UFO hypothesis were meteorologist James McDonald (University of Arizona at Tucson) and astronomer Allen Hynek ( Northwestern University in Evanston, pc. Illinois). These scientists believed that some UFO reports clearly indicated the existence of aliens.

In 1968, at the request of the US Air Force, the University of Colorado organized a group of 37 experts under the leadership of a prominent physicist and specialist in atomic energy Edward Condon (E.U. Condon). Group report Scientific research The UFO was examined by a special committee National Academy Sciences USA and published in early 1969. It analyzed in detail 59 reports of UFOs. In the "Conclusion", Condon categorically rejects the "extraterrestrial hypothesis" and recommends that further study of the problem be stopped.

By this time, the Project Blue Book archive had collected 12,618 UFO reports. All of them were either “identified” with one of the known phenomena (astronomical, atmospheric or artificial), or “unidentified”, often due to the low information content of the message. Based on the Condon Report, Project Blue Book was closed in December 1969. The only official and sufficiently complete archive of UFO reports was the Canadian one, which contained about 750 messages and was transferred in 1968 from the Ministry of Defense to Science Council Canada. Relatively small archives There were also official institutions in Great Britain, Sweden, Denmark, Australia and Greece.

In general, other commissions that studied reports of UFOs came to the same conclusions as the Condon Commission. In France, it was the Group for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (GEPAN = Groupe d "Etude des Phenomenes Aerospatiaux Non-Identifies), which worked since 1977. In the USSR, this conclusion was made by a group of experts working on the topic "Grid" of the Ministry of Defense and the Academy of Sciences ( 1978–1990) However, it was noted that some well-documented UFO sightings still could not be given a comprehensive scientific explanation.

UFOs and aliens do not exist, however, the reality of extraterrestrial visitors is increasingly being declared by very informed and dear people. It's hard not to believe Canada's former defense minister or the famous astronaut who walked on the moon. So, aliens still exist?!

When old age comes, people cease to be afraid of death, career decline and punishment for disclosing state secrets. It was in old age that many officials, scientists, astronauts and witnesses of any hidden from the public significant events they begin to talk about facts that have sometimes been silent for decades.

In 2005, an 82-year-old man made a very interesting public statement. Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada from 1963 to 1967. This happened at a symposium organized at the University of Toronto by three non-governmental organizations.

Speaking from the podium and addressing the symposium, Hellyer told them that "UFOs are as real as airplanes flying overhead... But the secrecy surrounding the whole Roswell incident was incomparable, so that the overwhelming most American officials and politicians never had any idea what was happening.”

It is worth noting that Hellyer wrote the book “The Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Blueprint for Human Survival,” in which he continued the topic of UFOs. From this book and others public speaking Some other interesting facts have become known to Paul Hellyer. For example, the former minister claims that contact with aliens has long been established; in his opinion, the first contacts with aliens began shortly after the UFO crash in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico.

Hellyer says he knows about 4 alien races, actively visiting the Earth... Among them are the so-called Nordic Scandinavians (tall blonds) and the well-known “grays” (headed bald dwarfs with loud black eyes).

According to Hellyer, aliens have long handed over extraterrestrial technologies to the US government; the former minister demands that they be made public. He says: “I would like to know, like many people on our planet, how alien technology can stop the consumption of oil and thus save us all.” Hellyer hints at a source of clean energy that would allow people to solve all their energy problems without burning oil, coal or nuclear power plants.

According to Hellyer, behind the concealment of the truth about UFOs and contacts with aliens is a “shadow government”, which benefits from keeping humanity on the “oil needle” and using extraterrestrial technologies in its own interests.

Moreover, Hellyer stated that “the United States military is preparing weapons that could be used against Extraterrestrial Civilizations, and the United States could drag us into an intergalactic war without our knowledge.”

It's hard not to believe them

The revelations of such a high-ranking official became a great gift for ufologists, because there are still many skeptics who consider UFOs to be inventions of not very healthy mentally people. It is worth noting that Hellyer was not the first to reveal the secrets of UFOs.

For example, in 1998, retired colonel Philip Corso, who headed the military's technical intelligence department during President Eisenhower's era, wrote a book, The Day After Roswell, in which he wrote about his participation in the inspection of a crashed flying saucer and the study of UFO debris in the 1960s.

He reported that the alien corpses had fallen into the hands of the military; Corso personally saw one of them. According to his description, the alien was the size of a 10-year-old child, had a hairless, bulb-shaped head, almond-shaped eye sockets, a tiny nose and four-fingered hands. The retired colonel also spoke about the use of extraterrestrial technologies that had fallen into the hands of the military.

Having reached a respectable age (77 years old), he told a lot about UFOs and aliens and former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who visited the Moon in 1971. In an interview with British radio, an Apollo 14 crew member said:

“I was lucky enough to touch the fact that our planet has been visited and that UFOs are a reality.
For the last 60 years or so, all our governments have kept this under wraps, but gradually information leaked out and some of us were lucky enough to learn a little about it.

I have spoken with members of the military and intellectual circles who know that beneath the surface of popular knowledge lies the answer: yes, we have been visited by aliens.”

Of course, NASA disowned this statement by Mitchell; the agency supposedly knows nothing about aliens or UFOs. However, there was information that NASA almost regularly obscures UFOs in images taken from other planets. The cover-up of information about UFOs continues, but despite this, everything more facts about the aliens become public.

Today world elite can no longer completely conceal the presence of aliens on our Earth, since thanks to the Internet, information about the appearance of UFOs in various points planets, stories about contacts with representatives alien civilizations and much more. All this convincingly proves that the aliens have been here for a long time and are constantly watching us. (website)

The whole truth about aliens - one teaspoon per hour

However, the information published about UFOs by representatives of official organizations, say, NASA, is so old, stingy and half-hearted that one can only wonder why they are needed at all in the huge flow of other, unofficial information about aliens?

However, there is an explanation for this: the world elite is still afraid to reveal the real truth about life in the Universe, about aliens, parallel worlds and so on, finally tell true story Earth, because the Illuminati do not want to lose control over the slave consciousness of earthlings. Otherwise, their dominance will come to an end, and then peace, universal equality and boundless happiness for everyone will reign on the planet.

However, aliens can invite earthlings into their game at any time, and then the world elite will have nothing to do but come to terms with this. And therefore, the Illuminati today are forced to publish information about UFOs, at least bit by bit, so that, if something happens, they have at least some justification - we, they say, also covered this topic. Well, how could they...

What are world rulers afraid of? The fact that in the event of enlightenment of the consciousness of earthlings, alien intelligence will receive the right to contact us (according to the Universal Law free will Aliens have no right to interfere in our lives and rudely change anything in it). And then there will be a global awakening of all humanity, after which many things on Earth will have to be reconsidered, for example, the role of religions, money, art, not to mention politics and the military.

However, why are UFOs flying above us more and more often? Maybe aliens are demonstrating their presence in this way, thereby preparing us for imminent contact? Contact that is unlikely to be prevented world government with all his cunning machine for manipulating people's consciousness. In the meantime, earthlings continue to observe UFOs and are happy to note their appearance over the cities and villages of our blue planet.

How aliens can leave Earth

There are many underground, underwater alien bases recorded on our planet; apparently, they even exist in volcanoes (at least in Mexico, surveillance cameras have repeatedly recorded alien ships flying into the mouths of fire-breathing mountains). However, UFOs often simply leave Earth, going to their space bases, which are both on the Moon and Mars.

Most often, earthlings observing such a moment see a UFO simply disappearing into the sky, since the speed of movement of alien ships by our standards is simply fantastic. However, residents of the city of Belmopan - the capital of the American state of Belize - recently witnessed a more understandable way for us to use a UFO going into space. The footage below the video shows how the device hangs in the sky for some time, flashing its lights, and then turns on the turbines and sharply takes off upward.

A flickering apparatus of alien origin over St. Petersburg

This UFO was seen by residents not only of St. Petersburg, but also of others adjacent to the Northern capital, settlements. Everyone who witnessed this unusual phenomenon in the sky, they note that a UFO in the form of a ball, bright orange light with flickering lights, flew over Vsevolozhsk, and over the villages of Priozernoye Shosse and Luppolovo, and everywhere it seemed as if some foreign objects were trying to get closer to it, but a few meters away from it the balls disappeared.

The video was shot by a resident of Parnassus. On each of this material you can clearly see a UFO with four lights in the shape of a tetrahedron. The first impression is that this is some kind of modern helicopter or military drone. However, as Internet users say - residents Northern capital and its surroundings, this is not the first time they have observed such a UFO. And they think that maybe these are even some kind of targets for the military, but their size in comparison with the same aircraft, as one St. Petersburg resident writes, observing a similar picture for the fourth time, is simply amazing.

Aliens are always there when there is war

Alien ships continue to fly in the war zone over Syria. For example, Russian pilots They have encountered them more than once in the sky, however, unlike the Turkish Air Force, the aliens are not aggressive, they are rather peaceful observers without the right to rudely interfere in military events.

The other day we managed to shoot a very interesting video that captured the moment when a large base UFO in the shape of a cigar gathers its smaller brothers, apparently scouts, who in the form of small saucers fly up to the cigar-shaped apparatus and “disappear” in its belly.

In the hot spots of our planet, where there are battles, there is always... It is not surprising that one of the UFOs even pursued the Russian plane for a relatively long time, and ground troops We constantly see unidentified aircraft in the sky. However, the soldiers are already accustomed to the fact that these may not be harmless alien ships, but enemy military drones, and therefore they try to hide at the first opportunity of a UFO appearing in the air. IN otherwise, there would be much more video footage of UFOs over Syria...

We can endlessly debate whether the world is ready to know the truth, but it is almost impossible to hide the reality of the existence of UFOs. When almost everyone has a smartphone camera with them, which can capture any strange or interesting events, it's much harder for aliens (or government agents...) to hide from us.

“When in doubt, read books, study the press, try to understand what is really going on. There is no doubt that we are being visited,” says former astronaut Edgar Mitchell. However, the official reveal of all cards has dark side, which ufologists do not want to accept. What will we have to endure if aliens show their faces?

1. Culture shock and panic

Although many people are not interested in the topic of aliens, and others do not believe that there is anything in the UFO videos other than government spy satellites and weather balloons, the reality of the existence of extraterrestrial life will be a real shock to most earthlings. Some will have their ideals destroyed, and others will be horrified that they have been deceived for 60 years or more (if we consider the Roswell incident to be the first major fact of concealing the truth).

When people realize how important information the authorities kept secret from them, mass protests will begin. Of course, governments will present themselves as defenders of humanity, but they will not be able to win our trust again soon .

2. Aliens may be too advanced or different from us

Accordingly, people may seem too wild or primitive to aliens. Some scientists believe that it is not worth revealing anything, much less inviting visitors from space to our planet with all sorts of messages, since the chances are high that the aliens will be interested exclusively in our natural resources.

“If aliens visit us, the result may be similar to the consequences of Columbus’s visit to America. Not a very healthy event for Native Americans...” warns Stephen Hawking. Carl Jung wrote back in 1954 that if the truth were to be revealed, humanity would be in the same position as the savage tribes were in during the period of colonization. We will never be able to reach the controls again.

3. What if aliens are people from the future?

What if the so-called aliens are our descendants who survived the processes of evolution? If this is so, then direct contacts are not only undesirable, but also dangerous, because they can provoke the so-called “time travel paradox” or “butterfly effect.” Scientists suggest that by returning to the past, you can change it and see the future completely different from how you knew it. This sounds fantastic, but indirect evidence already exists that aliens among us are visitors from the future.

During the Rendlesham Forest incident in 1980, Sergeant James Penniston received a coded telepathic message while in contact with an alien ship. Many years later, the data was deciphered, and the words “use of humanity”, “to improve the planet” and the date 8100 were found in it. There is no more surprising and unexplored category than time. Even the most eminent scientists cannot fully understand it, just as they cannot prove the impossibility of time travel.

Albert Einstein was obsessed with this idea. Stephen Hawking noted that technically, traveling into the future is possible if you reach the speed of light or are close to an object of enormous mass, for example, near a black hole. However, he denies traveling to the past, precisely because of the time paradox. But who can say that scientists who will be born hundreds of thousands of years later will not be able to realize the idea of ​​traveling to the past?

Look at the progress humanity has made in just last century. Can we imagine the science of the distant future? Will these future people even have a linear sense of time? Or further developments in the field quantum physics will show them that the past and future do not exist?

4. Revealing the truth is access to high technologies for which people are not yet ready.

If we look at the events of the recent past, we can say that man and high tech- This is a monkey with a grenade. Our civilization is too nervous and too cruel to become part of an intelligent interplanetary community, and we are excellent at turning any scientific discovery into weapons. Some ufologists believe that we have already acquired these skills - during the Roswell disaster.

Witnesses say the US military immediately collected the remains of the crashed ship to use in new developments. Stealth aircraft may be the brainchild of an alien intelligence. Researcher Philip Corso in his book “The Day After Roswell” says that other alien developments are still used in military equipment USA.


This is perhaps the most dangerous aspect of uncovering UFO mysteries. What if the American or any other government does not let us know the whole truth, but only shows selected passages? What if this information is given in the wrong context to minimize panic and fear? What if meeting aliens becomes a pretext for artificial deployment? new war, this time – interplanetary?

The government will carry out just a couple of attacks, and people will unquestioningly believe that aliens have come to kill us - just as the events of September 11, 2001 were the reason for the military invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. According to many accounts, some UFOs are indeed the work of the authorities. Using these ships and various special effects, they can stage a full-fledged attack. Psychologically, we are already prepared for such a scenario.

Look at the cinema recent years. Most blockbusters have dealt with the theme of alien invasion, from 1996's Independence Day to Battle of Los Angeles, The Avengers, Dark Skies (2012) and Pacific Rim (2013). The launch of weapons into space has already been prepared.

Guns placed in orbit will protect us from asteroids and comets. They are the main cosmic threat today, but what will happen tomorrow? The US government has been preparing for war with aliens since Ronald Reagan and his popular UN speech on the topic in 1987. It is possible that those in power will try to unite humanity under the banner of fighting the invaders, using aliens as the new universal scapegoat. People should be aware that they may be facing a fake alien invasion.

We cannot rely on our government and religious leaders. Only understanding people should warn each other about impending misinformation. Undoubtedly, the importance of revealing the truth cannot be denied. But what is frightening is that the authorities will use this truth for their own purposes. Dr. Wernher von Braun, one of the founders of modern rocket science and the “father” of American space program, warned his colleagues about the US government's plans to arrange " star Wars" He said that space weapons technology will develop at a speed that few can imagine.

By the time we realize what is happening, it will be too late. If aliens are on earth and we are destined to find out about it, such a shocking and important information should not come to humanity in a distorted form. No one can take away our right to truth, but we must prepare for such changes.

Eden Shetiya (Disclose.tv), translation by Kristina Plakhova.

In contact with

There are a great many planets in the vast Universe. And claim that our Earth is the only planet where life exists is simply ridiculous. Ancient tales, myths and legends tell us about strange creatures that arrived from the sky and are completely different from people.

Attempts to contact representatives extraterrestrial civilizations have been attempted several times. Although there is no talk about the effectiveness of these measures. For example, back in 1820, Karl Friedrich, a mathematician, decided to “write” a message to aliens that they could notice from above. To do this, he systematically cut down trees in one of the forests. The resulting triangle-shaped area was planted with wheat. To transmit signals to other planets, Frederick also used own invention– heliotrope, reflected with its help sunlight transmitted into outer space.

Twenty years later, Joseph von Littrow, an astronomer, proposed an original way to communicate with aliens: in the sands of the Sahara, dig huge trenches in the form of geometric shapes, which should have been filled with oil and set on fire.

On space probes Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11, launched by NASA in the 1970s, had anodized gold plates attached to them. The plates showed a diagram of the Universe, photographs of a couple of people, and a diagram of the structure of hydrogen. Communication with Pioneer-10 was interrupted in 2003, and with Pioneer-11 two years later, in 2005. Later, gold-plated gramophone records with recordings were sent into space on probes musical works, sounds of nature, images and basic information about planet Earth. On at this stage the probe is somewhere on the edge solar system, but, nevertheless, contact with him is still maintained.

Technology is technology, but some people believe that a person already has a “natural antenna” - a brain. Dr. Stephen Greer, together with like-minded people, travel to remote places to conduct meditation classes. According to him, it is in the process of meditation that people manage to get in touch with alien inhabitants who convey their messages to them.

IN Lately The hypothesis that aliens have been living among us for a long time is becoming increasingly popular. And according to statistics, aliens usually prefer to communicate with “ strongmen of the world this": politicians or famous people. The President of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, publicly stated in one of his interviews that he had personally visited an alien spacecraft as a guest. This “excursion” lasted from evening until morning; the president entered the alien ship through a window and returned the same way. Witnesses sudden appearance Ilyumzhinov’s two employees stood in his empty apartment. Information has recently appeared in the foreign media that the United States is quite seriously preparing to open the “Exopolitics” bureau - a department for extraterrestrial relations.

According to some insiders, if such a step is taken, it will be tantamount to admitting that contacts with aliens are no longer just a fantasy of science fiction writers. After all, back in 1969, the American legislative code included Article 14, Section 1211, which provided for precautions in case of contact between aliens and astronauts. According to Nas General Counsel Neil Hosenbol, this law valid for everyone aircraft extraterrestrial origin. Therefore, anyone who comes into contact with aliens can be taken into custody. In the New York newspaper "Star" in 1982. a statement from one of the Pentagon employees, Dr. Brian T. Clifford, was quoted saying that communication with alien inhabitants is a crime for which the guilty person can be prosecuted and punished with imprisonment or a fine of $5,000!

If you think about it, it seems rather strange that, despite all the official assurances of the government that aliens on Earth are completely absurd, the bills all promise harsh measures to those who break the rules. That is, it turns out that the plans of the aliens are already known, which means that extraterrestrial races can only be aggressive and unfriendly. Why? Doesn't this mean that communication with the aliens has already been established, and nothing good can be expected from the depths of Space? One of the versions of the introduction of aliens into human society comes down to hidden control, and ufologists have long been suspiciously eyeing prominent politicians, looking for traits of alien races in them.

Western media were recently excited by Medvedev’s statement that the next head of Russian state along with the “nuclear suitcase”, he receives documents about aliens who live side by side with us. The president refused to specify their number. Most treated this comment as a funny joke, since the conversation took place in an informal setting. But many were seriously concerned about this statement, believing that it was not a fiction at all.

However, Medvedev is far from the first politician to speak out about the “little green men.” For example, a note written by Harry Truman (one of the US presidents) has been preserved stating that the fall of an unknown aircraft, which most likely was not the work of human hands, was recorded. Another American president, Ronald Reagan, at the UN General Assembly in 1987, said that earthlings should be prepared for the fact that our planet could be attacked by aliens.

In the early 90s, a report by Milton Cooper, an employee of the Geneva Institute for Planetary Synthesis, was published. It reported that during 1947-1952, about 15 flying vehicles of extraterrestrial origin landed (including crashed) in America. And one of the CIA representatives, Gerald Haynes, said that in the summer of 1952 there was a “surge” in UFO sightings, as a result of which the military was even ordered to shoot down such objects. Speaking about contacts with aliens, one cannot fail to mention Dwight Eisenhower, who, according to rumors, was the first president to enter into diplomatic negotiations with aliens.

In conclusion, I would like to add that, according to the director of the Institute of Exopolitics, Michael Sullivan, today about 17 alien civilizations are in contact with the Earth, in addition to this, several others are still monitoring our planet. According to some reports, such information was “leaked” from the UN, which is currently preparing the ground for the official publication of information regarding contacts with aliens. Naturally, many ufologists are critical of such actions, believing that the United States is deliberately misleading states, thus preparing to test new secret aircraft. In any case, the truth will become known soon.