Wild rosemary is a work by Yakovlev. What should a real teacher be like? Useful properties of wild rosemary

Yakovlev Yuri


Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev



He yawned defiantly in class: he closed his eyes, wrinkled his nose disgustingly and opened his mouth - there’s no other word for it! At the same time, he howled, which did not fit into any gates at all. Then he shook his head vigorously to dispel sleep and stared at the board. And a few minutes later he yawned again.

Why are you yawning?! - Zhenechka asked irritably.

She was sure he was yawning from boredom. It was useless to question him: he was silent. He yawned because he always wanted to sleep.

He brought a bunch of thin twigs to the class and put them in a jar of water. And everyone laughed at the twigs, and someone even tried to sweep the floor with them, like a broom. He took it away and put it back in the water.

He changed the water every day.

And Zhenechka chuckled.

But one day the broom bloomed. The twigs were covered with small light purple flowers, similar to violets. From the swollen buds leaves, light green, appeared with a spoon. And outside the window the crystals of the last leaving snow still sparkled.

Everyone crowded around the window. We looked at it. We tried to catch a subtle sweetish aroma. And they breathed noisily. And they asked what kind of plant it was and why it bloomed.

Ledum! - he muttered and walked away.

People are distrustful of silent people. No one knows what they, the silent ones, have in their minds: good or bad. Just in case, they think it’s bad. Teachers also don’t like silent people, because although they sit quietly in class, at the blackboard, every word has to be pulled out of them with pincers.

When the rosemary bloomed, everyone forgot that Costa is silent. They thought he was a wizard.

And Zhenya began to look closely at him with undisguised curiosity.

Evgenia Ivanovna was called Zhenya behind her back. Small, thin, slightly askew, hair in a ponytail, collar with a collar, heels with horseshoes. On the street no one would have mistaken her for a teacher. So she ran across the road. Horseshoes clattered. The tail flutters in the wind. Stop, horse! He doesn’t hear, he runs... And for a long time the sound of horseshoes does not subside...

Zhenechka noticed that every time the phone rang last lesson, Kosta jumped up and ran headlong out of the classroom. He rolled down the stairs with a roar, grabbed his coat and, falling into the sleeves as he went, disappeared behind the door. Where was he going?

He was seen on the street with a fiery red dog. The combs of long silky fur swayed with tongues of flame. But after a while he was met with another dog - under the short brindle coat the muscles of a fighter rolled. And later he led a black firebrand on a leash on small crooked legs. The head was not all charred - brown marks glowed above the eyes and on the chest.

What the guys didn’t say about Kosta!

He has an Irish setter, they said. - He hunts ducks.

Nonsense! He has a real boxer. They use these to hunt wild bulls. Stranglehold! - said others.

Still others laughed:

Can't tell a Dachshund from a Boxer!

There were also those who argued with everyone:

He has three dogs!

In fact, he didn't have a single dog.

What about the setter? What about the boxer? What about the dachshund?

The Irish Setter was on fire. The boxer flexed his muscles as before a fight. The dachshund turned black like a burnt brand.

What kind of dogs they were and what relation they had to Kostya, even his parents did not know. There were no dogs in the house and no dogs were expected.

When the parents returned from work, they found their son at the table: he was creaking a feather or muttering verbs under his breath. So he sat late. What do setters, boxers, and dachshunds have to do with it?

Kosta appeared at home fifteen minutes before his parents arrived and barely had time to clean his pants from the dog hair.

However, in addition to three dogs, there was also a fourth. Huge, big-headed, the kind that save people caught in the mountains by avalanches. Thin, sharp shoulder blades appeared from under long matted fur, large sunken eyes looked sad, heavy lion paws - a blow from such a paw could knock down any dog ​​- they walked slowly, tiredly.

No one has seen Kosta with this dog.

The bell from the last lesson is a signal flare. She called Kosta in his mysterious life, about which no one had any idea.

And no matter how vigilantly Zhenechka watched him, as soon as she looked away for a moment, Kosta disappeared, slipped out of her hands, disappeared.

One day Zhenechka couldn’t stand it and rushed after him. She flew out of the classroom, clattered her horseshoes on the stairs and saw him at the moment when he was rushing towards the exit. She slipped out the door and followed him out into the street. Hiding behind the backs of passers-by, she ran, trying not to knock her horseshoes, but ponytail developed in the wind.

She turned into a tracker.

Kosta ran to his house - he lived in a green, peeling house, disappeared into the entrance and appeared again five minutes later. During this time, he managed to throw down his briefcase, swallow a cold lunch without undressing, and fill his pockets with bread and leftovers from lunch.

Zhenya was waiting for him behind the ledge of the green house. He rushed past her. She hurried after him. And it didn’t occur to passers-by that the running, slightly side-eyed girl was not Zhenechka, but Evgenia Ivanovna.

Costa ducked into a crooked alley and disappeared into the front door. He rang the doorbell. And immediately a strange howling and scratching of a strong clawed paw was heard. Then the howling turned into impatient barking, and the scratching into drumming.

Hush, Artyusha, wait! - Costa shouted.

The door opened, and the fiery red dog rushed at Koeta, put his front paws on the boy’s shoulders and began to lick his nose, eyes, and chin with his long pink tongue.

Artyusha, stop it!

Where there! A barking and roar was heard on the stairs, and both the boy and the dog rushed down with incredible speed. They almost knocked Zhenechka off her feet, who barely managed to press herself against the railing. Neither one nor the other paid attention to her. Artyusha circled around the yard. He fell on his front paws and threw up his hind paws like a kid, as if he wanted to put out the flames. At the same time, he barked, jumped up and kept trying to lick Koeta in shock or on the nose. So they ran, catching up with each other. And then they reluctantly went home.

I met them skinny person with a crutch. The dog rubbed against his only leg. The setter's long, soft ears resembled the ears of a winter hat, only there were no strings.

Here we go for a walk. See you tomorrow," Costa said.

Thank you. Till tomorrow.

Artyusha disappeared, and the stairs became darker, as if a fire had been extinguished.

Now I had to run three blocks. To a two-story house with a balcony, which was located in the depths of the courtyard. A boxer dog stood on the balcony. High-cheeked, with a short, stubby tail, he stood on his hind legs and placed his front legs on the railing.

About the author.

“My books have a different task - help the kids live."


Yu.Ya.Yakovlev (1922-1995) — famous writer, who created many works for children and youth. In his works interesting stories, but what is very significant is that they have great educational value. By reading stories, children strive to become better, cleaner, more decent, and to be like their favorite heroes. That’s why kids love reading Yu. Yakovlev’s stories so much, and also watching cartoons based on his works. For example, about Umka. Remember?

"Ledum". Summary story.

  • The hero - Kosta - was not taken seriously by his classmates. He always sat and yawned in class, as if nothing interested him. He was always silent; neither children nor teachers like silent people.
  • One day he brought twigs to class and put them in a jar of water. Everyone laughed at him, even tried to sweep the floor with this broom. And he looked after the branches. And suddenly one day they bloomed - wild rosemary blossomed. It's snowing and cold outside, but here it's spring. « When the rosemary bloomed, everyone forgot that Costa is silent. They thought he was a wizard."
  • He also loved dogs very much. The guys often saw him walking with one, then with another, with a third. Where did he get them from? He ran to them as soon as classes ended: « The bell from the last lesson is a signal flare. She called Kostya into his mysterious life, about which no one had any idea.”.
  • Turns out , Costa helped elderly people walk their dogs, fed them and did it with great joy. And one day he simply saved a dog whose owners left him alone in the apartment and left. Kosta made his way up the stairs to the balcony and fed the dog. " When Costa left, the boxer followed him with eyes full of devotion.”
  • He also helped walk a dachshund, the dog of a bedridden boy.
  • A young teacher, Evgenia Ivanovna, found out about all this, and one day she decided to see where Kosta ran away so quickly after class.
  • In the evening Costa went to the seashore. Here a dog was waiting for its owner, who had died long ago. Emaciated, she peered into the distance. Kosta stroked her and gave her something to eat. « She ate in order not to die. She needed to live. She was waiting for someone from the sea.”
  • The next day, Kosta fell asleep again during the last lesson. After all, he sleeps so little while helping dogs and people. The teacher told the children about this. And they no longer cringed over Kosta, but sat quietly around him. And then Costa woke up, " jumped up. He grabbed the briefcase. And the next moment he disappeared behind the door.”

Reflections on some of the themes and problems of the work

Topic: "Kindness"

What is kindness?

Is it possible to cultivate such a quality as kindness in a person?

Why is kindness the basis of human morality?

What moral quality do you value most? On this question many answer that kindness. Yes, it is kindness that is the basis of decency, attentiveness to all living things, responsiveness, and mercy. A kind person is incapable of cruelty; he will always help those who so need support.

This is exactly how the hero of the story “Ledum” is shown - Costa. He has no friends in his class, everyone even makes fun of him. But it turns out he is so kind. Everything free from school activities He devotes his time to helping those in need: he walks the dogs of elderly people, even a bedridden boy. He also supports and helps a dog who lives in an old boat (Costa also made this house for him) and is waiting for an owner who will never return.

Kosta does all this with joy, he lives by it, this is the essence of his character: helping those in need.

It is no coincidence that when the guys found out about this, they looked at him with different eyes. The reader is sure that they will all also begin to do good deeds - after all, there are so many people around who need help.

Just as a branch of wild rosemary, when blossoming, illuminates everything around with beauty, so kindness is capable of miracles. She's infectious. People around you also want to do good deeds.

A person is not born good or evil. This is what he becomes. Therefore, kindness must be cultivated from childhood. Works such as “Led Rosemary” by Yu. Yakovlev are a real textbook of life for teenagers and youth. It is no coincidence that the author wrote that his books help children live, become kinder friend to friend.

Subject: " Moral qualities person"

What kind of person is called highly moral?

What personality traits allow us to judge a person as a decent, moral person?

Is it possible to understand a person by his appearance without seeing his actions.

The deceptiveness of a person’s external, superficial perception.

How often do we judge a person by his appearance, insignificant daily activities without trying to understand what his soul is like, what he breathes, what he lives, what is important to him in the world.

So Kosta’s classmates saw in him only weak student, who did not prepare for lessons, lagged behind in all subjects, was passive, and sometimes even fell asleep in the last lesson. There was so much laughter! And no one tried to understand what he, their classmate, was like.

But one day Kosta surprised everyone: he placed wild rosemary sprigs in a jar. And then the wild rosemary suddenly blossomed. It was such a miracle! The guys even thought that Costa was a real wizard. It turns out how he loves nature, how he admires the tenderness of a blossoming branch!

And how many people he helps, how he takes care of dogs, without knowing fatigue. Where does his passivity go? He is active, joyful, because he is doing what he loves. You understand how beautiful his soul is, how much goodness it radiates.

A person is beautiful in his deeds and actions. And he doesn’t always try to prove something to people, how good he is. He just quietly does his favorite thing, and you need to be able to understand the soul of this person in order to feel how beautiful it is.

Morality is human behavior according to the laws of morality, goodness, decency, and justice. You need to learn to see the beauty of a person, as Costa’s classmates did, realizing that this is a person worthy of respect.

Topic: “People’s Relationships”

How should relationships between people be built?

Why is it so important to be able to distinguish between decent and kind person from indifferent and even cruel?

Which moral principles should be the basis of human relationships?

A person lives among people, it is in society that he becomes an individual. How important it is that the foundations of morality are laid in childhood, the values ​​that a person will then follow throughout his life.

Costa taught his classmates a life lesson without even meaning to. With his love for nature, for our smaller brothers dogs, with his kindness and responsiveness towards helpless people and dogs he earned the respect of his comrades. It’s so good that they were able to understand this, that their teacher Evgenia Ivanovna helped them see how beautiful Costa is. He, like a wild rosemary bush, was so inconspicuous at first, but time passed, and everyone saw that his soul and actions were beautiful, just like the beautiful wild rosemary bush. And the attitude towards Kostya completely changed - from ridicule to admiration and respect.

Relationships between people should be built on the basis of respect and empathy. You must be able to see the best in everyone, which is often hidden from first glance. The author of the story teaches us to understand people and appreciate them.

Topic: “Real teacher”

What should it be a real teacher?

What is the role school teacher in raising children, in developing moral qualities in them?

How many teachers there were and are in people’s lives! Probably everyone keeps in their souls warm memories of their school teachers, who not only gave knowledge, but also taught life.

Evgenia Ivanovna, the teacher from the story by Yu. Yakovlev, is still very young. But the reader understands that this is a real teacher. It was she who helped the children understand what Costa was like, and she herself did everything to find out the reason for the boy’s eternal “absence” from class, when he seems to be thinking not at all about lessons. And for some reason he gets tired, he even falls asleep in class. What's happening to him? She found out that he helps people and animals. In her eyes, Kosta simply grew up - he is beautiful. “Now he changed in her eyes, like a branch of wild rosemary.”

A real teacher is able to understand a student, to see in everyone the good that makes him real personality. He teaches to understand others, those laws of morality that have been created by the people for centuries: to live by helping others, to be merciful towards others, nature and animals, to evaluate a person by his deeds, not his words.

How wonderful it is when there are teachers like Evgenia Ivanovna!

Topic: “Formation of a child’s personality”

What are the ways to form a child’s personality?

What is the role of adults in raising children, especially school teachers?

What should be an example in life for a child, how should he learn to live according to the laws of morality?

Personality education is one of the the most important tasks in the family, school, and in society as a whole. From childhood, a child is taught to act “good, not bad,” instilling the skills of moral behavior.

A big role in this is the activity of the school teacher, his lessons of kindness, which he conducts daily, hourly - in lessons, during after school hours, talking with children, as Evgenia Ivanovna does.

Sometimes children themselves can teach, without meaning to, lessons of kindness and decency. Mercy and responsiveness, as Costa did - simply by his behavior, his desire to help those who need this help.

A child learns literally everything: a small branch of wild rosemary that suddenly blossoms can perform a real miracle: children suddenly become kinder and more decent.

Every word, deed, even gesture of an adult - everything educates the child. Closeness to nature, the opportunity to care for plants and animals - all this makes them kinder.

Yu. Yakovlev's story “Ledum” is a real textbook of life for children. And if, after reading it, they become better, then the author has fulfilled his task - he has written a work that helps teenagers live. He said: “I try to see tomorrow’s adult in children.”

Material prepared by: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna


Audio story by Yuri Yakovlev "Ledum" about another good, but difficult person. "...People are distrustful of silent people. Nobody knows what they, silent people, have in their minds: bad or good..." The silent Kosta, who fell asleep in class, found himself right after school until the evening helping other people's dogs: walking with them, feeds them. The dogs are always waiting for him. His first pet was the fiery red setter Artyusha, whose owner was disabled with crutches and only one leg. The second dog, a cheerful boxer, lived on the balcony. Her owners left. Costa fed the dog part of his lunch and walked with it. The third dog, dachshund Lapot. Its owner was a sick, bedridden boy. Kosta walked his dachshund and found words of encouragement for the sick man himself. The fourth dog, “...big-headed, with sharp shoulder blades, with a lowered tail. Her gaze was fixed on the sea. She was waiting for someone from the sea... Kosta took a piece of bread and brought it to the dog’s mouth. She sighed deeply and loudly, like a person, and began to slowly chew the bread..." Kosta said to the dog: "You are good... You are faithful... Come with me. He will never return. He is dead." ...The dog was silent... She did not take her eyes off the sea. And once again I didn’t believe Kostya. I was waiting..." And Kosta "... brought a bunch of thin twigs to the class and put them in a jar of water... And one day... the twigs were covered with small light purple flowers, like violets. From the swollen bud-nodules, leaves emerged, light green, like a spoon..." His wild rosemary blossomed. We offer to listen online or download the touching audio story by Yu. Ya. Yakovlev "Ledum" about decent person- boy Kostya.

The story “Ledum” by Yuri Yakovlev was first published in 1972. This was the era of developed socialism in our country. Our state was ruled at that time by Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. The situation in the USSR was stable. All the people worked and the students went to school. The students then most For a time they were left to their own devices. Schoolchildren walked independently and studied homework.

The main character of the story is a Soviet schoolboy Kostya. In those years, a sense of collectivism was valued in schools. Children were required to join pioneer organization and do everything together. One of the main characters A young teacher, Zhenechka, also appears. It was she who became interested in Kostya’s behavior and learned about his good deeds which he kept secret.

The boy Kostya had a secretive character. They talk about such people in their own minds. He was called a silent man. He didn't have close friends in class. Kostya was not liked in the class. The class teacher did not favor the student with her attention either. But one act made the teacher look at the boy with completely different eyes.

Kostya brought unblown branches of the plant to school and put them in water. Kostya’s classmates thought this act was strange and even funny. One of the schoolchildren even tried to sweep the floor with twigs. But soon the bouquet bloomed with beautiful pink flowers. The twigs turned into a wonderful, fragrant bouquet.

Classmates said about Kostya that he often walks with some dogs of different breeds.

A curious young class teacher decided to conduct her own investigation into the boy's life.

One day she went to pick him up after school. The boy went to his home for a while. Then strange things began to happen. Kostya called the apartment where the pensioner lived. He talked to him. The old man had a dog, but the pensioner was no longer able to walk with it. Kostya left the apartment with a bright red setter. He obediently went for a walk along the street with the boy. After walking the dog, the boy returned it to its owner and moved on.

The next dog, a boxer named Atilla, was on the balcony of a two-story house. The boy dragged a ladder to the balcony. The dog went downstairs. Kostya fed the dog. And then they went for a walk. Attila kept pressing one sore paw. The dog looked devotedly at his friend. The janitor reproachfully said that the dog’s owners had gone on vacation. Kostya lifted the dog back and removed the ladder. When he left, Attila looked after him with sad eyes. For some reason the teacher wanted to stay with this dog.

The boy then ran to his friend, who was bedridden due to a serious illness. A friend had a dachshund named Lapot. Zhenya, like a tracker, watched the boy and listened to his conversations. The patient complained that his mother wanted to give Laptya away. She doesn't have enough time to walk the dog in the morning. Then Kostya offered to take on this responsibility. He only complained a little that he was getting bad grades at school and wanted to sleep all the time. After walking Laptya, he safely returned him to his owner and headed further to the seashore.

There lived a large dog whose owner died. But she still continued to wait for him. The boy fed the dog. He finally noticed his teacher. Kostya told her that dogs continue to wait for their owner, even if he died.

Having done all his work, the boy ran home. He cleaned his clothes of dog hair and sat down to study his homework. When parents came, they found their son doing homework. They knew nothing about his help to dogs and their owners.

The next day, Zhenechka told her students about Kostya’s good deeds. She asked them to treat him with respect and tolerance. After all, the boy does so much good.

This work teaches us to love animals and be more attentive to the people around us. It also reminds us to be kind and compassionate to animals and people in need. What attracts most attention in this story is that the author compared Kostya to the branches of the wild rosemary plant. A seemingly inconspicuous boy has a very beautiful soul.

Updated: 2018-08-28

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The silent boy Costa constantly yawns in class. Teacher Evgenia Ivanovna is angry with him and thinks that Kosta is showing disrespect for her.

One day a boy brought three branches to class and put them in water. The children laughed at Kosta. Some of the children even wanted to sweep the floor with them. And suddenly the broom became covered with leaves and small lilac flowers. Everyone was surprised and looked at the mysterious plant. They asked Costa: “What kind of plant?” The boy reluctantly answered: “Ledum.” From that time on, the students and teacher began to treat Kostya better.

Zhenechka, that’s what Evgenia Ivanovna was called because she was thin and small with a ponytail, decided to keep an eye on the boy.

After the last lesson, Kosta quickly ran for a walk with the setter Artyusha, whose owner was disabled and he could not walk with the pet.

Then Costa ran three blocks to a two-story house where the boxer Atilla with a sore paw lived on the balcony. His owners left and left the dog behind. The boy fed the boxer, and then they walked together. Atilla was very grateful to Kostya.

Then Kosta hurried to the neighboring house, where a sick, bedridden boy lived. He had a black dachshund Lapot. The parents wanted to give the dog away because they did not have time to walk it. Kosta felt sorry for the boy and came for a walk with the dachshund.

In the evening, Kosta hurried to the sea, where a thin, large dog was sitting, which, without taking its eyes off, looked into the distance of the sea. She had been waiting for her dead owner for a long time. The boy petted her, fed her and persuaded her to go home with him. But the shaggy dog ​​refused and continued to faithfully wait for its owner.

Then Kostya had to run home and clean his clothes before his parents arrived from work. Still do homework.

This is how Evgenia Ivanovna learned Kosta’s secret and understood why the boy yawns and falls asleep in class. She was filled with respect and pride for her student.

The next day during class the boy fell asleep and the children began to laugh at him. The teacher stopped laughing and said that Kosta sleeps in class because he walks and feeds dogs that are in trouble. When the bell rang from class, Zhenechka quietly woke up Kosta, and he ran to his charges.

The story teaches that we must help our smaller brothers and not pass by abandoned animals.

Picture or drawing Ledum

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