Psychological assistance to those who leave work. Depression due to lack of work: manifestations and how to overcome it


Allow yourself to go through all four negative stages of stress. In the denial phase, a person is in shock and is practically unaware of what is happening. During a period of anger, emotions and aggression awaken in him: a person who has lost his job begins to be angry with his employers, and with himself, and with life. The next stage is the bidding stage: “If I can attract a new partner, the boss will call me back.” The last negative stage is depression, which attacks a person when he realizes that his efforts to return to work are in vain.

Negative emotions cannot be pushed inside oneself and tried to be contained. If anger is surging, find a way to let it out. Put on boxing gloves and hit a punching bag, pretending it's your former boss. Pour your heart out to your friends and acquaintances - the more often you tell your story, the less emotions you feel about it. Over time, the circumstances of your dismissal will begin to seem insignificant and your attitude towards this event will change.

Negative stages of stress can last a few weeks, but don't let them drag on for months or years. Use the psychological technique “Alarm Clock”. “Set” your internal alarm clock for a certain period, and after the specified time has passed, pull yourself together and begin to act constructively.

Having thrown out all the negative emotions, you will reach the stage of acceptance. This stage will give you the opportunity to analyze your mistakes that led to your dismissal, and will also give you the strength to move on.

Make a list of the positive aspects of your dismissal. For example, now you don’t have to endure reprimands from your boss, work overtime, or commute to work on the other side of the city. Now it is important for you to learn to see new opportunities and prospects. Make your life motto the expression: “No matter what is done, everything is for the better.”

Analyze the reasons for your dismissal. You should not pay attention to such factors as staff reductions, crisis, stupid boss. Most likely, there was an internal desire to find a new job, admit it to yourself. Think about what kind of job you would like to have. Write down all the skills and knowledge that are required for your desired position. Then identify the items that you are missing and start filling them out.

Start looking for a new job. Use all possible types of search - employment services, acquaintances, advertisements in the media, Internet sites. During employment, maintain the daily routine of a working person - this will help you keep yourself in the right shape and not relax too much. Treat getting fired and looking for a job as a test of strength, and if you successfully pass it, you will achieve success.

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If you need to start your life over, or if you just suddenly want to start from scratch, and you have the resources for this, you need systems thinking. It’s reckless to just rush in randomly or choose at random. This will save you time during the initial stage of development and establishment in a new place.

You will need

  • - Computer
  • - Internet
  • - Money


First of all, decide what exactly you want from a new place. Determine yourself, your expectations and desires. Choose a place so that you will not be disappointed, you will feel it. It would be advisable to go there and have a look around. It would be very good if you had friends there or if you managed to acquire them during your short visit.

The second stage is preparation. Before you burn any bridges, make sure you have everything planned out. For the first couple of months you will need a decent amount of money to get settled. Make sure that you do not have problems with the law in the new place according to your registration.

Find a job - either remotely, or secure a letter of intent to hire during your first visit. Remember that the faster you find a job in a new place, the faster you will get back on your feet. It may not be your dream job, but you need a start, and you must ensure that you have it.

Leave a backup plan in case of failure. It is not at all necessary to break down, burning all the bridges behind you and leaving no chance to return. Remember that no one is immune from failure and you must be prepared for anything, including it.

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Helpful advice

Learn about the local culture and society so that it will be easier for you to integrate into the local society.

Throughout life, a person strives for stability. From childhood, he gains the proper attitude of his peers towards himself. Tries to get consistently good grades at school and university. Having entered adulthood, he strives to create a family in order to have a permanent relationship. And everyone is looking for a good job in order to have a stable financial situation. But what if this stability is disrupted by sudden dismissal? How to survive such a difficult time?


Psychologists equate dismissal from work to emotional divorce or. Indeed, a person experiences the loss of a job quite hard. Finding himself suddenly unemployed, he plunges into severe depression. One who knows how to behave can get out of such a state.

Accept the news of your dismissal with dignity. Anyone who has ever been fired knows how strong the desire is at that moment to express to your boss’s face everything that you think about him and. You should not do this, as such behavior will significantly damage your reputation and subsequently it will be difficult to find a new job. In order not to spoil relations with your former bosses and colleagues, you need to try to restrain yourself and avoid a scandal. Do not succumb to depression. Getting fired can shake a person's self-esteem. Don't lose self-confidence and don't indulge in self-criticism. The reason for dismissal may not always be your lack of professionalism or incompetence.

It may seem a little strange, but if you are left without work, you must follow the same daily routine that you had when working. Only “working time” needs to be spent trying to get a new job.
Spend a lot of the free time that came with your dismissal on yourself, on your own health. Under no circumstances be led by emotions and do not drown your problem in alcohol.

Helpful advice

Dismissal should be taken as a sign of fate, symbolizing that it is time to change something in your life for the better and strive for new heights.

Losing your job due to sudden layoff creates a stressful situation. But every employee can cope with the status of an “ex” with minimal nervous shock. What to do if you find yourself “overboard”?


At first, rage arises, which is later replaced by thoughts that from now on you will never have adequate management, and dismissal will become a thorn in your work record for the rest of your life. Drive these worries away. In this difficult situation, you need not to sob at the door of the CEO’s office, putting on the skin of a “poor lamb,” but to find out the reason for the dismissal and understand all the payments that you are entitled to by law. Keep an eye on this moment; don’t let your bosses put you out on the street with nothing, even if you have extra income.

If your company's leaders are looking for ways to cut costs, and the company itself is temporarily making very little profit, then the risk of laying off employees increases. The fact is that the management has nothing left to save on. The risk group includes people who have disagreements with management or influential colleagues, as well as employees who often make mistakes at work, are late, absenteeism, and so on.

If your situation does not fit the categories described above, then go to work with pleasure - your fear of possible dismissal is not justified and is not confirmed by anything. Contact a psychologist to competently work on yourself, or more precisely on your level of anxiety, which can negatively affect your self-esteem. Overly anxious people are afraid of mistakes, so they double-check the completed work several times, which takes a lot of time. As a result, the work itself becomes less productive.

Remember that competent employees are fired only in exceptional cases. Become a real professional in your field. Read business literature that contains material on working in your industry. If the company's business as a whole is not going very well, then do not cling to illusory temporary stability. Prepare yourself internally to do a different job, maybe even in a different field of activity. This way you can clearly understand your own readiness to start from scratch at any moment. And when you realize this, then the fear of possible dismissal will immediately let you go...

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By losing our job, we lose not only a stable income, but also a part of ourselves, our status, and our social circle. In such situations, emotions overwhelm us, and we risk falling into one of three extremes: drowning in self-pity, crying on the shoulder of our neighbor, furiously blaming our boss and the villain of fate, or withdrawing into ourselves and doing our best to pretend that nothing happened . What to do to calm the inner hurricane of feelings and come to terms with new circumstances?


When you hear that you've been fired and go through that initial emotional outburst, don't go into deep thought about what you did wrong. Such questions will arise in your mind, but do not let them occupy all your thoughts. This situation is already behind you, and you are not yet ready to draw conclusions for the future.

Take care of your self-esteem. Your dismissal does not make you a failure or a bad specialist. It is possible that this happened for reasons beyond your control. In order not to completely lose track, instead of self-accusation, remember your merits, victories and achievements. It's better to capture them on paper. Add to this a list of your values ​​that remained with you even after losing your job: family, children, friends, hobbies and experience. You will see that not everything has “collapsed”, but only part of your “puzzle”, which you will replace with a new one.

Of course, you shouldn’t complain to everyone, but one frank conversation with a loved one will help you look at the situation from the outside and talk it out. If this is not enough for you, start keeping a diary, describing your thoughts and feelings in it.

Try to leave with dignity, maintaining your “face” and normal relations with colleagues. Changing your position will help you get into the right frame of mind. Act as if you yourself decided to quit. Thank your colleagues for their cooperation, put your documents and workplace in order.

After the passions have subsided, start working on your mistakes. Try to figure out what was in your control in this situation and what was not. If you still think that you didn’t put in enough effort, were often late, and so on, try not to repeat this in your new job.
Before sending out your resume, consider whether it's time to change your profession or move up to a higher level. Getting fired can be an opportunity that will push you towards change and development.

Getting fired is a big stress for a person. This situation hurts his self-esteem and raises many painful questions - about the lack of money, where to look for work and what to do with his life. The most important thing here is to gather yourself and look for the positives in your search for a new place.

Dismissal can affect anyone: the company is cutting costs, the financial crisis has hit the country - for the person being fired, this is not so significant. He is more tormented by questions about what, how to quickly find a job, how to live in the absence of money, and not get into debt.

Find the positives

The first thing that is best to do is to understand that the dismissal is not your fault. If you were not fired for rowdy behavior, constant lateness or violation of routine, then shift this problem to the company, do not put it on your own shoulders. During this difficult period, it is very important not to lose self-confidence or lower self-esteem. Otherwise, you can fall into a depressive state, which will threaten internal problems, irritation, a nervous breakdown, or even the onset of illness. Understand that there is nothing wrong with being fired; on the contrary, it is a chance to find a new job, perhaps even with better conditions, a good team, and a high salary. Be grateful to everything that happens in your life, don’t dwell on troubles, maintain a positive attitude - and then many doors will open for you. Ultimately, the period while you are looking for a job can be a great way to relax, spend more time with your family, see your children not only in the evenings, have time for reading, sports, and walks.

Expand your job opportunities

Then you can start looking for a new job. Be prepared to change direction a little, take on more responsibilities or different tasks. Don’t try to go to work only in your specialty, try to expand the circle of employers to whom you send your resume. Look for work on several sources at once - websites with job offers, newspapers, bulletin boards. Don't think it's shameful for you to get a lower position with a lower salary. If there are prospects for career growth in this company, then you will soon reach your previous heights without difficulty.

When you cannot find a job for a long time, try to engage in temporary activities. Nowadays, many employers are looking not for permanent employees, but for freelancers. It is not necessary for them to rent an office and draw up a work book, but they pay good money for such work, and this should be your priority for now. The advantage of such an activity is that it has a free schedule, which means you can go for an interview at any time. Such work can be found on numerous freelance exchanges. Of course, it also requires certain skills and abilities: writing texts, being able to program, doing web design.

Everyone has their own reasons and it is necessary to clearly analyze all the mistakes so that if a decision is made, the arguments are reasonable. This will usually take some time. It’s worth telling yourself “I did everything I could, but I couldn’t come to terms with it.”

Analyze the pros and cons

Draw a column, divide it into two parts. In the first, write down the advantages of your work (from location to team) and disadvantages (everything that does not suit you). After you have written your comments, you need to assign an importance score to each statement. Such a calculation will help you understand not only the pros and cons, but also the personal significance of each criterion. Calculate which column has the most points.

Imagine your life without this job

After rational thoughts, you need to pay attention to feelings. Imagine in the smallest detail your life without this job. Are you happy or sad? Many people can be so bored with their work that they are extremely happy to imagine that they have gotten rid of a heavy load.

After you have passed the first three points, you need to ask yourself: “Am I still ready to quit?” If the answer is yes, proceed to the following points:

What's stopping you from quitting?

This point is the most difficult. For many, the problem is not the dismissal, but the obstacles. Fear of finding a job even worse, being left without money, experiencing shame from one’s inadequacy... there can be a huge number of reasons. It is necessary to find the right solution in each of them.

My ideal job

After all the stages have been completed, you need to present your dream job. Think about all your achievements, imagine that employers only dream of an employee like you.

Feel free to move forward and don’t be afraid of anything, because it’s better than suffering from unpleasant and tedious work!

You should not take on the image of a poor sheep. It is better to find out about the reason for your dismissal and ask to pay everything that is due to you by law. Take all the money even if you have additional income.

Do not accuse management of injustice and do not threaten violence. Conduct negotiations calmly, referring to excerpts from the law. If you lose your temper and raise your voice at your manager, then rest assured, you will not receive good recommendations. This is especially important if you decide to work in the same profession. The new boss will probably want to know about your successes in your previous job.

When all emotions subside, analyze the situation. Perhaps you yourself wanted to leave, but were afraid that you would be left without a job. See the situation as a door to new opportunities. Now you have two choices. You either submit your resume to a new organization, or learn another profession that suits you better.

In terms of intensity of passions, it is second only to divorce or the death of a loved one. Especially when it comes to dismissal.

Experts advise: try to leave with dignity, without offending others or destroying yourself. Your future life depends on how you behave during this difficult time.

Give it your all!

There is a huge temptation to finally tell your boss everything you think about him. Or do something nasty: hide the necessary data, take away the phone numbers of important clients, paralyzing the work of the once dear company for some time.

Do not do that! Firstly, the professional circle is very narrow, and when your new boss calls your ex, he is unlikely to find at least a couple of kind words addressed to you. Secondly, if you want your boss to truly regret your dismissal, you need to act in exactly the opposite way.

Gather your will and on the last day say a warm goodbye to him, saying the kindest words. Maybe he won’t call you back (which, by the way, is possible), but he will certainly give you an excellent reference. It doesn't matter what kind of relationship you had before this minute. As you know, the first and last words are remembered most.

Risk group

Losing a job often undermines a person's self-esteem. He develops a feeling of resentment and a feeling of loss of control over life: “Why was I fired?”, “Am I really the worst employee?”, “I don’t decide anything in this life.” If such thoughts come to you, you need to tell yourself: “Stop! Life is not only work. In such a difficult situation, it is much more constructive to ask another question - why did fate give you such a test, what lessons can be learned from this?

Practice shows that most often people who have two opposing psychological attitudes lose their jobs. First of all, these are those who, unnoticed by themselves, began to live by inertia, for whom work has not brought either moral or material satisfaction for a long time. But the poor guy doesn’t have the courage to put the application on the table himself. And every morning he goes to work, as if to hard labor. So fate throws him an unexpected solution to the problem - in the form of staff reductions or rotations leading to dismissal.

Oddly enough, people with a different attitude are also at risk of losing their jobs - workaholics who identify their life with work, putting it in first place in the scale of life values. Fate often punishes for such one-sidedness. In addition, an overly zealous employee often irritates his superiors: what if he turns out to be more professional than his management?

Vicious circle

Having lost his job, a person has a huge amount of free time at his disposal. Perhaps at first it’s even pleasing: you’ll finally be able to relax! But, as a rule, it is impossible to truly relax. And the unemployed person begins to experience the emptiness that has suddenly formed in his life. According to the observations of psychologists, such a situation is a breeding ground for the emergence of neurosis.

A kind of vicious circle arises: due to the fact that there is no job, you feel depressed, and this, in turn, makes it impossible to find a job. If this condition lasts long enough, it can lead not only to depression, but also to severe physical illness. Psychiatrists often observe this effect of “psychophysical wear and tear” not only among those who have lost their jobs, but also among those who have retired: an intensively working person suddenly begins to rapidly age, and all sorts of sores begin to stick to him.

To avoid this, experts advise that you should start looking for a new job on the same day you were informed of your dismissal. The more time passes after losing a job, the more difficult it will be to find one. Treat dismissal as a test of strength, as an exam, passing which you will come to success.

The more actions, the greater the impact

And so that during the time “from work to work” you do not destroy yourself, and at the same time your relationships with friends and loved ones, try to develop a clear strategy:

● Keep the same rhythm and routine of life. Get up, have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time as before. If you are a man, be sure to shave every morning. If you are a woman, comb your hair and wear light makeup.

● Do something every day to look for a job: surf the Internet, send out resumes, study job magazines, go on interviews. A pattern has been noticed: if today you called not five, but ten companies, then tomorrow you will receive twice as many calls as in previous days.

● Use your free time to take care of your health. Don't watch TV late, get enough sleep, don't drink coffee or strong tea, and be sure to go outside every day. Visit a dentist, other doctors, undergo treatment if necessary. Do all the boring but necessary household chores that you never got around to doing before.

Don't isolate yourself

Unfortunately, often during a period of forced inactivity, a person’s relationships with loved ones deteriorate. At first they sympathize with him, but as he withdraws and becomes depressed, this begins to irritate those around him.

● Try not to be disconnected from the life of the family: take on some responsibilities that were previously performed by others, share your thoughts, discuss household problems.

● If friends invite you to visit, do not refuse, citing a bad mood. Maybe that's where you'll meet someone who can help you find a job. Despite progress in the field of employment (Internet, recruiting agencies), they prefer to hire us, as before, “by acquaintance.”

● Don’t neglect a temporary job offer while continuing to look for a permanent one. If you prove yourself well, it can become permanent.

● No one is immune from dramatic turns of fate. Even geniuses. The example of one of the players of the Real Madrid football club is widely known. A freak car accident confined him to a wheelchair for a whole year. In the end, he managed to get back on his feet, but had to say goodbye to his brilliant football career. “What to do? After all, I don’t know how to do anything besides football!” – the former football player was tormented. Friends advised him to try himself in... the singing genre. And they were right. This is how the brilliant Julio Iglesias appeared to the world.

● The story of another famous person is no less significant. Before becoming famous in the literary field, he was... an accountant. Everything changed when the unknown Mr. Porter was accused of embezzlement and went to prison. Out of melancholy and hopelessness, he began to write stories. He emerged from prison as a popular novelist, known under the pseudonym O'Henry.

7 Sure Ways to Lose Your Job

1. Have no plans.

2. Fail to maintain and update your skills and abilities.

3. Do not provide any results.

5. Surround yourself with sycophants.

6. Forgetting to give credit to others.

By the way

Stress caused by dismissal is more pronounced in men. Women are more resilient to the blows of fate and react flexibly to stressful situations. People of retirement age, as well as those who cross the “dangerous” age limits, experience the loss of work very painfully: the so-called age of first adulthood (33-35/35-37 years) and mature age – 46-48/52-54.

The level of stress experienced also depends on the psychological type to which a person belongs. Temperamental, sociable people, although they take the news of dismissal hard, overcome the stressful situation relatively quickly. As a rule, two weeks are enough for them to be free from stress. Another thing is that people are phlegmatic and withdrawn. Their stress develops progressively and lasts for a long period.

Resentment, anger and stress are common reactions after being fired. These emotions can lead to depression and anxiety, which in turn can hinder your ability to find a new job. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to know about ways to combat depression after losing your job.

Unexpected dismissal from work can be, at the very least, traumatic for the psyche. Due to rising unemployment, more and more people are forced to quit their jobs against their will. Losing your job is especially difficult if you have worked in that job for a long time. For some, this can be one of the most devastating personal crises. In addition, being fired can cause a deterioration in your financial situation and damage your self-esteem.

Changes in normal life, loss of income and a sense of security can lead to emotional shock, causing feelings of anger, fear and panic. Like any dramatic event, losing a job causes sadness and depression. Unfortunately, when you are overcome by such emotions, finding a new job is very difficult, especially in today's difficult labor market situation.

Depression and stress can lead to a number of health problems , cause headaches and emotional exhaustion of the body. Scientists at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor conducted a study of the emotional and physical health of 756 unemployed job seekers. The results showed that even after 2 years, 71% of participants had side effects from job loss.

Strategy for overcoming the crisis

  • Acknowledge your feelings. The first reaction to being fired includes emotional pain, fear, and decreased self-esteem. Instead of suppressing and denying these feelings, allow yourself to acknowledge them. While letting go of feelings of resentment and helplessness may provide temporary relief, in the long term the feelings may resurface in the form of depression and anxiety. To cope with a problem, you need to recognize it and look for solutions.
  • Don't blame yourself. While acknowledging your feelings, it is important not to blame yourself for what happened. When considering the reasons that led to your dismissal, you should not dwell on your own guilt and feelings of self-pity. Every time negative thoughts come to you, try to push them away.
  • Let off some steam. The anger and disappointment that has accumulated in your head after being fired must be released by any means. This could be participating in social activities, playing sports, reading exciting literature or watching inspiring films. Only by getting rid of feelings of anger and disappointment can you move on.
  • Professional and friendly support. If, after leaving work, you experience a feeling of depression and cannot cope with it on your own, you should seek advice from professional psychologists. Maintain communication with friends and loved ones who will help you cope with the current situation and improve your mood and self-esteem.

Looking for a new job

The sooner you find a new job, the easier and more painlessly you will get out of depression. Plan your day in such a way that maximum time is devoted to finding a job and improving your professional skills.

Job search – this is not an aimless walk in the park. Before you start your search, consider the details (work schedule, preferred salary, location, etc.). Ask yourself how the new workplace should be different from the old one. Create a professional resume.

To organize the search process, keep a journal in which you record all calls made, letters sent, and meetings with employers. Ask friends and acquaintances for help.

Maintaining financial stability

Financial stability is a major concern for people who have lost their jobs. Here are some tips that can help you manage your finances during difficult times:

Find out about severance payments and other benefits to which you are entitled;

Inform your creditors of the current situation and try to arrange a flexible payment schedule;

Apply for unemployment benefits.

Live your life

While you're looking for a new job and struggling with depression, it's important to maintain a work-life balance. Don't let thoughts about work completely take over your mind and heart. Make time for exercise, fun and relaxation. Getting adequate sleep will also improve productivity and improve your mood. Relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation are another great way to combat stress and stay calm.

The key to fighting depression after losing a job is to believe in your strengths and abilities and take care of yourself every day.

Disclaimer: This article is written for informational purposes and should not be construed as a substitute for professional medical advice.

Making an appointment with a doctor is absolutely free. Find the right specialist and make an appointment!

From this article you will learn about the peculiarities of behavior when losing and searching for a job, how to get out of this state in the best way and what should be taken into account when going for retraining.

Features of experiencing job loss

The reaction to termination of work for each individual manifests itself differently and depends on the psycho-emotional type, temperament, character, financial stability and the availability of outside support. Having felt the stress of losing a job, the body tries to cope with annoying information in all ways available to it: justification, withdrawal, lowering the level of self-esteem, etc.

The subconscious mind identifies job loss as a powerful sensory experience that affects a person’s life activity, sleep, fears, and state as a whole. During the period that lasts from such a received negative to its full awareness and acceptance as a given, a number of psychophysiological reactions occur.

The stages of experiencing job loss look like this:

  • Complete disbelief in what is happening. A person is inclined to deny what happened to him, he abstracts himself from the problem, and it seems that the person has lost himself, there is complete “depersonalization.” This condition can last for about a month.
  • Anger, aggression. At the second stage, there is a primary awareness of what has been lost, and strong emotional stress arises. The stress of losing a job can be so strong that the desire to do something arises: to do something dirty, to take revenge, to somehow change what happened in one’s favor.
  • Essential exchange or “bargaining game”. A person offers a non-existent subject of his subconscious a set of actions, the implementation of which, in his opinion, can return his job. In this case, the designation of one’s own importance from the outside is expected. This stage ends with disappointment.
  • Depression. In this state of the individual, help is required from loved ones who can help restore faith in oneself, increase one’s self-esteem and importance in the work sphere. In severe cases, psychocorrectional work of a psychologist, psychotherapist, and in the most extreme cases, a psychiatrist is necessary.
  • Acceptance or full awareness. The person is fully aware of what is happening. He perceives himself as being in a stressful situation “here and now,” when disappointment is replaced by a desire to correct the situation.
The presence of low self-esteem is an important marker in the recognition and formation of depression after job loss, so it is worth paying special attention to ways to raise it professionally.

For an unemployed person, methods for getting out of a depressive state as quickly as possible are: self-improvement in the work sphere, taking advanced training courses, and a complete change of work activity.

Main reasons for job loss

Management must have compelling reasons why it can fire an employee:
  1. Inconsistency with the position held (the employee does not cope with the assigned tasks, thereby letting down the team and management);
  2. Failure to comply with professional ethics and subordination, appearing at work in an inappropriate manner (without a dress code, intoxicated, etc.);
  3. Actions leading to administrative or criminal liability (financial fraud);
  4. Reduction of staff (planned or unplanned);
  5. Personal conflict with superiors;
  6. Retirement age;
  7. Temporary or long-term disability (the injury prevents you from going to work for a long time, which raises the question of dismissal or transfer to easier work).
Also, the reason for job loss may be personal reluctance to continue working. This may be a consequence of emotional burnout, which also affects a decrease in self-esteem, motivation and self-realization of the individual.

Subtleties of behavior when losing a job

Depending on the type of temperament, a person, when deprived of a place to earn money, can react in different ways to a traumatic situation. Some people fall into depression, while others, on the contrary, try to take advantage of the current situation and find the activity that they have long wanted.


A strong, emotionally unbalanced type of temperament, prone to outbursts of anger and aggression towards superiors. Such people often take the initiative into their own hands and find innovative ways to solve problems. They are charismatic, easily make decisions and, being carried away by their work, go to the end; they are indispensable in bringing theoretical projects to life.

They experience the news of dismissal with a storm of negative emotions if the work was important to them, and can leave absolutely calmly if they are bored with the job and have another type of occupation in mind.

Such people often leave due to a personal conflict with a colleague, partner or superiors, as they are completely unable to withstand criticism addressed to them. They value the social significance of their person for the employer, therefore, when it is questioned, they can drive themselves to dismissal.

Personal problems in the family or with relatives can also cause decreased productivity and job loss.

In a situation of unemployment, they can fall into depression, which negatively affects their health. When such a person shows the first signs of a depressed mental state, it is urgent to find him something to do or encourage him to look for a job, while motivating him that he is a unique, irreplaceable person. In this state of affairs, choleric people quickly find something to do and completely forget about old failures.


A strong, emotionally balanced type of temperament, characterized by enviable optimism and love of life. Usually he fits well into the team, is efficient, does not strive for conflict situations, easily solves tactical problems and confidently moves towards the intended goal.

Such people, having lost their business, are not too upset; they live by the principle “No matter what is done, everything is for the better!” In such a situation, they feel the need to make a certain decision, but no negative thoughts appear. Most often, they immediately and without outside help begin looking for a new activity or can take an unexpected vacation with the money they earn.

Personalities of the sanguine type do not dwell on the loss of a job, but can turn its absence into the realization of their dreams, the opportunity to achieve new heights and horizons. People become depressed extremely rarely and in particularly difficult cases, when a series of failures knocks them down.

Sanguine people are able to unload themselves from problems, getting carried away by their favorite pastime, and thus emotionally relax.


A weak, emotionally unbalanced type of temperament, characterized by excessive sensitivity and isolation.

These are creative introverts who are able to perform monotonous work that requires high concentration for a long time. They easily obey, but experience failures in life extremely hard, fall into severe depressive states, which they cannot always get out of on their own.

The sensual nature of a melancholic person most often forces him to work for himself, without bosses and total control - these are artists, musicians or deep thinkers.

But if a melancholic person still works in a team, then a separate office or secluded place, which may not be provided, will suit him. Then conflicts with superiors often begin, which can lead to the dismissal of the employee and humiliation of his dignity.

When experiencing dismissal, they feel humiliated, give up, and have no desire to find a new job. Low self-esteem is further aggravated, this leads to withdrawal “into oneself” and a complete loss of reality.

Such people need the help of friends or relatives who will make melancholic people believe in their own strengths and take up their career.

Phlegmatic person

The calm, emotionally balanced type of temperament that phlegmatic people are endowed with dictates the following features of their behavior:
  • Slowness;
  • Inertia of mental processes - calmness and emotional balance;
  • Accuracy and consistency in business;
  • Persistence and hard work in completing the assigned task;
  • Non-conflict in the team;
  • Pedantry in solving theoretical problems;
  • Attachment to your occupation.
It is for a phlegmatic person that the loss of a job entails difficulties in finding a new activity, since there is a fear of change. The habit of a certain way of life does not allow phlegmatic individuals to quickly find their bearings. These people most often post their resumes and look for a new business via the Internet, avoiding personal communication.

Regardless of what type of temperament a person belongs to, when difficulties arise in his work activity, he experiences stress and anxiety, and in severe cases, depression. Some are afraid of not finding such a well-paid or good job anymore, others may become disappointed in their abilities and give up, some immediately start looking for a vacancy. But absolutely all people need the understanding and support of their immediate environment: spouses, parents, friends. Support and adherence to the recommendations described above is the key to a successful recovery from depression.

Strategies for finding a new job

Many people who have lost their jobs wonder how to survive the loss of their jobs. This question also arises among close relatives who want to help. The ideal scheme for resolving dismissal issues is to immediately search for a new place of employment using the following strategies: an attempt to find any occupation or one similar to the previous one, retraining and a new job.

Quick search for any job

A person, having become unemployed, must think about plans for the future. This helps to understand your situation, thus completely completing the process of experiencing a stressful situation.

This behavior strategy is typical for choleric and sanguine temperament types and is suitable for quickly getting out of a stressful situation. That is, for reactive, mobile individuals who are not afraid of a new environment, an unfamiliar team and another position, the responsibilities and features of which they are not familiar with.

This type of job search planning is chosen by people who are experiencing financial difficulties due to the loss of their previous job, who are responsible spouses (in the case of the wife’s maternity leave, when the husband is the only breadwinner) or who are simply not used to sitting idle.

For quick employment you need:

  1. Post your online resume. There are many sites for finding work, both office and remote, with built-in forms for resumes that are filled out during registration.
  2. Call everyone you know who can help you find a job. Establishing personal contacts is a huge plus in the future and a speedy resolution of employment issues.
  3. Contact your local employment center where you can take short-term courses or apply for unemployment benefits. You can find out the location of the employment center by navigating the Internet, where you can also learn about the main areas of specialist training, as well as the package of documents for unemployment benefits.
  4. Spend 8 to 10 hours searching every day. Only by devoting the whole day to this can you achieve the fastest results.

Finding a job similar to the previous one

A phlegmatic person, accustomed to order, organization and stability, will resort to such searches. And a melancholic person who will look for the possibility of quickly restoring emotional balance through activities in which he has succeeded. This ensures that there will be no failure. Individuals with a different type of temperament will consider this option due to the prevailing circumstances.

Searching for a job requires painstaking work in selecting proposed vacancies both on the Internet and on the streets, in print media, and from friends.

It is necessary in your resume to clearly argue why you should fill this vacancy. The process of searching for a similar job is usually not very fast and requires a certain amount of time, but it is worth it. This is important for continuous work experience in the specialty.

Finding a new job and retraining

This is one of the cardinal ways of finding a job, which changes not only work activity, but also a person’s life as a whole, so it is suitable for uncontrollable and determined choleric people who are in constant search of new and interesting things.

If a person wants to engage in a completely new business, then he needs to take into account the following factors:

  • Retraining requires time and money.
  • Is there a possibility of study trips, if necessary?
  • Gaining practical experience is a long process, so you will have to work for a minimum salary.
  • The risk of not succeeding as an employee in a new field of activity due to an overestimation of one’s own abilities.
Remember that in a job search situation, you need to choose the most optimal strategy and move according to the developed plan to achieve your goals!

How to quickly find a job - watch the video:

Thus, for those who have become unemployed, it is very important to decide as quickly as possible what to do with the loss of a job and the difficulties that it creates in a person’s life - emotional experiences, even deterioration of mental and physiological health. It is possible to survive dismissal without serious consequences for yourself if you adhere to some rules in the search for a new profession and ways to combat depression that are effective for your type of temperament.

If you rely on the Holmes-Ray stress scale, developed by American psychiatrists, dismissal is 47 points. This is 8th place. All that lies ahead is the death of a spouse, divorce, imprisonment, the passing of a close relative, illness and marriage (after marriage, life changes dramatically, and any changes are stressful). So, dismissal also implies change. Moreover, they are painful. Everything changes - lifestyle (there used to be money for travel and entertainment - now you have to save on everything), relationships with household members (mutual grievances and quarrels arise more and more often), way of thinking (feelings of guilt, self-doubt, fear appear before the future). The longer a person is without work, the stronger the apathy and blues.

This is why it is so important not to let yourself become limp. Yes, a turn has come in your life, but it is possible that it will benefit you. After all, getting fired is not the end of the world. And it's not even the end of your career. So stop panicking, start taking action!

Get contacts

After losing a job, many people feel the desire to lock themselves at home and bemoan their fate. However, seclusion is contraindicated for you - it will increase your gloomy mood. Get out of the house as often as possible. Go on a visit, chat with friends, meet new people.

What will it give? Firstly, you will be distracted. Secondly, you will increase your chances of finding a job: more connections - more opportunities. By the way, for the same reason it is useful to call old friends and former work colleagues - what if their company announced an expansion of staff?

Do what you know

Develop in areas in which you excel more than others - be it writing texts, belly dancing, felting wool or something else.

What will it give? Even if this is just a hobby for you, in the future it can become your profession. For example, if you are good at drawing, playing chess or speaking several languages, why not try yourself as a tutor or teacher in a children's development center? And if you are an excellent cook, why not become an individual entrepreneur specializing in the production of baked goods?

Those who experience dismissal the worst are:

  • men - it is more difficult for them to come to terms with the loss of their former status and financial well-being, women are by nature more flexible, it is easier for them to adapt to changed circumstances;
  • individuals who are accustomed to sitting in the office from bell to bell - they cannot imagine life without a clear schedule and regulations;
  • people aged 46-54 years - in many companies there is an age limit, although unspoken, and this hinders employment.

Live at the same pace

If you are used to getting up for work at seven in the morning, taking a shower and having breakfast no later than eight, live according to the same schedule now. It disciplines. Men need to shave every day, women need to do makeup. And no dressing gowns or dirty hair! Even if no one sees you and you only leave the house to go to the store, still watch yourself.

What will it give? Will allow you to stay in good shape. Agree, a valuable quality during a job search!

Try new things

Have you been unable to find a job in your specialty for a long time? It's probably worth trying something else. At employment centers you can receive training and retraining in popular professions - accountant, teacher, hairdresser, seamstress.

What will it give? Of course, if you worked in a bank and received a decent salary, you are unlikely to be pleased with the prospect of becoming a seamstress-machine operator. But who knows how this will turn out in the future. It is possible that you will discover the talent of a fashion designer or open a business related to the production of clothing.

Look for a job

It sounds strange, but looking for a job is also work. You need to view vacancies every day, send your resume, go to interviews, participate in job fairs, etc. That is, do not lie on the couch with a painful look, waiting for everything to be brought to you on a platter, but look for a job yourself. And don’t give up on part-time work. All for the same reason - a part-time job can become your main income.

What will it give? The more active you are, the higher the chances of success.

Tutta Larsen:

I had an experience when on one channel I was not allowed to be pregnant in the frame. I don’t think that being fired is some kind of tragedy that needs to be experienced. All goes to good. For example, I decided for myself that I would stop depending on my bosses, so my channel for parents appeared, which quickly began to gain momentum.